Criminal Law Notes Nuzi
Criminal Law Notes Nuzi
Criminal Law Notes Nuzi
It is important that in every academic
work, there is definition or meaning of the
term to be presented. In this subject then
there is a need to provide for definition.
Meaning of Crime
The Constitution
For the act or omission to be crime it must
be declared by the state. The state
declares certain acts or omission to be
crime through criminal statutes. However
for the act or omission to be declared as
crime, it must have two major elements.
These are actus reus and mens rea.
i.Actus Reus
Actus reus differ from one crime to another. However for the act
or omission to be crime it must have physical element or actus
For any act top be crime or offence there is to be
some one to do certain act which is forbidden by
law. That act must be done with intention of the
person who is accused to have done such an act.
It is possible for one offence to be committed by
more than one person jointly. All those who
participate in one way or another in commission
of the offence are parties to that offence.
However every one of them will be judged
according to the extent of his participation in the
commission of the crime. Therefore in any
criminal liability there are parties to crime.
Parties to Crime in England
• Attempts
• Introduction
• Some times the accused person may plan
to commit the offence. But some events
may occur and interrupt the completion of
the commission of the planned offence. In
law even at that stage, there is crime or
offence committed. This offence is known
as attempt
Meaning of Attempt
• Overt act occurs where the accused person plan to commit the
offence, make preparations for the commission of the offence
and then put into execution some of the actions which will
facilitate commission of the offence. The action which facilitates
the commission of the offence may be interrupted or may
accelerate the offence. It the action is interrupted and the planed
offence does not occur or complete, then the accused person is
guilty of attempt to commit offence. If the action accelerates the
offence then the accused person will be guilty of the offence
itself. In case the accused person just contemplate-thinks to
commit the offence and he makes preparations for the offence
without overt act, then there is no offence of attempt committed.
R vs. Miskell (1954) WLR 438
• In this case the court said:-
• “The mere intention commit a
misdemeanor is not criminal. Some act is
required, and we do not think that all acts
towards committing a misdemeanor are
indictable. Acts remotely leading towards
the commission of the offence are not to
be considered as attempts to commit but
acts immediately connected with it are.”
Rules Governing Attempt
R vs. Whitchurch (1890) 24 QBD 420
Witchurch believed that she was pregnancy. However she was
not ready to mother and thus she planned to con duct abortion.
Witchurch agreed with other women to use instruments and
administer things into her which would cause miscarriage.
However there was no evidence that Witchurch was pregnant
and so no miscarriage occurred. Witchurch was arrested and
would be charged for abortion. However as she was not
pregnant the offence of abortion would not stand. Instead
Witchurch was charged of conspiracy to commit abortion.
Proof of the Offence of Conspiracy
• In this case it was alleged that on February 24 1966 the two Appellants arrived
at the officers’ mess at entebe at about 2 pm. The first Appellant , Ongodia, in
the presence of the second Appellant, Erima, informed Anguram and
Guweddeko in the mess that war had broken out, that the army headquarters at
Mbuya had been surrounded and they had managed to escape. Ongodia asked
Anguram if he had confidence in his platoon and on receiving an affirmative reply,
Angodia asked Anguram to take his platoon to Baitababiri on the Kampala/
Entebe road and set up a road block with the object of arresting the Prime
Minister, Dr. Obote. Angodia added that other troops were advancing from
Kampala and they could be arriving at any moment. Erima remained silent
throughout the conversation but nodded his head from time to time. It was not
established at what precise moment of the conservations he nodded his head.
The Judge Advocate in his direction stated that if the evidence of Anguram and
Guweddeko that the first Appellant Ongadia conspired with a person or persons
unknown to arrange for a road block to arrest the Prime Minister and the finding
on the first charge was confirmed. It was also found that the evidence was
insufficient to establish that the second Appellant was acting in concert with the
first Appellant and a finding of not guilty was substituted. On the second charge
both Appellants were found not guilty for lack of sufficient evidence.
The husband and wife can commit
conspiracy as an offence. This situation is
provided under section 386 (2) of the
penal code.
• The case ofR vs. Johali Ismail (1974) LRT 23 provided for the
elements of provocation. There are four elements which are
present and proved in court, the defense of provocation shall
help the accused person against the charge he faces. These
• the provocative act or word(insult/abuse) must be wrongful
act or word(insult/abuse),
• the provocative act or word must be grave(severe/serious)
enough to deprive a person his power of self control,
• the offence committed by the accused must be done in the
heat of passion of provocation-there should be no time for the
accused to cool down his temper- offence must be done
instantly after provocation,
• the means of relation applied by the accused person must be
proportional to the gravity of provocation.
