EPaper Delhi 22february2024
EPaper Delhi 22february2024
EPaper Delhi 22february2024
: DELENG/2005/15351
PUBLISHED FROM DELHI | KOLKATA | SILIGURI VOL.19, ISSUE 52 | Thursday, 22 February, 2024 | New Delhi | Pages 12 | Rs 5.00
No Half Truths
Dalits, backward cannot get Stalemate persists in India-China military after SP and Cong strike
job in Modi’s Ram Rajya
Rahul Gandhi
talks despite ‘friendly and cordial’ tone seat-sharing deal in UP
MPOST BUREAU ing complete disengagement ground in the border areas in Offers 17 Lok Sabha seats to Congress
In today’s NEW DELHI: India and
in the remaining areas along
the LAC (Line of Actual Con-
the interim,” it said.
The Chinese Ministry of
paper China held another round of
high-level military talks on
trol) in eastern Ladakh as an
essential basis for restoration
National Defense echoed the
same sentiment, emphasis-
... February 19, seeking to resolve
the ongoing border stand-
off in eastern Ladakh. While
of peace and tranquillity in the
India-China border areas,” it
said in a statement.
ing the need for an “accept-
able solution” and “turning the
page” on the border situation.
NEW DELHI: After suffering
recent setbacks in seat-sharing
arrangement for the coming Lok
DMRC UNVEILS NEW OCC2 both sides agreed to maintain Depsang and Demchok. How- The MEA said the two The 20th round of military Sabha elections, the Opposition
peace and tranquillity on the ever, sources familiar with the sides shared their perspec- talks were held on October 9 INDIA bloc got a shot in the arm as
Nation ground, and the meeting was discussions reported no tangi- tives on this in the talks held and 10. two key partners — the Congress
NYAYYATRA ON BREAK FROM FEB 26 5 described as “friendly and cor- ble progress. in a “friendly and cordial” Following that round of and the Samajwadi Party (SP) on
dial,” there were no concrete The Ministry of External atmosphere. talks, the MEA had said that Wednesday reached an understand-
Edit signs of a breakthrough. Affairs (MEA) said the two “The two sides have agreed the two sides exchanged views ing for contesting parliamentary Samajwadi Party President Akhilesh
UNFAIR MACHINATIONS 7 The 21st round of Corps sides agreed to maintain com- to maintain communication in a frank, open and construc- seats in Uttar Pradesh which sends Yadav addresses a press conference, in
Commander-level talks, held munication on the way ahead on the way ahead through tive manner for an early and 80 MPs to the Lok Sabha, highest Moradabad, on Wednesday PTI
International at the Chushul-Moldo bor- through the relevant military the relevant military and dip- mutually acceptable resolution from any state.
ISRAELI STRIKES ACROSS GAZA KILL 67 8 der meeting point, saw India and diplomatic mechanisms. lomatic mechanisms. They of the remaining issues along Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh
again emphasise the need for “The discussions built on also committed to maintain the LAC. Last month, Army Yadav said “all is well” with Con- Samajwadi Party
Business resolving lingering issues in the previous rounds, seek- peace and tranquillity on the Chief Gen Continued on P4 gress, apparently after a phone call
STOCK MARKETS SNAP SIX-DAY RALLY9 from the party’s general secretary chief Akhilesh Yadav
Nine killed in FROZEN said “all is well” with
Priyanka Gandhi Vadra.
Sport An alliance with the Congress
will happen in UP, Yadav said, days Congress, apparently
Bihar accident
after his party said he would join after a phone call from
Rahul Gandhi’s Bharat Jodo Nyay
Yatra only if its seat-sharing pro- the party’s general
Gaganyaan Mission gets LAKHISARAI (BIHAR): At least nine
posal for the Lok Sabha polls is
accepted. Yadav did not join the
secretary Priyanka
Gandhi Vadra
a boost as key engine people were killed and several injured after
a truck and a tempo collided head-on in
yatra in Raebareli on Tuesday.
“Yes, it (alliance) will happen in
cleared for human flight Bihar’s Lakhisarai district in the wee hours
of Wednesday, police said.
Uttar Pradesh. It will be announced
soon,” the SP chief told media per-
parties, quit the bloc and crossed-
over to the BJP-led NDA. Trin-
The incident took place at Biharaura vil- sons in Moradabad when he was amool Congress, which is led by
MPOST BUREAU lage along Lakhisarai-Sikandra main road. asked about a tie-up with the Con- West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata
The tempo, which was carrying around 15 gress in the state. On Monday, the SP Banerjee, also put the Congress on
BENGALURU: The Indian Space Research passengers, was coming from the opposite had said it offered 17 Lok Sabha seats notice by keeping the seat-sharing
Organisation (ISRO) has cleared a major hur- direction at the time of the collision, police in Uttar Pradesh to the Congress. formula for 42 Lok Sabha seats in
dle in its ambitious Gaganyaan human space- added. Among the deceased are Veer Pas- Both the Congress and the SP are the state hanging by a thread. Aam
flight program with the successful completion wan, Vikas Kumar, Vijay Kumar, Dibana crucial constituents in the INDIA Aadmi Party (AAP) also gave tense
of human-rating tests for its CE20 cryogenic Paswan, Amit Kumar, Monu Kumar, Kisan bloc, formed by about two dozen moments to the Congress by refus-
engine. The engine plays a crucial role in pow- Kumar, and Manoj Goswami, with most of opposition parties to take on the ing to share seats either in Punjab
ering the upper stage of the LVM3 launch them hailing from Munger. BJP in the upcoming general elec- and Delhi which are ruled by it. The
vehicle, which will carry astronauts into orbit. Lakshisarai SP Pankaj Kumar said, “The tions. The Yadav-led party had ear- Congress leadership rushed to con-
“ISRO’s CE20 cryogenic engine is now accident took place around 3am on the Lakh- lier offered 11 seats to the Congress. tain the damage and soothe the tem-
human-rated for Gaganyaan missions,” the isarai-Sikandra main road. While nine peo- The grouping suffered a setback pers but the final formula for seat
space agency said on ‘X” on Wednesday. ple died on the spot, several others sustained Icicles hang from a hotel roof at Gulmarg Ski Resort after fresh snowfall, in Baramulla when JD(U) supremo and Bihar sharing is still work in progress.
Rigorous testing demonstrates the engine’s injuries. All injured were taken to the nearest district, on WednesdayPTI Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, driv- The clincher with the SP was a
mettle, it said, adding the CE20 engine identi- government hospital”. Continued on P4 ing force in uniting the Opposition phone call to SP Continued on P4
fied for the first uncrewed flight LVM3 G1 also
went through acceptance tests.
will ring loud & clear forever Fali S Nariman passes away at 95
flight conditions, it said.
The ground qualification tests for the
human rating of the CE20 engine involved
life demonstration tests, endurance tests and
performance assessment under nominal oper- He was part of historic judicial proceedings where SC delivered
ating conditions as well as off-nominal condi- Radio’s most recognised voice of Ameen Sayani ‘falls silent’ at 91
tions with respect to thrust, mixture ratio and path-breaking judgements that protected rights of citizens
propellant tank pressure, it said. MPOST BUREAU
All the ground qualification tests of the More than just a show, MPOST BUREAU Opp. Feroze Shah Kotla Sta-
CE20 engine for the Gaganyaan programme MUMBAI: The legendary voice of Binaca Geetmala dium New Delhi on Thursday,”
have been successfully completed, ISRO said. Indian radio, Ameen Sayani, has became a cultural NEW DELHI: Fali S Nariman, a joint statement issued by his
In order to qualify the CE20 engine for passed away at the age of 91. He suf- a towering figure in Indian son, daughter and daughter-
human rating standards, four engines have fered a heart attack on Tuesday eve- phenomenon. After 1988, judiciary and a key architect in-law said.
undergone 39 hot firing tests under different ning and couldn’t be revived despite Binaca Geetmala moved of modern India’s legal frame- Nariman is survived by his
operating conditions for a cumulative duration medical attention. The last rites will to All India Radio’s Vividh work, passed away on Wednes- son and former Supreme Court
of 8,810 seconds against the minimum human be held on Thursday. Bharati where it ruled the day at the age of 95. He was judge Rohinton Nariman,
rating qualification standard requirement of Sayani’s signature greeting, suffering from various ail- daughter Anaheeta and daugh-
6,350 seconds, according to ISRO. “Namaste behno aur bhaiyo, main Ameen Sayani
charts till 1994 ments including heart disease.
Fali S Nariman
ter-in-law Sanaya. His wife
ISRO has also successfully completed the aapka dost Ameen Sayani bol “We regret to inform you at Parsi Aramgah, Near Khan Bapsi Nariman died in 2020.
acceptance tests of the flight engine identified raha hoon,” resonated with mil- More than just a show, Binaca charts till 1994. The show brought of the sad passing away of our Market, New Delhi on Thurs- Born on January 10, 1929
for the first unmanned Gaganyaan (G1) mis- lions of listeners through his iconic Geetmala became a cultural phe- the magic of Hindi cinema songs dear father Mr. Fali S. Nariman, day. Uthamna (prayer meet- in Rangoon, Burma (now
sion tentatively scheduled for the second quar- radio show Binaca Geetmala every nomenon. After 1988, Binaca Geet- to countless homes. Sayani’s warm aged 95, early this Wednesday ing) will be at 4.00 pm at the Myanmar), Nariman’s family
ter of 2024. Continued on P4 Wednesday on Radio Ceylon from mala moved to All India Radio’s and engaging voice, coupled with morning 21st February, 2024. Parsi Anjuman (Dharamsala) fled to India during the Japa-
1952 to 1988. Vividh Bharati where it ruled the his insightful Continued on P4 Burial will be held at 10 am at Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, nese invasion Continued on P4
2 City millenniumpost
Elderly woman dies after she jumps 3-yr-old daughter about 70 varieties of flowers
die after jumping
off balcony to escape apartment fire
DIPIKA KIROLA egory from five star ranking
at present to seven-star rank-
from 4th floor show with as many as 70 vari- wide variety of flowers, tech-
NOIDA: A three-day flower ing. Apart from showcasing a
1 dead after portion of house collapses Ggm: Man sentenced to death Anu Singh Lather
for rape & murder of 3-yr-old Fire Service (DFS) said that
they received a call of the
as Ambedkar
NEW DELHI: A 32-year-old incident from Gurudwara Road
man was killed and another
injured after a portion of a house
located in south Delhi’s Kotla
in Koltla Mubarakpur around
5.02 pm.
