Ja 2008120
Ja 2008120
Ja 2008120
Strains as in text
KAM3 KAM3 Derivative of TG1 that lacks acrB 21
D crp NKE 1220 KAM3Dcrp This study
D tolC NKE 822 KAM3DtolC This study
D tolCD crp NKE 1221 KAM3DtolCDcrp This study
D mdtEF NKE 356 KAM3DmdtEF 34
D mdtEFD crp NKE 1222 KAM3DmdtEFDcrp This study
which encodes the major AcrAB efflux pump, is subject to complex was electroporated into KAM3, then
multiple levels of regulation. In E. coli, it is modulated approximately 10,000 colonies were screened. Cells were
locally by the local repressor AcrR [16]. At a more global plated on LB-agar medium [22] containing 25 m g/ml
level, it is modulated by stress conditions and by global kanamycin and inhibitory concentrations of various drugs.
regulators such as MarA, SoxS and Rob [17, 18]. These Genomic DNA was prepared from the drug-resistant strains
examples illustrate the complexity and diversity of the digested with SmaI, then immediately ligated. Ligation
mechanisms regulating bacterial multidrug efflux pumps. products were electroporated into strain EC100D pir-116
The E. coli cyclic AMP receptor protein (CRP) is an and kanamycin-resistant transformants were selected.
important transcription factor that regulates the initiation of Plasmid DNAs were purified from these strains and were
transcription for more than 100 genes, mainly involved in sequenced with primers KAN-2 FP-1 and R6KAN-2 RP-1
the catabolism of carbon sources other than glucose [19]. (Epicenter). Sequence data were used to interrogate the E.
E. coli utilizes glucose preferentially over other sugars and coli MG1655 sequence (http://genolist.pasteur.fr/Colibri/)
only catabolizes other sugars when the supply of glucose is to identify the sites of transposon insertion.
depleted [20]. The presence of glucose prevents E. coli
from catabolizing alternative sugars by several Construction of Gene Deletion Mutants
mechanisms, one of which is to lower the level of cAMP, To construct gene deletion mutants from E. coli KAM3
the inducer for CRP. cells [21], precise in-frame deletions were generated by
In this study, we show that CRP contributes to multidrug crossover PCR with the primers listed in Table 2, described
resistance in E. coli in addition to its role in catabolite previously [23]. The fragment containing the deletion was
control. The results suggest a previously uncharacterized cloned into the BamHI site of the pKO3 vector [23], a gene
physiological role for CRP in multidrug resistance. replacement vector that contains a temperature-sensitive
origin of replication and markers for positive and negative
selection for chromosome integration and excision. The
Materials and Methods deletion was introduced into the chromosome by the pKO3
gene replacement protocol, as described previously [23].
Bacterial Strains, Plasmids and Growth Conditions
The bacterial strains and plasmids used in this study are Determination of the MIC for Toxic Compounds
listed in Table 1. The E. coli strains used are derived from The antibacterial activities of different agents were
the strain KAM3 [21]. Bacterial strains were grown at 37°C determined on L-agar (1.0% tryptone, 0.5% yeast extract,
in Luria-Bertani (LB) broth [22]. Cells were rapidly 0.5% NaCl) plates containing the compounds (Sigma)
collected for total RNA extraction when the cultures indicated in Table 3 at various concentrations. Agar plates
reached an optical density of 0.6 at 600 nm. were made by the two-fold agar dilution technique as
described [24]. To determine the MICs, bacteria were
Screening for Regulators of Multidrug Resistance grown in Luria-Bertani broth at 37°C overnight and diluted
DNA manipulation generally followed standard practice in the same medium, then tested at a final inoculum size of
[22]. Strain KAM3 was subjected to transposon 104 cfu m l1 using a multipoint inoculator (Sakuma
mutagenesis using the EZ-Tn5R6Kg ori/KAN-2Tnp Seisakusyo, Tokyo, Japan), after incubation at 37°C for 20
Transposome kit (Epicenter) according to the hours. The MIC was the lowest concentration of compound
manufacturer’s instructions. Briefly, the Transposome that inhibited cell growth.
