Redefining-Indefinites Compress
Redefining-Indefinites Compress
Redefining-Indefinites Compress
Managing Editors
Editorial Board
Redefining Indefinites
Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin Claire Beyssade
Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle Jean Nicod Institute
University of Paris 7 UMR 8129
Paris Paris
France France
ISSN 0924-4670
ISBN 978-94-007-3001-4 ISBN 978-94-007-3002-1 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-3002-1
Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg New York London
vi Foreword
quantifiers over amounts. Finally, Chapters 6 and 8 have not undergone any major
conceptual modification.
We want to thank Anamaria Falaus for having translated those parts of Définir
les indéfinis that made their way into the present book and for having helped us with
formatting part of the manuscript and Susan Schweitzer for having reread the whole
of it. We have benefited from financial support from the Laboratoire de Linguistique
Formelle and from the ANR project Genius (ANR-08-JCJC-0069-01), directed by
Alda Mari.
viii Contents
There are two types of studies that can be found in the rich literature on the syntax
and semantics of nominal phrases (DPs). On the one hand, we have a large number
of empirical studies, which identify, describe and analyze in detail language specific
facts, such as the expression of quantity, bare nouns or DPs headed by de in French.
On the other hand, we have more theoretical studies that seek to isolate the formal
properties characterizing the syntactico-semantic behavior of DPs (such as the
availability of generic readings, or the licensing of discourse anaphora). The theo-
retical work deserves credit for bringing methodological rigor into an empirical area
that is particularly hard to grasp in view of the diversity of attested interpretations.
However, such studies have the problem of narrowing down the area of investiga-
tion to a fragment of a given language, leaving for future research many other
attested data, which although well described, still resist formalization.
Our investigation of indefinites attempts to bring together empirical and theoretical
approaches: we develop a formal analysis of DPs in context, on the basis of lan-
guage facts. The examples we provide come mainly from English and Romance
(especially French and Romanian, although we also include data from Spanish and
Italian). We have systematically confronted our proposal to other existing theories.
We have attempted to observe the principle of compositionality and to reduce as
much as possible the postulation of ambiguity.
For each one of the phenomena under consideration, we offer an overview of the
recent literature and lay out our own hypotheses and the remaining open questions.
Our analysis is formal insofar as it relies on formal representations but it is not
technical. We have made use of the core assumptions underlying the Discourse
Representation Theory (indefinites are represented as variables and their
quantificational force is due to the operators in their context of occurrence), without
however getting into the details of an implementation, in a specific framework. We
favored conceptual clarity, argumentation and empirical generalizations over the
technicalities of formal details. The data and the analyses pursued here can be for-
malized in different theoretical frameworks.
The typology of nominal phrases is one of our main interests in this book.
The research carried out in the 1980s, in the semantics of discourse (Kamp 1981;
xiv Introduction
Heim 1982) and in the theory of generalized quantifiers (Barwise and Cooper 1981;
Keenan and Stavi 1986; Westersthal 1989), brought new insights into the study of
DPs and made it clear that the traditional split between definite and indefinite DPs,
as well as the logicians’ distinction between quantified and referential expressions,
could not capture the complexity of the empirical facts. We aim to provide an appro-
priate characterization of the class of so-called indefinite DPs, which are to be
distinguished from both referential and quantificational expressions.
The issues we explore and the questions we raise are extremely diverse and are
situated at the interface of morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics. For
example, we wonder whether there are syntactic positions that force or preclude the
occurrence of certain DPs and whether these restrictions are related to any specific
semantic property. In other words, we want to find out whether there are any correla-
tions between syntactic position, semantic type and interpretive effects of DPs. The
most influential line of thinking in the literature, in the spirit of Montague, posits the
existence of a homomorphism between syntax and semantics: argumental syntactic
positions can only be occupied by elements which have an argument-type of denota-
tion, i.e., either entity (type e) or quantificational type (<<e,t>,t>). This principle
automatically rules out property-denoting elements from argument positions.
Higginbotham (1985, 1987) challenged this widely assumed homomorphism and
proposed to analyze certain indefinite DPs as property-denoting elements (of type <e,t>).
This hypothesis was taken up in the 1990s, in particular by McNally (1995), van
Geenhoven (1996) or Dobrovie-Sorin (1996), who exploit the hypothesis that indefinite
DPs denote properties in order to shed new light on existential ‘there’ sentences or on
existential bare NPs. Van Geenhoven’s work on West Greenlandic brought in novel
empirical facts, which were shown to be typologically related to data in a wide variety of
languages, with and without articles. These highly significant data further supported
the reconsideration of the syntax/semantics homomorphism and led to an increasing
number of studies relying on what came to be labeled ‘semantic incorporation’, i.e.,
the semantic composition of property-denoting arguments.
One of the recurrent questions in our study concerns the existence of property-
denoting DPs in non-predicative positions. We will provide a negative answer and
propose instead that weak indefinites in argument positions need to be analyzed as
existential generalized quantifiers over amounts.
A different set of questions concerns the distinction between so-called strong and
weak determiners and DPs. Is this a semantic or a pragmatic distinction? Does
it overlap with the difference between existential and partitive readings of
indefinite DPs?
A third set of questions relates to scope phenomena. Although there are cases
where the co-occurrence of two DPs gives rise to ambiguous sentences, with differ-
ent readings arising from different scope configurations, this does not always hap-
pen. We seek to predict instances of ambiguity on the basis of the semantic type of
DPs, as well as the distributivity effects induced by certain determiners but not by
Most of the answers we provide rely on the distinction between two types of enti-
ties that we take to be central for the analysis of DP denotations: individualized
Introduction xv
objects, i.e., entities that are distinct from each other, and amounts, i.e., non-individuated
entities, which share the property of verifying a certain measure. This measure can
be precise or vague, e.g., 300 g of butter and three books refer to amounts consisting
in a determined quantity (300 g and three) of butter and of books, respectively,
whereas butter and books refer to any amount/quantity, i.e., an indeterminate quan-
tity of butter and books, respectively. Assuming the distinction between individual-
ized objects and amounts, we develop a new account of weak indefinites, as
existential generalized quantifiers over amounts. We argue that this hypothesis
solves a large number of problems faced by other analyses and offers interesting
novel research perspectives.
The book is divided into eight chapters. We first introduce the reasons why we
need to postulate the existence of a third type of DP, in addition to referential and
quantificational ones and provide a summary of the main results of the theory of
generalized quantifiers (Chap. 1).
The next two chapters study in detail the denotation of bare NPs (Chap. 2) and
the properties of existential constructions (Chap. 3). We point out the problems
of analyses of indefinites as property-denoting elements and instead defend an
account that relies on the distinction between two types of entities, individuals and
amounts and treats weak indefinites as existential generalized quantifiers over
amounts, which combine with existential predicates identifying an amount with an
individual. In Chaps. 4 and 5, we focus on the distinction between strong and weak
DPs, due to Milsark (1977). On the basis of a detailed analysis of indefinite DPs in
context, we show that their interpretation is not a mere instance of underdetermina-
tion but rather a genuine ambiguity, each reading being assigned a distinct type of
representation at the level of Logical Form.
Chapter 6 deals with the scope of indefinites. If we are right in claiming that
indefinite DPs are non-quantificational, the issue of scope should not arise. We show
how the notion of dependency captures the relevant facts and how dependency rela-
tions are constrained by the denotation of DPs.
Chapter 7 is devoted to generic indefinite DPs. Moving beyond the widely
accepted hypothesis that the generic readings of indefinites depend on the occur-
rence of quantificational adverbs (generally, always, often, rarely), we identify the
constraints that govern the genericity of singular and plural des-indefinite DPs in
Finally, in Chap. 8, we return to the interpretation of dependent indefinites. In
sentences like Every farmer who owns a donkey beats it and If a farmer owns a
donkey, he beats it, the indefinite DP a donkey is not to be interpreted as a quantified
expression but rather as a referential expression, whose reference is dependent on
the quantifier introduced either by a quantified DP (every farmer) or by the condi-
tional operator if. We show that the representation of dependent indefinites as
Skolem terms can both capture the interpretive properties of these sentences
(such as the asymmetric readings, which were problematic in the framework of
the Discourse Representation Theory) and explain why a pronoun coindexed with
a dependent indefinite but not c-commanded by it can have a bound variable
Chapter 1
Why Indefinites?
We will not differentiate between the terms quantified and quantificational.
(b) and (c) above. There are indeed syntactic positions that are accessible to
indefinites but not to quantified DPs:
(1) a. John is a nice man.
b. *John is each man I’ve loved.
c. *John is every man I’ve loved.
The above contrast shows that indefinites can function as nominal predicates2
whereas quantified DPs cannot do so. Moreover, there are also argument positions
that allow only indefinites (see (2a), (2b) and (2c)), to the exclusion of quantified
DPs (see (2d), (2e)):
(2) a. There was (a/one) book on the table.
b. There were (three/sm)3 books on the table.
c. There arrived (a/three/sm) student(s) last night.
d. *There was each book on the table.
e. *There arrived each student last night.
It has also been observed that indefinites and quantified DPs do not generate the
same scopal interpretations:
(3) a. Someone believes that Mary read a (certain) book.
b. Someone believes that Mary read every book.
In (3a), there are two interpretations, (3a¢) and (3a″), whereas in (3b), every book
cannot have wide scope; (3b″) is not a paraphrase of (3b).
(3) a¢. Someone believes that Mary read a book.
a″. There is a book that someone believes Mary read.
b¢. Someone believes that Mary read every book.
b″. For every book, there’s someone who believes that Mary read it.
It is currently assumed that DPs associated with the copular verb be function as predicates. This
issue will be examined in detail in Chap. 2.
sm is the weak (i.e., unaccented) form of some.
1.1 Typology of DPs 3
Proper names and definite expressions constitute the simplest type of DP with
respect to denotation: they refer to an individual, an element of type e, where e is an
abbreviation for entity. Demonstrative DPs may also be analyzed as denoting
individuals, even though, in this case, the reference is not “rigid” – that is to say,
stable across different contexts (possible worlds or situations) – but rather variable
according to the utterance context.
In examples (4), John denotes the individual who carries this name and the
predicates respectively denote the properties of singing, being a doctor or being
handsome, or extensionally, the sets of individuals who are characterized by these
properties. The truth-value of the sentence is calculated by checking whether the
individual denoted by John is a member of the set of individuals that are singing in
(a), that are doctors in (b), or that are handsome in (c). The sentence is true or false
depending on whether or not membership is confirmed.
(4) a. John is singing.
b. John is a doctor.
c. John is handsome.
Most semantic models assume at least one additional rule, predicate modification. But it is
primarily for reasons of simplicity of exposition that this choice is made, since technically, one can
limit oneself to functional application (cf. Heim and Kratzer 1998: 61ff).
The domain of truth values, notated Dt, is composed of two elements, true and false, notated 1 and
0 respectively.
4 1 Why Indefinites?
The same type of analysis is often assumed for definite descriptions, e.g., (5) can
be represented as in (5¢):
(5) The student is crying.
(5¢) Cry (the student)
It remains to be shown how we can get from a noun phrase with internal
structure (determiner + noun) to a simple type, e, while obeying the principle of
compositionality. According to Russell’s analysis of definite descriptions, the noun
N denotes the set of individuals that have the property of being N and the definite
article is represented as the iota operator, whose function is to extract from this set
the only element that it contains. The iota operator is thus a function of type
<<e,t>,e>, i.e., a function that applies to a property or a set of individuals
(of type<e,t>) – such as student in (6) – and returns an individual – here, the
student in question, of type e.
(6) the student
(6¢) ix student (x)
It should be observed that these laws are verified for sentences built with
referential DPs (e.g., proper names, definite or demonstrative DPs) but not with
indefinite or quantified DPs in subject positions. Indeed, contrary to (7a), (7c) is not
a contradictory sentence. As for (7d), it is not tautological and thus illustrates the
case of a sentence that does not verify the law of the excluded middle.
(7) c. Two children came and two children did not come.
d. Each student is present or each student isn’t present.
We conclude that DPs such as two children or each student must denote some-
thing other than an individual, something other than an element of type e.
1.1 Typology of DPs 5
First-order logic makes use of two quantifiers, " and $, which allow us to formalize
expressions such as every, each, a and even cardinals6 as well as modified cardinals
such as two, exactly two, at least two…:
(8) a. All men are mortal.
a¢. "x (H(x) → M(x))
b. A man came.
b¢. $x (H(x) Ù C(x))
c. At least two men came.
c¢. $x $y (H(x) Ù H(y) Ù x ¹ y Ù C(x) Ù C(y))
In (8), the natural language sentences a, b and c are paired with their represen-
tations in predicate calculus, a¢, b¢ and c¢. The Ù sign marks conjunction and
the → sign marks entailment. H(x) signifies ‘x is human’, M(x) ‘x is mortal’ and
C(x) ‘x came’.
The two quantifiers of predicate calculus do not allow us to account for all the
quantifiers found in natural languages. Indeed, proportional expressions such as
most or more than half, which cannot be reduced to Boolean combinations of
existentials and universals, cannot be represented in first-order logic. The study of
natural language quantifiers has led to the development of representations that are
designed for natural language quantifiers. In what follows we will present the tripar-
tite structure representations inspired by the work of Lewis (1975) and the theory of
generalized quantifiers, stemming from the work of Montague.
Tripartite structures were introduced by Lewis (1975), who observed that adverbs of
quantification (sometimes, often, always, never, etc.) can quantify not only over
times and events but also over individuals. Thus, sentence (9a) has the same inter-
pretation as (9b), which may be represented as in (9¢), where never and no are trans-
lated in the same way as NO:
(9) a. A student is never stupid.
b. No student is stupid.
(9¢) NO x (x a student) [x is stupid]
The formal representation of cardinals (see (8c¢)) requires first-order logic with identity.
6 1 Why Indefinites?
(9a) but rather in the tripartite representation proposed by Lewis, which was extended
to quantified DPs (cf. Heim 1982). Tripartite representations make clear an impor-
tant property of natural language quantifiers: independently of its syntactic status
(adverb or determiner), a quantifier has scope over the minimal sentence to which it
belongs. The quantifier thus appears, in Logical Form, in the initial position of the
tripartite structure.7 The second part of the structure (often called the ‘restriction’)
indicates the domain of quantification, which depends on the syntactic context in
the case of adverbs but is fixed for determiners: the nominal constituent that is the
sister of the determiner appears in the restriction.8 The third part of the tripartite
structure (often called the ‘(nuclear) scope’) is filled with the predicate obtained by
abstracting over the position of the quantified DP.
Tripartite representations can be obtained by assuming two rules that map
syntactic configurations onto LF representations: (i) the quantified DP is adjoined to
the sentential node that immediately dominates it and its original position is filled
by an empty category interpreted as a variable9; (ii) the determiner of the moved
quantified DP raises out of the DP and adjoins to the sentential node. By applying
these two rules the examples in (10) can be represented as shown in (10¢):
(10) a. Each professor came.
b. Some students are sad.
(10¢) Quantifier Restriction Scope
a. each (professor (x)) [x came]
b. some (student (x)) [x is sad]
Determiners can also be analyzed as denoting the relation between the two sets
corresponding to the restriction (the NP that is the sister of Det) and the scope
(the predicate obtained by abstracting over the position of the quantified DP). The
determiner each, for example, denotes the relation of inclusion between two sets:
(10a) is true if and only if the set of professors is a subset of the set of individuals
who came. Some denotes the relation of intersection: (10b) is true if and only if the
intersection of the set of students and the set of sad individuals is not empty.
If the same sentence contains more than one quantified DP, their relative scope may vary
(see Chap. 6).
This mapping may be affected by contrastive stress.
The need for such a rule is generally assumed in models of the syntax-semantics interface: see
Montague’s rule of “Quantifying in” or May’s (1985) “Quantifier Raising”. However, it is not
clear whether this rule obeys general constraints on syntactic movement, as claimed by May
(1985). Cf. Chap. 6.
1.1 Typology of DPs 7
Given that quantified DPs have a denotation of type <<e,t>,t> and that NP con-
stituents (N or N + Adj) denote a property (type <e,t>), determiners denote a func-
tion of type <<e,t>,<<e,t>,t>>. However, we can avoid dealing with relatively
complex functions of this type by resorting to the relational analysis of determiners
(according to which determiners denote relations between two sets of individuals,
one denoted by the noun and the other by the verb phrase), briefly presented at the
beginning of this section.
Barwise and Cooper (1981) have extended Montague’s analysis of quantifica-
tional DPs to all DPs: they use the formal theory of generalized quantifiers (a part of
8 1 Why Indefinites?
The structural parallelism between (13b) and (13c) is maintained in the formal-
izations (13″b–c), which use generalized quantifiers. In these formulae, the DP is
analyzed as a function that takes a property as its argument, whence the notation lP.
1.1 Typology of DPs 9
In (13″b–c), the DPs denote generalized quantifiers that are applied to the property
denoted by the predicate sleep.
If we assume that John can also denote a generalized quantifier, the analysis of
(13a) becomes parallel to that of (13b–c):
At the beginning of the 1980s, Kamp (1981) and Heim (1982) departed from the
logical tradition, according to which indefinite expressions are quantificational and
proposed instead that the quantificational force of indefinites is not intrinsic to these
expressions but rather is contributed by certain elements of their context, e.g.,
adverbs of quantification, analyzed as unselective quantifiers by Lewis (1975).
This analysis of indefinites was meant to solve the problems raised by the so-
called donkey sentences (see (14)), in which indefinites take universal readings and
therefore cannot be represented as existential quantifiers.10
(14) a. If Pedro owns a donkey, he beats it.
b. Every farmer who owns a donkey beats it.
(15) a. ∀x [(donkey(x) ∧ own(p,x)) → beat(p,x)]
b. ∀y∀x [(farmer(y) ∧ donkey(x) ∧ own(y,x)) → beat(y,x)]
In order to account for this type of example, one needs to choose between two
possible analyses of indefinites: (i) they are ambiguous, sometimes translating as
A detailed analysis of donkey sentences will be provided in Chap. 8.
10 1 Why Indefinites?
Table 1.1
Type of DP Referential Quantificational Indefinite
Type of denotation e <<e,t>,t> ??
existential quantifiers and sometimes as universal quantifiers; (ii) they are not
quantificational. Although their implementations differ, both Kamp and Heim chose
the latter option. According to Heim’s LF implementation, indefinites supply a free
variable and a condition on the domain of the variable.11
Thus, an indefinite DP such as a donkey is analyzed as supplying an individual
variable x and a condition on that variable, ‘donkey(x)’, its quantificational force
being contributed by some element of the context. Thus, the universal force that can
be observed in (14b) comes from the quantified DP every farmer, which binds both
a donkey and the anaphoric pronoun it, which is coindexed with a donkey. In other
contexts, the quantificational force of indefinites is supplied by adverbs of
quantification. In those if-clauses that lack overt adverbs of quantification, a GEN
operator (viewed as a covert adverb of quantification and paraphrasable by gener-
ally) is supplied by default (Farkas and Sugioka 1983). Indeed, (14a) can be roughly
paraphrased as (16):
Turning now to the existential readings of indefinites, they appear in those con-
texts in which the indefinite appears in a matrix clause (as in (17a)) or in the nuclear
scope of a tripartite quantification (but crucially not in the restriction) (see (17b)).
According to the analysis proposed by Kamp and Heim, indefinite DPs are not
quantificational expressions and may be viewed instead as referential terms. They
nevertheless differ from other referential terms such as proper names, which refer
rigidly: whereas proper names can be treated as constants, indefinites supply
Summarizing, three classes of DPs can be distinguished from the point of view
of their denotation: referential DPs, which are entity-denoting expressions (type e),
quantificational DPs (type <<e,t>,t>) and indefinite DPs. The semantic type of
indefinites is an open question (Table 1.1).
The types of denotation indicated here are primitive: in other words, referential
DPs are ‘born’ as type e expressions and quantificational DPs are born as generalized
In Kamp’s discourse representation structures, an indefinite DP contributes a discourse referent
and a condition on that discourse referent. Although technically different, free variables and dis-
course referents are comparable at the stage of evaluation.
1.2 The Representation of Indefinite DPs 11
In this section we will briefly present the various analyses of indefinites that can be
found in the literature. It should be observed right from the start that indefinite DPs
are ambiguous, allowing both ‘strong’ and ‘weak’ readings in the sense of Milsark
(1977), an issue to which Chaps. 4 and 5 are dedicated. Although most authors did
not mention it explicitly, it is the strong readings of indefinites that were covered by
the traditional analysis in terms of existential quantifiers, as well as by the more
recent analyses originating from Kamp (1981), Heim (1982, 1997a) and Winter
(1997) or Skolem terms (Steedman (2003, 2006)). These accounts cannot be
extended to cover weak indefinites, which came into focus when bare NPs (i.e.,
nominal constituents lacking a Determiner) started to be seriously investigated
(Diesing 1992; McNally 1995a; van Geenhoven 2006). Diesing’s analysis relying
on VP-level existential closure and Van Geenhoven’s analysis relying on property
denotation are the most influential accounts of weak indefinites, which we will be
led to discard in Chaps. 2, 3, 4 and 5. We will instead propose an account relying on
generalized quantifiers over amounts, presented in Sect. 1.2.6 below.
Predicate calculus makes use of two quantifiers: the existential quantifier notated $
and the universal quantifier ∀. The former is used to represent particular judgments
such as A man is ill (to be distinguished from singular judgments of the type Socrates
is mortal) and the latter is used to represent universal judgments such as Every man
is mortal.
It is currently assumed that in natural languages it is the determiners that express
quantity and therefore determiners are assumed to correspond to the logical quantifiers.
Thus the determiners every, each and all, which are used in universal judgments, are
represented as the universal quantifier, whereas the indefinite article translates as the
existential quantifier. The existential quantifier can be used to represent not only sin-
gular indefinites but also cardinal indefinites such as two men or three men:
The logical formula ‘$x P(x)’ can be paraphrased as ‘there is an x that verifies
the property P’. As shown in (18¢b), for the representation of cardinal indefinites,
we need to use predicate calculus with identity, which allows us to distinguish and
therefore to count the elements of the domain.
As explained in Sect. above, the generalized quantifier theory treats all DPs
as denoting generalized quantifiers, i.e., sets of sets of individuals (type <<e,t>, t>).
Within this framework, expressions of the type each N, every N and all N are repre-
sented as in (19a) and DPs headed by the indefinite article as in (19b):
Indefinite DPs are thus generalized quantifiers that differ from other generalized
quantifiers insofar as their representation contains an existential quantifier.
As explained in Sect. 1.1.3 above, according to DRT, singular indefinite DPs supply
free variables that range over individuals. A DP such as a student in (20a) is associ-
ated with the discourse representation structure (20b). The nominal element
(student in (20a)) functions as a predicate that restricts the range of the variable: in
(20b), the range of x is the set of students.
(20) a. a student
Student (x)
In intuitive terms, (20a) and (20b) say that a DP such as a student refers to any
individual having the property of being a student. In other words, a random indi-
vidual is extracted from the set of students.
According to Heim (1982), indefinite DPs contain no element corresponding
to the existential quantifier – in particular, the existential quantifier does not
correspond to the indefinite article and is therefore absent from the representa-
tions in (20) but is introduced by rules of “existential closure” (see (22) below
and Chap. 2).
It is possible to extend Heim’s (1982) analysis from singular indefinites to plural
indefinites, by allowing variables to range not only over atomic individuals but also
over plural individuals (Link 1983). The two types of variables are represented by
lower case and capital letters, respectively.
1.2 The Representation of Indefinite DPs 13
In later analyses inspired by DRT (Diesing 1992; Kratzer 1988, 1995), these two
rules were dispensed with and a different rule of existential closure was introduced,
which applies at the level of the VP. It is important to stress that (22)a–b on the one
hand and VP-level existential closure on the other hand were not designed for the
same type of indefinites: whereas (22)a-b were meant to respectively account for
specific indefinites and dependent indefinites, VP-level existential closure was pro-
posed for the analysis of existential bare plurals and more generally for weak indefinites
(see Chaps. 4 and 5 for the distinction between strong and weak indefinites).
Another type of analysis is due to Reinhart (1997a) and Winter (1997), who propose
that certain indefinites be represented as existentially quantified choice functions.12
In the following representations, f is a choice function and [[student]] is a notation
for the denotation of student, i.e., the set of atomic students. Similarly, two students
and sm students respectively denote the set of sums of two students and the set of
sums of students of unknown cardinality:
According to Reinhart, a subset of indefinite DPs does not behave like generalized quantifiers
and should be represented by means of choice functions. Winter, on the other hand, maintains that
all indefinites should be represented by choice functions.
14 1 Why Indefinites?
A choice function maps any non empty set onto an element of that set. It is
therefore a function of type <<e,t>,e>, which applies to the property denoted by
the nominal predicate (of type <e,t>) and yields an individual (of type e) that has
that property. So the choice function applied to the property student returns a
student in the case of (23a), a plural individual corresponding to a sum of two
students in the case of (23b) and a plural individual of undetermined cardinality
in the case of (23c).
In the context of this analysis, the contribution of the indefinite is to introduce a
variable over choice functions that gets bound by existential closure, which may
apply at various points of the representation. Sentence (24) may be represented as
in (24¢a), which can be glossed as in (24¢b).
One advantage of choice functions is that they can account for the scope ambi-
guities characteristic of indefinites without resorting to covert movement at the level
of Logical Form. Example (25) illustrates this point. (25¢a) represents the interpreta-
tion of (25) in which the indefinite outscopes the universal quantifier. (25¢b) accounts
for the interpretation in which the universal quantifier scopes over the indefinite.
(25¢c) and (25¢d) are the tripartite representations that correspond respectively to
(25¢a) and (25¢b).
In (25¢a) and (25¢b), the function f applies to sets of books. While remaining
in situ, the DP a book outscopes the universal quantifier of every woman in (25¢a)
due to the fact that the choice function variable, f, is bound by an existential quantifier
with wide scope. In (25¢b), on the other hand, the point of insertion of the existential
quantifier is lower.
We may compare this approach to the traditional approach in logic, where the
relative position of quantifiers (existential and universal) accounts for the difference
in interpretation: (26a–b) correspond respectively to the wide and narrow scope
interpretations of the indefinite:
The superiority of a choice function analysis becomes clear when the property
denoted by the head noun of the DP is empty.13 To illustrate this, take the case of a
conditional sentence with an indefinite in the antecedent clause:
Let us suppose that there are no philosophers in the world. Then the representa-
tion (27¢b) is true, since an implication is true when its antecedent is false:
philosopher(x) is always false, so the antecedent is false and therefore the proposi-
tion (27¢b) is true, counter to intuition.
In contrast, the choice function analysis makes it possible to account for the intu-
ition that in a world without philosophers, (27) is not true but, at best, undetermined.
For, according to Reinhart (1997a), a choice function is only defined if the set denoted
by the property that the choice is based on is not empty. As a result, (27¢a) is not true:
since there is no function f such that f chooses a philosopher, f(philosopher) is not
defined and thus the antecedent of the conditional is not either.
Let us now briefly compare the choice function approach with the DRT account,
where an indefinite DP introduces an individual variable that is bound by the exis-
tential quantifier. The specificity of the choice function analysis is that the descrip-
tive content of the indefinite DP is not displaced: in both (25¢a) and (25¢b), the
expression f(book) appears in the second argument position of the predicate read.
Compare the formulas in (28¢), corresponding to the DRT-type analysis, where the
predicative expression is raised to the same level as the existential quantifier:
Example (29) shows that this move of the DP from its surface position is neces-
sary. If we did not move the condition book(y) from its surface position, we would
obtain the representation (29¢b), which is not satisfactory:
(29) Each professor rewarded every student who read a book he had
(29¢) a. ∀x [prof(x) → $y (book(y) ∧ recom(x,y) ∧
(∀z (student(z) ∧ read(z,y)) → reward(x,z)))]
In the literature, this point is known as the empty restriction problem or the Donald Duck
16 1 Why Indefinites?
(29¢b) is not adequate, since it is verified in a world where the professors have
not rewarded any students, not even those who read recommended books. Indeed,
y can be instantiated with anything other than a book in order for (29¢b) to be
verified. In (29¢a) this problem is avoided because the predicative condition
book(y) has been moved out of the antecedent of the conditional.
In the case of (29), this movement is not problematic. But moving the descrip-
tive content of the DP may pose a problem in the case of plural indefinites. This
is illustrated in example (30), due to Ruys (1992):
Sentence (30) may receive an interpretation where the indefinite three relatives
of mine takes narrow scope with respect to if: I will inherit a house once any group
made up of three of my relatives passes away. But (30) can also mean that there is a
group of three of my relatives such that if all three die, then I will inherit a house.
This second interpretation, where the indefinite takes wide scope, is well captured
by (30¢a), which uses choice functions, but poses a problem for the DRT-type analy-
sis as (30¢b): (30¢b) is not able to dissociate wide scope and a distributive interpreta-
tion of the plural indefinite. The advantage of (30¢a) is that it can account for the
collective reading, even if the predicate die is a distributive predicate, ultimately
applying to individuals.
Building on Farkas (1997a, b, 2001) and Steedman (2003, 2006) proposed that
indefinites should not be represented as variables but rather as referential
expressions (type e) modeled as Skolem terms, which can be either (a) depen-
dent terms obtained by applying a Skolem function, e.g., ‘the mother of’ or
‘the daughter of’ to all the variables bound by a universal quantifier in whose
scope the indefinite occurs or (b) constant terms (whenever there are no univer-
sal quantifiers C-commanding the indefinite). Steedman’s proposal resembles
the choice function analysis insofar as it assumes that indefinites are analyzed
in situ.
1.2 The Representation of Indefinite DPs 17
Steedman insists that Skolem terms do not denote functions (a constant Skolem function is
merely part of their representation) but are referential terms (type e) that are assigned structured
According to Steedman (2006) the scope of indefinites is always assigned in situ and depends on
‘generalized Skolem term specification’, which is an “anytime” operation, in the sense that it can
apply at any point in a derivation: a Skolem term is specified as a constant if the specification
operation applies as soon as the DP constituent has been formed, i.e., before the DP combines with,
e.g., some quantified expression; it is specified as a dependent Skolem term if the specification
operation applies only after the indefinite DP combines with the main predicate and other argu-
ments of that predicate.
18 1 Why Indefinites?
Table 1.2
Indefinites analyzed as Notation References
Existential generalized lP $x (N(x) Ù P(x)) Montague (1974)
Free variables x Ù N(x) Kamp (1981) and Heim (1982)
Choice functions f(N) Reinhart (1997a) and Winter (1997)
Skolem terms Sk53 (x) Steedman (2006)
Property-denoting expressions N Van Geenhoven (1996), McNally (1998),
and Dobrovie-Sorin (1997a, b)
Several authors have proposed that the ‘weak’ readings (in the sense of Milsark
(1977)) of indefinites can also be analyzed as relying on property denotation
(see Ladusaw 1994; Dobrovie-Sorin 1997a, b; McNally and van Geenhoven 1998
and Chaps. 4 and 5, below). This would explain, among other things, their ability to
appear in existential there constructions (see McNally 1998).
In this book we will show that the property analysis of indefinites, which we had
ourselves adopted in Dobrovie-Sorin and Beyssade (2004), is confronted with several
problems. We will therefore put forward a new analysis for weak indefinites, which
crucially relies on the distinction between two types of entities: individualized enti-
ties and amounts, notated ei and ea, respectively. The core proposal to be developed
in the various chapters of the book will be that weak indefinites are existential gen-
eralized quantifiers over amounts, i.e., expressions of type <<ea,t>,t>.
1.2.7 Conclusion
The following table summarizes the analyses of indefinites that can be found in the
literature (Table 1.2).
In the various chapters of this book we will present arguments based on lexical,
syntactic and contextual criteria, which allow us to choose among the possible
representations of indefinites.
Assuming the need to distinguish between referential DPs, quantified DPs and
indefinite DPs, we must specify the criteria that enable us to place a random DP
into one of these three classes. Referential DPs can be easily spotted, even if their
1.3 Semantic Properties of Nominal Determiners 19
determiners are not all of the same form. Here we will assume the usual list: proper
names, definite and demonstrative DPs (i.e., DPs with definite or demonstrative
articles), possessive DPs (i.e., DPs with possessive adjectives).
Referential DPs
a. proper names: Mary, John, Smith
b. definite DPs: the book, the girl
c. demonstrative DPs: this book, that girl
d. possessive DPs: my book, my girl
1.3.1 Conservativity
A determiner Det is said to be conservative if and only if (a) and (b) have the same
truth conditions:
(a) Det A B
(b) Det A (A ∩ B)
This means that in order to determine whether Det A B is true, one need only
look at set A and the intersection of A and B, i.e., (A ∩ B); those elements that are
neither A nor B, as well as those that are B but not A, are irrelevant.
To see whether the proposition all cats are grey is true, one does not need to
identify non-grey non-cats (e.g., white mice) or grey non-cats (e.g., grey mice).
As shown by Keenan and Stavi (1986), the majority of natural language deter-
miners are conservative. There are however certain elements that might be analyzed
as determiners (due to their prenominal position) but that are not conservative (cf.
Gamut 1991, vol II, p. 246):
It seems clear that (33a) and (33b) are not true in the same worlds. To evaluate
(33a), it is not sufficient to look at the set of men and the set of men who smoke, we
must also consider the set of non-men smokers. The non-conservativity of only-DPs
is not problematic for Keenan and Stavi’s generalization, since there are reasons to
believe that only is not a determiner: it never combines with a common noun but
only with a maximal nominal projection (a proper name, a common noun preceded
by a determiner or a bare plural).
Clearly (35a) and (35b) do not have the same truth conditions: (35a) is evaluated
with respect to the number of Nobel prizes and (35b) is evaluated with respect to the
number of Scandinavians.
If many is assumed to be a determiner, then it must be admitted that conservativ-
ity does not characterize all natural language determiners but only the extensional
ones (cf. Keenan and Stavi 1986).16 Extensional determiners are those that do not
vary according to context.17 This is not the case with the relative use of many.
An alternative solution is to say that many takes a third argument, one that corresponds to the
norm. This argument must be contextually instantiated. Once the norm is determined, many
becomes conservative.
Formally, a determiner Det is said to be extensional if and only if for all A, B, E and E¢ such that
E¢ Ê E and Det A B is true in E, then Det A B is also true in E¢.
1.3 Semantic Properties of Nominal Determiners 21
1.3.2 Intersectivity
A determiner Det is said to be intersective if and only if (a) and (b) have the same
truth conditions:
(a) Det A B
(b) Det (A ∩ B) B
In other words, to verify a proposition of type (a), we must check whether Det
individuals that are A and B are B. To determine the truth value of the sentence,
one need only consider individuals that verify both A and B. One need not know
the set A in its entirety: specifically, there is no point in considering those A’s that
are not B.
Certain determiners, such as cardinals, are intersective:
1.3.3 Symmetry
A determiner Det is said to be symmetric if and only if (a) and (b) have the same
truth conditions:
(a) Det A B
(b) Det B A
It can be demonstrated (cf. Szabolcsi 1997: 21) that, for conservative determin-
ers, symmetry goes hand in hand with intersectivity: if a determiner is conservative
and intersective, then it is also symmetrical (if Det A B, Det A (A∩B) and Det
(A∩B) B have the same truth conditions, then Det B A does so too) and vice versa,
if a determiner is conservative and symmetric, then it is also intersective (if Det A
B, Det A (A∩B) and Det B A have the same truth conditions, then Det (A∩B) B
does so too).
This generalization can be illustrated by considering again example (36a): two,
which is intersective, is also symmetric. (36a) and (36c) have the same truth
22 1 Why Indefinites?
Imagine that there are six students and that only two arrived late. Two out of six
is not much. In this model, (37a) is false. And yet (37b) is true.
Proportional determiners are not symmetric either: (37a) may be true while (37c)
is false. This would be the case if, out of six students, five arrived late in addition to
20 other people who are not students.
Here, we are not taking presuppositions into account.
This point is still under debate. Thus, Keenan (1996) notes that, unlike other proportional deter-
miners, every is not necessarily defined as a relation between the cardinality of (AÇB) and the
cardinality of A. Knowing the cardinality of A is not necessary to verify that Every A is B, since it
is enough to check whether the set of A’s that do not verify B is empty.
1.3 Semantic Properties of Nominal Determiners 23
1.3.5 Monotonicity
Det is monotone increasing with respect to A if, for all A¢ greater than A (e.g.,
A = linguist and A¢ = researcher), Det A¢ B is true if that Det A B is true:
Det is monotone increasing with respect to B if, for all B¢ greater than B (e.g.,
B = French and B¢ = European), Det A B¢ is true if that Det A B is true:
Det is monotone decreasing with respect to A if, for all A¢ smaller than A (e.g.,
A = researcher and A¢ = linguist), Det A¢ B is true if that Det A B is true:
(41a) does not entail (41b), therefore many is not monotone decreasing with
respect to A. Likewise, few is not monotone decreasing with respect to A: (42a)
does not entail (42b); there may be few French researchers but many French lin-
guists, relative to linguists in general.
24 1 Why Indefinites?
Det is monotone decreasing with respect to B if, for all B¢ smaller than B (e.g.,
B = European and B¢ = French), Det A B¢ is true if that Det A B is true:
Ever since the work of Frege, Russell and Strawson on the meaning and denotation
of linguistic expressions, it is common to distinguish between assertion and presup-
position: that which is asserted is subject to debate, while that which is presupposed
is part of the background information and as such is not included in that which can
be questioned. This distinction has an effect upon the denotation of a sentence.
