Islamic State

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Islamic State

The Islamic State (IS),[b] also known

Islamic State
as the Islamic State of Iraq and the
‫الدولة اإلسالمية‬
Levant (ISIL), the Islamic State of
ad-Dawlah al-Islāmiyah
Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and by their
Arabic acronym Daesh,[c] are a
transnational Salafi jihadist group.
Their origins were in the Jaish al-
Ta'ifa al-Mansurah organization
founded by Abu Omar al-Baghdadi in
2004. The organization affiliated itself
with Al-Qaeda, so IS was originally a
branch of Al-Qaeda and fought Flag[1]
alongside them during the Iraqi Also known as ISIS, ISIL, IS, Daesh
insurgency. IS eventually split, and Founder Abu Musab al-Zarqawi †
gained global prominence in 2014,
Leaders Leader: Abu Hafs al-Hashimi al-Qurashi
when their militants successfully
captured large territories in Spokesman: Abu Hudhayfah Al-Ansari
northwestern Iraq and eastern Syria, Former leaders: Abu al-Hussein al-
taking advantage of the ongoing Husseini al-Qurashi †,[2][3][4] Abu al-Hasan
Syrian civil war. Notorious for their al-Hashimi al-Qurashi †,[5] Abu Ibrahim al-
perpetration of war crimes and Hashimi al-Qurashi †,[6] Abu Bakr al-
extensive human rights violations, IS Baghdadi †[7]
have engaged in the persecution of Deputy leader in Iraq: Abu Fatima al-
Christians, Mandaeans, Shia Muslims, Jaheishi[8]
and Sufi Sunnis, and published videos Deputy leader in Syria: Maher al-Agal †[9]
of beheadings and executions of
Deputy leader in Libya: Abdul Qader al-
journalists and aid workers. By the
Najdi †[10]
end of 2015, they ruled an area with
Military chief: Abu Saleh al-Obaidi[8]
an estimated population of 12 million
people,[103][104][149] where they Head of the Shura Council: Abu Arkan al-
enforced their extremist interpretation Ameri[11]
of Islamic law, managed an annual Chief of Syrian military operations: Abu
budget exceeding US$1 billion, and Omar al-Shishani †[12][13][14][15][16]
commanded more than 30,000 Minister of War: Gulmurod
fighters.[150] Khalimov †[17][18]
Minister of Finance: Sami Jasim
After a protracted and intense conflict
Muhammad al-Jaburi (POW)[19]
with American, Iraqi, and Kurdish
forces, IS lost control of all their Minister of Information: Abu Muhammad
Middle Eastern territories by 2019. al-Furqan †[20]
Subsequently reverting to insurgency
tactics, operating from remote Former spokesmen: Abu Mohammad al-
hideouts while continuing their Adnani †[21][12]
propaganda efforts. These efforts have Abu Hamza Al-Qurashi †[22][23]
garnered it a significant following in Abu Omar al-Muhajir (POW)[3][24]
northern and Sahelian Africa.[151][152] Dates of operation 1999–present

Between 2004 and 2013, IS were 1999: Established under the name of
allied to al-Qaeda (primarily under the Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad
name "Islamic State of Iraq") and October 2004: Joined al-Qaeda
participated in the Iraqi insurgency 13 October 2006: Declaration of an Islamic
against the American occupation. The State in Iraq
group later changed their name to 8 April 2013: Renamed to "ISIL" and claim
"Islamic State of Iraq and Levant" for of territory in the Levant
about a year,[153][154] before declaring
3 February 2014: Separated from al-
itself to be a worldwide
caliphate, called simply the
29 June 2014: Declaration of caliphate
Islamic State (‫الدولة اإلسالمية‬, ad-
Dawlah al-Islāmiyah).[157] As a self- 13 November 2014: Claim of territory in
proclaimed caliphate, it demanded the Libya, Egypt, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen
religious, political, and military 29 January 2015: Claim of territory in South
obedience of Muslims worldwide,[158] Asia[27]
despite the rejection of its legitimacy 12 March 2015: Claim of territory in
by mainstream Muslims and its Nigeria[28]
statehood by the United Nations and 23 June 2015: Claim of territory in North
most governments.[159] Over the Caucasus[29]
following years, the Iraqi Armed 20 July 2017: Recapture of Mosul by Iraqi
Forces and the Syrian Democratic forces
Forces pushed back the IS and
17 October 2017: Capture of Raqqa by
degraded its financial and military
SDF forces
infrastructure,[160] assisted by
23 March 2019: Loses all of its territory in
advisors, weapons, training, supplies
and airstrikes by the American-led
coalition,[161] and later by Russian 27 October 2019: Killing of Abu Bakr al-
airstrikes, bombings, cruise missile Baghdadi
attacks and scorched-earth tactics 3 February 2022: Killing of Abu Ibrahim al-
across Syria, which focused mostly on Hashimi al-Qurashi[30]
razing Syrian opposition strongholds Group(s)
rather than IS bases.[162] By March Algerian Province
2019, IS lost the last of its territories Bengal Province
in West Asia, although it maintained a
Caucasus Province
significant territorial presence in
Central Africa Province
Africa as of 2023.[163]
Khorasan Province
Designated a terrorist organization by
Jamaat-ul-Ahrar (2015–2016)
the United Nations and others, IS—
during its rule in northern Iraq— Mullah Dadullah Front (2015–
launched a genocide against Yazidis; 2016)
engaged in persecution of Christians, Libyan Province
Shia Muslims, and Mandaeans; Pakistan Province[31]
publicized videos of beheadings of
soldiers, journalists, and aid workers; Jundallah (Pakistan) (2014–
and destroyed several cultural sites. 2017)
The group has also perpetrated Sahil Province
massacres in territories outside of its Somalia Province
control in events widely described as
West Africa Province
terrorist attacks, such as the
November 2015 Paris attacks, the Boko Haram (until 2016)
2024 Kerman bombings, and the
Yemen Province
Crocus City Hall attack in March
East Asia Province
Ansar Khalifa Philippines (until
Name East Indonesia Mujahideen
(until 2022)
The Islamic State (IS)[164] is also
Katibah Nusantara
known as the Islamic State of Iraq and
the Levant (ISIL /ˈaɪsɪl/), the Islamic Sham Province
State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS
Khalid ibn al-Walid Army (until
/ˈaɪsɪs/),[165][166] and by its Arabic
acronym Da'ish[167][168] or Daesh
(‫داعش‬, Dāʿish, IPA: [ˈdaːʕɪʃ]),[169] and Mozambique Province

also as Dawlat al-Islam (Arabic: ‫دولة‬ Hind Province

‫)اإلسالم‬.[170] Jammu and Kashmir Province

In April 2013, having expanded into Islamic State - Turkey Province

Syria, the group adopted the name ad- Iraq Province
Dawlah al-Islāmiyah fī 'l-ʿIrāq wa-sh-
Shām (‫الدولة اإلسالمية في العراق‬ Kurdistan Province
‫)والشام‬. As al-Shām is a region often Sheikh Omar Hadid Brigade
compared with the Levant or the Al-Khansaa Brigade
region of Syria, the group's name has
Brussels Islamic State terror cell
been variously translated as "Islamic
(until 2016)
State of Iraq and al-Sham",[171]
"Islamic State of Iraq and Syria"[172] Islamic State - Saudi Arabia
(both abbreviated as ISIS), or "Islamic Province until 2017)
State of Iraq and the Levant" Sinai Province (until 2023)
(abbreviated as ISIL).[166]
Unorganized cells
While the use of either one or the
Azerbaijan Province
other acronym has been the subject of
debate,[166] the distinction between Lebanon Province
the two and its relevance has been Tunis Province
considered less important.[166] Of Ansar al-Khilafah Brazil (until 2018)
greater relevance is the name Daesh, Die Wahre Religion
which is an acronym of ISIL's Arabic Profetens Ummah
name ad-Dawlah al-Islamīyah fī l- Headquarters Unknown (March 2019 – present)
ʻIrāq wa-sh-Shām. Dāʿish (‫)داعش‬, or Former
Daesh. This name has been widely
Baqubah, Iraq (2006–2007)
used by ISIL's Arabic-speaking
No central headquarters (2007–2013)
detractors,[171][173] for example when
referring to the group whilst speaking Raqqa, Syria (2013–2017)
amongst themselves, although—and Mayadin, Syria (June–October 2017)[32]
to a certain extent because⁠—it is Al-Qa'im, Iraq (October–November
considered derogatory, as it resembles 2017)[33]
the Arabic words Daes ("one who Abu Kamal, Syria (November 2017)[34]
crushes, or tramples down, something
Hajin, Syria (November 2017 – December
underfoot") and Dāhis (loosely
translated: "one who sows
discord"). [169][174] Within areas under Al-Susah, Syria (December 2018 – January
its control, ISIL considers use of the 2019)[36][37]
name Daesh punishable by Al-Marashidah, Syria (January–February
flogging. [175] 2019)[38][39][40]
Al-Baghuz Fawqani, Syria (February–
In late June 2014, the group renamed March 2019)[41][42]
itself ad-Dawlah al-Islāmiyah
Active regions
(lit. 'Islamic State' or IS), declaring
itself a worldwide caliphate.[156] The
name "Islamic State" and the group's
claim to be a caliphate have been
widely rejected, with the UN, various
governments, and mainstream Muslim
groups refusing to use the new
name.[176] The group's declaration of
a new caliphate in June 2014 and its IS territory, in grey, at the time of its
adoption of the name "Islamic State" greatest territorial extent (May 2015)[43]
have been criticised and ridiculed by Map legend
Muslim scholars and rival Islamists Islamic State
both inside and outside the territory it Iraqi government
controls.[177] Syrian government

