Introduction To Entrepreneurship
Introduction To Entrepreneurship
Introduction To Entrepreneurship
We are entering a new age, an age of knowledge in which
the key strategic resources necessary for prosperity has
become knowledge itself, educated people, their ideas,
innovation and their entrepreneurial spirit (Bloch, 1988)
“There are only two ways to make our youths and women
activist in their own world- Education and
Entrepreneurship” – Bill Cosby
Decision in connection with the choice of career or job in one’s life is one of
the two most important decisions which young people must have to make.
Unknown Authors
To start a new business, you have to take risks, sacrifice so many things
you love to do. You have to be super aggressive towards your goal to
accomplish it
Research has shown that entrepreneurs are hard workers, risk takers, it
has also been discovered that entrepreneurs have a high need for
achievement and a moderate need for power.
The entrepreneur is the fourth factor of production. He combines the
other factors (land, labour and capital) into production processes. He
organizes them in such a way as to achieve maximum output and profit.
To come up with a new idea and accomplish that in reality needs great
skill, passion, consistency, and patience, and financial risk to achieve it.
Starting a business is easy but scaling and generating a profit by helping
people is where most people fail. But an aspiring entrepreneur with a
great passion will never give up and will accomplish it. Those are real
heroes or entrepreneurs.
He is a decision maker;
He is an organizer;
He is a risk bearer;
He is the overall controller.
Whom to employ;
The world have move from manpower to mind power, to be enterprising is to keep your
eyes open and your mind active. It is to be skilled enough, confident enough, and creative
enough and disciplined enough to seize opportunities that present themselves.
Enterprising people are always visionaries’ people; they also find a way and see the future
in the present. Enterprising people always find a way to take advantage of a situation,
native burdened by it and they enterprising people aren’t lazy. They don’t wait for
opportunities to come to them, they go after the opportunities
One of the most known genuine ways to make money and become rich is through
entrepreneurship. Every human being who reaches the age of understanding of the
purposes of money wishes and prays to have it. Wishing will not bring riches nor create
the wealth your desire. But desiring riches with a state of mind that becomes an
obsession, then planning definite ways and means to acquire it genuinely and backing
those plans with persistence which does not recognize failure, will bring to you the riches
you desire.
Entrepreneurship as viewed from many perspectives by the early scholars, who described
it from the perspective of functions of an entrepreneur, whether as an inventor, imitator
or more appropriately as a calculated risk taker, below are some of the opinions of early
scholar about who an entrepreneur is.
The Kirznerian ideas about entrepreneurs are that they are alert to opportunities for trade.
He or she is able to identify suppliers of a particular product and the customers that will
require such products and quickly acts as the intermediary. It is important to note that
there is no necessarily to own resources and that profit arises out of the intermediary
Joseph Schumpeter
Schumpter was the one who introduced the concept of innovation and power. He
believes that entrepreneurs bring about change through the introduction of new
technological processes or products, unlike Kirnzer who believes that anybody has the
potential to be an entrepreneur and they operate within set production constraints .For
Schumpeter , only certain extraordinary people have the ability to be entrepreneurs and
they bring about extraordinary event. He disagrees with Weber and other theorist of
entrepreneurship that entrepreneurship is a function of social, cultural or religious factors,
rather he believes that individuals are motivated by” Atavistic” will to achieve power.
Knight’s view of an entrepreneur is one of a “calculated risk taker” For knight, the
entrepreneur is an individual who is prepared to undertake risk and reward. Profit is the
return for bearing uncertainty, and is an uninsurable risk.
The opportunity for profit arises out of uncertainty surrounding change. If change is
perfectly predictable then no opportunities for profit exist. The entrepreneur is someone
who is prepared to undertake risk in an uncertain world.
David McClelland
Psychologist McClelland introduced the concept of need for achievement and goal setting.
He maintains in his book “The Achieving society” that the drive towards achievement is
the basis of activity for most entrepreneurs.
He used the Jew in his in his illustration. According to him, the Jewish child is shown from
the beginning that he has to maintain and remain on top in order to counteract the
attitude of the society to him. McClelland concludes that because of this method of
rearing, which the Jewish operates, they are always on top and strive for excellence
anywhere they live
Hagan in his book, “The theory of social change” argues that creative personality in an
individual is characterized by high need for achievement, law ,order, autonomy and
problem solving.
