Glaucoma - State of The Art and Perspectives On Tre

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Glaucoma -state of the art and perspectives on treatment

Article in Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience · December 2015

DOI: 10.3233/RNN-150599


24 4,545

3 authors:

Anna Wójcik-Gryciuk Malgorzata Skup

Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology

Wioletta Joanna Waleszczyk

Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology


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Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 34 (2016) 107–123 107
DOI 10.3233/RNN-150599
IOS Press

Glaucoma – state of the art and perspectives

on treatment
Anna Wójcik-Gryciuka,b , Małgorzata Skupb and Wioletta J. Waleszczykb,∗
a Department of Ophthalmology, MSW Hospital, Warsaw, Poland
b Department of Neurophysiology, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Warsaw, Poland

Abstract. Glaucoma is a chronic optic neuropathy characterized by progressive damage to the optic nerve, death of retinal
ganglion cells and ultimately visual field loss. It is one of the leading causes of irreversible loss of vision worldwide. The most
important trigger of glaucomatous damage is elevated eye pressure, and the current standard approach in glaucoma therapy
is reduction of intraocular pressure (IOP). However, despite the use of effective medications or surgical treatment leading to
lowering of IOP, progression of glaucomatous changes and loss of vision among patients with glaucoma is common. Therefore,
it is critical to prevent vision loss through additional treatment. To implement such treatment(s), it is imperative to identify
pathophysiological changes in glaucoma and develop therapeutic methods taking into account neuroprotection. Currently, there
is no method of neuroprotection with long-term proven effectiveness in the treatment of glaucoma. Among the most promising
molecules shown to protect the retina and optic nerve are neurotrophic factors. Thus, the current focus is on the development
of safe and non-invasive methods for the long-term elevation of the intraocular level of neurotrophins through advanced gene
therapy and topical eye treatment and on the search for selective agonists of neurotrophin receptors affording more efficient

Keywords: Neurodegeneration, visual pathway, visual cortex, retina, optic disc, neuroprotection, trophic factors, retinal ganglion

1. Introduction (RGCs), (2) activation and rearrangement of glial cells,

and (3) blood supply disorders within the limits of the
Historically, glaucoma has been viewed as a disease optic disc. Therefore, glaucoma should not only be
caused by increased intraocular pressure. The current considered an optic neuropathy but also a gliopathy
view is that glaucoma is a chronic optic neuropathy and a vasculopathy (for the review of the latter see
representing a common end-stage clinical presentation Coorey, Shen, Chung, Zhu, & Gillies, 2012).
of several different diseases. Untreated disease leads The morphological consequence of glaucomatous
to painless but irreversible visual field loss (Fig. 1). damage is a clinical change in the appearance of
It is generally characterized by a clinical triad: (1) the optic disc (Fig. 1), i.e., disc cupping related to
elevated intraocular (eye) pressure; (2) development thinning of the neural cells layer as well as loss
of optic nerve atrophy; and (3) loss of the periph- of glial cells and blood vessels. So far, it has not
eral field of vision, ultimately impairing central vision. been determined to what extent that rearrangement
Optic neuropathy is a consequence of three patholog- is a consequence of altered mechanical pressure, dis-
ical components: (1) degeneration of the optic nerve turbed neuronal transport and signalling by retinal
as a result of progressive loss of retinal ganglion cells cells, and what contribution is made by the changed
activity of those proteolytic enzymes which affect the
∗ Corresponding author: Wioletta J. Waleszczyk, Department of
structure of the extracellular matrix (ECM). For exam-
Neurophysiology, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, 3 Pas-
teur St., 02-093 Warsaw, Poland. Tel.: +48 22 5892444; E-mail: ple, elevation of ECM metalloproteinases, seems to be specific to glaucoma-related damage, because it

0922-6028/16/$35.00 © 2016 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
This article is published online with Open Access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License.
108 A. Wójcik-Gryciuk et al. / Glaucoma – state of the art and perspectives on treatment

Fig. 1. Photograph of the left eye of a patient with glaucoma and printout of another patient’s examination showing severe impairment of the
visual field of the right eye. A. Note the extension of the optic disc cup characteristic of glaucomatous damage. Examination with achromatic
perimetry (Humphrey Field Analyzer) revealed coexisting impairment of the patient’s visual field. B. The recorded threshold sensitivities of a
patient with glaucomatous vision impairment shown on a numeric scale. C. A graphical representation of the sensitivities recorded in B. The
central 60 deg in the diameter of the visual field was tested. Regions of decreased sensitivity have lower numerical values and are shown in
darker tones. The vision of the patient is limited almost exclusively to the central region of the visual field with an island on the temporal side.

occurs in the lamina cribrosa of monkeys with exper- nerve damage and changes in the visual field. Glau-
imental glaucoma but not in the lamina cribrosa of coma may be divided into primary and secondary
monkeys with optic nerve transection (Agapova, Kauf- categories as well as open-angle or angle-closure types.
man, Lucarelli, & Hernandez, 2003). It is proposed According to the World Health Organization, glau-
that astrocytes and lamina cribrosa cells can sense coma is the second leading cause of blindness in the
their mechanical environment and respond to mechani- world. Current estimates put the total number of sus-
cal stimuli by remodelling the ECM (Downs, Roberts, pected cases of glaucoma at approximately 60 million
& Sigal, 2011). Altered cell activity associated with worldwide with 8.4 million being bilaterally blind
ECM remodelling has been observed in response (Quigley & Broman, 2006; Quigley, 2011). In the
to glaucoma in humans and to exposure to chroni- United States, the estimated number of individuals
cally elevated IOP in animal models. Functionally, all who suffer from glaucoma is 2.47 million (Quigley &
changes described above may contribute to the loss Vitale, 1997), 2.7 million (National Eye Institute,
of peripheral and then central vision. Because identi- 2015), or as many as 4 million (source: Prevent Blind-
fication of initiating factors and pathomechanisms of ness America, The Eye Diseases Prevalence Research
neuronal and accompanying changes provides the basis Group). Approximately 130,000 Americans are blind
of any therapeutic management, the purpose of this from glaucoma (Quigley & Vitale, 1997) and they
review is to summarize the current knowledge of the account for up to 12% of all cases of blindness in the
basic aspects of glaucomatous changes in the eye, their U.S (source: National Eye Health Program/National
impact on the function of the visual system and the state Institutes of Health).
of the art in glaucoma treatment. Moreover, we exam- Age is one of the major risk factors for development
ined the literature in detail in an attempt to present of primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG), the most
and evaluate the perspectives in treatments based on common form of the glaucoma. Due to the rapidly
experimental data and clinical trials. aging population, the worldwide prevalence of glau-
coma is increasing. It is estimated, that in 2010 8.4
2. Glaucoma million people will be blind from POAG, but by the
year 2020, there will be 11 million individuals who
2.1. Glaucoma – statistics are blind from glaucoma (Quigley & Broman, 2006),
and by the year 2050, that number is expected to
The foundation of the commonly used classifica- double (National Eye Institute). Vision loss seriously
tion of glaucoma consists of processes leading to optic impacts the quality of human life. In the case of elderly
A. Wójcik-Gryciuk et al. / Glaucoma – state of the art and perspectives on treatment 109

