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Two Year Medical [Phase-01]: Corporate Test Planner for - 2024 - 2025

TYM Phase 01 Test Syllabus

Type of
S.No Test
Weekdays & Weekend Physics Chemistry Botany Zoology

Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry:

Importance of chemistry, Nature of matter,
Properties of matter and their measurement :
Mass and weight, volume, density, temperature, Cell: The Unit of Life : Introduction, what is cell?, Cell
25th April Uncertainty in measurement, Scientific notation, theory, An overview of cell, prokaryotic cell structure, Gram
Structural Organisation in Animals: Animal
1 PT-01 to Units and Measurements Addition and subtraction, Multiplication and staining, eukaryotic cell structure, Difference between
30th April division, Significant figures, Dimensional analysis. prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell, Difference between plant
Laws of chemical combination : Law of cell and animal cell, Plasma membrane, Cell Wall
conservation of mass, Law of definite proportions,
Law of multiple proportions, Gay-Lussac's law of
gaseous volumes, Avogadro law

Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry(Contd.):

Motion in a Straight Line:
Dalton's atomic theory, Atomic and molecular
Introduction, Position, Path length and Cell: The Unit of Life(Contd.): Cell Wall, Endomembrane
masses : Atomic mass, Average atomic mass,
16th May displacement, Average velocity & system - endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi body, lysosome, Structural Organisation in Animals: Animal
Molecular mass, Formula mass, Mole concepts &
2 PT-02 to average speed, Differential calculus, vacuole, mitochondria, plastid, ribosome, cytoskeleton, tissues-II: Muscular tissue, Nervous tissue,
Molar masses, Percentage Composition,
21st May Applications of differential calculus, centrosome and centrioles, cilia and flagella, Nucleus, Biomolecules-I: (Upto Polysaccharides)
Empirical formula for molecular formula,
Instantaneous velocity & speed, Chromosome, Microbodies
Stoichiometry and stoichiometric calculations,
Limiting reagent

Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry (Contd.):

Reactions in solutions : Mass percentage or
weight percentage, Mole-fraction, Molarity,
Motion in a Straight Line(Contd.): Molality, Structure of Atom: Sub-atomic
Integral calculus, Applications of particles: Discovery of electron, Charge to mass
6th June Integral calculus, Graphs (slope, area ratio of electron, Charge on electron, Discovery of Biomolecules-II: From Amino acids to enzymes,
Cell Cycle & Cell Division
3 PT-03 to etc.), Kinematic equations for uniformly proton and neutron. Thomson model of atom, Cofactors
11th June accelerated motion., Motion under Rutherford's nuclear model of atom, Atomic and
gravity, Relative velocity in one Mass number, Isobars and isotopes., Wave
dimension. nature of electromagnetic radiation Particle nature
of electromagnetic radiation : Planck's quantum
theory, Photoelectric effect, Dual behaviour of
electromagnetic radiation

12th June
Units & Measurements, Motion in a Structural Organisation in Animals–Animal
4 TE-01 to Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Cell: The Unit of Life, Cell Cycle & Cell Division
Straight Line Tissues only, Biomolecules
16th June
TYM Phase 01 Test Syllabus
Type of
S.No Test
Weekdays & Weekend Physics Chemistry Botany Zoology

Structure of Atom(Contd.): Emission and

absorption spectra, Line spectrum of hydrogen,
Bohr’s model for hydrogen atom, Explanation of
The Living World, Biological Classification-I:
Motion in a Plane: Introduction, Bohr’s model, Dual behaviour of matter,
Introduction, Kingdom system of classification- two
Scalars & Vectors, Multiplication of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, Significance of
kingdom, three kingdom, four kingdom, five kingdom, Six
20th June vectors by real numbers, Addition & uncertainty principle, Reason for the failure of the
kingdom, Domains of life, Kingdom Monera- Characters of
subtraction of vectors–graphical Bohr model, Quantum mechanics, Hydrogen atom
5 PT-04 to monera, Shape of bacteria, Bacterial Life process - Breathing & Exchange of Gases
method, Resolution of vectors, Vector and the Schrodinger equation, Orbitals and
25th June Respiration, Nutrition, Reproduction- Asexual, Sexual
addition–analytical method, Motion in a Quantum numbers, Shapes of atomic orbitals,
recombination, Economic importance of bacteria,
plane, Motion in a plane with constant Energies of atomic orbitals, Filling of orbitals in
Archaebacteria-methanogens, halophiles,
acceleration atom: Aufbau principle, Pauli's exclusion principle,
Hunds rule of maximum multiplicity, Electronic
configuration of atoms, Causes of Stability of
completely filled and half filled sub-shells