• However for provocation to be a defense, the accused person
must act as a reasonable man-ordinary person in the
community . The accused person should not act abnormally-
like the person who reacts even if the act or insult is a minor or
just a joke . This test was discussed in the case of Mpagema s/
oChallo vs. R (1970) HCD 70. In this case the accused person
had married to one Violet and they lived for some time. Later
on the two quarreled and Violet returned back to her parents.
The accused then demanded refund of his dowry from the
parents of Violet. Before the dowry was paid back, the
accused met Violet with new man. Accused became furious
and attacked Violet to her death. It was stated by the
assessors that according to Gogo customary law, the act of
Violet to have an affairs with another man before dowry was
repaid was provocation enough among the Gogo. The
accused person was convicted of manslaughter not murder.
• Cooling time is very important factor to consider in
deciding whether there was provocation or not. This goes
to the interval from the time the accused person was
provoked to the time the accused person committed the
offence. If there was reasonable lapse of time passes, the
accused can not succeed to raise the defense of
provocation. This means for the defense of provocation to
stay the accused person must commit the offence at the
heat of passion of the act or insult which is provocative.
The accused person must commit the offence suddenly
upon being provoked! In case the accused delay to
commit the offence upon provocation, indicates he
intends to revenge and he did not acted upon provocation.
This is because if temper of the accused person after
being provoked cools out, he regains his self control.
Provocation must be caused by acts and words (insults) and not by
Words (insults) alone. If the accused person reacts on words alone
the defense of provocation may not be accepted by the court of law.
R vs. Mahamudu s/o Kibwana (1968) HCD 186 , the
In the case of
court held that for words (insult) alone to be provocative, such
words must be of devastating in character to the extent of depriving
the accused person his self control. In the caseLesbin:
of (1914)3
KB 116, the accused person was charged of murder. The facts
showed that he went to the firing range and the girl, who was the in
charge of firing range made some impertinent personal remarks to
him, to the extent that the accused was annoyed. He then asked for
a revolver and fired the girl to death. He was charged of murder and
during trail he raised the defense of provocation. The defense was
dismissed because there was only words (insults) without act and
so he was convicted of murder as charged.
Alistahiki s/o Masumbuku (1967) HCD 343
The Doctrine of the Last Straw in
The doctrine of last straw explains the effect of
cumulative provocation as defense for crime
committed thereafter. This means if the
accused person commits the offence on
cumulative acts and insults, even if the last
act and insult may not be such a grave act or
insult, he will succeed on privation looking at
the previous (series of) acts or insults made
last straw doctrine.
to the accused- This was
what was discussed in the case R vs.
Johali Islamil above
Other Defenses for Criminal
Lawful justification
Abortion and child destruction
Section 150 of the penal code defined
Section 151 explained abortion done by
Section 152 explained abortion using
some drugs
Life means every aspect of vitality which puts
a human being in good shape for self-
determination which includes bodily health
and freedom from the pain that did not affect
organic malfunctioning or injury.
Right to life is considered to be one of the
most sensitive rights in the world. This right
is reflected in the legal measures as an
adequate standard of living and to the
freedom from cruel, inhuman or degrading
treatment or punishment
The right to life is inherent right which
most of the philosophers have written on
it. For example Hobbes with the ideas of
inalienable natural right emphasizes that
an individual naturally inborn right to life.
The entire world recognises this right as
among of the basic human right. Most of
the states stipulates in their constitutions
as an intrinsic value to every individual.
The most inalienable right is the right to
life which guarantee by the state and also
the individuals or human’s himself. The
right is protected at all level and even the
individuals who disobey this right are
subject to the punishment.
There is the philosophical reasoning on
the right to life especially those people
who decide to commit voluntary
euthanasia and suicide, was clearly
explained by Thomas Jefferson in his
famous words that;
“all men... are endowed by the creator with
certain unalienable rights that among
these are right to life...”
Penal Code criminalizes “unlawful abortion,
indicating that there are circumstances
under which procuring an abortion is lawful.
It further makes explicit, in section 230, that
termination of pregnancy is not
criminalized if done to preserve the
woman’s life. This life exception has been
interpreted to include an exception for the
Preservation of the woman’s mental and
physical health as well.
Section 219 of the Penal Code also provides for
the separate offence of “child destruction.”This
section criminalizes the destruction of a “child
capable of being born alive” and stipulates that
there is a presumption that the foetus is capable
of being born alive after the 28 week of pregnancy.
Consent is defined as:
• Article 16