people, loss of independence because of blindness 1991), and occurs in about 0.5–1.5% of Chinese and
is particularly worrisome. In addition to the impact Indian individuals in the same age group (He et al.,
which glaucoma has on personal lives, it imposes an 2006; Liang et al., 2011; Dandona et al., 2000). Of all
economic burden on society. In the United States, glau- glaucoma cases in China, 35% suffer from PACG, and
coma accounts for almost 9 million visits to physicians 90% of patients blinded by glaucoma have PACG (Fos-
each year (Quigley & Vitale, 1997), and the cost to the ter & Johnson, 2001). Similar findings were reported
U.S. government related to this disease is over $1.5 for Asian Indians, where 41% of patients with PACG
billion annually (source: NEI, Report of the Glaucoma were blind in one or both eyes from this condition
Panel, Fall 1998). (Dandona et al., 2000).
The prevalence of primary angle-closure glaucoma
2.2. Glaucoma – risk factors and mechanisms is higher in women than in men, owing to an anatom-
underlying developing neuropathy ical predisposition in the female globe. However, the
relation between POAG and gender is still controver-
The risk factors for POAG development are: age, sial. In the Baltimore Eye Survey (Tielsch et al., 1991),
race and ethnicity. The risk of glaucoma develop- the Beaver Dam Eye Study (Klein et al., 1992), and the
ment increases 5-fold in the 5th and 10-fold in the Blue Mountains Eye Study (Mitchell, Smith, Attebo,
8th decade of life. Approximately 2% of the popu- & Healey, 1996), no significant difference was found
lation between the ages of 40 and 50 and 8% over 70 between the prevalence of primary open-angle glau-
has high eye pressure, a major cause of glaucomatous coma in women and men. However, in the Framingham
damage. Eye Study (Kahn et al., 1977), the Barbados Eye Study
Glaucoma is considered to be a major cause of blind- (Leske, Connell, Schachat, & Hyman, 1994), and the
ness in some populations. Data and meta-analysis from Rotterdam Study (Wolfs et al., 2000), up to a two-fold
14 studies of Asian participants, 10 studies of black higher prevalence was found in men. Data from the
participants, and 24 studies with white participants, Rotterdam study was recently analyzed again to reveal
showed that the highest prevalence of POAG occurred that women who achieved menopause prior to 45 years
in the black population (4.23% vs. 2.09% in the of age had a higher likelihood of developing glaucoma
white population and 1.41% in the Asian population; than those who achieved it later (Hulsman et al., 2001).
Rudnicka, Mt-Isa, Owen, Cook & Ashby, 2006). This finding would suggest that in POAG female sex
POAG is the most common form of glaucoma, and hormones possibly protect against the development of
shows a prevalence in people of African descent aged glaucoma.
40 or older that is up to 4 times higher and with an ear- Among the multiple risk factors for glaucoma devel-
lier onset, poorer prognosis, and more violent course opment, the main and the only potentially modifiable
compared to POAG in people of European descent one is intraocular pressure (IOP). Reduction of IOP
(Caucasian) (Quigley & Vitale, 1997). Americans of (pharmacological or surgical) usually impedes the pro-
African descent are more likely to become blind from gression of glaucomatous damage. Therefore, IOP is
glaucoma than Caucasians of the same age, accounting the first factor to be modified at the beginning of long-
for 26% of all blindness compared to 6.4% in Cau- term therapy. Other risk factors for elevated IOP are
casians (review in Stein & Lee, 2008). The prevalence related to arteriosclerosis development: age, smoking,
of POAG in American Latinos age 40 or older is also hypercholesterolemia, diabetes mellitus and obesity.
very high (4.7%), and is considered to be a leading Normal physiological values of IOP are 11–21 mmHg,
cause of blindness in this group accounting for 28.6% and the risk of glaucomatous neuropathy increases as
of blindness cases (rev. in Stein & Lee, 2008). IOP values increase over 21 mmHg. It is proposed that
Even though primary angle-closure glaucoma the mechanism of negative impact of elevated IOP is
(PACG) is less prevalent than open-angle glaucoma, at least tripartite (Fig. 2). First, elevated IOP causes
PACG may cause blindness in a higher proportion of mechanical damage leading to a loss of retinal gan-
patients with this eye disease (Foster et al., 2000). glion cells and their axons, which triggers reactive
PACG occurs in about 0.5% of whites and blacks over astrocytosis associated with excessive NO production
the age of 40 (Buhrmann et al., 2000; Day et al., 2012; through NOS activation (Neufeld & Liu, 2003). As
Mitchell, Smith, Attebo, & Healey, 1996; Rotchford, a consequence, reactive oxygen species react with
Kirwan, Muller, Johnson, & Roux, 2003; Tielsch et al., NO (important for maintenance of IOP) to produce
110 A. Wójcik-Gryciuk et al. / Glaucoma – state of the art and perspectives on treatment

Fig. 2. Flow diagram showing key factors involved in the pathogenesis of glaucoma triggered by elevated intraocular pressure and its structural
and functional consequences. IOP – intraocular pressure; LGN – lateral geniculate nucleus; ON – optic nerve; RGC – retinal ganglion cell; SC
– superior colliculus.

