Business-Communication-Long-Report (Group 2)
Business-Communication-Long-Report (Group 2)
Business-Communication-Long-Report (Group 2)
Dated, Dhaka
14 November 2021
For the Period From 01 July 2021 To 30 September 2021
492,442,778 677,806,861
568,444,347 803,476,921
Net changes during the period in fair value of Investment in Shares 07.01 (234,148) 2,689,575
568,210,199 806,166,496
(128,423,562) (197,693,415)
412,729,008 570,084,200
Dated, Dhaka
14 November 2021
For the Period From 01 July 2021 To 30 September 2021
Amount in Taka
Taka Taka
Net Profit for the 1st quarter Ended September 30,2020 570,084,200 570,084,200
Net Profit for the 1st quarter Ended September 30,2021 - 412,729,008 412,729,008
Dated, Dhaka
14 November 2021
For the Period From 01 July 2021 To 30 September 2021
Number of shares used to compute Net Operating Cash Flow per share 199,938,886 199,938,886
Dated, Dhaka
14 November 2021 4
Notes to the financial statements
For the Period From 01 July 2021 To 30 September 2021
01. Company information
a) Legal form of the enterprise
Olympic Industries Limited (here-in-after referred to as 'Company') is a company incorporated and domiciled as a public limited
company. The company was originally incorporated in Bangladesh in the name of 'Bengal Carbide Limited' on 26 June 1979, bearing
registration number C-7096/826 of 1978-1979.
Subsequently in June 1996, the company's name was changed to 'Olympic Industries Limited'.
It commenced commercial operation in 1982 and went for public issue of shares in 1984. The shares of the company are
now listed with Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd. and Chittagong Stock Exchange Ltd. in Bangladesh.
However, plastic products and cartons are also produced by the company, which are mainly used for its own
Amount in Taka
30 September 30 June
03. Non-current assets : 2021 2021
A) Tangible fixed assets at 30 September 2021 (Book Value)
Land & Land development 529,311,051 529,311,051
Factory buildings & civil constructions 1,118,086,190 1,146,506,319
Plant & machinery 1,385,107,089 1,443,113,137
Office equipment 9,925,769 10,156,460
Furniture & fixtures 18,596,746 19,215,705
Transport & vehicles 51,123,844 55,352,959
3,112,150,689 3,203,655,631
Capital Work-in-progress 1,468,734,611 1,444,130,271
4,580,885,300 4,647,785,902
B) Intangible assets
Represent Software (ERP ) and arrived at as follows:
At Cost 32,264,325 32,264,325
Accumulated amortization (considering life to be 5 year)
Upto 30 June 2018 (32,264,324) (32,264,324)
1 1
03.01 Tangible fixed assets of Tk.4,580,885,300 (30 June 2021: Tk.4,647,785,902) as stated above has been
arrived at as follows :
Book value at 01 July 2021 (including Capital-work-in-progress) 4,647,785,902 3,917,114,376
Acquisition during the period 44,645,457 1,156,260,075
4,692,431,359 5,073,374,451
Disposal during the period ( Book Value ) - (133)
4,692,431,359 5,073,374,318
03.02 Intangible assets represent Software (ERP) and were acquired at a total cost of Tk.32,264,325. Those were
amortized taking their life to be 5 (five) years. Amortization to the assets upto 30 June 2018 was
Tk.32,264,324, thus leaving a book value of Tk.1.
04. Right of Use Asset (RoU), Net:
Balance as at 1st July 2021 29,344,429 48,907,381
Add: Addition During the Period -
Less: Amortization Charged During the period (4,890,738) (19,562,952)
Written Down Value as at 30 September 2021 24,453,691 29,344,429
Amount in Taka
30 September 2021 30 June 2021
05. Inventories :
(Valued at lower of cost and net realizable value)
Materials 1,723,619,656 1,487,110,913
In-transit 96,313,391 146,467,996
Work-in-process 15,789,038 13,664,465
Finished goods 114,420,149 129,257,876
Stores & spares 192,167,731 171,998,848
2,142,309,965 1,948,500,098
Trade receivables include Tk.22,784,432 ( at 30 June 2021: Tk.17,856,199) being the amount receivable from
overseas customers.
07. Investments :
( i ) Investment in fixed deposits with banks & other financial institutions 4,336,778,690 4,336,778,690
(maturity period of which is more than 3 months )
(ii) Shares of Listed Companies - as at fair value through
Profit or Loss account ( note # 07.01 ) 18,158,000 12,579,000
(iii) Zero Coupon Bonds issued by IPDC Finance Ltd. 23,593,722 36,089,230
4,378,530,412 4,385,446,920
Note: Fair Values represent quoted prices as at Balance Sheet dates of Dhaka stock Exchange.
