for Implementing
October 2014
Education Development Center (EDC) would like to thank our partners whose
invaluable insights guided the development of this logbook:
Partner Organizations:
Philippines Department of Education, BSE Curriculum Development Division
A very special thank you to the AWARE project team who developed the
Muchlis Ali
Katherine Belen
Yupaporn Boontid
Piyamit Chomprasob
Angelique Roux-Munoz
Shinta Sudono
Thaniya Theungsang
Various tools and supporting documents have been included in this resource book to support
teachers’ planning and implementation of Work-Based Learning (WBL). Teachers are invited to
modify and adapt these documents to suit their particular WBL needs.
Send out Letter to Employers and FAQ to all Provide students with Student work
potential host employers experience application questionnaire
Set up meetings with potential host
Provide students with Letter to parent:
employers via phone/email. When meeting
Consent form and FAQ and the Letter to
face-to-face for the first time, use the Agenda
parent requesting potential employer
for meeting potential employer as guidelines
Select and match students with host
Shortlist potential host employers and input
employers to take part in work experience
information in Employer database
and input information in Employer database
Conduct orientation with selected students
Complete School-employer letter of on work experience placement using the
agreement Agenda for the student orientation to WBL
as guidelines
Provide students with Employer contact
Send Letter to employers about accident
information (1.2 in Student Work Experience
Assist students to complete the Student
Meet with confirmed employer and supervisor and
learning agreement (1.3 in Student Work
Experience Logbook) and sign the document
1. School-employer letter of Work with students to complete Student
agreement [signed by Main contact personal learning plan (1.5 in Student Work
person] Experience Logbook) and sign the document
2. Student learning agreement (1.3 in
Student Work Experience Logbook)
[signed by Main contact person]
3. Student personal learning plan (1.5
in Student Work Experience
Logbook) [signed by supervisor of
Step 6 Teachers/Industrial Liaison Officers (ILOs) begin work Work exposure guidelines
exposure activities (informational interview, community youth
mapping, workplace observation)
Step 7 Teachers/ILOs recruit employers to host students, including Action plan
conducting exploratory meetings with potential new host Employer database
employers Agenda for meeting potential
Letter to employer & FAQ
Employer database
Step 8 Teachers/ILOs facilitate the student recruitment, application and Student work experience application
selection process questionnaire
Step 12 Students are placed with host employers and monitored by the Work experience monitoring report
school during their placement
Step 13 Students complete their logbooks and hand these in for Student work experience logbook
processing and assessment
Step 14 Teachers/ILOs hold student work experience reflection sessions Question guide for post-placement
student reflection meeting
Step 15 Teachers/ILOs hold reflection sessions with host employers on Guidelines for post-placement meet-
student work experience up with employers
Step 16 AWARE team holds school teachers/ILOs reflection sessions on
student work experience
The two components of the AWARE project that prepare youth to enter the workforce with skills
and experience, include:
1. Work Ready Now! (WRN!) – a participatory, learner-centered approach to developing the
“soft skills” young people need to succeed in the workplace; and
2. Work-Based Learning (WBL) – a series of steps where students gain gradual experience and
responsibility in a workplace, supported by teachers, employers, and the AWARE team.
To better prepare students for the internships/on-the-job training (OJT) required in their Technical
and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) schools, the AWARE project focuses on two core
areas of WBL: Work Exposure and Work Experience.
1. Work Exposure refers to structured activities that are designed to support students in learning
through observation of a real work setting and conducting informational interviews.
2. Work Experience consists of placement of students in a workplace for a minimum of five days.
This experience is structured with input from both teachers and the employer to allow
students to practice both technical skills and work readiness skills through learning by doing.
Work Exposure will occur during the regular school term and will link to training on the WRN!
Curriculum. The Work Exposure activities that follow are required to be completed before
students can proceed to the Work Experience component of Work Based Learning in AWARE.
1) Informational Interviews (from WRN! Module 3: Job Seeking and Work Behaviors)
In this activity students will be asked to interview someone who works in their specialization area
about his or her job and the career development path she or he has followed. The purpose of the
informational interview1 is for students to find out what it is like to work in their tech-voc
specialization area and explore career progression possibilities.