peroxynitrite, which can damage a wide array of and Korean populations (Suzuki et al., 2006). This
molecules in cells, including DNA and proteins, lead- finding points to race as a risk factor for NTG; other
ing to cell death. Second, the elevated pressure at major risk factors for NTG are, similarly to POAG: age,
the level of the lamina cribrosa sclerae leads to an sex (women suffer more often from NTG than men)
impairment of the retrograde axonal transport of neu- and cardio-vascular diseases (Orgül, Kaiser, Flammer,
rotrophins (NTs) from the targets of RGCs in the brain. & Gasser, 1995; Emre, Orgül, Gugleta, & Flammer,
An impairment of transport may lead to a deficiency 2004).
of the factors required to maintain homeostasis in reti- Patients with NTG or POAG present with open
nal cells. Impairment of NT transport was reported angles on gonioscopy, cupping of the optic nerve head
in experimental glaucoma in rats (Pease, McKinnon, and visual field loss. However, NTG has several dis-
Quigley, Kerrigan-Baumrind, & Zack, 2000) and was tinguishing features. Patients with NTG have a greater
confirmed in spontaneous glaucoma in dogs (Iwabe propensity for optic nerve damage at relatively low lev-
et al., 2007). Third, elevated IOP has a negative impact els of IOP. Visual field defects typically appear deeper,
on blood supply (reviewed by He, Vingrys, Armitage, steeper and closer to fixation in patients with NTG
& Bui, 2011). than in patients with POAG. Additionally, the amount
of visual field loss in NTG tends to be greater than one
2.3. Normal tension glaucoma would expect on the basis of optic nerve appearance
alone. On ophthalmoscopy, patients with NTG tend to
Elevated intraocular pressure remains the main risk have increased propensity for optic disc hemorrhages
factor for glaucomatous changes, but it is not the only compared with patients with POAG.
reason for glaucoma. In some patients, optic neuropa- The etiology of NTG is unclear. Contributing factors
thy develops despite normal intraocular pressure (Tsai may include vasospastic events, hypoperfusion, noc-
& Karim, 2006; Mi et al., 2014). Normal tension glau- turnal hypotension, hypercoagulability and increased
coma (NTG), also called low-tension glaucoma, is blood viscosity. Vascular dysregulation is evident in
considered to be a type of open-angle glaucoma, but patients with NTG, who often report cold hands and
this issue remains controversial (Lestak et al., 2013). feet and demonstrate both low blood pressure and pro-
NTG accounts for up to 30–40% of glaucoma cases longed cessation of blood flow after cold provocation.
(Grabska-Liberek, 2015; Klein et al., 1992), but a They often also suffer from various autoimmune disor-
higher percentage of NTG was reported for Japanese ders and migraine headaches, especially with a visual
A. Wójcik-Gryciuk et al. / Glaucoma – state of the art and perspectives on treatment 111

aura; the latter is more common and frequent in women ability is larger; the autoregulation of ocular blood
than in men (Anderson, 2011). flow is decreased. Glaucoma patients with Flammer
Recently, changes in the blood of patients with NTG, syndrome have an increased frequency of the fol-
which may be indicative of NTG specificity, have been lowing: optic disc haemorrhages, activated retinal
described. There were differences in gene expression astrocytes, elevated retinal venous pressure, optic
in blood lymphocytes between glaucoma patients and nerve compartmentalization, fluctuating diffuse visual
controls, and among glaucoma subgroups (Fraenkl, field defects, and elevated oxidative stress (Konieczka
Golubnitschaja, Yeghiazaryan, Orgül, & Flammer, et al., 2014).
2013). That study, albeit limited to the analysis of 22 The anatomy of optic nerve is unique compared to
preselected genes in Caucasian patients, did show that other cranial nerves. Being the part of central nervous
in all glaucoma groups genes were upregulated com- system, the optic nerve is surrounded by three meninges
pared with the control group (9 genes in POAG/PEX; and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The lamina cribrosa
7 genes in NTG), but it also showed that NTG reveals of the optic nerve head creates an anatomical border
a specific pattern of gene up-regulation – the genes between the intraocular space with its higher pressure
overexpressed in NTG differed from the ones upreg- andthelowerpressureoftheretrobulbarspace.Thepres-
ulated in POAG/PEX. It is suggested that the RAR sure gradient created across the lamina cribrosa can be
gene (RAR-related orphan receptor C), which is the expressedasthedifferencebetweentheintraocularpres-
most statistically significant upregulated gene in the sure and the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid in the
case of NTG, may contribute to NTG pathophysiology. retrobulbar and optic nerve tissue space (trans-lamina
It encodes for a nuclear receptor that regulates gene cribrosa pressure difference or TLPD; Jonas, 2011).
transcription and is involved in modulation of immune Abnormally high and/or low TLPDs may have a patho-
response and apoptosis, which are both described logical influence on the physiology of optic nerve head.
in glaucoma (Quigley et al., 1995; Tezel & Wax, An elevated TLPD could be provoked by elevated IOP
2004; Skonieczna, Grabska-Liberek, Terelak-Borys, & or abnormally low orbital CSF pressure. Abnormally
Jamrozy-Witkowska, 2014). low CSF pressure around the optic nerve may trigger
Patients who develop glaucomatous damage despite barotraumatic optic nerve damage in normal-tension
normal IOP or patients with progressing glaucoma- glaucoma (Zhang et al., 2014).
tous damage despite well-controlled IOP often suffer A low systemic blood pressure, particularly at night,
from primary vascular dysregulation (PVD) combined is physiologically associated with a low cerebrospinal
with a cluster of additional vascular and nonvascu- fluid pressure, which leads to an abnormally high
lar signs and symptoms, called PVD syndrome. This TLPD and can be compared to the situation when the
term was recently substituted with the term Flammer cerebrospinal fluid pressure is normal and the IOP is
syndrome (Flammer, Konieczka, & Flammer, 2013; elevated. This model could explain why patients with
Konieczka et al., 2014). The syndrome may occur in normal-pressure glaucoma tend to have a low systemic
healthy people as well as in people with glaucoma. blood pressure, and why eyes with normal-pressure or
Typically, the blood vessels of subjects with Flammer high-pressure glaucoma present such profound simi-
syndrome react differently to a number of stimuli, such larities in the appearance of the optic nerve head. Both
as cold and physical or emotional stress. Affected sub- experimental and clinical studies have suggested that a
jects tend to have, in addition to the aforementioned low CSF pressure could be associated with glaucoma-
symptoms, prolonged sleep onset time, shifted circa- tous neuropathy in normal tension glaucoma (review
dian rhythm, reduced feeling of thirst, altered drug in Wang, Yang, Ritch, & Panda-Jonas, 2015)
sensitivity, and increased general sensitivity, includ-
ing pain (for a summary of less frequent, general and 2.4. Central visual and circadian systems are
ocular signs, see Konieczka et al., 2014). The plasma affected in glaucoma
level of endothelin-1, the vasoconstricting peptide, is
often slightly increased, which may result in an unsta- Changes in glaucoma are not limited to the eyeball
ble oxygen supply and therefore lead to increased local (reviewed in Gupta & Yücel, 2007). Glaucomatous
mitochondrial oxidative stress, a pathophysiological damage extends from the RGCs to the whole visual
mechanism of glaucomatous optic neuropathy. In the pathway: the optic nerve; subcortical visual centres,
eye, the retinal vessels are stiffer, and their spatial vari- i.e., the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and superior
112 A. Wójcik-Gryciuk et al. / Glaucoma – state of the art and perspectives on treatment