Max Weber
Max Weber, a German published his work on “Protestant Ethics and Spirit of Capitalism
"in 1958.This is the concept that encourages hard work and sizzles work on daily existence,
accumulation of capital and investments.
He argues that business leader and owners of capital, as well as the higher grades of
skilled labour, and even more, the higher technically and commercially trained personnel
of modern enterprise are overwhelmingly Protestants, especially in Western Europe.
Before coming to this conclusion, Weber surveyed the main participants of different
religions, Protestants, Catholics and Muslims, in order to find out their attitudes and
behavior towards profits. Consequently he concludes that the protestant ethics tends to
go well with high profit generation and accumulation of capital.
Shackle introduced the concept of “Creative and Imaginative Thought” uncertainty gives
rise to opportunities for certain individual to imagine opportunities for profit. Shackle’s
entrepreneur is creative and original
Casson recognizes that the entrepreneur will have different skill from others. He attempts
to synthesize some of these entrepreneurial attributes and concept that have been
discussed with major writers above. These skills according to him enable the entrepreneur
to make judgments.
Entrepreneurs play great roles in any economy. They are the engine room of all economic
development and improvement activities. Some of their major functions include;
One of the major functions of an entrepreneur is risk bearing. He Invest his money
in a business/ enterprise even when there is no guarantee of success. He knows that
only way to succeed is to get started, however an entrepreneur can minimize the
amount of risk associated with business by carrying out proper or adequate
feasibility studies and a written down business plan, proper training/experience in
business you want to establish.
(5) Creation of Jobs and wealth:
The whole idea about entrepreneurship is centered on self employment, job and
wealth creation. A well managed and flourishing enterprise will not only generate
wealth for the owners, but will create job opportunities for the teaming youths
This three of element of entrepreneurial functions are very vital because they are
the anchor point in the success or failure of the enterprise. The ability of
entrepreneur to plan, manage, and control the three factors of production will
determines how far the business will go in fulfilling its cooperate
mission/objectives .
Chapter 3
7 Steps to Becoming an Entrepreneur
1. Build Your Skill Set and Knowledge Base
No matter what, you want to start and stay curious. There’s a lot out there to learn, more than
you’ll ever have time to master and any entrepreneur needs to be adaptable and open to new
information. That can seem daunting, but there are a few things you can do to simplify the
process of continual learning.
Take a “first principles” approach to problems – as Elon Musk has said, first principles
is a “good framework for thinking… boil things down to their fundamental truths and
reason up from there, as opposed to reasoning by analogy.”
Get comfortable with research – subscribe to trade publications to see what’s trending
within an industry. Research the market you’re interested in exploring. Get out and meet
people who are doing the things you want to do; not only can they provide good advice,
they’ll be an invaluable part of your network.
Focus your attention on what matters – while some serial entrepreneurs have a
reputation of being jacks-of-all-trades as they jump around from industry to industry,
you can likely find more success by focusing on an area of interest and specialization.
Pursue a degree or program that teaches entrepreneurial skills and knowledge specific to
the industry that you want to get into.
No one ever succeeded alone. Every successful entrepreneur has benefited from their own
network of mentors, partners, employees and investors. Once you’ve found a mentor or advisor
who can assist you, it’s important to reach out and find other systems of support.
Unsure of how to go it alone? Partner with a cofounder or small team that will offer
complementary skills to your own. Being part of a larger whole provides additional
skills and expertise, plus it can make it easier to secure funding.
Talk to friends and family about your venture. Not only are they the surest way to
secure additional support, some might be sources of possible “seed” funds or low/no
interest loans.
Get professional help! Research and vet professionals like financial advisors and lawyers
that you feel comfortable trusting and relying on – you’re going to need them.
3. State Your Idea, Claim Your Niche
If you don’t already have a solid idea, then it’s time to consider what type of product or service
you’re able to offer and – more importantly – what’s going to set you apart from everyone else.
