Youth Week Lessons 2014
Youth Week Lessons 2014
Youth Week Lessons 2014
G E T O N Y O U R M A R K * B Y N AT E R O E M E R
L E S S O N 1 * N AT E R O E M E R
1. Objective
6. Discussion Questions
Not only do we need to get the right starting point, but we need to determine our starting
point right now. The Bible says, “For God says, ‘At just the right time, I heard you. On
the day of salvation, I helped you’” (II Corinthians 6:2, NLT). Indeed, the right time is
now. Today is the day of salvation.
Procrastination is the venom of Satan. In other words, it’s not the bite that kills you but
what is injected into your bloodstream that eventually has the power to destroy you.
Don’t assume that determining your starting point can wait. You must determine it right
When we assume our position at God’s starting line for our lives, we need to consider
three things: the physical approach, the mental approach, and the spiritual approach.
Each has the potential to leave a lasting mark on our life.
A. Physically
Physically, we would never consider approaching the starting line of a marathon with a
bunch of baggage. It wouldn’t be a good idea to run 26.2 miles lugging an eighty-pound
backpack around. So why do we insist on running this spiritual race with unnecessary
burdens and weights? “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a
cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset
us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us” (Hebrews 12:1). This is
God’s plea. God is calling us to allow Him to deliver us from all this extra baggage we
are trying to carry as we run this race.
B. Mentally
Mentally, we need to constantly pray for God to deliver us from the oppression of our
minds. Just because you’re in the church doesn’t mean you are exempt from mental
anguish and attack. The mind is a battlefield, and the enemy would love nothing more
than to gain control of your head. Philippians 2:5 reads, “Let this mind be in you, which
was also in Christ Jesus.” We need healing to take place in our minds. We need to pray
every day that God would be in control of our thoughts and that a godly filter would be
installed on what goes in—and what comes out—of our minds.
There are many competing voices in your life right now. All of them are attempting to
mark you by determining your starting point. Hebrews 12:2 contains this phrase in the
King James Version: “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.” The
majority of those willing to help you at the starting line—to get started on a particular
path in life—probably won’t be around when you reach the finish line. People have this
bizarre way of bailing out on us, but not God. He has promised us in His Word that He
will be with us from the beginning all the way until the very end.
Starting right is essentially fulfilling the biblical plan of salvation: repentance; baptism
in Jesus’ name; receiving the Holy Spirit; and living a consecrated, committed, and
separated life. These are absolutely, one hundred percent essential in getting the proper
start to your marked life!
Isn’t it amazing how easily we can get distracted? Hey look, there’s a squirrel! Oh,
sorry. But seriously, if you’re like most young people in the church, the issue isn’t really
whether you love God or not, but that you don’t hate sin. Romans 12:9-10 reads, “Don’t
just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is
good. Love each other with genuine affection and take delight in honoring each other”
(NLT). I threw in verse ten just for good measure. But for real, as much as we need
to love God, we need to hate sin. You have to remember that sin is always packaged
in such a way that it distracts us because it looks innocent and so enticing. Sin never
reveals its real intentions, and sin tries to avoid revealing its devastating mark on your
life. Additionally, sin will never reveal to you its final destination until it’s too late!
You will certainly encounter seasons of life when things get uncomfortable and the path
becomes really tight. However, I believe you can stay right even when it’s tight. Jesus
attempted to convince the people of His generation of this same thing: “Go in through
the narrow door. The door is wide and the road is easy that leads to hell. Many people
are going through that door. But the door is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life
that lasts forever. Few people are finding it” (Matthew 7:13-14, NLT).
Regardless of where you end up and whom you end up surrounded by in life, you must
stay right.
As far as the general public was concerned, this was the entire purpose of Alfred’s life.
None of his true intentions to break down the barriers that separated men and ideas for
peace were recognized or given serious consideration. He was simply a merchant of
death. And for that alone he would be remembered.
As he read the obituary with horror, he resolved to make clear to the world the true
meaning and purpose of his life. This could be done through the final disposition of
his fortune. His last will and testament was an endowment of five annual prizes for
outstanding contributions in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature,
and peace. The sixth category of economics was added later. These would be the
expression of his life’s ideals and ultimately would be why we would remember him. The
result was the most valuable of prizes given to those who had done the most for the
cause of world peace. Today, it is called the Nobel Peace Prize. 1
There’s good news for us today. If you’re still alive (hopefully you are), there’s still some
time for a course correction. Up until this point in your life, you may have been dealing
with the consequences of the results of a wrong starting line. But God has this unique
ability to make all things new, including giving you a second chance.
Let’s pray that you can either be the recipient of a restart or you can be absolutely
certain you are starting out at God’s divine point of origin. Remember, He is the author
and finisher of our faith. God will not abandon you at any point on this journey. His mark
on your life will have eternal significance. So, are you ready? On your mark, get set, go!