In a speech in September 2014, Lebanese government

United States President Barack Iraqi Kurdistan forces
Obama said that ISIL was neither Syrian Kurdistan forces
"Islamic" (on the basis that no religion Syrian opposition forces
condones the killing of innocents) nor
Turkish Armed Forces
was it a "state" (in that no government
recognises the group as a state),[178] Al-Nusra Front
while many object to using the name Hezbollah
"Islamic State" owing to the far- Note: Iraq and Syria contain large desert
reaching religious and political claims areas with sparse populations. These areas
to authority which that name implies.
The United Nations Security are mapped as under the control of forces
[179] the United States,[178]
Council, holding roads and towns within them.
Canada,[180] Turkey,[181] Detailed current maps
Australia,[182] the United Detailed map of the Syrian, Iraqi, and
Kingdom [183] and other countries Lebanese conflicts
generally call the group "ISIL", while Detailed map of the Libyan Civil War
much of the Arab world uses the
Detailed map of the Sinai insurgency
Arabic acronym "Dāʻish" (or
Detailed map of the Nigerian insurgency
"Daesh"). France's Foreign Minister
Laurent Fabius said "This is a terrorist Detailed map of the Yemeni Civil War
group and not a state. I do not Detailed map of the Insurgency in
recommend using the term Islamic Mozambique
State because it blurs the lines Detailed map of the Somali Civil War
between Islam, Muslims, and Detailed map of the Mali War
Islamists. The Arabs call it 'Daesh'
and I will be calling them the 'Daesh Ideology Islamic Statism
cutthroats'."[184] Retired general John Qutbism[44][45][46]
Allen, the U.S. envoy appointed to co- Takfirism[44][47][48]
ordinate the coalition; U.S. Army Wahhabism[48][49][50][51]
Lieutenant General James Terry, head
of operations against the group; and
Secretary of State John Kerry had all
shifted towards use of the term Daesh Salafi jihadism[49][48][50][51][52]
by December 2014,[185] which Anti-Yazidi sentiment[30][53][54][55]
nonetheless remained a pejorative in Anti-Shia sentiment[56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63]
2021.[186] Anti-Christian sentiment[64][65][66][67]

In 2014, Dar al-Ifta al-Misriyyah Anti-Hindu sentiment[68][69][70][71][72][73]

dubbed ISIS as QSIS for "al-Qaeda Anti-LGBT sentiment[74][75][76][77][78][79][80]
Separatists in Iraq and Syria", arguing Antisemitism[a]
that ISIL does not represent the vast Misogyny[92][93][94][95]
majority of Muslims.[187]
Slogan Baqiya wa Tatamadad (Remaining and

Purpose and strategy Status Active

Size List of combatant numbers
Inside Syria and Iraq:
Ideology 1,500–3,000[96] (UN 2024 report)

IS is a theocracy, proto-state,[188] or 5,000–10,000[97] (UN Security Council

quasi-state,[189] and a Salafi jihadist 2019 report)
group.[49][48][50][51][52][190] The 28,600–31,600 (July 2018)[98] (2016 US
organization's ideology has been Defense Department estimate)
described as a hybrid of 200,000[99][100] (2015 claim by Iraqi
Qutbism, [44][45][46]
Kurdistan Chief of Staff)
Takfirism,[44][47][191][192][193][48] 100,000[101][100] (2015 Jihadist claim)
Salafism,[49][52] Salafi
35,000–100,000[102] (at peak, US State
Department estimate)
Outside Syria and Iraq: 32,600–57,900
(See Military activity of ISIL for more
detailed estimates.)
Estimated total: 61,200–257,900
Civilian population
In 2015 (near max extent): 8–12
In 2022 (ISWAP): 800,000[105]

Part of Al-Qaeda (2004—2013)

Allies See section
Opponents State opponents
European Union
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates[110]
United Kingdom
United States
Additional opponents
Artsakh (until 2023)
Bosnia and Herzegovina[110][114]
DR Congo
Czech Republic[110]
North Korea[123]
South Korea[110]
New Zealand[110]
North Macedonia[110]
Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic
South Ossetia
Sri Lanka[129]
Trinidad and Tobago
Non-state opponents
Syrian Interim Government
∟ Occupied Syria
∟ Syrian National Army[134]
North and East Syria
∟ Syrian Democratic Forces
Syrian Salvation Government
∟ Hayyat Tahrir al-Sham
Additional opponents

Free Syrian Army

Nineveh Plain Protection Units
Badr Organization[136]
Popular Mobilization Forces
Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq[137]
Kata'ib Hezbollah
Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba
Full list...
National Defence Forces
Kata'ib Sayyid al-Shuhada
Kurdistan Communities Union
Ahrar al-Sham
Al-Nusra Front (Tahrir al-Sham since
Libya Shield Force
Shura Council of Mujahideen in
Army of Conquest (2015–17)
Liwa Assad Allah al-Ghalib fi al-Iraq wa
Jaysh al-Mu'ammal[141]
Syrian Hezbollah
Quwat al-Ridha[142]
Liwa Fatemiyoun[143]
Liwa Zainebiyoun[144]
Islamic Front[145]
Ajnad al-Sham Islamic Union
Ba'ath Brigades[146]
Venezuelan opposition[147]
Battles and wars Iraq War (2003–2011)
Iraqi insurgency
Syrian civil war
War in Iraq (2013–2017)
Second Libyan Civil War
Boko Haram insurgency
Insurgency in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
War in Afghanistan
Yemeni Civil War
Other conflicts

Primary target of

Operation Inherent Resolve

Military intervention against IS
American-led intervention in Syria
American-led intervention in Iraq
Egyptian intervention in Libya
Nigerian-led intervention

jihadism,[49][48][50][51][194][193][195][196][197][52] Wahhabism,[49][48][50][193][194][195][196][51] and Sunni

Islamist fundamentalism.[50][51][194][197][198] Although IS claims to adhere to the Salafi theology of Ibn
Taymiyyah, it rebels against traditional Salafi interpretations as well as the four Sunni schools of law and
anathematises the majority of Salafis as heretics. IS ideologues rarely uphold adherence to Islamic
scholarship and law manuals for reference, mostly preferring to derive rulings based on self-interpretation
of the Qur'an and Muslim traditions.[199][191][200][201] Other ideologies may include Anti-Yazidi
sentiment,[30][202][203][204] Anti-Shia sentiment,[64][81][58][205][206][207][208][209] Anti-Christian
sentiment, [64][210][211][212] Anti-Hindu sentiment, [213][214][215][216][217][218] Anti-LGBT
[219][220][221][222][223][224][225] [d] [226][227][228][229]
sentiment, Antisemitism and Misogyny

According to Robert Manne, there is a "general consensus" that the ideology of the Islamic State is
"primarily based upon the writings of the radical Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood theoretician Sayyid
Qutb".[230][231] The Muslim Brotherhood began the trend of political Islamism in the 20th century,
seeking gradual establishment of a new Caliphate, a comprehensive Islamic society ruled by sharia law.
Qutb's doctrines of Jahiliyya (pre-Islamic ignorance), Hakimiyya (Divine Sovereignty), and Takfir of
entire societies formed a radicalised vision of the Muslim Brotherhood's political Islam project. Qutbism
became the precursor to all Jihadist thought, from Abdullah Azzam to Zawahiri and to Daesh.[232]
Alongside Sayyid Qutb, the most invoked ideological figures of IS include Ibn Taymiyya, Abdullah
Azzam, and Abu Bakr Naji.[233]

Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, the first Emir of ISI, was radicalised as a Muslim Brotherhood member during
his youth.[234] Motaz Al-Khateeb states that religious texts and Islamic jurisprudence "alone cannot
explain the emergence" of Daesh since the Muslim Brotherhood and Daesh "draw on the same Islamic
jurisprudence" but "are diametrically opposite" in strategy and behavior.[235] Through the official
statement of beliefs originally released by al-Baghdadi in 2007 and subsequently updated since June
2014, ISIL defined its creed as "a middle way between the extremist Kharijites and the lax
Murji'ites".[48]: 38 ISIL's ideology represents radical Jihadi-Salafi Islam, a strict, puritanical form of Sunni
Islam.[236] Muslim organisations like Islamic Networks Group (ING) in America have argued against this
interpretation of Islam.[237] ISIL promotes religious violence, and regards Muslims who do not agree with
its interpretations as infidels or apostates.[238]

According to Hayder al Khoei, ISIL's philosophy is represented by the symbolism in the Black Standard
variant of the legendary battle flag of Muhammad that it has adopted: the flag shows the Seal of
Muhammad within a white circle, with the phrase above it, "There is no god but Allah".[239] This
symbolism is said to symbolize ISIL's belief that it represents the restoration of the caliphate of early
Islam, with all the political, religious and eschatological ramifications that this would imply.[240]

Abu Abdullah al-Muhajir, an Egyptian Jihadist theoretician and ideologue is considered as the key
inspiration for early figures of IS.[241][242][243] Al-Muhajir's legal manual on violence, Fiqh ad-Dima
(The Jurisprudence of Jihad or The Jurisprudence of Blood),[244][241][242][243][245] was adopted by ISIL
as its standard reference for justifying its extraordinary acts of violence.[244][241][242][243] The book has
been described by counter-terrorism scholar Orwa Ajjoub as rationalising and justifying "suicide
operations, the mutilation of corpses, beheading, and the killing of children and non-combatants."[243] His
theological and legal justifications influenced ISIL,[241][242][243] al-Qaeda,[241] and Boko Haram,[242] as
well as several other jihadi terrorist groups.[241] Numerous media outlets have compared his reference
manual to Abu Bakr Naji's Management of Savagery,[246][247][248][249] widely read among ISIS's
commanders and fighters.[250]

ISIL adheres to global jihadist principles and follows the hard-line ideology of al-Qaeda and many other
modern-day jihadist groups.[25][238]

For their guiding principles, the leaders of the Islamic State ... are open and clear about their
almost exclusive commitment to the Wahhabi movement of Sunni Islam. The group circulates
images of Wahhabi religious textbooks from Saudi Arabia in the schools it controls. Videos
from the group's territory have shown Wahhabi texts plastered on the sides of an official
missionary van.