At least seven fire tenders
GURUGRAM: A local court on
girls were not ready to go, but he
took a three-year-old girl with
him, he added.
“The prosecution presented
strong evidence and witnesses
in the court. CCTV footage was
University’s V-C
Mubarakpur area collapsed on pressed into service, he added. Wednesday sentenced a 25-year- When the girl did not return also presented in the court in OUR CORRESPONDENT
Wednesday evening, police said. The official said the trapped old man to death for rape and home till evening, her parents which the accused was seen
The deceased has been iden- people were brought out from murder of a three-year-old girl began searching for her and taking the girl away. The court NEW DELHI: Dr B.R. Ambed-
tified as Vinay, they said. the debris with the help of the in 2018, police said. lodged a complaint, police said. took this matter seriously and kar University Delhi (AUD) re-
Nathu (30), the man injured locals and police, and taken to The court of Additional Dis- The girl’s body was found in considered all the aspects,” Par- appointed Anu Singh Lather as
in the incident, has been admit- the hospital. trict and Sessions Judge Shashi a mutilated condition next day mar said. its vice-chancellor for a second
ted to the hospital, police said. The rescue operation is pres- Chauhan also imposed a fine in front of a temple in the area, “He was declared guilty on term, an official statement said
An official of the Delhi ently underway, police said. of Rs 25,000 on the accused, they said. February 3 and the verdict on on Wednesday.
they said. While there were cut marks his punishment was reserved. The appointment was made
The court awarded Rs 10 on the girl’s body, her face was The court of Additional Dis- by Delhi Lieutenant Governor
lakh compensation for reha- crushed with a brick, police said. trict and Sessions Judge Shashi VK Saxena and chancellor
bilitation to the victim’s family, The girl’s private part was Chauhan on Wednesday sen- of Ambedkar University, the
police said. also found badly injured, they tenced the accused,” he added. statement added.
Special Prosecutor Sunil said. A case was registered under Ravi Kant, a child rights Lather, who has been serv-
Parmar said that a youth from the Protection of Children from activist, who closely monitors ing as the vice-chancellor of
Uttar Pradesh had raped and Sexual Offences Act (POCSO) POCSO cases in the country, AUD since 2019, was before
brutally murdered a three-year- Act and sections of murder and said: “The primary objective this the pro vice- chancellor of
old girl in Sector 65 police sta- rape, police said. of setting up specialized courts Delhi Technological Univer-
tion area on November 11, 2018. The accused was arrested like Fast Track Special Courts sity, it said.
ANTI-HUMAN The incident took place and the girl’s clothes and other was to provide speedy disposal “On February 22, 2019,
TRAFFICKING UNIT when three girls were playing
outside their house, he added.
evidence were recovered, they
said. The accused was lodged in
of cases, especially those related
to the Protection of Children
Prof Lather assumed office
as the second vice-chancellor
Parmar said that the accused the Bhondsi Jail post his arrest, from Sexual Offences Act of AUD. With a background
lured the girls with money. Two police said. (POCSO) Act. in Psychology and Human
Resource Management, her
INAUGURATION expertise spans areas such as
Strategic HR Management,
Organizational Behaviour and
Innovation Management,” the
release said.
Lather has previously held
various positions with the
UGC, AICTE, DEC, National
Assessment and Accredi-
tation Council (NAAC),
National Board of Accredita-
tion (NBA), Ministry of Social
Justice and Empowerment,
and Ministry of Human
Resource Development
(MHRD), the release said. She
also served as member of the
governing body of the
National Rural Livelihood
Minister of State for External Affairs and Culture, Meenakshi Lekhi inaugurated a refurbished New Promotion Society (NRLPS),
Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) public library on Wednesday at Veer Savarkar Park, Lodhi Road MPOST Ministry of Rural Develop-
ment, it added.
officials said. Marg (28.92 km), Majlis Park- Sthal New Bus Adda) and Yel- Place here houses the headquar-
With this new OCC, the Maujpur (12.55 km), both of low Line (Line-2: Samaypur ters of the DMRC.
entire DMRC network will now which are extensions of the Badli to Millennium City Cen- With the commissioning of
Officers will assist in filing
a report/FIR
be controlled in an “integrated Delhi Metro’s Magenta Line tre Gurugram) of the existing this new OCC today, the entire
manner” from the Delhi Metro and Pink Line, and Aerocity- network but “will also oversee DMRC network will now be
Rail Corporation’s headquarters Tughlakabad (23.62 km), which train movement on the upcom- controlled in an integrated man-
— Metro Bhawan, they said. is being built as Golden Line to ing corridors/lines of Phase-IV, ner from the DMRC’s headquar-
This new OCC, commis- connect the Violet Line and the namely Delhi Aerocity-Tughlak- ters, the statement said.
For missing children, an FIR is If case remains unresolved beyond 4
sioned on the third floor of Airport Line from their respec- abad, Rithala Bawana-Narela- “Now, the entire train
registered within 24 hours months, AHTU takes over investigations Metro Bhawan, provides remote tive ends. Kundli, Lajpat Nagar-Saket G operation of the DMRC which
visibility, manoeuverability of “In a major step towards Block when these lines will be includes a total 415 km of track
the entire Metro system (roll- creating necessary infrastruc- operational for public,” it said. length, around 388 trains, 301
ing stock, stations, signal, tracks, ture for commencement of the This infrastructure has stations and 40 interchange
etc.) with concourse and plat- operations on Phase-IV cor- been made keeping in view the stations will be controlled
form level monitoring, thus pas- ridors of the Delhi Metro, the requirement of a centralised from one unified building in a
E-mail to CP. Delhi at : cp.sanjayarora@delhipolice.gov.in | Write to : Cp. Delhi at P.O. Box No. 171, GPO, New Delhi sengers and system both are DMRC unveiled its new inte- control room for the upcoming much better way with efficient
always under monitoring from grated Operation Control Cen- new corridors under the Phase- utilisation of staff. (This data
the OCC, the DMRC said in a tre (OCC) today,” it said. IV, officials said. is up to phase-IV of approved
statement. The state-of-the-art new Till now, an OCC for Red corridors),” it said. AGENCIES
Although every possible care and caution has been taken to avoid errors or omissions, this publication is being sold on the condition and understanding that information given in this publication is merely for reference and must not be taken as having authority of or binding in any way on the writers, editors,
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Printed and Published by Jaiyendra Kumar Sharma on behalf of Front Row Media Pvt. Ltd. and printed at The Indian Express Pvt. Ltd., A-8, Sector-7, Noida-201 301 (U.P.) and published from First Floor, Pratap Bhawan, 5 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110 002. Editor: Durbar Ganguly. Email: editor@millenniumpost.in,
Tel. No. 011-47777500, Kokata office: Room No 1,15th Floor, Chatterjee International Centre, 33A Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Kolkata 700071 West Bengal, Siliguri Office: Techno India Group Zonal Office G-212, 2nd Floor Office Block - City Centre Matigara District Darjeeling Pin - 734010 Phone- 0353- 2576321
Like Lord Krishna was present: CM on in WB: Sikh IPS
officer insulted,
SC’s Chandigarh Mayoral poll order BJP should
apologise: AAP
Highlights Parvati are with the country and
the “adharm” of the BJP will NEW DELHI: AAP leader
NEW DELHI: Hailing the »»‘It was a different come to an end and “dharm Gopal Rai slammed the BJP on
Supreme Court’s verdict on the atmosphere in the (righteousness)” will prevail. Wednesday over a Sikh IPS offi-
Chandigarh Mayoral poll, Chief During a hearing on Mon- cer posted in West Bengal being
CM flags off 91st
Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Supreme Court yesterday day, the Chief Justice had voiced allegedly dubbed as a Khalistani
Wednesday said it seemed that (Tuesday), it felt like Lord displeasure over the way the by some saffron party activists
City Briefs
already arrested three people “You would agree that such omis- take “personal interest” in the matter to the government by way of inordinately It reached for L-G’s approval, through
and seized Mephedrone,” the sions and commissions on the part of avoid any recurrence of the same. and inexplicably delaying appointment/ the chief minister, on January 19, 2024,
officer said. AGENCIES the government and its ministers, apart The letter cited pending constitution constitution of statutory bodies that are after a gap of 19 months since it was ini-
from adversely impacting the lives of mil- of a state-level monitoring committee mandated with welfare of the people of tiated, he said.