Amount in Taka
30 September 2021 30 June 2021
09. Share Capital
Authorised Capital
200,000,000 Ordinary Shares of Tk.10 each 2,000,000,000 2,000,000,000
Property, plant & equipment 2,582,839,638 (1,783,577,183) 799,262,455 2,674,344,580 (1,836,900,163) 837,444,417
(Depreciable items)
Temporary difference for IFRS 16: Lease 1,930,042 1,930,042 (1,970,389) (1,970,389)
Net taxable temporary difference 2,530,578,496 (1,783,577,183) 747,001,313 2,629,083,644 (1,836,900,163) 792,183,481
Tk. 157,302,477 has been transferred, on 29 August 2021, from company's bank account to Capital Market Stabilization Fund (CMSF) SND
A/C No. 001031 1521301, Community Bank Bangladesh Ltd., Gulshan Corporate Branch, Dhaka in compliance with a Directive of
Bangladesh Security Exchange Commission vide the Commission's letter no.SEC/SRMIC/165-2020/part-1/182 dated 19 July 2021.
12. Provision for Current Tax
Represents :
Provision for the assessment year 2020-2021 687,082,055 687,082,055
Provision for the assessment year 2021-2022 630,315,592 630,315,592
Provision for the period (note 12.01) 138,589,550 -
1,455,987,197 1,317,397,647
Less: Advance Income Tax (1,452,887,995) (1,279,842,528)
3,099,202 37,555,119
Amount in Taka
30 September 2021 30 September 2020
13. Revenue
This comprises :
Domestic sales (net of VAT ) 4,919,034,331 4,589,543,066
Export sales 46,470,564 69,125,308
4,965,504,895 4,658,668,374
17. Disclosure on Related Party Transactions (under IAS 24)
The nature of related party transactions and their values are as under:
Transactions during the period
Opening Closing
Nature of Balance Balance
Name of the related party transactions at 1 July 2021 Debit ( Credit ) at 30 September
Debit/(Credit) (Debit/(Credit)
(iv) Lucerne Cocoa & Chocolate Products Ltd. Processing (2,036,822) 7,203,851 (6,390,347) (1,223,318)
(v) Ludwig Industrial Solutions Ltd. Supplier (648,251) 2,244,194 (3,225,684) (1,629,741)
(vii) Board meeting attendance fee of Tk. 70,000 paid during the period to the Directors was as under :
(viii) Post employment benefits, other long-term benefits, termination benefits, share based payments :
No payment has been made during the period under review and in the preceding period as post
employment and other benefits.
18. Earnings Per Share (EPS) (referred to Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income) 1st quarter ended
Basic Earnings Per Share & Diluted Earnings Per Share are the same as there was no 30
30 September
potential dilutive claims outstanding during the periods and have been calculated as under 2019September
: 2020
a) Earnings attributable to the Ordinary Shareholders (Net Profit After Tax) 412,729,008 570,084,200
b) Number of Ordinary Shares of Tk.10 each at Balance Sheet date 199,938,886 199,938,886
c) Earnings Per Share (EPS) 2.06 2.85
19. Net Asset Value (NAV) Per Share (referred to Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity)
Total Assets 13,132,350,384 12,657,505,835
Total liabilities (3,480,371,970) (3,845,853,224)
a) Net Asset Value (NAV) 9,651,978,414 8,811,652,611
b) Number of Ordinary Shares of Tk.10 each at Balance Sheet 199,938,886 199,938,886
c) Net Asset Value (NAV) Per Share 48.27 44.07
20. Net Operating Cash Flow Per Share (referred to Cash Flow Statement)
a) Cash Flows from Operating Activities as per Statement of Cash Flows 425,657,256 588,869,285
b) Number of Ordinary Shares of Tk.10 each at Balance Sheet date 199,938,886 199,938,886
c) Net Operating Cash Flow Per Share 2.13 2.95
20.01 Reconciliation of Net Profit with Cash Flows from Operating Activities
making adjustments for Non-cash items, for Non-operating items
and for the Net changes in Operating Activities
Amount in Taka
30 September 2021 30 September 2020
Net Profit before tax as per Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income 541,152,570 767,777,616
Adjustments for Non-cash items
Depreciation 111,546,059 105,552,226
Amortization 4,890,738 4,890,739
657,589,367 878,220,581
Adjustments for:
Bank charges (1,094,638) (1,593,224)
Income taxes paid (173,045,467) (181,903,539)
483,449,262 694,723,818
21. Post Balance Sheet Events - Disclosure under IAS - 10 : Events after Reporting Period :
Neither any 'Non-adjusting Events' nor any "Adjusting Events' took place after the reporting period.
22. Reasons for major variances of items in financial statements :
* Advance against sales represents advances received from the company's distributors during the month of
September 2021, against order placed by them, which liability has subsequently been liquidated.
* Increase in advances is mainly due to advance payment on account of acquisition of land and payment against
purchase of commercial place.
* Decrease in Loan and Lease liabilities is due to timely repayments to the banks and other financial
institutions in terms of the repayment schedules of the agreements executed between them and the
* Changes in fair value of investments and Deferred tax liability have been disclosed in respective notes to
the accounts.
* Interest payable at period-end has subsequently been paid to the banks / financial institutions.
* Increase in Liabilities for expenses is due to the fact that certain liabilities (e.g. Salaries, rent etc.) originated
in September 2021, were paid subsiquently.
23. Prior Period's figures have been re-arranged, re-classified and re-stated, wherever considered necessary, to
conform to current period's presentation.
24. Figures have been rounded off to the nearest Taka.