colliculus (SC); and visual cortex. The static and tion within the receptive field, appears to be involved
kinetic perimetry used in diagnosis of glaucoma rest on in the processing of information about fast-moving
the assumption that the loss of sensitivity in the visual photic stimuli (Burke, Dreher & Wang, 1998; Dreher,
field is correlated with the loss of RGCs and optic nerve Michalski, Cleland, & Burke, 1992). Accordingly, in
fibres. However, results of psychophysiological studies electrophysiological experiments using the cat glau-
showed deficits in such features of visual processing as coma model, mostly processing of visual information
colour and spatial and temporal resolution in subjects about fast movement was affected in subcortical visual
with glaucoma but without conventional visual field structures and in the cortical areas (Burke, Dreher
loss or signs of progressive optic disc cupping (Breton, & Wang, 1998; Waleszczyk et al., 2004). Similarly,
Wilson, Wilson, Spaeth, & Krupuk, 1991). Degen- in psychophysical tests of patients with glaucoma,
erative changes are also observed in the circadian greater loss in high temporal frequency sensitivity was
system. Thus, glaucoma can lead to desynchronization observed (Breton, Wilson, Wilson, Spaeth, & Krupuk,
of biological rhythms that seems unrelated to visual 1991; Tyler, 1981).
deficits. Lateral geniculate nucleus. In an experimen-
2.4.1. Consequences of glaucoma in the central tal primate model of unilateral glaucoma studied by
visual system Gupta and co-workers (reviewed in Yücel, Zhang,
According to the concept of parallel processing, in Weinreb, Kaufman, & Gupta, 2003; Yücel & Gupta,
the visual system of mammals and vertebrates in gen- 2008), degenerative changes were observed in the mag-
eral, information about the visual world is extracted, nocellular, parvocellular and koniocellular layers in the
processed and conveyed from the retina to the brain dorsal LGN. The authors revealed neuropathological
visual centres by distinct, largely parallel information changes in all pathways transmitting visual informa-
channels, the so-called P (parvocellular), M (magno- tion from the retina to the visual cortex. These changes
cellular) and K (koniocellular) channels in primates were correlated with the severity of optic nerve damage
(review in Burke, Dreher, & Wang, 1998). The P, M and and the intraocular pressure, and although the authors
K channels originate in different types of RGCs. Cells declared a lack of significant differences between
belonging to different parallel processing channels dif- pathways, the presented results showed greater suscep-
fer in morphology but also in many physiological tibility of the M pathway to an increase in intraocular
features and are therefore postulated to play different pressure. Neuropathological changes in the unilateral
functional roles in vision. The way in which glau- glaucoma models were also found in layers of the dor-
coma affects cells in different processing channels is sal LGN driven by the unaffected eye.
important because the differences in the degenerative
changes in glaucoma will result in selective loss of Superior colliculus. To examine changes in
some visual functions. the response profiles of collicular neurons, pressure
Results obtained in the cat unilateral glaucoma blocking of selective conduction of Y optic nerve fibres
model (Y-block model; Burke, Dreher & Wang, 1998; in one eye (the unilateral cat glaucoma model) was used
Waleszczyk, Wang, Benedek, Burke, & Dreher, 2004) (Wang, Waleszczyk, Benedek, Burke, & Dreher, 2001;
indicate that the small increase in the pressure around Waleszczyk, Wang, Benedek, Burke, & Dreher, 2004,
the optic nerve affects in the first instance large fibres Fig. 3). Application of minimal pressure to the optic
of the Y-pathway (the cat’s homolog of the magno- nerve selectively inactivated Y-fibres, which are the
cellular M channel in primates); thus, dorsal LGN thickest and the most susceptible to applied pressure
layers innervated by the largest RGCs (Y cells) become (Burke, Dreher & Wang, 1998). Responses of SC cells
affected. Similar results have been obtained in experi- to high-velocity motion, dependent on the integrity of
mental glaucoma in monkeys; greater damage to large Y-type input, were also affected.
and medium-sized optic nerve fibres was observed
in comparison with smaller fibres (Quigley, Sanchez, Visual cortex. Degenerative changes in the
Dunkelberger, L’Hernault, & Baginski, 1987). The Y- visual cortex were reported in relation to varying
(M) channel, characterized by low spatial selectiv- degrees of RGC loss in the primate glaucoma model
ity, high temporal resolution, good responsiveness at (reviewed in Yücel et al., 2003). Electrophysiologi-
high stimulus velocities and nonlinear spatial summa- cal experiments in the cat glaucoma model showed
A. Wójcik-Gryciuk et al. / Glaucoma – state of the art and perspectives on treatment 113