Teachers are to follow the following lesson plans in the WRN! Curriculum on Module 3: Job
Seeking and Work Behaviors:
The informational interview activity is part of the WRN! training and should be conducted according to the school’s
regular WRN! training schedule.
Work-Based Learning | AWARE | Philippines 5
October 2014
Workplace List
Name of Workplace Type of Workplace Name of People I Contact details, if
(Sector) know working known
3) Workplace Observation
Schools can best prepare students for the world of work by providing them with relevant work
exposure through workplace observation visits. In this activity, students will have the opportunity
to observe working conditions, work environments, and learn about appropriate workplace
behaviors by seeing examples.
The benefit of workplace observation visits is that students who have a limited understanding of
what happens in a workplace will get a chance to go into different workplaces to see different jobs
and career opportunities.
Teachers will assign students, as a homework/field work activity, to observe one business
workplace identified from the informational interviews, community youth mapping, or other
businesses in their community. This activity can be conducted either after school or on weekends
and involve either a single visit or several short visits.
Students should be instructed to observe (watch / look at) what goes on in the workplace in order
to better understand work tasks, processes, systems and technology in a real workplace. Below
are examples of potential observation items that teachers can assign students prior to their
observation visit. Teachers are encouraged to expand on these examples and also hold a
debrief/reflection meeting after all students have completed their workplace observation visits.
Name up to three job types in the workplace that are in your specialization area. Then say what
the role of each of these jobs is in the workplace.
Person Persons
Activity responsible involved Timeframe Comment
5. Employer database
Warm greetings from [SCHOOL NAME] and Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC).
We are pleased to invite you to participate in a trailblazing project that aims to equip students with real
work experience in order to prepare youth for future careers in the [SPECIFIC AREA, FOR EX.,
GARMENTS] industry in [NAME OF CITY].
The Accelerating Work Achievement and Readiness for Employment (AWARE) project is a pilot initiative
of EDC2 and the JPMorgan Chase Foundation, in collaboration with the Department of Education
(DepEd), and strives to provide work-readiness training and hands-on work experience to youth from
Technical and Vocational (Tech-Voc) schools.
To achieve this, we need the support of our local businesses to work together with us for the benefit of
the students and our community. We are inviting you to host [NUMBER] students for 5 days of work
[DATE TO DATE]. These [NUMBER] students are enrolled in the [SPECIALIZATION PROGRAM, FOR EX.,
GARMENT AND DRESS-MAKING] course at [SCHOOL NAME], and are all set to undergo [LEVEL OF
In line with the above information, we would like to request a meeting with you on the week of [DATE,
FOR EX., OCTOBER 15, 2015], at a day and time convenient for you, in order for us to present more
details about this exciting program and our students’ and course qualifications. Further, we look
forward to hear your input on how we can embark on this partnership.
Our focal person will be in touch with your office in the coming days to confirm your interest in
participating in this project. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call [NAME] at
[TELEPHONE OR MOBILE NUMBER]. In the meantime, kindly find the attached Work-Based Learning
Brief and FAQs.
We look forward to your positive response and we are enthusiastic to embark on this exciting project
Telephone Office:
Telephone Cell:
Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC),is a global nonprofit organization that addresses some of the world’s most
urgent challenges in education, health, and international development. EDC manages 350 projects in 30 countries. Visit
Additionally, the students participating in the AWARE project are currently going through a
curriculum called Work Ready Now!, that strengthens soft skills such as effective
communication (speaking and listening), having a strong work ethic, exhibiting leadership and
teamwork, and providing good customer service. These soft skills are what EDC refers to as
Work-Readiness skills.
Are we allowed to host only students that are specializing in our trade?
Apart from the technical specializations in specific industries (e.g. manufacturing, welding,
electrical repair, commercial cooking), some Tech-Voc schools also have courses in office
administration, information technology, computer hardware servicing – which could be
relevant for a wide variety of industries.
Who decides what the student will do for 5 days in the workplace?
Before the commencement of the work experience placement of a student, the employer and
school will agree on the list of tasks that the student will complete based on the skill sets of the
Work-Based Learning | AWARE | Philippines 11
October 2014
students and the areas of work that can contribute to the company. Further, these will be
discussed with the students so everyone is clear on the expectations of what will be completed
in 5 days.
