Tortle Monk 6 (Way of The Drunken Master)
Tortle Monk 6 (Way of The Drunken Master)
Tortle Monk 6 (Way of The Drunken Master)
+1 Intelligence Saves
+3 Wisdom Saves 45 6d8 • Ideal: Know the consequences of your
action first.
+1 Charisma Saves • Bond: Urges others to become your
* Prof. bonus added DEATH SAVES: Success O O O Fail O O O
• Flaw: Desperate to further study.
+2 +7 Acrobatics (Dex) * Extra Attack. When making an Attack action, you
may make two attacks rather than one.
Tortle Traits [TP, p. 4]
• Age: 38 years old
+3 Animal Handling (Wis) • Medium Size (5' 5", 445 lbs.)
15 +1 Arcana (Int) • Hold Breath (up to 1 hour)
+5 Athletics (Str) * Martial Arts. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to • Shell Defense (speed 0 and prone, no
hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 1d6+4 bludgeoning reactions, disadv. on Dex. saves, AC +4,
+1 Deception (Cha) adv. on Str. and Con. saves)
INT damage. Strike counts as magical to
+1 History (Int) • Natural Armor (AC 17, no Dex. bonus,
overcome target's resistence to
+1 +3
Insight (Wis)
Intimidation (Cha)
nonmagical attacks and damage. Can
also make unarmed strike as bonus
cannot wear armor)
Lifting & Carrying: 225 lbs. max. carrying
capacity; 450 lbs. pushing or dragging (speed
-5 ft.); 450 lbs. max. lift.