The best product in the world isn’t going to succeed if there isn’t a market interested in buying
it. Starting broad may seem like a good idea, after all that’s the highest possible number of
buyers, but trying to sell to everyone means that you’re really selling to no one. To get a better
idea of what your market is going to be, you’ll need to develop an understanding of what
people are looking for.
Who are the people most likely to buy from you or would be most interested in your
Develop profiles of your potential buyers – what jobs do they have? What lifestyles do
they lead? What needs do they have? What pain points do they experience?
Narrow your list down to the best opportunities and select the one that you want to start
with first.
Set up interviews or surveys with people who fit that profile to continue refining that
initial understanding. Which pain points are most urgent for them? Would they prioritize
convenience over price? What benefits of your product/service might excite them the
Once you’ve settled on what you want to do, then you’re going to have to outline your
business structure and develop your product to show that it’s viable. That’s the only way you’re
going to be able to win over investors.
It’s time to start laying out exactly how your business will be moving forward. You’ll
want to create a business model, aka a business plan, that details how your business will
be organized, a prospective budget for the future, details on how your business will
make money.
Plan out the sales process that you’ll use to acquire new customers. What’s your
marketing strategy – are you using certain social media accounts? Are you attempting a
viral marketing campaign? What sales materials will you need? Most importantly,
what’s the process by which you’ll convert those who express interest into actual sales?
It’s time to truly show what your business is about and build out a proof of concept, or
what’s also known as a minimum viable product (MVP). The MVP, whether it’s
software, a service or a physical product, should be capable of executing the basic and
most important functions of your idea.
6. Secure Funding
You have a plan and you have a product, now it’s time to secure the funding that you’ll
actually need to start up your business and get it running. Depending on your product and
market, you have several options available.
You can attempt to start with securing initial funding or loans from friends and family.
Trust levels are high and you might even be able to receive the funds without having to
pay interest or offer too much of a share in your company. Of course, this entirely
depends on the level of wealth and assets of the people you know.
A far more likely scenario is that you’ll have to make a pitch to secure funding from
venture capital (VC) firms or angel investors. Both are able to provide large amounts of
initial funding for startups with the promise of even larger returns through owning stakes
in the company. Start by looking at organizations that connect entrepreneurs with
funders, such as the National Venture Capital Association and Angel Investment
There’s also the opportunity to secure small business grants and loans. These
investments differ from VCs and angel investors by offering (generally) smaller amounts
of initial capital and having specific requirements: loans will need to be repaid with
interest over time, while grants are reserved for meeting certain conditions – such as
assisting minority or underprivileged communities.
Rather than trying to secure a few large amounts of funding, you could attempt to crowd
fund your business through hundreds, or thousands, of smaller donations. With modern
digital technology, there are several options for running a crowd funding campaign,
through platforms like Fundable or We Funder.
Once you’ve gotten this far, now the real work begins. Time to put that funding into place,
build out your first real product, and get it out to your target market.
You will need to establish a location for your business, whether you’re renting out an
office space for your team to work in or you’re leasing a building in a downtown
location. Or, perhaps your business is entirely online and all your employees are
expected to work from home. At the very least you’ll need to claim a website to both
promote your business and allow customers to learn about your product and contact your
You’ll need to consider the actual structure of your organization and what your plans are
for incorporating your business. At the very least you should consider the option of
registering as a limited liability company (LLC) to both build the credibility of your
business and protect your personal finances.
Keep working on promoting and marketing your business! After the initial buzz dies off
you’ll still need to find ways to reach out to new, prospective customers and announce
the latest updates and developments of your product. Review the metrics of your
campaigns and social media channels to determine what’s working, and what’s not, and
what you should be doing to effectively advertise.
Not every business succeeds, in fact roughly 50% of businesses fail within the first few years.
Around just 15% of startups actually manage to achieve large venture returns for their
investors. The others, if they don’t go out of business, just manage to sustain themselves
without generating any real returns for their owners or investors. There are dozens, if not
hundreds, of specific reasons why a business won’t succeed. In general terms, here’s what
aspiring entrepreneurs need to be most mindful of:
This is THE #1 killer of small businesses and startups – all businesses really – and is
almost impossible to plan around, as there are no guarantees that a product or service
will take off. The best you can do is to get a solid plan into place and then be open to
shifting your direction or focus as needed. Changing markets and environments require
businesses to be agile and no amount of initial success will guarantee continued growth
or sustainability.