The students will have a work experience logbook wherein she or he will log the tasks
completed for the day as well as new things learned. It is suggested that the staff serving as
the student’s supervisor will also sign the student’s logbook at the end of the day, as well as fill
in a one-page evaluation of the student at the end of the placement. It is ensured that the
logbook is not the responsibility of the host employer but the responsibility of the student.
Who are involved in the AWARE project and this WBL component?
In close collaboration with DepEd Regional Director in NCR and Cebu, and with support from
the JPMorgan Chase Foundation, EDC is developing this WBL as a key component of the
Accelerating Work Achievement and Readiness for Employment (AWARE) project.
The overall goal of AWARE is to build a best practices model for training youth on work
readiness and employability skills in Southeast Asia using locally adapted versions of EDC’s
Work Ready Now! (WRN!) Curriculum. The AWARE project is currently being piloted in
Indonesia (Jakarta) and the Philippines (NCR and Cebu).
The WRN! Curriculum was developed by EDC as a practical and adaptable work readiness
curriculum that has been implemented in more than 15 countries over the last 10 years
through support of USAID and through EDC’s own corporate funds. Thus, the AWARE Project
aims to serve as a pilot that will help determine the most effective and relevant way to roll-out
appropriate and sufficient training to strengthen employability skills of youth in the Philippines.
2. Introduce WBL: purpose, students involved, expected nature of work experience required,
duration of placements and intended dates
3. Discuss whether employer can provide expected work exposure and work experience
needed and what hosting the students will involve. Employers should meet the criteria
outlined below:
Is the employer able to supervise and support students adequately during their
work experience?
Are the employer’s work hours and conditions of work appropriate for school
Can the employer provide an environment where the student is not exposed to
unnecessary health and safety risks?
(If employer does not meet the criteria or does not agree, then the meeting ends here).
4. Determine how many students the employer can host at once and in which fields of study
5. Discuss how students will be monitored by the school during their placement and how
student performance and disciplinary issues will be handled while students are in the
6. Discuss legal, ethical and logistical issues: health and safety related issues including personal
protective equipment required and what to do in the event of an accident; employer rules and
work hours.
7. Check if there is agreement to proceed with the process and whether employer would
be willing to sign a letter of agreement at the final stage of preparation to confirm all
arrangements made
We trust that this will address any concerns you may have regarding the students’ health and
safety while on your premises.
It is intended to capture the agreement reached with an employer on the hosting of students. It is
suggested that the letter of agreement be completed and signed in the final stages of preparation,
after the details of the work experience placement have been negotiated.
Thank you for agreeing to host our Tech-Voc students for work experience. The students to be
hosted and the dates and duration for the placement will be: [NUMBER AND/OR NAME OF
SPECIALIZATION AREA: [Example: EIC (Electrical Infrastructure Construction); F&T (Fitting and
Turning); AR&M (Automotive Repair and Maintenance); and EF (Engineering Fabrication)]
To ensure the smooth implementation of the student work experience placement, the school
agrees to:
1. Liaise with and brief designated employer representative on all matters relating to the
student placement including the nature of the work experience to be provided and the
management of students
2. Provide students with a logbook to guide their work experience
3. Ensure that students
• Are properly briefed on the work experience placement, logbook and employer prior
to the placement
• Adhere to the employer’s working hours and comply with its rules
• Comply with the employer’s dress code and wear the required personal protective
4. Monitor students during their placement and resolve any performance and disciplinary matters
that arise
4. Induct students to the workplace and its work including the organizational
structure, operating procedures, and rules and regulations (especially those
concerned with health and safety) of the workplace
5. Allow students to shadow and work with staff in the workplace that are employed in their field
of training
6. Ensure that staff working with students are adequately briefed about the student work
experience placement
7. Provide day-to-day supervision to students
8. Support students to complete their logbooks by
• Helping them to gather information related to the work experience questions and
• Helping them identify the skills that they will be practicing or develop at
the workplace in Part 3 of Section 1.5
• Helping them to reflect on what they have experienced and learned in the workplace
• Signing their daily journals and other relevant assignments
11. Allow identified school representatives access to the workplace for the purpose
of monitoring and supporting students
12. Participate in a reflection session after the placement to provide feedback and share learning
Signed and agreed upon on [DATE] Signed and agreed upon on [DATE]
………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………….
