Hot Mix Plant Guidelines

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Guideline for Hot mix plant Constructions of roads play a vital role in Socio economic development of the community.

Eversince the Government declared infrastructure development as the thrust area, there has been predominant boom in the road construction sector. The construction and maintenance of major portion of the road network is undertaken using conventional hot bitumen mixes. The hot bitumen mixes are prepared in Hot Mix plants. These plants are not in operation continuously .But they are operating as and when demand is generated. In past this Board has received complaints regarding air pollution from such plants. To avoid problems of pollution and complaints there of, following guidelines are to be considered for setting up hot mix plant: 1) The Hot Mix plant should follow the siting criteria as under: Sr. No 1 2 3 4 Distance from Class A and above town and cities limit Other towns Village Wild Life Sanctuary Distance 2 Km 1 Km 500 meters 5 Km or buffer zone declared for the same 200 meters * 200 meters * 500 meters

5 6 7

National Highway ( From centre line ) State highway ( From centre line ) Educational institute/ religious places

In case of existing Hot Mix plants, operating with CTE /CCA of the Board, which are located at lesser distance then 200 meter from highways, the unit shall provide minimum 6 meter high compound wall of GI sheets along plot periphery towards highway side. 2) Air pollution Control Measures: a) A suitable and adequate dust control system such as dry and wet scrubber for the Dryer and mixer shall be provided.

b) The plant shall have centralized control panel/cabin capable of pre setting controlling / synchronization all operations, starting from feeding of aggregates to the discharge of hot mix to ensure proper mixing. It shall have adequate water scrubbing mechanism to control the dust coming out of the dryer. c) Hot Mix plant must have adequate stack height ( atleast 6 meter) for the discharge of its scrubbed flue gases d) Conveyor belts shall be fully covered from top and sides. e) Considering predominant wind direction, wind breaking wall shall be constructed. f) All roads/ vehicle movement areas at the site of Hot Mix Plant shall have be pucca/ stabilized with stone aggregated. g) Regular sprinkling of water shall be ensured on such roads so that no dust is generated due to vehicular movement. h) Water sprinkling system shall be provided for suppression of dust in the premises. . i) Regular cleaning and wetting of ground within premises shall be carried out. . j) Adequate plantation shall be carried out in the periphery of premises. k) Only approved fuel such as diesel, LDO shall be used. In no case unauthorized fuel such as solvents, industrial waste shall be used. 3) Safety measures : a) Adequate measures of safety for workers working in Hot Mix plant Shall be taken. Personal Protective Devices such as Goggles, mask, Helmet and safety shoes shall be provided to workers.

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