‘All is well’...
components and systems/sub-systems Following the tear gas shelling, a Ceylon’s production arm. ber 1999. Rich tributes poured in, with appointments.
for satellites, ground and user segments. chaotic situation was witnessed at the Hamid Sayani and Molina were keen Prime Minister Narendra Modi express- The top court considered the sub-
This move aims to attract overseas protest sites with the farmers running to produce a programme on Hindi film ing his sadness over Nariman’s demise. missions of Nariman, appearing for the
players and private companies into the for cover as the smoke enveloped the songs and the elder Sayani zeroed in on “Shri Fali Nariman Ji was among the Supreme Court Advocates on Record
segment, generate employment, enable area. Many protesting farmers were seen chief Yadav by Priyanka Gandhi his young brother. most outstanding legal minds and intel- Association, and quashed the NJAC
technology absorption, and integrate wearing masks and glasses to protect Vadra on Wednesday to break the dead- The rest, as they say, is history. lectuals. He devoted his life to making on grounds that it violated the free-
Indian companies into global value themselves from the gas. lock on Lok Sabha polls seat-sharing in Sayani became a radio presenter in justice accessible to common citizens.” dom of judiciary, a basic structure of the
chains. The decision seeks to liberal- The farmer leaders have asked the UP and give a final shape to an alliance Hindi with Binaca Geetmala, a pro- “I am pained by his passing away. Constitution.
ize the FDI policy provisions in the protesters to maintain calm and peace. at the earliest, knowledgeable sources gramme of Hindi film songs sponsored My thoughts are with his family and *Disproportionate assets case against
space sector, encouraging Make In India Volunteers deputed by the farmer said. by the toothpaste brand, in December admirers. May his soul rest in peace,” the J Jayalalithaa: The former Tamil Nadu
initiatives. leaders at the protest sites have been ask- They said the alliance had been all 1952 and never looked back. prime minister said. CM hired Nariman in 2014 to represent
Modifications to National Livestock ing young farmers not to move ahead. but sealed and the only seat on which For Rs 25 a week, the young Ameen Chief Justice of India D Y Chan- her. The senior lawyer secured her bail.
Mission: Addressing protesters at Shambhu, the SP has to take a call is Shrawasti would select the songs, write, produce drachud remembered him as a “great *The Narmada Rehabilitation case:
Additionally, modifications to farmer leader Jagjit Singh Dallewal which the Congress is asking for. The and compare the programme and also giant of an intellectual” and former CJI Nariman represented the Gujarat gov-
the National Livestock Mission were asked them to maintain peace and calm Congress is likely to fight between 16-18 go through the fan mail. N V Ramana calling him a “conscience ernment in the case, but quit following
approved, incorporating activities such if they wanted to win. “Do you want to seats in Uttar Pradesh in the upcoming The first of its kind show, it ran for keeper for judicial institutions”. news reports of attacks on Christians
as entrepreneurship for equine and win or not?” he asked the farmers. Lok Sabha polls. In the 2019 Lok Sabha 42 years to massive popularity. Solicitor General Tushar Mehta said and burning of copies of the Bible.
camel sectors, establishment of fodder He also mentioned the “victory” of polls, the Congress was almost deci- Sayani’s impact transcended enter- not only the legal fraternity but the *The Cauvery water dispute case:
seed processing infrastructure, and sim- farmers during the 2020-21 agitation mated in UP which was once its strong- tainment. He played a crucial role in country has lost a towering figure of Nariman represented Karnataka, irre-
plification of the Livestock Insurance against the now-repealed farm laws. hold as the party could win only Sonia popularising Hindi music and language intellect and wisdom. spective of regime changes in the state,
program. The Centre will provide Rs Dallewal cautioned the farmers to be Gandhi’s seat in Rae Bareli. The BJP had across India, bridging regional and cul- “The country has lost an epitome of in the Supreme Court in the vexed river
10 crore for the establishment of semen wary of elements who could damage swept the state which is so crucial for tural divides. His dedication to his craft what righteousness stood for. A doyen, water sharing dispute involving south-
station and nucleus breeding farm for the agitation. Earlier in the day, while any party to gain a majority in the Lok and genuine connection with his audi- paragon and a legend in his own lifetime ern riparian states of Karnataka, Tamil
horse, donkey, and camel under the speaking to reporters, he said farmers Sabha polls. ence earned him the respect and admi- has left us, leaving the jurisprudence Nadu and Kerala.
modified National Livestock Mission. will march towards Delhi in a peaceful According to an agreement reached ration of generations. enriched by his immense contribution. On September 30, 2016, the jurist
Under the modified NLM, estab- manner. “Our intention is not to disturb after the telephonic conversation He hosted over 50,000 programs, I have always learnt something new by had refused to argue the matter for Kar-
lishment of entrepreneurship for horse, peace,” Dallewal asserted. between Priyanka Gandhi and Yadav, interviewed legends like Lata Mangesh- merely appearing even against him,” the nataka over his differences with the
donkey, mule, and camel with 50 per While accusing the Centre of indulg- the Congress has now got seats such as kar, and even lent his voice to over law officer said in his message. state government on non-compliance of
cent capital subsidy up to Rs 50 lakh ing in “delaying tactics” over the farm- Sitapur and Barabanki. Besides these 19,000 jingles and ads. While radio As soon as a bench led by him the top court’s order asking the state to
will be provided to the individuals, ers’ demands, Dallewal said it should seats, the Congress is also likely to get was his true calling, Sayani also dab- assembled for the day, Justice Chandra- release 6,000 cusecs of water from the
farmer producer organisations, self-help take a decision in their favour. Kanpur, Varanasi, Saharanpur, Amroha, bled in films like “Bhoot Bungla” and chud mourned Nariman’s passing. Cauvery river to Tamil Nadu.
groups, and Section 8 companies. Also, He also condemned the govern- Fatehpur Sikri and Jhansi among others. “Teen Devian.” He believed in clear “Mr Attorney General, we mourn *The Nabam Rebia judgement of
the state government will be assisted for ment for installing multiple layers of The Congress is now getting a “fair deal” and natural speech, emphasising the the sad demise and passing away of Fali 2016: The SC ruled the governor of a
breed conservation of horses, donkeys, barricades at the Punjab-Haryana bor- in the alliance, a source said. power of truth and simplicity in radio Nariman. He was a great giant of an state can act only on the aid and advice
and camels. der points to prevent the farmers from In the Moradabad division, the Con- presentation. intellectual,” Justice Chandrachud told of the council of ministers and the chief
heading towards Delhi. gress was asking for two seats but has Despite his immense popularity, Say- Attorney General R Venkataramani. minister. Nariman appeared for House
agreed on Amroha alone, the sources
One farmer...
In a post on X, the Haryana Police ani remained grounded. He famously Several senior lawyers including vet- whip Bamang Felix. He submitted that
asked owners of excavators to withdraw indicated. said, “My voice was not good... I try to eran advocates Kapil Sibal, Abhishek the governor did not have the power
their machines from the protest sites. If speak from my heart and the attempt is Singhvi, Indira Jaising, Prashant to advance the assembly session as
Nine killed in
they do not do so, action will be taken, that ‘dil ki baat, dil se dil tak pahunche’” Bhushan and Menaka Guruswamy paid this could only be done on the aid and
it said. (Let words from the heart reach hearts). tributes to Nariman. Nariman’s son, advice of the council of ministers.
Mann said there will be a thor- The Samyukta Kisan Morcha (Non- This inherent humility and sincerity res- Rohinton Fali Nariman, retired as a *The COVID-19 case: Nariman
ough investigation into the death of the
farmer who succumbed to his injuries
at a government hospital in Punjab’s
Political) and the Kisan Mazdoor Mor-
cha are spearheading the ‘Delhi Chalo’
march to press the government to accept
Bihar accident onated with millions, making him a true
king of radio.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and
judge of the Supreme Court in August
2021. Bhushan said Nariman was
regarded as the ‘Bhishma Pitamah’ of
represented the Parsi community in
its dispute over the protocol and stan-
dard operating procedure for handling
Patiala. the farmers’ demands. other prominent figures expressed their the legal community. of dead bodies of Parsi Zoroastrian
Mann said his government would The farmers are also demanding the The victims were returning from condolences. They recognised Sayani’s “The passing away of Mr Nariman is COVID-19 victims under which metal-
stand by the farmers and wouldn’t bow implementation of the Swaminathan a wedding ceremony when the acci- contribution to Indian broadcasting the end of an era of our legal history. lic nets were to be installed above
down even if there were a hundred Commission’s recommendations, pen- dent took place, he said, adding that the and the special bond he nurtured with “He was regarded as the ‘Bhishma ‘Tower of Silence’ so that birds did not
threats of President’s Rule in Punjab. sion for farmers and farm labourers, no driver of the truck fled the spot. his listeners. While his physical pres- Pitamaha’ of our legal community. He feed on the corpses and carry the killer
Congress leader and MP Rahul Gan- hike in electricity tariff, withdrawal of “The truck has been seized by police ence is no more, his legacy as a radio had seen the whole unfolding of our virus elsewhere. WITH AGENCY INPUTS
POLL PANEL SOUGHT SETTING UP OF 24X7 CONTROL ROOM Dalits, backward can’t get job in
LS polls: EC asks Railways to ensure Modi’s Ram Rajya: Rahul in UP
smooth movement for CAPFs
OUR CORRESPONDENT ward classes, how many were
Dalits and tribals. The tribal
KANPUR: Congress MP president (Droupadi Murmu)
Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday was also not invited. Dalit
accused the BJP-led Centre of former President (Ramnath
Takeaways not creating enough jobs for
the Dalits and other backward
Kovind) was also not allowed
inside,” he alleged.