— David D. Kirkpatrick, The New York Times[251]

According to The Economist, Saudi practices followed by the group include the establishment of religious
police to root out "vice" and enforce attendance at salat prayers, the widespread use of capital
punishment, and the destruction or re-purposing of any non-Sunni religious buildings.[252] Bernard
Haykel has described ISIL leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's creed as "a kind of untamed Wahhabism".[251]
Senior Saudi religious leaders have issued statements condemning ISIL[253] and attempting to distance
the group from official Saudi religious beliefs.[254]

What connection, if any, there is between Salafi-Jihadism of Daesh and Wahhabism and Salafism proper
is disputed. ISIS borrowed two elements of Qutbism and 20th century Islamism into its version of
Wahhabi worldview. While Wahhabism shuns violent rebellion against earthly rulers, ISIS embraces
political call to revolutions. While historically Wahhabis were not champion activists of a Caliphate, ISIS
borrowed the idea of restoration of a global Caliphate.[255]

Although the religious character of ISIS is mostly Wahhabi, it departs from Wahhabi tradition in four
critical aspects: dynastic alliance, call to establish a global caliphate, sheer violence, and

ISIS did not follow the pattern of the first three Saudi states in allying the religious mission of the Najdi
ulema with the Al Saud family, rather they consider them apostates. The call for a global caliphate is
another departure from Wahhabism. The caliphate, understood in Islamic law as the ideal Islamic polity
uniting all Muslim territories, does not figure much in traditional Najdi writings. Ironically, Wahhabism
emerged as an anti-caliphate movement.[257]

Although violence was not absent in the First Saudi State, Islamic State's displays of beheading,
immolation, and other forms of violence aimed at inspiring fear are not in imitation of early Saudi
practices. They were introduced by Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, former leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, who took
inspiration from the Egyptian Jihadi scholar, Abu Abdallah Al Muhajir. It is the latter's legal manual on
violence, popularly known as Fiqh ad-Dima (The Jurisprudence of Blood), that is the Islamic State's
standard reference for justifying its acts of violence.[257] The Islamic State's apocalyptic dimension also
lacks a mainstream Wahhabi precedent.[257]

ISIL aims to return to the early days of Islam, rejecting all innovations in the religion, which it believes
corrupts its original spirit. It condemns later caliphates and the Ottoman Empire for deviating from what
it calls pure Islam and seeks to revive the original Qutbist project of the restoration of a global caliphate
that is governed by a strict Salafi-Jihadi doctrine. Following Salafi-Jihadi doctrines, ISIL condemns the
followers of secular law as disbelievers, putting the current Saudi Arabian government in that

ISIL believes that only a legitimate authority can undertake the leadership of jihad and that the first
priority over other areas of combat, such as fighting non-Muslim countries, is the purification of Islamic
society. For example, ISIL regards the Palestinian Sunni group Hamas as apostates who have no
legitimate authority to lead jihad and see fighting Hamas as the first step towards confrontation by ISIL
with Israel.[251][258]

Yemeni journalist Abdulelah Haider Shaye said:

The Islamic State was drafted by Sayyid Qutb, taught by Abdullah Azzam, globalized by
Osama bin Laden, transferred to reality by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, and implemented by al-
Baghdadis: Abu Omar and Abu Bakr.
— Hassan Hassan, The Sectarianism of the Islamic State: Ideological Roots and Political

The Islamic State added a focus on sectarianism to a layer of radical views. In particular, it
linked itself to the Salafi-jihadi movement that evolved out of the Afghan jihad.

— Hassan Hassan, The Sectarianism of the Islamic State: Ideological Roots and Political

Islamic eschatology
One difference between ISIL and other Islamist and jihadist movements, including al-Qaeda, is the
group's emphasis on eschatology and apocalypticism – that is, a belief in a final Day of Judgment by
God. ISIL believes that it will defeat the army of "Rome" at the town of Dabiq.[50] ISIL also believes that
after al-Baghdadi there will be only four more legitimate caliphs.[50]

The noted scholar of militant Islamism Will McCants writes:

References to the End Times fill Islamic State propaganda. It's a big selling point with foreign
fighters, who want to travel to the lands where the final battles of the apocalypse will take
place. The civil wars raging in those countries today [Iraq and Syria] lend credibility to the
prophecies. The Islamic State has stoked the apocalyptic fire. ... For Bin Laden's generation, the
apocalypse wasn't a great recruiting pitch. Governments in the Middle East two decades ago
were more stable, and sectarianism was more subdued. It was better to recruit by calling to
arms against corruption and tyranny than against the Antichrist. Today, though, the apocalyptic
recruiting pitch makes more sense than before.

— William McCants, The ISIS Apocalypse: The History, Strategy, and Doomsday Vision of
the Islamic State[260]

Since at latest 2004, a significant goal of the group has been the foundation of a Sunni Islamic state.[261]
Specifically, ISIL has sought to establish itself as a caliphate, an Islamic state led by a group of religious
authorities under a supreme leader – the caliph – who is believed to be the successor to Muhammad.[262]
In June 2014, ISIL published a document in which it claimed to have traced the lineage of its leader al-
Baghdadi back to Muhammad,[262] and upon proclaiming a new caliphate on 29 June, the group
appointed al-Baghdadi as its caliph. As caliph, he demanded the allegiance of all devout Muslims
worldwide, according to Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh).[263]

ISIL has detailed its goals in its Dabiq magazine, saying it will continue to seize land and take over the
entire Earth until its:

Blessed flag...covers all eastern and western extents of the Earth, filling the world with the truth
and justice of Islam and putting an end to the falsehood and tyranny of jahiliyyah [state of
ignorance], even if America and its coalition despise such.
— 5th edition of Dabiq, the Islamic State's English-language magazine[264]

According to German journalist Jürgen Todenhöfer, who spent ten days embedded with ISIL in Mosul,
the view he kept hearing was that ISIL wants to "conquer the world", and that all who do not believe in
the group's interpretation of the Quran will be killed. Todenhöfer was struck by the ISIL fighters' belief
that "all religions who agree with democracy have to die",[265] and by their "incredible enthusiasm" –
including enthusiasm for killing "hundreds of millions" of people.[266]

When the caliphate was proclaimed, ISIL stated: "The legality of all emirates, groups, states and
organisations becomes null by the expansion of the khilafah's [caliphate's] authority and the arrival of its
troops to their areas."[262] This was a rejection of the political divisions in Southwestern Asia that were
established by the UK and France during World War I in the Sykes–Picot Agreement.[267]

All non-Muslim areas would be targeted for conquest after the Muslim lands were dealt with, according
to the Islamist manual Management of Savagery.[268]

Documents found after the death of Samir Abd Muhammad al-
Khlifawi, a former colonel in the intelligence service of the Iraqi
Air Force before the US invasion who had been described as "the
strategic head" of ISIL, detailed planning for the ISIL takeover of
northern Syria which made possible "the group's later advances
into Iraq". Al-Khlifawi called for the infiltration of areas to be
conquered with spies who would find out "as much as possible
about the target towns: Who lived there, who was in charge, which The Al-Askari Mosque, one of the
holiest sites in Shia Islam, after the
families were religious, which Islamic school of religious
first attack by Islamic State of Iraq in
jurisprudence they belonged to, how many mosques there were, 2006
who the imam was, how many wives and children he had and how
old they were". Following this surveillance and espionage would
come murder and kidnapping – "the elimination of every person who might have been a potential leader
or opponent". In Raqqa, after rebel forces drove out the Bashar al-Assad regime and ISIL infiltrated the
town, "first dozens and then hundreds of people disappeared".[269]

Security and intelligence expert Martin Reardon has described ISIL's purpose as being to psychologically
"break" those under its control, "so as to ensure their absolute allegiance through fear and intimidation",
while generating "outright hate and vengeance" among its enemies.[270] Jason Burke, a journalist writing
on Salafi jihadism, has written that ISIL's goal is to "terrorize, mobilize [and] polarize".[271] Its efforts to
terrorise are intended to intimidate civilian populations and force governments of the target enemy "to
make rash decisions that they otherwise would not choose". It aims to mobilise its supporters by
motivating them with, for example, spectacular deadly attacks deep in Western territory (such as the
November 2015 Paris attacks), to polarise by driving Muslim populations – particularly in the West –
away from their governments, thus increasing the appeal of ISIL's self-proclaimed caliphate among them,
and to: "Eliminate neutral parties through either absorption or elimination".[271][272] Journalist Rukmini
Maria Callimachi also emphasises ISIL's interest in polarisation or in eliminating what it calls the "grey
zone" between the black (non-Muslims) and white (ISIL). "The gray is moderate Muslims who are living
in the West and are happy and feel engaged in the society here."[273]
A work published online in 2004 entitled Management of Savagery[274] (Idarat at Tawahoush), described
by several media outlets as influential on ISIL[275] and intended to provide a strategy to create a new
Islamic caliphate,[276] recommended a strategy of attack outside its territory in which fighters would
"Diversify and widen the vexation strikes against the Crusader-Zionist enemy in every place in the
Islamic world, and even outside of it if possible, so as to disperse the efforts of the alliance of the enemy
and thus drain it to the greatest extent possible."[277]

The group has been accused of attempting to "bolster morale" and distract attention from its loss of
territory to enemies by staging terror attacks abroad (such as the 2016 Berlin truck attack, the 6 June 2017
attacks on Tehran, the 22 May 2017 bombing in Manchester, and the 3 June 2017 attacks in London that
ISIL claimed credit for).[278]

Raqqa in Syria was under ISIL control from 2013 and in 2014 it became the group's de facto capital
city.[279] On 17 October 2017, following a lengthy battle that saw massive destruction to the city, the
Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced the full capture of Raqqa from ISIL.