Table 2 Continued
To test whether deletion of crp confers oxacillin isolated from exponential-phase cultures of KAM3 and
resistance on the E. coli KAM3 strain, full-length wild-type D crp, and cDNA samples were synthesized using TaqMan
crp was deleted as described in Materials and Methods. reverse transcription reagents (PE Applied Biosysems) with
Oxacillin MICs for cells lacking crp were 8 times higher (4 random hexamers as primers. Real-time PCR of the cDNAs
versus 0.5 m g/ml) than for KAM3 cells (Table 3), was performed with each specific primer pair using SYBR
suggesting that the deletion of the CRP regulator indeed Green PCR Master Mix (PE Applied Biosystems). The
conferred oxacillin resistance on E. coli. expression levels of drug efflux pump genes and tolC in
D crp were compared with those in KAM3. The results are
Deletion of CRP Increases Resistance of E. coli to shown in Table 4. Expression of mdtE was significantly
Multiple Drugs increased. Deletion of crp did not increase the expression
Our results had shown that deletion of crp increased E. coli levels of other drug efflux genes and tolC (Table 4).
resistance to oxacillin. We therefore investigated the effect
of crp deletion on the susceptibility of E. coli to other toxic Effects of Deletion of the MdtEF Drug Efflux Pump on
compounds. Various drugs were tested, including common CRP-modulated Multidrug Resistance
substrates of multidrug efflux pumps, and we found that In order to determine whether multidrug resistance
crp deletion increased the resistance of the KAM3 strain to mediated by crp deletion is due to increased expression of
azithromycin, erythromycin and crystal violet (Table 3). mdtEF, we investigated the effects of deleting these genes
These results indicate that the deletion of the CRP regulator on drug resistance levels in KAM3 and D crp (Table 3).
induces multidrug resistance in E. coli. When mdtEF was deleted from the KAM3 strain there was
no change in drug resistance in the resulting strains. In the
Effect of tolC Deletion on the Multidrug Resistance
Modulated by CRP Table 4 Fold induction of specific transcripts attributed to
The results described above indicate that the expression of crp deletion as determined by qRT-PCR
a multidrug efflux pump may be induced by deletion of crp.
Gene Fold increase
In our previous study, it was revealed that at least twenty
intrinsic drug efflux transporters are encoded in the E. coli
acrA 0.920.067
chromosome [11]. Among these, RND-family transporters
acrD 1.10.081
play major roles in both intrinsic and elevated resistance of acrE 0.950.035
Gram-negative bacteria to a wide range of noxious bcr 1.20.12
compounds including s-lactams [1, 11, 2931]. RND cusB 1.10.055
transporters need two other proteins for their function: a emrA 0.990.072
membrane fusion protein and an outer membrane channel. emrD 0.960.022
It has been reported that many drug transporter systems in emrE 1.10.071
E. coli need the membrane channel TolC in order to emrK 1.60.38
function [3134]. fsr 0.830.13
To determine whether CRP-mediated multidrug macA 0.940.048
mdfA 1.10.15
resistance is attributable to the TolC-dependent drug efflux
mdtA 1.20.26
pump(s), we investigated the effect of tolC deletion on the
mdtE 343.5
drug resistance of the crp-deleted cells. The tolC deletion
mdtG 1.10.087
completely inhibited CRP-mediated multidrug resistance mdtH 1.30.28
(Table 3). This result indicates that CRP-mediated mdtJ 1.20.15
multidrug resistance is attributable to increased functioning mdtK 0.920.086
of a TolC-dependent drug efflux pump. mdtL 0.820.058
mdtM 0.850.11
Determination of the Amounts of Drug Exporter tolC 1.20.15
Transcripts by Quantitative Real-time Reverse
Transcription-PCR (qRT-PCR) The amount of transcript was determined by quantitative real-time PCR
as described in Materials and Methods. The fold change ratio was
In order to determine which drug efflux pump show
calculated by dividing the expression level of the gene in the D crp strain
increased expression when crp is deleted, we used qRT- by that in the KAM3 strain. Experiments were performed in triplicate
PCR to investigate changes in the amounts of drug efflux and the data are represented mean valuesstandard deviation. The
gene mRNAs dependent on crp deletion. Total RNAs were values in boldface type indicate inreases of more than tenfold.
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