E10 Recitation

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Part of the plot that refers to the

most exciting part of the story Part of the plot that refers to the Part of the plot that refers to the
where a major event happens in last paragraph that resolves the part where story begins to slow
which the main character faces issues and ends the story. down

Part of the plot that refers to the Part of the plot that refers to the the process authors use to
beginning part of the story where part where the main character develop characters and create
the characters, setting, and main faces the crisis and the story images of the characters for the
conflict are introduced. becomes complicated. audience.

characters might be described as

the author shows us things about
tall, thin, fat, pretty, etc. We might
the author tells us what he or she the character to help us have an
be told the color of hair or
wants us to know about the understanding of the character's
something about the clothing of
character. personality and effect on other
the character.

What the character does tells us a lot

about him/her, as well as how the Effect on others or what the other
What the character thinks reveals
character behaves and his or her characters say and feel about this
attitude. Is the character a good person things about the character.
or a bad person? Is the character helpful
to others or selfish? PAIRS

Example of these resources are

What the character says provides
printed versions of textbooks,
a great deal of insight for the They are learning resources that
workbooks, references,
reader. are made available online.
magazines, newspaper and

They are learning resources that

Characteristic of a good SIMILARITIES of Viewing
are transmitted through radio and
information materials and printed materials

Water is so (profoundly,
GIVE 2 Techniques used in
scarcely) found in some parts of
3 sources of information Analytical Listening to Solve
Cebu that you have to walk for
miles to get it.
It would give the story in details
I reached the meeting on time, It gives us a view of the scenes
from the characters until to the
but my colleagues were ______ used in the story. Likewise,
scene and ending. However, it is
to be found. a. any b. invalidly famous characters will be
rich in text and seldom will you be
c. nowhere d. verily portraying the roles.
having pictures of it.

not quite or just about not at all little or almost nothing

amsolt = nniothg = bleray =

It is an adverb used in a sentence mutually opposed or inconsistent hardly ever or almost not
to deny it as true. icctoadrilontry = seclcary =

is the ability and the capacity to

properly analyze what is being said.
It is an adverb used in a sentence This not only means understanding Stories that come from the
to affirm it as true. what the other person is saying, you author’s imagination.
can also analyze through texts,
symbols, situations, or

a visual representation of
_____________ to note what is _____________is to look for knowledge. It shows concepts
similar and different about (two or differences among two or more and ideas and the relationships
more things). elements among them are usually
connected by arrows.

displays data and information in

an arrangement of information in
an easy-to-read 'pie-slice' format It is a chart that uses bars to
rows and columns containing
with varying slice sizes telling you show comparisons between
cells that make comparing and
how much of one data element categories of information.
contrasting information easier

is commonly used in comparing

and contrasting two or more the sequence of events that make the time and place (or when and
ideas, concepts, characters, up a story where) of the story.
places or things.

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