Fig. 3. Summary of the effect of selective Y-block on the upper cut-off velocities, i.e., the highest velocities of moving photic stimuli at which
any response could be evoked in cat SC. In control cats, the upper cut-off velocities for stimuli presented via the ipsilateral eye were usually
very similar or slightly lower than those for stimuli presented via the contralateral eye (A and C). By contrast, the upper cut-off velocities for
stimuli presented via the ipsilateral (normal) eye were significantly higher than those for stimuli presented via the Y-blocked, contralateral eye
(B and C). There was, however, no difference between the upper cut-off velocities of collicular neurons for stimuli presented via the ipsilateral
eye in control cats and the upper cut-off velocities for stimuli presented via the ipsilateral eye of Y-blocked cats. As indicated in Fig. 3C, the
upper cut-off velocities for stimuli presented via the Y-blocked contralateral eye were significantly lower than those for stimuli presented via
the normal contralateral eye (This figure is a modified part of Fig. 9 from Waleszczyk, Wang, Benedek, Burke, & Dreher, 2004, with permission
from Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis).

the impairment of movement detection particularly at 3. Glaucoma – current state of the art
high velocity, related to the block of the Y-pathway, treatment
in all tested visual cortical areas (Burke, Dreher &
Wang, 1998). The results of cortical and collicular stud- Modern aims of glaucoma management are to avoid
ies using the cat glaucoma model are consistent with glaucomatous damage and nerve damage, to preserve
psychophysical studies of glaucoma patients show- the visual field and at the same time to maintain the
ing greater loss in high temporal frequency sensitivity patient’s quality of life by limiting the side effects of
(Breton, Wilson, Wilson, Spaeth, & Krupuk, 1991; the treatment (Noecker, 2006; Parikh, Navin, Arun, &
Tyler, 1981). Together these studies strongly point Thomas, 2008). Although intraocular pressure is only
to a greater effect of glaucoma on the magnocellular one of the major risk factors for glaucoma, lower-
pathway. However, an alternative conclusion could be ing it pharmacologically and surgically is currently
derived from the research of Vickers and colleagues the mainstay of glaucoma treatment. Intraocular pres-
(Vickers, 1997), who found pre- and post-synaptic sure can be lowered with topically administered eye
neurochemical alterations in both the magnocellu- drops, and several different classes of medications
lar and parvocellular visual pathways in macaque are used for this purpose. Among those medications
monkeys. are the following: (1) prostaglandin analogues, which
increase uveoscleral outflow of aqueous humour; (2)
topical beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists, which
2.4.2. Impact of glaucoma on the circadian system decrease aqueous humour production by the ciliary
Studies of glaucomatous central damage in the rat body; (3) alpha2-adrenergic agonists, which act by
model of glaucoma show that reduction of the reti- a dual mechanism, decreasing aqueous humour pro-
nal projection is not limited to the LGN, SC and duction and increasing trabecular outflow; (4) miotic
visual cortex but extends to the structures of the cir- agents (parasympathomimetics), which produce con-
cadian clock system (Chiquet et al., 2006). RGC loss traction of the ciliary muscle, tightening the trabecular
results in reduced input to the suprachiasmatic nucleus meshwork and allowing increased outflow of the aque-
in rats. Recent human studies indicate that the death ous fluid; and (5) carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, which
of ganglion cells in glaucoma leads to a lesion of lower secretion of aqueous humour by inhibiting
the retino-hypothalamic tract, which can cause dis- enzyme activity in the ciliary body. However, conven-
turbances of circadian clock (Pérez-Rico, de la Villa, tional treatment may be poorly tolerated by patients
Arribas-Gómez, & Blanco, 2010). (i.e., conjunctival hyperaemia, trichiasis), and for many
114 A. Wójcik-Gryciuk et al. / Glaucoma – state of the art and perspectives on treatment

of them, administering eye drops regularly into the deeper into the tissues of trabecular meshwork. The
conjunctival sac is usually connected with poor com- differences between ALT, SLT and MLT consist of
pliance. the side effects and collateral damage within trabec-
Conventional glaucoma surgery aims to create a new ular meshwork. The energy levels with SLT and MLT
opening in the meshwork, which helps fluid to leave the are less than 1% of those when using ALT, there-
eye and lowers intraocular pressure. The most common fore SLT and MLT procedures are a safer alternative
surgery for glaucoma is the trabeculectomy, aimed to to ALT. The ALT may trigger significant side effects
remove a portion of the trabecular meshwork to facili- such as transient IOP spikes, uveitis, and peripheral
tate aqueous fluid outflow. It may be ineffective due to anterior synechiae (Shi & Jia, 2012). The SLT proce-
excessive scarring around or over the flap opening or dure initiates a series of biological events that promote
may generate complications such as endophthalmitis, IOP reduction without the thermal and structural dam-
conjunctival bleb inflammation, excessive outflow and age so characteristic for ALT (Latina & Tumbocon,
subsequent hypotony, retinal detachment or even eye 2002).
globe atrophy. As an alternative, canaloplasty, which is Laser iridotomy reduces the risk of attack of acute
a non-penetrating procedure using microcatheter tech- angle. Diode laser cycloablation lowers IOP by reduc-
nology, is used. Its target is to gain access to Schlemm’s ing aqueous secretion by destroying the secretory
canal in a similar fashion to a viscocanalostomy (Lewis ciliary epithelium (Noecker, 2006). For glaucomatous
et al., 2007). painful blind eye and some cases of resistant glau-
As an alternative to conventional surgical tech- coma, cyclocryotherapy for ciliary body ablation could
niques, glaucoma may be treated with laser proce- be recommended. However laser procedures may be
dures – trabeculoplasty; argon laser trabeculoplasty, ineffective.
selective laser trabeculoplasty or multipulse laser Current treatment of NTG also aims at lowering
trabeculoplasty (ALT, SLT or MLT respectively). of IOP, which is considered to be a major risk fac-
Trabeculoplasty may be used to temporarily treat open- tor for disease progression. Reduction of the IOP by
angle glaucoma with narrow angles – this type of at least 30% has been shown to reduce progressive
laser surgery can uncover the trabecular meshwork and visual field loss (Collaborative Normal-Tension Glau-
increase the outflow of aqueous humor. The decrease coma Study Group). Topical agents that can be used
in IOP evoked by laser trabeculoplasty seems to be to reduce the IOP include prostaglandin analogues,
similar in all the available laser technologies men- alpha2-adrenergic receptor agonists, carbonic anhy-
tioned above. The ALT procedure is performed with drase inhibitors and miotics. Beta-blockers can also
an argon laser which emits light in the green and be used to lower the IOP; however, there is some
blue-green range. Argon laser energy is applied to the controversy over whether they decrease perfusion and
pigment-containing trabecular meshwork causing ther- whether they should be used as first-line agents. Some
mal damage and coagulative necrosis within the treated studies have suggested that alpha2-adrenergic recep-
structure. Local burns promote shrinkage within tra- tor agonists such as brimonidine may have additional
becular meshwork tissue opening adjacent, untreated neuroprotective effects on the optic nerve, but no
regions of the meshwork thereby increasing aqueous conclusive evidence is available to date. Calcium chan-
humor outflow. The amount of damage caused by the nel blockers may be useful as adjunctive medical
argon laser is not limited to the treated area but extends treatment.
beyond the trabecular cells that contain melanin. The
SLT procedure is performed with a double-frequency,
Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. The principles of SLT are 4. Perspectives on the treatment of glaucoma
very similar to ALT, but it selectively ablates pig-
mented trabecular meshwork cells minimizing thermal Currently, the standard treatment for glaucoma is
and structural damage to adjacent cells and structures, directed towards lowering the IOP. However, reduc-
and promotes biological events (Wang, He, Zhou, & tion of IOP does not always provide the expected
Zhang, 2013). MLT is performed with a diode laser effect in the form of arrest or retardation of optic neu-
emitting a wavelength of 810 nm. This wavelength is ropathy. That is why scientists focused on therapeutic
not as efficiently absorbed by melanin as the shorter strategies other than baroprotection: vasoprotection,
visible wavelengths of light and therefore it penetrates immune therapy, complementing neurotrophic factor
A. Wójcik-Gryciuk et al. / Glaucoma – state of the art and perspectives on treatment 115