Leadership and governance

From 2013 to 2019, ISIL was headed and run by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,
the Islamic State's self-styled Caliph. Before their deaths, he had two
deputy leaders, Abu Muslim al-Turkmani for Iraq and Abu Ali al-Anbari
(also known as Abu Ala al-Afri)[280] for Syria, both ethnic Turkmen.
Advising al-Baghdadi were a cabinet of senior leaders, while its
operations in Iraq and Syria are controlled by local 'emirs,' who head
semi-autonomous groups which the Islamic State refers to as its
provinces.[281] Beneath the leaders are councils on finance, leadership,
military matters, legal matters (including decisions on executions) foreign
fighters' assistance, security, intelligence and media. In addition, a shura
council has the task of ensuring that all decisions made by the governors Mugshot of Abu Bakr al-
and councils comply with the group's interpretation of sharia.[282] While Baghdadi by US armed
forces while in detention at
al-Baghdadi had told followers to "advise me when I err" in sermons,
Camp Bucca in 2004
according to observers "any threat, opposition, or even contradiction is
instantly eradicated".[283]

According to Iraqis, Syrians, and analysts who study the group, almost all of ISIL's leaders—including
the members of its military and security committees and the majority of its emirs and princes—are former
Iraqi military and intelligence officers, specifically former members of Saddam Hussein's Ba'ath
government who lost their jobs and pensions in the de-Ba'athification process after that regime was
overthrown.[284][285] The former Chief Strategist in the Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism of
the US State Department, David Kilcullen, has said that "There undeniably would be no Isis if we had not
invaded Iraq."[286] It has been reported that Iraqis and Syrians have been given greater precedence over
other nationalities within ISIL because the group needs the loyalties of the local Sunni populations in
both Syria and Iraq in order to be sustainable.[287] Other reports, however, have indicated that Syrians are
at a disadvantage to foreign members, with some native Syrian fighters resenting "favouritism" allegedly
shown towards foreigners over pay and accommodation.[288]

In August 2016, media reports based on briefings by Western intelligence agencies suggested that ISIL
had a multilevel secret service known in Arabic as Emni, established in 2014, that has become a
combination of an internal police force and an external operations directorate complete with regional
branches. The unit was believed to be under the overall command of ISIL's most senior Syrian operative,
spokesman and propaganda chief Abu Mohammad al-Adnani[289] until his death by airstrike in late
August 2016.[21]

On 27 October 2019, the United States conducted a special operation targeting al-Baghdadi's compound
in Barisha, Idlib, Northwest Syria. The attack resulted in al-Baghdadi's death; caught by surprise and
unable to escape, al-Baghdadi detonated a suicide vest, deliberately killing both himself and two children
who had been living in the compound prior to the assault.[290][291] U.S. President Donald Trump stated in
a televised announcement that Baghdadi had, in fact, died during the operation and that American forces
used support from helicopters, jets and drones through airspace controlled by Russia and Turkey.[292] He
said that "Russia treated us great... Iraq was excellent. We really had great cooperation" and Turkey knew
they were going in.[293] He thanked Turkey, Russia, Syria, Iraq and the Syrian Kurdish forces for their
support.[293] The Turkish Defence Ministry also confirmed on Sunday that Turkish and U.S. military
authorities exchanged and coordinated information ahead of an attack in Syria's Idlib.[294] Fahrettin
Altun, a senior aide to Turkish President Tayyib Erdogan, also stated, among other things, that "Turkey
was proud to help the United States, our NATO ally, bring a notorious terrorist to justice" and that Turkey
"will continue to work closely with the United States and others to combat terrorism in all its forms and
manifestations."[295] Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov declined to say if the United States had told
Russia about the raid in advance but said that its result if confirmed, represented a serious contribution by
the United States to combat terrorism.[296] Russia had previously claimed Baghdadi was killed in May
2019 by their airstrike.[297]

In September 2019, a statement attributed to ISIL's propaganda arm, the Amaq news agency, claimed that
Abdullah Qardash was named as al-Baghdadi's successor.[298] Analysts dismissed this statement as a
fabrication, and relatives were reported as saying that Qardash died in 2017.[299] Rita Katz, a terrorism
analyst and the co-founder of SITE Intelligence, noted that the alleged statement used a different font
when compared to other statements and it was never distributed on Amaq or ISIL channels.[300]

On 29 October 2019, Trump stated on social media that al-Baghdadi's "number one replacement" had
been killed by American forces, without giving a name.[301] A U.S. official later confirmed that Trump
was referring to ISIL spokesman and senior leader Abul-Hasan al-Muhajir,[302] who was killed in a U.S.
airstrike in Syria two days earlier.[303] On 31 October, ISIL named Abu Ibrahim al-Hashemi al-Qurayshi
as Baghdadi's successor.[304] On 3 February 2022, it was reported by a US official that al-Hashimi killed
himself and members of his family by triggering an explosive device during a counter-terrorism raid by
the US Joint Special Operations Command.[305] On 30 November 2022, ISIL announced that their
unidentified leader had been killed in battle and named a successor, providing no additional information
other than his pseudonym. A spokesman for U.S. Central Command confirmed that ISIL's leader had
been killed in mid-October by anti-government rebels in southern Syria.[306] On 16 February 2023, senior
ISIS leader Hamza al-Homsi blew himself up in a U.S.-led raid in Syria.[307]

Civilians in Islamic State-controlled areas

In 2014, The Wall Street Journal estimated that eight million people lived in the Islamic State.[308] The
United Nations Commission on Human Rights has stated that IS "seeks to subjugate civilians under its
control and dominate every aspect of their lives through terror, indoctrination, and the provision of
services to those who obey".[309] Civilians, as well as the Islamic State itself, have released footage of
some of the human rights abuses.[310]

Social control of civilians was by imposition of IS's reading of sharia law,[311] enforced by morality
police forces known as Al-Hisbah and the all-women Al-Khanssaa Brigade, a general police force, courts,
and other entities managing recruitment, tribal relations, and education.[309] Al-Hisbah was led by Abu
Muhammad al-Jazrawi.[312]

In 2015, IS published a penal code including floggings, amputations, crucifixions, etc.[313]


Number of combatants
Country origins of foreign ISIL fighters (500 or more),
ICSR estimate, 2018[314]
Country Fighters
Russia 5,000
Tunisia 4,000
Jordan 3,950
Saudi Arabia 3,244
Turkey 3,000
Uzbekistan 2,500
France 1,910
Morocco 1,699
Tajikistan 1,502
China 1,000
Germany 960
Lebanon 900
Azerbaijan 900
Kyrgyzstan 863
United Kingdom 860
Indonesia 800
Kazakhstan 600
Libya 600
Egypt 500
Turkmenistan 500
Belgium 500

Estimates of the size of ISIL's military have varied widely, from tens of thousands[315] up to 200,000.[99]
In early 2015, journalist Mary Anne Weaver estimated that half of ISIL fighters were foreigners.[316] A
UN report estimated a total of 15,000 fighters from over 80 countries were in ISIL's ranks in November
2014.[317] US intelligence estimated an increase to around 20,000 foreign fighters in February 2015,
including 3,400 from the Western world.[318] In September 2015, the CIA estimated that 30,000 foreign
fighters had joined ISIL.[319]

According to Abu Hajjar, a former senior leader of ISIL, foreign fighters receive food, petrol and
housing, but unlike native Iraqi or Syrian fighters, they do not receive payment in wages.[320] Since 2012,
more than 3,000 people from the central Asian countries have gone to Syria, Iraq or Afghanistan to join
the Islamic State or Jabhat al Nusra.[321]

Conventional weapons
ISIL relies mostly on captured weapons with major sources including Saddam Hussein's Iraqi stockpiles
from the 2003–11 Iraq insurgency[322] and weapons from government and opposition forces fighting in
the Syrian Civil War and during the post-US withdrawal Iraqi insurgency. The captured weapons,
including armour, guns, surface-to-air missiles, and even some aircraft, enabled rapid territorial growth
and facilitated the capture of additional equipment.[323] For example, ISIL captured US-made TOW anti-
tank missiles supplied by the United States and Saudi Arabia to the Free Syrian Army in Syria.[324]
Ninety percent of the group's weapons ultimately originated in China, Russia or Eastern Europe
according to Conflict Armament Research.[325]

