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Consistency in Pricing

Nunes, P. F., & Drèze, X. (2020) In this study, the effects of price volatility or stability on
perceptions of a brand's credibility, perceived value proposition, and reputation are examined,
along with how customers evaluate fairness and trustworthiness in relation to pricing
consistency. The authors also examine how consumers may see constant pricing as a sign of
honesty and openness whereas inconsistent pricing may indicate exploitation or unpredictability.
These findings provide broader implications on a number of pertinent constructs, such as brand
image, perception, and purchase intention. They also imply that companies should adopt pricing
consistency over the long term since it gives them a competitive edge and fosters devoted client

Nunes and Drèze (2020) examined the effects of price volatility or stability on perceptions of a brand's
credibility, perceived value proposition, and reputation. They explored how customers evaluate
fairness and trustworthiness in relation to pricing consistency. The authors noted that consumers may
see constant pricing as a sign of honesty and openness, whereas inconsistent pricing may indicate
exploitation or unpredictability. These findings provide broader implications for several pertinent
constructs, such as brand image, perception, and purchase intention. Nunes and Drèze (2020) further
implied that companies should adopt pricing consistency over the long term since it gives them a
competitive edge and fosters devoted client relationships

Xie, J., & Choi, J. (2019) This study investigates how customer loyalty is affected by internet
retailers' price constancy. Which makes it easy to see how consistent pricing increases trust and
encourages repeat business. On the other hand, inconsistent pricing, such as price increases or
decreases across platforms, can annoy consumers, erode their trust, and drive them to a rival
brand. In a highly competitive online market, a study emphasizes the importance of stable
pricing for long-term brand loyalty, customer satisfaction, and retention.

Xie and Choi (2019) investigated how customer loyalty is affected by internet retailers' price
constancy. Consistent pricing increases trust and encourages repeat business. On the other hand,
inconsistent pricing, such as price increases or decreases across platforms, can annoy consumers,
erode their trust, and drive them to a rival brand. In a highly competitive online market, their study
emphasizes the importance of stable pricing for long-term brand loyalty, customer satisfaction, and

Alderighi, M. (2022). More customers are becoming directly exposed to the usage of dynamic
pricing as more hotels and visitors use online travel agents. Using data from an online travel
agency, we chart the evolution of room prices by type of room, week of stay, and day before
arrival. We also develop two metrics for measuring consumer perceptions of price fairness based
on a Customer Assessment or Evaluation in the academic community of their hotel program. We
find that dynamic pricing has a detrimental impact on price fairness: while price fairness is more
tolerant of fluctuations during the booking window, price fairness is significantly impacted by
variations in hotel rates across the weeks of days stayed and room types.
Alderighi (2022) found that more customers are becoming directly exposed to the usage of dynamic
pricing as more hotels and visitors use online travel agents. Using data from an online travel agency,
Alderighi charted the evolution of room prices by type of room, week of stay, and day before arrival.
The study also developed two metrics for measuring consumer perceptions of price fairness based on
a Customer Assessment or Evaluation in the academic community of their hotel program. It was found
that dynamic pricing has a detrimental impact on price fairness. While price fairness is more tolerant
of fluctuations during the booking window, price fairness is significantly impacted by variations in
hotel rates across the weeks of days stayed and room types.

Falahat, M., Lee, Y.-Y., Foo, Y.-C., & Chia, C.-E. (2019) The purpose of this study is to determine the
elements that influence Malaysian online shoppers' faith in e-commerce. It comes to the conclusion that
the primary factors influencing trust are word-of-mouth (WOM), security, service quality, and brand
familiarity. It's interesting to note that trust is unaffected by customer satisfaction levels (negative and
substantial). According to the findings, internet marketers can increase customers' trust-awakenings by
establishing a strong link between positive word-of-mouth advertising, a strong security architecture,
and a positive brand image. An e-commerce company can gain a better understanding of customer
wants and establish effective strategies to foster trust and loyalty in an online marketplace by reading
these insights.

Falahat et al. (2019) examined the elements that influence Malaysian online shoppers' faith in e-
commerce. They concluded that the primary factors influencing trust are word-of-mouth (WOM),
security, service quality, and brand familiarity. Interestingly, trust was found to be unaffected by
customer satisfaction levels. According to the findings, internet marketers can increase customers'
trust by establishing a strong link between positive word-of-mouth advertising, a strong security
architecture, and a positive brand image. These insights help e-commerce companies gain a better
understanding of customer wants and establish effective strategies to foster trust and loyalty in an
online marketplace.

Effect of Discounting

Dube, J.-P., Hitsch, G. J., & Chintagunta, P. K. (2020) The study explains how brands should maintain
their positioning and value to earn back consumer loyalty in order to maintain long-term survival
while attempting to increase sales within brief timeframes.