content and stimulating their cell signalling, neuroen- drugs (Gao, Qiao, Cantor, & WuDunn, 2002; Wood,
hancement and neuroprotection (for review see Pfeiffer DeSantis, Chao, & Osborne, 2001). Neuroprotection
et al., 2013). Vasoprotection is based on blood flow may impede RGC loss through two mechanisms. The
improvement within the limits of the optic nerve, first mechanism is receptor-mediated and leads to an
because vascular disorders result in oxidative stress, activation of a phosphoinositide-3 kinase cascade to
production of free radicals and repetitive reperfusive inhibit an intrinsic mitochondrial apoptotic pathway.
damage (He et al., 2011). The second involves inhibition of toxic factors such
The foundation of immune therapy is a comparison as elevated levels of glutamic acid, which by over-
of glaucomatous changes to neuroinfection, proceed- activation of NMDA receptors leads to prolonged
ing with elevated production of lymphocytes and opening of ion channels, influx of calcium ions, abun-
activation of inflammatory cytokines. The answer dant production of free radicals, increased activity of
to this pathomechanism of glaucomatous changes is protein-degrading enzymes and finally, cell disintegra-
immunomodulatory vaccine, to prolong the lifetime of tion. Among the molecules, both natural and synthetic,
those RGCs most prone to damage during the disease which counteract these effects causing neuroprotec-
progression. tion in a receptor-dependent or receptor-independent
A crucial element in the pathophysiology of all way, are antioxidants, antagonists of NMDA receptors,
forms of glaucoma is the death of RGCs. Strategies calcium channel blockers, galantamine (an acetyl-
that delay or impede RGC loss have been recog- cholinesterase inhibitor), NTs, acetylsalicylic acid,
nized as potentially beneficial to preserve vision in Ginkgo biloba extracts, resveratrol, fish oil and
glaucoma; however, the success of these approaches omega-3 acids (review 3in Dahlmann-Noor et al.,
depends on an in-depth understanding of the mech- 2010).
anisms that lead to RGC dysfunction and death. In Thus far, convincing evidence that any neuropro-
recent years, there has been an exponential increase tective substance is effective in glaucoma treatment is
in data regarding the molecular basis of RGC death, lacking (Sena, Ramchand, & Lindsley, 2010). Despite
stemming from animal models of acute and chronic numerous animal studies and short-term clinical trials
optic nerve injury as well as experimental glaucoma. showing positive effects of neuroprotective agents, no
The emerging landscape is complex and points to a long-term randomized controlled trials confirmed pre-
variety of functional disturbances and molecular sig- vention of RGC death. For example, a large phase 3
nals – acting alone or in cooperation – to promote RGC clinical trial studying the efficacy and safety of meman-
death. Factors that promote the death of RGCs include tine, an inhibitor of excessive NMDA receptor activity,
axonal transport failure, neurotrophic factor depriva- which has been shown to have neuroprotective action in
tion, proapoptotic signalling from pro-neurotrophins, an animal model of optic nerve ischemia (Kim, Park, &
activation of other intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic Kim, 2002), did not conclude positively (Osborne,
signals, mitochondrial fission and dysfunction, excito- 2009).
toxic damage, oxidative stress, misbehaving reactive
glia and loss of synaptic connectivity. An example of
a molecular target of treatment focused on neuropro- 5. Role of neurotrophic signaling and other
tection is the p53 protein (for direct neuroprotection). trophic proteins in survival of retinal
Baroprotection, or conventional treatment related to ganglion cells
IOP decrease, can be classified as indirect neuro-
protection. Notably, some IOP-lowering ␤-blockers The role of neurotrophic factors as survival factors
and ␣−adrenergic receptor agonists are neuroprotec- for developing RGCs is now well established (Cui,
tive by a mechanism that is not described by IOP So, & Yip, 1998; von Bartheld, 1998; Bahr, 2000).
lowering alone but also by regulation of calcium As mentioned earlier, in the healthy eye, NTs are
and sodium channels that play a role in the release acquired by retrograde axoplasmic transport from cen-
of glutamate and, further along the pathway, activa- tral targets of RGCs (e.g., BDNF is produced in the
tion of glutamatergic N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) SC of adult rodents; Fournier et al., 1997; Herzog &
receptors (Osborne, 2009; Wood et al., 2003). Addi- Bartheld, 1997; Hofer Pagliusi, Hohn, Leibrock, &
tionally, upregulation of brain derived neurotrophic Barde, 1990; Wetmore, Ernfors, Persson, & Olson,
factor (BDNF) in the retina was reported with these 1990) as well as synthesized in situ in the ganglion
116 A. Wójcik-Gryciuk et al. / Glaucoma – state of the art and perspectives on treatment