1.4 The Interpretation of Indefinites 25
Based on the examples in (46) and (46¢), Reinhart (1995) points out that speakers
do not hesitate to say that (46¢a) and (46¢c) express false judgments and that (46¢b)
is true. On the other hand, she claims that judgments waver for examples (46a–c).
The examples in (46¢) are there-sentences, which do not presuppose but rather
assert the existence (or non existence) of one or more individuals, one or more
American kings. Thus they are either true (see (46¢b)) or false (see (46¢a) and
The examples in (46), on the other hand, are subject-predicate configurations in
which indefinites occupy the preverbal subject position. In this position, indefinites
can have two different interpretations: the first one is identical to the interpretation
found in (46¢); the second interpretation is partitive: “one of the American kings”,
26 1 Why Indefinites?
etc. In the first case (assertion of existence), the judgments of acceptability for
(46a–c) are identical to those for (46¢a–c). But in the second case, the indefinites of
(46a–c) presuppose that the set of American kings is not empty and since the pre-
supposition contradicts their knowledge of the world, speakers cannot assign truth
values to (46a–c). The observed fluctuation in judgments is probably due to the fact
that speakers do not analyze these sentences in the same way. Some speakers ana-
lyze them as existential sentences and thus judge them to be true or false, the same
as they do for the examples in (46¢). Others analyze them as presuppositional.
(48) Two girls were blond, all the others had dark hair.
Truly quantificational DPs (such as DPs with each in English and chaque in French)
are necessarily distributive, whereas definite and indefinite DPs are ambiguous
between a collective and a distributive reading.
1.4 The Interpretation of Indefinites 27
These sentences can mean that the children sang together, or that they sang
Theoreticians fail to agree on how to represent the distributive reading: should a
distributive operator be introduced in Logical Form, or is the difference between the
two readings not a true ambiguity but rather a matter of underdetermination, all
pluralities being open to different partitionings (cf. the “covers” used by Gillon
1996; Schwarzschild 1992)? A set made up of three individuals {a,b,c} could be
partitioned in several different ways: (i) as a group (a collective individual) made up
of three atomic individuals; (ii) as a set made up of three distinct individuals; (iii) as
a set made up of two groups, with three possibilities: {(a,b),c}, {(a,c),b}, {(b,c),a}.
Which of these structures is chosen can remain undetermined: besides the collective
and strictly distributive readings of (50a–b), corresponding to (i) and (ii), these
examples can be used to describe others situations or events, corresponding to the
possibilities enumerated in (iii), e.g., two children sang together and one sang indi-
vidually. That being said, there are syntactic contexts (syntactic position or lexical
properties of the predicate) that can impose one or another of the structures
(“covers”) that are compatible with a plural DP. For example, a predicate that can
only apply to atomic individuals forces a strictly distributive reading:
Since Fodor and Sag (1982), we know that the scopal properties of indefinite DPs
differ from those of quantificational DPs. The latter cannot scope out of the minimal
clause to which it belongs, whereas certain indefinites can do so:
(52) Two professors did not know whether every student had read an eighteenth
century writer.
In this example, the speaker may have in mind a particular eighteenth century
writer. In terms of scope, an eighteenth century writer can be said to have wider
scope than two professors, even though the latter is not contained in its minimal
For Fodor and Sag, the wide scope interpretation of indefinites is to be explained
as being due to a referential reading, comparable to that of demonstratives; the nar-
row scope interpretation would be due to a “quantificational” reading.
28 1 Why Indefinites?
Fodor and Sag’s analysis cannot account for the so-called ‘intermediate
readings’ observed by Farkas (1981) and rediscovered by Abusch (1994). Thus, a
sentence such as (53) allows not only the interpretation paraphrased in (54a), which
is the only one predicted by Fodor and Sag, but also the ‘intermediate’ reading para-
phrased in (54b), according to which the indefinite scopes out of the embedded
sentence in which it occurs, but it does not take scope over the quantified DP that
occurs in the main sentence:
Moreover, certain indefinites, in particular bare mass nouns and bare plurals,
take “extra-narrow” scope (see Carlson‘s 1977a observations for English, which
extend to Romance languages such as Spanish, Italian and Romanian), which is
never found with canonical quantifiers. Yet another scope problem concerns
modified cardinals, which, unlike quantificational phrases (cf. (55a) vs (55b)), can-
not take scope over the QP in subject position (Liu 1990; Beghelli and Stowell
1997) when they occur in object positions:
These readings have been relatively well described in the literature. One of our
goals is to correlate these interpretive differences with the different denotation types
of indefinites.
1.5 Conclusion 29
1.5 Conclusion
The aim of this book is to circumscribe the class of indefinite DPs and to propose a
unified analysis that may cover the diversity of their context-driven interpretations.
Each of the chapters is devoted to a particular empirical domain (bare NPs, existen-
tial sentences, ambiguities, scope, dependency relations, genericity) and presents
empirical arguments that may help us choose among the various analyses of
indefinites to be found in the literature, which we have reviewed above in Sect. 1.2.
We will also outline the theoretical challenges associated with treating indefinites as
referential, quantificational or property denoting. The latter hypothesis will be care-
fully examined, as it has played an important role in the recent literature starting
with McNally (1995a) and van Geenhoven (1996). Although we had ourselves
adopted the property analysis of indefinites in Dobrovie-Sorin and Beyssade (2004),
the empirical and theoretical limits of this account have led us to abandon it in this
book. We put forward a new hypothesis, based on distinguishing two types of enti-
ties: individualized entities and amounts, respectively notated ei and ea. Given this
distinction, we treat weak indefinites as existential generalized quantifiers over
amounts (type <<ea,t>,t>). Strong indefinites will be analyzed as either Skolem
terms (Steedman (2003, 2006)) or as quantificational. The choice among these pos-
sible analyses of indefinites will be shown to depend on the lexical content of verbal
and nominal predicates, the syntactic context and information structure (topicalization,
Chapter 2
Bare Noun Phrases
Bare Noun Phrases (bare NPs henceforth) are nominal constituents that are not
preceded by an overt determiner. The analysis of bare NPs is challenging insofar as
we need to (i) account for the crosslinguistic variation regarding the use of bare
NPs, (ii) propose different analyses for bare plurals and count bare singulars, as they
exhibit very different distributions in some languages and (iii) account for the
similarities and differences between argumental bare NPs (i.e., bare NPs that occupy
argument positions) and predicative bare NPs (i.e., bare NPs occurring as predicates
of copular sentences). Moreover, we need to account for the differences and similari-
ties between bare NPs and indefinites headed by overt Determiners, in particular
the French du/de la/des indefinites.
Given the standard view, according to which it is the determiner that is responsible
for referential or quantificational uses of nominal expressions, bare NPs should be
assumed to denote properties or, in extensional terms, sets. Qua property-denoting
expressions, bare NPs are expected to appear in predicate positions and ruled out
from argument positions. We will show, however, that there is no clear correlation
between absence vs presence of article and predicate vs argument positions, which
means that the possibility for some bare NPs to appear in predicate positions should
not be taken as evidence in favor of the property analysis of bare NPs occupying
argument positions.
All Romance languages, including French, allow bare NPs to occur in predicate
positions. Note however that bare NPs are allowed in predicate positions only with
nouns describing professions, roles, etc. (see Sect. 2.7 below):
(1) a. Jean est médecin.
Jean is doctor
‘Jean is a doctor.’
b. Jean et Marie sont médecins.
Jean and Marie are doctors
‘Jean and Marie are doctors.’
In examples such as (1a–b), the bare NPs can safely be assumed to denote
In all Romance languages other than French (Spanish, Catalan, Romanian,
Italian, as well as continental and Brazilian Portuguese), bare plurals and bare mass
nouns can also appear in most of the argument positions:
(2) a. Juan invitó estudiantes. Spanish
Juan invited students.
b. Ion a băut lapte. Romanian
Ion has drunk milk
‘Ion drank milk.’
In the same contexts, French disallows bare NPs (see (3a–b)) and uses indefinites
headed by de la/du/des instead (see (3a¢–b¢)):
(3) a. *Jean a invité étudiants.
Jean has invited students
a¢. Jean a invité des étudiants.
Jean has invited des students
‘Jean invited students.’
b. *Dans la rue jouaient étudiants.
in the street play.impf students
‘In the street were playing students.’
b¢. Dans la rue jouaient des étudiants.
in the street play.impf des students
‘Students were playing in the street.’
Turning now to bare count singulars (BSs henceforth),1 Romance languages (other
than French) differ among each other regarding their use in argument positions:
The label ‘bare singulars’ used in some of the current literature (Schmitt and Munn 1999; Munn
and Schmitt 2005; Farkas and de Swart 2003) and taken up here is somewhat misleading because:
(i) there is no singular marking on bare count nouns and therefore they can be viewed as
2.1 Bare Noun Phrases across Languages 33
‘non plural’ rather than as ‘singular’; (ii) they are not semantically singular but rather number-
neutral. Nevertheless we have decided to adopt this label, in order to bring out the contrast between
BPs and these other unmarked count nouns. What we call ‘bare singular’ is called ‘count bare
noun’ by some authors (Müller 2002; Dobrovie-Sorin 2010; Espinal and McNally 2011.
34 2 Bare Noun Phrases
other. French disallows any kind of argumental bare NPs (including BPs and
BMNs) but allows bare NPs in predicate positions (more or less in the same contexts
as all the other Romance languages), whereas English allows argumental BPs and
BMNs but disallows BSs in all positions, including predicate positions.
The contrast between BSs on the one hand and BPs and BMNs on the other can
be restated as a generalization regarding indefinite articles. If we distinguish
indefinite articles (e.g., un and des in French, a in English, un(a) in Spanish, etc.)
from other indefinite determiners such as quelque(s), plusieurs in French or some,
certain, several in English, we can say that English, along with Romance languages
other than French, has indefinite articles for count singular nouns but lacks them for
plurals or mass nouns.
The brief presentation sketched above is sufficient for the reader to become aware
of the many questions that arise regarding the analysis of bare NPs: (a) What is the
syntactic analysis of bare NPs? Are they full DPs headed by covert Det’s or are they
truly bare? (b) Is the syntactic analysis of bare NPs different depending on whether
they appear in predicate or in argument positions? (c) Why is it that BPs and bare mass
nouns have a larger distribution than count BSs? Is the syntactic analysis of BPs and
bare mass nouns different from the syntactic analysis of BSs? (d) What is the semantic
analysis of bare NPs? Are they names of kinds (Carlson 1977a, c; Chierchia 1998),
property-denoting expressions (McNally 1995a, b, 1998; van Geenhoven 1996;
Dobrovie-Sorin 1995, 1997a, b; Dobrovie-Sorin and Laca 1996, 1999; Laca 1996;
Dobrovie-Sorin and Beyssade 2004) or do they introduce free variables that get bound
by existential closure, like indefinites (Diesing 1992; Kratzer 1988, 1995)?
In this section we show that in Romanian, Spanish and Catalan, the distribution of
BSs is much more restricted than the distribution of BPs and bare mass nouns,
which indicates that BSs and BPs must be given different analyses (Dobrovie-Sorin
et al. 2005, 2006; Espinal and McNally 2011). The generalizations that hold in this
group of Romance languages will be illustrated with Romanian, which is less studied
than the other Romance languages and therefore, Romanian data are more informative
for the reader.
2.1 Bare Noun Phrases across Languages 35
The distribution of bare NPs is more restricted than that of full DPs (nominals
with an overt determiner). Thus, bare NPs cannot appear in the preverbal subject
position2 nor as the object of experiencer-subject psych-verbs such as love, hate,
detest, respect, etc.
(7) a. ??Noroi curgea pe stradă.
mud flow.impf on street
‘Mud was flowing in the street.’
b. *Ion respectă profesori.
Ion respects professors
However, if we leave aside these contexts, bare plurals and bare mass nouns
can freely appear as direct objects of most verbs, as well as in the post-verbal
subject position3:
(8) a. Am desenat copaci.
have.1sg drawn trees
‘I drew trees.’
b. Ion mănîncă numai brânză.
Ion eats only cheese
‘Ion eats only cheese.’
(9) a. Aici se spală rufe
here se wash clothes
‘One does the laundry here.’
b. Pe stradă curgea noroi.
on street flow.impf mud
‘Mud was flowing in the street.’
Count bare singulars clearly differ from BPs and bare mass nouns insofar as
their distribution is much more restricted. Thus, BSs are generally ruled out in the
contexts illustrated above:
(10) *Am desenat copac.
have.1sg drawn tree
The example in (10) becomes grammatical if we add the singular indefinite article:
(11) Am desenat un copac.
have.1sg drawn a tree
Nevertheless, bare singulars can appear quite productively in the object position
of a reduced number of verbs, e.g., have and acquisition verbs, some intensional
verbs such as look for, some other verbs such as wear or use, some light verbs, and
also in some idiomatic expressions.
BMNs and BPs can appear in the preverbal subject position provided that they are modified (by an
adjective, PP or relative clause), coordinated or contrastively stressed (Longobardi 1994 among others).
We will leave aside the use of bare NPs after prepositions.
36 2 Bare Noun Phrases
b. Bare plural
Num° NP
Pl copii
c. Full DP
Det NumP
a Num° NP
Sg child.SG
2.1 Bare Noun Phrases across Languages 37
Unlike full-fledged DPs, which are headed by a Det(erminer), the two types of
bare nominals are similar in that they both lack the functional category Det but
nonetheless different: bare plurals are NumPs, projections of the functional category
of Number, whereas bare (count) singulars are purely lexical projections of
the noun, NPs. An NP that lacks Number has in its extension both atomic entities
and sums thereof; a NumP constituent headed by Number has only atomic enti-
ties or only sums in its extension, depending on whether Number is valued as
singular or as plural.4 The role of Det is to ensure reference to entities or generalized
Problems arise, however, as soon as we take into account the distribution of bare
NPs in predicate positions (see Sect. 2.8 below). It will turn out that we cannot treat
bare NPs in argument positions on a par with bare NPs in predicate positions and we
will therefore be led to distinguish between the two by assuming that bare NPs in
predicate positions are genuine bare NPs, whereas bare NPs in argument positions
are full DPs headed by a null Det.5 This hypothesis is welcome insofar as it is in line
with a widely assumed correlation: argument positions are occupied by full DPs,
which are entity-denoting constituents or generalized quantifiers; predicate positions
are occupied by bare NPs, which denote properties.
The hypothesis that bare NPs in argument positions are full DPs rather than mere
NPs is supported by a language such as French, which allows bare NPs in predicate
positions but not in argument positions, where des-phrases are used instead:
(14) a. Jean est professeur.
Jean is professor
‘Jean is a professor.’
b. Jean et Marie sont professeurs.
Jean and Marie are professors
‘Jean and Marie are professors.’
(15) a. Jean a une voiture/*voiture.
Jean has a car/*car
‘Jean has a car.’
b. Jean lisait des romans/*romans.
Jean read.impf des novels/*novels
‘Jean was reading novels.’
The French data can be captured by assuming that (i) argument positions must
host full DPs (universal constraint) and (ii) French does not have null Det’s. No
Note that this characterization of Number is compatible with the view that Number is not a func-
tional category but rather a feature that attaches to another (functional or lexical) category
(Bouchard 1998; Dobrovie-Sorin (to appear b)). Note also that Det does not necessarily subcatego-
rize for Number (see Munn and Schmitt (1999) on BSs in Brazilian Portuguese).
Alternatively, one may assume a type-shifting operation for bare NPs in argument positions. Note
however that such a type-shifting operation cannot be assumed to be general across languages.
38 2 Bare Noun Phrases
2.2.1 Opacity
Carlson (1977a, c) noticed that in propositional attitude contexts, English BPs can
only take opaque readings, whereas singular indefinites are ambiguous, also allow-
ing transparent readings:
(16) a. Minnie wishes to meet a young psychiatrist.
b. Minnie wishes to meet young psychiatrists.
The opaque reading is possible for both examples but (16b) cannot be interpreted
as meaning ‘there is one or more young psychiatrists that Minnie wishes to meet’.
This interpretation is possible if we use an indefinite headed by some instead of the
(17) Minnie wishes to meet some young psychiatrists.
The same observations hold for the Romanian counterparts of these examples,
given in (18)–(19):
(18) a. Minnie vrea să consulte un tânăr psihiatru.
Minnie wants subj consult a young psychiatrist
‘Minnie wants to consult a young psychiatrist.’
b. Minnie vrea să consulte tineri psihiatri.
Minnie wants subj consult young psychiatrists
‘Minnie wants to consult young psychiatrists.’
(19) Minnie vrea să consulte nişte/câţiva tineri psihiatri.
Minnie wants subj consult some/a few young psychiatrists
‘Minnie wants to consult some/a few young psychiatrists.’
2.2 Bare Plurals Are not the Plural Counterparts of Singular Indefinites 39
2.2.2 Scope
Singular indefinites and BPs also differ regarding their scope interpretations:
(20) a. Everyone read a book on caterpillars.
b. Everyone read books on caterpillars.
(20b) only allows a reading on which books takes narrow scope with respect to
everyone whereas (20a), with a singular indefinite, is scopally ambiguous.
Again, the same observation can be made for corresponding examples in
Romance languages, e.g., Romanian:
(21) a. Toată lumea a citit o carte despre omizi.
everyone has read a book about caterpillars
‘Everyone read a book on caterpillars.’
b. Toată lumea a citit cărţi despre omizi.
everyone has read books about caterpillars
‘Everyone read books on caterpillars.’
BPs also take obligatory narrow scope with respect to negation, an issue that is
particularly important for BSs and as such will be discussed in Sect. 2.3.3 below.
2.2.3 Aspect
Dowty (1979) and Carlson (1977a, c) have noticed some other interesting properties
of bare nouns, concerning their aspectual effects on verbs. Unlike indefinites headed
by overt determiners, BPs cannot supply the boundedness that is required by telic-
ity. Therefore, those predicates that qualify as achievements or accomplishments
when their object is headed by an indefinite determiner6 yield activities when fol-
lowed by a BNP object. Examples (22a–b), from English and Spanish, thus show
that the alternation between culminative adverbs indicating duration (in X time) and
Note that French and Italian indefinite plurals headed by des and dei, respectively, are exceptional
in this respect, i.e., they resemble BPs insofar as they can induce atelicity effects. Cf. Dobrovie-
Sorin and Laca (2003):
(i) Jean a écrit des articles pendant trois ans/*en trois ans.
Jean has written des articles during three years/ *in three years.
‘Jean wrote articles during three years/*in three years.’
40 2 Bare Noun Phrases
non-culminative adverbs (for X time) correlates with the alternation between plural
indefinites and BPs in object position.
(22) a. Max discovered two rabbits in his yard in two hours/?? for two hours.
a¢. Escribió dos artículos en tres meses/*durante tres meses.
wrote.3sg two articles in three months/*during three months
‘He wrote two articles in three months/*for three months’
b. Max discovered rabbits in his yard ??in two hours/for two hours.
b¢. Escribió artículos *en tres meses/durante tres meses.
wrote.3sg articles in three months/during three months
‘He wrote articles *in three months / for three months.’
Similarly, the use of BPs entails a durative interpretation of inherently
non-durative predicates such as kill or discover. Hence the possibility of embedding
these kinds of predicates under the aspectual verb continue:
(23) a. ?? Harvey continued to kill a rabbit. English
a¢. * El zorro siguió matando unas gallinas. Spanish
the fox continued killing some hens
‘The fox continued to kill some hens’.
b. Harvey continued to kill rabbits. English
b¢. El zorro siguió matando gallinas. Spanish
the fox continued killing hens
‘The fox continued to kill hens.’
The same remarks apply to postverbal subjects in Romance languages, in par-
ticular when they appear with intransitive verbs denoting a change of state:
(24) Seguían llegando invitados/*unos invitados. Spanish
continued arriving guests/ some guests
‘There continued to arrive guests /*some guests.’
BPs cannot function as antecedents of pronouns such as alţii ‘others’ or ceilalţi ‘the
others’. The unacceptability judgments illustrated in (25b) and (26b) can be attrib-
uted to the non-individualizable type of reference that characterizes BPs. The
Romanian examples in (25a) and (26a) show that plural indefinites headed by overt
determiners behave on a par with singular indefinites insofar as they are legitimate
as antecedents of alternative pronouns.
2.3 Count Bare Singulars Are not the Singular Counterparts of Bare Plurals 41
Recent work has shown that count bare singulars7 are allowed to occur in argument
positions not only in languages without articles (e.g., Russian or Hindi) but also in
languages with articles (e.g., Albanian, Norwegian, Hungarian and Romance lan-
guages). We will leave aside Brazilian Portuguese, a language in which BSs have a
distribution that is comparable to the distribution of BPs in the other Romance lan-
guages (see Sect. 2.1.1 above). The presentation below will concentrate on Romanian
but the core generalizations also hold for Spanish and Catalan, as described in
Bosque (1996), Laca (1999), Dobrovie-Sorin et al. (2005, 2006), Espinal and
Count bare singulars, which are not allowed in English (see Sect. 2.3.2 below), were neglected in
the post-carlsonian literature (with the notable exception of Kallulli’s (1999) analysis of Albanian)
and came to the foreground only recently, since 2003, due to work on Hungarian (Farkas and de
Swart 2003), Hindi (Dayal 2003, 2004), Norwegian (Borthen 2003) and Romance languages
(Dobrovie-Sorin et al. 2005, 2006).
42 2 Bare Noun Phrases
McNally (2011). All these authors agree that the distribution of count bare singulars
is much more constrained than that of bare plurals. Italian BSs, which will not be
examined here, show an even more restricted distribution than the BSs of Romanian,
Spanish and Catalan.
2.3.1 Distribution
With most classes of verbs, count bare singulars are disallowed in object positions,
in clear contrast with bare plurals:
(28) a. Am văzut două/nişte/câteva păsări
have.1sg seen two some several birds
‘I saw two/some/several birds’
b. Am văzut *(o) pasăre
have.1sg seen a bird
‘I saw a bird’
Certain predicates do, however, allow BSs in their object positions. Such predi-
cates can be grouped into three lexical classes: (i) a avea ‘to have’ and acquisition
verbs; (ii) verbs such as a purta or a folosi ‘to wear, to use’, which can be viewed as
implying the verb ‘have’ itself; (iii) intensional verbs such as a căuta ‘look for’,
which can also be viewed as implying some kind of prospective possession:
(i) a avea ‘to have’ and acquisition verbs
(29) a. Ion are casă/ maşină/ copil /carte de credit/ paşaport/ bucătăreasă.
Ion has house car child card of credit passport cook
‘Ion has a house/car/child/credit card/passport/cook’
b. Casa asta are lift/ scară de serviciu/grădină.
house-the this has lift staircase of service garden
‘This house has a lift/staircase/garden.’
c. Ne-au pus în sfârşit lift.
us.dat-have put finally lift
‘At last they put in a lift.’
d. Ion şi-a cumpărat casă.
Ion se.dat-has bought house
‘Ion bought a house (for himself).’
2.3 Count Bare Singulars Are not the Singular Counterparts of Bare Plurals 43
(ii) a purta ‘to wear’, a folosi ‘to use’, a conduce ‘to drive’
(30) a. Maria poartă pantalon/ pălărie/ uniformă/ poşetă/ cravată/
Maria wears pant hat uniform purse tie
cămaşă/ rochie scurtă.
shirt dress short
‘Maria wears pants/hats/a uniform/a purse/ties/shirts/short dresses’
b. Ion foloseşte stilou/creion.
Ion uses pen pencil
‘Ion uses a pen/pencil’
c. Ion conduce camion.
Ion drives truck
‘Ion drives a truck’
(iii) prospective possession: a căuta’to seek’, a găsi ‘to find’, a vrea ‘to want’, a
dori ‘to wish’
(31) a. Ion caută secretară/nevastă/femeie/profesor/bucătar.
Ion seeks secretary wife woman professor/cook
‘Ion is looking for a secretary/wife/woman/teacher/cook’
b. Ion doreşte nevastă tânără.
Ion wishes wife young
‘John wants a young wife.’
The examples in (32a–b) show that the choice of the noun itself is constrained.
What seems to matter is that the verb together with the BS refers to a conventional-
ized type of possession:
(32) a. Ion are / a cumpărat (un) apartament/(o) casă /(o) maşină /
Ion has has bought an apartment a house a car
(un) calculator.
a computer
‘Ion has/bought an apartment/a house/a car/a computer’
b. *Ion a cumpărat castel/bloc /fabrică.
Ion has bought castle block factory
As the examples under (i)–(iii) show, the verbs that allow BSs describe actual or
prospective possession. However, no clear explanation can be found in the current
literature for the correlation between possession and the possibility of BSs in object
In the impersonal passive SE constructions illustrated in (33), the postver-
bal BSs occupy the object position of exactly the same verbs as those listed in
44 2 Bare Noun Phrases
(i)–(iii) above but they qualify as subjects insofar as they agree with the main
(33) a. Ni s- a pus în sfârşit lift.
us.dat se-has put finally lift
‘At last they put in a lift (for us).’
b. Anul ăsta s-a cumpărat cuptor, anul viitor se va
year-the this se-has bought oven year-the next se will
cumpăra masină de spălat
buy machine of washing
‘An oven was bought this year, a washing machine will be bought
next year.’
c. De anul trecut se poartă pantalon/pălărie/uniformă/cravată
since year-the last se wears pant hat uniform tie
cămaşă rochie scurtă.
shirt dress short
‘Since last year it is fashionable to wear pants/hats/a uniform/a tie /shirts/
short dresses.’
d. Se caută secretară/ profesor de matematică/ bucătar.
se seeks secretary professor of mathematics cook
‘A secretary/mathematics professor/cook is needed.’
The only other predicate that allows postverbal subject BSs is the verb a fi ‘to be’.
Note that the examples below are paraphrasable by sentences with a avea ‘to have’:
(34) a. La facultate e secretară.
at faculty is secretary
‘The faculty has a secretary.’
b. În bloc nu e portar.
in building not is doorman
‘The building has no doorman.’
There are two other contexts in which bare singulars are allowed, namely with
light verbs and with idioms:
(35) a. a lua loc /parte/ fiinţă/ notă de
to take place part being note of
‘to take place/ to take part/ to come into being/ to take note of’
b. a da loc /exemplu /dovadă
to give place example proof
‘to give rise to/to give an example/to show’
c. a ţine loc de
to keep place of
‘to be a substitute for’
2.3 Count Bare Singulars Are not the Singular Counterparts of Bare Plurals 45
Idiomatic structures are characterized by the repetition of the same BS, occurring
as a subject and as the argument of a preposition:
(36) a. Cui pe cui se scoate.
nail pe nail se pulls-out
‘One nail drives out another’
b. Ban la ban trage.
money to money draws
‘Money attracts money’
c. Deal cu deal se întâlneşte, dar om cu om?
hill with hill se meets but man with man
‘Even hills meet, let alone men’
We may wonder whether the BSs in the latter two contexts should be analyzed in
the same way as those appearing in the previous contexts. A differentiating analysis
is suggested by the fact that in certain languages, e.g., French, bare singulars (as well
as bare plurals) are allowed with certain light verbs and in certain idiomatic expres-
sions but consistently banned with the verbs listed in (i)–(iii), including avoir ‘have’.
Summarizing, BSs can only be internal arguments, not external ones, and are
allowed only with a limited number of verbs. BPs have a larger distribution, which
suggests that the two types of bare NPs should not be analyzed in the same way.
An important argument in favor of treating bare singulars separately from bare plu-
rals is related to crosslinguistic variation: English is like Romance languages (other
than French) in allowing existential bare plurals but differs from them insofar as it
does not allow bare singulars, except in some idioms, as illustrated with (37).8 We
will not address here the use of BSs in idioms9:
(37) a. call (the) roll
b. take heart
c. suck face
There is a use of count bare singulars where they are interpreted as masses, in which case they are
allowed freely, as are other mass nouns (John was eating apple/meat/goulash).
It should also be noted that English allows bare singulars to appear productively inside N-V
compounds (or synthetic compounds of the form N-V + er).
(i) a. window washing, truck driving, deer hunting, pie baking
b. truck driver, deer hunter, pie baker
46 2 Bare Noun Phrases
Most of the examples given in (29)–(31) can only be translated in English with
an indefinite singular DP10:
(38) a. *John has house/car/child/credit card/passport/cook.
a¢. John has a house.
b. *John bought house.
b¢. John bought a house.
(39) a. *Mary wears hat/uniform/handbag/tie/shirt/dress.
a¢. Mary wears a hat.
b. *John put on tie yesterday.
b¢. John put on a tie yesterday.
(40) a. *John is looking for secretary wife/woman/teacher/cook.
a¢. John is looking for a secretary.
b. *John wants young wife.
b¢. John wants a young wife.
The crosslinguistic variation regarding the (im)possibility of bare singulars in
object positions can be correlated with the variation regarding their (im)possibility
in predicate positions (Munn and Schmitt 2005).11
(41) a. *John is professor/student. English
b. Ion e profesor/student. Romanian
On the basis of these observations, Dobrovie-Sorin et al. (2005, 2006) suggest
the following generalization:
(42) If a language allows bare singulars in argument (more precisely in object)
position, then it also allows bare singulars in predicate position (Spanish and
Romanian vs. English).
In this case, bare singulars allow for modification by adjectives, similar to the Romance bare sin-
gulars in object position (e.g., Spanish (ii) or English (iii)):
(ii) Necesita cocinero mexicano
needs cook Mexican
‘(S)he needs a Mexican cook.’
(iii) a. I went big-game-hunting.
b. I’m going hot-babe-watching.
See Munn and Schmitt (2005) for further data and discussion. In addition to argument and predi-
cate positions, Munn and Schmitt examine BSs that occur as modifiers.
In English, the predicative construction typically involves a nominal preceded by an indefinite
article, whereas in Spanish and Romanian, among other Romance languages, there is a syntactic
and a semantic distinction between (i) and (ii). See also De Swart et al. (2005) for an analysis of
2.3 Count Bare Singulars Are not the Singular Counterparts of Bare Plurals 47
Note that the reverse does not hold: as already pointed out above, French allows
bare singulars (and bare plurals) in predicate positions but not in argument
The interpretive restrictions regarding opacity, scope, aspect and anaphoric rela-
tions, described for BPs in Sect. 2.2 above, also characterize BSs. We will however
not illustrate all of these constraints, since they do not bring any new insight into the
phenomenon. Rather, we will concentrate on the obligatory narrow scope wrt nega-
tion, which can be observed in (43a–c) for BPs, bare mass nouns and BSs,
(43) a. N-am citit romane.
neg-have.1sg read novels
‘I haven’t read novels’
b. De doi ani n-am băut vin.
of two years neg-have.1sg drunk wine
‘I haven’t drunk wine for two years (now)’
c. Ion nu are/nu şi-a cumpărat apartament/ maşină/calculator.
Ion neg has/neg se.dat-has bought apartment car computer
‘John didn’t buy himself an apartment/car/computer.’
Note that in examples such as (44a–b), built with run-of-the-mill verbs, narrow
scope with respect to negation cannot be indicated by using a BS:
(44) a. *N-am citit roman.
neg-have.1sg read novel
b. *De doi ani n-am întâlnit prieten.
of two years neg-have.1sg met friend
This ungrammaticality is expected, given that BSs can only be used with certain
verbs, call them ‘incorporating’ verbs. For non-incorporating verbs, there are two
bare predicate nominals in Dutch. Sentence (i), with a bare predicate nominal, is interpreted
intensionally as saying that John has the property associated with the profession ‘doctor’, whereas
sentence (ii), with the indefinite article, is interpreted extensionally as saying that John belongs to
the set of individuals that are doctors.
(i) Juan es médico.
Juan is doctor
(ii) Juan es un médico.
‘Juan is a doctor.’
48 2 Bare Noun Phrases
ways of indicating narrow scope wrt negation. One possibility is to use a negative
word 12:
(45) a. N-am citit niciun roman.
neg-have.1sg read novel
‘I haven’t read any novel/I’ve read no novel.’
b. De doi ani n-am întîlnit niciun prieten drag.
of two years neg-have.1sg met friend dear
‘I haven’t met any dear friend for two years (now).’
The second possibility is to use bare plurals, which are allowed with a much
larger class of predicates than BSs:
(46) a. N-am citit romane.
neg-have.1sg read novels
‘I haven’t read novels.’
b. De doi ani n-am întâlnit prieteni.
of two years neg-have.1sg met friends
‘I haven’t met friends for two years (now)’
These examples indicate that the difference between incorporating and non-
incorporating verbs is maintained under negation.
Note now that in examples uttered without any special stress,13 DPs headed by
overt Determiners and in particular singular count indefinites, show a clear prefer-
ence for the wide scope interpretation:
(47) a. N-am citit un roman.
neg-have.1sg read a novel
Only possible reading: ‘There is a novel which I haven’t read.’
The use of niciun ‘’ with verbs allowing BSs is marked:
(i) N-am nicio maşină.
neg-have.1sg car.
‘I don’t have any car.’
Nu caut nicio secretară.
neg seek.1sg secretary
‘I don’t look for any secretary.’
Examples like (i)–(ii) are used when the speaker negates an explicit or implicit assertion, e.g., ‘You
have a car/you look for a secretary’.
Parts of the indefinite can be interpreted in the scope of the negation provided that they are con-
trastively stressed. The alternative must usually be explicitly asserted. When it is the indefinite
article that is contrastively stressed, it is interpreted as the numeral ‘one’.
(i) a. N-am citit UN roman de Tolstoi, (ci două).
‘I haven’t read ONE novel by Tolstoy (but two).’
b. N-am citit un ROMAN de Tolstoi, (ci o nuvelă).
‘I haven’t read a NOVEL by Tolstoy (but a short story).’
‘ read a novel by Tolstoy, (but a short story).’
2.3 Count Bare Singulars Are not the Singular Counterparts of Bare Plurals 49
2.3.4 Conclusions
In sum, using a bare noun, either singular or plural, is a way of indicating the nar-
rowest possible scope, in particular narrow scope with respect to negation. As we
will see in Chaps. 6 and 8 the obligatory narrow scope interpretation of bare NPs is
due to the fact that they are necessarily ‘weak’ (in the sense of Milsark 1977).
The difference in distribution between BSs and BPs indicates that BSs cannot be
viewed as the singular counterparts of BPs, a conclusion that is supported by the
observation that BSs have a number-neutral interpretation, i.e., they do not neces-
sarily refer to atomic entities but allow both atoms and sums in their denotation
(in other words, BSs are true of either atomic or plural entities, depending on the context).
Capitals indicate contrastive stress.
50 2 Bare Noun Phrases
The number-neutral interpretation of BSs can be assumed to derive from the fact
that their syntactic representation lacks Number (Farkas and de Swart 2003;
Dobrovie-Sorin et al. 2005, 2006).
We are not interested here in kind-referring BPs, which are found in English but not in Romance
languages (other than Brazilian Portuguese). As argued in Sect. 2.4.1, the existential readings of
Romance BPs cannot be derived from kind-reference.
This hypothesis is adopted by most of the theoreticians that have examined both types of bare
nouns (see in particular van Geenhoven 1996; Kallulli 1999; Carlson 2003; Chung and Ladusaw
2003; Dobrovie-Sorin et al. 2005, 2006). Dayal (2003) is one of the few authors who assumes a
type distinction between bare singulars and bare plurals: existential bare singulars denote proper-
ties, whereas bare plurals (both existential and generic) rely on kind-reference (as in Carlson
1977a, c; Chierchia 1998). This analysis cannot be adopted here, given that bare plurals in Romance
languages cannot denote kinds.
2.4 The Semantics of Bare Plurals 51
In addition to existential readings, illustrated in (50), English BPs can also have
generic readings, illustrated in (51).
(50) a. Students are dancing in the street.
b. John is eating apples.
(51) a. Gorillas are on the verge of extinction.
b. Cats are intelligent.
c. John loves cats.
Carlson (1977a, c) proposed a unified analysis of English BPs, according to
which they are to be analyzed as names of kinds. On this view, the generic and exis-
tential readings of BPs are in complementary distribution, the choice between one
or the other reading depending on the context: generic readings arise when BPs
combine with i(ndividual)-level predicates, whereas existential readings are trig-
gered by s(tage)-level predicates.
The generic readings of BPs are directly explained by Carlson’s hypothesis
according to which BPs denote kinds, i.e., entities (type e expressions) whose ref-
erence is not fixed with respect to a time and a place.
In contrast, the existential reading of BPs depends on stages of kinds, resulting
from the use of kind denoting expressions in contexts that make reference to
particular events. According to Chierchia’s (1998) revised version of Carlson’s
analysis, the existential readings of BPs result from the application of a type-shifting
operation dubbed ‘Derived Kind Predication’ defined as in (52):
(52) Derived Kind Predication (DKP): (Chierchia 1998)
If P applies to objects and k denotes a kind, then
P(k) = $ x [ x £ È k Ù P (x) ]
As stated in (52), the DKP applies when bare plurals (which by assumption
denote kinds) appear as arguments of s-level predicates that apply to ordinary
objects, rather than kinds. The DKP introduces an existential quantifier over
instances of the kind. The DKP applies in an example such as (53), since barking is
a property of ordinary objects, not kinds. In (53), Çdogs notates ‘the kind dogs’,
obtained by applying the Down operator to the property dogs.:
(53) Dogs are barking.
barking (Ç dogs) Û (via DKP) $ x [ x £ È Ç dogs Ù barking (x) ]
A Carlsonian analysis adequately captures the generic reading of BPs (cf. Chap. 7)
but is problematic for the existential reading of BPs. This is particularly clear if we
try to give a unified analysis of the existential reading of bare nouns in English and
Romance languages.
52 2 Bare Noun Phrases
Examples with postverbal subjects (see (54)–(55)) or postverbal objects (see (56)) are used here
in order to avoid interference with another constraint, according to which unmodified bare nouns
cannot appear in preverbal position in Spanish, Italian and Romanian.