Non-conventional weapons
The group uses truck and car bombs, suicide bombers and IEDs, and has used chemical weapons in Iraq
and Syria.[326] ISIL captured nuclear materials from Mosul University in July 2014, but is unlikely to be
able to convert them into weapons.[327] In September 2015 a US official stated that ISIL was
manufacturing and using mustard agent in Syria and Iraq, and had an active chemical weapons research
team.[328] ISIL has also used water as a weapon of war. The group closed the gates of the smaller
Nuaimiyah dam in Fallujah in April 2014, flooding the surrounding regions, while cutting the water
supply to the Shia-dominated south. Around 12,000 families lost their homes and 200 square kilometres
(77 sq mi) of villages and fields were either flooded or dried up. The economy of the region also suffered
with destruction of cropland and electricity shortages.[329] During the Battle of Mosul, commercially
available quadcopters and drones were being used by ISIL as surveillance and weapons delivery
platforms using improvised cradles to drop grenades and other explosives.[330] One ISIL drone base was
struck and destroyed by two Royal Air Force Tornado using two Paveway IV guided bombs.[331]

ISIL publishes material directed at women, with media groups encouraging them to play supportive roles
within ISIL, such as providing first aid, cooking, nursing and sewing skills, in order to become "good
wives of jihad".[332] In 2015, it was estimated that western women made up over 550, or 10%, of ISIL's
western foreign fighters.[333]
Until 2016, women were generally confined to a "women's house" upon arrival which they were
forbidden to leave. These houses were often small, dirty and infested with vermin and food supply was
scarce. There they remained until they either had found a husband, or the husband they arrived with had
completed his training. After being allowed to leave the confinement, women still generally spent most of
their days indoors where their lives are devoted to caring for their husbands and the vast majority of
women in the conflict area have children. Mothers play an important role passing on ISIL ideology to
their children. Widows are encouraged to remarry.[334]

In a document entitled Women in the Islamic State: Manifesto and Case Study released by the media wing
of ISIL's all-female Al-Khanssaa Brigade, emphasis is given to the paramount importance of marriage
and motherhood (as early as nine years old). Women should live a life of "sedentariness", fulfilling her
"divine duty of motherhood" at home, with a few exceptions like teachers and doctors.[335][336] Equality
for women is opposed, as is education on non-religious subjects, the "worthless worldly sciences".[336]


According to a 2015 study by the Financial Action Task Force, ISIL's five primary sources of revenue are
as follows (listed in order of significance):

proceeds from the occupation of territory (including control of banks, petroleum reservoirs,
taxation, extortion, and robbery of economic assets)
kidnapping for ransom[337]
donations from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and other Gulf states, often disguised as meant
for "humanitarian charity"
material support provided by foreign fighters
fundraising through modern communication networks[338]
Since 2012, ISIL has produced annual reports giving numerical information on its operations, somewhat
in the style of corporate reports, seemingly in a bid to encourage potential donors.[339][340]

In 2014, the RAND Corporation analysed ISIL's funding sources from documents captured between 2005
and 2010.[341] It found that outside donations amounted to only 5% of the group's operating budgets,[341]
and that cells inside Iraq were required to send up to 20% of the income generated from kidnapping,
extortion rackets and other activities to the next level of the group's leadership, which would then
redistribute the funds to provincial or local cells that were in difficulties or needed money to conduct
attacks.[341] In 2016, RAND estimated that ISIL finances from its largest source of income — oil
revenues and the taxes it extracts from people under its control — had fallen from about US$1.9 billion in
2014 to US$870 million in 2016.[342]

In mid-2014, the Iraqi National Intelligence Service obtained information that ISIL had assets worth
US$2 billion,[343] making it the richest jihadist group in the world.[344] About three-quarters of this sum
was said to looted from Mosul's central bank and commercial banks in the city.[345] However, doubt was
later cast on whether ISIL was able to retrieve anywhere near that sum from the central bank,[346] and
even on whether the looting had actually occurred.[347]
In 2022 the company Lafarge was found guilty in paying ISIS for the operation of its facilities. "In 2013-
2014 the company transferred $6,000,000 to ISIL so they could continue company operations. This
allowed the company to earn $70 million in sales revenue from a plant it operated in northern Syria,
prosecutors said." Lafarge, which merged with Holcim in 2015, agreed to pay $778 million in forfeiture
and fines as part of a plea agreement not to be convicted and sentenced to prison for providing material
support to a terrorist organization. No Lafarge executives were charged in the United States, while French
authorities arrested some of the executives involved but didn't provide names. The U.S. court lists six
unnamed Lafarge executives. Lafarge evacuated the cement plant in September 2014, Afterwards ISIS
took possession of the remaining cement and sold it for an estimated $3.21 million. SIX Swiss Exchange
trading suspended trading for Holcim shares before the news became public. After trading resumed shares
rose by 3.2%.[348]

Monetary system
ISIL attempted to create a modern gold dinar by minting gold, silver, and copper coins, based on the
coinage used by the Umayyad Caliphate in the seventh century.[349] Despite a propaganda push for the
currency, adoption appeared to have been minimal and its internal economy was effectively dollarised,
even with regards to its own fines.[350]

The education in ISIL held territory was organised by the Diwan of Education.[351][352] ISIL introduced
its own curriculum which did not include lessons in history, music, geography or art, but included
lectures in Islamic Law, Sharia, and Jihad.[352] The Diwan of Education was often in competition with the
Diwan of Outreach and Mosques which organised educational centres focused on the sharia.[351]

The group was founded in 1999 by Jordanian Salafi jihadist Abu
Musab al-Zarqawi under the name Jamāʻat al-Tawḥīd wa-al-Jihād
(lit. 'The Organisation of Monotheism and Jihad').[148] In a letter
published by the Coalition Provisional Authority in February
2004, Zarqawi wrote that jihadis should use bombings to start an
open sectarian war so that Sunnis from the Islamic world would
mobilise against assassinations carried out by Shia, specifically
the Badr Brigade, against Ba'athists and The UN headquarters building in
Sunnis. [353][354][355][356][357][358][359]
Baghdad after the Canal Hotel
bombing, on 22 August 2003

Territorial control and claims

As a self-proclaimed worldwide caliphate, ISIL claims religious, political and military authority over all
Muslims worldwide,[158] and that "the legality of all emirates, groups, states, and organisations, becomes
null by the expansion of the khilāfah's [caliphate's] authority and arrival of its troops to their areas".[262]
In Iraq and Syria, ISIL used many of those countries' existing
governorate boundaries to subdivide territory it conquered and
claimed; it called these divisions wilayah or provinces.[360] By June
2015, ISIL had also established official "provinces" in Libya, Egypt
(Sinai Peninsula), Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Algeria, Afghanistan,[361]
Pakistan, Nigeria and the North Caucasus.[362] ISIL received pledges
of allegiance and published media releases via groups in
Somalia,[363] Bangladesh,[364] Indonesia, Myanmar,[365]
Thailand[366] and the Philippines,[367] but it has not announced any
further official branches, instead identifying new affiliates as simply
Military situation in Libya in early
"soldiers of the caliphate".[368]
Ansar al-Sharia ISIL
By March 2019, ISIL had lost most of its territory in its former core
areas in Syria and Iraq, and was reduced to a desert pocket as well
as insurgent cells,[369] which they lost in September 2020.

Through late 2020 and early 2021, IS African affiliates had once
again seized territory and settlements in conflicts such as the Boko
Haram insurgency, in Nigeria and the Insurgency in Cabo
Delgado, in Mozambique. Notable takeovers by IS include
ISIL's capital Raqqa suffered
Mocímboa da Praia and the Sambisa Forest.[370][371] On 17
extensive damage during the battle
November 2021, IS supporters urged establishment of "New of Raqqa in June–October 2017
Provinces" in Indonesia.[372] In October 2022, IS's Sahel province
captured the rural committee and town of Ansongo in Mali.[373]

International reaction

International criticism
The group has attracted widespread criticism internationally for its extremism, from governments and
international bodies such as the United Nations and Amnesty International. On 24 September 2014,
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stated: "As Muslim leaders around the world have said,
groups like ISIL – or Da'ish – have nothing to do with Islam, and they certainly do not represent a state.
They should more fittingly be called the 'Un-Islamic Non-State'."[374] ISIL has been classified a terrorist
organisation by the United Nations, the European Union and its member states, the United States, Russia,
India, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and many other countries. Over 60 countries are directly or indirectly waging
war against ISIL (see § Countries and groups at war with IS). The group was described as a cult in a
Huffington Post column by notable cult authority Steven Hassan.[375]

Twitter has removed many accounts used to spread IS propaganda, and Google developed a "Redirect
Method" which identifies individuals searching for IS-related material and redirects them to content
which challenges IS narratives.[376]

Islamic criticism
The group's declaration of a caliphate has been criticised and its legitimacy has been disputed by Middle
Eastern governments, by Sunni Muslim theologians and historians as well as other jihadist groups.[377]

Religious leaders and organisations

Around the world, Islamic religious leaders have overwhelmingly condemned ISIL's ideology and
actions, arguing that the group has strayed from the path of true Islam and that its actions do not reflect
the religion's real teachings or virtues.[378]

Extremism within Islam goes back to the seventh century, to the Khawarijes. From their essentially
political position, the Kharijites developed extreme doctrines which set them apart from both mainstream
Sunni and Shia Muslims. They were particularly noted for adopting a radical approach to takfir, whereby
they declared other Muslims to be unbelievers and therefore deemed worthy of death.[379][380] Other
scholars have also described the group not as Sunnis, but as Khawarij.[380][381] Sunni critics, including
Salafi and jihadist muftis such as Adnan al-Aroor and Abu Basir al-Tartusi, say that ISIL and related
terrorist groups are not Sunnis, but are instead modern-day Kharijites (Muslims who have stepped outside
the mainstream of Islam) serving an imperial anti-Islamic agenda.[382]