Name and Signature Name and Signature
………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………….
Designation Designation
Company Name
This document is to be handed out to students interested in joining the work experience component of
Would you like to go back to the same employer who previously hosted you? Yes No
What employer / kind of employer would you like to go for work experience placement?
How would you rate yourself in relation to the following characteristics? Poor Fair Very good Excellent
This is a template of a letter to be sent to parents/guardians introducing WBL. The second part of this
document is a consent form to be completed and signed by the parents/guardians to allow their
child/ward to participate in WBL. The Parent/Guardian consent form has to be returned to the school
after completion. The third part of the document is optional, containing FAQ about WBL for more
information about the activities the students will be participating in.
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Warm greetings, and congratulations from [SCHOOL NAME] and Education Development
Center (EDC)!
Your child/ward has been selected to participate in the high school’s Work-Based Learning
(WBL) program, which will allow her/him to gain valuable work exposure and experience with
an employer that works in the technical and vocational field she/he is studying.
The Accelerating Work Achievement and Readiness for Employment (AWARE) project is a pilot
initiative of EDC3 and the JPMorgan Chase Foundation, in collaboration with the Department of
Education (DepEd), and strives to provide work-readiness to youth from Technical and
Vocational (Tech-Voc) schools through training and hands-on workplace experience.
To achieve this, EDC and the Tech-Voc school are working together to identify businesses and
establishments that will host students for a 5-day work experience over [SPECIFY
been tasked to identify potential workplaces, and we encourage all of our students’ families to
support this endeavor and suggest any workplaces where your child might be able to complete
his/her AWARE work experience. Additionally, prior to the work experience, your child will be
assigned to visit a workplace to conduct a work exposure through observation or interviewing a
staff with a set of guide questions that will be provided by the Work Ready Now! (WRN!)
Facilitator of your child/ward.
[SCHOOL NAME] endeavors to be a pioneer in providing opportunities for its students to obtain
real work and life learning and experience that will help them to be successful in the workplace
and their future careers. We look forward to your usual support and collaboration.
Yours sincerely,
Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC),is a global nonprofit organization that addresses some of the world’s most
urgent challenges in education, health, and international development. EDC manages 350 projects in 30 countries. Visit
To signify your consent for your child/ward to participate in the work-experience, kindly sign
the form below and have your child/ward return back to the Work Ready Now! Facilitator of
the class.
Please feel free to contact the relevant teacher if you have any queries. For more information,
you can request for the Work-Based Learning 2-pager brief and the Frequently Asked
Questions sheet for parents from the school.
Name of Parent/Guardian
Signature of Parent/Guardian
Name of Student
Tech-Voc Specialization
Signature of Student
Additionally, the students participating in the AWARE project are currently going through a curriculum
called Work Ready Now!, that strengthens soft skills such as effective communication (speaking and
listening), having a strong work ethic, exhibiting leadership and teamwork, and providing good
customer service. These soft skills are what EDC refers to as Work-Readiness skills.
The students will have a task book wherein she or he will log the tasks completed for the day as well as
new things learned. It is suggested that the staff serving as the student’s supervisor will also sign the
student’s task book at the end of the day, as well as fill in a one-page evaluation of the student at the
end of the placement. It is ensured that the task book is not the responsibility of the host employer but
the responsibility of the student.
8. What are the advantages of participating in the Work Exposure and Work Experience of AWARE?
The benefit for students is that they will have the opportunity to practice their technical and work-
readiness skills in a real workplace setting. This exposure and experience can also contribute to the
students’ confidence and communication skills because they are able to have interaction with
professionals in their related field of interest and study. Additionally, having this formal partnership
between the school and the businesses can help students gain connections in the companies which can
provide longer-term employment to the students in the future.
9. Who are involved in the AWARE project and this WBL Program?
In close collaboration with DepEd Regional Director in NCR and Cebu, and with support from the
JPMorgan Chase Foundation, EDC developed this WBL Program as a key component of the Accelerating
Work Achievement and Readiness for Employment (AWARE) Project.