Chierchia (1998) observed that the generic reading of modified bare NPs is possible in a restricted
class of examples and he concluded that bare NPs denote kinds in Italian. This assumption was
criticized by Longobardi (2002) and Delfitto (2002).
2.4 The Semantics of Bare Plurals 53
Let us now briefly show that the property analysis of bare NPs can account for the
contrasts observed by Carlson between indefinite DPs and BPs regarding scope
On a classical analysis, we distinguish three types of conversion for terms of the lambda
a-conversion : replace lx A with ly A[y/x] if y does not appear in A.
b-conversion : replace (lx A) t with A[t/x]
h-conversion : replace A with (lx Ax) if A is of type a → b and x is of type a and if there is no
instance of x in A.
These rules are all called lambda-conversion rules and by definition, two terms t and t¢ are said to
be lambda-equivalents if there is a sequence of lambda-conversions that allows reducing t to t¢ or
vice versa.
2.4 The Semantics of Bare Plurals 55
(see Sect. 2.2). Let us consider examples of the type in (14), repeated here as (61),
where meet is embedded under a propositional attitude verb:
(61) a. Minnie wishes to meet a young psychiatrist.
b. Minnie wishes to meet young psychiatrists.
Singular indefinites are analyzable as individual variables20 bound by an existen-
tial quantifier introduced by existential closure. Since existential closure can apply
at different levels (Heim (1982) and subsequent literature), (61a) is ambiguous,
allowing both an opaque (the existential operator is inserted below wish) and a
transparent reading of the indefinite (the existential operator is inserted above wish).
BPs, on the other hand, can only be legitimated by an existential quantifier present
in the lexical representation of the predicate with which they combine: in (61b),
the existential quantifier is introduced by the verb meet (which is analyzed as an
existential predicate, on a par with wash in (60’)) and therefore it has narrow scope
with respect to the verb wish, thus yielding an opaque reading.
This explanation for the obligatory narrow scope of BPs extends to other scopal
elements, e.g., quantified DPs or temporal adverbs, which appear above the main
verb that supplies the existential quantifier that legitimates the BP.
As we can see, in examples such as (61a–b) the same predicate (meet) receives
two different analyses: in order to account for the transparent reading of (61a), we
must assume that meet translates as a lambda-abstract over entities and in order to
account for the opaque reading of (61b), meet must be represented as an existential
predicate, which combines with an argument of type < e,t > (i.e., the bare plural
young psychiatrists).21 Problems
The property analysis of BPs is confronted with several problems. The first one is
related to the observation that those expressions that are clearly property-denoting,
e.g., adjectives, cannot occur in argument positions:
(62) a. *Ion mănîncă crud.
Ion eats raw
b. *Maria pictează roşu.
Maria paints red
Carlson (1977a, c) translates the singular indefinite article as an existential quantifier. We have
reformulated his analysis in the DRT framework because this facilitates the comparison with more
recent analyses of the same data.
The narrow scope reading of the indefinite DP in (61a) can be analyzed either as (i) relying on
the same representation as that of the BP in (61b), i.e., meet translates as an existential predicate
and the indefinite DP denotes a property or (ii) the indefinite DP translates as a variable over enti-
ties and an existential operator is supplied below wish. The choice between these options is not
relevant for the present discussion.
56 2 Bare Noun Phrases
To answer this objection one may invoke a subcategorization constraint (e.g., the
syntactic category of adjectives is disallowed in argument positions) correlated with
a semantic distinction between two types of properties, those that are allowed in
argument positions and those that are not.
The second argument against the hypothesis that BPs denote properties comes
from French, which allows bare plurals in predicate positions (see (63) below) but
not in argument positions, where des-phrases must be used instead (see (64)):
(63) Jean et Jeanne sont professeurs.
Jean and Jeanne are professors
‘Jean and Jeanne are professors.’
In examples of the type in (63), the BP denotes a property. However, French does
not allow BPs in argument positions, as shown in (64a). Examples of this type
become grammatical if we replace the BPs by des-indefinites, which are the closest
French counterparts of BPs in the other Romance languages:
(64) a. *J’ai rencontré professeurs.
I have met professors
b. J’ai rencontré des professeurs.
I have met des professors
‘I have met professors’
The contrast between predicate and argument positions as to the possibility of
BPs in French suggests that property-denoting expressions cannot occur in argu-
ment positions.
Farkas and de Swart’s (2003) rule of Unification of thematic arguments and Chung and Ladusaw’s
(2004) rule of Restrict are different implementations of the same type of analysis.
2.4 The Semantics of Bare Plurals 57
See also Carlson (2003), according to whom the semantic composition of weak bare nominals
deals with types of things and types of events (rather than tokens): ‘there are no times, no possible
worlds, no truth, only types’.
For a more precise definition of predicate-modification the reader is referred to Espinal and
McNally (2011), where a refined characterization of the predicates that allow it can also be
Although they occupy different argument positions, both te-indefinites in Maori and incorpo-
rated objects in Chamorro are weak (in the sense of Milsark (1977)), in particular they take obliga-
tory narrow scope with respect to negation.
58 2 Bare Noun Phrases
incorporated objects are bare NPs that can only appear with have and with existential
predicates. Because the Chamorro incorporated objects can be doubled by an inde-
pendent nominal expression (Gäi-ga’ yu’ kätu ‘have-pet I cat’ “I have a cat”) they
cannot be assumed to combine with a main predicate with a built-in existential
quantifier (as in Carlson (1977a, b) or van Geenhoven (1996)). Chung and Ladusaw
(2003) therefore propose a semantic analysis in which the rule of predicate-
modification (labelled Restrict) is factored out from the rule of existential closure,
which applies after Restrict and is parametrized: whereas the rule of existential
closure is optional in Chamorro, it is obligatory in Maori, and therefore the argu-
ment position is saturated, thus rendering impossible the doubling of te-indefinites.
Although Romance BSs cannot be doubled, they resemble Chamorro incorpo-
rated objects insofar as they are genuinely bare NPs with a highly restricted distribu-
tion, which led us to assume that they are property-denoting expressions that
compose with the main predicate via Dayal’s (2003) rule of Pseudo-incorporation,
which is a rule of predicate-modification comparable to Restrict. We can use the
parametrization of existential closure proposed by Chung and Ladusaw (2003) in
order to explain why, unlike Chamorro incorporated objects, BSs in Romance lan-
guages cannot be doubled by a DP with the same theta-role.
Turning now to Maori te-indefinites, we would like to suggest that their semantic
composition is radically different from that of Chamorro incorporated objects: they
are not property-denoting expressions (recall that they are DPs rather than genuine
bare NPs) and correlatively they cannot compose with the main verb via predicate
modification. We may instead assume that the semantic composition of Maori te-
indefinites is comparable to the semantic composition of Romance BPs, which we
are going to clarify in the following sections.
Diesing (1992) and Kratzer (1995) correlate VP-level existential closure to the closure of the
nuclear scope proposed by Heim (1982).
2.4 The Semantics of Bare Plurals 59
Another important observation made by Carlson (1977a, c) was that the existential
reading of bare plurals is allowed – even forced – by certain predicates and blocked
by others:
(67) a. Children were dancing in the street. (OK existential, * generic)
b. Doctors are intelligent. (* existential, OK generic)
Within Carlson’s own analysis, the grammaticality or the ungrammaticality of
(67) is explained as depending on the possibility or impossibility of introducing an
existential quantifier in the lexical representations of the predicates appearing in
these examples.
This type of account is not sufficient, because the existential readings of BPs
cannot be fully explained on the basis of the lexical properties27 of the predicates
with which they combine. Thus, most of – maybe all – those predicates that allow
existential readings for BPs also allow generic readings, depending on the tense and
aspect of the predicate:
(68) a. Students were dancing in the street.
b. Students dance rock’n roll.
Given pairs of this type, the existential quantifier cannot be introduced in the
lexical representation of the predicate but rather at some later stage in the derivation
of a given sentence, after Tense and/or Aspect have attached to the predicate. Under
Diesing’s analysis, one can assume that VP-level existential closure is allowed or
blocked by certain choices of Tense or Aspect.
Note that the relevant lexical classes of predicates are difficult to characterize (see Sect. 2.5
60 2 Bare Noun Phrases
In this section we will present our own view regarding the semantic analysis of BPs.
Building on the denotational difference between count singular predicates on the
one hand and plural and mass predicates on the other hand, we will propose that
bare BPs (and bare mass NPs) can be analyzed neither as e-type expressions nor as
properties but rather as generalized quantifiers over amounts. This proposal pre-
serves Carlson’s intuition that BPs are legitimate only if an existential quantifier can
be supplied by the context.
2.4 The Semantics of Bare Plurals 61
The difference between count singular nouns (cat) on the one hand and plural nouns
(cats) and mass nouns (coffee) on the other hand can be characterized as follows:
count singular nouns describe individualized objects, viewed as ‘integrated wholes’
(Simons 1987; Moltmann 1997, 1998) whereas count plural predicates refer to
amounts/quantities of objects, on a par with mass nouns, which refer to amounts/
quantities of substance. Predicates that denote sets of integrated wholes are neither
cumulative nor divisive whereas predicates that denote sets of amounts are cumula-
tive and divisive.
In somewhat more technical terms, the denotation of a count singular noun is a
set of individuals, i.e., objects that cannot be ordered by the part-whole relation. All
the elements of this set are distinct from each other and do not overlap. The denotation
of plural and mass nouns, on the other hand, is a set of objects that has the algebraic
structure of a join semi-lattice: the objects of this set are amounts, which overlap
and are ordered by the part-whole relation.
Summarizing, we distinguish between two types of entities: individualized enti-
ties (for which we will use the label ‘individuals’ henceforth) and amounts.
The domain of denotation of amounts (of substance or of objects) is a set that
is structured by the part-whole relation, which explains why mass predicates, as
well as plural predicates, are both cumulative (if A is coffee and B is coffee,
then the sum of A and B is coffee; if A is books and B is books, then the sum
of A and B is books) and divisive (if A is part of an amount of coffee B, then A
is an amount of coffee; if A is part of an amount B of dogs, then A is an amount
of dogs).
It should be clear that some indefinites, e.g., singular indefinites such as a boy,
or cardinal indefinites, e.g., two students, are ambiguous: they can refer either to an
(singular or plural) individual or to an amount of objects (an amount of cardinality 1
for a boy and an amount of cardinality 2 for two boys). When they refer to individuals,
such indefinites are interpreted as specific indefinites.
Following Carlson (1977a, c) and all subsequent proposals, we will assume that the
existential readings of BPs depend on an existential predicate. According to us, an
existential predicate is necessary because existential BPs (as well as bare mass NPs)
refer to non specific amounts and the existence of non specific amounts cannot be
presupposed; their existence must be asserted, hence the necessity to combine with
an existential predicate.
We depart from previous proposals regarding the denotation of existential BPs:
they are neither names of kinds (as proposed by Carlson (1977a, c)) nor properties
(as proposed by van Geenhoven (1996) among many others) but rather generalized
62 2 Bare Noun Phrases
quantifiers over amounts. To illustrate our analysis, let us consider the following
(71) a. Children were sleeping.
b. Smoke is coming out of the chimney.
The representation in (72g) resembles previous proposals insofar as it assumes
an existential quantifier in the representation of main predicates (see the representa-
tion of sleep in (72b)) but is nevertheless different insofar as the BP is represented
as a generalized quantifier of the type shown in (72a), which itself contains an exis-
tential quantifier:
(72) a. children = lP $ xa (children(xa) Ù P(xa))
b. be sleeping = lxa $ xi (be-sleeping(xi) Ù Ind(xi, xa))
c. Children are sleeping = children (be-sleeping)
d. lP $ xa (children(xa) Ù P(xa)) • lxa $ xi (be-sleeping(xi) Ù Ind(xi, xa))
e. $ xa (children(xa) Ù [lxa $ xi (be-sleeping(xi) Ù Ind(xi, xa))] (xa))
f. $ xa (children(xa) Ù $ xi (be-sleeping (xi) Ù Ind(xi, xa)))
g. $ xa $ xi (children(xa) Ù be-sleeping(xi) Ù Ind(xi, xa))
In (72c), the two constituents are semantically composed by applying children
(viewed as denoting the generalized quantifier in (72a)) to be-sleeping. In (72d) we
have replaced the two constituents by their representations in (72a) and (72b). In
(72e) and (72f) we have applied lambda-conversion twice. In (72g) we have pre-
posed the existential quantifier that binds the individual variable.
Let us stress that according to this proposal, examples built with existential BPs
rely on LFs that contain two (rather than just one) existential quantifiers, which
respectively appear in the representation of the BP and of the main predicate: the
existential quantifier inside the generalized quantifier asserts the existence of an
amount that instantiates the property denoted by the noun (children), whereas the
existential quantifier in the representation of the main predicate asserts the existence
of a participant to the event (of sleeping); the variable over amounts of children and
the variable over participants to the event of sleeping are related by a relation
of individuation notated Ind, by virtue of which amounts of objects (in this case
children) are specified as being identified28 with the individuals that are the Theme
participants to the sleeping event.
Note that the contrasts between bare plurals and singular indefinites observed by
Carlson (1977a, c) and reviewed in Sect. 2.2 above can be explained as a conse-
quence of the fact that BPs must combine with existential predicates. And since
existential predicates are ingredients of all of the accounts of BPs reviewed
here, these accounts cannot be differentiated on the basis of the contrast between
Let us stress that Ind is not an identity relation (in which case the two terms of the identity should
be interchangeable) but rather an oriented identification relation, which allows an amount, i.e., a
not yet individualized entity, to be identified with an individual.
2.5 Existential Predicates and Entity Predicates 63
BPs and singular indefinites. The competing analyses of BPs can nevertheless
be evaluated based on other considerations. Carlson’s account in terms of kind-
referring BPs cannot be extended to Romance languages. Diesing’s account is not
compositional. Finally, the property analysis of BPs is both conceptually proble-
matic insofar as it runs against a fundamental homomorphism principle, according
to which argumental DPs denote either entities (type e) or generalized quantifiers
(type < <e,t>,t>) and empirically problematic insofar as it does not explain why
adjectives, which are property-denoting expressions, cannot appear in argument
positions. The generalized quantifier analysis of BPs proposed here obeys the homo-
morpism principle and is moreover able to capture the constraint against adjectives:
qua property denoting expressions, adjectives cannot occur in argument positions;
bare NPs occurring in argument positions do not denote properties but rather
generalized quantifiers over amounts, i.e., quantifiers that assert the existence of an
instantiation of a property.
We have previously argued (see Sects. 2.4.2 and 2.4.4) that the existential reading
of BPs is allowed only with certain predicates, dubbed ‘existential’, which contain
an existential quantifier in their representation. Let us now try to define the empiri-
cal criterion that allows us to distinguish between existential predicates and entity
predicates, which can only translate as lambda-abstracts over entities. In what fol-
lows, we will first show that the relevant distinction cannot be the one between
stage-level and individual-level predicates (Carlson 1977a, c; Kratzer 1988). We
will then suggest a different criterion, which relies on spatial localization.
These examples exhibit the same grammaticality judgments, despite the fact that
their main predicates differ regarding the temporal criterion: example (78a) is built
with an individual-level predicate (which expresses a permanent or stable property)
and (78b) is built with an s-level predicate (which expresses a transitory property).
In sum, there is no perfect correlation between transitory predicates and the so-
called existential predicates, which legitimate the existential reading of BNPs (as
well as the weak existential reading of indefinite DPs). We therefore need another
empirical criterion to identify this class of predicates.
The use of spatial location as a criterion of identifying predicates that allow existential or weak
readings of indefinites was independently proposed by McNally (1995a, b, 1998), Glasbey (1998)
and Kleiber (2001).
66 2 Bare Noun Phrases
Some of these examples are acceptable for certain speakers but only with a “quasi-universal”
reading (or “functional” reading in Condoravdi’s (1992, 1994) terminology).
2.5 Existential Predicates and Entity Predicates 67
The space localization criterion must be refined in view of three types of data that
seem to be problematic.
Let us first observe that space adverbs are possible with any kind of predicate
when the subject is kind-referring. Thus, predicates such as expensive or sacred,
which disallow space adverbs when the subject DP is a proper name, allow them
when the subject is a name of kind:
(85) a. Les livres sont chers en France.
the books are expensive in France.
a¢. Books are expensive in France.
b. Les vaches sont sacrées en Inde.
the cows are sacred in India
b¢. Cows are sacred in India.
In examples of this type, space adverbials do not function as modifiers of the
main predicates but rather as modifiers of the subject DP, as suggested by glosses
such as ‘The books sold in France are expensive’ or ‘Cows in India are sacred’.
Kind-referring DPs can be easily modified by space localizers, because kinds refer
to entities that are spatially scattered; the role of the modifier is to restrict reference
to the realization of the kind at a certain location. Since individuals occupy one
location at a time, an individual-referring argument cannot be modified by a space
localizer. With those predicates that cannot be modified by space adverbs, examples
such as (86) are either unacceptable or else the space localizer is interpreted as a
time adverbial:
(86) a. ?? Jean est fatigué dans sa chambre.
Jean is tired in his room
b. Jean est heureux dans sa chambre.
Jean is happy in his room
68 2 Bare Noun Phrases
In this section we show that French indefinites headed by du/de la/des are the clos-
est French counterparts of bare NPs. We start by illustrating the parallel distribution
and interpretive properties of BPs and bare mass NPs, which are echoed by the par-
allelism between plural des indefinites and mass indefinites headed by de la or du.
Nevertheless, the latter are more constrained than the former, which is a particular
case of a general crosslinguistic difference between mass and plural indefinites.
We have pointed out at several points in this chapter that mass nouns pattern with
plural nouns in English as well as in Romance languages other than French: both
types of nouns are allowed to occur without an article in argument positions (see
(90)–(91)), in clear contrast with singular count nouns, which need an indefinite
article in most contexts.
(90) a. John stole books from the library English
b. Juan robó libros de la biblioteca Spanish
c. Ion a furat cărţi de la bibliotecă Romanian
(91) a. John stole wood. English
b. Juan robó leña Spanish
c. Ion a furat lemn. Romanian
70 2 Bare Noun Phrases
In Romance languages other than French, bare mass nouns also resemble BPs in
that they cannot combine with entity predicates, as illustrated in (92)–(93)31:
(92) a. *Juan adora café. Spanish
John loves coffee.
b. * Maria adoră cafea. Romanian
(93) a. *Juan respecta profesores Spanish
b. *Ion respectă profesori. Romanian
Moreover, bare mass nouns exhibit the interpretive effects that we have discussed
for BPs: they always take narrow scope (94) and induce atelicity effects. Examples
of the type in (94) are ungrammatical because the atelicity triggered by the BN fruta
is incompatible with the telicity induced by se comió:
(94) *Maria se comió fruta Spanish
Mary se ate fruit
In French, NPs are not allowed to appear bare in argument positions. But Dobrovie-
Sorin and Laca (2003) have shown that French DPs of the form de + definite arti-
cle + N32 represent the closest counterparts of existential bare NPs in other Romance
Like bare NPs in the other Romance languages, de + definite article NPs can be
used with plural and mass nouns but not with count singulars33:
The corresponding English examples are grammatical because English BPs and BMNs can refer
to kinds. The Spanish and Romanian examples become grammatical if we use a definite mass Ns
instead of bare mass nouns:
Attal’s distinction is based on the observation that these plural des NPs can escape the scope of
negation, have specific readings in intensional contexts, or occupy argument positions of certain
verbs. Attal (1976: 142) leaves open the question of whether there is “one or two des”. More recent
studies (for an overview, see Bosveld-de Smet 1997: 5–54) show that there are good reasons to
assume the existence of the marked use of des.
72 2 Bare Noun Phrases
entity predicates (96a), can escape the scope of negation (97b) and can appear in
contrastive contexts, where they supply an antecedent for the anaphoric expression
d’autres (97c):
(97) a. Des élèves étaient malades.
des students were sick
‘Sm students were sick.’
b. Des élèves ne m’ont pas rendu leurs devoirs.
des students neg me-have neg returned their assignments
‘Sm students didn’t hand in their assignments.’
c. Des enfants tambourinaient sur leurs tables, tandis que d’autres
des children drum.impf on their tables while others
criaient à tue-tête.
scream.impf out loud
‘Sm children were drumming on their tables, while others were
screaming out loud.’
The possibility of strong readings distinguishes French des indefinites from the
BPs of other Romance languages:
(98) a. *Ieri erau bolnavi elevi.
yesterday were sick students
b. *Nu mi-au adus lecţiile elevi.
neg me-have brought lessons-the students
This indicates that the presence of an overt determiner (e.g., a numeral or des in
French) is mandatory for a strong reading (leaving aside the generic reading). The
possibility of strong readings is indeed a general crosslinguistical property of plural
indefinites headed by overt determiners (see Chaps. 4 and 5):
(99) a. Ieri erau bolnavi nişte elevi.
yesterday were sick some students
‘Some students were sick yesterday.’
b. Nu mi-au adus lecţiile trei elevi.
neg me-have brought lessons-the three students
‘Three students didn’t bring me their lessons.’
In Sect. 2.4.4 above we have proposed that plural nouns denote sets of
amounts. Since both BPs and des indefinites refer to a random element in a set
of amounts, the default interpretation of both types of expressions is the weak
reading. The possibility of strong readings of des indefinites can be attributed to
the fact that the presence of the determiner signals the choice of a particular
plurality, which is isolated from the other pluralities in the domain and as such
it acquires the status of a plural individual, i.e., a plural entity that is distinct
from any other plural entity.
2.6 French Indefinites Headed by du/de la/des 73
The examples in (100) below show that mass indefinites headed by du/de la cannot
take strong readings:
(100) a. *De la fumée était épaisse.
de la smoke was thick
b. *De l’eau n’était pas sale.
de l water neg was neg dirty
The contrast between the acceptability of plural des indefinites in (97) and
the unacceptability of mass de la/du indefinites in (100) is a particular case of a
general contrast between plural and mass indefinite DPs. Indeed, the examples
in (100) contrast with those in (101) below, in which the mass DP is built with
an overt determiner:
(101) a. *Ieri era limpede nişte apă.
yesterday was clear some water.
b. *200g de apă nu era murdară.
200g of water neg was dirty
Moreover, the examples below show that whereas plural indefinite DPs can be
used as arguments of love or hate, mass indefinites cannot appear in this context
even when preceded by a determiner:
(102) a. Maria urăşte doi băieţi.
Maria hates two boys
‘Maria hates two boys.’
b. *Maria adoră 200g de cafea.
Maria adores 200g of coffee
In sum, mass indefinites headed by overt determiners, in particular by du / de la,
differ from plural indefinites headed by overt determiners, in particular by des, inso-
far as they cannot take strong readings. We are thus led to conclude that the use of
an overt indefinite determiner is not sufficient for isolating a particular amount of
substance from the other amounts that satisfy the same property. This difference
between mass and plural indefinites can be attributed to the properties of their
respective domains of denotation: the plural domain is generated from a set of
individuals (i.e., entities that are distinct, non overlapping), whereas the mass
domain is generated from a set of amounts (i.e., overlapping entities). Reference to
individualized amounts is possible for demonstratives (this water, these 200 g of
butter) and for definites (the water in the tub, the butter on the table) because these
determiners correspond to operations (deixis and maximalization, respectively) that
yield individualized entities.
74 2 Bare Noun Phrases
Let us now examine bare NPs in predicate positions. French shows that the use
of bare NPs in predicate positions is disconnected from the use of bare NPs in
argument positions. More precisely, French allows BNPs in predicate positions
(with certain nouns), although it does not allow them in argument positions:
(103) a. *Jean était en train de lire livre.
Jean was prog to read book
b. Jean et Marie sont étudiants.
Jean and Marie are students
c. Jean est étudiant.
Jean is student
The absence of correlation between the use of bare NPs in argument and predicate
positions is also visible in the other Romance languages, where the use of BSs in
argument positions is much more restricted than that of BPs (see Sect. 2.1.2 above),
whereas in predicate positions, BSs can be used in all the contexts in which a BP
can be used.
Given that predicate positions presumably require property-denotation, we
might expect bare nouns in predicate positions to be possible (at least for a certain
lexical class of nouns) in all languages. English is a counterexample to this
(104) a. *John is student.
b. John is a student.
c. John and Mary are students.
The impossibility of using BSs in predicate (as well as in argument) positions is
to be analyzed as being due to some syntactic constraint that operates in English as
opposed to all the other Romance languages, including French.36
In the rest of this chapter we will concentrate on the contrast between BSs and
indefinite singulars (ISs henceforth) in predicate positions, which is exhibited by all
English does allow BSs in predicate positions but only if they have unique reference, e.g., with
some functional nouns:
(i) Mary is chairwoman.
According to Dobrovie-Sorin (to appear b), Number is a feature that attaches to little n in
English and as such it is necessarily realized (as –s in the plural and as the indefinite article a in
the singular) on nouns, even in predicate positions. In Romance languages, on the other hand,
Number would attach to Det, which would allow nouns to show up without any Number
2.7 Bare NPs in Predicate Positions 75
A restricted class of common nouns may appear bare in the predicate positions of
copular sentences. Such predicates refer to professions (professeur ‘professor’,
avocat ‘lawyer’), titles (prince), hobbies (alpiniste ‘climber’), functions (secrétaire
‘secretary’), occupations (étudiant ‘student’) or social status (chomeur ‘unem-
ployed’) (cf Laca and Tasmowski 1994; Matushansky and Spector 2004; de Swart
et al. 2007; Roy 2006).
76 2 Bare Noun Phrases
Several authors have tried to characterize these nouns. According to Roy (2001,
2006), those nouns that can be used bare in the postcopular position are event nouns,
i.e., nouns that have an event-variable in their argument structure. Thus, profession
nouns such as teacher, dancer or professor would refer to activities when used
bare in predicate positions: Jean est enseignant means that John teaches, which
refers to an activity. According to Roy, all nouns can be used bare when they are
predicated of human individuals, provided that they allow an eventive reading.
Roy’s characterization seems problematic for nouns such as père ‘father’ or fille
unique ‘only daughter’:
(106) a. Jean est père (de trois enfants)
Jean is father (of three children)
‘Jean is the father of three children.’
b. Marie est fille unique.
Mary is daughter unique
‘Marie is an only daughter.’
Matushansky and Spector (2004) claimed that nouns that can appear bare in
predicate positions share the property of being non-scalar. These authors distinguish
nouns like génie ‘genius’, which can never be bare, from nouns like professeur
‘professor’, by pointing out that only the former are compatible with degree
modification: one can be a real or an absolute genius but cannot be more or less of
a professor. However, this description is not entirely adequate, given the uncertain
boundary between scalar and non scalar predicates and the fact that non scalar
predicates can be easily coerced into acquiring scalar readings (cf Kennedy 1999).
A non-scalar adjective like français ‘French’ can be used in the comparative (Jean
n’est pas plus français que Pierre ‘John is not more French that Peter’), thus
acquiring a scalar interpretation.
Beyssade and Dobrovie-Sorin (2005) argue that nouns that can be bare in
predicate positions are non sortal (cf Gupta 1980), i.e., nouns that are not inherently
associated with an individuation principle. Sortal and non-sortal nouns can be
distinguished on the basis of the counting test. Imagine a situation where I face a
group formed by two men (a math teacher and a physics teacher) and a woman
teaching both literature and English. If I am asked how many women there are in the
group in question, I can easily answer ‘only one’. However, if I am asked how many
teachers there are, the answer is less straightforward, depending on whether I am
supposed to count the woman once or twice (once as a literature teacher and once as
an English teacher). Professeur ‘teacher’ is a non-sortal noun, without any inherent
individuation principle: when counting teachers, we can either count the actual
individuals or the disciplines they teach. The situation is even clearer for nouns
like passager ‘passenger’, which refers to individuals who take part in an event.
In order to count passengers we count either individuals (and if one individual
travels twice, he counts as one passenger), or trips (and therefore if one individual
travels more than once, he gets counted several times). Beyssade and Dobrovie-
Sorin claim that in French, bare nouns in predicate positions are non sortal, a notion
2.7 Bare NPs in Predicate Positions 77
that covers nouns referring to professions, titles, hobbies, as well as relational nouns,
functional nouns and event nouns:
(107) a. Jean est père.
Jean is father
‘Jean is a father.’
b. Jean est ami avec Marie.
Jean is friend with Marie
‘Jean is friends with Marie.’
c. Jean est passager sur le vol n° 345.
Jean is passenger on the flight n° 345
‘Jean is a passenger on flight nº 345.’
There are several syntactic and semantic differences between ISs and BSs in predi-
cate position in Romance languages. Here we will present two of these differences.
First, singular indefinites cannot appear as predicates of small clauses, in clear
contrast with bare singulars.
(108) a. *Marie imagine Paul un ministre.
Marie imagines Paul a minister
b. Marie imagine Paul ministre
Marie imagines Paul minister
With respect to this context, BSs behave on a par with adjectives and PPs, which
can also appear in small clauses, and differ from DPs headed by determiners, which
cannot appear in small clauses, regardless of whether they are indefinite (as in
(109c) or definite as in (109d)).
(109) a. Marie croit Paul coupable.
Marie believes Paul guilty
‘Marie believes Paul guilty.’
b. Marie croyait Jean en difficulté.
Marie believe.impf Jean in trouble
‘Marie believed John was in trouble.’
c. *Marie croyait Jean un avocat.
Marie believe.impf Jean a lawyer
d. *Marie croyait Jean le meilleur avocat.
Marie believe.impf Jean the best lawyer
78 2 Bare Noun Phrases
The notions of ‘defining’, ‘characterizing’ and ‘situation-descriptive’ predicates, which are
defined in semantic terms, are assumed to entertain a one-to-one relation with distinct grammatical
(i) Defining predicates are expressed by ISs.
(ii) Characterizing predicates are expressed by BSs.
(iii) Situation-descriptive predicates are expressed by adjectives.
2.7 Bare NPs in Predicate Positions 79
Beyssade and Dobrovie-Sorin’s hypothesis that equatives, identificationals and specificationals
are all identity sentences builds on Heycock and Kroch’s (1999) view that specificationals are
base-generated as equatives rather than derived via Predicate Inversion from a predicational
configuration (Moro 1997; den Dikken 2006).
80 2 Bare Noun Phrases
John is handsome
PP(j) PP. xH(x) which reduces to xH(x)
is handsome
PP xH(x)
Comorovski (2007) proposes to represent the attributive use of specificational subjects as inten-
sional expressions of type < s,e > .
82 2 Bare Noun Phrases
Let us now assume that the third type of identity sentence, equatives, may also be
built with a postcopular indefinite. Such a hypothetical equative would be a copular
sentence of the form in (122b), which is obtained from the canonical equative given
in (122a) by replacing the proper name in the postcopular position with an indefinite
DP. Analyzed in this way, the sentence in (122b) says that there is an actor to which
Clark Kent is identified:
(122) a. Clark Kent is Superman.
b. Clark Kent is an actor.
This analysis of copular sentences of the type in (122b) fills a gap in the paradigm
of identity sentences, insofar as postcopular indefinite DPs appear not only in
specificational sentences and identificational sentences but also in equatives. We are
thus led to conclude that copular sentences built with postcopular singular indefinites
are not to be analyzed as predicational sentences – as currently assumed – but rather as
equatives: a singular indefinite in the postcopular position denotes an individual to
which the entity denoted by the subject is identified. Under our proposal, a strong
dividing line separates copular sentences built with bare singulars from those built with
singular indefinites: only the former are predicational sentences (and as such group
with copular sentences built with adjectives), whereas the latter constitute a particular
type of identity sentence, namely equatives built with ISs in the predicate position.
Predicational sentences rely on a rule of attributive predication, which estab-
lishes a relation between a property-denoting predicate and a subject DP that denotes
a generalized quantifier (i.e., a set of properties). Identity sentences, on the other
hand, rely on an identity predicate, which establishes a relation between a subject
DP that denotes an entity (since it is used attributively, the subject DP cannot be
shifted to denote a generalized quantifier) and another entity. We thus postulate the
existence of two distinct copulas. In predicational sentences, the copula is semanti-
cally empty and as such can be represented as the identity function (see (123a)),
which applies to a formula and yields the same formula. In identity sentences, on
the other hand, the copula denotes the identity relation (see (123b))40:
The distinction between the identity and the predicational copula is a standard one. Less standard
is the view that specificational, identificational as well as copular sentences built with ISs all rely
on an identity copula. Although den Dikken’s (2006) account of copular sentences differs from
ours insofar as it crucially relies on Predicate Inversion for the analysis of specificationals and
refutes the existence of base-generated equatives, it is nevertheless similar to ours insofar as it
recognizes only two types of copular sentences, Moro’s (1997) canonical and inverse predication.
Correspondingly, den Dikken’s copulas are either ‘relators’ or ‘linkers’. Our approach in terms of
identity predication (rather than Inverted Predication) is well motivated on semantic grounds (an
identity predicate is needed for the semantic composition), whereas under den Dikken’s account,
the ‘linker’-type of copula has nothing to do with identity, being syntactically triggered by the
movement underlying Predicate Inversion. According to den Dikken, the Predicate Inversion anal-
ysis of specificationals and equatives has the advantage of explaining the ban on A’-extraction of
the postcopular expression, e.g., *whose opinion of Smith do you think your opinion of Jones is?
We leave it open for further research the objective of showing that this constraint can be explained
as an effect of identity predication (as opposed to attributive prédication).
2.7 Bare NPs in Predicate Positions 83
In what follows we will show that Beyssade and Dobrovie-Sorin’s (2009) pro-
posal is able to explain the contrasts between ISs and BSs in postcopular posi-
tions. We begin with the two contrasts presented in Sect. 2.7.2 above and continue
with some others.
Small clauses are characterized by the absence of the copula. This absence is legiti-
mate with BSs because BSs are property-denoting expressions and correspondingly
the copula preceding them is semantically empty, which explains why it can be
dropped. ISs, on the other hand, are entity-denoting expressions that must combine
with a copula that denotes the identity relation. Being semantically non empty, the
copula cannot be dropped, which explains why ISs cannot appear as predicates of
small clauses.
The hypothesis that BSs can denote properties, whereas ISs cannot do so, also
explains why BSs can function as secondary predicates, whereas ISs cannot do so:
(125) Jean est né (*un) prince et est mort (*un) mendiant.
‘John was born a prince and died a beggar.’
In sum, both small clauses and secondary predications are instances of attributive
predication (as opposed to identity predication) and therefore ISs are ruled out in
these environments.
84 2 Bare Noun Phrases
Turning now to the alternation between ce ‘that’ and il ‘he’ (see (110–111)), these
pronouns differ with respect to their denotation: only the former can be analyzed as
a generalized quantifier (type < <e,t>,t>).41 Since the pronoun ce necessarily refers
to an entity of type < e>, it is ruled out from predicational sentences.42
The examples in (126) show that only ISs can provide an answer to questions of
the type qui est…? ‘who is’, whereas only BSs can be the antecedent of an anaphor
like ce que ‘which’ or l’est aussi ‘also’.
(126) a. Qui est Jean? Jean est *( un) chanteur
who is Jean Jean is a singer
‘Who is Jean? Jean is a singer’
b. Jean est *( un) docteur, ce que je ne serai jamais.
Jean is a doctor that which I neg be.fut never
‘John is a doctor, (that) which I’ll never be.’
c. Marie est * (une) institutrice, et sa sœur l’est aussi.
Marie is a primary school teacher and her sister that is also
‘Marie is a primary school teacher, and her sister is that too.’
This behavior is expected, given that qui ‘who’ refers to entities of type < e>,
whereas the antecedent of ce que ‘which’ and l’est aussi ‘also’ is property-denoting.
It is also expected that only bare nouns are compatible with expressions like de
profession ‘by profession’, de nationalité ‘by nationality’ and with qua phrases (en
tant que ‘as’), which select a property-denoting argument:
Partee (1987) showed that a DP could be associated to several semantic types, which are related
to each other by type-shifting rules. According to Beyssade and Dobrovie-Sorin, ce ‘that’ is special
in that it is necessarily of type e, i.e., it can only denote an entity. Ad-hoc as it may seem, this
characterization of ce seems natural: languages may resort to special lexical items in order to make
reference to objects that are viewed as having no property at all, which means that they cannot be
viewed as denoting sets of properties.
Note however that when it refers to either a kind or a proposition (finite or not), ce can be the
subject of attributive predication:
(i) La soupe, c’est bon.
The soup that’s good,
‘Soup, that’s good.’
(ii) Que Jean fasse du jogging, c’est surprenant.
That Jean do of jogging, that’s surprising,
‘That Jean jogg is surprising.’
(iii) Faire du jogging, c’est sain.
doing of jogging, that’s healthy,
‘Jogging is healthy.’
2.7 Bare NPs in Predicate Positions 85
Bare nouns can appear in the predicate position of copular sentences built with a
quantified subject, whereas singular indefinites cannot do so:
(129) a. Parmi ses amis, personne n’est (* un) acteur.
among his friends nobody neg is a actor
‘Among his friends, nobody is an actor.’
b. Dans sa famille, tout le monde est (* un) médecin de père en fils.
in his family everybody is a doctor from father to son
‘In his family, everybody is a doctor from father to son.’
Sentences like (129a–b) have the Logical Form in (130), in which the quantifier
denotes a relation between two sets:
(130) a. NOx (person (x)) actor (x)
b. "x (person (x)) doctor (x)
The ungrammaticality of (129a–b) is expected under the hypothesis that ISs can-
not denote properties and as such they cannot supply one of the two sets related by
the quantifier. Combined with the copula, ISs necessarily form identity predicates
and therefore can only take entity-denoting subjects.