NEW DELHI: The Election »»As many as 3,400 companies of the CAPFs and state classes, which constitute “90 Gandhi stressed on
Commission (EC) has directed police forces have been requisitioned by the EC for per cent of the population,” and his party’s and allies’ demand
the Railway board to ensure discriminating against them in Rahul Gandhi during the ‘Bharat for a caste census, saying
“smooth and hassle-free” train
ensuring free and fair polls during the upcoming general his ‘Ram Rajya.’ that only such a survey
elections and Assembly polls Jodo Nyay Yatra’, in Kanpur, on
movement for more than 3.4 “What kind of Ram Rajya Wednesday PTI can help know about back-
lakh security personnel being »»The Railways has also been asked to provide medical is this where Backward classes, wards’ well-being in the coun-
deployed for the upcoming facilities or first aid kits on these ‘election special’ coaches Dalits, tribals and minorities, Pratishtha ceremony. How try and how much money
general and Assembly elec- who constitute about 90 per many people were from back- they have.
tions with specific instructions of availability of rolling stock asked to ensure deployment cent of the total population,
to avoid recurrence of delays
noticed in the past.
recurred in the recent elections
in November-December 2023,
of cleaning staff for maintain-
ing hygiene and undertaking
cannot get jobs,” Gandhi said
in Kanpur during his ‘Bharat Rahul to deliver two lectures at Cambridge
The poll panel has sought large-scale” deployment of the and Assembly polls in Andhra resulting into delay in move- pest control measures to ensure Jodo Nyay Yatra,’ in a public
setting up of a 24x7 control
room which will oversee this
Central Armed Police Forces
(CAPFs) and police forces
Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh,
Odisha and Sikkim.
ment of forces, the EC said.
The poll panel has asked
cleanliness in the coaches apart
from directing the Indian
meeting in the city.
“Fifty per cent of the popu-
Univ, Nyay Yatra on break from Feb 26-March 1
mega cross-country movement drawn from various states for It expressed a particular the ministry of Railways to Railway Catering and Tour- lation in the country belongs to NEW DELHI: The Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra will take a break
of the troops over the next few election purpose was essen- concern over “delay” in move- appoint nodal officers at its ism Corporation (IRCTC) to backward classes, 15 per cent from February 26 to March 1 to enable Rahul Gandhi to deliver
months and to make adequate tial as they will undertake and ment of forces and “inconve- headquarters and zonal offices appoint nodal officers for pro- are Dalits, 8 per cent are tribals two special lectures at his alma mater, Cambridge University,
arrangements for fans and air ensure area domination, con- nience” faced by its personnel, for “smooth coordination” of viding meals to the personnel and 15 per cent are minorities. and attend important meetings in New Delhi, the Congress
conditioning in coaches, meals, fidence building measures, which was raised by the min- this movement, ensuring avail- on move. Shout as much as you want but said on Wednesday.
medical facilities at stations on poll day duties and guarding istry of home affairs (MHA), ability of rolling stock (bogies), The Railways has also been you can’t get employment in Congress general secretary in-charge communications Jai-
route, availability of special and of EVM/Centres, etc. during rail travel for election comfortable seating and resting asked to provide medical facil- this country. If you belong to ram Ramesh also said February 22 and 23 will be rest days for
splinter bogies and pest control As many as 3,400 compa- duty in 2022 and 2023. arrangement for security per- ities or first aid kits on these backward, Dalit, tribal or poor the yatra after its Kanpur leg on Wednesday.
in the wagons during this exer- nies of the CAPFs and state The Railways should sonnel and provision of essen- “election special” coaches general category then you can- The Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra will resume on the morning of
cise period. police forces have been requi- address these concerns so as to tial facilities such as electricity, and provision to resolve all not get a job. Narendra Modi February 24 from Moradabad in Uttar Pradesh and thereaf-
The EC, in a commu- sitioned by the EC for ensur- avoid recurrence of such inci- water, fans, ACs, etc., keeping issues related to maintenance does not want you people to ter cover Sambhal, Aligarh, Hathras and Agra districts, before
nication issued to the Rail- ing free and fair polls during dents during train journeys in mind the summer season. and mechanical faults in get jobs,” Gandhi said. arriving in Rajasthan’s Dholpur, Ramesh said. AGENCIES
way board last week, said “a the upcoming general elections of security forces. The issue The ministry has also been these trains. “You saw the Pran
Haryana govt working to Talks for tie-up with Congress in Delhi ‘much delayed’: Kejriwal
implement property ID- OUR CORRESPONDENT be announced soon. the party is prepared for elec- remained tight-lipped on seat holding talks with the INDIA Pathak recently said that the
NGT to conduct ‘Collaboration with WHO Cloud over bulk drug park project as CM HP CM hails SC verdict
NEET-UG Sukhu sets-out ‘terms & conditions’
medical exam
on GIDH is testament of on Wildflower Hall
at centres in 14 shared commitment’ ASHWANI SHARMA in granting approvals, which the works like land develop- OUR CORRESPONDENT eligible to assume possession
require a lot of formalities and ment and engaging consultant. and management of the hotel.
foreign cities NEW DELHI: Union Health SHIMLA: The Rs 1923 crore uniformities with two other bulk Chief Minister Sukhwinder SHIMLA: Himachal Pradesh Originally owned by Lord
Minister Mansukh Mandaviya The GIDH is a bulk drug park, one of three drug parks coming-up in Guja- Singh Sukhu, present in the state Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Kitchener, Wildflower Hall
on Wednesday said India’s col- sanctioned by the Centre in the rat and Andhra Pradesh. Assembly, intervened to convey Sukhu has welcomed the Supreme operated as a hotel under the
OUR CORRESPONDENT laboration with the WHO on WHO managed country, seems to have started A team of officials from the that the earlier government had Court’s decision upholding the management of HP Tourism
the Global Initiative on Digital network which facing rough weather because of industries department was also sacrificed the interests of the state verdict of the Himachal Pradesh Development Corporation until
NEW DELHI: Medical Health (GIDH) is a testament delays in granting various sanc- sent to Andhra Pradesh to study in offering several concessions to High Court regarding owner- a devastating fire in 1993.
entrance exam NEET-UG will of the country’s shared commit-
was unanimously tions even as Himachal Chief implementation of the project the prospective investors which ship of Hotel Wildflower Hall. Attributing the favourable
also be conducted at exam cen- ment towards transforming the adopted by all Minister Sukhwinder Singh there. The government will exe- will not be allowed. Expressing satisfaction on the decision to the meticulous efforts
tres in 14 foreign cities on May digital health ecosystem. G20 countries Sukhu said the government cute the project on PPP mode, CM Sukhu cornered the for- apex court’s ruling, the chief min- undertaken by the state gov-
5, the National Testing Agency The GIDH is a WHO managed will implement the project on which is a viable option as the mer BJP government over the ister said that it safeguarded the ernment in advocating its case
announced on Wednesday. network which was unanimously its own terms without ‘compris- government can’t execute the land given on lease of Rs 1 to interests of Himachal Pradesh. effectively before the SC, Sukhu
The move comes after adopted by all G20 countries, Organisation’s Global Initiative ing’ state’s interests. project of this scale on its own. both the parks, and the ten- The Supreme Court on Tues- said: “Renowned lawyer Mukul
the National Testing Agency invited countries and international on Digital Health (GIDH). The issue figured in the state The minister said it requires year exemption in GST, beside day asked the East India Hotels Rohatgi was engaged to ensure
(NTA) received requests from organisations and collectively “Under the dynamic leader- Assembly on Wednesday when global tendering and some of the few other conditions offered by Limited (of Oberoi group) to comprehensive representation
aspirants as the information launched as a key deliverable ship of Prime Minister Narendra Opposition BJP accused the Con- matters involved are highly tech- the earlier BJP government. He vacate Shimla’s Wildflower Hall and safeguard the state’s interests
bulletin for the exam noti- of India’s G20 presidency dur- Modi, the New Delhi Leaders’ gress government of inordinate nical in nature. He even admitted accused the previous Jairam gov- luxury hotel within one year. in the legal battle. The outcome
fied earlier this month had ing the health ministers’ meet- Declaration of the G20 Summit delays in granting sanctions to that delay in its execution will ernment of selling the interests The takeover of the luxury of this verdict reflects the gov-
no mention of centres out- ing in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, also welcomed the establishment one of the country’s ambitious not be in favour of the state as of Himachal. resort run by the Oberois group ernment’s steadfast dedication
side India for candidates to on August 19, 2023. “Our col- of GIDH within the framework industrial projects which was investors may prefer other two “The government is keen to was ordered by the Himachal to protect the interests of Him-
attempt the test. laboration with the WHO on of the WHO,” he added. granted to Himachal Pradesh destinations having ports. establish the park and also medi- Pradesh High Court recently . achal.” The state government will
“It has been decided that the GIDH is a testament of our Mandaviya said the GIDH through bidding process. He said all guidelines granted cal device park but on its own The High Court had ruled deliberate on the future course
the exam will also be con- shared commitment towards will allow the democratisa- Replying to the issue, Indus- by the Centre and also monitored terms and conditions. We will that Oberoi Group failed to com- of action regarding the property,
ducted in 14 foreign cities in transforming the digital health tion of digital health technolo- tries minister Harshvardhan by the Central agencies will be see that interests of the state are ply with the arbitration award once it gets possession, empha-
12 countries,” said NTA Senior ecosystem,” said Mandaviya, gies in national digital health Chauhan said the government adhered. There is no scope of fully protracted and no undue within the stipulated three-month sising a decision that aligns with
Director (Exams) Sadhna virtually addressing the public transformation particularly was moving ahead on the project any deviation or compromise concessions are given to private time frame. Consequently, the the best interests of Himachal,
Parashar. launch event of the World Health the Global South. AGENCIES maintaining full transparency with the norms and award of investors,” he said. state government was deemed said the chief minister.
animal conflicts; joint efforts required: Kerala HC 22,548 CHILDREN PARTICIPATE IN COM-
jah (UAE); Kuwait city in
Kuwait; Bangkok in Thailand;
Colombo in Sri Lanka; Doha
in Qatar; Kathmandu in Nepal;
Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia;
Lagos in Nigeria; Manama in
HC’s intervention comes at a time when Wayanad is witnessing a rise in animal attacks and PETITIONS ORGANISED BY ECR
Bahrain; Muscat in Oman; HAJIPUR: More than 2000
Riyadh in Saudi Arabia; and
incursions in human settlements and has led to loss of several lives in the recent months ROB/RUB/AMRIT railway
The exam will be conducted stations will be inaugurated/
at 554 centres across India.