The overall goal of AWARE is to build a best practices model for training youth on work readiness and
employability skills in Southeast Asia using locally adapted versions of EDC’s Work Ready Now! (WRN!)
Curriculum. The AWARE project is currently being piloted in Indonesia (Jakarta) and the Philippines (NCR
and Cebu).
The WRN! Curriculum was developed by EDC as a practical and adaptable work readiness curriculum
that has been implemented in more than 15 countries over the last 10 years through support of USAID
and through EDC’s own corporate funds. Thus, the AWARE project aims to serve as a pilot that will help
determine the most effective and relevant way to roll-out appropriate and sufficient training to
strengthen employability skills of youth in the Philippines.
Please complete and return this form to the ILO on your son/daughter’s campus by [DATE]
Name of employer
Address of
Employer phone
Type of
Write up the student orientation agenda on the board and hand out the student logbooks. This
can be used as a guide for preparation rather than a required list of steps to follow.
• Welcome students to the meeting and congratulate them on being accepted to participate in
work experience
of study and thereby: develop their understanding of employers that work in their
vocational area and the career they are training for; improve their competence and work-
readiness; and improve the alignment between school programs and employer needs.
• Inform students about the length of their work experience placement, which is a
minimum of 5 days.
• Note that for work exposure, the focus will be observation and the possibility to
interview the workplace staff. Work experience, students will both observe and be a lot
more practically involved. The extent to which students are allowed to engage in practical
activities will depend on each employer though. Note that students might be given very
basic or boring tasks to do including cleaning. This is part of what working in a real
workplace involves and students need to be prepared to do the tasks they are given.
• Briefly discuss the issue of health and safety in workplaces. Note that this is a big concern
for many employers and they are afraid to let students get practically involved because of
potential accidents. Note that their parents will be required to sign an indemnity form.
Explain how students will be covered, and the procedure to be followed, in the event of
an accident during their placement.
• Note that the way the day-to-day program is structured at each workplace will depend
on the employer and the work being done at the time that students are placed; the school
cannot prescribe this. Some employers may have a structured program and others a loose
one. It is likely that on the first day there will be some sort of induction to the workplace
and that thereafter, students will spend time shadowing and working with staff in the
workplace who work in their field of training.
• Note that the logbook is designed to provide some structure to students’ experiences
without prescribing to employers what they should do with students. However, by
completing the structured questions and activities in the logbook, each student, will be
finding out similar information regardless of the employer they are placed with.
• Discuss how work experience fits into the Tech-Voc specializations and how students
will be assessed on their participation in the program.
Explain that work experience takes place in three phases: Phase 1- Pre-placement, Phase 2 -
Placement, and Phase 3- Post-placement (before, during and after work experience). Various
activities need to be completed in each of these phases.
» Go through Introduction to student work experience logbook. Discuss the need for
students to take responsibility for making their work experience as valuable as
possible. Make sure students understand the purpose of this section and what needs to
be filled in by them. Note that everything in Part 1 of the logbook will need to be
completed before students are placed in workplaces.
» Go through Project Information and Supporting Documents. Take students through:
(1.1) Student profile and contact information
(1.2) Employer and school contact information
(1.3) Student learning agreement. Point out to students that they need to understand
their roles and responsibilities by joining the work experience. Check that students
understand what being an ‘ambassador’ for their school means and what is meant by
‘professional behavior’.
(1.4) Indemnity Form. Emphasize to students that the form needs to be completed
and signed by the parent or guardian.
(1.5) Student Personal Learning Plan. Point out to students that this section serves as
guide to employers on what exposure to give students. Students should also show it
to the people they work with in the workplace as it will give them an indication of
the kinds of tasks they can give students to do. This is to be completed with the
teachers and the host employer.