As observed by Roy (2006) and Matushansky and Spector (2004), a.o., ISs and
BSs contrast with respect to the so-called ‘lifetime effects’, which can be analyzed
86 2 Bare Noun Phrases
Let us finally consider the examples in (135), which show that spatial and tem-
poral modifiers are allowed in predicational sentences but not in identity
(135) a. Paul est (* un) médecin à Paris.
Paul is a doctor in Paris
‘Paul is a doctor in Paris’
b. Paul a été (*un) professeur à trois occasions dans sa vie.
Paul has been a professor at three times in his life
‘Paul has been a professor three times in his life’
c. Marie est de temps en temps (* une) ouvreuse à l’Odéon.
Marie is from time to time a usher to the Odéon
‘Marie is occasionally an usher at the Odéon’
d. Jean a été (* un) étudiant de 1995 à 1998.
Jean has been a student from 1995 to 1998
‘John was a student from 1995 to 1998.’
In the non starred versions of the examples above, the locative or temporal phrase
is a sentential complement, whose semantic role is that of a property modifier: it
turns a given property into a new one. If be doctor is a property, be doctor in Paris,
or be doctor during the day are two other properties. The ungrammaticality of the
starred versions is due to the fact that in identity sentences, the postcopular expres-
sion does not denote a property and as such it cannot be modified. DP–internal
modifiers are allowed, as in (136b):
88 2 Bare Noun Phrases
Note finally that copular sentences convey different meanings depending on whether
they are built with or without an indefinite article, as illustrated by (137):
(137) a. Jean est clown.
Jean is clown
‘Jean is a clown’
b. Jean est un clown.
Jean is a clown
‘Jean is a clown’
According to Laca and Tasmowski (1994), the IS has a metaphoric meaning.
This is an appropriate description of the contrast given in (137) since être clown ‘(to
be [a] clown)’ in (137a) means to be a professional clown, whereas être un clown ‘(to
be a clown)’ in (137b) is less precise: the noun clown in (137b) does not necessarily
refer to John’s profession but rather says something about John’s character, e.g., he
likes to fool around or he is a funny guy.
Although they are built with ISs, copular sentences of the type in (137b) are
predicational rather than identity sentences. Indeed, in these examples, the subject
DP does not have an attributive use, as in identity sentences but rather a referential
use, as in predicational configurations. Correspondingly, the postcopular IS is not
interpreted as referring to an individual belonging to the class of (professional)
clowns but rather as an attributive predicate roughly paraphrasable by ‘have the
qualities of a clown’ or ‘behave as a clown’.
The predicational use of ISs can also explain a number of examples that are
problematic for Beyssade and Dobrovie-Sorin’s (2009), as correctly pointed out by
a reviewer of this book:
(138) a. Chaque langue est un art.
every language is an art
‘Every language is a work of art.’
b. Chaque maison est un royaume.
every house is a kingdom
‘Every house is a kingdom.’
c. Chaque homme est un orateur.
every man is an orator
‘Every man is an orator.’
2.7 Bare NPs in Predicate Positions 89
Unlike singular indefinites, which are compatible with any kind of modifier, bare
noun modification is much more constrained:
(139) a. Jean est (un) médecin généraliste.
Jean is a doctor generalist
‘Jean is a general practitioner.’
b. Jean est *( un) médecin honnête.
Jean is a doctor honest
‘Jean is a honest doctor’.
Modified bare nouns denote complex predicates, built from the simple properties
denoted by the unmodified bare nouns. There are at least three different ways of
building complex properties by modification.
First, a noun of profession N may be modified by a postnominal adjective or by
another noun preceded by a functional preposition, yielding a hyponym of N: méde-
cin généraliste ‘general practitioner’ in (140a) designates a type of doctor and chan-
teur de jazz ‘ jazz singer’ in (140b) a type of singer. The only constraint on these
constructions is a purely lexical one: the resulting NP must denote a subtype of the
unmodified N.
90 2 Bare Noun Phrases
headed by bon ‘good’, which is modified by danseur ‘dancer’. Under this analysis,
(143b) is acceptable on a par with (143c), because adjectives (unlike nouns) satisfy
the selectional restrictions of trouver ‘find, consider’.
Our proposal can be extended to cover examples of the type shown in (144),
which are usually analyzed as lexicalizations or idioms. Within our account, they
can instead be analyzed in terms of property modification:
(144) a. Jean est beau/ gentil garçon.
Jean is handsome / kind boy
‘Jean is a handsome/kind boy.’
b. Marie est vieille fille/ jeune grand-mère.
Marie is old girl young grand-mother
‘Mary is a spinster/a young grand-mother’
c. Jean est simple soldat / petit commerçant.
Jean is simple soldier / small shopkeeper
‘Jean is a simple soldier/small shopkeeper.’
Turning now to relational nouns such as ami, the presence or the absence of the
indefinite article depends in this case on the type of preposition that heads the com-
plement of the relational noun. With PPs such as avec DP ‘with DP’ or à DP ‘to
DP’, which are headed by lexical prepositions, the indefinite article is ungrammati-
cal (as shown in (145a–b)). With PPs such as de DP, built with a semantically empty
preposition, functioning as a marker of Genitive Case, the indefinite article is
(145) a. Jean est (* un) ami avec Pierre.
Jean is a friend with Pierre
‘Jean is friends with Pierre.’
b. * Jean est *( un) ami de Pierre.
Jean is a friend of Pierre
‘Jean is friends with Pierre.’
Kinship nouns are a sub-class of relational nouns, which are special in that their
complement can itself be a bare noun:
(146) a. Jean est ( un) fils d’avocat
Jean is a son of lawyer
‘Jean is a son of lawyer.’
b. Jean est *( le) fils d’un avocat.
Jean is the son of a lawyer
‘Jean is the son of a lawyer.’
92 2 Bare Noun Phrases
Granting that bare nouns denote properties, examples of the type in (146a)
indicate that contrary to current assumptions, the second argument of kinship nouns
need not be saturated by an individual but may also be saturated by a property. In
other words, kinship nouns may denote a relation between an individual and a
property referring to a role. In (142b), fils de diplomate denotes a complex property,
obtained by applying a function (fils ‘son’) to a property (diplomate ‘diplomat’):
(147) a. lx lP son (x, P) (lawyer) j
b. lx son (x, lawyer) j
(147) shows how the complex predicate être fils d’avocat ‘be son of lawyer’ is
built. The kinship noun son is analyzed as a binary predicate, which denotes a rela-
tion between an individual and a property (rather than a relation between two indi-
viduals, as currently assumed). This is indicated by the two lambda abstractions lx
lP in (147a). This binary predicate is applied to the property denoted by lawyer and
to the constant ‘j’ referring to John. (147b) is obtained by reduction from (147a), the
name of role lawyer instanciating the value of P. In (147b) the complex property être
fils d’avocat represented by ‘lx son (x, lawyer)’ is applied to j.
Let us now compare the analysis adopted above with the proposal in de Swart et al.
(2007). Both approaches share the assumption that bare nouns and singular indefinites
have different denotations. However, the distinctions they make are not the same.
On our proposal, bare nouns in predicate position are property-denoting expres-
sions, just like adjectives, which can be directly attributed to individuals, whereas
singular indefinites refer to entities. Accordingly, we posit the existence of two types
of copular sentences, predicational and identity sentences, with two distinct copulas.
In contrast to this, de Swart et al. make no distinction concerning the copulas and
assume the existence of two operators (REL and QUAL) that map kinds to indi-
vidual entities. Following Carlson, they assume that nouns lexically denote kinds of
type k and they use a realization operator REL in order to map a kind to the set of
entities realizing it. Copular sentences built with a singular indefinite would estab-
lish a relation between the entity denoted by John and the kind denoted by teacher
via the use of the realization operator, which mandatorily applies at the NumP level.
In the case of copular sentences built with bare nouns, they assume the existence of
capacity qualifiers, of the type by profession, by nationality, which may be overt or
covert. Capacity qualifiers are analyzed as operators that map the kind k denoted by
the noun to the set of entities realizing the kind as a particular role in society, often
associated with its typical activities. Capacity qualifiers, noted QUAL, are more
restrictive than REL: only entities that realize the kind k in the way that is expressed
by the qualifier are in the set QUAL(k).
The two accounts cover different empirical domains. De Swart et al. restrict their
attention to role names and therefore nothing is said regarding other types of nouns
2.8 Conclusions 93
that can appear bare in predicate positions, e.g., relational or kinship nouns. Note
furthermore that their account, which builds on the lexical properties of role names,
does not seem able to explain the use of role names modified by adjectives such as
bon. Claiming that mauvais médecin ‘bad doctor’ is a role name like médecin ‘doctor’
and that this information is lexically encoded would be an ad hoc and counter-intuitive
solution. The same observation holds for kinship nouns like fils de diplomate ‘son of
diplomat, diplomat’s son’, fils d’avocat ‘son of lawyer, lawyer’s son’, which are unlike
to be stored as such in the lexicon, a proposal that would obscure their compositional
and productive character.
2.8 Conclusions
In this chapter we were led to challenge several widely assumed generalizations and
hypotheses regarding the analysis of bare NPs. The most important observation is
that the use of bare NPs in argument positions should not be viewed as being related
to the use of bare NPs in predicate positions. These are two separate phenomena, for
which separate analyses are needed. This observation strongly suggests that the
property analysis of argumental BPs is misguided. We remain open to the possibil-
ity of analyzing count BSs in Spanish, Romanian or Catalan as property-denoting.
Carlson’s (1977a, c) observations regarding the differences between BPs and singular
indefinites can be attributed to the fact that, due to the absence of an overt Det, BPs
are necessarily weak (in the sense of Milsark 1977), whereas singular indefinites are
both weak and strong. In Sect. 2.4.4 we have suggested that the lack of indefinite
article is related to the denotation: mass and plural nouns refer to amounts (of sub-
stance or of objects), i.e., entities that are ordered by the part-whole relation, whereas
singular count nouns refer to individuals, i.e., entities that are not ordered by the
part-whole relation.
The main theoretical proposal of this chapter is that argumental BPs (as well as
bare mass NPs) should be analyzed as generalized existential quantifiers over
amounts, which are defined in such a way that they need to combine with existential
predicates. In Chaps. 3, 4 and 5 we will show that this analysis extends to non-bare
weak indefinites.
Turning now to bare NPs in predicate positions, let us insist that the interesting
phenomenon concerns only a limited class of nouns: names of roles, professions
and relational nouns. All other nouns occurring in postcopular positions require the
indefinite article. The differences between copular sentences built with BSs as
opposed to ISs point to a necessary distinction between two types of copular sen-
tences (and two types of copulas), which we have labeled attributive and identity
sentences. In identity sentences, the postcopular indefinite denotes an individual,
just as it does in argumental positions. In attributive sentences, the postcopular noun
denotes a property, which explains why ISs are disallowed and BSs allowed, on a
par with adjectives.
Chapter 3
Existential Sentences
In this chapter we will present recent analyses of English existential sentences and see how they
can be refined in order to account for the French data. Beyond the similarities between there be
sentences in English and il y a sentences in French, these constructions also differ in interesting
ways. In addition to the difference in verbs (avoir ‘to have’ in French and to be in English) and the
presence of two pronouns il and y in French, the two constructions differ with regard to agreement:
in French, the verb avoir is always found in the third person singular, regardless of the number
(singular or plural) of the DP argument, whereas in English, BE agrees with the DP argument. We
will not attempt to explain these syntactic differences here. Nor are we going to examine Landman’s
(2003) observation that a definite DP is more easily accepted following il y a in French than fol-
lowing there be in English.
McNally’s (1998) analysis builds on a remark due to Strawson (1959: 241), who
says that existential sentences can be construed as propositions of the form subject-
predicate “in which the subject is a property or concept and in which the predicate
declares, or denies, its instantiation.” Accordingly, McNally proposes that there-
sentences are built with a predicate of instantiation that applies to a property. Thus
the sentence in (3) is true if and only if the property snow, represented in (4) as ly
snow(y), is instantiated.
(3) There is snow.
(4) to be instantiated (ly snow(y))
As McNally points out, a property is instantiated if and only if there is a particu-
lar of which it is true. To be instantiated is reformulated in (5a) so as to show that it
3.1 Constraints on Existential Sentences 97
Going back to McNally’s (1998) analysis, it explains the restrictions on the dis-
tribution of postverbal DPs in existential constructions by means of a constraint on
the semantic type of the DP3:
To reduce (6a), P in $y [snow(y) Ù P(y)] is replaced by the predicate lx exist(x). We thus obtain
(i). y is then substituted for x in [exist(x)], yielding (6b).
(i) [$y [snow(y) Ù (lx exist(x)) (y)]
McNally views the constraint in (7) as a selectional restriction comparable to the requirement of
plural referents imposed by predicates such as gather, which can be satisfied by morphological
plurals (ii) but also by singular DPs that denote groups (iii). Example (i) is excluded, not because
the subject is singular but rather because it denotes an atomic individual:
(i) *A girl is gathering around the table.
(ii) The girls are gathering around the table.
(iii) The dense crowd is gathering around the building.
98 3 Existential Sentences
Apparent exceptions will be examined later in this chapter: the case of definite descriptions in
Sect. 3.3 and the case of quantified expressions in Sect. 3.4.
If negation took scope over the entire sentence, we would have the following representation:
(i) ¬ $y [snow(y) Ù exist(y)]
This representation is also somewhat paradoxical due to the simultaneous presence of the negated
existential quantifier and the predicate exist. It could be paraphrased as: it is false that there exists
snow that exists.
3.1 Constraints on Existential Sentences 99
Prince distinguishes between two kinds of new discourse referents: one kind is “brand new” dis-
course referents, corresponding to cases where the addressee must create a new entity and intro-
duce it into the universe of discourse; the other kind is ‘unused’ discourse referents, corresponding
to cases where the addressee already has a discourse referent in his/her own model and only needs
to introduce or copy it into the discourse-model. The referent does not need to be created but
merely activated, as it were.
3.1 Constraints on Existential Sentences 101
The examples in (20)–(21) show that despite their being definite, DPs that refer
to ‘unused new’ entities may be used in existential sentences:
(20) a. There is the cat in the yard.
a¢. Il y a le chat dans la cour.
(21) a. There is John over there.
a¢. Il y a John là-bas.
Another case in point, observed by Comorovski (1995), involves examples rely-
ing on the mechanism known as ‘cross-reference’. This can be observed with cer-
tain definite DPs, e.g., its author / son auteur in (22), or the son of the neighbor / le
fils de la voisine in (23):
(22) a. John read [a book on Schubert]i and wrote to [itsi author]j.
a¢. John a lu [un livre sur Schubert]i et a écrit à [soni auteur]j.
(23) a. Jean has [a neighbor who plays the piano]i. As for [the neighbor’si son]j,
he plays the violin.
a¢. Jean a [une voisine qui joue du piano]i. Quant au [fils de la voisinei]j, il
joue du violon.
In (22), its author/son auteur introduces a novel discourse referent but this refer-
ent is dependent on the DP a book on Schubert/un livre sur Schubert. Similarly in
(23), the son of the neighbor/le fils de la voisine introduces a discourse referent not
yet present in the context but the referent depends on another referent that has
already been mentioned (i.e., the neighbor).
Cross-reference explains why definite descriptions with an indefinite comple-
ment, like the French DP le fils d’une voisine or the English the son of a neighbor,
are allowed to appear in existential sentences (see Jackendoff (1974) for English
and Milner (1982) for French).
(24) a. There was the son of a neighbor at the party.
a¢. Il y avait le fils d’une voisine à la fête.
In sum, the study of existential sentences calls attention to definite DPs that refer
to new entities: although they refer to new discourse-referents, these DPs are definite
either because their referents are salient or ‘active’ in the extralinguistic context, or
because they are introduced by means of cross-reference (see Chap. 8 on dependent
McNally’s account relies on two constraints: a semantic one, on the (semantic)
type of the DP argument in existential sentences, and a pragmatic one, on the nov-
elty of the discourse referent associated with the DP. The two constraints are of a
very different nature: the former rules out quantified expressions from existential
sentences, the latter explains why definite DPs are often less acceptable than
indefinite DPs. We will not pursue this analysis, which makes use of type-shifting
102 3 Existential Sentences
rules without restricting the range of application of these rules. Rather, we seek to
avoid type-shifting rules as much as possible. We consider it is always possible to
have a type-lifting operation that applies to a constant, i.e., an expression referring
to an individual and returns an expression of type < e,t>. To put it differently, in our
view, a constant can either refer to an individual, or to a set of properties. But we do
not allow for any other type-shifting operations and we think that type-shifting can
only result from the application of a covert semantic operator.
Let us now observe that the presence of definite DPs in existential sentences is
problematic not only for McNally’s analysis but also for Milsark’s (1977) view
according to which the arguments of there-sentences are necessarily weak indefinite
DPs (see Chaps. 4 and 5 below). This problem can be avoided by extending the
typology of French existential sentences to English. As shown in Sect. 3.2.2 below,
definite DPs can freely occur in eventive existentials (i.e., those existentials that
have an eventive relative (in French) or gerund (in English) as a coda) but not in
locative existentials (i.e., those existentials that have a locative coda). Adjectives
A simple and yet compelling argument against the property analysis of the argu-
ment of existential sentences (and more precisely locative existentials) comes from
the fact that adjectives, which are typically property-denoting expressions and
which are always felicitous in predicate positions, are excluded from existential
sentences. This generalization holds cross-linguistically and in particular in both
English and French:
(25) a. * There is {happy/red}.
a¢. * Il y a {heureux/rouge}.
(26) a. She was {happy/red}.
a¢. Elle était {heureuse/rouge}.
The clear contrast illustrated in (25)–(26) is unexpected under McNally’s property
analysis. In fact, McNally’s analysis of existential sentences is a particular case of a
more general hypothesis according to which weak DPs are property-denoting
expressions (McNally (1995a, b, 1998), van Geenhoven (1996), McNally and van
Geenhoven (1998), Dobrovie-Sorin (1995, 1997a, b), Ladusaw (1994), a.o.), which
we have shown to be problematic in section 4.2 of Chap. 2 above. Note that McNally
might have argued that the arguments of existential sentences are weak DPs of a
special, more constrained sort. However, the hypothesis of property-denotation does
not seem to be adequate and the simplest view is to go back to Milsark’s (1977)
observation that the arguments of existentials must be weak DPs (see Chaps. 4 and
5 of this book).
In order to further understand Milsark’s generalization we need to define weak
DPs and explain why only weak DPs are allowed as arguments of existential sen-
tences (as we will see below, this requirement holds for locative existentials but not
for the other two types of existentials discussed in Sect. 3.2 below).
3.2 Existential Sentences in French 103
The conclusions in (27a) and (27b) can be respectively drawn from our examination
of existential sentences built with definite DPs and adjectives:
(27) a. The property analysis cannot be a constraint on all types of existen-
tial sentences.
b. The property analysis cannot be a constraint on locative existential
In the remainder of this chapter we will attempt to show that existential sentences
are of different types and that there is a correlation between the type of DP and the
type of existential sentence:
(28) a. Locative existentials have weak DPs as arguments.
b. Definite DPs are allowed in eventive and enumerative existentials.
We will also make explicit the semantic composition of locative existentials
based on the hypothesis stated in (29), proposed in Chap. 2 and further motivated in
Chaps. 4 and 5:
(29) Weak DPs refer to non specific amounts.
We do not adopt Comorovski’s (1995) distinction between the existential and the presentational
readings of there is sentences. For Comorovski, the existential reading corresponds to an asser-
tion of existence, as in (i), and the presentational reading, to the introduction of a new referent, as
in (ii):
According to Comorovski, these two readings correspond to different ways of calculating the
semantic value of the sentence. Under the existential reading, the denotation of the predicate struc-
ture is calculated and combined with the meaning of there be. Under the presentational reading, the
denotations of be and the coda XP combine with each other before combining with the denotation
of the DP. The expletive “there” contributes nothing to the meaning of the sentence.
104 3 Existential Sentences
coda. Eventive existentials are built with an eventive coda, more precisely an even-
tive relative clause or an eventive present participle in French (the English counter-
parts of this type of existential are generally built with a gerund). Finally, enumerative
existentials do not need a coda and when a coda is present, it does not introduce new
information; enumerative constructions are characterized by the fact that their argu-
ment is an enumeration.
The sentence asserts the existence of an entity at a certain location. When the
coda is empty, as in (32), an implicit locative may be reconstructed: ici ‘here’ in
(32a) or sur la terre ‘on earth’ in (32b–c). This can be explained if we assume that
the instantiation predicate, there be or il y a, is an episodic predicate that contains a
situation or a location in its argument structure (Kratzer 1988). If this argument is
not expressed, then it must be recoverable from the context.
(32) a. Il y a un problème.
there has a problem
‘There is a problem.’
b. Il y a un Dieu.
there has a God
‘There is a God.’
c. Il n’y a pas de justice.
there neg has neg de justice
‘There is no justice.’
On our analysis, the existential predicate is a localization predicate, which can
only combine with an amount-referring expression. Such a predicate asserts the
existence of an entity at a certain location; the localized entity individualizes the
amount-referring DP with which the existential predicate combines.
Our proposal for the semantic composition of existential sentences is given
below. Consider sentence (33). It will be associated with the Logical Form (34),
which is obtained by combining the locative existential predicate ‘il y a x sur la
table’ with the weak DP ‘de l’eau’. The detail of the semantic composition is given
in (35): as indicated in (35c), the generalized quantifier denoted by ‘de l’eau’ (see
(35a)) applies to the property denoted by il y a x sur la table (see (35b)). In (34) and
(35), Ind is an individuating relation by which an amount (which instantiates a cer-
tain property) is individuated by identification to a localized entity. (34) is equiva-
lent to (35c) and is obtained by applying to (35c) two lambda-conversions, which
are detailed in (35d) and (35e).
(33) Il y a de l’eau sur la table.
there has de water on the table
‘There is water on the table.’
(34) $ xi $ xa (Water (xa) Ù Ind (xi,xa) Ù (xi is at Loc))
(35) a. de l’eau = lP $ xa (water (xa) Ù P(xa))
b. il y a x sur la table = lxa $ xi (Ind (xi,xa) Ù (xi est sur la table) )
c. lP $ xa (water (xa) Ù P(xa)) • lxa $ xi (Ind (xi,xa) Ù (xi est sur la table))
d. $ xa (water (xa) Ù lxa $ xi (Ind (xi,xa) Ù (xi est sur la table)) (xa))
e. $ xa (water (xa) Ù $ xi (Ind (xi,xa) Ù (xi est sur la table)))
106 3 Existential Sentences
For this reason, it can be said that it is the proposition associated with DP W that is the focus in
the eventive construction, as opposed to the proper existential construction, where the DP is the
focus. Lambrecht (2002) claims that in the locative existential construction, W counts as a second-
ary predicate.
3.2 Existential Sentences in French 107
of an event.9 And it is only insofar as they are participants in the event that the tele-
phone, cat and neighbor’s daughter are mentioned. No semantic constraint bears on
these event participants; they may refer to individuals or amounts and they may be
new or familiar.
In eventive constructions, the coda is obligatorily overtly expressed. This is easy
to understand, since it is the coda itself that supplies an event variable and a restric-
tion on its range:
(38) a. ? Il y a le téléphone.
there has the phone
‘There is the phone.’
b. ? Il y a le chat.
there has the cat
‘There is the cat.’
c. ? Il y a la fille de la voisine.
there has the daughter of the neighbor
‘There is the neighbor’s daughter.’
According to Lambrecht, the coda in this type of existential sentence is a “pre-
sentational relative construction”.10
Note furthermore that the coda predicate must denote a transitory, or stage-level,
It may be noted that the eventive reading can also be obtained by replacing the expletive il and the
clitic y with a personal pronoun:
Table 3.1
Locative existential sentences Eventive sentences
Coda Can be implicit Necessarily explicit
Locative Eventive
DP Weak DP No restriction
Novel Type e
110 3 Existential Sentences
Unlike McNally, who analyzes existentials with definite DPs as cases of locative
existential constructions with type-raising of the definite DP (from e to <e,t>), we
believe that such sentences are eventive existentials, a type of construction that does
not constrain the postverbal DP, which can be not only indefinite but also definite
(see Sect. 3.3.2 on the use of certain quantified DPs).
Giry-Schneider (1988) and Comorovski (1995) both maintain that existential
sentences built with locative codas are ambiguous, invoking, respectively, the fol-
lowing examples:
The enumerative construction is found in both French and English but it is more
frequent in French:
(47) a. Il y a Marie qui viendra, il y a Jean aussi, un copain de Jean et sans doute
toi aussi.
a¢. Marie is going to come, and there’s also Jean, a friend of John’s and prob-
ably you.
b. Je crois qu’on a appelé tout le monde. Non, il y a encore Marie et Jean.
b¢. I guess we’ve called everybody. No, there is still Mary and John.
Enumerative constructions are usually used as answers to questions and their
coda takes up the question itself, e.g., (47a) can be an answer to Qui viendra ‘Who
will come?’. Generally speaking, in enumerative constructions, the coda does not
convey new information: it is not included in the focus, its content corresponds to
the discourse topic. Consequently, even if enumerative sentences without a coda
3.3 Existential Sentences Cannot Have Individual Variables as Arguments 111
can be found (see (47b)), in fact the coda is not empty but elliptic: it can easily be
recovered from the context. Thus, in (47b), an elliptic coda takes up the discourse
topic, which in this context can be ‘Whom do we have to call?’ The argument of
enumerative existentials is a list that can contain any type of DP, in particular proper
names or definite DPs.
3.2.4 Conclusions
Heim (1987) observed that personal pronouns cannot appear in English existential
constructions. This generalization extends to il y a-sentences in French. The exam-
ples in (49) are the French counterparts of the immediately preceding English
(48) a. Few people admitted that they had been at the party.
b. *Few people admitted that there had been them at the party.
(49) a. Peu de gens ont reconnu qu’ils étaient venus à la fête.
b. *Peu de gens ont reconnu qu’il y avait eu eux à la fête.
Based on examples of the type in (48b) and (49b) and assuming that personal
pronouns typically translate as individual variables, Heim (1987:23) proposed the
constraint in (50):
(50) Heim’s constraint
There be x is ungrammatical where x is an individual variable.
In what follows we will provide further evidence for this constraint by examining
existential sentences built with quantificational DPs on the one hand and existential
sentences inside relatives on the other hand.
112 3 Existential Sentences
Given Heim’s constraint, quantified DPs are predicted to be excluded from existential
sentences: at LF, quantified DPs are moved (via Quantifier Raising) out of their
argument position, leaving behind an individual variable, which yields a violation
of Heim’s constraint. However, existential sentences built with quantified DPs can
be found, as observed by Lumsden (1988), who gave the following examples:
(51) a. There was every kind of doctor at the convention.
b. There were most sorts of books in his library.
c. There were both varieties of wine for sale.
d. There was each kind of question on the exam.
In all of these examples, the postverbal DP contains a noun like kind, sort or
variety.11 The examples become ungrammatical when the terms kind, variety, type…
are removed:
(52) a. *There was every doctor at the convention.
b. *There were most books in his library.
c. *There was each question on the exam.
These data show that quantified DPs are not ruled out as such from appearing in
the argument position of an existential construction. Rather, their acceptability
depends on the descriptive content of the noun, which must refer to subkinds. DPs
such as a kind of doctor, a sort of book and a kind of question do not denote indi-
viduals but classes of individuals. In (51a), quantification is not over the set of
individuals that are doctors but over the set of medical specializations (general prac-
titioners, surgeons, dentists…); in (51b), the domain of quantification is not the set
of books but rather the set of literary genres; and in (51c), the domain of quantification
is not the set of actual questions, but rather the set of types of questions.
Similar observations hold in French. It is possible to construct minimal pairs
similar to Lumsden’s by replacing the postverbal N with toutes sortes de N
(‘every sort of N’) or toute espèce de N (‘every kind of N’) or tout type de N
For a more detailed analysis of the word kind and for more details on the differences between
every kind of N and an N of every kind, cf. Wilkinson (1991, 1995). The differences seem to disap-
pear in existential sentences. This seems to be true as well for the expressions Det genre de N and
(un/des) N de Det genre in French:
(‘every type of N’).12 Note that these expressions convey indefiniteness. Toutes
sortes de médecins (‘every sort of doctor’) is equivalent to des médecins de toutes
sortes (‘doctors of every sort’), tous les types de questions (‘every type of ques-
tion’) can be replaced by des questions de tous les types (‘questions of every
type’) and toute espèce de gens (‘all kinds of people’) means the same as des
gens de toutes espèces (‘people of all kinds’).
(53) a. Il y avait toutes sortes de médecins à la réunion.
There have.impf all sorts of doctors at the convention
‘There was every sort of doctor at the convention.’
b. Il y avait des médecins de toutes sortes à la réunion.
There have.impf des doctors of all sorts at the convention
‘There were doctors of every sort at the convention.’
c. ? Il y avait tous les médecins à la réunion.
There have.impf all the doctors at the convention
‘There were all the doctors at the convention.’
(54) a. Il peut y avoir tous les types de questions à l’examen.
There may have all the types of questions at the exam
‘There may be any type of question on the exam.’
b. Il peut y avoir des questions de tous les types à l’examen.
There may have des questions of all the types at the exam
‘There may be questions of any type on the exam.’
c. ? Il peut y avoir toutes les questions à l’examen.
There may have all the questions at the exam
‘There may be all the questions on the exam.’
According to Vaugelas, with toute sorte de ‘all sorts of’, followed by a complement, the
singular is used if the noun is singular and the plural is used if the noun is plural:
But this is not always the case: thus, for example, we may find toutes sortes de gibier ‘all sorts of
game’ in the writings of R. Bazin, or toute sorte de charges ‘every sort of charges’ in the writings
of A. Suarès.
114 3 Existential Sentences
(55) a. On rencontre toute espèce de gens dans ces pays. (H. Bosco)
3sg meets every kind of people in these countries
‘One meets all kinds of people in these countries.’
b. On rencontre des gens de toutes espèces dans ce pays.
3sg meets des people of all kinds in this country
‘One meets people of all kinds in this country.’
c. ? On rencontre tous les gens dans ce pays.
3sg meets all the people in this country
‘One meets all people in this country.’
More interestingly, French exhibits grammatical examples such as (56a), where
the postverbal argument is quantified and nouns such as type, sort or kind do not
(56) a. Il y avait {la plupart des /tous les} livres de Beckett dans
there have.impf the majority of the/all the books of Beckett in
cette librairie.
this bookstore
‘There were {most /all of} Beckett’s books in that bookstore.’
b. * Il y avait {la plupart des/ tous les} livres dans
there have.impf the majority of the/ all the books in
cette librairie.
this bookstore
‘There were {most /all of} books in that bookstore.’
c. * Il y avait {la plupart des/ tous les} livres reliés dans
there have.impf the majority of the/all the books bound in
cette librairie.
this bookstore
‘There were {most/all of} bound books in that bookstore.’
The contrast between (56a) vs. (56b–c) deserves an explanation. In (56a), the
nominal predicate livre de Beckett ‘book by Beckett’ applies to book titles and not
to copies of books. (56a), with la plupart / most, does not mean that most copies of
Beckett’s books were in the bookstore but rather that for most books by Beckett, at
least one copy can be found in the bookstore. Livre de Beckett does not refer to an
Note however an interesting contrast between tous les (‘all the’) and tout (‘every’) or chaque
(‘each’) in French. Tout and chaque cannot easily appear in existential constructions, even when
they are followed by a noun that denotes a kind instead of a token.
object, a token but to a title, a type. Livre de Beckett is used in this sentence as a
predicate of kinds, not as a predicate of objects. Beckett’s books refers to a kind,
divided into subkinds corresponding to each title. Livre de Beckett refers to a set of
subkinds: the set of titles of texts written by Beckett, with each title corresponding
to a subkind, whose members are copies of that title. (56a) means that for most titles
of Beckett, there is at least one copy of this title (i.e., one instantiation of the sub-
kind corresponding to the title) in the bookstore.
The contrast between (56a) on the one hand and (56b) and (56c) on the other
hand shows that reference to book-types rather than to book-tokens requires a
restriction on the noun livre and not just any restriction will do.
In sum, quantified DPs are not entirely excluded from existential constructions.
They are acceptable, provided that they do not quantify over individuals but over
subkinds, types or sorts. Representation
represent a variable over amounts, M(x) means that x is a doctor and D(x) that x is a
dentist. If we consider a specific subkind of doctors (dentists for example) and we
associate it with a constant D, then the DPs ‘the dentists’ and ‘the doctors of subkind
D’ have the same denotation and correspond to the existential generalized quantifiers
given in (63e). (63f) is equivalent to (63e), since D is a subkind of doctors.
(63) a. there is xk at the convention:
lxk ∃ xi (Ind (xi,xk) ∧ (xi is at the convention))
b. ∀xk (kind-of-doctor (xk)) [there was xk at the convention]
c. ∀xk (kind-of-doctor (xk)) → ∃ xi (Ind (xi,xk) ∧ (xi is at the convention))
d. Ind (xi,xk) ⇔ ∃xa (Real(xa, xk) ∧ Ind (xi,xa))
e. Des dentistes ‘dentists’: lP ∃xa [D(xa) ∧ P(xa)]
f. Des médecins de la classe des dentistes ‘doctors from the kind of dentists’:
lP ∃xa (M (xa) ∧ Real (xa, D) ∧ P(xa))
lP ∃xa (D(xa) ∧ P(xa))
g. (M (x) ∧ Real (x, D)) ⇔ D(x)
Returning to the French example in (56a), repeated in (64), it will have the
Logical Form in (65):
(64) Il y avait la plupart des livres de Beckett dans cette librairie.
there have the majority of the books of Beckett in this bookstore
‘There were all of Beckett’s books in that bookstore.’
(65) MOSTxk (book-by-Beckett (xk)) [there is xk in that bookstore]
Livre-de-Beckett in (64) is analyzed as a property of (sub) kinds. Thus, the
quantifier does not bind an individual variable but a kind variable.
To sum up, in all these examples, the quantifier raises out of the scope of the
predicate of existence, leaving a variable behind. For the sentence to be grammati-
cal, the variable has to obey Heim’s constraint, according to which, in existential
sentences, the argument cannot be an individual variable. The presence of words
like kind, sort, type is crucial for the examples in (51) and (53)–(55), because they
guarantee that the variable ranges over subkinds and not over individual entities.
This section focuses on existential sentences inside relative clauses. Carlson (1997b)
identified a subtype of relative clause, labeled ‘amount relatives’, and he observed
that these relatives are the only type of relative clause that admits existential
(66) a. Every man there was on the life-raft died.
b. *Some man there was on the life-raft died.
118 3 Existential Sentences
In what follows we will show that this type of relative clause obeys Heim’s con-
straint. The presentation below is based on French and English examples. Most
English examples come from either Carlson (1977b) or Heim (1987). Most of the
French examples come from Frantext, a corpus of French novels.
Carlson (1977b) showed that relative clauses of the type shown in (67c) are neither
non restrictive (like (67a)) nor restrictive (see (67b)).
(67) a. Les étudiants, qui ont le droit à une réduction, passeront après
the students who have the right to a discount pass.fut after
tout le monde.
‘Students, who get a discount, will go after everyone else has.’
b. Les étudiants qui ont réussi l’ examen peuvent s’inscrire pour
the students who have passed the exam may refl register for
le second semestre.
the second semester
‘Students who passed the exam may register for second semester.’
c. Every man there was on the life-raft died.
Although amount relatives are superficially very much like restrictive relatives,
they differ from canonical restrictive relatives by certain syntactic and semantic
properties: (i) while restrictive relatives can be introduced by wh- pronouns, amount
relatives are only compatible with that and the null complementizer; (ii) unlike the
other types of relative clauses, amount relatives allow the constituent that follows
there be to be relativized. The latter observation is important to our discussion. It
corroborates the idea that there is a selectional restriction on the semantic type of
the argument of existential constructions.
To properly understand the data, let us take a closer look at Carlson’s observa-
tions. Drawing a parallel between amount relative clauses and comparative clauses,
Carlson observes that in a comparative clause, the compared DP may appear inside
an existential sentence:
(68) a. There are more women in high school than there are in college.
b. There aren’t as many women in college as there are in high school.
These comparative clauses are assumed to be formed by a deletion transforma-
tion applied to underlying configurations of the type shown in (69), corresponding
to (68a): in (69); the deleted element is X women, where X notates a quantity phrase
that may be paraphrased by AN AMOUNT X.
(69) There are more women in high school than there are X women in college.
3.3 Existential Sentences Cannot Have Individual Variables as Arguments 119
(70) The amount of women in high school is greater than the amount of women
in college.
Let us now return to the example in (67c), repeated here as (75a) and contrast it
with (75b).
(75) a. Every man there was on the life-raft died.
b. *Some man there was on the life-raft died.
The difference in acceptability between the two examples can be attributed to
their not having the same structure. (75a) is an amount relative and therefore the
relativization of the position following there was is possible. (75b), on the other
hand, is a restrictive relative and the relativized element denotes an individual. The
wh-trace is therefore a variable that ranges over individuals, which is ruled out by
Heim’s constraint, hence the ungrammaticality of (75b). According to Carlson, the
structures associated with these two sentences are as follows:
(76) a. Every man [there was [that amount] of men on the life-raft] died
b. Some man [there was [that man] on the life-raft] died
Heim (1987) proposes a slightly different notation for amount relatives. She
replaces the trace of the relativized element with a phrase having the structure
x-many N or x-much N, which expresses the idea of quantity. If the relativized
expression is of the individual-type, then its trace is an individual-type variable x.