This is related to running out of money, as high levels of debt can cripple businesses,
choking off additional sources of income as lenders or investors are scared off. The
challenge of securing initial funding means that some businesses will settle for high-
interest loans in order to get started, but that sort of devil’s bargain can hinder a
company before it ever gets to establish itself.
Internal conflict
Incompatible culture –
Everyone brings their own backgrounds with them, employing different workstyles,
possessing different value systems and having different expectations. When people are
committed to “what has worked before,” it can make it difficult to pivot when change is
needed. Entrepreneurs will need to effectively manage the culture of their business,
keeping everything moving forward in a disciplined manner while being as flexible as
Chapter 4
Top 10 Entrepreneurship Skills Every Entrepreneur
Should Have
Entrepreneurs don’t just start a business from scratch and generate profits for
themselves. They also significantly impact society and the economy by creating
employment and products or services that can improve the quality of life for many. But
not everyone can take on the risk of their venture or the magnitude of such a
responsibility. In this article, let’s look at the top ten entrepreneurship skills and how to
improve them to scale your business, take challenges head-on, and succeed.
What are the Top 10 Entrepreneurial Skills?
1. Business Management Skills
Business management skills are essential for entrepreneurs to effectively plan,
organize, direct, and control the resources of an organization. These skills can build
credibility, improve efficiency, manage risks, implement effective strategies, create a
positive company culture, and grow a business.
Strategic thinking
Budget management
Business acumen
Written communication
Non-verbal communication
Stress management
Active listening
Emotion control
3. Critical and Creative Thinking Skills
Strong critical and creative thinking skills are essential for entrepreneurs to build and
expand their businesses. Critical thinking allows you to objectively analyze information
using the evidence to make informed decisions and solve problems. Creative thinking
provides a way to look at issues from various angles, consider alternative
perspectives, and come up with original ideas.
Attention to detail
Interpersonal skills
Time management
Finance skills
Emotional intelligence
Conflict resolution
Effective time management and organization skills can enable you to achieve goals,
manage stress, maintain a healthy work-life balance, and improve well-being and
Goal setting
Decision making
9. Sales Skills
Sales skills are vital for salespeople and valuable for entrepreneurs, as they need to
know how to sell their businesses to potential customers and investors. Developing
sales skills can help entrepreneurs make sales, pitch ideas, negotiate, and create
great relationships with their customers, investors, and stakeholders to build a strong
Business acumen
Data analysis
Social selling
Positive thinking
Sleep hygiene
How to Develop Entrepreneurial Skills
Here are some ways to develop your entrepreneurship skills:
Take online courses: Online courses are an excellent way to boost the skills
you want to develop
Look for a mentor: Mentorship can make a significant impact on your life and
career; seek mentorship from successful leaders to enhance your skills
Work hard: Develop a strong work ethic and be consistent in your efforts to
Be adaptable: Stay open to change and embrace new ideas and opportunities
as they arise
Foster a growth mindset: Focus on continuous learning and seek out new
opportunities to develop your skills
Chapter 5
This type of entrepreneurship refers to any kind of small business that has
been created by one person, without the goal to expand or franchise. For
example, if you were planning to open a nail salon, a general store or a taco
truck your goal would be to launch a single store. You’d likely plan on hiring
local employees or even family members to get your business off the ground
and would need to invest your resources directly into the business.
In this type of business, you only make a profit if your company does, meaning
you need to be very driven, responsible and committed to your vision. In 2020,
there were 33.7 million small businesses in the United States, accounting for
99.9% of companies, proving that small business entrepreneurship is on the
Rooted in the idea of changing the world, scalable startups focus on how to
create a business model that is both repeatable and scalable (more sales with
more resources). From the get go, this style of entrepreneurship begins with
the hope of rapid expansion and big profit returns. Many startups have a
similar ‘garage to riches’ narrative, beginning with a simple idea that is
brought to life by the tenacity of entrepreneurs with the support of investors.
Amazon, Google and Apple are all examples of trailblazing startups that have
changed the world.