Biological Classification-II: Eubacteria – Cyanobacteria,

Mycoplasma, Protista-General characters, Chrysophytes,
Motion in a Plane(Contd.): Relative Dinoflagellates, Euglenoids, Slime moulds, Protozoans-
velocity in two dimensions, Projectile major groups with some salient features, Fungi-general
12th July motion – Equation of path of a characters, Reproduction in fungi, Characters of different
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in
6 PT-05 to projectile. Time of flight, Maximum classes of fungi - Phycomycetes, Ascomycetes, Body Fluids & Circulation
13th July height, Horizontal range, Uniform Basidiomycetes, Deuteromycetes, Virus–introduction,
circular motion, Graph (slope, area discovery, structural components, Structure of some
etc.) viruses (TMV, bacteriophages), Reproduction in virus,
Diseases, Sub-viral agents – Viroids, Virusoids, Prions;
Lichens, Mycorrhiza

Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure:

Kossel-Lewis approach to chemical bonding,
Octet rule, Covalent bond, Lewis representation of Morphology of Flowering Plants-I: Introduction,
simple molecules, Formal charge, Limitations of Root–types, function, regions, modifications, Introduction
2nd Aug. octet rule : Incomplete octet of the central atom, of stem, bud, function of stem, modification of stem,
Excretory Products & their Elimination
odd-electron molecule, The expanded octet, Ionic Leaf–introduction, parts, venation, types (simple and
7 PT-06 to Laws of Motion
or electrovalent bond, Lattice enthalpy, Bond compound leaf), Leaf-Phyllotaxy, Modifications,
3rd Aug. parameters : Bond length, Bond angles, Bond Inflorescence – racemose and cymose, Flowers-
enthalpy, Bond-order, Resonance structures terminology, symmetry, Position of floral parts on
Polarity of bonds, Dipole moment and molecular thalamus, parts of flower (calyx and corolla), aestivation
structures, Percentage ionic character, The
valence shell electron pair repulsion theory

7th August
Structure of Atom, Classification of Elements Breathing & Exchange of Gases, Body Fluids &
8 TE-02 to Motion in a Plane, Laws of Motion The Living World, Biological Classification
and Periodicity in Properties Circulation
11th August

NRT-01 Opening Date: 18th Aug., 24 Units & Measurements, Motion in a Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Structure Structural Organisation in Animals: Animal
9 Cell: The Unit of Life
(Online) Closing Date: NEET-2026 Straight Line of Atom tissues only, Biomolecules
TYM Phase 01 Test Syllabus
Type of
S.No Test
Weekdays & Weekend Physics Chemistry Botany Zoology

(Practice Units & Measurements, Motion in a Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Structure Structural Organisation in Animals: Animal
10 18th August Cell: The Unit of Life
Test) Straight Line of Atom tissues only, Biomolecules

Chemical Bonding and Molecular

Structure(Contd.): Valence bond theory: Orbital
overlap concept, Directional properties of bonds,
Overlapping of atomic orbitals, Types of
overlapping and nature of covalent bonds. Morphology of Flowering Plants (Contd.): Androecium-
Strength of s & p-bonds., Hybridisation : Features adhesion, cohesion; Gynoecium, Placentation,
30th Aug 2
and conditions, Types of hybridisation : sp, sp , Fruits–parts, types, edible parts, Structure of
11 PT-07 to Work, Energy & Power sp3, dsp2, sp3d, sp3d2, sp3d3, Molecular orbital dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous seed, Families– Locomotion & Movement
31st Aug theory : Features, Linear combination of atomic Brassicaceae, Fabaceae, Solanaceae, Liliaceae,
orbitals, Conditions for the combination of atomic Malvaceae Cruciferae, Leguminosae, Compositae,
orbitals, Types of molecular orbitals., Energy level Gramineae
diagram for molecular orbitals, Electronic
configuration and molecular behaviour, Bonding in
some homonuclear diatomic molecules, Hydrogen

Units & Measurements, Motion in a Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Structure Structural Organisation in Animals: Animal
12 AIATS-01 25th August Cell: The Unit of Life
Straight Line of Atom tissues only, Biomolecules