(75a,b) are accordingly represented as (77a, b):
(77) a. Every man [there was [x-many] men on the life-raft] died
b. *Some man [there was [x] on the life-raft] died
The advantage of Heim’s notation in (77) is that it allows the same analysis to be
used to account for both the contrast between (75a) and (75b) and the contrast
between (78a) and (78b).
(78) a. There were that many horses in the pasture.
b. *There was that horse in the pasture.
We still need to explain why every man is compatible with amount relatives,
whereas some man is not. Carlson (1977b) observes that it is only those determiners
that can precede an amount expression that can head an amount relative. Determiners
meeting this condition appear in the first list in (79) and those that do not appear in
the second:
(79) THE 40 men *TEN many people
THESE few insects *FEW several incidents
EVERY ten minutes *LOTS of many boys
ANY five cigars *MANY twelve pounds
ALL fifty Vikings *A several clods
WHAT few remarks *SOME eight mammals
THESE two answers *SEVERAL many ladies
THESE five criminals *MOST nine squids
MY many dreams *EACH fifty minutes
3.3 Existential Sentences Cannot Have Individual Variables as Arguments 121
These examples correspond to the French translation of English examples borrowed from
McNally (1998), who uses them in order to illustrate the difference between individual- and
property-denoting expressions:
(i) a. *They dressed like the eccentric women who they were.
a¢. They dressed like the eccentric women that they were.
b. *I doubt that Terry is the genius who they consider her to be.
b¢. I doubt that Terry is the genius that they consider her to be.
For reasons not directly related to the topic under discussion here, there are no minimal pairs with
definite DPs in French: both (iia) and (iib) are acceptable.
(i) a. Elles s’habillaient comme les femmes excentriques, ce qu’elles étaient.
b. Elles s’habillaient comme les femmes excentriques qu’elles étaient.
3.3 Existential Sentences Cannot Have Individual Variables as Arguments 123
(87) a. Il faisait chaud, ça sentait bon, et cela venait des odeurs qu’il y avait sur
sa table de toilette.
‘It was warm, there was a pleasant smell, and this was coming from the
fragrances that were on her bathroom table.’
b. Il régnait à la façon des tyrans qu’il y avait alors dans la plupart des villes
‘He ruled in the manner of the tyrants that were in most Greek cities at
the time.’
c. Un jour, l’insuffisance cardiaque, alliée à la surcharge de poids qu’elle
prenait parce qu’elle mangeait pour toutes les femmes qu’il y avait en
elle, l’attendit au coin d’un couloir de l’hôpital.
‘One day, her heart condition, combined with the weight she had put on
because she ate for all the women that there were inside her, caught up
with her in the corner of a hospital corridor.’
d. Je ne l’aime pas comme un individu, mais comme le fond religieux de
ma race, comme quelque chose qu’il y a chez tous et chez moi.
‘I do not love her as an individual, but as the religious foundation of my
race, as something there is in everyone and in me.’
In (87a) and (87b), relative clauses are headed by indefinites DPs (des odeurs
‘[des] fragrances’, des tyrans ‘[des] tyrants’) that do not refer to specific enti-
ties. These DPs translate at Logical Form as existential generalized quantifiers
that combine with the existential predicate ‘il y avait’ exactly as in (35),
Sect. 3.2.1. In (87c), toutes les femmes qu’il y avait en elle (‘all the women that
there were inside her’) does not denote several particular women, unlike the
analogous complex DP in Toutes les femmes qui sont parties ont eu raison (‘All
the women that left were right’). The common noun femme (‘woman’) does not
refer to a property of objects (a woman as an individual) but rather to a property
of kinds (a woman as a type of woman). Consequently the universal quantifier
binds a kind variable, not an individual variable. In a more explicit paraphrase
of the example, the different types of women could be listed: elle mangeait pour
toutes les femmes qu’il y avait en elle : la nerveuse, la travailleuse, la
paresseuse… (‘she ate for all the women that there were inside her: the nervous
one, the hard-working one, the lazy one…’). So Heim’s constraint is verified: in
none of the acceptable examples does the variable range over individuals.
Finally, (87d) illustrates a relatively frequent type of example involving the
expression quelque chose qu’il y a… (‘something there is…’). The use of this
indefinite corroborates the idea that the relativized DP cannot refer to an individual
To the database examples above, we can add similar cases found on the Internet
(see (88)) or constructed examples, as in (89).
124 3 Existential Sentences
All of these examples involve amount relatives. Note that the sentences in (88)
involve ce que ‘that which’, only possible after tout ‘all’ or rien ‘nothing’. The
examples in (89) are similar to those provided by Carlson, repeated in (90). Carlson
has pointed out that singular nouns cannot be modified by amount relatives. The
same restriction holds in French, as attested by (92).
It should be observed that in the French examples examined above, the existen-
tial sentences inside the relatives are all of the locative type. Turning now to the
other types of existentials, it seems very difficult, if not impossible, to relativize the
enumerative constructions (cf. (93)). This is even clearer for eventive existential
sentences, which cannot appear in relative clauses, as illustrated by (94):
3.4 Conclusion
Contrary to what is usually assumed, existentials are not subject to Milsark’s con-
straint, according to which only weak indefinite DPs may be arguments of there-
sentences, definite and quantified DPs being excluded from this position. No
determiner is completely excluded from these constructions: provided they quantify
over non individual entities, quantified DPs are allowed in existential sentences; as
for definite DPs or proper names, they are licensed in eventives (as event partici-
pants) and in enumeratives (as members of a list). We have shown that Heim’s
constraint is relevant for all the data we have examined, in English as well as in
French: existential sentences are incompatible with individual variables in their
argument position.
We have distinguished three types of existential constructions (locatives, even-
tives and enumeratives), which can be characterized by their respective codas.
Locative existential sentences are built with weak DPs (analyzed as generalized
existential quantifiers over amounts), which combine with the instantiation predi-
cate il y a. They are also compatible with quantified DPs, when the quantification is
not over individuals but over other types of entities such as kinds, types, sorts as
well as amounts. The analysis of amount relatives provides an argument in favor of
Heim’s constraint.
126 3 Existential Sentences
According to Milsark (1977), certain indefinites have two readings, a “weak” and a
“strong” reading. In this chapter we will show that this two-way distinction should
be replaced by a three-way distinction: in addition to the weak reading, we will
distinguish two types of strong readings, a quantificational and a non-quantificational
one. Three distinct representations will be proposed for each of these three readings
and correlations between the denotations of indefinites and presuppositionality or
partitivity will be highlighted.
Although it plays a central role in the study of indefinites as well as the study of the
semantics of DPs in general, the definition of the weak/strong distinction remains
problematic,1 despite efforts to formalize it within the generalized quantifier frame-
work (see especially Barwise and Cooper 1981). In what follows, we present those
contexts in which the difference between weak and strong indefinites can be dis-
cerned (Sect. 4.1).
Milsark (1977) observed that only indefinite DPs can appear in existential sen-
tences introduced by il y a / there is; quantificational or definite DPs are
For a clear presentation of the problems raised by current analyses of the weak/strong distinction,
the reader is referred to McNally and van Geenhoven (1998).
See Chap. 3 above for refinements of this generalization.
quite easily shown that such indefinites are not necessarily strong, as indicated by
examples such as there were two of your students in the street yesterday (see section 1.2
of Chap. 5). To repeat the main point, Milsark’s observation regarding partitivity is that
in certain contexts, namely in the subject position of certain predicates, indefinites
necessarily take a partitive reading, although they are not overtly partitive.
Milsark’s generalizations regarding weak and strong interpretations can be sum-
marized as in (4):
In this section we point out some disadvantages of the current analyses of weak
indefinites and we make a new proposal, namely the one already introduced in
Chap. 3 above, according to which weak indefinites refer to amounts and should be
represented as generalized existential quantifiers over amounts.
Following Kamp (1981) and Heim (1982), most theoreticians assume that indefinites
are to be represented as individual variables (see especially Kratzer 1988, 1995;
Diesing 1992, a.o.).
In the framework of Heim (1982), individual variables are bound by existential
closure, which may apply in two contexts:
(i) in the nuclear scope of every quantifier, or
(ii) at the highest level, the level of text.3
Heim (1981:139) explains that in order to take care of indefinites occurring in unembedded sen-
tences, we have to ‘make reference to expressions larger than sentences, namely texts, which are
sequences of sentences of unlimited length’. Heim assumes a rule of construal called Text
Formation, which attaches a sequence of sentences under a T(ext)-node. Text-level existential
closure consists in adjoining the existential quantifier to T.
130 4 The Ambiguity of Indefinites: Towards a Denotational Definition…
is not a sufficient condition for an indefinite to be able to take a weak reading: the pos-
sibility of weak readings of indefinites depends not only on the lexical properties of
the predicates with which indefinites combine but also on the position occupied by the
indefinite. Thus, the pair in (8a) vs. (8b) shows that in Romanian, bare plurals are
allowed in the postverbal subject position with a verb such as a veni ‘to come’ but
disallowed in the preverbal subject position of the same verb:
Diesing’s own data concern the postverbal and preverbal positions of subject bare plurals in
132 4 The Ambiguity of Indefinites: Towards a Denotational Definition…
and van Geenhoven 1998). This analysis relies on the hypothesis that certain predicates
are not necessarily represented as in (9a) but may also be represented as in (9b):
(9) a. lx P(x)
b. lQ ∃x (P(x) ∧ Q(x))
(9a) is the canonical representation of one-place predicates: they denote sets of
individuals (type <e,t>) and as such can only apply to individual-denoting DPs (type
e). The representation in (9b) is designed in such a way that certain predicates, e.g.,
dormir ‘sleep’, laver ‘wash’ and disponible ‘available’ have argument positions that
are already saturated by existential closure in the lexicon. But they are not fully
saturated, as they still require a property to specify the domain of variation of their
argument variable. In (9b), this is represented by the property variable Q restricting
the argument variable.5
Granting (i) that sentential predicates can be represented as in (9b) and (ii) that
weak indefinites denote properties, we can analyze sentences such as (10) as shown
in (10¢):6
Sometimes, the domain of variation of the existentially bound variable is not restricted. Such is
the case of implicit arguments, which appear in the thematic structure of a predicate but are not
lexically projected, as in sentences like Jean a mangé ‘Jean ate’ or Marie lit beaucoup ‘Marie reads
a lot’.
The weak reading of indefinites is sometimes analyzed as predicate modification (Farkas 2001).
And yet, rules of modification of the sort proposed in Chung and Ladusaw (2003), for example, are
technically different from the type of representation used here. At this point in the investigation of
weak indefinites, there are two possibilities. The first one is that weak indefinite readings are all of
a kind, in which case the different representations proposed in the recent literature are notational
variants of the same phenomenon. Alternatively, it may be that there are several distinct types of
weak indefinites (for example, bare plurals and bare count singulars in Spanish or Romanian would
belong to distinct types), licensed by different syntactic contexts and assigned different semantic
4.2 Weak Indefinites 133
We have so far discarded two analyses of weak indefinites, one in terms of individual
variables bound by VP-level existential closure, the other in terms of properties. We
will nevertheless preserve the common ingredient of these analyses, namely the
hypothesis that weak indefinites are legitimate only if an existential quantifier can
be supplied by the predicate with which the indefinite combines.
In Chap. 3 above we have already proposed that weak indefinites occurring in
existential sentences are to be analyzed as amount variables bound by the existential
quantifier introduced by il y a. We repeat below our proposal for the semantic
composition of existential sentences:
“Existential predicate” is an ambiguous term, in that it can refer either to lexical classes or to
representations of verbs, in a given context. Under the latter meaning, “existential predicate” refers
to (9b).
134 4 The Ambiguity of Indefinites: Towards a Denotational Definition…
In (14a), the two constituents are semantically composed by applying the generalized
quantifier denoted by de l’eau to the property denoted by il y a. In (14b) we have
replaced the two constituents by their representations in (12) and (13). In (14c) and
(14d) we have applied lambda-conversion twice. In (14e) we have preposed the
existential quantifier that binds the individual variable.
Let us now turn to the representation of examples of the type in (10a–b), repeated
under (15a–b). Both examples can be analyzed in the same way, so that it is sufficient
to give the semantic composition of one of the two examples:
In this section, we will demonstrate the existence of two distinct types of strong
readings, a quantificational and a non quantificational one.
we will propose that the partitive interpretations of those indefinites that are not
overtly partitive are an effect of their quantificational status, which is triggered by
the context. In the next subsection we will argue that strong indefinites are not nec-
essarily partitive and correlatively that they are not necessarily to be represented as
In order to clarify as much as possible the difference between the weak and
strong readings of indefinites, let us consider the example in (17), built with a car-
dinal and let us further assume that the Logical Forms associated with each reading
are as indicated in (18) and (19):
The LF representations of examples of this type might be more adequately represented in terms
of existential quantification over events. However, this refinement can be disregarded here.
136 4 The Ambiguity of Indefinites: Towards a Denotational Definition…
In this section we show that strong indefinites are not necessarily partitive (which
goes against Milsark’s generalization given in (4c)). We propose that strong non
partitive indefinites are not to be represented as quantificational DPs but rather as
individual variables or more precisely as Skolem terms (cf. Steedman (2003)).9
Within DRT, non-quantificational strong indefinites correspond to free variables bound by text-
level existential closure.
For some speakers, examples of the type in (21a–b), borrowed from Kleiber (1981a, b), are
highly marginal.
4.3 Strong Indefinites 137
See Farkas (1994), who distinguished among speaker-specificity, epistemic specificity and scope
specificity, by virtue of their descriptive content.
Example from Galmiche (1986).
138 4 The Ambiguity of Indefinites: Towards a Denotational Definition…
Since Fodor and Sag (1982), indefinites are known to allow wide scope interpreta-
tions that cannot be analyzed as relying on mechanisms of quantifier scope:
(26) Each professor knows that a student I’m advising failed the test.
Helena Palma Lopez points out that (25b) becomes acceptable if unos estudiantes is replaced
with unos estudiantes mios ‘some students of mine’:
Distributivity here owes to the specificity of the DP (the referent of unos estudiantes mios is acces-
sible to the speaker), which in turn owes to the presence of mios. For more on how the specificity
of indefinites and distributivity are linked, see Sect. 5.1.5 of Chap. 5.
This does not mean that, when in object position, unos N will always take wider scope than the
subject. In (25c), for example, the relative scope of the two DPs is ambiguous: each student may
have read the same group of books, or each may have read a different group.
Acknowledging the existence of non-quantificational strong indefinites may help resolving a
contradiction between the analyses of Heim (1982) and Heim (1987) (remarked upon but left
unresolved in note 1 of the latter): the analysis of Heim (1987) pertains to weak indefinites, while
the analysis of Heim (1982) is adequate for non-quantificational strong indefinites.
4.4 The Weak/Strong Distinction and Presuppositionality 139
Example (26) allows a specific reading according to which a student that I’m advis-
ing is such that each professor knows that he failed the test. This reading cannot be
analyzed in terms of quantifier scope because canonical quantifiers cannot scope out
of the minimal clause to which they belong, which led Fodor and Sag to propose that
the wide-scope interpretation of indefinites derives from a referential interpretation of
the indefinite. Within the three-way analysis of indefinites proposed here, wide-scope
indefinites can be represented neither as weak indefinites (such indefinites are neces-
sarily narrow-scoped) nor as quantificational strong indefinites (the scope of quantified
DPs cannot exceed their minimal clause). This leaves us with the third reading that we
have identified here: non-quantificational strong indefinites.
Following Steedman (2003), we propose to represent this type of indefinite,
which exhibits wide-scope effects, as a Skolem term (see Chap. 6 below).
The two strong readings of indefinites identified above are parallel to two different
types of strong DPs, as shown in (27):
(28) Strong DPs (referential DPs and generalized quantifiers) are presuppositional.
140 4 The Ambiguity of Indefinites: Towards a Denotational Definition…
4.5 Conclusions
Most theoreticians distinguish only two readings of indefinites, weak and strong.
We have shown that indefinites are in fact compatible with three distinct readings
(weak, quantificational strong and non-quantificational strong) and we have pro-
posed three possible analyses of indefinites, which can be represented as follows:
a. Weak indefinites refer to non specific amounts and must combine with an exis-
tential predicate. They denote generalized existential quantifiers over amounts.
b. Non-quantificational strong indefinites are referential expressions that are repre-
sented as Skolem terms.
c. Quantificational indefinites are generalized quantifiers, which we have repre-
sented in terms of tripartite configurations.
Chapter 5
Disambiguating Indefinites
Many languages have more than one plural indefinite determiner. French, for exam-
ple, has certains, quelques, des and plusieurs and English has certain, some, sm
(deaccented some) and several. They are all indefinite in that they are intersective
and symmetrical but they differ with respect to other semantic properties, such as
partitivity, contrastivity and distributivity. These features restrict the interpretative
possibilities of indefinite DPs.
Attal (1976) notes that there is an important contrast between certains ‘somepl’
and des in French: certains gives rise to quantificational sentences with distributive
interpretations, while des does not, except in contrastive contexts:
(1) a. Certains enfants étaient tristes/ malades / indisciplinés.
certain children were sad/ sick / undisciplined
b. ?? Des enfants étaient tristes/ malades/ indisciplinés.
des/sm children were sad/ sick / undisciplined
‘Some children were sad/sick/undisciplined.’
In unmarked cases, DPs introduced by certains are to be analyzed as
quantificational, whereas DPs introduced by des refer to non specific amounts. The
other plural indefinite determiners (quelques, plusieurs) are compatible with all
three representations introduced in the previous chapter; the choice of a particular
representation is contextually determined.
In what follows, we would like to suggest that the quantificational properties of
certains derive from its lexical meaning. More precisely, certains is intrinsically
contrastive and as such it gives rise to the implicature “not all”. The speaker uses
certains rather than des or quelques when the individuals characterized by the prop-
erty denoted by N may be divided into two subsets, the set of those who satisfy the
predicate of the sentence and the set of those who do not. The contrastitivity that
characterizes certains thus induces partitivity. In the words of Corblin (2001:105),
“certains N laisse entendre une partie de N mais pas tous les N”.1
(2) Certains étudiants ont rendu leur copie.
certain students have returned their paper
‘Certain students turned their paper in.’
Determiners other than certains (such as des, quelques, plusieurs, etc.) are lexi-
cally non-contrastive. If, from quelques N VP, we may conclude that not every N
satisfies VP, it is not because of the lexical meaning of quelques but rather because
of an application of Grice’s conversational maxim of quantity.
The contrastive partitivity of certains must be distinguished from the partitivity
of explicitly partitive indefinites, as in (3):
(3) Deux de tes étudiants ont rendu leur copie.
two of your students have returned their paper
‘Two of your students handed their paper in.’
‘Certains N suggests some of the Ns but not all of the Ns.’
This is not a logical implication but only an implicature, because it is possible to cancel it by using
même ‘even’ and say:
(i) Certains étudiants sont indisciplinés. Tous même, me semble-t-il.
certain students are undisciplined all even me seems- it
‘Certain students are undisciplined. All of them, even, it seems to me.’
5.1 Disambiguating Indefinites: DP-Internal Factors 145
For (3) to be true, it is enough that two students of yours handed their paper in.
Whether your other students handed theirs in or not does not affect the truth value
assigned to the sentence.
Let us now return to Attal’s observation that indefinites introduced by certains
favor a distributive reading. This interpretation distinguishes certains not only from
des (see (1a–b)) but also from other plural indefinites, which favor a collective
(4) a. Certains étudiants sont passés me dire que…
certain students are come me tell that
‘Certain students came by to tell me that…’
b. Plusieurs/ des/ quelques étudiants sont passés me dire que…
several des some students are come me tell that
‘Several / sm / a few students came by to tell me that…’
It can be shown that distributivity per se is not part of the lexical meaning of
certains. Indeed, the distributivity of certains N can be blocked by predicates that
select pluralities:
(5) Certaines filles se ressemblait.
certain girls refl resemble.impf
‘Certain girls looked alike.’
In examples of this kind, certains remains contrastive-partitive, which gives rise
to the implicature that there are girls that do not look alike. Quantificational DPs,
which are necessarily distributive (see Sect. 6.3 of Chap. 6), are unacceptable in the
same context:
(6) a. *Chaque fille se ressemblait.
each girl refl resemble.impf
‘Each girl looked alike.’
b. *Toute fille se ressemblait.
every girl refl resemble.impf
‘Every girl looked alike.’
We may thus conclude that certains is not inherently quantificational.
However, some correlation seems to exist between the distributivity and the con-
trastive meaning of certains: certains is contrastive and by default distributive
(unless the sentential predicate is collective), whereas des, plusieurs and quelques
are non-contrastive and – in unmarked cases – non-distributive.
It seems possible to account for this correlation as follows. The contrastive meaning
(‘not all’) that characterizes certains must take into account not only the intersection of
the nominal predicate with the predicate of the sentence but also other elements belong-
ing to the set described by the nominal predicate. However, certains is not a proportional
determiner, because we need not check every element in the set denoted by the nominal
predicate in order to assign a truth value to a sentence containing certains. It is sufficient
to find one element in this set that does not have the property denoted by the verb.
146 5 Disambiguating Indefinites
The collective meaning is even clearer in the case of the Spanish determiner unos (Villalta
There is however a partitive des, which is interpreted like certains (cf. Bosveld de Smet 1997).
(i) Des élèves étaient absents hier.
des students were absent yesterday
‘Some students were absent yesterday.’
148 5 Disambiguating Indefinites
These examples are acceptable with the partitive meaning equivalent to certains. This is expected
because the partitive des is quantificational and entity-predicates allow quantificational readings.
5.1 Disambiguating Indefinites: DP-Internal Factors 149
designated as partitives in the lexicon, quelques and plusieurs can acquire a partitive
meaning in the presence of a contrastive predicate. Whether it is due to the lexical
specification of the determiner (as is the case for certains) or induced by the syn-
tactic context, the contrastive interpretation gives rise to a quantificational Logical
Form (tripartite structure) and this representation correlates with a distributive
There are notable differences between languages regarding this point. For example, explicit
partitives in Spanish cannot appear in hay ‘there is’ constructions: (i) *habia dos de tus estudi-
antes en la sala ‘there were two of your students in the room’ vs. (ii) habia dos estudiantes tuyas
en la sala ‘there were two students of yours in the room’ (judgments provided by Helena Lopez
de Palma, p.c.).
5.1 Disambiguating Indefinites: DP-Internal Factors 151
Westerstähl (1989) and Liu (1990) observed that modified cardinals (au moins n ‘at
least n’, exactement n ‘exactly n’, n au plus ‘at most n’) have interesting scopal
properties: unlike unmodified cardinals, which allow several readings (wide scope
(14a), intermediate scope (14b) and narrow scope (14c)), modified cardinals favor a
narrow scope reading (cf. (15)):
(14) Chaque professeur a récompensé chaque élève qui a lu
each professor has rewarded each student who has read
deux romans.
two novels
‘Each professor rewarded each student who read two novels.’
a. There are two novels such that each professor rewarded each student
who read them.
b. Each professor chose two novels and rewarded each student who read
c. Each professor rewarded each student who read any two novels.
152 5 Disambiguating Indefinites
We will not adopt this analysis: modified cardinals may but need not be
quantificational. DPs introduced by modified cardinals acquire quantificational status
under the same contextual conditions as other indefinites, in particular in the subject
position of entity-predicates (cf. (18a)) or in contrastive contexts (see (18b)):
(18) a. Au moins trois filles étaient blondes.
at least three girls were blond
‘At least three girls were blond.’
b. Même si la plupart des étudiants n’ont pas réussi,
even if the majority of the students neg have neg succeeded
au moins trois étudiants ont eu 18/20.
at least three students have had 18/20
‘Even if most students did not pass, at least three students received 18 out
of 20.’
Like indefinites and unlike quantificational DPs, they may appear in il y a
(19) a. Dans la salle, il y avait au moins deux étudiants.
in the room there have.impf at least two students
‘In the room were at least two students.’
b. *Dans la salle, il y avait chaque étudiant.
in the room there have.impf each student
‘In the room was each student.’
c. Il y a au moins trois étudiants qui ont triché.
there has at least three students who have cheated
‘There are at least three students who cheated.’
d. * Il y a chaque étudiant qui a triché.
there has each student who has cheated
‘There is each student who cheated.’
In this context, modified cardinals cannot be analyzed as quantificational but
must be analyzed as weak, i.e., as referring to amounts.
Our proposal is that modified cardinals differ from run-of-the-mill indefinites in
that they do not allow a non-quantificational strong reading, i.e., a specific referen-
tial interpretation; in other words, they cannot be represented as Skolem terms (see
the difficulty of a collective reading in the subject position in (17b)6). The other
Note that a collective interpretation of modified cardinals is related to an eventive interpretation
of the sentence, in which the modified cardinal is a weak indefinite:
(i) Au moins cinq étudiants se sont réunis hier.
at least five students refl are gathered yesterday
‘At least five students have gathered yesterday.’
154 5 Disambiguating Indefinites
effects observed by Kamp and Reyle (1993) and Corblin (2001) can be shown to
follow from this hypothesis. As we will see in Chaps. 6 and 7, wide and intermediate
scope effects (see (14a–b)) on the one hand and generic interpretation (see (17c) vs.
(17d)) on the other hand, are possible only if a given indefinite can translate as an
individual variable.
In short, modified cardinals are indefinites that cannot be represented as indi-
vidual variables. We may now wonder whether this impossibility is linked to the
form of the DP (i.e., to the modification of the cardinal). A possible hypothesis
relies on postulating a homogeneity condition on quantification domains: a plural
indefinite can map onto a variable that ranges over pluralities only if the domain of
variation is homogeneous. A modified cardinal like au moins deux N ‘at least two
N’ denotes a set of amounts of varying cardinality: amounts of two N, of three N,
etc. However, this constraint could not explain why exactement un N ‘exactly one
N’ (or more generally exactement n N ‘exactly n N’), which defines a homogeneous
quantification domain, behaves in the same way as au moins n N ‘at least n N’ or au
plus n N ‘at most n N’.
Another line of explanation was proposed by Krifka (1999), who assumes that
modified cardinals are not determiners but rather complex expressions made up of
an adverb and a cardinal. Au moins, au plus and exactement have the same seman-
tics when applied to a numeral like quatre ‘four’ or when applied to some other
linguistic unit, as illustrated in (20). These adverbs affect the truth conditions of
the sentence, not the interpretation of the determiners. In others terms, even when
they are modified, cardinals are analyzed as cardinals, i.e., as indefinites, which
are ambiguous:
(20) a. Jean a vu au moins Marie.
Jean has seen at least Marie
‘Jean saw Mary at least.’
b. Pierre était exactement à l’heure.
Pierre was exactly at the hour
‘Pierre was exactly on time.’
c. Jean demandera au plus une petite somme d’ argent.
Jean ask.fut at most a small sum of money
‘Jean will ask for at least a small amount of money.’
Further reasons can be found for not considering modified cardinals to be deter-
miners. In the theory of generalized quantifiers, it was shown that conservativity is
a characteristic property of natural language determiners. Accordingly, elements
such as only in English, which can appear in a prenominal position but are not
conservative, are excluded from the set of English determiners. Certain modified
cardinals are, at least in certain uses, comparable to only in that they are not con-
servative. Take the case of exactement trois ‘exactly three’ and au plus trois ‘at
most three’.
5.1 Disambiguating Indefinites: DP-Internal Factors 155
Certain languages have two distinct forms for direct objects, one unmarked, the
other marked with a morphological case – as in Turkish, cf. Enç (1991) – or with a
preposition – like a in Spanish (Jaeggli 1982; Bleam 1999) and pe in Romanian
(Dobrovie-Sorin 1990, 1993; Cornilescu 2000). In this section we will examine
Romanian and Spanish prepositional Accusatives and we will show that the use of
a marked accusative blocks the weak reading; in other words, marked accusatives7
cannot be analyzed as amount-referring expressions. This constraint leaves room
for crosslinguistic variation.8 Thus, Romanian prepositional Accusatives necessar-
ily take specific and wide-scoped interpretations (Farkas 1978; Dobrovie-Sorin
1987, 1990, 1993, 1995), whereas Spanish prepositional Accusatives may also be
interpreted as non specific and narrow scoped indefinites. Romanian
In Romanian, the prepositional marking of the direct object correlates with clitic dou-
bling: in (22b) and in (24b), the direct object is doubled by the clitic l- (accusative
The notion of ‘strong Case’ was used by de Hoop (1992) to refer to prepositional or morphologically
marked Accusatives, as opposed to unmarked objects, assumed to be marked with a ‘weak Case’.
For a crosslinguistic analysis of specific indefinites, and in particular of prepositional Accusatives,
see von Heusinger (2002).
156 5 Disambiguating Indefinites
masculine third person singular) and in (23b), the direct object is doubled by the clitic
o (accusative feminine third person singular). The clitic doubling of the direct object
was optional in earlier stages of Romanian but it has become obligatory in the modern
language. Examples (22a) and (23a) show that non-prepositional accusatives cannot
be doubled by clitics (this impossibility characterizes all stages of Romanian):
(22) a. *L-am întîlnit un prieten.
him.acc-have.1sg met a friend
b. L-am întîlnit pe un prieten.
him.acc-have.1sg met pe a friend
‘I have met a friend.’
Turning now to their interpretation, prepositional accusative indefinites receive a
specific interpretation and they take obligatory wide scope.9
The specific interpretation of prepositional objects is indicated by the fact that
they do not give rise to “weak cross-over” (or “WCO”) effects, whereas unmarked
objects yield WCO effects10:
(23) a. ?* Mama eii va ajuta [una din studentele tale]i.
mother her.gen will help one of students yours
b. Mama eii oi va ajuta pe [una din studentele tale]i.
mother her.gen her.acc will help pe one of students yours
‘Heri mother will help [one of your students]i.’
Note also that a donkey sentence type of reading is blocked by prepositional
(24) a. Toţi profesorii care au cunoscut un student excepţional
all professors-the who have met a student exceptional
îşi amintesc de el.
refl remember of him
‘All the professors who knew an exceptional student remember him.’
b. ?* Toţi profesorii care l-au cunoscut pe un student
all professors-the who him-have met pe an student
excepţional îşi amintesc de el.
exceptional refl remember of him.
Here, we will not be looking at the distribution of prepositional accusatives with pronouns like
nimeni ‘nobody’, cineva ‘someone’, etc.
The term cross-over refers to the following generalization (cf. Postal 1971; Wasow 1972, 1979):
a relative or interrogative pronoun cannot cross (or move past) a pronoun with which it is coin-
dexed. Weak cross-over violations arise in structures where the coindexed pronoun does not
c-command the trace left by the movement of the relative pronoun. For example, in *Whoi does
hisi mother love ei, the pronoun his is embedded in the DP his mother and thus does not c-com-
mand the trace of who in the object position. Weak cross-over effects are also observed where a
pronoun is coindexed with a quantified DP to its right (*hisi mother loves nobodyi). This kind of
example is parallel to examples with wh-movement (in relatives or interrogatives) if it is assumed
that quantified DPs move at the level of Logical Form.
5.1 Disambiguating Indefinites: DP-Internal Factors 157 Spanish
Romanian and Spanish differ regarding the use and interpretation of prepositional
accusatives. Thus, there are contexts in which the prepositional accusative is obliga-
tory in Spanish, even if the indefinite in question does not receive a specific
interpretation. In (28b) the girl that John loves need not be known by the speaker or
assumed to refer to a particular girl in the discourse context:
(28) a. *Juan ama una chica.
Juan loves a girl
‘Juan loves a girl.’
b. Juan ama a una chica.
Juan loves a a girl
‘Juan loves a girl.’
Examples (28a–b) are constructed with entity-predicates, which block the weak
reading of the DP in the object position, while allowing both a specific and a non-
specific reading. The examples in (28a–b) show that in Spanish, prepositional accu-
satives are obligatory for non-weak indefinite objects, regardless of whether they
Enç (1991) analyzes morphological accusatives in Turkish as being necessarily partitive. In
Romanian as well, prepositional accusatives are partitive in most contexts. However there are
examples of Romanian prepositional accusatives that are specific without being partitive.
5.1 Disambiguating Indefinites: DP-Internal Factors 159
In the words of Bleam (1999:180), who identifies “weak” and “property denoting”: “non-a-
marked animate DPs [in Spanish] are interpreted as properties”.
160 5 Disambiguating Indefinites Conclusions
In both Romanian and Spanish, the use of the prepositional Accusative trig-
gers a strong non quantificational reading.13 But Romanian and Spanish preposi-
tional Accusatives differ regarding specificity and correlatively regarding their
scopal interpretations: Romanian prepositional Accusatives are necessarily
specific and wide-scoped, whereas Spanish prepositional Accusatives can be
both specific and non-specific and correlatively they can allow both wide and
narrow scope. It seems reasonable to suggest that the obligatory specificity of
Romanian prepositional Accusatives is due to the fact that in this language, prep-
ositional Accusatives are clitic-doubled: it is the presence of the doubling clitic
that would trigger the referential indexing of prepositional Accusatives. Since
a-marked Accusatives are not clitic-doubled in Spanish, they are not necessarily
referentially indexed.14
This generalization holds for many other languages, in particular for Turkish (Enç 1991) and
Hebrew (Danon 2002).
In Chap. 6 it will be proposed that narrow scoped indefinites that are not weak are to be ana-
lyzed as dependent indefinites.
162 5 Disambiguating Indefinites
empty. As this presupposition conflicts with the speakers’ knowledge, they are
unable to assign a truth value to (33a–c). The fact that speaker judgments vary for
(33) can be understood as being due to the uncertainty regarding the analysis of
these examples: some speakers may analyze them as existential sentences (i.e., as
conveying the same meaning as (32)) and thus judge them true or false; other speakers
may analyze them as Topic-Comment configurations and thus judge them to be
indeterminate, i.e., neither true nor false, because of presupposition failure.
While we agree with this analysis, we do not agree with Reinhart’s hypothesis
that the (non-)presuppositionality of indefinites is a purely pragmatic effect due to
the process by which speakers assign a truth value to a Topic-Comment structure.
Contrary to Reinhart, we believe that the differences between presuppositional and
non-presuppositional interpretations are not simply pragmatic but that they corre-
late with differences in denotation type: presuppositional DPs denote either indi-
viduals (type e) or generalized quantifiers over individuals (type < <e,t>,t>), whereas
non-presuppositional DPs are weak DPs (which denote generalized existential
quantifiers over amounts). Information structure partly determines which of these
denotations are possible in a given context.
For further observations regarding this phenomenon see Kanouse (1972), Lawler (1972),
Declerck (1987) and Laca (1990).
5.2 Information Structure and the Disambiguation of Indefinites 165
Above, we have shown that indefinites may appear in the Topic position, with
notable semantic effects. Yet, this generalization seems problematic in view of the
This is an extension of the generalization proposed by Tasmowski and Laca (2000) for a specific
case, that of unos (‘some’, ‘a few’) in Spanish.
166 5 Disambiguating Indefinites
Regarding the various left peripheral constructions in French see Fradin (1988).
5.2 Information Structure and the Disambiguation of Indefinites 167
Jean-Marie Marandin (2011, personal communication) observes that specificity does play a role
in the acceptability of certain examples:
(i) Un étudiant que je n’avais pas vu depuis 30 ans, je l’ai rencontré hier à l’opéra.
‘A student that I had not seen for 30 years, I met him yesterday at the opera.’
(ii) Un étudiant à toi, il m’a aidé à porter la table.
‘A student of yours, he helped me with carrying the table.’
(iii) Un de tes étudiants, je l’ai examiné deux fois.
‘One of your students, I examined him twice.’
According to us, these examples are not fully acceptable (they are clearly degraded compared
to (47)). We furthermore believe that the structure of these examples is different from those in
(45) and (47). The acceptability of certain examples is ameliorated if the indefinite is modified by
a restriction that indicates some relation to the hearer (see (ii) and (iii)). However, these examples
are not perfectly acceptable, because the referent of the indefinite itself is not part of the knowl-
edge of the hearer.
Besides kinds, ça can refer to propositions, events, or not yet individualized entities but not to
individualized or specific entities:
(i) Je ne peux pas croire ça.
I NEG can NEG believe this
‘I cannot believe this.’
(ii) Je ne veux pas que ça m’arrive une nouvelle fois.
I NEG want NEG that this me-happens a new time
‘I don’t want this to happen to me once again’
(iii) *Marie, je ne veux pas que ça vienne me chercher.
Marie I NEG want NEG that this comes me look for
(iv) *Un étudiant à toi, je ne veux pas que ça vienne me chercher.
A student of yours I NEG want NEG that this comes me look for
168 5 Disambiguating Indefinites
The dislocation of mass DPs proves ungrammatical in (i) and (ii) but this is due to syntactic
reasons: en cannot be linked to an empty category in the preverbal subject position. Example (iii)
is grammatical, for en is linked to the postverbal position of an impersonal il construction.
(i) *Du caféi ei s’eni est acheté hier. (e = empty category)
‘Sm coffee was bought yesterday.’
(ii) *Du caféi ei eni a été acheté hier.
‘Sm coffee was bought yesterday.’
(iii) *Du caféi, il s’eni est acheté ei hier.
‘Sm coffee, there was some bought yesterday.’
5.3 Conclusions 169
present regardless of whether the object DP is at the left edge of the sentence, as in
(50), or inside the sentence, as in (51):
(51) Ion îl va examina pe un student de două ori.
Ion him will examine pe a student of two times
‘Ion will examine a student twice.’
These observations indicate that preposed direct objects in Romanian exam-
ples of the type in (50) are not external to the minimal sentence: they may be
analyzed as occupying (Spec, IP), a position that in this language can host not
only subjects but also objects (cf. Dobrovie-Sorin 1987). Indefinites occupying
this position are not subject to the constraint in (46), which explains why the
Romanian examples in (50) are fully grammatical, in clear contrast with the
French examples in (45).