3. Intrapreneurship
Another component of large company entrepreneurship is a commitment to
building company culture, ensuring that as a company expands all employees
are a part of the growth.
5. Imitative entrepreneurship
6. Innovative entrepreneurship
As an innovator, you know you must always be aware of the current market
conditions to find original and creative ways to disrupt them. Innovation refers
not only to product ideas but also the ways in which business is conducted.
Innovative entrepreneurship is all changing the status quo and pushing
You’ve probably heard the saying “money makes money”, and for a buyer
entrepreneur this definitely rings true. Instead of figuring out how to raise
money for a business, a buyer entrepreneur purchases either a developing or
well-established company and helps them thrive.
their leadership to someone else at some point, but they always maintain an
active part in the businesses they purchase.
8. Researcher entrepreneurship
Researcher entrepreneurs rely on facts, data and the belief that with the right
preparation and knowledge will be more likely to succeed. If this sounds like
you, this is exactly what research entrepreneurship is all about—a great
business idea paired with academic research, and an understanding of how to
stretch limited resources to the max.
Take a look at Nobel Prize winner and physicist, Theodor Hänsch, a researcher
entrepreneur who co-founded MenloSystems, taking his winning optical
frequency comb technology and using it to make products for the market.
9. Hustler entrepreneurship
Don’t let the name throw you off, a hustler in business refers to a self-starter,
a highly motivated person who is driven to succeed. This type of
entrepreneurship style grows directly from the entrepreneur, who must be
confident, fearless and have rigorous work ethic.
If you are the type of person who can sell anything to anyone, is always aware
of the next big thing and is able to recognize opportunities, you might just be
a hustler after all.
Social entrepreneurs are innovators whose main goal is to create products and
services that both benefit the world, and make money. Social
entrepreneurship relates to nonprofit, for-profit, or hybrid companies that are
committed to social or environmental change. Some examples include
educational programs, microfinance institutions, and companies that provide
banking services in undeveloped countries.
the measure of success, in that the goal is not focused solely on financial gain
but also on the social impact.
Section 2
Chapter 6
There are various forms of business ownership recognized by the law but we will
concern ourselves with the basic three which are relevant to our discussions here.
The Six types of business ownership of our discussions are sole proprietorship,
partnership and private limited liability companies. We have other types
business entities such as companies limited by guarantee, Nonprofit Making
organization. None Governmental organization (NGO) .Majority of NGOs in Nigeria
operates like non profits making organizations.
1. Sole Proprietorship
‘business and not on the business staff. In other words, both the business
and the owner are legally regarded by the law as one and the same.
One major advantage of a sole proprietorship is that the owner has complete
freedom to run your business the way you like. Where you are using your
personal name for the business without any additional word at all, you do not
even need to register the business name. For example, where your true
name is Isaac John, you can decide to print on your letter head Isaac John
without any additional word and you are legally protected. However, where
you add say”& co.” or” & Sons” such a name must be registered.
Partnership may be formed when you want to share responsibilities for
running your business or when you want to introduce another person into the
business may be for raising more capital or supply of expertise or a person
who has strong business contracts which may be of great advantage to your
business. It must be determined however whether or not the relationship
constitutes a partnership from the onset because each partner is an implied
agent of the firm and is held responsible for debts incurred by the firm
through any of its partners.
Partnerships are usually based on trust. Without trust and confidence, the
relationship between partners will break down and the business will
consequently fail.
Partners must agree on how much capital each of them is to contribute and
how profits are to be shared. There is usually a partnership agreement drawn
by a lawyer to guide the partnership relationship. Where none is drawn up,
there is one implied by statue. The partnership should be managed by one or
more of the partners. Any partner who is not involved in the day-to-day
running of the business is called under the law, a ‘sleeping partner’ but this
does not affect the sharing of profits as laid down in the partnership
agreement. As in sole proprietorship business, the incomes of partnerships
are taxed on the owners as part of their personal incomes, and not taxed
separately on the partnership account.