Dube et al. (2020) explained how brands should maintain their positioning and value to earn back
consumer loyalty to maintain long-term survival while attempting to increase sales within brief

Kaiser, M., & Zinn, M. (2020) This study investigates one of the factors that reduce customer
happiness (or customer lifetime value), which is the discounting strategy. The majority of
research on customer behavior looks at and identifies these factors. In essence, the study
discovered that when discounts are perceived as fair or reasonable and align with customer
expectations, customer satisfaction increases. However, the customer experience deteriorates and
leads to long-term discontent if the reduced price is unexpected or appears to be the consequence
of manipulation, such as through overpromotion or "bait and switch" strategies. The authors
stress the need for a balanced approach to discounting, pointing out that promotions can affect
customer loyalty and confidence in either a favorable or negative way.

Kaiser and Zinn (2020) investigated one of the factors that reduce customer happiness (or customer
lifetime value), which is the discounting strategy. The study discovered that when discounts are
perceived as fair or reasonable and align with customer expectations, customer satisfaction increases.
However, customer experience deteriorates and leads to long-term discontent if the reduced price is
unexpected or appears to be the result of manipulation, such as through overpromotion or "bait and
switch" strategies. The authors stress the need for a balanced approach to discounting, pointing out
that promotions can affect customer loyalty and confidence in either a favorable or negative way.

Yang, Q., & Kannan, P. K. (2019) This study examines how price reductions affect brand choices,
paying particular attention to highly competitive areas. Discounts frequently boost market share,
but this study demonstrates that they also change consumer preferences for your brand, leaving
you with customers who have discovered a new passion. This is particularly true for goods that
are neither distinctive nor necessities, in which case price becomes the only important deciding

Role of Packaging Design

Steiner, K., & Florack, A. (2023) The impact of container color on customers' perceptions of food
goods' health is examined in this review. Although a lot of research has been done on how color
influences taste, not much has been done on how color influences people's perceptions of health.
Understanding how container color may impact perceived healthiness is crucial given the
growing consumer interest in public health efforts and healthy eating. The database produced by
this systematic research demonstrates that container color does have an impact on consumers'
perceptions of healthiness across a number of product categories.

Kaiser and Zinn (2020) investigated one of the factors that reduce customer happiness (or customer
lifetime value), which is the discounting strategy. The study discovered that when discounts are
perceived as fair or reasonable and align with customer expectations, customer satisfaction increases.
However, customer experience deteriorates and leads to long-term discontent if the reduced price is
unexpected or appears to be the result of manipulation, such as through overpromotion or "bait and
switch" strategies. The authors stress the need for a balanced approach to discounting, pointing out
that promotions can affect customer loyalty and confidence in either a favorable or negative way.

Shukla, P. (2022). This study explores how artistically designed packaging will impact the driving
force of consumer psychology as defined by the people who buy it. It supported previous
research and validated some people's intuition: creative packaging piques people's interest and
may even persuade them to make a purchase in a retail setting. This finding deviates from the
accepted wisdom argued in the literature on advertising. In the meanwhile, the study should
provide important information to merchants, brand managers, or even Chinese screenwriters who
are looking for ideas on the precise impact that creative input has on individuals.

Shukla (2022) explored how artistically designed packaging impacts the driving force of
consumer psychology, as defined by the buyers. The study supported previous research
and validated the intuition that creative packaging piques interest and may even persuade
purchases in a retail setting. This finding deviates from the accepted wisdom argued in
advertising literature. Moreover, the study should provide important information to
merchants, brand managers, and even Chinese screenwriters looking for insights on the
precise impact of creative input on individuals.


Nunes, P. F., & Drèze, X. (2020). Consumer inferences of price consistency. Journal of Marketing
Research, 57(5), 813–829. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022243720920843

Xie, J., & Choi, J. (2019). The role of price consistency in building customer loyalty in the online retail
market. Journal of Retailing, 95(4), 95–111. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretai.2019.09.002

Alderighi, M. (2022). Consumer perception of price fairness and dynamic pricing: Evidence from
Booking.com. Journal of Business Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.03.017

Falahat, M., Lee, Y.-Y., Foo, Y.-C., & Chia, C.-E. (2019). A model for consumer trust in e-commerce. Asian
Academy of Management Journal, 24(Supp. 2), 93–109. https://doi.org/10.21315/aamj2019.24.s2.7

Dube, J.-P., Hitsch, G. J., & Chintagunta, P. K. (2020). Discounts, brand loyalty, and consumer behavior.
Marketing Science, 39(2), 282–301. https://doi.org/10.1287/mksc.2019.1216

Kaiser, M., & Zinn, M. (2020). Discounting and consumer satisfaction: The role of expectation
confirmation. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction & Complaining Behavior, 33(4), 155–174.

Yang, Q., & Kannan, P. K. (2019). Effects of price discounting on consumer brand preferences. Journal of
Marketing, 83(6), 62–80.

Steiner, K., & Florack, A. (2023). The influence of packaging color on consumer perceptions of
healthfulness: A systematic review and theoretical framework. Foods, 12(21), 3911.

Shukla, P. (2022). The influence of creative packaging design on customer motivation to process and
purchase decisions. Journal of Business Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.04.026

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