In sum, sentence external Topics should be distinguished from sentence internal
Topics. Indefinites can occupy the position of sentence internal Topics (in which
case they can be either specific or quantificational but not weak) but specific
indefinites cannot function as sentence external Topics, whereas weak indefinites
(amount-referring) as well as kind-referring indefinites can do so. Because they are
outside the minimal sentence, sentence external Topics are not part of the semantic
composition of the sentence to which they attach. The semantic composition takes
into account the pronoun that has the sentence external Topic as an antecedent.
Sentence internal Topics, on the other hand, are part of the semantic composition
and they impose a strict constraint on the DP in Topic position: it cannot be weak.
5.3 Conclusions
Even though indefinite determiners are unambiguous (they are semantically defined
as intersective), indefinite DPs allow three distinct representations: (i) weak
indefinites refer to amounts, i.e., to non individualized entities; (ii) entity-referring
indefinites (type e); (iii) quantificational indefinites. For certain determiners, cardi-
nals in particular, all three possible analyses can be observed. One or two of these
representations may be unavailable due to various factors, such as: (a) the lexical
properties of certain determiners (see the differences between certains ‘certain’,
quelques ‘some’, plusieurs ‘several’ and des ‘deaccented ‘some”); (b) the internal
structure of an indefinite DP (absence of a determiner, partitive structure); (c) the
lexical properties of the matrix predicate (entity-predicates, contrastivity); (d) use of
object markers; (e) syntactic position; (f) information structure. The first four factors,
which are lexical or concern the structure of the indefinite DP, bear on the choice
between the weak and strong readings of indefinites, whereas the last two factors,
which are contextual, make a quantificational representation possible. Let us stress
that according to us, the quantificational interpretation of indefinites is never lexically
specified (compare Diesing (1992), who assumes that indefinites are ambiguous
170 5 Disambiguating Indefinites
In this chapter we will only examine the scope of a DP with respect to other DPs.
The scope ambiguities triggered by the interaction between tense or modality on the one hand and
DPs on the other hand could also be analyzed in terms of dependencies. But in these cases, the DPs
would be dependent on times and worlds.
The two interpretations of the sentence in (1) are generally assumed to correspond
to two distinct representations:
(1) Someone insulted everyone.
(1¢) a. (Someone x) (everyone y) (x insulted y)
b. (Everyone y) (someone x) (x insulted y)
(1″) a. $x "y (human(x) Ù human(y)) [x insulted y]
b. "y $x (human(x) Ù human(y)) [x insulted y]
The representations in (1¢a–b) can be derived by the rule of Quantifier Raising
(May 1977, 1985), which attaches quantified DPs to the first dominating sentential
node; at this level, the relative order of the two quantified DPs is not constrained,
thus yielding the two possibilities in (1¢a–b). The representations in (1″) are the
result of replacing raised DPs with the corresponding logical quantifiers and adding
the restriction on the domain of quantification (here, someone and everyone range
over the set of humans).
The rule of Quantifier Raising is motivated by the fact that the rules of semantic
composition cannot interpret quantificational DPs in argument positions. The rule
of Quantifier Raising solves this problem by pulling the quantified DP out of the
argument position:
(2) I examined every student.
(2¢) every x (student(x)) [I examined x]
In this representation, the object position is occupied by an individual variable
and the determiner every denotes a relation between the property ‘be a student’
(in extensional terms, the set of x such that x is a student) denoted by the restriction
and the property ‘be examined by me’ (in extensional terms, the set of x such that I
examined x) denoted by the nuclear scope.
Unlike May (1977, 1985), we do not think that Quantifier Raising is a movement
rule that exhibits properties typical of syntactic movement, in particular wh-movement,
which occurs in interrogatives and relatives. Wh-movement is subject to locality
constraints, as well as constraints related to the target position, but it can avoid
locality violations by successive movement:
(3) a. Whoi do you think [ei [that Mary forgot [ei [to call ei] ]]?
b. Whoi does this student believe [ei [that Mary admires ei]]?
6.1 Scope: Current Analyses 173
Quantifier Raising, on the other hand, is a strictly local rule, which cannot go
beyond the limits of the minimal clause.3 The sentence in (3c) cannot have an
interpretation where every professor scopes over a student; the sentence is not an
assertion about several students but about a single student, the same for every
(3) c. A student believes that Mary admires every professor.
We may thus conclude that Quantifier Raising cannot be assimilated to other
instances of syntactic movement and therefore it is conceptually indistinguishable
from Montague’s rule of ‘Quantifying-in’: both implementations rely on a semantic
composition where quantified DPs are attached to the immediately dominating
clausal node, their interpretation being independent of their surface position. We
will use Quantifier Raising for ease of exposition, as this implementation provides
a straightforward way of deriving Logical Forms on the basis of corresponding
syntactic structures. However, the analyses developed here do not hinge on this
specific formalism.
According to a widely accepted line of thinking (see in particular Farkas (1985) and
Corblin (1997)), going back to the logical tradition, the ambiguity between specific
and non-specific indefinites is a scope phenomenon:
(4) All the students saw a counselor.
(4¢) a. "y $x (student(x) Ù counselor(y)) [x saw y]
b. $x "y (student(x) Ù counselor(y)) [x saw y]
According to Farkas (1985) and Corblin (1987), the non-specific reading of the
indefinite in (4) is the result of its narrow scope with respect to the subject DP (see
(4¢a)), whereas its specific reading results from wide scope (see (4¢b)).
However, this account cannot be extended to the example in (5a), due to Fodor
and Sag (1982):
(5) a. Every professor heard the rumor that a student of mine failed the test.
The sentence in (5a) is ambiguous: either every professor heard that there is a
(possibly different from one professor to another) student who failed, or, there is a
specific student x such that every professor heard the rumor that x failed the test.
Farkas and Giannakidou (1996) challenged the strict locality of Quantifier Raising by pointing out
some exceptions:
(i) A/some student made sure that each/every invited speaker has a seat.
For further discussion of scope inversions see Sect. 6.2.2.
174 6 The Scope of Indefinites
This second reading is unexpected under the assumption that indefinite DPs are
quantificational, since as already mentioned, QPs cannot scope out of the minimal
clause to which they belong, which implies that they cannot scope out of syntactic
islands as shown in (5b):
(5) b. Some professors heard the rumor that every student of mine failed the test.
The sentence in (5b) can only have a reading where every student has narrow
scope: a group of professors heard the rumor that every student of mine failed.
We must therefore conclude, following Fodor and Sag (1982), that the second
interpretation of (5a) cannot be analyzed as relying on the wide scope of the
indefinite DP. In sum, the ambiguity of (5a) cannot be analyzed as resulting from the
relative scope of two quantifiers. Fodor and Sag (1982) derive the two possible read-
ings from the ambiguity of indefinites, between a ‘referential’ and a ‘quantificational’
reading.4 Referential indefinites have no scope5 but can receive an apparent wide
scope interpretation in virtue of the fact that they refer to a specific individual.
With this in mind, let us now go back to example (4). If some wide-scope
indefinites are quantificational, the ambiguity of (4) could be derived in terms of
scope, since the indefinite is in the same clause as the quantified subject DP. However,
this analysis is not necessary, as we could just as well assume that the apparent wide
scope reading results from the referential interpretation of the indefinite.
Fodor and Sag’s proposal cannot account for the intermediate scope reading of
indefinites, a fact noted in Farkas (1981) and rediscovered by Abusch (1994) and
Corblin (1997). Thus, in examples such as (6a), the indefinite scopes out of the
minimal clause containing it, without, however, acquiring widest scope.
(6) a. Every professor rewarded every student who read a novel.
The sentence in (6a) has three possible readings. On the first one, the indefinite
takes maximal scope: there is a (single) novel, such that every professor
rewarded every student who read it. Another option is that the indefinite has nar-
row scope: every professor rewarded every student who read a novel (whatsoever),
the result being that there could be as many novels as students. On the third
Let us warn the reader that we do not endorse Fodor and Sag’s view that the narrow scope reading
of indefinites depends on their quantificational status. As made clear below, our proposal is that
narrow scope indefinites are either weak or dependent indefinites.
Having no scope means getting wide scope interpretation without giving rise to any kind of
6.1 Scope: Current Analyses 175
possible reading, the indefinite takes intermediate scope: every professor chose a
specific novel and rewarded every student who read that novel; there can be at most
as many different novels as professors but crucially, fewer novels than students.
This last reading cannot be easily obtained but becomes more accessible in the pres-
ence of a certain type of relative (see Sect. 6.4 below):
(6) b. Every professor rewarded every student who read a novel he had
This reading is unexpected under Fodor and Sag’s account: a referential indefinite
should only be able to take widest scope, or, to put it differently, its reference should
not be dependent on that of other quantifiers.
In view of these facts, Fodor and Sag’s proposal needs to be revised, in order to
account for both maximal scope and intermediate readings. Using the DRT frame-
work, Abusch (1994) analyzes the scope ambiguities of indefinites (represented as
variables) as a consequence of existential closure, which can attach to different
syntactic constituents.
Thus, the three readings of the sentence in (6a) would correspond to the different
positions occupied by the existential quantifier at Logical Form. This yields the
wide scope representation in (7a) (existential closure at text-level), the intermediate
scope reading in (7b) (existential closure in-between the two universal quantifiers)
and the narrow scope reading in (7c) (in situ existential closure). It is important to
note that the condition novel (z) associated with the indefinite DP a novel occupies
different positions in (7)a–c. This is due to the fact that in the case of wide and
intermediate scope interpretation, the condition supplied by the indefinite DP is
inserted in the position in which the existential quantifier is itself inserted. Although
this analysis is not stated in terms of movement, it has the same effect as a move-
ment analysis:
(7) a. $z [novel(z) Ù"x [professor(x) →"y [(student(y)
Ù read(y,z)) → rewarded(x,y)]]]
b. "x [professor(x) → $z [novel(z) Ù "y [(student(y) Ù read
(y,z)) → rewarded(x,y)]]]
c. "x [professor(x) → "y [student(y) → $z [novel(z)
Ù (read(y,z) → rewarded(x,y))]]]
Reinhart (1995) puts forth a similar proposal, the difference being that the
indefinite DP is not translated as a free variable but as a choice-function ‘f(novel)’.
In this framework, the three readings of the sentence in (6a) are associated with the
representations in (8a–c):
(8) a. $f "x [professor(x) → "y [(student(y) Ù read(y, f(novel)))
→ rewarded(x,y)]]
b. "x [professor(x) → $f "y [(student(y) Ù read(y, f(novel)))
→ rewarded(x,y)]]
c. "x [professor(x) → "y (student(y) → $f [read(y, f(novel))
→ rewarded(x,y)])]
176 6 The Scope of Indefinites
The example in (9) shows that bare nouns like students of mine cannot take wide
(9) Every professor heard the rumor that students of mine failed the test.
This scope restriction is a consequence of the analysis of bare NPs proposed in
Chap. 2: they are necessarily weak indefinites (amount-referring expressions),
which as such must combine with an existential predicate, which prevents them
from being interpreted out of the position in which they appear. The obligatory
narrow scope of bare NPs is thus a direct consequence of their denotational type.
Consider now the sentence in (10), built with a modified cardinal (e.g., at least two,
maximum three, exactly two):
(10) Every professor heard the rumor that at least a student of mine failed the test.
178 6 The Scope of Indefinites
The example in (10) shows that the scope of modified cardinals is clause-bound.
The DP at least a student of mine can acquire neither a wide scope interpretation
(this meaning, which is missing, is in (11a)) nor an intermediate scope reading, on
which it would outscope the intensional operator rumor, but would take scope below
the quantified DP every professor (cf. (11b)):
(11) a. There is at least a student of mine such that every professor heard the
rumor that he failed the test.
b. Every professor heard, about at least a student of mine, the rumor that he
failed the test.
One way to account for these observations is to assume, following Kamp and
Reyle (1993), that modified cardinals are quantificational and as such, their scope is
However, Kamp and Reyle’s analysis cannot account for the scope properties of
a modified cardinal within its minimal clause. The facts illustrated in (12a–b) were
noticed by Ben-Shalom (1993), Beghelli (1995), Beghelli and Stowell (1997),
among many others:
(12) a. Every critic panned at least two books by H. Miller. (S > O, *O > S)6
b. A psychologist examined at least 30 students. (S > O, ??O > S)
c. A boy invited at least three girls. (S > O, *O > S)
These examples show that modified cardinals cannot take ‘inverse’ scope7: the
object, which is structurally below the subject in surface structure, cannot scope
over the subject. The lack of inverse scope of modified cardinals, illustrated in
(12a–c), is unexpected under the hypothesis that these indefinites behave like
quantificational DPs. If modified cardinals were quantified DPs, they would be
subject to Quantifier Raising, which would predict the wide scope reading, just like
in the case of every book in (12d):
(12) d. At least two critics panned every book by H. Miller.
(S > O, O > S)
In sum, the fact that modified cardinals in object position cannot take scope over
the subject DP argues against the quantificational analysis of modified cardinals
advocated by Kamp and Reyle.
S > O and O > S indicate wide scope of the subject over the object and wide scope of the object
over the subject, respectively. *O > S says that the object cannot scope over the subject.
Inverse scope corresponds to a situation where the order of interpretation of two DPs is inverted
with respect to their order in surface structure.
6.2 Scope and Type of Denotation 179
Although the inverse scope reading can be hard to obtain, this interpretation is available both in
English and French. Note that when the sentence contains indefinite pronouns like quelqu’un
‘somebody’ or personne ‘nobody’, the ambiguity is salient, as made explicit in (i′) and (ii″)
(i) Quelqu’un relira chaque papier soumis.
Somebody will read each submitted paper.
(i¢) One and the same person will read each of the submitted papers.
(i″) Each submitted paper will be reviewed by somebody, but not necessarily by the same
180 6 The Scope of Indefinites
Focusing on inverse scope readings only, note that in (15a), with a quantified DP
in object position, there is a correlation between wide scope of the object over the
subject and the dependent reading of the indefinite subject. The interpretation of
three experts varies with the interpretation of every paper: each paper may be sub-
mitted to a different group of three experts.
On the other hand, the inverse scope reading in (15b) is clearly different from the
one just described for (15a). Under the most salient interpretation, there is a specific
set of two papers, for example the best two papers, which will be reviewed by a
specific group of three experts: in other words, the total number of experts is not
higher than three. This type of reading (known as the cumulative reading, see a. o.,
Scha (1981), Krifka (1992a), Kratzer (2007)) is typically associated with referential
expressions, especially definite DPs, as shown in (15c):
(15) c. Three experts will review the best two papers.
On the basis of the following examples, Ruys (1992) and Reinhart (1995) point
out that the same generalization holds for indefinites which scope outside their min-
imal clause: an inverse scope indefinite does not give rise to a dependent reading of
another indefinite:
(16) a. If three aunts of mine die, I will inherit a house.
b. Exactly half the critics heard the rumor that two books by Henry Miller
had been panned.
The sentence in (16a) can be paraphrased as in (17) but, crucially, cannot have
the reading in (18):
(17) There are three aunts of mine such that, when they are all dead, I inherit a
(18) There are three aunts of mine such that, for each of them, if she dies, I inherit
a house.
Similarly, in (16b), we can talk about two specific books, in which case two
books by Henry Miller has inverse scope. However, the DP exactly half the critics
does not acquire dependent scope: the sentence in (16b) refers to a specific group of
critics, the same for both books. The sentence cannot make reference to two differ-
ent groups of critics, one for each book by Henry Miller, with each group containing
exactly half of the critics.
We conclude that the so-called ‘inverse scope’ reading of inde fi nites is dif-
ferent from the inverse scope of quantified DPs. Whereas the inverse scope read-
ing of quantified DPs is necessarily associated with the dependent interpretation
of some other DP, no dependency relation can be observed for the inverse scope
reading of an indefinite. This generalization can be reformulated in terms of dis-
tributivity: a quantificational DP is distributive and thus induces a referentially
dependent reading of a DP within its scope; in contrast to this, an indefinite DP is
not inherently distributive and therefore a ‘wide-scoped’ object indefinite does
6.3 The Distributivity of Indefinites: Quantification or Distributive Predication? 181
not trigger any dependency effect on another indefinite. In sum, the inverse scope
interpretation of indefinites is merely a non-dependent reading: the indefinite is
referential or specific.
The type of interpretation induced by câte is easier to grasp in the example in which câte attaches
to the object DP.
(i) Fetele vor citi câte o poezie.
the girls will read cate a poem
‘The girls will each read a poem’
In contemporary Romanian, object clitic-doubling is obligatory with objects marked by preposi-
tional accusative.
182 6 The Scope of Indefinites
the argument of the predication, i.e., three girls, is plural.11 In other words, (19b) is
verified if and only if:
(22) [[three girls]] Î *invited-by-a-boy
(22) says that [[three girls]] belongs to the set of individuals and sums of indi-
viduals invited by a boy. Due to the presence of the preposition pe in (19b), the DP
three girls denotes a specific group of three girls, which can be represented as
g1 + g2 + g3. (22) is true if g1 + g2 + g3 belongs to the denotation of the pluralized predi-
cate, i.e., if g1 + g2 + g3 is one of the groups in the set denoted by the predicate. The
distributive interpretation is due to the generalization in (23):
(23) If a sum of individuals satisfies a pluralized predicate12 then each individual
in that sum satisfies the corresponding singular predicate (see Link 1983 and
Landman 1989a, b).13
Accordingly, the sentence is verified if each girl was individually invited by a
(potentially different) boy.
So far, we have argued that the distributive reading of object indefinites cannot be
due to a quantificational structure but rather to distributive predication, which
depends on specificity. In what follows, we show that subject indefinites can be
distributive even when non-specific. In view of these facts, we are led to propose
that indefinites can acquire a distributive interpretation due to their syntactic
In order to illustrate this point let us consider again the behavior of modified
cardinals. We have already shown that (i) modified cardinals cannot take a type e
denotation (a restriction that applies to both object and subject positions, see the
discussion in Sect. 5.1.3 in Chap. 5) and (ii) they should be analyzed as amount-
referring in the object position (see the discussion of examples (10)–(12) in
See Landman (1989a, b), who extends Link’s (1983) analysis of plural nominal predication to
plural verbal predication. Generally speaking, a predicate that denotes a set of atoms is pluralized
if its subject DP is plural.
Pluralized predicates should be distinguished from collective predicates of the type meet.
This generalization follows from the definition of the pluralization operation itself: since the
predicate is derived by pluralization from the corresponding singular predicate, each of the indi-
viduals in any of the groups in the denotation of the pluralized predicate necessarily satisfies the
corresponding singular predicate.
184 6 The Scope of Indefinites
Sect. Note now that examples such as (24) indicate that modified cardinals
in the subject position favor a distributive reading:
(24) a. At least two students offered me a gift. (S > O)
b. Exactly two students offered me a gift. (S > O)
c. At least three boys invited a girl. (S > O)
Modified cardinals can thus acquire clearly different interpretations according
to whether they occupy an object or a subject position: in the object position, they
can only be amount-referring, whereas in the subject position, they can have a
distributive reading, which can be analyzed as being due to a quantificational
We may thus conclude that indefinites are quantificational only when they occur
in the preverbal subject position. A natural assumption to make is that intersective
and symmetric determiners can function as quantificational determiners only if the
asymmetry that is characteristic of quantificational structures is a property of the
syntactic context in which they occur. We may thus suggest that an intersective deter-
miner can function as a quantifier only if the partition between restriction and scope
corresponds to overt syntax (preverbal subjects are mapped onto the restriction)
or to information structure (Themes are mapped onto the restriction).
In the previous sections, we argued that the scope effects exhibited by indefinites
should in fact be analyzed in terms of dependency relation. Let us go back to the
different readings of a sentence like (6a), repeated below as (25). According to our
analysis, the wide scope interpretation paraphrased in (26a) corresponds to a non-
dependent reading of the indefinite, whereas the intermediate (26b) and narrow
scope (26c) readings are the result of dependency relations of the indefinite DP with
respect to other DPs in the sentence:
(25) Every professor rewarded every student who read a novel.
(26) a. Il existe un roman et un seul, tel que chaque professeur a récompensé
chaque étudiant qui l’a lu.
‘There is a unique novel, such that every professor rewarded every
student who read it’
b. Chaque professeur a choisi un roman particulier et a récompensé tous les
étudiants qui l’ont lu.
‘Every professor chose a specific novel and rewarded every student who
read that novel’
c. Chaque professeur a récompensé chaque étudiant qui a lu un roman
‘Every professor rewarded every student who read some novel.’
6.4 Referential Dependencies and Skolem Functions 185
Skolem functions were initially used in logic in order to eliminate existential quantifiers in the
scope of a universal quantifier, the existential quantifier that binds the Skolem function itself
always takes largest scope (over the universal quantifier). Thus, the formulas in (i) and in (ii) are
truth-conditionally equivalent:
(i) "x $y (f(x,y))
(ii) $f "x (f(x,f(x)))
In (i), y depends on x because the existential quantifier $ binding y is within the scope of the uni-
versal quantifier " that binds x. In (ii), this dependency is expressed in functional terms: y is
replaced by f(x).
186 6 The Scope of Indefinites
x to all of his students. The choice of novels varies with professors. In (30), which
translates the “narrow scope” reading, the procedure of skolemization applies twice.
The f function depends both on x and on z and attributes a novel to pairs of elements
(professor, student).
The tripartite representations in (29) and (30) are equivalent to the logical formu-
las in (29¢) and (30¢), respectively:
(29¢) $f"x"z [(professor(x) Ù student(z) Ù novel(f(x)) Ù
read(z,f(x))) → rewarded(x,z)]
(30¢) $f"x"z [(professor(x) Ù student(z) Ù novel(f(x,z)) Ù read(z,
f(x,z))) → rewarded(x,z)]
These two formulas are, however, problematic, because there is no constraint on
the existentially-quantified function, meaning that the formulas in (29¢) and (30¢)
are always true: any choice of function that falsifies the antecedents in (29¢) and
(30¢) makes the formulas true. Thus, if we choose a function that does not associate
a novel to f(x), then the condition novel(f(x)) is false and the result is always true.
The problem was noticed by Winter (1997) and Dekker (2004), among others. This
problem can be solved by introducing constraints forcing the function to be an
appropriate Skolem function, by specifying its domain and range.15 But we will
choose an alternative solution by adopting Steedman’s (2003) implementation in
terms of Skolem terms. Using Skolem terms, we can associate the LFs in (29″) and
(30″) with the “intermediate scope” and the “narrow scope” readings of (25):
(29″) "x"z (professor(x) Ù student(z) Ù novel(f(x)) Ù
read(z,f(x))) → rewarded(x,z)
where f is a function from the set of professors to the set of novels
(30″) "x"z (professor(x) Ù student(z) Ù novel(f(x,z)) Ù read(z,
f(x,z))) → rewarded(x,z)
where f is a function from the set of (professor, student) pairs to the set of
Our account is similar to the one advocated in Steedman (2003): the dependent
indefinite DP is not represented as an existentially-quantified function variable but
rather as a Skolem term, i.e., the value of a Skolem function f; f is the name of a
function; f does not vary, it is only the value of f(x) or f(x,z) that varies. The
specification of the range and the domain of f are not indicated inside the formulas
but are stated as a constraint on f.
The constraints on the Skolem function that hold for the intermediate and narrow
scope readings are given by the linguistic form of the sentence. The domain of f is
the extension of the noun generating the dependency (professor in the “intermediate
In the following formula, which refines (29¢), the range and the domain of the function are
specified in the first conjunct:
(i) $f ["x"y [(professor(x) Ù f(x) = y) → novel(y))] Ù "x"z [(professor(x) Ù student(z)
read(z,f(x))) → rewarded(x,z)])
188 6 The Scope of Indefinites
reading” of (25) for example), the range of f corresponds to the extension of the
dependent noun (novel in both readings of (25)) and the function itself can also be
explicit, as in the case of mother-in-law in (27).
As observed in Kratzer (1995), intermediate scope readings can be hard to obtain
but become more accessible when the dependent noun is modified by a relative that
contains a pronoun that is anaphorically related to the (dependency-inducing)
quantified expression. Consider the following examples, adapted from Kratzer
(31) a. Every professor rewarded every student who read a/some book I had
b. Every professor rewarded every student who read a/some book he had
c. Every professor rewarded every student who read a/some book he had
recommended to him.
In (31a), a/some book that I had recommended can acquire a wide scope inter-
pretation, where it denotes a specific book. Another possibility is the narrow scope
reading, according to which the indefinite DP depends both on professors and
students. The intermediate scope reading, where books vary with professors but not
with students is possible but rather difficult. In (31b), the occurrence of the pronoun
he (instead of I), which gets bound by the quantified expression every professor,
favors the intermediate reading, in which a/some book is a dependent indefinite.
Due to the presence of he, the value of the f function is almost explicit in this sen-
tence: f is a function that has in its domain the set of professors, in its range the set
of books and that associates every professor to the book he recommended. If a pro-
fessor recommended several books, one book is chosen from the set of possible
ones. In (31c), the presence of two bound variable pronouns (he and to him) rules
out both the wide scope and the intermediate scope readings: the indefinite DP is in
the dependency of both quantified expressions, the books vary both with professors
and with students.
Turning finally to the wide scope reading, it need not be represented in terms of
Skolem functions, given that the so-called ‘wide scope’ indefinites are not depen-
dent on any other quantified DP but only on the situation. These indefinites can be
represented as referential terms, as in (32a) or (32b):
(32) a. "x"y ((professor(x) Ù student(y) Ù read(y,n) Ù
novel(n)) → rewarded(x,y))
b. "x"y ((professor(x) Ù student(y) Ù read(y,f(novel))) → rewarded(x,y))
where f is a function defined over the domain of novels and distinguishes
one novel among all novels.
In (32a) the referential indefinite a novel is represented by a constant and in
(32b), which is equivalent to (32a), it is represented by f(novel), where f is the name
of a choice function applied to the domain of novels. Choice functions can be viewed
as a special case of Skolem functions, where there is no dependency on other
quantified DPs.
6.5 Conclusions 189
6.5 Conclusions
In line with most theoreticians of genericity, we assume that there are two types of
genericity: the so-called ‘nominal’ genericity associated with DPs denoting kinds and
the so-called ‘sentential’ genericity associated with generic quantification. We will also
follow the current view that the generic reading of indefinites is not related to kind
denotation1 but instead depends on sentential genericity: the indefinite contributes an
individual variable that gets bound by an overt adverb of quantification or by a covert
generic operator GEN (which can be assimilated to an adverb of quantification).
Current theories differ, however, regarding the analysis of adverbs of
quantification, which leads to different analyses of generic indefinites and bare plu-
rals. According to Lewis (1975), Kamp (1981) and Heim (1982), adverbs of
quantification are unselective: they bind all free variables in their domain. This
“unselective binding” hypothesis is confronted with several empirical and concep-
tual problems, which led theorists to gradually abandon it. The two competing
hypotheses still under debate are:
(i) In all of their contexts, Q-adverbs quantify over events or situations (Rooth
1985, 1995; Schubert and Pelletier 1987, 1988; de Swart 1991, 1996; Krifka
et al. 1995; Krifka 1995, etc.).2 The configurations in which adverbs of
quantification seem to bind one or more individual variables (or a tuple of indi-
viduals) would constitute a side effect of quantification over events: quantifying
over events induces quantifying over the tuple of participants in the event.
According to this analysis of adverbs of quantification, a generically-interpreted
indefinite (“generic indefinite”, henceforth) is always indirectly bound by an
adverb quantifying over events.
In this chapter we set aside the taxonomic readings of indefinites, which do not raise any particu-
lar problem: with kind predicates, or in contexts that trigger a kind interpretation, indefinites take
a taxonomic reading (e.g., Two tigers are extinct, Some musk rats arrived in Europe during the
sixteenth century).
Although event-based and situation-based approaches are technically different, there are many
cases in which they have the same empirical coverage. Here, we will use an event-based notation.
(ii) Depending on the context, Q-adverbs quantify either over events or over
individuals (Chierchia 1998; Kratzer 1998).
In this chapter, we will assume the second hypothesis. The distinction between
these two types of quantification correlates with a distinction between two types of
indefinites occurring in generic contexts: those indefinites that are bound by the
Q-adverb have a genuine generic reading, whereas those indefinites that occur in the
context of a Q-adverb that quantifies over events are ‘pseudo-generic’. These dis-
tinctions will prove crucial for the analysis of habitual sentences (cf. Sect. 7.2) and
of the constraints on the generic readings of singular (cf. Sect. 7.3) and plural (cf.
Sect. 7.4) indefinites. We will show that those plural indefinites (e.g., French des-
indefinites) that are directly bound by an adverb of quantification can only express
generalizations over groups of individuals. The analysis of plural indefinites sheds
light on the analysis of bare plurals and constitutes an argument in favor of the
hypothesis that, on their generic reading, bare plurals should not be analyzed as
indefinite DPs but rather as kind-referring DPs (cf. Carlson 1977a, c).
Consider example (1), which may be represented as in (1¢), where the adverb
toujours ‘always’ has been replaced by the universal quantifier:
(1) When John invites a friend, he always cooks dinner for her.
(1¢) "e,x (invite (e, John, x) Ù friend (x)) [$e’ (overlap (e, e’) Ù cook-dinner
(e’, John, x))]
Representations of the type in (1¢), where different variables corresponding to
different types (i.e., e for events and x for individuals) are bound by the same
quantifier, are used by different theorists to mean different things. Lewis (1975), for
example, uses this kind of notation to represent unselective binding (the adverbs of
quantification bind all free variables in their scope), whereas Chierchia (1995c) uses
it to represent multiple binding.3 Other authors assume that in if / when-clauses, the
adverb quantifies only over events, the individual variables being indirectly bound
Chierchia (1995c: 101–102) examines the asymmetric readings of sentences such as When a
painter lives in a village, it is usually pretty. This sentence is ambiguous between a generalization
over painters living in a village and a generalization over villages in which a painter lives. Chierchia
suggests that the difference between the two readings can be explained if we assume that a
quantifier may bind an event as well as an individual variable. For an alternative solution to the
problems that asymmetric readings of if / when-clauses pose, see Chap. 8.
7.1 Generic Indefinites: Quantification over Events and over Individuals 193
(Rooth 1985, 1995; Schubert and Pelletier 1987; 1988; de Swart 1991, 1996; Krifka
et al. 1995; Krifka 1995, etc.). For this third type of analysis, the notation in (1¢) is
not adequate. We may instead assume a representation of the type in (1″) inspired
by Steedman (2003), in which the indefinite a friend translates as an event-dependent
Skolem term (see Chaps. 6 and 8) notated f(e),4 where f(e) is interpreted as
(1″) "e (invite (e, John, f(e)) Ù friend (f(e))) [$e’ ((overlap (e, e’) Ù cook-dinner
(e’, John, f(e)))]
The adverb of quantification binds the event variable, which ranges over events
in which John invites someone. The indefinite in (1″) is represented by means of a
Skolem term f(e) denoting an individual (type e) that is the Theme of the invitation
and whose referent varies depending on the inviting events.
The cooking event may itself be represented as a Skolem term depending on inviting events,
which allows us to dispense with the existential closure of the variable over cooking events: (e)
(i) "e (invite (e, John, f(e)) Ù friend (f(e))) [cook-dinner (g(e), John, f(e))].
194 7 Genericity, (In)Definiteness and Bare Nouns
If we allow adverbs of quantification to quantify not only over events but also over
individuals, the question that arises is how to choose between these two possibili-
ties: when does an adverb quantify over events and when does it quantify over
individuals? We will assume that overt syntax (including information structure) is
mapped onto LF representations by rules such as (3)–(5):
(3) If /when-clauses go to the restriction of adverbs of quantification (Lewis 1975;
Heim 1982, a.o.).
(4) Subjects of generic predicates6 go to the restriction of adverbs of
(5) A sentence containing an adverb of quantification goes to the nuclear scope
and the restriction is filled by its “focus closure”, obtained by replacing the
focused constituent with a variable (Rooth 1985, 1995).
The choice among these different rules depends on the lexical properties of the
main predicate, on the syntactic configuration and on information structure. Quite
clearly, the rule in (3) can apply in (1) but not in (2), which does not contain a
Empirical arguments against representing characterizing sentences built with i-level predicates as
relying on quantification over events can be found in Dobrovie-Sorin (2003).
This label groups together individual-level predicates such as intelligent, handsome, blond, etc.
(Carlson 1977a, c; Kratzer 1988, 1995) and stage-level predicates on their habitual or dispositional
use (e.g., John reads novels, Paul smokes, Mary drinks wine). Leaving aside their differences, these
two types of predicates are alike in that their arguments are individuals rather than stages of
This principle is reminiscent of Diesing’s (1992) hypothesis that DPs sitting in Spec IP (the pre-
verbal subject position) go to the restriction of adverbs of quantification. Yet, the mapping rule (4)
differs from Diesing’s principle in that it is not stated in terms of a particular syntactic position; the
notion of ‘subject of a generic predicate’, used in (4), depends on (i) a lexical distinction between
classes of predicates and (ii) information structure.
7.1 Generic Indefinites: Quantification over Events and over Individuals 195
subordinate if / when-clause. The rule in (4), on the other hand, cannot apply in
(1) but can apply in (2),8 yielding the representation in (2¢), where the adverb
quantifies over individuals.
Rule (5) is needed in order to analyze examples such as (6), in which the capital
letters indicate the focused constituents9:
(6) a. In St. Petersburg OFFICERS always escorted ballerinas.
b. In St. Petersburg officers always escorted BALLERINAS.
(6¢) a. "e,x,y (escort (e,x,y) Ù ballerinas (y))
[escort (e,x,y) Ù ballerinas (y) Ù officers (x)]
b. "e,x,y (escort (e,x,y) Ù officers (x))
[escort (e,x,y) Ù ballerinas (y)) Ù officers (x)]
These two representations capture the different interpretations associated with
the two sentences, which express different generalizations according to the place-
ment of focus: (6a) says that every time ballerinas were escorted, they were escorted
by officers, whereas (6b) says that every time officers escorted someone, they
escorted ballerinas.
In sum, quantification over events obtains due to an application of rule (3) or rule
(5), whereas quantification over individuals obtains due to an application of rule (4).
Given the difference between quantification over events and quantification over
individuals, it is possible to distinguish between two types of generic readings for
(7) a. An indefinite DP takes a ‘truly’ generic reading if and only if it is directly
bound by an adverb of quantification (in other words, the adverb quantifies
over the set of individuals supplied by the indefinite NP).
b. An indefinite DP takes a ‘pseudo-generic’ reading if and only if it is
indirectly bound by an adverb of quantification that quantifies over events.
The LFs given in (1″) and (2¢), repeated here with the corresponding examples,
allow us to distinguish between pseudo-generic readings and truly generic readings
of indefinites:
(1) When John invites a friend, he always cooks dinner for her.
(1″) "e (invite (e, John, f(e)) Ù friend (f(e))) [$e’ (overlap (e, e’) Ù cook-dinner
(e’, John, f(e)))]
This does not exclude the possibility of finding examples where the syntax allows for two differ-
ent mapping rules, which would give rise to an ambiguity.
These examples are due to Rooth (1985, 1996:272).
196 7 Genericity, (In)Definiteness and Bare Nouns
On the analysis adopted here, this kind of representation can be rewritten using
quantification over events as in (8¢c), where the indefinite is represented as a
Skolem term:
(8¢) c. GENe (bird (f(e)) Ù C(e,f(e))) [fly (e,f(e))]
As for the LF given in (8¢b), it relies on the hypothesis that GEN quantifies over
an individual variable supplied by the indefinite (Heim 1982; Diesing 1992).
We will show that LFs (8¢a–c) are problematic and that examples of the type in
(8) rely on generic quantification over individuals combined with a habitual predi-
cate. Quantification over individuals is allowed due to the fact that the s-level predi-
cate is turned into an i-level predicate via a HAB operator.
The representations in (8¢a) and (8¢c) cannot explain why sentences such as those in
(9) cannot have a generic reading:
(9) a. A dog is tired.
b. A cow is infected.
c. A police officer is available.
These examples are similar to (8) insofar as they are built with an indefinite in the
subject position of an s-level predicate and therefore they should in principle be
analyzed in a similar way, i.e., as expressing generalizations over episodic events:
(9¢) a. GENe (dog (f(e)) Ù C(e,f(e))) [tired (e,f(e))]
Since the LFs in (8¢c) and (9¢a) are built in the same way, they are equally well-
formed. The unacceptability of the generic reading for sentences like (9) is therefore
Another problem arises with ambiguous examples such as (10) below, which can
be paraphrased as (10a) and (10b), respectively:
(10) A student rarely smokes.
a. Few students smoke.
b. Generally, a student smokes rarely.
In (10a), the adverb of quantification rarely (translated as few in the gloss (10a))
quantifies over individuals, whereas in (10b), the same adverb is analyzed as a fre-
quency adverb, translated as rarely in (10b). This ambiguity is unexpected on the
analysis given above, on which (10) would have only one representation, that in
(10¢) FEWe (student (f(e)) Ù C(e,f(e))) [smoke (e,f(e))]
198 7 Genericity, (In)Definiteness and Bare Nouns
This does not mean, however, that HAB, which is covert, has the same scopal interpretation as
an overt frequency adverb; HAB may instead be viewed as a pluractional operator, as proposed by
van Geenhoven (2004, 2005). See Cabredo-Hofherr (to appear) on differences between plurac-
tional operators and frequency adverbs.