ISIS has been excommunicated from Islam by a number of scholars. Sheikh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi
enumerated in his book, Refuting ISIS, that their form of Kharijism has removed them from Islam and
fighting them is a religious duty, stating: "ISIS' leaders are people of unbelief and misguidance, and
Muslims should not be lured by their jihad or deceived by their propaganda, as their actions speak louder
than their words."[383] Abd al-Aziz ibn Baz, the former Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, also stated that
Kharijites are not Muslims, saying: "the majority are of the opinion that they are disobedient and
misguided innovators, though they do not deem them unbelievers. However, the correct opinion is that
they are unbelievers."[384]

In late August 2014, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Abdul-Aziz ibn Abdullah Al ash-Sheikh,
condemned ISIL and al-Qaeda saying, "Extremist and militant ideas and terrorism which spread decay on
Earth, destroying human civilization, are not in any way part of Islam, but are enemy number one of
Islam, and Muslims are their first victims".[385] In late September 2014, 126 Sunni imams and Islamic
scholars—primarily Sufi[386]—from around the Muslim world signed an open letter to the Islamic State's
leader al-Baghdadi, explicitly rejecting and refuting his group's interpretations of Islamic scriptures, the
Quran and hadith, which it used in order to justify its actions.[387] "[You] have misinterpreted Islam into a
religion of harshness, brutality, torture and murder ... this is a great wrong and an offence to Islam, to
Muslims and to the entire world", the letter states.[388] It rebukes the Islamic State for its killing of
prisoners, describing the killings as "heinous war crimes" and its persecution of the Yazidis of Iraq as
"abominable". Referring to the "self-described 'Islamic State'", the letter censures the group for carrying
out killings and acts of brutality under the guise of jihad—holy struggle—saying that its "sacrifice"
without legitimate cause, goals and intention "is not jihad at all, but rather, warmongering and
criminality".[388][389] It also accuses the group of instigating fitna—sedition—by instituting slavery under
its rule in contravention of the anti-slavery consensus of the Islamic scholarly community.[388] The
group's persecution of Shia Muslims has also been condemned.[30][390][391]

The current Grand Imam of al-Azhar and former president of al-Azhar University, Ahmed el-Tayeb, has
strongly condemned the Islamic State, stating that it is acting "under the guise of this holy religion and
have given themselves the name 'Islamic State' in an attempt to export their false Islam".[392] Citing the
Quran, he stated: "The punishment for those who wage war against God and his Prophet and who strive
to sow corruption on earth is death, crucifixion, the severing of
hands and feet on opposite sides or banishment from the land. This
is the disgrace for them in this world and in the hereafter, they will
receive grievous torment." Although el-Tayeb has been criticised
for not expressly stating that the Islamic State is heretical,[393] the
Ash'ari school of Islamic theology, to which el-Tayeb belongs,
does not allow calling a person who follows the shahada an
apostate.[393] El-Tayeb has strongly come out against the practice
Pro-YPG demonstration against ISIL
of takfirism (declaring a Muslim an apostate) which is used by the
in Vienna, Austria, 10 October 2014
Islamic State to "judge and accuse anyone who doesn't tow their
line with apostasy and outside the realm of the faith" declaring
"Jihad on peaceful Muslims" using "flawed interpretations of some Qur'anic texts, the prophet's Sunna,
and the Imams' views believing incorrectly, that they are leaders of Muslim armies fighting infidel
peoples, in unbelieving lands".[394]

In late December 2015, nearly 70,000 Indian Muslim clerics associated with the Indian Barelvi
movement issued a fatwa condemning ISIL and similar organisations, saying they are "not Islamic
organisations". Approximately 1.5 million Sunni Muslim followers of this movement have formally
decried violent extremists.[395]

Mehdi Hasan, a political journalist in the UK, said in the New Statesman,

Whether Sunni or Shia, Salafi or Sufi, conservative or liberal, Muslims – and Muslim leaders –
have almost unanimously condemned and denounced ISIL not merely as un-Islamic but
actively anti-Islamic.[378]

Hassan Hassan, an analyst at the Delma Institute, wrote in The Guardian that because the Islamic State
"bases its teachings on religious texts that mainstream Muslim clerics do not want to deal with head on,
new recruits leave the camp feeling that they have stumbled on the true message of Islam".[190]

Theologian and Qatar-based TV broadcaster Yusuf al-Qaradawi stated: "[The] declaration issued by the
Islamic State is void under sharia and has dangerous consequences for the Sunnis in Iraq and for the
revolt in Syria", adding that the title of caliph can "only be given by the entire Muslim nation", not by a
single group.[396] He also stated on his official website "United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the leaders of
Daesh (ISIS/ISIL) terrorist group are from one species and they are two sides of the same coin".[397] In a
similar vein, the Syrian Islamic scholar Muhammad al-Yaqoubi says, "[t]he followers of ISIS do not want
to adhere to Islamic law but rather they want to twist Islamic law to conform to their fantasies. To this
end, they pick and choose the evidences that corroborate their misguidance, despite being weak or

Academics Robyn Creswell and Bernard Haykel of The New Yorker have criticised ISIL's execution of
Muslims for breach of traditional sharia law while violating it simultaneously themselves (encouraging
women to emigrate to its territory, travelling without a Wali—male guardian—and in violation of his
wishes).[399] as well as its love of archaic imagery (horsemen and swords) while engaging in bid'ah
(religious innovation) in establishing female religious police (known as Al-Khansaa Brigade).[400]
Two days after the beheading of Hervé Gourdel, hundreds of Muslims gathered in the Grand Mosque of
Paris to show solidarity against the beheading. The protest was led by the leader of the French Council of
the Muslim Faith, Dalil Boubakeur, and was joined by thousands of other Muslims around the country
under the slogan "Not in my name".[401] French president François Hollande said Gourdel's beheading
was "cowardly" and "cruel", and confirmed that airstrikes would continue against ISIL in Iraq. Hollande
also called for three days of national mourning, with flags flown at half-mast throughout the country and
said that security would be increased throughout Paris.[401]

Other jihadist groups

According to The New York Times, "All of the most influential jihadist theorists are criticising the Islamic
State as deviant, calling its self-proclaimed caliphate null and void" and they have denounced it for its
beheadings of journalists[402] and aid workers.[251] ISIL is widely denounced by a broad range of Islamic
clerics, including Saudi and al-Qaeda-oriented clerics.[51][251] Muhammad al-Yaqoubi states, "It is
enough of a proof of the extreme ideology of ISIS that the top leaders of Salafi-Jihadism have disclaimed
it."[403] Other critics of ISIL's brand of Sunni Islam include Salafists who previously publicly supported
jihadist groups such as al-Qaeda: for example, the Saudi government official Saleh Al-Fawzan, known for
his extremist views, who claims that ISIL is a creation of "Zionists, Crusaders and Safavids", and the
Jordanian-Palestinian writer Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi, the former spiritual mentor to Abu Musab al-
Zarqawi, who was released from prison in Jordan in June 2014 and accused ISIL of driving a wedge
between Muslims.[382]

An Islamic Front sharia court judge in Aleppo, Mohamed Najeeb Bannan, stated: "The legal reference is
the Islamic Sharia. The cases are different, from robberies to drug use, to moral crimes. It's our duty to
look at any crime that comes to us... After the regime has fallen, we believe that the Muslim majority in
Syria will ask for an Islamic state. Of course, it's very important to point out that some say the Islamic
Sharia will cut off people's hands and heads, but it only applies to criminals. And to start off by killing,
crucifying etc. That is not correct at all." In response to being asked what the difference between the
Islamic Front's and ISIL's version of sharia would be, he said, "One of their mistakes is before the regime
has fallen, and before they've established what in Sharia is called Tamkeen [having a stable state], they
started applying Sharia, thinking God gave them permission to control the land and establish a Caliphate.
This goes against the beliefs of religious scholars around the world. This is what [IS] did wrong. This is
going to cause a lot of trouble. Anyone who opposes [IS] will be considered against Sharia and will be
severely punished."[404]

Al-Qaeda and al-Nusra have been trying to take advantage of ISIL's rise, by attempting to present
themselves as "moderate" compared to "extremist" ISIL, although they have the same aim of establishing
sharia and a caliphate, but doing so in a more gradual manner.[405] Al-Nusra has criticised the way in
which ISIL fully and immediately institutes sharia in the areas that fall under its control, since it alienates
people too much. It supports the gradual, slower approach favoured by al-Qaeda, preparing society to
accept sharia and indoctrinating people through education before implementing the hudud aspects in
sharia, which they believe supports punishments such as throwing homosexuals from the top of buildings,
chopping limbs off, and public stoning.[264] Al-Nusra and ISIL are both hostile towards the Druze.
However, while al-Nusra has typically destroyed Druze shrines and pressured them to convert to Sunni
Islam, ISIL regards the entire Druze community as a valid target for violence, as it does the
In February 2014, Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leader of Al-Qaeda, announced that his group Al-Qaeda had
cut ties with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and denounced ISIL after being unable to reconcile a
conflict between them and the al-Qaeda affiliate al-Nusra Front.[408]

In September 2015, Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leader of al-Qaeda, called for consultation (shura) within the
"prophetic method" to be used when establishing the caliphate, criticising al-Baghdadi for not following
the required steps. Al-Zawahiri has called upon ISIL members to close ranks and join al-Qaeda in fighting
against Assad, the Shia, Russia, Europe, and America and to stop the infighting between jihadist groups.
He called upon jihadists to establish Islamic entities in Egypt and the Levant, slowly implementing sharia
before establishing a caliphate, and has called for violent assaults against America and the West.[409]

