Castro 2014
Castro 2014
Castro 2014
International Journal of
Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences
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Article history: Caving methods rely on gravity to break up and transport large amounts of ore and waste. Massive
Received 26 March 2013 underground mining is becoming even more prevalent due to the depletion of surface mining reserves.
Received in revised form It is thus relevant to study the gravity flow mechanisms that will occur at deeper levels. Despite the
10 January 2014
importance of gravity flow, there is a lack of quantification of the influence that confinement (the weight
Accepted 20 January 2014
of the ore column) has on the secondary fragmentation and the caved rock ability to flow. This paper
Available online 7 March 2014
presents the design and results of an experimental setup used to investigate the flow mechanisms of
Keywords: cohesionless material when drawing from a single drawpoint under confinement. Experimental results
Gravity flow mechanics showed that the flowability of the material is influenced by the rock fragment size, dimension or
Isolated draw
diameter of the opening and the vertical load applied. Secondary fragmentation is mainly influenced by
Interlocking arching
the vertical load applied and the size distribution of the fragmented rock. Finally, flowability mechanisms
Secondary fragmentation are presented in terms of a state graph and a hang-up frequency graph, both of which could be used for
the design of openings in mining.
& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1365-1609 & 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R.L. Castro et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 67 (2014) 164–169 165
Fig. 2. (a) Flow zone observed at the end of experiment, d50 ¼ 12 mm. (b) Flow zone observed at the end of experiment, 13.2 MPa.
were subjected to different normal forces ranging from 50 to results in a more difficult flow condition. Reduction was quantified
980 KPa. It was observed that cohesion was zero and the friction for the mean size in terms of the initial (d50,i) and final size (d50,f)
angle reached a value of 421. It was also found that for normal as
stresses above 480 KPa the gravel showed a low angle of dilatancy, d50;f d50;i
indicating that above this value the material would break due to R50 ¼ ð2Þ
compaction. Other mechanical properties for the model media are
shown in Table 3. The size distributions of particles before and after the tests are
presented in Figs. 4–6. As expected, the greater the vertical load
applied, the greater the degree of particle breakage. Regarding the
3. Experimental results influence of the size distribution on the breakage, the results show
that breakage occurs mainly for smaller particles generating a
A total of twenty-three experiments were performed to quan- considerable amount of fines. However in the wide distribution,
tify confined flow, with results that are presented in Table 4. Each breakage occurs among all particle sizes reducing the overall mean
one of the three batches of gravel (6, 8, and 12 mm) was loaded to size.
2, 3, 5.8 and 12 MPa, twice, with the exception of the 8 mm batch
that was loaded to 5.8 MPa only once. After each loading material
was extracted from the drawpoint, as explained in Section 2, and 4. Flowability assessment of caved rock
its size distribution was determined (Table 4, columns 3, 4 and 5).
Also, the flow condition was noted in each case (Table 4, column From the experiments and data collected from the literature a
6). As expected, there is a general trend that larger particles flow flowability graph was designed as shown in Fig. 7. In this the
with mode difficulty. Importantly, the data shows that as the different flow states of the caved rock is a function of vertical
vertical load increases the mean size of the extracted material
decreases, and its dispersion increases. An increased load also
Table 3
Summary of the characteristics of the model media used in the experiments.
Table 4
Summary of experimental results.
Exp. rv [MPa] d50i [mm] d50f [mm] R50[%] Flow condition Interferences [g/hang-up] Standard dev. [g/hang-up]
ND: no data was measured; INF hang ups were not observed.
168 R.L. Castro et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 67 (2014) 164–169
stress and dw/d50 ratios. This was built using the above experi- particle size (dw/d50) is equal to 5. In this case we would expect to
ments and also the results published by Hustrulid [3] on ore pass have intermittent-flow with cero vertical load. As the vertical load
designs, which were conducted under near zero vertical loads. The increases (see Eq. (1) for reasons for this) the flow would change to
points for nonzero vertical load are extracted from Table 4. assisted flow at about 2 MPa while at 6 MPa would be in a no flow
Fig. 7 could have applications to cave mining. For example let condition. In this case the flow condition could be changed from
us consider that due to design, the ratio between drawpoint to no-flow to intermittent-flow by increasing the drawpoint so that
dw/d50 46.
In those of our experiments that presented intermittent flow,
hangups occurred depending on the vertical load. The influence of
stresses on the hang up frequency was quantified measuring the
mean amount of fragmented rock drawn before an arch occurs.
As noted in Fig. 8, the amount of mass drawn before a hang up
Table 5
Fitted parameters for hang up frequency.
occurs decreases as the vertical stress increases in a non-linear standard for mine design applications when quantifying confined
fashion. Also, as was expected, as the dw/d50 ratio increases there flow. To this end, the influence of scale and diameter of the
is a reduction in the hang-up frequency. Fig. 8 shows a fitted cylinder should be considered. Large physical models could still
exponential equation represented as follows: be used to understand the kinematic of flow including fines
H g ¼ H go expð r sv Þ ð3Þ migration and production rates. These topics are currently under
research and will be submitted for publication in the near future.
where Hg is the amount of material that was drawn before a hang
up occurs, Hgo and r are fitted parameters which are related to the
hang up frequency of the fragmented rock under zero vertical
stress and the rate at which the flowability reduces with the load
respectively. Thus a larger value of r would mean larger decrease
on the flowability with the increase on vertical stress. Table 5 This paper describes a component of the work carried out
shows the value of the fitted parameters for the media analyzed in under the Project “Engineering Fundamentals of Block Caving”
these experiments. run by the University of Chile's Advanced Mining Technology
Center (AMTC) and funded by the Chilean Government through
Conicyt. The authors would also like to acknowledge Mr. Rene
5. Conclusions and discussion Gomez for helping in carry out many of the tests published in this
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