cells (Guo et al., 2009; Perez & Caminoz, 1995; Spald- CNTF is expressed in the retina under stressful con-
ing, Rush, & Harvey, 2004; Vecino et al., 2002) and ditions such as experimental ocular hypertension and
in Müller glial cells (Seki et al., 2005). Mature forms optic nerve trauma and stimulates intracellular sig-
of NTs regulate neuronal survival and development nalling in RGCs, Müller glial cells and astrocytes. It is
by binding to two membrane receptors: high-affinity a particularly promising therapeutic owing to its com-
tropomyosin-related kinase (Trk) receptors, which bined neuroprotective and pro-regenerative potential,
mediate a pro-survival response, and low-affinity p75 which provided good rationale for ongoing clinical
NT receptors, which may mediate signals initiating a trials.
signaling cascade towards apoptotic cell death (Bai
et al., 2010a,b; Cellerino and Kohler, 1997). There- 5.1. Shortcomings of BDNF treatment and new
fore, the effectiveness of NTs depends not only on their directions in experimental therapy
availability in RGCs but also on the type and abun-
dance of the receptors they activate on receptive cells Because multiple intravitreal injections of BDNF
(reviewed in von Bartheld, 1998; Dahlmann-Noor, are necessary to achieve a significant beneficial effect,
2010). The selective cellular distribution of TrkA, TrkB the clinical usefulness of intraocular delivery of BDNF
and p75NT receptors on developmentally and func- protein as an adjunct to IOP reduction in glaucoma
tionally different cell types in the retina prompted the therapy is reduced. The pharmacologic use of BDNF
use of NGF and BDNF to study neurotrophic mech- affords relatively short-lived neuroprotection, and effi-
anisms in experimental models of neurodegeneration cacy with BDNF requires its administration at high
(Lebrun-Julien, Morquette, Douillette, Saragovi, & Di doses or high frequency. It is unclear why high doses
Polo, 2009; Lebrun-Julien et al., 2010; Pease et al., of exogenous BDNF are required when no obvious
2000). In experimental rat glaucoma, the transport of retinal deficits of this protein have been found in exper-
BDNF and its TrkB receptor molecules is interrupted imental glaucoma. Another conundrum is why high
(Pease et al., 2000); in these conditions, replacement frequency of BDNF administration is required, when
BDNF injected into the vitreous, which compensates neurotrophins activate Trk receptors with sustained
for deficits in BDNF levels, can temporarily slow kinetics (discussed in Bai et al., 2010b). Because the
down RGC loss. BDNF also retards RGC and inner relative failure of BDNF may be attributed to poor
retinal neuronal loss after retinal hypoxia and optic pharmacokinetics or to poor or transient activation of
nerve transection (Domenici et al., 2014; Martin et al., retinal Trk receptors for BDNF (TrkB receptors) in
2003). vivo, a new concept has emerged of the use of antibod-
Other trophic factors also may be protective to ies that act as selective Trk receptor agonists, cause
RGCs including: ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), long-lived TrkB activation and significantly delay
NT-4/5 and nerve growth factor (NGF), insulin-like RGC death in the model studies in vivo (Bai et al.,
growth factor-1 (IGF-1), granulocyte-colony stimulat- 2010b).
ing factor, glial-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF),
and neurturin (Parrilla-Reverter et al., 2009; for review 5.2. Gene therapy in glaucoma
see Dahlmann-Noor, Vijay, Limb, & Khaw, 2010).
The effectiveness of combined strategies expected Until now, gene therapy in glaucoma targeted recon-
to increase the probability of neuroprotection has struction of the trabecular meshwork to improve
also been investigated. BDNF combined with GDNF, aqueous humour outflow and the ciliary body epithe-
neurturin, or intraocular inflammation has additive lium to change its neuroendocrine activity, reduce
effects on survival, although the combination of BDNF, aqueous humour production and improve aqueous
GDNF and neurturin suppresses axon regeneration humour outflow (Wilson & Di Polo, 2012). Gene deliv-
(Koeberle & Ball, 2002; Pernet & Di Polo, 2006). ery to the retina by viral vectors has been shown to be
More recently, it has been shown that BDNF promotes effective in reducing structural and functional damage
RGC survival in the eye with elevated intraocular in several models of ocular diseases. However, vec-
pressure, when combined with molecules that neu- tors based on adenovirus are limited by the relatively
tralize negative regulators of trophic pathways, such short duration of efficient transgene expression and
as Leucine-rich repeat and immunoglobulin domain- by their propensity to induce inflammation. By con-
containing protein (Lingo-1 protein) (Fu et al., 2009). trast, adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors are capable
A. Wójcik-Gryciuk et al. / Glaucoma – state of the art and perspectives on treatment 117