• Go through the rules with students (contained in the learning agreement in their logbook)
• Explain how students will be supported and monitored from the side of the school before the
placement starts and while they are in the workplace
• Explain how employers will manage and supervise students while they are in the workplace
• Discuss what students must do if they have a problem or things are not going well in the
4. Information about employers hosting students, placement dates with each employer and
other employer-specific requirements
• Inform students about the employers that will be hosting them. Tell each student which
employer they have been placed with. Note where each employer is based and provide a brief
overview of each employer’s work
• Note the daily start and end time for students at the different employers
• Note what personal protective equipment (PPE) students will be required to wear and which
students, if any, will have to attend pre-placement inductions or medicals
• Discuss communication and permission that is needed with parents before students who are
under 18 go into workplaces
• Emphasize that students need to complete the required documentation (in Part 1 of the
» Student profile
» Student learning agreement – students need to ensure that their agreement is
signed by all the relevant people
» Employer and school contact information
• Discuss arrangements with regard to students that need to attend pre-placement inductions or
complete medicals
• Make arrangements to get to the host employer – find out where the employer is and make
transport arrangements
Are the students doing actual work in the workplace? Describe the actual TASKS
Are the students enjoying the overall experience? Describe why. (Collect quotes from
What is the student learning from the overall experience? (Collect quotes from
What hours do the students work? How do the students get there?
What does the workplace say about the skills that the student came with / learn from
school? (Collect quotes from employer representatives or supervisors)
General Comments
Student Name:
Host Company:
Education Development Center (EDC) would like to thank our partners whose
invaluable insights guided the development of this logbook:
Partner Organizations:
Philippines Department of Education, BSE Curriculum Development Division
A very special thank you to the AWARE project team who developed the
Muchlis Ali
Katherine Belen
Yupaporn Boontid
Piyamit Chomprasob
Angelique Roux-Munoz
Shinta Sudono
Thaniya Theungsang
Part 1 includes project information and information on your profile, your host employer and your
school. It also contains your learning agreement and indemnity form that you will sign to be part of this
work experience program. Please make sure that all the documents in Part 1 are completed before
you start your work experience placement.
Part 2 includes information on the roles of your school, your employer and yourself during work
experience placement. It also contains your preparation checklist for work experience placement, daily
journal and evaluate your work experience.
Part 3 includes two sections which need to be completed by your host employer at the end of your
work experience placement. You need to make sure that both sections in this part are completed
before you leave the workplace.
Part 1: Project Information and Supporting
The Accelerating Work Achievement and Readiness for Employment (AWARE) Project is a pilot initiative
of the JPMorgan Chase Foundation and Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC) that strives to
improve workforce development in Indonesia and the Philippines. The project provides work readiness
training and hands-on opportunities in the workplace to youth in Technical and Vocational Education
and Training (TVET). EDC works together with partner TVET schools, government, and the private sector
to equip youth with the soft-skills needed to enter today’s job market.
Project Objectives:
1. Equip TVET students with increased work readiness skills and improve their access to employment.
2. Establish and improve practical relationships between TVET schools, local businesses, and
government to create a more market-driven TVET system that will link students with actual jobs.
Project Components:
There are two components that are the foundation of a series of steps that help our youth enter the
workforce with skills and experience, including:
Work Ready Now! (WRN!) is a participatory, learner-centered approach to developing the “soft
skills” young people need to succeed in the workplace.
Work-Based Learning (WBL) consists of a series of steps where students gain gradual
experience and responsibility in a workplace, supported by teachers, employers, and the
AWARE team.
To better prepare you for the internships/on-the-job training (OJT) required in your TVET schools, the
AWARE project focuses on two core areas of WBL: Work Exposure and Work Experience.
Work Exposure refers to structured activities that are designed to support you in learning
through observation in a real work setting and conducting informative interviews.
Work Experience consists of your placement in a workplace for a minimum of five days. This
experience is structured with input from both teachers and the employer to allow you to
practice both your technical skills and work readiness skills through learning by doing.
1.1 Student Profile And Contact Information
Full name
ID number Age
School Grade
My future goals
1.2. Employer and School Contact Information
Employer contact information
Name of employer
Address of employer
Name of school
Address of school
1.3. Student Learning Agreement
Congratulations! You have been selected to participate in work experience as part of the AWARE
This is a wonderful opportunity for you to learn about your chosen occupation and to improve your
employment prospects.