“Candidates who have
KOCHI: Human-drawn terri-
torial boundaries do not help Closer Look laid the foundation stone
by PM Modi through video
already selected centres in resolve man-animal conflicts »»The High Court suggested that a joint action plan be conferencing on February 26. On this occasion, many
India and paid the fee without and can be contained only by prepared by Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, competitions like poetry, essay, painting etc. are be-
the option for foreign centres concerted efforts, the Kerala “preferably at the level of the Additional Chief
but they want to appear for the High Court has said.
ing organised among the school children by Railways
exam at centres outside India The High Court suggested
Secretaries”, to deal with the issue of wild animal across the country based on the theme “Developed
will have the opportunity to that a joint action plan be pre- incursions in Wayanad Railways of Developed India by 2047”. Several com-
correct their centre and coun- pared by Kerala, Tamil Nadu »»It also directed the Chief Conservator of Forests, Wildlife, petitions based on the theme were organised in 320
try choice during the correc- and Karnataka, “preferably at North Circle, Wayanad, to prepare a map of trenches, schools in all the five divisions of East Central Railway
tion window, which will open the level of the Additional Chief barriers and fences which have been put up by private in which 22,548 children participated.
after the registration window Secretaries”, to deal with the
individuals and the government
closes,” Parashar said.
NEET-UG is the qualifying
issue of wild animal incursions
in Wayanad district of Kerala.
»»The HC bench directed that the map be prepared within
entrance exam for admission A special bench of Justices pare a map of trenches, barriers davit regarding the availability of 10 days SEVA PURASKAR’ ON RAILWAY WEEK
to Bachelor of Medicine and A K Jayasankaran Nambiar and and fences which have been put the details of water tanks, other MALIGAON: The Vishisht
Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), Gopinath P was of the view that up by private individuals and the watering holes artificially created Wayanad, the Superintendent of settlements in those areas in
Bachelor of Dental Surgery it would be appropriate for the government in the areas within and the steps taken to ensure Police, the Additional Director Wayanad district that border Rail Seva Puraskar on the
(BDS), Bachelor of Ayurveda, state governments to organise the jurisdiction of the North and the availability of water during General of Police, the Additional reserve forests,” the court said. auspices of 68th Railway
Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), joint discussions at the level of South Wildlife divisions of the the summer months so as to Chief Secretary, the Chief Con- The High Court’s interven- Week was held at Luitgarh
Bachelor of Siddha Medicine the Additional Chief Secretar- high-range district. prevent wildlife intrusions into servator of Forests, the Chief tion comes at a time when the Railway Officers’ Club in
and Surgery (BSMS), Bachelor ies “so that urgent decisions, The bench, in its order dated human settlements on account Wildlife Warden and the Divi- high-range district is witnessing a Maligaon on Wednes-
of Unani Medicine and Sur- if required to be taken, can be February 19, directed that the of shortage of water within the sional Forest Officer through rise in animal attacks and incur- day. NF Railway General
gery (BUMS), and Bachelor of taken without getting approval map be prepared within 10 days forest areas,” the bench said in video conference. sions in human settlements and
Homoeopathic Medicine and from higher authorities”. and submitted before a com- its order. “The discussions were for has led to loss of several lives in Manager Chetan Kumar
Surgery (BHMS) and BSc (H) “We are hopeful that such joint mittee constituted by the court With the directions the court determining the immediate steps the recent months. Shrivastava gave awards to achievers from various
Nursing courses. committees will be set up towards in March last year to deal with listed the matter for further con- to be taken for addressing inter It has also led to protests departments of the five divisions and headquarters
The last date for submitting the above end,” the court said. man-animal conflicts. sideration on February 27. alia the law and order problems by people of the affected areas of NF Railway. Altogether 56 individual awards, 25
applications is March 9 while It also directed the Chief “He (Chief Conservator of The order was issued pursu- faced in Wayanad district as also demanding a permanent resolu- group awards, 35 Efficiency Shields were distributed
the result for the exam will be Conservator of Forests, Wildlife, Forests, Wildlife, North Circle, ant to the court holding a discus- the steps to be taken to prevent tion to frequent human-wildlife for outstanding performance during last year.
announced on June 14. North Circle, Wayanad, to pre- Wayanad) shall also file an affi- sion with the District Collector, animal incursion into the human conflicts. AGENCIES
Enlightening educators
Nexus of Good Integrated Preschool Teachers Training Academy in Hyderabad has been empowering aspiring
teachers with skills, knowledge, and pedagogical tools to foster a learning environment for kids
Unfair machinations
he National Educa- and sensory stimulation, i.e.
tion Policy (NEP), GRASS.
announced in 2020, At IPTTA Fest 11, held on
powerful Supreme Court bench com- rightly places enor- February 10, 2024, based on
prising Chief Justice of India DY mous emphasis on pre-school the theme ‘Nature, the teacher’,
Chandrachud, and Justices JB Pardi- education and founda- instead of making teaching
wala and Manoj Misra did something tional learning. A number of aids, objects from around
very unprecedented on Tuesday by nullifying ANIL SWARUP researches have revealed that nature and surroundings were
the Chandigarh mayoral poll results and declar- the initial few years of a child, used to teach all the concepts
ing AAP’s Kuldeep Kumar as the “validly elected even before she/he goes to covered in early childhood.
candidate.” The usual course would have been to school formally, are extremely More than 600 teachers from
quash the entire election process itself. It is per- critical. Hence, appropriate various schools across Telan-
tinent to understand the forces that nudged the intervention at this stage is gana attended the fest and were
apex court to override the ‘usual’ and opt for the necessary. This recognition inspired by the teaching meth-
‘unprecedented.’ came about in the NEP. How- ods displayed.
ever, all this is easier said than IPTTA provides for the
The Bharatiya Janata Party, ostensibly, put its done. How do you get trained following verticals:
entire weight behind the annual election of the human resources to take care 1. Teachers training diploma
mayor in a municipal unit. In the first place, the of these initial years of a child? (offline course);
election was postponed from January 18 to Janu- Integrated Preschool Teachers 2. Online teachers training
ary 30 due to the “illness” of the presiding offi- Training Academy (IPTTA) in course;
cer. Then, during the counting of the votes, as the Hyderabad has made consid- 3. Workshops for existing
Supreme Court found from a video evidence, the In today’s highly erable headway in this regard, teachers;
presiding officer “put his own mark for the pur- competitive well before the announce- 4. Curriculum development for
pose of creating a ground for treating the ballot as ment of NEP. Under the able schools (Nursery to Grade 2);
invalidly cast.” The SC bench found that the “offi-
world, IPTTA can guidance of its founder, Sonal 5. Collaboration for setting up
cer is guilty of a serious misdemeanour in doing proudly claim to Andrews, they have set the ball teachers training centres;
what he did in his role and capacity as presiding have established rolling. 6. End-to-end solutions for
officer.” Situated in the heart of The glorious journey of IPTTA began in 2013 REPRESENTATIONAL IMAGE ECE;
itself as a Hyderabad, Integrated Pre- 7. Consultant for ECE;
In the meantime, the elected BJP candidate brand known to school Teachers Training active and creative minds, manner that she teaches not inely value continuity of teach- 8. Audits for the early years’
resigned and three AAP councillors switched over Academy (IPTTA) stands as understanding and compas- just out of books but out of pas- ing and know how important centre.