One great advantage of a partnership business is that you will have an
expanded capital base. Moreover, financial institutions will be more disposed
to a partnership in terms of granting loans than to a single individual. Two
heads, people say, are better than one. A pool of experience derived from
partnership will guarantee more efficiency in terms of skills, knowledge and
creativity. More business contacts may also result from a partnership
Partnership Agreement
j) The proportion in which profits arising from the business are to be shared,
(otherwise partners will take in equal shares)
k) Where proper and usual books of account shall be kept
l) The accounting period of the partnership
m) The amount that may be drawn out of the partnership profit every month with a
provision that if any of the partners should draw any amount in excess of his
share of profit such partner shall repay the excess to the partnership account.
n) Express provision for salaries if need be. Unless otherwise agreed, no partner
is entitled to remuneration for acting in the partnership business
o) Powers, rights and duties of partners
p) A clause allowing a partner to retire leaving the other to continue with the
q) Determination of the partnership
r) Purchase of shares by the surviving member(s) in case of dissolution by the
death of a partner or by notice ot determine the partnership
s) Settlement of disputes
t) Restraint of competition by outgoing partners
The major differences between the first two forms of companies are:
i. A private company’s total membership must not exceed 50 while that of a
public company has no limit
ii. Transfer of shares of a private company must be restricted by its Articles
of Association while that of public company need not be restricted
iii. A private company cannot invite the public to subscribe for its shares or
debentures while a public company can
iv. A private limited company is prefixed as “Ltd” “while a public limited
company is prefixed as “Plc”.
However for our purpose, we shall limit our discussions to a private liability
company since it is more relevant to a small or medium scale company.
A limited liability company is regarded under the law as a legal person or legal
entity. This means that it has a separate existence from its owners. It can sue and it
can be sued. It may own properties in its own right and its properties are separate
from those of its owners.
A limited company has perpetual succession. What this means is that the death of
a member does not affect the continuity of the company members of a limited
company to his unpaid share capital. The company is therefore liable for its own
debts. Another major advantage of a limited company is that it is easier to raise
money from the financial market.
On the contrary side, a limited liability company costs more to set up. It has several
legal requirements to fulfill as well as more government regulations to follow.
Again, where you have been trading as a sole proprietorship with others, expansion
of your business will bring with it greater risks to your personal fortune and to avoid
such risks it is better for you to acquire a private limited status which flows from
registration as a limited company.
The Memorandum of Association is the document that states the name of the
company, it is a registered office, the objects of the company i.e. the business for
which the company is established as well as the restrictions if any, on the powers of
the company.
The memorandum must also state, in case of a private limited liability company,
that the company is a private company. It must state that liability of members is
limited by shares. The share capital of the company as well as the classes of
shares must be stated in the memorandum. Also details of all the subscribers must
be stated in this important document.
The Articles of Association of a company provides for the internal regulations and
management of the company. Statutory provisions in the Articles of Association
must include the following:-
- Rules guiding the Annual General Meeting of the company
- Rules guiding the number and appointment of Directors
- Appointment of a Secretary of the company, his remuneration and his removal
- The seal of the company; where to be kept and how it may be used
- Rules guiding payment of dividends and capitalization of unshared profits and
company’s reserves
- Preparation and keeping of all accounting records
- Rules guiding the winding up of the company
- Indemnity clause covering members, officers or employees of the company
working in execution of their official duties
- Rules guiding the giving of Notice to members of the company
- Names and addresses of subscribers, description of subscribers and their
The Memorandum and Articles of Association when duly prepared will only form
part of the documents to be submitted to the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC)
to form a private limited liability company. In practice, it is this type of company that
is formed initially while conversion to public status may be done subsequently if
necessary as the company continues to grow.
For a genuine and proper registration of your company, you are advised to contact
a lawyer who is competent in that field.