You need to remember that you are now an ambassador for your school. Your behavior in the
workplace needs to be professional. During your work placement you need to comply with your
school’s code of conduct as well as the rules of your host employer. Any problems or discipline matters
that arise will be managed by your school.
1.4. Indemnity Form
(To be completed by parent/guardian)
employer), its employees and its agents against any claims of any nature whatsoever which may be
surname of the student) or any third party or other person claiming on behalf of the student arising out
of the student’s death or injury or loss of or damage to the student’s property as a result of entering
host employer) negligence or on the negligence of any of its employees or agents for which they may be
________________________________ _________________________________
Name (Full name and Surname) Relationship with student
________________________________ _________________________________
Signature Date
1.5. Personal Learning Plan
(To be signed by students, teachers, and employers)
My Work-Based Learning journey begins with me and setting my personal learning goals. Together with
my WRN! Facilitator and Instructors I’ve identified the following competencies I aim to strengthen:
Together with my work experience placement officer (supervisor), I’ve identified the following skills I
aim to practice and/or develop further:
Part 2: Program Activities
The Roles of School, Employer and Students During Placement
The success of the work experience placement depends on each stakeholder in the process understanding and
carrying out their roles effectively.
2.1. Preparation Checklist for Work Experience Placement
This checklist contains a summary of all the tasks you need to complete for your work experience
placement. Some of these tasks must be completed before the start of your work placement, others
during and after. Use the checklist to help you keep track of what you have done and what you still
need to do by ticking off each task after you have completed it.
1 Give your parent/guardian the letter from your school about your work experience
placement (letter to be provided by your school).
3 Fill in the ‘employer and school contact information’ form (Part 1/1.2).
4 Complete the ‘learning agreement’ (Part 1/1.3). Ensure that it is signed by a school
representative, an employer representative and yourself.
5 Complete the ‘indemnity form’ (Part 1/1.4). If you are under 18, this needs to be signed by
your parent or guardian. If you are over 18 you need to sign it.
6 With the help of a teacher, fill the student Personal Learning Plan (Part 1/1.5). You, your
teacher, and your employer need to sign the completed Personal Learning Plan.
8 Find out what personal protective equipment (PPE) your host employer requires and make
sure you have them.
9 Ensure you bring the logbook with you to the workplace to complete the daily journal for
each day of your placement (Part 2/2.3).
10 Complete the ‘workplace induction checklist’ (Part 2/2.2) on the first day of your work
experience placement.
11 During your work experience placement, fill in your daily journal (Part 2/2.3). Ask the
person who supervised you each day to sign your journal.
13 Ask your workplace supervisor to complete the evaluation on you (Part 3/3.1)
14 Ask your workplace supervisor to complete the certificate about your placement (Part
3/3.2). This certificate also needs to be stamped with the workplace stamp.
15 Share your experience in the workplace with your school and other students
2.2 Workplace Induction Checklist
Please tick off the items in the checklist below once you have completed them. You also need to fill
in the additional information required. This checklist should be completed on the first day of your
Item Tick
1. I have the name and address of my host employer
2. I have the name and contact number of the person in the workplace who is responsible for me
during my placement
Name of my supervisor:
Contact number for my supervisor:
3. I know who I will be reporting to on a day-to-day basis in the workplace
When I will report to this person Names of the people I will report to daily
4. I have been introduced to the people I will be working with
5. I know the rules of my host employer
6. I know what my host employer expects of me while I am in the workplace
Things they expect of me include:
7. I know what time I need to be at work daily and when lunch time is. These are as follows
Work hours:
Lunch time:
8. I have been given a tour of workplace premises and will be able to find my way around
9. If I have a problem during my placement I know what to do
2.3 Daily Journal
Journal: Day 1
Date Time In Time Out No. of Hours
/ /
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
To be completed by supervisor at the workplace responsible for the student for the day
Supervisor Comments
Job Title: …………………………………………………………….
Journal: Day 2
Date Time In Time Out No. of Hours
/ /
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
To be completed by supervisor at the workplace responsible for the student for the day
Supervisor Comments
Job Title: …………………………………………………………….
Journal: Day 3
Date Time In Time Out No. of Hours
/ /
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
To be completed by supervisor at the workplace responsible for the student for the day
Supervisor Comments
Job Title: …………………………………………………………….