20th Sept.
System of Particles & Rotational
13 PT-08 to Thermodynamics Anatomy of Flowering Plants Neural Control & Coordination
21st Sept.
9th October
Work, Energy & Power, System of Morphology of Flowering Plants, Anatomy of Excretory Products & their Elimination,
14 TE-03 to Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
Particles & Rotational Motion Flowering Plants Locomotion & Movement
13th October
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in
NRT-02 Opening Date: 20th Oct., 24 Breathing & Exchange of Gases, Body Fluids and
15 Motion in a Plane Properties, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Cell Cycle & Cell Division, The Living World
(Online) Closing Date: NEET-2026 Circulation
18th Oct. Chemical Coordination & Integration
Gravitation, Mechanical Properties
16 PT-09 to Equilibrium Plant Kingdom
of Solids
19th Oct.
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in
Breathing & Exchange of Gases, Body Fluids and
17 AIATS-02 10th November Motion in a Plane Properties, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Cell Cycle & Cell Division, The Living World
14th Nov.
PT-10 Redox Reactions, The p-Block Elements Animal Kingdom-I: General Account & Non
18 to Mechanical Properties of Fluids Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
(HA) (Group 13 & 14) chordates
16th Nov.
27th November Gravitation, Mechanical Properties
Neural Control & Coordination, Chemical Control
19 TE-04 to of Solids, Mechanical Properties of Thermodynamics, Equilibrium Plant Kingdom
and Integration
1st December Fluids
Thermodynamics, Classification of Elements
NRT-03 Opening Date: 15th Dec., 24 Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and Biological Classification, Morphology of Flowering Excretory Products and Their Elimination,
20 and Periodicity in Properties, Chemical
(Online) Closing Date: NEET-2026 Power Plants-I: (Upto inflorescence) Locomotion and Movement
Bonding and Molecular Structure
TYM Phase 01 Test Syllabus
Type of
S.No Test
Weekdays & Weekend Physics Chemistry Botany Zoology

Thermodynamics, Classification of Elements

Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and Biological Classification, Morphology of Flowering Excretory Products and Their Elimination,
21 AIATS-03 22nd December and Periodicity in Properties, Chemical
Power Plants-I: (Upto inflorescence) Locomotion and Movement
Bonding and Molecular Structure
3rd Jan.
Thermal Properties of Matter, Organic Chemistry : Some Basic Principles &
22 PT-11 to Respiration in Plants Animal Kingdom-II: Chordates
Themodynamics, Kinetic Theory Techniques
4th Jan
8th January
Thermal Properties of Matter, Redox Reactions, The p-Block Elements Animal Kingdom-I: General Account & Non
23 TE-05 to Photosynthesis in Higher Plants, Respiration in Plants
Thermodynamics (Group 13 & 14) chordates
12th January

31st Jan.
Structural Organisation in Animals– Animal
24 PT-12 to Oscillations, Waves Hydrocarbons Plant Growth and Development:
Morphology (Cockroach, Frog & Earthworm)
1st Feb
NRT-04 Opening Date: 12th Jan., 25 System of Particles & Rotational Morphology of Flowering Plants-II (From Flowers to Neural Control and Coordination, Chemical
25 Equilibrium, Redox Reactions
(Online) Closing Date: NEET-2026 Motion, Gravitation Gramineae), Anatomy of Flowering Plants Coordination and Integration
System of Particles & Rotational Morphology of Flowering Plants-II (From Flowers to Neural Control and Coordination, Chemical
26 AIATS-04 19th January Equilibrium, Redox Reactions
Motion, Gravitation Gramineae), Anatomy of Flowering Plants, Coordination and Integration
5th Febraury Animal Kingdom-II: General Account &
Organic Chemistry: Some Basic Principles &
27 TE-06 to Kinetic Theory, Oscillations, Waves Plant Growth and Development chordates, Structural Organisation in Animals–
Techniques, Hydrocarbons
9th February Animal Morphology (Cockroach, Frog )
Mechanical Properties of Solids,
NRT-05 Opening Date: 16th Feb., 25 The p-Block Elements (Group 13 & 14),
28 Mechanical Properties of Fluids, Plant Kingdom, Photosynthesis in Higher Plants Animal Kingdom-Non chordates
(Online) Closing Date: NEET-2026 Equilibrium, Redox Reactions
Thermal Properties of Matter
Mechanical Properties of Solids,
The p-Block Elements (Group 13 & 14),
29 AIATS-05 23rd February Mechanical Properties of Fluids, Plant Kingdom, Photosynthesis in Higher Plants Animal Kingdom-I: Non chordates
Equilibrium, Redox Reactions
Thermal Properties of Matter
Animal Kingdom-Chordates and Structural
NRT-06 Opening Date: 9th March, 25 Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory, Organic Chemistry-Some Basic Principles &
30 Respiration in Plants, Plant Growth & Development Organisation in Animal: Animal Morphology
(Online) Closing Date: NEET-2026 Oscillations, Waves Techniques, Hydrocarbons
(Cockroach, Frog )
Animal Kingdom-II: Chordates and Structural
Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory, Organic Chemistry-Some Basic Principles &
31 AIATS-06 16th March Respiration in Plants, Plant Growth & Development Organisation in Animal: Animal Morphology
Oscillations, Waves Techniques, Hydrocarbons
(Cockroach, Frog)
32 AIATS-07 30th March Complete Syllabus Test of Class XI
33 AIATS-08 6th April Complete Syllabus Test of Class XI

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