It might be the case that certain adjectives take a habitual reading and conversely that certain
s-level verbal predicates do not. What is relevant here is the fact that certain s-level predicates
(be they adjectives or verbs) cannot take a habitual reading.
200 7 Genericity, (In)Definiteness and Bare Nouns
Note now that the examples in (9) become acceptable if we add an overt
(12) a. A dog is rarely tired.
b. A cow is rarely infected.
c. A fireman is rarely available.
Because the Q-adverb can bind the time variable introduced by tired, infected or
available, LFs such as (12¢a) are well-formed:
(12¢) a. GENx (dog (x)) FEWt [tired (x, t)]
We can also account for the ambiguity of (11) if we assume the LFs in (11¢a–b),
where a default adverb (HAB and GEN, respectively) co-exists with an overt adverb,
‘rarely’, translated as FEW, which can function either as a binary operator or as a
frequency adverb. The ambiguity of (11) can thus be analyzed as an ambiguity
between the relative scope of two operators:
(11¢) a. GENx (student (x)) [FEWt [smokes (x, t)]]
b. FEWx(student (x)) [HABt [smokes (x, t)]]
7.2.4 Conclusions
In this section we will examine two constraints on the generic readings of singular
indefinites.12 The so-called ‘nomicity constraint’ concerns the type of predicate
required in order for a subject indefinite to be interpreted as generic. The second
constraint explains why indefinites in object positions cannot receive a genuine
generic reading.
The genericity of plural indefinites raises further problems, which will be presented in Sect. 7.4
7.3 The Genericity of Singular Indefinites 201
Let us now consider the following examples, due to Lawler (1973) and Burton-
Roberts (1977):
(13) a. ◊ A madrigal is popular.13
b. ◊ A king is generous.
c. ◊ A room is square.
To account for the unacceptability of examples of this kind, Lawler and Burton-
Roberts have proposed a nomicity constraint: the generic reading of singular
indefinites is possible only if the generalization expresses a property that is nomic,
necessary, essential, inherent or analytic (for a recent discussion of this constraint
see Cohen (2001) and Greenberg (2007)). Note that the predicates in (13a–c) denote
contingent properties (of the subject), whereas those in (14) denote inherent proper-
ties (of the subject):
(14) a. A madrigal is polyphonic.
b. A square has four sides.
Note that (13a–c) can have a generic reading if we add an overt adverb of
(15) a. A madrigal is usually popular.
b. A king is rarely generous.
c. A room is usually square.
The contrast between (13a–c) and (15a–c) suggests that the unavailability of the
generic reading of (13a–c) is not due to a constraint on adverbial quantification in
general but rather to a constraint on the insertion of the default operator GEN. We
can thus suggest that the nomicity constraint mentioned earlier is a condition on the
insertion of GEN.
(16) In characterizing sentences, GEN can be introduced by default only if an
inherent relation holds between the property denoted by the indefinite and
the property denoted by the sentential predicate.
Bare plurals in English (as well as plural definite DPs in French) are not subject
to this constraint.15 The glosses of the primed examples in (17) are not indicated
The symbol ◊ means that the sentence cannot have a generic interpretation.
There are other factors that make the generic reading possible in these examples, such as the
presence of modality, which can be expressed by a modal verb or simply by intonation:
(i) A king must be generous.
The contrast between singular indefinites and bare plurals in English with respect to the nomicity
constraint was observed by Lawler (1972, 1973) and Burton-Roberts (1977). In Sect. 7.5 below we
will show that English generic bare plurals cannot be analyzed as indefinite-like expressions.
202 7 Genericity, (In)Definiteness and Bare Nouns
because they are identical to the corresponding English examples (modulo the
definite article):
(17) a. Madrigals are popular.
a¢. Les madrigaux sont populaires.
b. Kings are generous.
b¢. Les rois sont généreux.
c. Rooms are square.
c¢. Les chambres sont carrées.
The acceptability of these examples is expected on the hypothesis that the
genericity of English bare plurals and French plural definites should be analyzed in
terms of kind-reference (rather than in terms of an indefinite being bound by GEN).
The examples in (17) can thus be analyzed as involving generic predication: a
generic (i.e., stable) property is attributed to a kind-referring DP. Because GEN
need not be introduced, the nomicity constraint is irrelevant for generic sentences
built with kind-referring DPs (see Dobrovie-Sorin and Laca 1996): we can attribute
to a kind (i.e., to a maximal intensional group of individuals) a contingent property
as well as an inherent property.
Note that the constraint in (16) is also relevant for modified indefinites. Thus, the
example in (18a) is more acceptable than that in (18b), because a relation exists
between being good and being generous, whereas no natural (e.g., lexical or causal)
relation exists between being blond and being generous:
(18) a. A good king is generous.
a¢. Un bon roi est généreux.
b. ◊ A blond king is generous.
b¢. ◊ Un roi blond est généreux.
Note finally that the constraint in (16) does not concern generic sentences built
with if/when-clauses. In this type of sentence, a default GEN operator is supplied by
the connector if/when itself (Heim 1982; Farkas and Sugioka 1983):
(19) a. A madrigal is popular when it is short.
a¢. Un madrigal est populaire quand il est court.
b. A madrigal is popular if it is written by Orlando di Lasso.
b¢. Un madrigal est populaire s’il est écrit par Orlando di Lasso.
(19¢) a. GENx (madrigal (x) Ù short (x)) [popular (x)]
b. GENx (madrigal (x) Ù written-by (x, Orlando di Lasso)) [popular (x)]
These LFs can be rewritten as in (19″), where quantification over events is
(19″) a. GENe (short (e, f(e)) Ù madrigal (f(e))) [popular (e, f(e))]
b. GENe (written by (e, f(e), Orlando di Lasso) Ù madrigal (f(e))) [popular
(e, f(e))]
7.3 The Genericity of Singular Indefinites 203
According to rule (4), quantification over individuals is obtained if: (i) the indefinite is
in a subject position (more precisely in the preverbal subject position) and (ii) the predi-
cate is generic (i.e., a predicate lexically specified as stable, or a transitory predicate in
its habitual use). The constraint on the predicate can be easily explained: if the predicate
denotes a transitory property, it projects a time variable that must be either saturated by
a time index (in this case we obtain a particular and not a generic statement) or bound by
the adverb of quantification, which therefore cannot bind the individual variable that the
indefinite supplies (recall that we do not assume that Q-adverbs are unselective binders:
depending on the linguistic context, they can bind either an event variable or an indi-
vidual variable but not both of them). As for the constraint regarding the position occu-
pied by the indefinite, we suggest that this constraint is due to the need for an asymmetric
configuration such as subject/VP or Theme/Rheme, which is mapped onto the restric-
tion / scope partition characteristic of quantificational structures.16
Rule (4) cannot apply if the indefinite occupies an object position, which explains
why a generic reading is not available for the indefinite object in (21), which can
only refer to a particular individual:
(21) John respects a professor.
The generic reading becomes available if (i) the verb is stressed or (ii) the indefinite
in the object position contains an adjective or some other type of adnominal modifier:
(22) a. In general, John RESPECTS a professor.
b. In general, John respects an intelligent professor.
c. In general, John respects a professor who takes care of his students.
d. Mary rarely likes a short sleeved-dress.
The generic reading of (22a) is made possible by contrastive stress, which
enables the application of rule (5). The whole sentence goes to the nuclear scope
and the restriction is filled by focus closure, which is obtained by replacing the
For a different account of the role that information structure plays in generic sentences and cor-
relatively in the choice of the generic interpretation of BPs, see Cohen & Erteshik-Shir (2002).
204 7 Genericity, (In)Definiteness and Bare Nouns
See Laca (1990), Dobrovie-Sorin and Laca (1996) and Dobrovie-Sorin (1997a, b) for further
evidence against this analysis of ‘generic objects’, advocated in particular by Diesing (1992) and
Kratzer (1988, 1995).
Plural indefinites headed by certains ‘certain’ or quelques ‘some’ are acceptable in this context,
but they can only take a specific reading:
(i) Jean respecte certains/quelques professeurs.
Jean respects certain some teachers
7.4 The Genericity of French des-Indefinites 205
Corblin (1987) notes that ‘strictly distributive’ readings (i.e., generalizations over atomic indi-
viduals) are marginally possible with des-indefinites. We will come back to this issue in Sect. 7.4.3
but for now we focus only on examples that express generalizations over groups.
206 7 Genericity, (In)Definiteness and Bare Nouns
Below we give further examples of the same type, grouped according to whether
they contain an overt adverb of quantification or not:
(28) a. *Des enfants marchent rarement avant 10 mois.
des children walk rarely before 10 months
b. *Des Indiens meurent en général jeunes.
des Indians die usually young
(29) a. *Des chats sont intelligents.
des cats are intelligent
b. *Des Roumains parlent français.
des Romanians speak French
Dobrovie-Sorin (2004) shows that in order to understand the generic readings of
des-indefinites, we need to distinguish between examples of the type illustrated
above, which rely on generic quantification over (plural) individuals and examples
like (30), which rely on generic quantification over events20:
(30) a. Méfie-toi, des guêpes énervées sont un danger terrible.
watch out des wasps excited are a danger terrible.
‘Watch out, excited wasps are a terrible danger.’
b. Des éléphants blancs se promenant dans la rue ont parfois/
des elephants white strolling in the street have sometimes/
toujours suscité une très vive curiosité.
always aroused a very vivid curiosity
‘Always/sometimes if white elephants stroll in the street they arouse
In this section we will only be interested in adverbial quantification over
individuals and therefore we will avoid overt Q-adverbs, modal operators or nomi-
nal modifiers, all of which may allow, in certain contexts, a quantification-
over-events interpretation.
Going back to the unacceptability of the generic reading of plural des-indefinites
illustrated in (27b) and (29), we will depart from Corblin’s pragmatic explanation
and pursue the line of investigation originating in Dobrovie-Sorin and Mari (2007a,
b) and further developed in Dobrovie-Sorin (to appear a), according to which the
examples under examination here violate a constraint on quantification. The label
and the definition in (31) are borrowed from Dobrovie-Sorin (to appear a):
(31) Individuation Constraint on Quantification (ICQ)
A variable that ranges over elements ordered by the part-whole relation cannot
be bound by a quantifier.
Example (30b) is adapted from an Italian example due to Longobardi (2002). Longobardi’s
account for generic indefinites is different from the one pursued here (for discussion, see Dobrovie-
Sorin and Laca (2003)).
7.4 The Genericity of French des-Indefinites 207
Following Link (1983), plural (and conjoined) DPs (Determiner Phrases) are
viewed as denoting sums (of individuals), which are currently represented as
elements of a join semi-lattice (Scha 1981; Link 1983; Landman 1989a, b):
a+b a+c b+c
a b c
Theorists disagree as to whether the denotation of plural nouns contains the set of singular
individuals that generates the lattice or not. For simplicity we will adopt the latter view in this
208 7 Genericity, (In)Definiteness and Bare Nouns
complex and highly debated issue not relevant for our present concerns, which relate
to quantification over the domain of individuals.
Although central to the investigation of quantification over situations, the
Individuation Constraint on Quantification has gone largely unnoticed (prior to
Dobrovie-Sorin and Mari (2007a, b)) in the literature dedicated to quantification
over individuals. The reason for this state of affairs is presumably the fact that
singular count nouns denote sets of singular individuals, which are not ordered by
the part-whole relation and as such trivially allow for quantification. Characterizing
sentences built with bare plurals and Q-adverbs were themselves treated as involving
quantification over singular individuals. Thus, examples of the type in (33) were
analyzed as relying on the LF representations in (33¢), in which the bare plural sup-
plies a variable over singular individuals (Diesing 1992)22:
(33) Squares have four sides.
(33¢) GENx (x is a square) [x has four sides]
Granting that plural marking cannot be ignored by the syntax-semantics map-
ping rules and assuming that the bare plural in (33) is comparable to a plural
indefinite (rather than a name of kind), the LF representation associated with
(33) should be (27¢b) rather than (33¢). Note also that the analysis according to
which (33) translates as (33¢) predicts that French des-indefinites, which are the
closest counterparts of indefinite-like English bare plurals, allow generic inter-
pretations. The unacceptability of examples of the type in (27b) shows that this
prediction is wrong.
The unacceptability of the generic reading of French plural indefinites sheds
serious doubt on the hypothesis that English generic bare plurals are indefinite-like
expressions. They can instead be analyzed as names of kinds, an issue that is not
relevant at the present stage of this presentation. We will return to this issue in
Sect. 7.5 below, where further arguments against representing (33) as relying on
(33¢) will be given.
The ICQ accounts not only for our initial examples, built with plural indefinites,
but also for the unacceptability of generic mass indefinites, which have not been
examined in previous literature:
(34) a. *De l’eau est liquide.
de l’water is liquid
b. *De l’eau gèle à 0° Celsius.
de l’water freezes at 0° Celsius
c. *Du vin est cher ici.
du wine is expensive here
Although theorists of genericity do not agree on whether bare plurals in examples like (33) are
indefinite-like (Diesing 1992; Kratzer 1988, 1995, a.o.) or kind-referring (Carlson 1977a, c), all of
them seem to assume LFs of the type (33¢).
7.4 The Genericity of French des-Indefinites 209
For further empirical support in favor of the ICQ see Dobrovie-Sorin (to appear a), who shows
that this constraint is relevant not only for Q-adverbs but also for quantificational determiners such
as keine ‘noplur’ in German. The unacceptability of the generic readings of bare plurals and bare
mass nouns in Romance languages other than French can also be explained as consequences of the
ICQ (see Sect. 7.5).
The versions of (36a–c) built with deux are taken from Corblin (1987). We have added the
examples with des-indefinites. For reasons we will not address here, the generic readings of
des-indefinites are less acceptable than those of cardinal indefinites.
210 7 Genericity, (In)Definiteness and Bare Nouns
Note that in French this ambiguity exists for des-indefinites in predicate position (see (i)),
whereas the BP in (ii) necessarily takes the reciprocal interpretation:
(i) Jean et Marie sont des amis.
Jean and Mary are des friends
(ii) Jean et Marie sont amis.
Jean and Mary are friends
‘Jean and Mary are friends’
7.4 The Genericity of French des-Indefinites 211
Dobrovie-Sorin (to appear a) observes that plural symmetric nouns are divisive (if A is friends,
then any group that is part of A is friends), which is incompatible with Dobrovie-Sorin & Mari’s
(2007a, b) view that such plural nouns denote sets of groups that are not ordered by the part-whole
relation (since divisiveness depends on the part-whole relation). Dobrovie-Sorin (to appear a) was
therefore led to revise the analysis of plural symmetric nouns: plural symmetric nouns allow
generic readings because their domain contains a legitimate domain of quantification, namely the
set of the maximal groups that satisfy the relation denoted by the noun.
212 7 Genericity, (In)Definiteness and Bare Nouns
In this paragraph we will briefly examine examples that arguably rely on adverbial
quantification over events (rather than over individuals).
Let us first consider the examples in (41):
(41) a. Trois/Des hommes forts peuvent soulever un piano.
Three des men strong can lift a piano
‘(Three) Strong men can lift a piano.’
b. Deux/des hommes grands attirent toujours l’attention.
Two des men tall draw always the attention
‘(Two) Tall men always draw attention.’
c. Deux/Des pipelettes ne se supportent pas longtemps.
Two des chatterboxes neg refl stand neg for long
‘(Two) Chatterboxes won’t stand each other for a long time.’
d. Deux/Des enfants en bas âge donnent toujours beaucoup de travail.
Two des children small give always a lot of work
‘(Two) Small children always involve a lot of work.’
e. Trois/des petites filles sont toujours en train de te préparer une
Three des small girls are always prog you prepare a
‘(Three) Small girls are always preparing surprises.’
7.4 The Genericity of French des-Indefinites 213
The sentence in (41a) does not say that any group of men have a certain habit or
typical behavior but rather that any events/situations in which three strong men try
to lift together a piano are such that they manage to lift it.
In order to account for this type of example, we must assume a new mapping rule:
(42) Plural indefinites can be analyzed as supplying a predicate of events
paraphrasable as ‘be together’, which is mapped into the restriction.
This rule yields the representations in (41a–e)27:
(41¢) a. GENe (be together (e, f(e)) Ù strong men (f(e)) Ù |f(e)| ³2) [can lift a
piano (e, f(e))]
b. GENe (be together (e, f(e)) Ù tall men (f(e)) Ù |f(e)| ³2) [draw attention
(e, f(e))]
c. GENe (be together (e, f(e)) Ù chatterboxes (f(e)) Ù |f(e)| ³ 2) [stand each
other for a long time (e, f(e))]
d. "e (be together (e, f(e)) Ù small children (f(e)) Ù |f(e)| ³ 2) [involve a lot
of work (e, f(e))]
e. "e (be together (e, f(e)) Ù small girls (f(e)) Ù |f(e)| ³ 3) [prepare surprise
(e, f(e))]
Let us now observe that the examples in (43) are not necessarily interpreted as
expressing generalizations about events that contain more than one lion. Therefore,
we cannot assume that the restriction of the corresponding LFs contains ‘be
(43) a. Des lions blessés sont toujours vulnérables.
des lions injured are always vulnerable
‘Injured lions are always vulnerable.’
b. Des enfants malades sont souvent grincheux.
des children sick are often grumpy
‘Sick children are often grumpy.’
As observed by Heyd (2002), these examples are built with des-indefinites
modified by adjectives that can function as sentential predicates. Such adjectives
can be analyzed as predicates of events and can thus provide the restriction of a
quantifier over events:
(43¢) a. GENe (injured(e,f(e)) Ù lions (f(e))) [vulnerable (e,f(e))]
b. GENe (sick (e,f(e)) Ù children (f(e))) [grumpy (e,f(e))]
The LF in (41¢), as well as most of the other LFs in this section, are simplified versions. Thus, in
(41¢a), the events of being together and being able to lift a piano are not the same event but rather
two overlapping events (see the LF in (1¢)). Furthermore, we have not given a full analysis of the
DPs themselves, since we have not separated the predicates supplied by the noun from the predi-
cates supplied by their modifiers.
214 7 Genericity, (In)Definiteness and Bare Nouns
According to Corblin (1987), the relevant examples allow ‘strictly distributive readings’. This
generalization is correct only if we interpret ‘allow strictly distributive readings’ as meaning ‘num-
ber neutral readings’.
7.4 The Genericity of French des-Indefinites 215
introduced in Sect. 7.4.1 above and repeated below, illustrate the same
(30) a. Méfie-toi, des guêpes énervées sont un danger terrible.
watch out des wasps excited are a danger terrible.
‘Watch out, excited wasps are a terrible danger.’
b. Des éléphants blancs se promenant dans la rue ont parfois/
des elephants white strolling in the street have sometimes/
toujours suscité une très vive curiosité.
always aroused a very vivid curiosity
‘If white elephants stroll in the street they always/sometimes arouse
The sentence in (30a) can be interpreted as a warning against either groups of
excited wasps or against single wasps and in (30b) the curiosity might have been
caused by groups of elephants or by a single elephant strolling in the street.
In what follows, we show that number neutralization can arise only in examples
that rely on quantification over events.29 Consider the LF representation of (30b):
(30¢) b. "e (stroll in the street (e,f(e)) Ù white elephants (f(e)))
[arouse curiosity (e,f(e))]
In these LF representations, the plural indefinites are not translated as variables
that range over (groups of) individuals but as Skolem terms, the values of which
co-vary with the events they depend on. The event participants may be atomic indi-
viduals or groups, depending on the lexical properties of the main predicate as well
as pragmatic factors. In sum, we propose that number neutralization characterizes
event-dependent indefinites, which are represented as Skolem terms:
(45) des-indefinites that translate as event-dependent Skolem terms are number-
Number neutralization should be kept distinct from strictly distributive
readings. Strict distributivity, on which the main predicate holds of atomic indi-
viduals, is obligatorily associated with generic sentences built with singular
indefinites (Sect. 7.3 above) and can sometimes characterize generic sentences
built with plural definites (Sect. 7.5 below). Truly generic plural indefinites dis-
allow both number neutralization and strict distributivity: they supply a group
variable and as such, the sentences containing them necessarily express gener-
alizations over groups.
It goes without saying that number neutralization cannot arise in examples such as (41), which
according to the analysis presented above express generalizations over events of ‘being together’,
thus constraining the cardinality of the event participants to be at least two.
216 7 Genericity, (In)Definiteness and Bare Nouns
7.4.4 Conclusions
English bare plurals (and bare mass nouns) differ from their counterparts in Romance
languages like Italian, Spanish or Romanian and from French des-indefinites as well
as from French mass indefinites headed by de la or du (contracted form of de and
le), insofar as they systematically allow generic readings.30 We assume that English
bare plurals (and bare mass nouns) with generic readings should be analyzed as
names of kinds (cf. Carlson 1977a), or more precisely as intensional maximal sums
(Chierchia 1998; Dobrovie-Sorin and Laca 1999, 2003).
Generic readings of modified bare nouns are possible in Italian for a restricted set of examples,
which led Chierchia (1998) to analyze Italian bare nouns – and by extension bare nouns in
Romance languages other than French – as kind-denoting. However, Longobardi (2002) and
Delfitto (2002) have shown that modified bare nouns in Italian are ruled out in contexts that allow
names of kinds. Consequently, a Carlson-style analysis cannot account for the Italian data. We
agree with Longobardi and Delfitto that the generic reading of Italian bare plurals relies on
quantification over events.
7.5 The Genericity of English Bare Nouns 217
These examples contrast with the corresponding French sentences, built with
(48) a. *Des enfants marchent rarement avant 10 mois.
des children walk rarely before 10 months
b. *Des Indiens meurent en général jeunes.
des Indians die usually young
(49) a. *Des chats sont intelligents.
des cats are intelligent
b. *Des Roumains parlent français.
des Romanians speak French
The examples below illustrate the perfectly parallel contrast between English
bare mass nouns and French mass indefinites headed by de la/du:
(50) a. Water is liquid (most of the time).
b. Gold is (often) yellow.
(51) a. *De l’eau est liquide (la plupart du temps).
de l’water is liquid the majority of time
b. *De l’or est (souvent) jaune.
de l’gold is often yellow
Given the unacceptability of plural and mass indefinites in the examples in
(48)–(49) and (51),31 the English bare nouns in (46)–(47) and (50) cannot be
analyzed as indefinites. We are thus led to assume that English bare plurals (and
bare mass nouns) function as names of kinds (Carlson 1977a, b) or rather as
intensional maximal sums (Chierchia 1998) not only in sentences built with
predicates that select kinds, e.g., Cats are on the verge of extinction, but also in
generic characterizing sentences of the type in (46)–(47), built with Q-adverbs or
the GEN operator.
On this proposal, the French counterparts of (46)–(47) and (50) are not the exam-
ples in (48)–(49) and (51) but rather those in (52)–(53), with plural and mass
definites (see Dobrovie-Sorin and Laca 1996, 1999):
(52) a. Les enfants marchent rarement avant 10 mois.
the children walk rarely before 10 months
b. Les Indiens meurent en général jeunes.
the Indians die usually young
De Swart (1992, 1996) suggests that the restricted use of French des-indefinites is due to the fact
that des/du goes back to a partitivity marker, which would be incompatible with a quasi-universal,
generic interpretation. However, this hypothesis cannot be maintained: on the one hand, the exam-
ples analyzed here contain des-indefinites with no partitive meaning and on the other, indefinites
with partitive des can also have generic readings (see Heyd 2002).
218 7 Genericity, (In)Definiteness and Bare Nouns
According to the current view (Chierchia 1998, a.o.), generic sentences built with
names of kinds, e.g., (55a), repeated below, are to be represented as shown in (55¢):
(55) a. Les chats sont intelligents.
the cats are intelligent
‘Cats are intelligent.’
(55¢) a. GENx (x is an instantiation of Çcats) [x is intelligent]
In this representation, the name of kind (or more precisely the maximal inten-
sional sum of cats, notated Çcats, which is obtained by applying the Down operator
to the plural property cats) has been shifted to the set of atomic individuals that
realize the kind and the GEN operator binds a variable that ranges over those indi-
viduals. This type-shifting operation might be motivated by the need to adjust the
denotation of the subject to the denotation of the main predicate: the main predicate
expresses a property of individuals, whereas the subject refers to a name of kind.
Note however that this motivation is rather weak, given that according to Chierchia,
bare plurals are not really names of kinds (as they are for Carlson (1977a, c)) but
rather intensional maximal sums of individuals and therefore no sortal conflict arises
between the subject and the predicate. Moreover, this analysis cannot be extended to
examples such as (54), repeated in (56) below, which are built with kind-referring
mass DPs:
(56) a. L’eau est liquide la plupart du temps.
The water is liquid the majority of the time
‘Water is liquid most of the time’
b. L’or est souvent jaune.
the gold is often yellow
‘Gold is often yellow.’
7.5 The Genericity of English Bare Nouns 219
On the use of the Down operator in the analysis of kind referring mass nouns, see Dayal (2004).
Chierchia himself uses the Down operator only for kind-referring plural DPs, e.g., bare plurals in
Quantification over amounts (or portions) of substance is assumed, implicitly or explicitly, by
most theorists of mass quantification. Thus, according to Gillon (1992: 632), in examples of the
type Most water is liquid, ‘[the quantifiers] range over elements in […] the greatest aggregate in
the domain of discourse of which the mass noun is true.’ This type of analysis may be adequate if
the pragmatic context makes obvious a certain partition of water, e.g., there are five buckets of
water, three of which containing liquid water and the other two frozen water. But note that the
partition provided by the pragmatic context allows the mass noun to function as a count noun. In
other words, this is a case of covert mass-to-count coercion.
220 7 Genericity, (In)Definiteness and Bare Nouns
gold in the world and the maximal sum of yellow stuff in the world. The formal
analysis of mass quantifiers is quite complex and cannot be presented here. Crucial
for our present concerns is only the fact that under Higginbotham’s (1994) analysis,
the restriction of mass quantifiers is not filled with a set but rather with an object, a
maximal sum (see sx. gold(x) and sx. water(x) in (58¢)), which can be measured: in
order to assign a truth value to (58¢b) we compare the measure of the maximal sum
of portions of water with the measure of the maximal sum of portions of liquid
water. Crucially, in order to evaluate LFs of the type in (58¢), we need to know the
size of the object in the restriction of the quantifier but we do not need to count the
number of parts of that object under a given partition.
This analysis explains why Q-adverbs allow kind-referring mass DPs in their
restriction: kind-referring mass DPs are maximal intensional objects and the
Q-adverb tells us what proportion of the kind satisfies the main predicate (in other
words, the Q-adverb compares the size of the kind with the size of the part of it that
satisfies the main predicate).
Turning now to Q-adverbs built with kind-referring plural terms (English bare
plurals and French definite plurals), we may extend Higginbotham’s (1994) analysis
of mass quantifiers to quantifiers over plural domains:
(59) Cats are intelligent.
(59¢) GENmass (sx. cats(x), sx. intelligent(x))
The only difference between mass quantification over mass and plural domains is
the measure unit that is used in order to evaluate the relevant LFs: since number is
inherent to plural domains, the default measure unit for plural domains is number.
7.6 Conclusions
Sentences like (1) and (2), originally discussed in medieval texts and subsequently
examined in detail by Geach (1962), are known as ‘donkey sentences’:
(1) Every farmer who owns a donkey beats it.
(2) If a farmer owns a donkey, he beats it.
These sentences raise two interrelated problems. The first one is that the
indefinite DPs a donkey in (1) and a farmer and a donkey in (2) are construed as
universally quantified rather than as existentially quantified DPs. According to
Geach (1962), the sentences in (1) and (2) have the LFs in (3):
We will not discuss the details of the debate concerning the precise definition of c-command.
The only relevant point here is the fact that the indefinite DPs, which are the antecedents of these
anaphoric pronouns, appear in a position that does not allow binding: cf. Every mani loves hisi
mother vs. *‘Hisi mother loves every mani.’
According to Heim (1982), we may talk about donkey sentences only for examples that are char-
acterized by both of these two properties. Which means that the following sentences, though
apparently similar, are in fact different:
(i) If someone lives in Paris, he does not live outside the capital.
(ii) Someone who lives in Paris does not live outside the capital.
While (i) is a donkey sentence, (ii) is not, because there is no anaphoric pronoun outside the rela-
tive clause. Other authors, e.g., Steedman (2003), adopt a less strict view, considering that only one
of these conditions needs to be satisfied.
8.1 Dependency and Donkey Sentences 223
reading of an indefinite DP and what is the analysis of the pronoun? Both of these
questions arise if we assume that indefinite DPs are to be analyzed as quantified
expressions. It is however clear that indefinite DPs differ from other quantified
expressions in more than one respect. In particular, it can be shown that there is a
genuine difference between indefinite DPs and universally quantified DPs with
respect to anaphoric processes (cf. Chierchia 1995c:2–10). In (1) and (2) for exam-
ple, the indefinite DP a donkey cannot be replaced with quantified DPs built with
every, each or no.
(5) a. *Every farmer who owns every/each/no donkey beats it.
(6) a. *If a farmer owns every/each/no donkey, he beats it.
Likewise, the indefinite DP a farmer in (2) cannot be replaced with every farmer.
Indeed, (7) is not a possible paraphrase of the sentence in (2):
(7) ??If every farmer owns a donkey, he beats it.
If we abandon the hypothesis that indefinite DPs are quantified expressions, we
are no longer confronted with the scope problem either: since the indefinite DP is
not analyzed as a quantified expression, the pronoun is not analyzed as a variable
bound by a quantifier and as such, it need not be in the c-command domain of the
Kamp (1981) and Heim (1982) argued in favor of an analysis of indefinite DPs in
donkey sentences as free variables rather than as quantified expressions. On this
view, (i) indefinites do not have any inherent quantificational force, (ii) the
quantificational force of indefinites is provided by the first binder available in the
sentence; this is a case of unselective binding of a free variable by a quantifier
present in the context, (iii) a Q-binder introduces a tripartite structure of the form
Q (A) [B], where A is the restriction of the quantifier Q, and B, its nuclear scope
and (iv) a rule of existential closure assigns default existential force to unbound
indefinite DPs.
According to this analysis, indefinites have a default existential value. This is
illustrated in (8), where the indefinite DP a man contributes a free variable and the
condition man on that variable. Applying rule (iv) to the resulting formula, we
obtain (8¢), where the free variable x supplied by the indefinite is existentially
(8) A man is smoking.
(8¢) ∃x (man(x) ∧ smoke(x))
In certain contexts, however, indefinite DPs may acquire values other than
existential. For instance, in when/if-clauses, indefinite DPs can be indirectly
224 8 Dependent Indefinites in Donkey Sentences
If there is a Q-adverb in the main clause of the if/when clause, we do not get universal quantification
but e.g., proportional quantification as in (i):
(i) When an Italian drinks, he is rarely sad.
8.1 Dependency and Donkey Sentences 225
The unselective binding hypothesis advocated by Kamp and Heim predicts that in a
sentence like (12), the generic operator GEN quantifies over < farmer, donkey > pairs.
(12) If a farmer owns a donkey, he beats it.
(12¢) GENx,y (farmer(x) ∧ donkey(y) ∧ own(x,y)) [beat(x,y)]
Yet, in addition to these so-called symmetric readings, several authors (Partee
(1984), Kadmon (1987), Kratzer (1995), among others) have pointed out the existence
of so-called asymmetric readings, which Kamp and Heim cannot account for. This
is known as the proportion problem.
The proportion problem arises for DRT analyses of donkey sentences as soon as we
consider situations in which some farmers own more than one donkey. Does (13)
mean that each farmer beats each of the donkeys he owns or that he beats at least
one of his donkeys?
(13) a. Every farmer who owns a donkey beats it.
b. If a farmer owns a donkey, he beats it.
Certain authors, e.g., Cooper (1979) argue that sentences of this kind only refer
to farmers that own a single donkey; they do not say anything about other farmers.
But the LF in (12¢), which Kamp and Heim propose for sentences like (13), does not
allow this restriction to farmers that own only one donkey. (12¢) quantifies over
< farmer, donkey > pairs, which means that for each farmer who owns more than one
donkey, we will have as many pairs as the number of donkeys he owns. Thus, ten
donkeys owned by the same farmer count ten times more than one donkey owned by
one farmer.
The issue of what and how we count is even more relevant for sentences like
(14), built with the quantifier most:
(14) Most farmers who own a donkey beat it.
The question that (14) raises is whether the counting should take into
account < farmer, donkey > pairs, in which case there is a one-to-one mapping
between farmers and donkeys, or introduce an asymmetry between the two sets. Let
us imagine there are only three farmers in the universe: one that owns one hundred
donkeys and beats them all and two others who own one donkey each but neither
beats his donkey. If we consider < farmer, donkey > pairs, we obtain one hundred
and two pairs and the sentence in (14) is true. But if we count only the farmers, the
sentence in (14) is false: only one out of three farmers beats his donkeys.
A sentence like (14) can thus yield three distinct readings, according to whether
we consider < farmer, donkey > pairs, only the farmers (who own a donkey), or only
the donkeys (that each farmer owns). The first case gives rise to a symmetric reading
226 8 Dependent Indefinites in Donkey Sentences
(cf. (15a)) and the last two cases give rise to asymmetric readings. We further
distinguish between a subject-asymmetric reading, illustrated in (15b) and an object-
asymmetric reading, in (15c). The LFs corresponding to these three readings are
given in (15) below.
(15) a. MOSTx,y (farmer(x) ∧ donkey(y) ∧ own(x,y)) [beat(x,y)]
b. MOSTx (farmer(x) ∧ ∃y (donkey(y) ∧ own(x,y))) [beat(x,y)]
c. MOSTy (donkey(y) ∧ ∃x (farmer(x) ∧ own(x,y))) [beat(x,y)]
According to the unselective binding hypothesis advocated by Kamp (1981)
and Heim (1982), the sentence in (14) has the representation in (15a), where the
indefinite DP a donkey introduces a free variable y, which is bound by the unse-
lective quantifier most. The unselective binding hypothesis does not predict the
existence of asymmetric readings because the LFs in (15b–c) cannot be obtained
via unselective binding. These LFs are moreover problematic because of the bind-
ing of the pronoun: the existential quantifiers that occur in the restriction do not
c-command the variables y in (15b) and x in (15c), which occur in the nuclear
scope ([beat(x,y)]).
The choice between the three possible readings (symmetric, subject-asymmetric
and object-asymmetric) is determined by different factors, which have been dis-
cussed by Heim (1982), Kadmon (1987), Rooth (1985) and Kratzer (1995), among
others. Rooth (1985) and Kadmon (1987), for instance, have shown that in English,
different readings obtain depending on whether the indefinite DPs in the antecedent
of a conditional are stressed4 or not. Thus, while (16a) gives rise to a subject-
asymmetric reading, glossed as in (16b), (17a) gives rise to an object-asymmetric
reading, glossed as in (17b).
(16) a. If a farmer owns a DONkey, he usually beats it.
b. Most of the farmers who own a donkey beat it.
(17) a. If a FARmer owns a donkey, he usually beats it.
b. Most of the donkeys that belong to a farmer are beaten by this farmer.
In (16a), the counting does not concern the < farmer, donkey > pairs but rather the
farmers who own donkeys. Each farmer is counted once, regardless of whether he
owns one or more donkeys. By contrast, in (17a), the counting concerns the donkeys
(that are owned by the farmers).
Kratzer (1995) showed that, in addition to intonation and information structure,
other parameters such as unaccusativity, type of predicate (stage-level or individual-
level), scrambling, or the presence/absence of anaphoric pronouns in the consequent,
can influence the preferred reading. For instance, when two indefinite DPs and no
pronoun are present in the antecedent of a conditional as in (13b), there is a prefer-
ence for the symmetric reading, whereas when there is one anaphoric pronoun in
addition to the two indefinite DPs in the antecedent, the asymmetric reading is
The stressed syllables are written in capitals.
8.2 Dependent Indefinites 227
In the previous chapter, we have seen that generic quantification over individuals
should be distinguished from generic quantification over situations or events:
(21) A dog has four legs.
(22) When John invites a friend, he (always) cooks dinner.
The sentence in (21) has the representation in (21¢), in which the default GEN
operator quantifies over individuals (i.e., dogs):
(21¢) GENx (dog(x)) [have-four-legs(x)]
The generic reading of (22), on the other hand, comes about as the result of
quantification over situations: always translates as a universal quantifier over the
situations described by the when-clause (which functions as the restrictor of the
(22¢) ∀e (invite (e, John, f(e)) Ù friend (f(e))) [cook-dinner (e, John)]
The generic reading of the indefinite is not due to quantification over friends but
rather to a representation in which the adverb quantifies over situations in which
John invites a friend. It is the dependency on situations that is responsible for the
pseudo-generic reading of the indefinite DP. This dependency is represented in
functional terms in (22¢), where the value of the indefinite a friend depends on the
inviting event; f(e) is a referential term, whose denotation varies depending on the
value of e. The representation in (22¢) can be paraphrased as in (23):
(23) Every time John invites a friend, he cooks dinner.
It should be stressed that the analysis in (22¢) goes against DRT type analyses
according to which the variables supplied by indefinites are bound by unselective
quantificational adverbs; on our analysis, they are referential terms (represented as
Skolem terms) dependent on situations that are quantified over by a Q-adverb.
The LF in (22¢), as well as other LFs in this chapter, is imprecise insofar as it does not explicitly
indicate that the events in the restriction and in the nuclear scope are not identical but rather over-
lapping sub-events. This simplification does not affect the main argument.
8.2 Dependent Indefinites 229
Consider now (25), in which the matrix clause contains a pronoun that picks up
the same referent as the situation-dependent indefinite:
(25) When John invites a friend, he cooks dinner for her.