to the BJP — putting the saffron party in a com- hold expertise a pioneering institution com- sion for children, and the cour- sion. To that end, the aim has consistency is in a student’s life, IPTTA has already gar-
fortable position in case of re-election. Perhaps this in training mitted to preschool educators’ age to act on their beliefs. The been to unleash the potential which is why the team is made nered accolades and a number
might be one of the reasons that the apex court holistic training and develop- stress is on the total develop- of every woman interested in of full-time educators only. of awards. It has successfully
changed the result in light of the evidence before it, candidates in the ment. With a dynamic cur- ment of each aspirant: spiri- making a difference in a child’s IPTTA offers offline and highlighted an extremely
rather than announcing re-election, which would Early Childhood riculum tailored to meet the tual, moral, intellectual, social, life through education. For a online diploma courses in early important aspect of early-
have been a façade of justice. The court clarified evolving demands of early emotional, and behavioural. woman, the most important childhood care and education. childhood education, and
that “allowing the entire election process to be set Education sector childhood education, IPTTA The objective is to create a gen- thing to do is to know herself The HSE-Harmonious Spec- managed to put in place a
aside would compound the destruction of the fun- strives to empower aspiring eration of early childhood edu- completely, who she is, what trum Education Curriculum, model that is replicable and
damental democratic principles which has taken teachers with the skills, knowl- cators who would then guide she believes in, and in which a cooperation between alterna- scalable in the true spirit of
place as a consequence of the conduct of the Pre- edge, and pedagogical tools the nation’s future! direction she wants to go. tive ideas and existing learning Nexus of Good through pub-
siding Officer”. Also, it would be “inappropriate to necessary to foster a nurtur- IPTTA strives to create and IPTTA is affiliated to both tools, is followed. It focuses on lic-private partnership. The
set aside the entire election process when the only ing learning environment for unleash a whole new genera- JNCTE and All India Early social development, which is protocols and standard operat-
infirmity is found at the stage when the counting young children. tion of ‘evolved’ Early Child- Childhood Care & Educa- essential to creating a humanly ing procedures for addressing
of votes was recorded by the Presiding Officer”. The journey began in the hood Educators to enable tion (AIECCE), an Educa- friendly environment. It also early childhood education-
year 2013. IPTTA’s vision was mothers to gain knowledge tional Organisation that takes provides fully trained and related issues have been cre-
It may be noted that ahead of the elections, the to establish an effective Teach- about raising their children guidance from NCERT and equipped teachers to teach in ated and their efficacy clearly
AAP-INC combine was comfortably placed to seal ers’ Training Institute through and, eventually, making a is accredited by the Interna- schools across the country. established. A number of state
a victory. In order to change the ground realities, the quality training program career of guiding the future cit- tional Accreditation Organiza- Every year, IPTTA train- governments who recognize
the presiding officer, who belongs to the BJP, had in the Early Childhood sector. izens of the country and mak- tion (IAO), a symbol of quality. ees showcase all they have the need and necessity of early
to apparently indulge in activities that were quite There was a belief in constantly ing every woman independent, IPTTA’s diploma is accepted learnt through an exhibi- childhood education, so prom-
visibly unfair and unethical. Thanks to the machi- upgrading as per the needs of not only financially but also and recognised internationally. tion of teaching aids, which is inently outlined in NEP, have
nations of the presiding officer, the apex court was the changing trends in the field socially and emotionally. It is India’s only teachers’ train- called IPTTA Fest. Based on come forward to adopt this
forced to invoke Article 142 of the Indian Consti- of education. In today’s highly Recognizing tremendous ing institute to be ISO certified a selected theme, the trainees model. What Sonal Andrews
tution. Article 142 empowers the Supreme Court competitive world, IPTTA can potential of womenfolk and by the Centre of Assessments create interesting, cost-effec- and her committed team have
of India with unique and expansive powers to do proudly claim to have estab- with the motto “Happiness for Excellence (COAE) tive, and creative teaching put in place has the potential
“complete justice” in cases before it. This provi- lished itself as a brand known is the Attitude; Passion is the IPTTA’s team of mentors aids and cover the entire syl- of transforming early child-
sion grants the court authority to pass any order or to be the expert in training Aptitude, and Humanity is is fully qualified, very experi- labi from Nursery to Grade 2, hood education. This silent
decree necessary for the purpose of enforcing or candidates in the Early Child- the Ultimate Religion!”, Sonal enced, and highly dedicated and make sure that they are revolution in Telangana is all
securing the enforcement of fundamental rights, hood Education sector. endeavoured to build a soci- to its roles – many have been teaching it using interesting set to change the landscape
or any other right conferred by any law. IPTTA’s aim is to develop ety where every Early Child- with the academy since it modes like games, rhymes, sto- dramatically.
passionate candidates with hood Educator is trained in a opened in 2013. They genu- ries, activities, art and craft, Views expressed are personal
It is unfortunate that what should have been
show cause as to why steps should not be initiated
against him under Section 340 of CrPC. The entire ates of minimum
episode showcases an unethical lust for power, RAAVI BIRBAL wage are distinct
which should necessarily meet reprimands and in rural and urban
rational checks. areas. Rural workers
are paid much less than their
urban counterparts. There is
regional disparity and signifi-
cant differences in minimum
EU agrees on
new sanctions
BRUSSELS: European
Union countries on Wednes-
day agreed on a new package
of sanctions against Russia to
target individuals and busi-
nesses suspected of assisting
Moscow in its war against
Ukraine, including Chinese
The decision coincides
with the second anniver-
sary of Russia’s full-scale
invasion, which began
on February 24, 2022, and
comes days after the death
of Russian opposition leader
Alexei Navalny.
Belgium, which cur-
rently holds the rotating
presidency of the 27-nation
bloc, said the “package is
one of the broadest approved
by the EU”. AGENCIES
US spacecraft
enters orbit
around moon
vate US lunar lander reached
the moon and eased into a
low orbit Wednesday, a day
before it will attempt an even
greater feat landing on the
gray, dusty surface.
A smooth touchdown
would put the US back in
business on the moon for the
first time since NASA astro-
nauts closed out the Apollo
program in 1972. The com-
pany, if successful, also would
become the first private outfit
to ace a moon landing.
Launched last week, Intu-
itive Machines’ lander fired
its engine on the back side of
the moon while out of con-
tact with Earth.
Flight controllers at the
company’s Houston head-
quarters had to wait until
the spacecraft emerged to
learn whether the lander
was in orbit or hurtling
aimlessly away. AGENCIES
NEW DELHI | THURSDAY, 22 FEBRUARY, 2024 Business 9
FM asks regulators to Stock markets snap six-day rally
take more steps to curb MUMBAI: Equity benchmark
indices Sensex and Nifty broke NSE NIFTY BSE SENSEX profits. "Global markets treaded
cautiously awaiting the US Fed-
Teck, services and capital
goods were the other losers.
AHEAD OF FOURTH TEST AGAINST ENGLAND Nagal drops PVL: Kolkata Thunderbolts go down against
Rohit Sharma to lead with out of top-100 Ahmedabad Defenders in straight sets
Bhumi joins
‘Animal’ debate
The actor feels every filmmaker ‘should
have freedom of expression’
of ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3’
though she isn’t a fan of ‘hyper-masculine
films’, she feels every filmmaker ‘should have
freedom of expression’.
Joining the debate on ‘Animal’, Bhumi said
while a film director can say whatever they
want to say through their film, it’s on the audi- ‘Welcome to the world of Bhool Bhulaiyaa,’ says Kartik
ence what they take away from it. On being
asked about her opinion on the film during ours after actor Kartik Aaryan
an interview with ‘Jist’, Bhumi said, “My genre teased a new ‘mystery girl’ for his He shared a series of posts
as an audience is not hyper-masculine films. upcoming film ‘Bhool Bhulai- teasing her entry into the
I get bored while watching them. My genre is yaa 3’, he unveiled his new co-star: Triptii
rom-com and romance. I enjoy this genre. I She said it’s on the audience Dimri. Taking to ‘Instagram’ on Wednes- horror comedy franchise
don’t understand action films.” day, Kartik posted a puzzle piece with a
However, she added, “I do feel every film- to decide from which film they woman’s face on it. Kept on a table with Sharing the picture, Kartik wrote, “Solve
maker has the right to self-expression, but want to draw inspiration candles, a lantern, a lock and a key, the kijiye iss Bhool Bhulaiyaa ko (Solve this
how the audience perceives that self-expres- cropped photo showed a girl smiling. A Bhool Bhulaiyaa).”
sion is where it becomes tricky. It’s a film- film. He is an anti-social element of society.” card near it had the film’s name on it. Reacting to the post, a fan said, “Well,
maker’s prerogative, but as an audience, it’s As per the ‘Dum Lag Ke Haisha’ star, it’s Finally revealing it is Triptii Dimri, last who needs Akshay Kumar when you have
also on us to see where we are leading with on the audience to decide from which film featured in Ranbir Kapoor-starrer ‘Ani- Triptii Dimri?” “Will Manjulika get Trip-
our society.” they want to draw inspiration, a ‘12th Fail’ or mal’ (2023), who will be seen in ‘Bhool tii this time?” asked a person. “Bhabhi 2
Bhumi also opined that Vanga never justi- ‘Animal’. “As a filmmaker, you need to have Bhulaiyaa 3’, Kartik posted on ‘Instagram’ in ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3’,” read a comment.
fies the actions of Ranbir’s character Ranvijay: freedom of expression, but as an audience, we on Wednesday, “Welcome to the world of “Bhabhi 2’s entry in Rooh Baba’s ‘Bhool
“When I look at ‘Animal’, I look at a character need to understand that while watching ‘12th ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa’, TriptiI Dimri.” Bhulaiyaa’,” commented another ‘Insta-
who is the avatar of max toxic masculinity. I Fail’, you know you have to be like that person Kartik shared a series of posts teasing gram’ user.
am addressing the fact that I don’t want my and take inspiration from him similarly. You Triptii’s entry into the horror comedy fran- In another post, Kartik shared a photo
son to become that. I don’t think even the film- don’t have to take inspiration from that char- chise. One of the posts had a picture: “A and wrote, “Kaafi galat answers aa rahe
maker is justifying his action anywhere in the acter (Animal’s Ranvijay),” said Bhumi.AGENCIES chilling smile that instills terror in hearts.” hain.” AGENCIES
The integration ing images and catching any issues.
“AI will also be used to make
of AI in logistics decisions. Companies will use AI
technology and software for data
not only enhances analytics and determine the best
way to ship their products without
efficiency but human intervention. For exam-
ple, if there is a shortage of trucks
also helps meet on a certain day due to inclement
weather, then AI can determine
sustainability which products need to be shipped
first so that customers are not left
goals and waiting for their orders,” mentioned
Flowspace, an ecommerce
saves costs AI
logistics and fulfillment
According to
is like a Euronews, a Nor-
ANINDITA ACHARYA sion-making, leading to cost sav- not only makes
super inspector in wegian start-up
ings, improved efficiency, and safer things run called Aviant
o you know Amazon working conditions. For instance, smoother but warehouses, checking has expanded
robots can lift up to AI-powered tools can automate also saves costs. its drone deliv-
1,250 pounds? With over repetitive tasks, such as inventory Did you know goods for defects ery service. These
750,000 of these mobile
robots in action, they’re equipped
management, and improve predic-
tive accuracy over time, adapting to
Zebra Technol-
ogies automa-
using smart visual drones can handle
harsh winter condi-
with tiny cameras to identify peo- changing market conditions,” said tion systems have inspections tions and deliver up to
ple, pods, and other robots. These Eugene Panfilov, General Manager, reduced the time 1.5kg of goods like medi-
FROM DATA TO DELIVERY: The AI cameras, both front and under-
neath, also scan QR codes on the
floor for precise navigation, pre-
Borzo India and Brazil.
In 2024, warehouse tech is on
the rise, changing how we handle
workers walk to complete
a task by 40 percent?