Journal: Day 4
Date Time In Time Out No. of Hours
/ /
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
To be completed by supervisor at the workplace responsible for the student for the day
Supervisor Comments
Job Title: …………………………………………………………….
Journal: Day 5
Date Time In Time Out No. of Hours
/ /
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
To be completed by supervisor at the workplace responsible for the student for the day
Supervisor Comments
Job Title: …………………………………………………………….
2.4 Student Evaluation of Work Experience
Answer the questions that follow about your workplace experience.
1. Did you feel adequately prepared by your school for your work experience placement? Explain
your answer. For instance, did you have some information about the employer hosting you? Did you
know what would be required of you and how to complete your logbook?
2. Was your work experience relevant to what you have learned in your Tech-Voc specialization at
school? If yes, give a few examples of how it related to this.
Not at all useful Not that useful Fairly useful Very useful Extremely useful
What did you find most valuable about your work experience?
What did you find least valuable about your work experience?
4. How do you think your work experience could have been improved?
5. Other comments
Part 3: Employer Evaluation & Certificate
3.1. Employer Evaluation of Student Performance
Name of student
1. Rating of students. Circle the number that best applies in each case where 1 = very poor, 2 =
poor, 3 = fair, 4 = good, and 5 = very good.
3. Does the student display the qualities you would look for in an employee? Please explain.
3.2. Employer Certificate to Confirm Student Work Experience Provided
Date ……………………………..
experience. At the time, the student was completing NCI / NCII (circle relevant qualification) in
Job title
“For the things we have to learn before we can do
them, we learn by doing them.”
― Aristotle
October 2014
Depending on the number of students who were placed, one or more student reflection meetings will need
to be held. It is recommended that at least two school representatives (e.g. one ILO and one Teacher)
conduct each reflection meeting, with one person assigned as the facilitator to ask questions from the guide
below and the other assigned as a note-taker.
1.1 Did you feel adequately prepared for your workplace experience? Did you know what
was expected of you and what you needed to do before, during and after your placement? How
could the process of briefing students be improved?
1.2 Did you have any problems preparing any of the documentation in your student
logbook needed for participating in work experience? Refer to the list of documents in the
table below.
2.1 Overall comments on work experience and its value: How did your placement go? What
did you see and do? What was its value to you? How does your experience relate to what you
are doing at school?
2.2 Structuring the work experience at each employer: How was the work experience
organized on a day-to-day basis? What worked well? What did not work well? How could the
work experience be improved?
2.3 Employer supervision and mentoring of students: How were you managed and supported
by the employer? Did you have the same or different supervisors on a daily basis? How do you
think this aspect of the work experience could be improved?
2.4 Support from school: Did you feel adequately supported by the school during your
placement? Were you contacted or visited by the ILO/teacher responsible for you? Did you
contact this person or feel that you would be able to contact him or her if you had a problem?
How could this aspect of work experience be improved?
2.5 Any other problems that arose and how they were solved?
3.1 How did you find the logbook? Was it useful? How could it be improved?
3.2 What arrangements were made by your employer for you to complete your logbook?
Did this work okay? How could this process be improved?
3.3 Were all sections of the logbook completed? Did you have any problems answering any of
the questions? Did you have any problems getting employers to complete the sections they
needed to (sign your daily journal, fill in the evaluation form on you and complete the
4. Post-placement activities
4.1 Was this whole experience a helpful exercise? Would you recommend it to other
students? Why/why not?
4.2 How are you better prepared for actual job placement now that you have completed
work experience?
4.3 Would you want to work with the same employer again? Why or why not?
To identify strengths and challenges with the work experience placement process
and identify ways to improve it
To provide an opportunity for employers to engage with and make an input on the
student curriculum and the design of the work experience component
To build the school’s relationship with the employer
To secure the employer’s commitment to continue hosting other students in future
1.2 What is your impression of the students (attitude, initiative, and level of knowledge and skills)?
1.3 Were there any problems with any of the students and if so how was this handled?
4.2 What approach will you adopt to supervising the students in future?
5.1 What is your assessment of the student logbook?
5.2 Did you refer to the logbook when planning what to do with students?