JayaKumarN Resume 1
JayaKumarN Resume 1
JayaKumarN Resume 1
Skills ____________________________________________________________________________________________
• Technologies: C# | ASP.NET | Python | MSSQL | JavaScript | React.js | HTML | CSS | Bootstrap
• Testing: API Automation | PSR | TMQ4J | Postman | Newman | Apache JMeter
• Tools/Methodologies: Git | Bitbucket | Visual Studio | VS Code | SQL Server | Jenkins | API | JSON | Agile(Scrum) development | JIRA
• Languages: English - Full Professional Proficiency | Tamil - Native/Bilingual Proficiency
Experience _______________________________________________________________________________________
Projects __________________________________________________________________________________________
• Smart Water Management System | Python, Anaconda, ML Libraries, Clustering Algorithms, Data Visualization Libraries
Implemented an innovative solution to address water wastage in metropolitan cities through the development of a data-driven system.
The project aimed to predict and manage water wastage patterns based on historical datasets, contributing to sustainable urban water
• Weather Application-Web | JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Weather API, Mailchimp API, Heroku
Implemented a dynamic weather display that provides real-time weather forecasts for specific cities, fetching and showcasing real-time
weather data for user-specified cities through a weather API and Mailchimp API.
Education ________________________________________________________________________________________
Bachelor of Technology Sri Krishna College of Technology Coimbatore 07/2018 - 04/2022
• Major in Information Technology - Cumulative GPA: 7.83
Others ___________________________________________________________________________________________
• Presented and published a paper entitled Smart Water Management Using Machine Learning at the International Conference on
Communication and Computing Technologies for Sustainable Development (ICCCTSD 2022)-Springer.