“Automation in logistics helps
cine, groceries, and meals
from local restaurants. Drones are
becoming useful for businesses to
Revolution in Logistics and Transportation venting collisions in the fulfill-
ment center. Their main job is to
help Amazon workers by fetching
goods. Intelligent machines, guided
by smart algorithms and AI, are
optimise vehicle trips, labour usage,
inventory levels, warehousing, and
reach places where ground trans-
port is difficult or not sustainable.
taking over transportation. Thanks supplier management. This will in AI is changing how back office
DR SANKU BOSE shelves of products. Once found, to advancements in tech like AI, turn, reduce wastage, drive efficien- work is done by automating tasks
tasks such as picking, packing, and the robots bring them to employ- sensors, and computing power, cies and support sustainability in like scheduling and tracking. In
sorting, reducing labour costs and ees who pack items for customer we’re seeing the boom of auton- logistics. In the long run, businesses logistics, chatbots are a game-
he logistics and transportation increasing throughput, showcasing orders. This speeds up deliveries omous vehicles. These vehicles can increase revenue at lower oper- changer for customer service, han-
sector is the very bedrock on the synergy between AI and human and makes inventory checks faster. aren’t just about efficiency. They’re ating costs, enhance customer dling things like delivery requests,
which modern society is built on. expertise in driving operational In recent years, the logistics a game-changer for cutting costs service and achieve their sustain- order changes, shipment tracking,
Modern logistics and transpor- excellence. industry has experienced a major in transportation and logistics. By ability goals,” mentioned TCS in its and FAQs. It makes work smoother
tation systems are the lifelines that sustain »» Zipline: Zipline is revolutionis- shift, driven by the booming growth ditching human drivers, compa- research on AI in logistics. and improves customer service.
our interconnected world. AI has emerged ing medical supply chain logistics of ecommerce since the 2000s. This nies can save big on labour costs for Thanks to technology, real-time “Routine and repetitive tasks
as a transformative force in this sector, with AI-powered drones delivering transformation is accelerating even wages, benefits, and rest periods. tracking has made things easier in such as route planning, vehicle
reshaping traditional paradigms and pro- life-saving supplies to remote areas, further thanks to rapid advance- In the future, AI and ML will transportation. AI-powered systems maintenance scheduling, and even
pelling the industry into a new era of effi- ensuring timely deliveries with intel- ments in Artificial Intelligence (AI). be big players in warehouses. They track where goods are, thus making autonomous driving in some cases,
ciency and innovation. From optimising ligent route planning and real-time These technological breakthroughs can process lots of data quickly, the supply chain work better. could see automation through AI
supply chain management to revolutionis- monitoring, transforming healthcare are reshaping the landscape of logis- giving real-time info on inven- AI is like a super inspector in technologies. This could impact
ing last-mile delivery, AI technologies are delivery paradigms. tics and transportation, ushering tory, demand, and the best layouts. warehouses, checking goods for jobs related to manual data entry,
tackling challenges in novel ways, ushering »» C.H. Robinson: C.H. Robinson is in a new era of efficiency and inno- With AI, decisions like when to defects using smart visual inspec- basic route navigation, and cer-
in disruptive changes and redefining the optimising freight transportation net- vation. From route optimisation, restock and the best routes for pick- tions. It ensures only top-quality tain administrative roles. How-
sector’s dynamics! works using AI algorithms to analyse inventory management, workforce ing orders can be automated. This products go to customers by analys- ever, it’s crucial to note that AI can
One of the primary problems AI is data, identify cost-saving opportuni- management, reduction of opera- also create new opportunities for
addressing is the optimisation of sup- ties, and optimise routes, providing tional costs, sustainability, efficient skilled workers in areas like AI sys-
ply chain operations. Traditional sup- tailored solutions to maximise opera- use of space to vehicle tracking and tem development, maintenance,
ply chain management often grapples tional performance and cost-effective- safety, AI is streamlining logistics and oversight. On the cost front,
with inefficiencies, such as overstocking, ness for customers. and transportation. According to a AI holds the ‘promise’ of signifi-
underutilised capacity, and unforeseen Indian companies are also actively par- McKinsey report, AI will create an cant savings for businesses in this
disruptions. However, AI-powered pre- ticipating in this AI-led revolution. Portea entirely new “logistics paradigm” sector. Automated route optimisa-
dictive analytics are revolutionising this Medical is harnessing AI to anticipate by 2030. tion, real-time tracking, and pre-
aspect by forecasting demand patterns, patient needs and streamline medication “In today’s logistics and trans- dictive maintenance can lead to
identifying potential bottlenecks, and deliveries, enhancing service efficiency portation landscape, the integration more efficient resource utilisation,
optimising inventory levels in real-time. and cost-effectiveness. Rivigo’s AI-driven of AI, ML, IoT, RFID, and other fuel savings, and reduced opera-
Companies like Amazon and Walmart predictive analytics are optimising truck- advanced technologies is revolu- tional downtime. The cost reduc-
are at the forefront of leveraging AI to ing routes, reducing fuel consumption, tionising supply chain manage- tion percentage will vary based on
enhance their supply chain efficiency, and bolstering reliability in India’s trucking ment. These technologies are not the extent of AI implementation
ensuring timely delivery and minimising industry. Delhivery is revolutionising last- just enhancing existing processes; and the specific processes involved,
operational costs. mile delivery with AI-powered routing they are fundamentally reshaping but studies suggest potential sav-
AI is revolutionising the logistics sec- algorithms, efficiently managing inven- the way goods move from source to ings can be in the range of 10% to
tor by enhancing route optimisation and tory and meeting e-commerce demands. destination. AI and ML play a cru- 30% in logistics operations. It will
fleet management. Delivery routes can Indian Railways is employing AI for real- cial role in optimising transporta- take some years till we see the ‘cost-
be dynamically adjusted based on real- time monitoring and predictive mainte- tion routes, automating warehouse savings’ potential of AI,” said Pan-
time traffic conditions, weather forecasts, nance, ensuring enhanced reliability across operations, and improving demand filov of Borzo, a global on-demand
and other relevant data points, leading its extensive freight network. Additionally, forecasting. They enable smart deci- delivery service firm.
to shorter delivery times and reduced Blue Dart is enhancing express logistics
fuel consumption. Companies like UPS efficiency in South Asia with AI, optimiz-
and FedEx have integrated AI-driven ing routes and improving on-time delivery
algorithms into their operations, result- performance through chatbots and predic-
ing in significant improvements in route tive analytics.
efficiency and customer satisfaction. This virtuous cycle of interlocked
Moreover, AI is revolutionising last-mile benefits through AI usage is also
delivery, which has long been a bottle- encouraging the incubation of new
neck in the logistics chain. Companies start-ups with innovative and disruptive
are experimenting with autonomous ideas. Some of them are: Canada has revamped rules for Post
vehicles and drones for delivering pack- »» Nuro: Specialising in autonomous
ages to customers’ doorsteps, bypassing delivery vehicles for last-mile logis- Graduation Work Permit for all master's
traffic congestion and reducing delivery tics, using AI for navigation in urban degree programmes
times. Amazon Prime Air and Alphabet’s environments.
Wing are pioneering the use of drone »» Einride: Developing electric and In 2025-26, students of Class 10 and 12
technology for last-mile delivery, show- autonomous freight vehicles, utilis- exams will have the option to appear for Q. When was Twitter invented?
casing the potential of AI-driven innova- ing AI and sensors for navigation and board exams twice
tions in transforming the final leg of the safety, aiming to reduce emissions in Send us your replies to
logistics journey. transportation. IIT Bombay will celebrate National Science careersmp22@gmail.com.
Another area where AI is making a »» Starship Technologies: Providing Day on February 28 to commemorate the
significant impact is in predictive mainte- autonomous delivery robots for local We shall publish the names of the first 3
nance. By analysing vast amounts of data urban deliveries, powered by AI for
discovery of ‘Raman Effect’
correct entries in next week’s edition
from sensors and IoT devices installed in sidewalk navigation and package IIM Lucknow achieved 100% placement
vehicles and equipment, AI algorithms delivery.
can predict potential equipment failures »» Locus Robotics: Offering autono- record, with the highest international
salary package of Rs 1.23 crore Answer to our February 15 edition question: Iranian Rial
before they occur, allowing for proactive mous mobile robots for warehouse
maintenance interventions and minimis- operations, optimising picking and Correct answers were sent by: Anjum Banu, Himadri Ghosh, Kaustav Mitra
ing costly downtime. For instance, com- packing processes with AI to improve BIMTECH HOSTED THE FOURTH
panies like DHL are utilising AI-powered efficiency.
predictive maintenance systems to ensure »» Robomart: Developing self-driving EDITION OF ITS BUSINESS
the reliability of their fleet and equip-
ment, ultimately enhancing overall oper-
ational efficiency.