The Jaysh al-Islam group within the Islamic Front criticised ISIL, saying: "They killed the people of
Islam and leave the idol worshippers ... They use the verses talking about the disbelievers and implement
it on the Muslims".[410] The main criticism of defectors from ISIL has been that the group is fighting and
killing other Sunni Muslims,[411] as opposed to just non-Sunnis being brutalised.[412] In one case, a
supposed defector from ISIL executed two activists of a Syrian opposition group in Turkey who had
sheltered them.[413]

Other commentaries
Scholar Ian Almond criticised the media commentators, the lack of balance in reporting, and the "way we
are learning to talk about ISIS." While there was talk about 'radical evil' and 'radical Islam', Almond
found it striking because "some of the most revered and oft-quoted figures in our Western political
tradition have been capable of the most vicious acts of savagery – and yet all we ever hear about is how
much the Middle East has to learn from us." Almond goes on to cite how Winston Churchill "wanted to
gas women and children", how Ronald Reagan's Central American policies "disembowelled more
children than ISIS," how President Barack Obama's "planes and drones have dropped bombs on as many
schoolchildren as ISIS," how former secretary of state Madeleine Albright commented on the deaths of
Iraqi children killed by sanctions, how Henry Kissinger and Margaret Thatcher "assisted in the torture
and disappearance of thousands of Chilean students and labour activists... For anyone familiar with the
history of both U.S. and European torture and murder over the past 150 years, it might not be all that
hyperbolic to say that in ISIS, what we see more than anything else is a more expansive, explicit version
of our own cruelties. In bombing ISIS and its would-be imperialism, we are really bombing a version of

Author and commentator Tom Engelhardt attributed the rise of ISIL and the destruction that followed to
what he dubbed as America's drive to establish its own caliphate in the region.[415]
A leader article in the New Scientist magazine contextualised ISIL within the nation state construct.
Although the group is described as medieval in the pejorative sense, "it is also hyper-modern, interested
in few of the trappings of a conventional state apart from its own brutal brand of law enforcement. In fact,
it is more of a network than a nation, having made canny use of social media to exert influence far
beyond its geographical base."[416]

Designation as a terrorist organisation

Organisation Date Body References

Multinational organisations
18 October 2004 (as al-Qaeda in
Iraq) [417]
United Nations United Nations Security Council
30 May 2013 (after separation
from al‑Qaeda)

European EU Council (via adoption of UN al- [418]

Union Qaeda Sanctions List)

March 2001 (as part of al-Qaeda)
United [419]
20 June 2014 (after separation Home Office
from al‑Qaeda)

17 December 2004 (as al-Qaeda [420]

United States United States Department of State
in Iraq)

2 March 2005 (as al-Qaeda in

Iraq) [421]
Australia Attorney-General of Australia
14 December 2013 (after
separation from al‑Qaeda)

Canada 20 August 2012 Parliament of Canada [422]

10 October 2006 (as al-Qaeda in

Iraq) [423]
Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairs
30 May 2013 (after separation
from al‑Qaeda)

Turkey 30 October 2013 Grand National Assembly of Turkey [424]

Royal decree of the King of Saudi [425]

Saudi Arabia 7 March 2014

National Counter Terrorism Agency [426]

Indonesia 1 August 2014
United Arab [427]
20 August 2014 United Arab Emirates Cabinet

Malaysia 24 September 2014 Ministry of Foreign Affairs [428]

Switzerland 8 October 2014 Swiss Federal Council [429]

Egypt 30 November 2014 The Cairo Court for Urgent Matters [430]

India 16 December 2014 Ministry of Home Affairs [431][432]

Russia 29 December 2014 Supreme Court of Russia [433]

Kyrgyz State Committee of National [434]

Kyrgyzstan 25 March 2015
Singapore 23 March 2020 Ministry of Home Affairs [435]

Syria [436]

Jordan [437]

Iran [438]

Trinidad and [439]


Pakistan 29 August 2015 Ministry of Interior [440]

Japan[e] Public Security Intelligence Agency [442]

Taiwan 26 November 2015 National Security Bureau [443]

China Ministry of Public Security [444]

Venezuela 4 September 2019 National Assembly of Venezuela [147]

Philippines 3 July 2020 Via the Anti-Terrorism Act [445][446]

Azerbaijan [447]

Bahrain [448]

Kuwait [449]

Tajikistan [450]

Kazakhstan [451]

3 July 2022 (as Khorasan [452]

Afghanistan Taliban

The United Nations Security Council in its Resolution 1267 (1999) described Osama bin Laden and his
al-Qaeda associates as operators of a network of terrorist training camps.[453] The UN's Al-Qaida
Sanctions Committee first listed ISIL in its Sanctions List under the name "Al-Qaida in Iraq" on 18
October 2004, as an entity/group associated with al-Qaeda. On 2 June 2014, the group was added to its
listing under the name "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant". The European Union adopted the UN
Sanctions List in 2002.[418]

Many world leaders and government spokespeople have called

ISIL a terrorist group or banned it, without their countries having
formally designated it as such. The following are examples:

The Government of Germany banned ISIL in September 2014.

Activities banned include donations to the group, recruiting
fighters, holding ISIL meetings and distributing its propaganda,
flying ISIL flags,[454] wearing ISIL symbols and all ISIL
activities. "The terror organisation Islamic State is a threat to People lay flowers outside the
public safety in Germany as well", said German politician Thomas French embassy in Moscow in
de Maizière. He added, "Today's ban is directed solely against memory of the victims of the
November 2015 Paris attacks.
terrorists who abuse religion for their criminal goals."[455] Being a
member of ISIL is also illegal in accordance with § 129a and
§ 129b of the German criminal code.[456]
In October 2014, Switzerland banned ISIL's activities in the country, including propaganda and financial
support of the fighters, with prison sentences as potential penalties.[457]

In mid-December 2014, India banned ISIL after the arrest of an operator of a pro-ISIL Twitter

Pakistan designated ISIL as a banned organisation in late August 2015, under which all elements
expressing sympathy for the group would be blacklisted and sanctioned.[440]

After its 2022 Ulema gathering, the Taliban banned all Afghans from associating with the local Khorasan
Province branch of IS in July 2022, and labeled it a "false sect".[452]

Media sources worldwide have described ISIL as a terrorist organisation.[166][285][339][311][426][459]

Following the D-ISIS Ministerial in June 2023, Minister Belkin announced Abdallah Makki Muslih al-
Rufay’i and Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al-Mainuki, as terrorists under Executive Order

Militia, cult, territorial authority, and other classifications

By 2014, ISIL was increasingly being viewed as a militia in addition to a terrorist group and a cult.[461]
As major Iraqi cities fell to ISIL in June 2014, Jessica Lewis, a former US Army intelligence officer at the
Institute for the Study of War, described ISIL at that time as

not a terrorism problem anymore, [but rather] an army on the move in Iraq and Syria, and they
are taking terrain. They have shadow governments in and around Baghdad, and they have an
aspirational goal to govern. I don't know whether they want to control Baghdad, or if they want
to destroy the functions of the Iraqi state, but either way the outcome will be disastrous for

Lewis has called ISIL

an advanced military leadership. They have incredible

command and control and they have a sophisticated
reporting mechanism from the field that can relay tactics
and directives up and down the line. They are well-
financed, and they have big sources of manpower, not
just the foreign fighters, but also prisoner escapees.[461]
Supporters of the Turkish Labour
Party protesting in London following
Former US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel saw an "imminent
the 2015 Ankara bombings
threat to every interest we have", but former top counter-terrorism
adviser Daniel Benjamin derided such talk as a "farce" that panics
the public.[462]

Writing for The Guardian, Pankaj Mishra rejects the idea that the group is a resurgence of medieval
Islam, saying instead:
In actuality, Isis is the canniest of all traders in the flourishing international economy of
disaffection: the most resourceful among all those who offer the security of collective identity
to isolated and fearful individuals. It promises, along with others who retail racial, national and
religious supremacy, to release the anxiety and frustrations of the private life into the violence
of the global.[463]

On 28 January 2017, President Donald Trump issued a National Security Presidential Memorandum
which called for a comprehensive plan to destroy ISIL to be formulated by the Defense Department
within 30 days.[464]

A United Nations report from May 2015 showed that 25,000 "foreign terrorist fighters" from 100
countries had joined "Islamist" groups, many of them working for ISIL or al-Qaeda.[465]

According to a June 2015 Reuters report that cited "jihadist ideologues" as a source, 90% of ISIL's
fighters in Iraq were Iraqi, and 70% of its fighters in Syria were Syrian. The article stated that the group
had 40,000 fighters and 60,000 supporters across its two primary strongholds in Iraq and Syria.[101]
According to scholar Fawaz Gerges writing in ISIS: A History, some "30 percent of the senior figures" in
ISIL's military command were former army and police officers from the disbanded Iraqi security forces,
turned towards Sunni Islamism and drawn to ISIL by the US de-Ba'athification policy following the US
invasion of Iraq.[283]

A 2014 analysis of 2,195,000 Arabic-language social media posts cited by The Guardian had 47% of the
postings from Qatar, 35% from Pakistan, 31% from Belgium and almost 24% from the UK classified as
supportive of ISIL.[466] According to a 2015 poll by Pew Research Center, Muslim populations of various
Muslim-majority countries have overwhelmingly negative views of ISIL, with the highest percentage of
those expressing favorable views not exceeding 14%.[467] In most of these countries, concerns about
Islamic extremism have been growing.[468]

Countries and groups at war with IS

A map of all state-based opponents of ISIL

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve
Other state-based opponents
Territories held by ISIL at its late 2015 peak

ISIL's claims to territory have brought it into armed conflict with many governments, militias and other
armed groups. International rejection of ISIL as a terrorist entity and rejection of its claim to even exist
have placed it in conflict with countries around the world.