c. A statement of the list and particulars of first Directors of the company with
their consents to become Directors
f Availability and reservation of Name form which must have been previously
completed and approved by the commission together with the computer print-
The certificate of incorporation shall be prima facie evidence of compliance with the
Act, that the Association is a company authorized to be registered and is duly
1. Lack of experience/expertise
2. Lack of fund
3. Business Location
4. Poor financial/inventory Management
a. credit sales
b. Too much capital in fixed assets
5. Drawing much from business
6. Poor attitude to work
7. Low sales or lack of sales
1. Helps to create wealth and income for the owner and his families
2. Offers employment opportunity for others
3. Provide goods and services to meet market demands
4. Contribute positively to the country's GDP
5. Opportunity to grow into bigger organization
6. Expose the owner and staff to both local and international opportunities
7. Offers the owner the opportunity to grow widely and empower others
8. Exposures for international and local connections
9. Gives you freedom to use your time wisely
10. Takes you away from 8-5 work syndrome and gives you the opportunity to use your
skill and initiatives
In order to ensure you start, grows and build a viable business in Nigeria, Prudence requires that
some factors should be considered before choosing a particular line of business. This is necessary
to avoid the failure of such business in the future. These factors include the following:
1. Decide exactly what you want in life, why you want to start your own business
2. Select the business you think best for you. The one you are best suited for. Nothing
succeeds without enthusiasm and right choice of business.
3. Identify who are your customers clearly, who are the people that will buy the
products. Describe them clearly; what is their income level, etc.
4. Conduct a market research on the business you wish to start to determine its
profitability before making any serious financial commitment.
5. Develop a complete business plan before starting. When you develop your business
plan show it to a more experienced person for advice.
7. Where applicable ensure you recruit experience and honesty staff only to help you
run the business. People are the greatest asset of modern organization.
9. Remember the purpose of any business is to create and keep customers. Profit will
come after you have created and kept customers coming to buy from you.
11. Keep and maintain a proper financial and sales transaction records. Focus single
mindedly on sales. Most business failures are caused by lack of sales or very low sales
and poor financial/inventory management and control.
12.Advertise your company continuously. Remember Great advertising sales (GAS) it
must pass the 7 yrs old test. This means that your advert message would be well
understood by a seven year old child with.
14.Practice the corridors principle. Starting your business when you are not guaranteed
for success. There is no best time to start business.
15.Get the money you need. The second major cause of business failures is lack of
enough start-up and working capital .Ensue your business is hampered by lack of
16 Apply Pareto Principle - 80- 20 Rule. It states that 20% of your daily activities contribute
80% your results .Your duty is to find out the 20% of your role that will give the highest
contribution to the success of your business and concentrate on them. Learn how to
manage your time well. Have a day to -do-list and ensure you diarize you daily program.
17.Pay more attention to your health. The greatest wealth you have now is your health .
Experts are of the believes that one of the major solution to unemployment in Nigeria is to
encourage our Youths to explore the options of going into self employment. Government
should develop the will power to provide the enabling environment to enable prospective
entrepreneurs’ access start-up fund which has been a major setback for Nigerian desiring
to venture into Small and Medium enterprises (SME) sectors.
All over the world Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have been fully recognized by
government and development experts as the main engine of economic growth and a major
factor in promoting private sector development and partnership.
The development of SMEs is an essential element in the growth strategy of most economies
and holds particular significance for Nigeria
SMEs contribute to improved living standards, bring about substantial local capital
formation and achieve high level of productivity and capability. SMEs are recognized as the
principal means of achieving equitable and sustainable industrial diversification and
.SMEs represent the sub sector of special focus in any meaningful economic restructuring
program that targets employment generation, poverty alleviation, food security, rapid
industrialization and reversing rural urban migration.
In Africa and Asia, most of the jobs, especially those in non-urban areas are provided by
small and medium scale enterprises and in most cases they account for the vast majority of
industrial units operating in respective continents.
In Nigeria and other developing nation, for economic growth to be inclusive, expert have
agreed that particular attention must be paid to the country’s industries, in addition to
aggressive investment drive in key sectors of the economy and that small and medium
enterprises SME should be given the necessary impetus to make them gain their rightful
position as the drivers of economic growth and employment generation.
Recently Federal ministry of trade and investment ,has developed a national Micro, small
and medium enterprises (MSME) policy and established a national database in
collaboration with the National Bureau of Statistics to provide a sound foundation for SME-
driven job creation and poverty reduction.
The new data shows that there are 17.2 Million SMEs in Nigeria: the sector employs about
32.4 Million Nigerians and contributes 46.54 percent of the nation’s Gross Domestic
Products (GDP) in nominal terms.