of long-term transgene expression in different cells drug delivery is feasible in the human eye (Emerich &
of the central nervous system, including retina, and Thanos, 2008; Kauper et al., 2012). A safety
cause minimal ocular inflammation in a broad range and efficacy trial of the NT-501 ECT implant in
of host species (Colella & Auricchio, 2010; Schön, POAG was completed in December 2014 with no
Biel, & Michalakis, 2015; Ziemlinska et al., 2014). published outcome yet (see num-
If BDNF supply is secured through AAV-mediated bers, NCT00063765, NCT00447954, NCT00447980,
BDNF transgene expression over a few weeks, the NCT00447993, NCT01408472).
RGC neuroprotection is significant, pointing to gene A promising tool for glaucoma treatment and potent
therapy as a promising strategy to promote RGC sur- neuroprotection of RGCs is transorbital alternating
vival in glaucoma (Martin et al., 2003). Data on the current stimulation (ACS). It has been shown that
long-term effect and safety of increased diffusible neu- transcorneal electrical stimulation in rats with optic
rotrophin levels in the retina are very limited (Kauper nerve transection could rescue the axotomized RGCs
et al., 2012; Wilson & Di Polo, 2012) with the longest by increasing the level of IGF-1 production by Müller
period of 4 months reported for mice with neural stem cells (Morimoto et al., 2005). Transorbital ACS
(NS) cells based delivery of CNTF (Flachsbarth et al., has been shown to be an effective tool for vision
2014). Sustained AAV-mediated expression of CNTF restoration in patients with visual field loss follow-
or BDNF leads to changes in the dendritic structure ing optic nerve injury. Ten days of transorbital ACS
of transduced RGCs (Harvey, Hellström, & Rodger, resulted in enhanced visual functions, enlarged visual
2009). Further studies should disclose whether this fields, improved visual acuity and reaction time, and
morphological plasticity has a tangible effect on func- improved vision-related quality of life (Fedorov et al.,
tion of RGCs and higher order visual centres. 2011; Gall et al., 2011; Sabel et al., 2011). The pos-
tulated therapeutic mechanisms for vision restoration
5.3. Other approaches aiming to deliver trophic following transcorneal ACS, apart from neuropro-
factors tection of RGCs by increasing the level of IGF-1
production by Müller cells, include facilitation of
In preclinical models, in adult mice, intravitreally retino-thalamo-cortical transmission by synchroniza-
grafted NS cells genetically modified to secrete CNTF tion of activity in the visual pathway (Foik et al.,
preferentially differentiate into astrocytes that survive 2015), enhancement of alpha oscillatory brain activ-
in the host eyes, stably express CNTF, and significantly ity (Schmidt et al., 2013) and connectivity changes in
attenuate the loss of the axotomized RGCs sixfold, over the visual processing brain network (Bola et al., 2014).
a period of at least 4 months (Flachsbarth et al., 2014).
NS-derived CNTF also induces long-distance regrowth
of the lesioned RGC axons (Flachsbarth et al., 2014). 6. Conclusions
Transplantation of human neuronal progenitor cells,
which can adopt an RGC-like morphology, transfected Glaucoma can cause blindness when left untreated.
with a vector that expresses IGF-1, protects against However, despite medications or surgical treatment
RGC death and down-regulates inflammatory, and to effectively leading to lowering of the intraocular
some extent, angiogenic molecular markers in a murine pressure, progression of glaucomatous changes and
model of glaucoma (Ma et al., 2015). loss of vision is common among patients with
Very recently, an implantable polymeric device con- glaucoma. According to the Glaucoma Research Foun-
taining a genetically modified human cell line that dation, approximately 10% of people with glaucoma
secretes CNTF into the vitreous (NT-501; intraocu- who receive proper treatment leading to reduction
lar encapsulated cell technology (ECT)-implant) has of ocular hypertension will experience progressive
become available. A phase 2 clinical trial showed loss of vision. A series of clinical trials (Advanced
that the NT-501 implant was well tolerated with vari- Glaucoma Intervention Study, Collaborative Normal
able, but positive, improvements in visual acuity and Tension Glaucoma Study, Collaborative Initial Glau-
without significant adverse effects in patients with coma Treatment Study Trial, Early Manifest Glaucoma
retinitis pigmentosa and age-related macular degen- Trial; reviewed in Vasudevan, Gupta, & Crowston,
eration. CNTF secretion was maintained at similar 2011) clearly indicate that reduction of intraocular
levels even after 2 years, suggesting that long-term pressure does not prevent RGC loss. Therefore, fur-
118 A. Wójcik-Gryciuk et al. / Glaucoma – state of the art and perspectives on treatment

ther elucidation of the pathophysiological changes in their Trk receptors which transduce the NT signal to
glaucoma, understanding of anatomical and cellular the cell, current research is directed towards (1) the
barriers to treatments and development of new meth- development of methods for the long-term mainte-
ods of therapy, which take into account neuroprotection nance of a controllable intraocular level of NTs with
of RGCs, are imperative (Vasudevan et al., 2011; advanced gene therapy and topical eye treatment and
Alqawlaq, Huzil, Ivanova, & Foldvari, 2012). (2) search for selective Trk receptor agonists affording
We reviewed the literature regarding the degenera- more efficient neuroprotection. Development of neu-
tive cascade involved in glaucomatous damage and to roprotective nanomedicine, which provides carriers
identify potential therapeutic agents; over a decade has (immunoliposomes, magnetic and solid lipid nanopar-
passed since a number of promising areas of research ticles, and polymeric micelles, currently tested for
for new glaucoma therapies were identified. Potential capacity in non-viral gene delivery to the retina),
therapeutic compounds include glutamate antagonists, is expected to bring progress towards noninvasive
calcium channel blockers, antioxidants, nitric oxide therapy with trophic factors and other prosurvival com-
synthase inhibitors, NTs, and anti-apoptotic agents pounds in glaucoma (Alqawlaq, Huzil, Ivanova, &
(Hartwick, 2001). The neuroprotective potential of Foldvari, 2012). Research on the effectiveness of these
NTs was proved in the mammalian retina and optic treatments extended beyond the retina is indispensi-
nerve after axotomy, as well as following general ble. Finally, other methods shown to be effective in
central nervous system dysfunctions (i.e., chronic the improvement of visual function, such as electrical
brain hypoperfusion and circulatory diseases (Parrilla- stimulation and visual training, must be considered in
Reverter et al., 2009; Sivilia et al., 2009; reviewed the treatment of patients with glaucoma.
in Dahlmann-Noor, Vijay, Limb, & Khaw, 2010).
Although solid data on the neuroprotective activ-
ity of neurotrophic factors towards RGC in rodent Acknowledgments
glaucoma models have also been collected (see dis-
cussion in Weber & Harman, 2008a; Weber, Harman, This work was supported by funds from the Nencki
& Viswanathan, 2008b) and a number of clinical tri- Institute of Experimental Biology and grant ERA-
als with trophic factors have been undertaken (Sena et NET NEURON “Restoration of Vision after Stroke
al., 2010), no method of neuroprotection has proven (REVIS)” (WJW: NCBR Grant ERA-NET NEU-
to be fully satisfactory in the treatment of glaucoma. RON/08/2012).
The only agent for which a positive neuroprotective
effect has been shown to occur in human glaucoma is
brimonidine (␣-adrenergic receptor agonist) (Thelen,
Buchholz, & Kimmich, 2009). References
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