The pronoun her in (25) refers to the same individual as the functional term f(e),
i.e., the friend that John invites in situation e. This interpretation is associated with
the LF in (25¢), where the first two occurrences of f(e) correspond to the dependent
indefinite a friend, whereas the third corresponds to the pronoun her.
(25¢) GENe (invite (e, John, f(e)) Ù friend (f(e)))
[cook-dinner (e, John, f(e))]
In (25¢), the referential term f(e) is dependent on inviting events e and as such f(e)
is indirectly bound by the GEN operator (GEN is supplied by default whenever no
overt Q-adverb is present in the matrix clause associated with a when-clause), which
quantifies over inviting events.
Any occurrence of f(e) bound by the GEN operator must be in its scope. This
analysis correctly predicts that the use of an anaphoric pronoun further in the dis-
course is ungrammatical.6
(26) When John invites a friend, he cooks dinner for her. *She enjoys it.
In (26), the pronoun she, which is anaphoric on the dependent indefinite DP,
should be translated as f(e). But this occurrence of f(e) appears outside the scope of
GEN; e is thus free and, as a result, the term f(e) that translates she cannot be inter-
preted as situation-dependent.
The analysis of the indefinites as dependent referential terms solves the problem
raised by anaphoric pronouns in donkey sentences. According to the traditional
logic account, indefinites are quantified expressions and anaphoric pronouns are
variables bound by the quantifier that these expressions introduce. This approach
leads to the well-known problem, first observed by Geach (1962) and later read-
dressed in the literature: a supposedly quantified DP (a friend in (25)) seems to
bind a variable (her), which it does not c-command. On the analysis adopted here,
this problem does not arise because dependent indefinite DPs are not treated as
quantified expressions but rather as dependent referential terms. The referential
nature of the dependent indefinite explains why it can co-refer with a pronoun
occurring outside the minimal clause containing the indefinite. Moreover, the fact
that the indefinite is dependent on an event explains why the anaphoric pronoun
For some speakers, the sequence in (26) is grammatical and has the same reading as the sentence
in (i).
(i) When John invites a friend, he cooks dinner for her and she enjoys it.
On this reading, the example is acceptable because she appears in the matrix of the when-clause,
i.e., in the scope of GEN.
230 8 Dependent Indefinites in Donkey Sentences
must occur in the scope of the quantifier over events e.7 Crucially, the pronoun need
not be c-commanded by the indefinite DP itself but instead must be c-commanded
by the operator that quantifies over the events on which it depends.
Besides if/when clauses, quantification over events and correlative dependency of participants on
the event may be triggered by modal and intensional verbs or tenses such as the generic present.
All the examples paraphrasable by “in all events in which…” involve quantification over events
and dependency of the participants on the event.
8.3 Dependency and Proportion 231
Let us insist on the fact that the relation between a donkey and it in (29) should
be kept distinct from the type of relation illustrated in (31) and represented in (31¢),
between a quantified DP and a bound variable :
(31) Every farmer says that he is happy.
(31¢) ∀x [farmer(x) → x says that x is happy]
In (31), he is interpreted as a variable bound by the universal quantifier; in (31¢),
he corresponds to the second occurrence of the variable x in the consequent of
In (29), on the other hand, it is an anaphoric pronoun whose antecedent is a ref-
erential term dependent on a quantified DP (a donkey, which depends on every
farmer). Both the antecedent indefinite DP and the donkey pronoun are notated f(x),
which corresponds to the donkey(s) owned by the farmers x.
We can thus distinguish two types of pronouns: (i) pronouns that function as
bound variables, which must be in the scope of the quantifier that binds them and
(ii) pronouns that are anaphoric on a dependent indefinite DP. It is this latter kind of
pronouns that are called ‘donkey pronouns’.
Steedman (2003) uses a different notation.
Steedman insists that Skolem terms do not denote functions (a name of function is merely part of
their representation) but are referential terms (type e).
8.6 Appendix 235
8.5 Conclusion
In order to solve the problems raised by donkey sentences, various solutions have
been proposed in the literature. We have reviewed the limits of a quantificational
approach to indefinite DPs in donkey sentences as well as the limits of DRT analy-
ses,10 for which the asymmetric readings are problematic. These accounts are prob-
lematic because they treat indefinite DPs on a par with quantified expressions. We
have instead proposed that indefinite DPs in donkey sentences should be analyzed
as dependent DPs represented as Skolem terms. This type of analysis accounts for
the whole range of available readings (symmetric/asymmetric, weak/strong) and
also explains why they cannot serve as antecedents of anaphoric pronouns in exam-
ples such as (26) or (30) above.
8.6 Appendix
Here we will present two pre-DRT proposals that attempted to solve the problems
raised by donkey sentences. The first is due to Egli (1979), who elaborated an algo-
rithm that translates a fragment of English (including DPs headed by every,
indefinite DPs, proper names and pronouns) into formulas of predicate logic. Egli’s
proposal presents two drawbacks: it predicts some readings that do not exist and it
postulates rules of translation for indefinite DPs that are context-dependent. It turns
out that this semantics of indefinite DP’s is not compositional (see Sect. 8.1). The
second proposal, due to Evans (1980) relies on the idea that pronouns in donkey
sentences are not bound pronouns but rather ‘E(vans)-type pronouns’, which are
disguised definite descriptions, since they are equivalent to definite descriptions
that can be recovered from the context (see Sect. 8.6.1). Cooper (1979) proposed
a formal analysis of pronouns, which can be used to account for donkey sentences.
For a presentation of three other accounts of donkey sentences, the interested reader is referred
to the appendix.
236 8 Dependent Indefinites in Donkey Sentences
The major problem with Cooper’s proposal is that it predicts too many interpreta-
tions due to the fact that the interpretation of the pronoun does not depend on the
syntactic environment of the pronoun but on pragmatic factors (see Sect. 8.6.2).
Egli (1979) argues that in predicate logic, the formulas in (1a) and (1b) are equiva-
lent, as long as there is no free occurrence of x in j.
(1) a. ($x F) → j
b. ∀x (F → j)
An existential quantifier in the antecedent of a conditional clause is equivalent to
a universal quantifier taking scope over the conditional. This equivalence can explain
the universal interpretation of indefinite DPs in donkey sentences if there is no ana-
phoric pronoun in the consequent. However, since the equivalence in (1) only holds
for cases where there is no free occurrence of x in j, it cannot account for cases
where there is a pronoun in the consequent, which acts as a free variable.
Egli suggests that the logical equivalence in (1) holds in natural language, where
the restriction concerning the variables in j does not apply. According to him, it is
always possible to replace the existential quantifier in the antecedent of a condi-
tional with a universal quantifier having wide scope over the conditional, regardless
of whether or not the consequent contains unbound occurrences of the free variable.
His hypothesis is supported by other cases of binding of pronouns that occur outside
the scope of their antecedent.
(2) a. Somebody left, and he went home.
b. Somebody left. He went home.
c. Somebody left and went home.
In other words, on Egli’s proposal, there is a mismatch between scope in logic
and scope in natural language.
In order to account for the interpretation of indefinite DPs in conditionals, Egli
posits the existence of a specific rule, without, however, taking a clear position on
the precise nature of this rule. Apparently, it is not a grammatical rule but a rule that
applies to an intermediate level, where the meaning of the sentence is computed. For
example, in analyzing (3), Egli first builds the intermediate representation (3¢a) in
which the quantified DP is translated as a universal quantifier that scopes over the
implication. He then applies a conversion rule, which turns the existential $ corre-
sponding to the indefinite DP a donkey into the universal ∀ resulting in the repre-
sentation in (3¢b).
(3) Every farmer who owns a donkey beats it.
(3¢) a. ∀x [(man(x) Ù x owns a donkey ) → (x beats it )]
b. ∀x∀y [(man(x) Ù donkey(y) Ù x owns y) → (x beats y )]
8.6 Appendix 237
Egli’s solution has several advantages but also a number of shortcomings. One
advantage is that it captures the interpretation of examples such as (4a), which can-
not be paraphrased as in (4b):
(4) a. One of my friends who owns a donkey beats it.
b. For each donkey, if one of my friends owns it, then, he beats it.
(4¢) a. $x (friend-of-mine(x) Ù x owns a donkey Ù x beats it)
b. $x $y (friend-of-mine(x) Ù own(x,y) Ù donkey(y) Ù beat(x,y))
The fact that (4a) cannot be paraphrased as (4b) is due to the nature of the DP on
which the relative depends. The DP one of my friends (unlike every farmer in (3)
above) is not a universally quantified DP; rather, it is an indefinite DP that is associ-
ated with existential quantification. The sentence in (4a) has the intermediate repre-
sentation in (4¢a). Notice that the conversion rule that transforms the existential $
corresponding to the indefinite DP a donkey into the universal ∀ does not apply in
this case, because there is no logical implication in (4¢a) (contrary to what happens
in (3¢a)). The representation in (4¢b) is obtained by replacing a donkey in (4¢a) with
a variable bound by an existential quantifier. To sum up, when the DP on which the
relative clause depends is not universally quantified, we are not in a donkey context
However, Egli’s solution raises at least two problems. As we have already said,
it is not clear what the nature of the rule that converts $ to ∀ is. It is also unclear why
the constraint on the absence of free variables disappears in natural language.
Note moreover that in addition to the equivalence in (1), the equivalence in (5)
also holds in predicate logic. According to this equivalence, a universal quantifier
can scope out of the antecedent of a conditional once it is assigned an existential
value, provided there are no free occurrences of x in j:
(5) a. (∀x F) → j
b. $x (F → j)
The question is why the logical equivalence in (5) does not hold for natural lan-
guage sentences (possibly with the difference observed for (1) concerning the vari-
ables in j). Egli observes this difference between predicate calculus and natural
language LFs but does not provide an explanation. He points out that binding is not
possible in examples such as (6) but does not consider sentences such as (7a), which
would come out equivalent to (7b), if the rule in (5) applied. And yet, (7a) and (7b)
have clearly different meanings:
(6) *If every farmer works, he becomes rich.
(7) a. If every farmer vaccinates his donkey, the disease will not spread.
b. There is a farmer such that, if he vaccinates his donkey, the disease will not
By changing the notion of scope, Egli treats connectives like Ù and → as dynamic
connectives but this provides only a partial and somewhat ad hoc solution to the
problem of donkey sentences. Egli’s solution is not entirely satisfactory because he
238 8 Dependent Indefinites in Donkey Sentences
Another way of accounting for donkey sentences is to analyze the pronouns that
occur in these contexts not as bound pronouns but as disguised definite
Evans (1980) puts forth a different classification of pronouns. The originality of this
approach consists in introducing a novel class of pronouns, which he calls E-type
pronouns, where E is the first letter of his name. E-type pronouns are those pro-
nouns whose antecedent is a quantified expression and which are not in the scope of
the quantifier that the antecedent introduces. To put it differently, Evans makes a
distinction between bound pronouns, which act as variables bound by a quantifier,
and E-type pronouns. The pronoun his in (8) for example is a bound pronoun and
them in (9) is an E-type pronoun.
(8) Every man loves his mother.
(9) John owns some sheep and Harry vaccinates them.
There are two tests that distinguish E-type pronouns from bound pronouns. On
the one hand, unlike what happens in the case of bound pronouns, the antecedent of
an E-type pronoun cannot be replaced with an expression such as no N:
(10) a. Every farmer who owns a donkey beats it.
b. *Every farmer who owns no donkey beats it.
(11) a. Every man loves his mother.
b. No man loves his mother.
On the other hand, E-type pronouns, but not bound pronouns, have interrogative
(11) c. ??Who does every man love? Every man loves his mother.
(12) John owns some sheep and what does Harry vaccinate? John owns some
sheep and Harry vaccinates them.
E-type pronouns are reminiscent of Russell’s view of pronouns as abbreviations
of complex nominal expressions, which are used instead of full DPs for stylistic
reasons. It is however difficult to determine what exactly these pronouns replace.
One possibility would be to assume that they replace their antecedent, which would
8.6 Appendix 239
suffice to copy in order to obtain a paraphrase. It is however rarely the case that we
obtain a good paraphrase by replacing the pronoun with its antecedent:
(13) a. John is tall. He is handsome.
b. John is tall. John is handsome.
(14) a. A man walks in the garden. He smokes.
b. A man walks in the garden. A man smokes.
c. A man walks in the garden. This man smokes.
d. A man walks in the garden. The man who walks in the garden smokes.
While (13a) and b are equivalent, this is not the case for (14a) and b. We can
paraphrase (14a) either by replacing the pronoun with a demonstrative DP, as in
(14c), or by reconstructing a definite description, as in (14d).
The problem observed in (14) also appears with E-type pronouns. Substituting
the pronoun with its antecedent changes the meaning of the sentence, as shown in
(15) and (16).
(15) a. Every farmer who owns a donkey beats it.
b. Every farmer who owns a donkey beats a donkey.
c. Every farmer who owns a donkey beats (this donkey/the donkey he owns).
(16) a. John owns some sheep and Harry vaccinates them.
b. John owns some sheep and Harry vaccinates some sheep.
c. John owns some sheep and Harry vaccinates (these sheep/the sheep that
John owns).
In these examples, the E-type pronouns were replaced with definite descriptions.
This step is intuitively correct but raises several problems. On the one hand, in order
to make the procedure compositional, one needs to explain how the definite descrip-
tion is built, a non-trivial task considering that the reference of the noun is always
restricted by the relative clause. This is particularly problematic for those sentences
where the antecedent of the E-type pronoun is a quantified expression such as some-
one, as in (17):
(17) a. If someone lives in Paris, he does not live in London.
b. If someone lives in Paris, this someone does not live in London.
c. If someone lives in Paris, the person who lives in Paris does not live in
On the other hand, the reconstructed definite description carries a uniqueness
presupposition, which seems counter-intuitive. Consider example (15) again. In
(15c), the donkey he owns is a definite description that presupposes that the person
in question owns only one donkey. Yet, it seems obvious that the sentence in (15a)
does not presuppose that there is no farmer who owns more than one donkey. It also
seems difficult to assume that the sentence only refers to those farmers who own a
single donkey and does not say anything about the other farmers. Many scholars
240 8 Dependent Indefinites in Donkey Sentences
have tried to understand what exactly (15a) says about farmers who own more than
one donkey. Is the sentence in (15a) appropriate or inappropriate in a context where
a farmer owns several donkeys and beats only one? This brings us back to the pro-
portion problem, discussed in Sect. 8.1.3 and Sect. 8.3 above.
Let us return to example (17a) and its version in (17b), where the E-type pronoun
was replaced with a definite description. Heim (1982) showed that an E-type pro-
noun analysis induces the presupposition that there is only one person who lives in
Paris, which is untenable. One solution proposed by Davidson, Parsons and others
is to say that the uniqueness presupposition is associated with situations/events,
rather than with donkeys or inhabitants of Paris. We may then consider a minimal
situation where there is only one person living in Paris.
There still remains one problematic case, namely the case of symmetric situa-
tions pointed out by van Eijck and Kamp (1997) and illustrated in (18):
(18) a. If a man lives with another man, he shares the desk with him.
b. If a cardinal meets another cardinal, he blesses him.
These examples are problematic for the minimal situation approach, since the
minimal situation in which the sentence is true contains two individuals and there-
fore the uniqueness presupposition does not hold.
It seems nevertheless quite clear that the pronouns that are used in donkey
sentences are E-type pronouns. In the next section, we review the formal implemen-
tation of this kind of analysis, due to Cooper (1979).
The pronoun it in the second sentence corresponds to the definite description his
own paycheck and can be formally represented by means of a n-ary relation:
(22) lK $x [∀y [paycheck(v1, y) ↔ x = y] Ù K(x)]
This kind of account also captures the interpretation of E-type pronouns.
Its major drawback is that anaphora resolution is relegated to pragmatics, since
it is the job of pragmatics to determine how the n-ary R relation is instantiated.
Moreover, according to this analysis, all pronouns are analyzed in the same way,
regardless of whether their antecedent is a proper name, a definite, an indefinite or
a quantificational DP. It is important to note that Cooper’s solution is based exclu-
sively on the analysis of pronouns; the representation of the indefinite DP in sen-
tences such as (15a) is taken to be irrelevant. The element that acquires a universal
interpretation (see ∀ in the formula in (19)) is not the indefinite DP but the definite
description that stands for the pronoun. When the reconstructed definite description
is in the singular, the N W carries a uniqueness presupposition and when it is in the
plural, the N Ws reads as all of the N W.
Among the contextual factors that bear on the denotation of indefinites are the lexical
properties of the main predicates of which indefinites are arguments: certain predi-
cates, which we labeled ‘existential predicates’, e.g., run, dance or eat, write, etc.,
allow both weak and strong readings of indefinites occurring in their subject or object
positions, whereas other predicates, which we labeled ‘entity predicates’, e.g., intel-
ligent, sad or love, hate, allow only strong readings. All theories of indefiniteness
share the hypothesis that the weak reading of indefinites is allowed only if the main
predicate can be represented as ‘existential’, i.e., as supplying an existential quantifier
over the position of the indefinite. However, the lexical characterization of the rele-
vant classes of predicates is still under debate. We show that Carlson’s (1977a, c)
distinction between s-level and i-level predicates does not exactly parallel the distinc-
tion between existential and entity predicates needed for the account of weak vs.
strong readings and we follow Dobrovie-Sorin (1997a) in proposing that space local-
ization is the criterion that distinguishes between the two classes.
In terms of formalization, the main original contribution of this book is the repre-
sentation of weak DPs (in particular bare plurals and bare mass nouns): they are not
property-referring expressions (as in van Geenhoven (1996) or Dobrovie-Sorin and
Beyssade (2004)) but rather existential generalized quantifiers over amounts. Qua
generalized quantifiers over amounts, weak indefinites cannot combine with entity
No Existential Closure 245
predicates, which can only combine with DPs that denote either individuals (type e)
or generalized quantifiers over individuals (type <<e,t>t>). They can only combine
with existential predicates (or appear in there is or il y a sentences), the role of which
is to supply an existentially bound variable over individuals, which is identified with
the amount variable introduced by the generalized quantifier over amounts.
No Existential Closure
The use of Skolem terms enables us to dispense with the rules of existential closure
proposed in Heim (1982). Thus, in the Logical Form of a sentence like A man has
entered the room, the indefinite DP a man is represented as a Skolem term f(s),
where f is a constant function that applies to the situation of utterance and yields a
specific individual that ranges over the set of men. Since f is not a variable, no existential
quantifier is needed for the representation of this sentence. Similarly, the sentence
246 Conclusion
Every farmer who owns a donkey beats it is associated with the Logical Form ∀x
[(farmer(x) ∧ owns(x, f(x)) ∧ donkey (f(x))) → beats (x,f(x))], which also lacks an
existential quantifier. The indefinite DP a donkey, as well as the anaphoric pronoun
it, are represented as the Skolem term f(x), whose value varies according to the value
of the variable x, which ranges over the set of farmers and is bound by the universal
quantifier introduced by the quantified NP every farmer. Finally, the Logical Forms
of sentences like Whenever John invites a friend, he cooks dinner for him, which
involve quantification over events, make use of a Skolem term f(e), with an event
variable bound by the generic quantifier GEN: GENe (invitation(e) ∧ Agent(e, John)
∧ Theme(e, f(e)) ∧ friend(f(e))) [make-dinner(e, Jean, f(e))].
Diesing’s (1992) rule of VP-level existential closure is also dispensed within our
account of weak indefinites and its import is taken over by the use of an existential
predicate in the lexical representation of certain predicates, as in Carlsonian kind-
based accounts or in semantic incorporation accounts. However, as already explained
above, our analysis of weak indefinites as generalized quantifiers over amounts
differs from both kind-based and property-based accounts of bare NPs (and more
generally, of weak indefinites).
Generic Indefinites
The original contribution of the chapter devoted to generic indefinites concerns the
analysis of plural des indefinites and mass de la/du indefinites in French. We pro-
pose that the strict restrictions to which they are subject are due to an Individuation
Constraint on Quantification. This proposal has two far-reaching consequences. On
the one hand, the generic readings of bare plurals or bare mass Ns (see English in
particular but we believe this is a general, possibly universal generalization) cannot
be attributed to an indefinite-like nature of bare plurals and bare mass nouns (as in
Diesing (1992) or Kratzer (1995)): because they refer to amounts, indefinite-like
bare plurals and bare mass Ns (see Romance languages other than French or
Brazilian Portuguese) cannot take generic readings, on a par with des and de la/du
indefinites in French. The generic readings of bare NPs can therefore only be attrib-
uted to kind reference, as in Carlson (1977a, c). On the other hand, quantification
over mass domains, analyzed as in Higginbotham (1994), should be extended to
plural domains and should be clearly distinguished from what we may call ‘distribu-
tive’ quantification (see determiners built with singular NPs and indefinite DPs
mapped onto the restriction of adverbs of quantification).
In order to assess the specificity and the advantages of our account, let us briefly
compare it with other approaches in the literature, such as the Theory of Generalized
Quantifiers, DRT and analyses in terms of properties.
Comparison with Other Approaches 247
Standard DRT (Kamp 1981; Kamp and Reyle 1993) does not distinguish between weak and
strong indefinites and the proposed accounts, summarized here, concern only strong indefinites.
DRT accounts of weak indefinites, which are relatively recent (Kamp and Bende Farkas 2001;
Farkas and de Swart 2003), rely on unification and seem to be DRT implementations of the prop-
erty analysis.
This discourse referent can be (i) introduced at the upper level of the DRS, in which case it is
interpreted as existentially quantified; (ii) be introduced in a DRS embedded under the main DRS,
in which case it is indirectly bound and thus analyzed as a quantified DP.
248 Conclusion
The set of phenomena relevant for the study of indefinites is extremely wide, which
means we were forced to set aside a certain number of issues, such as the relations
between indefinites and negation (negative polarity items), indefinites and interroga-
tive phrases, or the behavior of free-choice indefinites like English any. The
indefiniteness of so-called indefinite pronouns (somebody, something, nobody) would
have also been relevant, as well as the study of relative and interrogative pronouns,
which in some languages seem to exhibit a strong vs. weak distinction. Nevertheless,
we hope that the formal tools and the theoretical distinctions proposed in this book
may contribute to the future investigation of these empirical areas.
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Author Index
Barwise, J., xiv, 7–9, 19, 127 Danon, G., 161
Beghelli, F., 28, 178 Dayal, V., 41, 50, 56–58, 219
Bende-Farkas, A., 247 Declerck, R., 164
Ben-Shalom, D., 178, 181 de Hoop, H., 155
Beyssade, C., 18, 29, 34, 52, 76, 78–80, Dekker, P., 187, 233
83, 88, 89 Delfitto, D., 52, 216
Bleam, T., 34, 41, 46, 50, 57, 155, 159 den Dikken, M., 79, 82
Borthen, K., 41 de Pires Oliveira, R., 33
Bosveld de Smet, L., 71, 147 de Swart, H., 32, 41, 50, 56, 75, 90, 92, 191,
Bouchard, D., 37 193, 199, 217, 247
Büring, D., 166 Diesing, M., 11, 13, 17, 34, 58, 129–131, 139,
Burton-Roberts, N., 201 140, 164, 169, 177, 179, 194, 197, 204,
208, 246
Dobrovie-Sorin, C., 17, 18, 29, 33, 34, 41, 46,
C 50, 52, 53, 57, 64–66, 70, 76, 78–80,
Cabredo-Hofherr, P., 199 83, 88, 89, 102, 103, 131, 155, 169,
Carlier, A., 211, 214 181, 194, 198, 202, 204, 206, 208, 210,
Carlson, G.N., 28, 34, 38, 39, 50–52, 55, 211, 216, 217, 244
57–59, 61–63, 93, 116–118, 120, 121, Dowty, D., 39, 57
130, 190, 191, 193, 194, 196, 199, 204,
208, 216–218, 244, 246, 247
Chierchia, G., 34, 50–52, 191–194, 196, E
216–219, 223, 227 Egli, U., 235–238
Chung, S., 17, 50, 57, 58, 132 Enç, M., 155, 158, 161
Cohen, A., 203 Engdahl, E., 185
Comorovski, I., 81, 101, 103, 109, 227, 233, 234 Erteschik-Shir, N., 203
Condoravdi, C., 66 Espinal, M.T., 33, 34, 41–42, 46, 50, 57
Cooper, R., xiv, 7–9, 19, 127, 225, 235, 240 Evans, E., 235, 238–240
F Kroch, A., 79
Farkas, D., 10, 16, 28, 32, 41, 50, 56, 132, 155, Kupferman, L., 78
157, 171, 173, 174, 176, 193, 202, 247
Fodor, J.D., 27, 138, 139, 173, 174
Fradin, B., 166 L
Francez, N., 233 Laca, B., 34, 41, 50, 52, 66, 70, 75, 88, 137,
Frege, G., 24 164, 165, 202, 204–206, 216, 217
Ladusaw, W., 17, 50, 57, 58, 102, 131, 132
Lambrecht, K., 99, 103, 106, 107
G Landman, F., 95, 183, 207, 211
Galmiche, M., 137, 147–149 Lappin, S., 233
Gamut, L.T.F., 20 Lawler, J., 164, 201
Geach, P.T., 221, 222, 224, 229 Lewis, D., 5, 9, 191–194, 224, 231
Giannakidou, A., 173 Link, G., 12, 183, 191, 193, 194, 196,
Gillon, B.S., 27, 219 207, 243
Giry-Schneider, J., 103, 109 Liu, F.H., 28, 151
Glasbey, S., 65 Longobardi, G., 35, 52, 206, 216
Greenberg, Y., 201 Lønning, J.T., 219
Groenendijk, J., 80, 81, 185 Lopez Palma, H., 137
Gupta, A., 76 Lumsden, M., 112
Heim, I., xiv, 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 11–13, 18, 55, 58, Marandin, J.-M., 167
96, 100, 111, 118, 120, 121, 129–131, Mari, A., 206, 208, 210, 211
138, 139, 171, 191, 193, 194, 197, 202, Matushansky, O., 75, 76, 85, 90
207, 221–223, 226, 240, 245 May, R., 6, 172
Heycock, C., 79 McNally, L., 11, 17, 18, 29, 33, 34, 41–42, 52,
Heyd, S., 213, 217 53, 57, 65, 66, 96–98, 102, 127,
Higginbotham, J., xiv, 219, 220, 246 131–132, 160
Higgins, R.F., 78 Milner, J.-C., 101
Hintikka, J., 185 Milsark, G., xv, 9, 11, 18, 26, 49, 57, 93, 102,
127, 129, 243
Moltmann, F., 61, 211
J Montague, R., xiv, 5, 7, 18, 99
Jackendoff, R., 101 Moravcsik, J., 219
Jaeggli, O., 155 Moro, A., 79, 82
Mostowski, A., 8
Müller, A.P., 33
K Munn, A., 32, 33, 46
Kadmon, N., 225, 226 Musan, R., 86
Kallulli, D., 41, 50
Kamp, H., xiii, 1, 9–11, 18, 129, 152, 154,
171, 178, 191, 193, 194, 221, 223, N
226, 240, 247 Napoli, D.J., 110
Kanouse, D.E., 164
Keenan, E.L., xiv, 19, 20, 22, 24
Kennedy, C., 76 P
Kiss, K., 64 Parsons, T., 196, 240
Kleiber, G., 64, 65, 136 Partee, B.H., 8, 84, 99, 225
Kratzer, A., 3, 7, 13, 34, 58, 63, 105, 129, 131, Pelletier, F.J., 191, 193, 194, 196
139, 176, 180, 188, 192, 194, 198, 204, Pelletier, J.F., 191, 193, 196
205, 207, 208, 225, 226, 246 Pesetsky, D., 26, 128, 151
Krifka, M., 154, 180, 181, 191, 193, 194, Postal, P.M., 156
196, 233 Prince, E., 100
Author Index 263
Rando, E., 110 Tasmowski, L., 75, 88, 137, 165
Reinhart, T., 13, 15, 18, 25, 161, 162, 175, 180
Reyle, U., 152, 154, 178, 247
Roeper, P., 219 U
Rooth, M., 99, 191, 193–195, 226, 227 Ulrich, M., 108
Roy, I., 75, 76, 78, 85
Russell, B., 24, 238
Ruys, E., 16, 180 V
van Eijck, J., 240
van Geenhoven, V., xiv, 17, 18, 29, 34, 50,
S 52, 53, 58, 61, 102, 127, 131–132,
Safir, K., 121 160, 199, 244
Sag, I.A., 27, 138, 139, 173, 174 Veltman, F., 80, 81
Sasse, H.-J., 108 Villalta, E., 137, 147
Scha, R., 180, 207 von Fintel, K., 233
Schmitt, C., 32, 33, 46 von Heusinger, K., 139, 155
Schubert, L.K., 191, 193, 196
Schwarzschild, R., 27
Simons, P., 61, 211 W
Spector, B., 75, 76, 85, 90 Wasow, T., 156
Stavi, J., xiv, 19, 20 Westerstähl, D., xiv, 151
Steedman, M., 11, 16–18, 29, 136, 139, Wilkinson, K., 112
171, 176, 187, 193, 221, 222, 227, Winter, Y., 11, 13, 18, 75, 90,
233, 234, 245 92, 187
Stokhof, M., 80, 81, 185
Stowell, T., 28, 178
Strawson, P.F., 139 Z
Sugioka, Y., 10, 202 Zwarts, J., 75, 90, 92
Subject Index
A Binding
Adverb of quantification. See Q-adverb direct, 192, 195, 203, 216
Alternative, 20, 36–40, 48, 52, 78, 84, 122, indirect, 191–193, 195, 216, 223–224,
132, 164, 176, 187, 192 229, 247
Amount, xv, 29, 50, 61, 62, 72, 73, 86, 93, unselective, 5–6, 191–193, 203, 223–226,
96, 105, 106, 116, 119, 121, 125, 133, 228, 247
135, 140, 144, 148, 154, 168, 219
generalized quantifiers over amounts, xv,
18, 50, 60–63, 93, 125, 126, 129, 141, C
151, 163, 244–245 Cardinal, 5, 11–13, 21, 24–26, 28, 61, 169,
relative, 117–122, 124, 125 170, 205, 209, 240
Anaphoraanaphoric, xiii, 10, 40–41, 47, modified, 5, 24, 28, 140, 151–155,
72, 152, 166, 168, 188, 196, 177–178, 182–184
222–224, 226–227, 229–231, Cardinality, 13, 14, 22, 61, 135, 149–150, 154,
234–235, 241, 246 209, 214, 215
Argument, xiv, 2, 3, 7, 8, 15, 17, 18, 29, 32, Characterizing sentence, 193, 194, 196–201,
33, 34, 37, 38, 41, 45–47, 51–58, 208, 217
63–65, 67–76, 80, 84, 91–92, 96–103, Choice function, 13–16, 18, 175, 176, 187, 188
105, 106, 108, 111–126, 132, 133, Coda, 96, 102–105, 107–111, 125, 126
148, 150, 172, 176, 177, 183, 194, Collective, 16, 26–27, 145, 147, 149, 152,
208, 210, 233 153, 183
implicit, 53, 132, 210 Compositionality, xiii, xiv, 4, 7, 53, 57, 58, 60,
Aspect, 39–40, 47, 59 63, 79–82, 93, 96–98, 103, 105, 133,
134, 166, 169, 172, 173, 235, 239
Conservative/conservativity, 19–21, 24
B Contrast/contrastive/contrastivity, v, 6, 26,
Bare 33–35, 38, 42, 48, 54–57, 62–63, 69,
noun, v, xiii, 177, 191–220, 243 71–75, 77, 83–89, 92, 100, 114–116,
NP, 31–93, 177, 204, 246, 247 120, 121, 143–153, 162, 164, 180–182,
plural, v, 20, 28, 31, 32, 35–63, 69–71, 201, 203, 204, 211, 217, 227, 234, 247
131, 138, 147, 191, 192, 201–202, 204, Copula, 64, 68, 80, 82, 83, 85, 92
207–209, 216–218, 244, 246, 247 Copular sentence, 31, 75, 78–83, 85, 86, 88,
singular, v, 31–33, 35–50, 56–58, 62, 92, 93, 137
77–79, 82–89, 132, 247 Cumulative/cumulativity, 61, 180, 211
Generalized existential quantifier over K
amounts, xv, 18, 50, 60–63, 93, 125, Kind, 34, 50, 51, 60, 61, 63, 67, 208, 216–218,
126, 129, 141, 151, 163, 244–245 220, 247
Subject Index 267
Localization, 63, 65–67, 69, 105, 110, 137, Q-adverb, 191–194, 196, 199, 200, 203, 204,
172, 173, 244 206–209, 211, 212, 214, 216, 217, 220,
224, 228, 229, 231
M generic, 191, 197, 206, 228
Mass mass, 219, 220
noun, 28, 32–36, 45, 47, 61, 69, 70, 73, over events, 191–198, 202, 204, 206, 212,
121, 149, 209, 216, 217, 219, 243, 215, 230, 246
244, 246, 247 Quantificational adverb. See Q-adverb
quantification, 219, 220 Quantificational DP/quantified DP, 2, 7,
Modality, 171, 201, 214 10–11, 24, 26, 27, 95, 111, 116, 135,
Monotone/monotonicity, 23–24 136, 138–140, 145, 149, 150, 153, 172,
180, 181, 189, 241
Quantifier raising, 6, 59, 112, 158, 172–173,
N 178, 179
Nomic/nomicity, 200–203, 214
Novelty condition, 100
O asymmetric, xv, 192, 225–227,
Operator 231–233, 235
GEN, 10, 191, 196, 199, 201–204, 214, existential, 10, 17, 38, 50–52,
217, 218, 224, 225, 229 58–61, 63–66, 69, 103, 110,
HAB, 197, 199 130, 207, 224
symmetric, 225–227, 231–232, 235
P DP, 1–4, 7, 8, 10, 18–19, 41, 122, 139, 140,
Partitive/partitivity, xiv, 22, 25, 26, 49, 157, 180, 234
127–129, 134–137, 139, 140, 143–151, indefinite, 4, 16, 18, 29, 139, 141, 174,
158, 159, 169, 217 175, 188, 189
Pragmatic/pragmatics, xiv, 100, 101, 163, 166, Relational noun, 76–77, 91–93, 216
205, 206, 214, 215, 219, 233, 236, 241 Restriction, xiv, 6, 10, 15, 41, 47, 57, 91,
Predicate 95–97, 115, 118, 124, 135, 139,
entity, 54, 63–72, 108, 130, 136, 137, 148, 140, 150, 167, 172, 177, 183,
149, 153, 158, 163, 164, 169, 244 184, 186, 194, 198, 203–205, 213,
episodic, 105, 199 214, 216, 220, 223, 225, 226, 228,
existential, xv, 53–55, 57–58, 61–69, 93, 236, 246
105, 106, 108, 116, 123, 126, 130, 133,
177, 244–246
individual level, 63–65, 130, 193, 194, 226 S
permanent, 64, 66, 130 Scope
stage level, 63–65, 107, 130, 137, 194, intermediate, 151, 154, 171, 174–176, 178,
198, 226 184–188
transitory, 63–65, 107, 130, 198, 199, 203 inverse, 177–183
Prepositional accusative, 155–161, 182 narrow, 14, 16, 28, 39, 47–49, 55, 57, 59,
Presupposition/presuppositional, 24–26, 130, 70, 151, 155, 157–161, 171, 173–178,
139–141, 158, 161–164, 239–241 184–188
Property denotation, 11, 18, 50, 52–58, nuclear, 6, 10, 13, 58, 116, 129, 172, 185,
74, 102 186, 194, 203, 223, 226, 228
Proportional quantifier, 14, 138, 139
determiner, 22, 145 wide, 2, 14, 16, 17, 27, 48, 138–139, 151,
expression, 5 155, 156, 158, 160, 161, 171, 173–181,
pseudo-generic, 192, 203–204, 216 184, 188, 189, 236
Proportion problem, 221, 225, 231 Selectional restriction, 91, 96, 97, 118
268 Subject Index
Skolem T
function, 16–17, 184–188, 196, 227–228, Theme, 57, 62, 104, 131, 184, 193, 203, 231,
230, 234 232, 246
term, xv, 11, 16–18, 24, 29, 136, 139, 141, Topic/topical, 110, 111, 122, 131, 161–167,
150, 153, 160, 172, 187, 189, 193, 196, 169, 170
197, 215, 227, 228, 231–235, 245, 246 Tripartite
Specific/specificity, xiv, xiii, 13, 15, 17, 22, 28, configuration, 6, 140, 141, 151, 186, 245
49, 50, 61, 71, 96, 103, 117, 123, structure, 5–6, 19, 26, 135, 139, 148, 150,
137–139, 141, 143–150, 153, 155–161, 151, 223
167–169, 173, 175, 176, 179–184, 188, Type
189, 204, 236, 245, 246 raising, 8, 109
Strong, xv, xiv, 9, 11, 13, 29, 71–73, 82, 93, shifting, 8, 11, 37, 51, 84, 99–102, 115, 218
108, 127–141, 153, 155, 158, 161, 164,
169, 170, 177, 212, 213, 227, 232–233,
235, 243–245, 248 V
Sum, 14, 49, 50, 57, 61, 65, 68, 73, 83, 98, Variable
101, 109, 111, 115, 117, 129, 151, 154, bound, xv, 17, 115, 132, 188, 196, 222,
158, 160, 166, 169, 170, 174, 178, 181, 223, 227, 228, 231, 237, 245, 246
183, 195, 196, 207, 209–211, 214, 215, free, 10, 12–13, 18, 34, 136, 175, 176,
218–220, 227, 233, 237 191–193, 221, 223–226, 236, 237,
Symmetric noun, 209–212, 220 240, 245