This simply means that the more new entrepreneurs we train and empower to establish more
SMEs, the more jobs opportunities we shall create in Nigeria. The simple arithmetic shows
that every SME in Nigeria employs at least two persons. The establishment of the data base
according to stakeholder is the first step towards ensuring that Nigeria’s abundant human
and natural resources works for its growth.
Consequently, there are as many definitions of SME as there are
scholars and institutions defining it. Scholars are to use parameters such
as number of employees’ sales volume or turnover, capital small,
medium and/or big scale At one point some people, rightly contended
that these parameters do not provide uniform benchmark for all
industries and for all time. For
instance, what could pass for a big capital in food and beverage industry
will certainly be small when compared to that in steel or aviation
industry. Further, what is a big capital today may become small in five
years to come.
these measure, mainly for want of any other parameter to define SME.
For the purpose of this study, we shall adopt the definition by the
National Council on Industry (NCI). The reason for this is its currency and
. NCI at its thirteen meeting in July 2001 adopted the following as the
reclassification of industrial enterprises in Nigeria.
registration and frequently they lack bank accounts. The total capital
employed is less than N1M
over N50 million of, but not more than N200 million, including cost of
land, and/or, a workforce of 101-300 workers.
Chapter 9
Almost every individual or groups like cooperatives dreams
about starting his/their own business. Yet only 4% of the newly
started businesses manage to reach the 10 year mark.
is what they say. So if you want to start your business, you have
to get all the things needed to start a business.
1. A Business Idea
2. Knowledge or Expertise
3. Market or Demand and profitability of the business idea,
4. Start-up Costs
5. Capital and Finance
6. Competition
7. Location
8. Staff
9. Technology
10. Scalability and sustainability of the business
1. A Business Idea
Every business starts with an idea – a super duper idea that
actually works. If you want your business to stand out, you will
need to offer something that no one else has offered till date
2. Knowledge or Expertise
Once you know what business you want to start, you will have to
start gaining the required knowledge and expertise to start that
This might take a lot of research and planning; but at the end all
these efforts will ensure that you have everything in place to
get your business idea off the ground.
3. Market or Demand
Once you are sure of starting your business, your next step
would be to explore the market or the demand for your product
or service.
A market survey should reveal all the details that you may need
about the market for your product or service. Basically you are
looking for:
The different segments of the market
The kind of margins that you can expect from the market
Thankfully social media has made it possible to reach out to
target audience, anywhere in the world, without having to put in
too much of efforts.
4. Start-up Costs
Estimating your start-up costs is one of the very important
things to consider when starting a new business. You will have
to assess the total cost that is required to set up and run your
business successfully.
Once your business is set up, you will have to think about the
working capital needed to run your business.
You will have to take into account the inventory that you need
to maintain, the credit that you can extend to your customers
and the supplier’s credit that you can get.
5. Capital and Finance
No business in this world can run without money. Depending on
the type of business you are starting and the initial costs that
you will have to pay up for, you will know what kind of capital
you would need to start your business.
Whatever steps you take, to finance your business, you will have
to make sure you have the required funds to take you through
the startup phase.
6. Competition
Unless you know who your competitors are and what they are
doing, you will not be able to survive in the market for long.
If your product is a monopoly competition will not matter. Else,
you will have to come up with an excellent strategy to fill in the
demand and supply gap.
Once you have all the information it is all about conveying your
unique selling point to your target audience. If you can do this
well you will survive no matter how tough the competition is.
7. Location
One of the most important things needed to start a business is a
good location.
their shops. Similarly, the ideal location for a gold vendor /
jeweler would be a gold mart that has housed many such shops.
Make sure the location fits well within your budget and offers
scope for expansion. An ideal location would be one that
complements your business in the best possible way.
8. Staff
Your staff members are the ones that can make or break your
Apart from hiring the right staff there is also the training that
you need to think of. This will ensure your staff members will be
in a better position to handle their responsibilities and meet the
expectations you have set for them.
Finally you will also need to think about paying their salaries
and perks to keep them motivated enough at work.
9. Technology
Technology is one thing you can never compromise on when it
comes to starting a new business in today’s world.
Here are a few steps you can follow, while choosing the right
technology for your business:
Today there are many websites that offer all the tools and
templates that you would need to create your own site within