Global Coalition to Counter the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
The Global Coalition to Counter the Islamic State of Iraq and the
Levant (ISIL), also referred to as the Counter-ISIL Coalition or
Counter-DAESH Coalition,[469] is a US-led group of nations and
non-state actors that have committed to "work together under a
common, multifaceted, and long-term strategy to degrade and
defeat ISIL/Daesh". According to a joint statement issued by 59
national governments and the European Union on 3 December
2014, participants in the Counter-ISIL Coalition are focused on
multiple lines of effort:[470] Airstrikes in Syria by 24 September
1. Supporting military operations, capacity building, and
2. Stopping the flow of foreign terrorist fighters;
3. Cutting off ISIL/Daesh's access to financing and funding;
4. Addressing associated humanitarian relief and crises; and
5. Exposing ISIL/Daesh's true nature (ideological
Operation Inherent Resolve is the operational name given by the
US to military operations against ISIL and Syrian al-Qaeda
affiliates. Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent
Resolve (CJTF–OIR) is co-ordinating the military portion of the
response. The Arab League, European Union, NATO, and GCC US President Donald Trump
are part of the Counter-ISIL Coalition:[470] According to the announcing the death of Abu Bakr
Pentagon, by December 2017 over 80,000 ISIL fighters had been al-Baghdadi on 26 October 2019
killed in Iraq and Syria by CJTF-OIR airstrikes. [161] By then the
coalition had flown over 170,000 sorties, [471] 75–80% of combat
sorties were conducted by the military of the United States, with the other 20–25% by Australia, Canada,
Denmark, France, Jordan, Belgium, the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates,
and the United Kingdom.[472] According to the UK-based monitoring group Airwars, the air strikes and
artillery of US-led coalition killed as many as 6,000 civilians in Iraq and Syria by the end of 2017.[473]

Lebanon, which the U.S. considers part of the Global Coalition, fought off several incursions by ISIL,
with the largest engagements taking place from June 2014 to August 2017, when several thousand ISIL
fighters invaded from Syria and occupied Lebanese territory. The U.S. and UK-backed Lebanese Army
succeeded in repulsing this invasion, killing or capturing over 1,200 ISIL fighters in the process.[474]

On 21 December 2019, over 33 Islamist militants were killed in Mali by French forces using attack
helicopters, drones and ground troops, alongside the border with Mauritania where an Al-Qaeda-linked
group operates.[475]

Other state opponents not part of the Counter-ISIL Coalition

Iran[476] – military advisors, training, ground troops in Iraq
and Syria, and air power in Syria, beside Iranian borders (see
Iranian intervention in Iraq)

Russia[477] – arms supplier to Iraqi and Syrian governments.

Security operations within state borders in 2015.[478] Airstrikes in
Syria (see Russian military intervention in the Syrian Civil
Liberation of Palmyra by the
Russia–Syria–Iran–Iraq coalition in
Azerbaijan[480] – security operations within state borders
March 2016

Pakistan – Military deployment over Saudi Arabia-Iraq

border. Arresting ISIL figures in Pakistan.[481]

Yemen (Supreme Political Council)[482]

Afghanistan – security operations within state borders (see Islamic State–Taliban conflict)[452]

Other non-state opponents

al-Nusra Front[483]—with localised truces and co-
operation at times
al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula[484]
al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb[485]
Hezbollah[489] Russian Sukhoi Su-34 in Syria

Kurdistan Workers' Party—ground troops in Iraqi Kurdistan and in Syrian Kurdistan[491]
Syrian Democratic Forces
Nineveh Plain Protection Units – an Assyrian Christian militia in the Nineveh Plains in
Northern Iraq[492]
Amal Movement[493]
Syrian Resistance – Suqur al-Furat[494]
Liwa al-Quds[495]
Liwa Abu al-Fadhal al-Abbas
Abu al-Fadl al-Abbas Forces
Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine[496]
Arab Nationalist Guard[497]
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command[498]
Fatah al-Intifada
Syrian Revolutionary Command Council[499]
Mujahideen Shura Council (Syria)[500]
Unified Military Command of Eastern Ghouta[501]
Fatah Halab[502]
Mare' Operations Room[503]
Golan Regiment[504]
Mukhtar Army[505]

Al-Nusra Front is a branch of al-Qaeda operating in Syria. Al-Nusra has launched many attacks and
bombings, mostly against targets affiliated with or supportive of the Syrian government.[506] There have
been media reports that many of al-Nusra's foreign fighters have left to join al-Baghdadi's ISIL.[507]

In February 2014, after continued tensions, al-Qaeda publicly disavowed any relations with ISIL.[508]
However, ISIL and al-Nusra Front still cooperate with each other occasionally when they fight against the
Syrian government.[509]

The two groups [ISIL and al-Nusra] share a nihilistic worldview, a loathing for modernity, and
for the West. They subscribe to the same perverted interpretations of Islam. Other common
traits include a penchant for suicide attacks, and sophisticated exploitation of the internet and
social media. Like ISIL, several Al Qaeda franchises are interested in taking and holding
territory; AQAP has been much less successful at it.
The main differences between Al Qaeda and ISIL are
largely political—and personal. Over the past decade,
Al Qaeda has twice embraced ISIL (and its previous
manifestations) as brothers-in-arms.

— Bobby Ghosh, "ISIL and Al Qaeda: Terror's

frenemies", Quartz[510]

On 10 September 2015, an audio message was released by al-

Qaeda's leader Ayman al-Zawahiri criticising ISIL's self- Military situation in Syria in March
proclaimed caliphate and accusing it of "sedition". This was
described by some media outlets as a "declaration of war".[511]
However, although al-Zawahiri denied ISIL's legitimacy, he
suggested that there was still room for cooperation against
common enemies, and said that if he were in Iraq, he would fight
alongside ISIL.[512]

Human rights abuse and war crime

The Islamic State has been widely condemned for crimes against
humanity.[513][514] In July 2014, the BBC reported the United
Military Situation in Iraq in May 2020
Nations' chief investigator as stating: "Fighters from the Islamic
State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) may be added to a list of war
crimes suspects in Syria."[515] By June 2014, according to United Nations reports, ISIL had killed
hundreds of prisoners of war.[516]

In November 2014, the UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria said that ISIL was committing crimes
against humanity.[514][517] A report by Human Rights Watch in November 2014 accused ISIL groups in
control of Derna, Libya of war crimes and human rights abuses and of terrorising residents. Human
Rights Watch documented three apparent summary executions and at least ten public floggings by the
Islamic Youth Shura Council, which joined ISIL in November. It also documented the beheading of three
Derna residents and dozens of seemingly politically motivated assassinations of judges, public officials,
members of the security forces and others. Sarah Leah Watson, Director of HRW Middle East and North
Africa, said: "Commanders should understand that they may face domestic or international prosecution
for the grave rights abuses their forces are committing."[518] ISIL members were also reported to perform
human sacrifices,[519] despite the act being forbidden in Islam.[520]

The United Nations Commission on Human Rights has stated that the group "seeks to subjugate civilians
under its control and dominate every aspect of their lives through terror, indoctrination, and the provision
of services to those who obey".[309] ISIL and Al-Qaeda were both reported for exploiting Turkey-Syria
earthquake event for their propaganda.[521]
According to the Iraq Body Count project, the Islamic State's fighters killed a minimum of 25,645 Iraqi
civilians from 2014 to 2016.[522]

a. Attributed to multiple sources:[64][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91]
b. Arabic: ‫الدولة اإلسالمية‬, romanized: al-Dawla al-ʾIslāmiyya
c. Arabic: ‫داعش‬, romanized: Dāʿish
d. Attributed to multiple sources:[64][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91]
e. ISIL Tunisia, ISIL Bengal, ISIL Greater Sahara (ISGS), and ISIL East Asia (ISEA) are not
considered terrorist organizations by Japan.[441]

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General and cited references

Abass, Ademola (2014). Complete International Law: Text, Cases and Materials (2nd ed.).
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External links
The Islamic State (
mic-state/p14811) by Council on Foreign Relations
ISIS (, Counter Extremism Project profile
"'Islamic State': Raqqa's loss seals rapid rise and fall" (
dle-east-35695648) by BBC News
Frontline: Losing Iraq ( (July 2014), The Rise of ISIS
(October 2014), Obama at War ( (May 2015),
Escaping ISIS ( (July 2015), documentaries by PBS
The Islamic State (, August 2014
documentary by Vice News
"ISIS: Portrait of a Jihadi Terrorist Organization" (
s/Art_20733/101_14_Ef_1329270214.pdf), report by the Intelligence and Terrorism
Information Center
Operation Inherent Resolve updates (
"The Group That Calls Itself a State" (
self-a-state-understanding-the-evolution-and-challenges-of-the-islamic-state) Archived (http
lls-itself-a-state-understanding-the-evolution-and-challenges-of-the-islamic-state) 19 May
2017 at the Wayback Machine, publication by the Combating Terrorism Center
Letter dated 24 July 2023 from the Chair of the Security Council Committee pursuant to
resolutions 1267 (1999), 1989 (2011) and 2253 (2015) concerning Islamic State in Iraq and
the Levant (Da'esh), Al-Qaida and associated individuals, groups, undertaking (https://web.a
318974.pdf) at the Wayback Machine (archived 23 August 2023), publication by the United
Nations Security Council

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