Let us have a closer look at how some
grocery stores on wheels, utilising AI
for navigation, allowing customers to
shop directly from the vehicle via a
mobile app.
other companies are leveraging new AI
The integration of AI into the logis-
tics and transportation sector is reshap- AI research hub in Maharashtra soon P M Narendra Modi
inaugurated the T he results of the Graduate Aptitude
Test in Engineering (GATE 2024) will
»» Maersk: Maersk is utilising AI to opti- ing the way goods are delivered, services newly-constructed be out on March 16, and you can download
mise container shipping, partnering are optimised, and businesses operate. OUR CORRESPONDENT signed a MoU to begin work on Academic Complex East your scorecards from March 23. The test
with tech firms like IBM to analyse With AI-driven innovations companies establishing the centre. The part- and Academic Complex happened on February 3, 4, 10, and 11 in
data, predict vessel arrivals, and opti-
mise routes, resulting in minimised
worldwide are revolutionizing traditional
practices, unlocking new efficiencies, and
delays, reduced fuel consumption, and driving unprecedented levels of reliability
T he University of Birming-
ham has partnered with
the Government of Maharash-
nership aims to develop a rich
environment of collaborative
research between the University
West at IIT Delhi’s Hauz
Khas campus through
video conferencing on
two sessions each day, morning (9:30 am to
12:30 pm) and afternoon (2:30 pm to 5:30
pm) at centers across the country. The
improved supply chain reliability. and customer satisfaction. As the indus- tra to set up a specialist research of Birmingham, and the state- Tuesday. This is the question papers had two parts: one
»» Uber Freight: Uber Freight is lever- try continues to embrace AI technolo- and innovation hub to tackle funded universities in the fields largest ever single-time with general aptitude questions and
aging AI to match carriers with ship- gies, the future promises even greater challenges in key state priority of AI and data science. There construction activity for the other with questions related to
pers in real-time, predicting market advancements, transforming the way we areas including agriculture and will also be opportunities for research and academic the candidates’ chosen subjects.
demand, optimising load assignments, move and connect in our increasingly healthcare, using Artificial Intel- PhD research. “The University purposes in the history Meanwhile, The Indian Institute
and adjusting pricing dynamically, interconnected world! ligence (AI). Shailendra Deolan- of Birmingham is a global ‘civic’ of IIT Delhi. The two of Science (IISc Bangalore) has
reducing inefficiencies and enhanc- The author is the Group CEO of Techno kar, Director, Higher Education, university and we’re committed academic complexes recently released Master
ing profitability for both carriers and India Group, a visionary and an educator. Department of Higher and Tech- to forging meaningful research have 200 faculty offices, Question Papers and
shippers. Beyond his corporate role, he is also a nical Education, Government partnerships in India that dem- 10 committee rooms Keys for several test
»» DHL: DHL is employing AI-powered mentor who guides students towards of Maharashtra and Professor onstrate our commitment to the and 13 conference papers on its official
robotics in warehouses to automate resilience and self-discovery Adam Tickell, Vice-Chancellor country as a strategic partner,” rooms. website.
of the University of Birmingham said Tickell.
Prompt engineering blends elements of art, coding, logic, and unique modifiers
PROF (DR) SAIKAT MAITY Prompt engineering blends elements of respondents who reported using imagination and come up with fresh KOLKATA: Xavier Law
of art, coding, logic, and, occasion- AI claim their companies have rules methods to ask questions or give School, St Xavier’s Univer-
he process of creating excel- ally, unique modifiers. The prompt in place controlling how workers directions. You must be able to think sity, Kolkata, hosted a ses-
lent prompts that direct may contain text in the form of natu- utilise generative AI technologies at of several strategies and test them. sion on the ‘challenges to
machine learning (ML) ral language, graphics, or other input work. When we questioned specifi- Analysis and assessment abili- the judicial independence in
models to generate precise data kinds. While natural language cally about the risks associated with ties: To study the model’s output and contemporary India’. Justice
results is known as prompt engineer- questions can be processed by the implementing gen AI, only a few assess the calibre of the responses, Indra Prasanna Mukherji of
ing. It entails picking the right kind most popular generative AI tech- respondents said their organisations you’ll need the appropriate resources. the High Court of Calcutta
of prompts, arranging and arranging nologies, different AI services and are reducing the risk of inaccuracy, Linguistic knowledge: To for- graced the occasion as the
them in the best possible order, and tools will probably produce differ- which is the most frequently men- mulate instructions and questions chief guest.
assessing how relevant they are to ent results for the same prompt. It’s tioned danger. Inaccuracy is men- effectively, you must be fluent in The session delved into
the work at hand. People in a variety also crucial to remember that every tioned by respondents more often grammar, syntax, and semantics. the significant role played
of positions, such as data scientists, tool includes unique modifiers that than cybersecurity and regulatory Furthermore, he or she needs to by the judiciary as an essen-
marketers, educators, journalists, make it simpler to explain the compliance, which were the two be able to comprehend how words tial organ of the government
authors, corporate executives, and layout, perspectives, styles, most often mentioned risks associ- and language constructions influ- task with the interpretation
entrepreneurs, might benefit from
prompt engineering. People can
word weights, and other
characteristics of the MORGAN ated with AI overall in earlier polls.
Comparably, only 32% of respon-
ence the model’s reactions. You
ought to have some technical
of laws and the administra-
tion of justice. Emphasis was
acquire vital skills, enhance perfor- intended answer. STANLEY dents believe they are limiting inac- training as a philologist. placed on the pivotal respon-
mance in their fields, and obtain a Let us examine curacy, compared to 38% who say Basic knowledge of program- sibility of judges in uphold-
competitive edge in the labour mar- the banking sector as plans to launch an bank using gener- three-quarters of all respondents they are mitigating cybersecurity ming: You should be able to modify ing justice. The lectures
ket by studying quick engineering. a single illustration AI assistant utilising ative AI. Respon- expect gen AI to cause significant threats. It’s interesting to note that and alter commands as necessary. stressed the judges should
One artificial intelligence (AI) engi- of quick engineering’s dents across or disruptive change in the nature the percentage below is far lower Proficiency in teamwork and sway back and forth like
neering technique that accomplishes potential utility. Gen- GPT-4 in Sept regions, industries, of their industry’s competition in than the 51% of respondents who feedback: You will usually be work- the pendulum maintaining
several goals is prompt engineering.
It includes honing input to different
erative AI offers banks a
lot of benefits. According
2023 and seniority levels
say they are already
the next three years. Survey respon-
dents working in the technology
said they mitigated cybersecurity
linked to AI last year. In general, as
ing in multidisciplinary teams.
Despite being a relatively young
equilibrium in the pursuit
of justice. Justice Mukherji
generative AI services so that they to McKinsey, generative AI using generative AI tools. and financial-services industries are has been observed in prior years, profession, quick engineering is in underscored the importance
produce text or graphics, as well as technologies might generate value Based on McKinsey’s most the most likely to expect disruptive the majority of participants state high demand now and is expected of safeguards that insulate
the process of fine-tuning large lan- via higher productivity of up to 4.7% recent AI survey, companies are change from gen AI. that their companies are not taking to continue to develop in the years judges from external pres-
guage models, or LLMs, with partic- of yearly industrial revenues. That’s starting to modify their employ- Some popular Prompt Engi- AI-related risks seriously. to come. sure. The appointment pro-
ular prompts and suggested outputs. an additional over $340 billion ment procedures to align with neering Techniques are not limited To do your job well, you need to In the coming years, prompt cedure of judges, the privacy
Prompt engineering will be crucial in annually. Banks can benefit from their goals for generative AI. This to Chain-of-thought prompting, be able to combine technical and cre- engineering is probably going to be of the judiciary as supported
producing various types of content, prompt engineering’s assistance in involves appointing engineers on Tree-of-thought prompting, Maieu- ative abilities. These are the most sig- a more popular job category, but by the Constitution and
such as robotic process automation realising this value. time. The survey reveals two sig- tic prompting, Complexity-based nificant of them: companies also anticipate reskilling the landmark judges’ case
bots, 3D assets, scripts, robot instruc- Morgan Stanley plans to launch nificant changes. First, roles in prompting, Generated knowledge Knowledge of language models: their current workforce in artificial were discussed as protective
tions, and other kinds of content an AI assistant utilising GPT-4 in prompt engineering are being hired prompting, Least-to-most prompt- This entails being familiar with the intelligence. Only 8% of respon- mechanisms.
and digital artefacts, as generative AI September 2023. The assistant’s by organisations utilising AI: 7% ing, Self-refine prompting, and last features, architecture, and technical dents who reported their compa- Meanwhile, Xavier Busi-
technologies advance. primary function is to aid tens of of respondents whose organisa- but not least Directional-stimulus specifications of the particular model nies’ use of AI believe that the size of ness School hosted HR con-
Using a specific data set and zero- thousands of wealth managers in tions have embraced AI indicated prompting. you are working on. their workforces will reduce by more clave 2024 recently at the
shot learning instances, this AI engi- efficiently locating and combin- that they are hiring in this category. Comprehending the task and its than a fifth, while nearly 40% of university campus in asso-
neering technique helps fine-tune ing vast quantities of data from the Secondly, companies utilising AI SOME POTENTIAL RISKS context: It’s critical to comprehend respondents who reported AI adop- ciation with IIDR, Kolkata
LLMs for particular use cases. It also company’s internal knowledge base. are employing many fewer software FROM GEN AI the particular task or issue that the tion expect more than a fifth of their chapter. Rev Dr John Felix
measures and enhances LLM perfor- The model allows wealth manag- developers with experience in AI prompt is being optimised for. The workforces to be reskilled. Raj, SJ Vice-Chancellor, St
mance. However, there are signifi- ers to find and customise informa- than they were in 2022: The per- According to a recent survey of domain and context in which the The author is the professor, Xavier’s University, Kolkata,
cantly more people using the current tion for each customer at any time by centage of companies that reported the market, few businesses appear language model will be used must Department of CSE, Sister Nivedita emphasised on quality edu-
tools than developers are working combining search and content pro- hiring for these positions was 28%, to be completely ready for the wide- also be well understood by you. University. He was formerly associated cation towards forming men
on new ones, and prompt engineer- duction. A virtual specialist in envi- compared to 39% the previous year. spread application of advanced AI Innovation and original with TransStadia Education and and women for others and
ing for various generative AI tools ronmental, social, and governance In these early days, expecta- and the potential business dangers thought: To receive more specific Research Foundation Ahmedabad, leaders of tomorrow.
tends to be a more common use case. issues was created by a European tions for gen AI’s impact are high: these tools may provide. Only 21% and pertinent responses, use your Gujarat as programme director.