6. D I S C U S S I O N Q U E ST I O N S
These questions are designed for either breakout groups or to be discussed openly by a
facilitator. Feel free to set these questions up in any way that might be more applicable
to your group.
1. What can you start doing immediately that will lead to a life marked by God?
2. Think in small, incremental steps. If you’ve never prayed daily before, don’t set
yourself a goal of starting by praying five hours a day. What are some significant
starting points for your life you can begin now?
3. How can you avoid the many distractions along the path to living a marked life?
4. If God has graciously given you another chance, who can you identify in your life
that you should be gracious enough to extend to them another chance?
1. Objective
2. Introduction
7. Discussion Questions
2. I N T R O D U CT I O N
The United States Census Bureau recently calculated the rate of births, deaths, and
immigrant activity in our country. They came to the intriguing reality that one person
is added to the population every thirteen seconds. This rising trend has catalyzed
our world’s population to now exceed seven billion people. Have you ever felt lost or
insignificant in this cross section of human activity? Consider a profound aspect of
God’s design: the human fingerprint.
If you take a few seconds and peer closely at the tips of your fingers, you will discover
something known in the medical field as “fractional ridge impressions.” Without these
small ridges that compose the human fingerprint, we would not be able to hold objects
securely in our hands. These ridges enable you to clasp objects without them sliding
and slipping through your fingers. The next time you hold a glass of water in your
hands, be extra grateful for these fractional ridge impressions.
Dactyloscopy is the study of the human fingerprint. Fingerprints have played a major
role in the history of our world. The ancient Babylonian civilization used fingerprints
marked in wet clay to be the binding sign on a contractual agreement of any sort. In
the nineteenth century Sir. William Herschel, a government official in colonial India,
first used thumb impressions to identify potential criminals. In the twentieth century,
this practice was adapted in the United States of America by Mr. J. Edgar Hoover, the
longest serving director of the FBI. He created a database of human fingerprints that
grew to the largest and most sophisticated system in the world. Why has there been
such an emphasis on the human fingerprint in cultures throughout our world’s history?
The answer is simple. Out of the more than seven billion people on Earth, there is
not one other human who has the same distinguished fingerprint as you. Just three
months after life begins—while still in the womb and six months prior to birth—a baby’s
fingerprints are fully developed and distinguished. Even in the case of identical or
Siamese twins, there has never been an exact duplicate of the human fingerprint. It is
your natural mark that can distinguish your identity from anyone else. There is no one
in the world like you.
Your fingerprint stays on almost everything you touch whether you realize it or not. You
leave your mark wherever you go and on whatever you do. II Corinthians 3:2 declares,
“Ye are our epistle written in our heart, known and read of all men.”
3. L E AV I N G O U R M A R K
Our lives are a constant, vibrant, and distinct representation of something. The
question we all have to answer is: “Who will our distinguished lives represent?” God
We further discover this message of a marked destiny for our specific lives in Psalms
22:9-10 when the psalmist declares, “But thou art he that took me out of the womb:
thou didst make me hope when I was upon my mother’s breasts. I was cast upon thee
from the womb: thou art my God from my mother’s belly.”
The Gospel of John 15:16 galvanizes our faith as God reveals this personal truth: “Ye
have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and
bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the
Father in my name, He may give it you.”
The name of Jesus Christ applied to our lives is the most powerful mark of all. We
have a confused, worldly culture that tries to brand us with a mark of carnality,
immorality, and depravity of all spiritual sensitivity. Let this generation rise up and
grasp hold of the non-duplicated destiny God has had in place for our lives from the
beginning. God doesn’t copy and paste. His destiny is pure and original.
Don’t settle for the mark of the prince of this world, but strive for the royal mark of the
King of kings to be applied to your life. The mark of salvation will propel you into the
distinguished destiny God has prepared for your life.
Acts 4:12 boldly declares, “Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none
other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.” God’s
salvation plan is for us to be marked by the name of Jesus Christ. How can we ensure
we are marked by His name?
In John chapter three, there was a man named Nicodemus who purposely sought
Jesus to discover the answer to the vital salvation question. Jesus first declared here
what Peter later reinforced on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2:38. After repentance from
our sins, we must be born of both water and the Spirit.
By following the essential plan of salvation, we all have the blessed opportunity to
be marked by the name of Jesus Christ despite our background or status in life. We
can and will be saved by His amazing grace as Ephesians 2:8 explains. Jeremiah
29:13 lets us know we will find Him when we seek Him with our whole heart. Hebrews
11:6 teaches us that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. God isn’t
interested in the game of “hide and seek.” If we follow His Word, He is waiting with
open arms to mark our lives in a way that will bring promise and power.
When the Apostle Paul said in I Corinthians 15:31, “I die daily,” he was referring to a
lifestyle of repentance and death to his flesh. He further reiterated this in Galatians
2:20 by saying, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth
in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who
loved me, and gave himself for me.”
“For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. And
if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of
righteousness” (Romans 8:6, 10).
“For ye are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:3).
Jim Elliott so poignantly said in a famous quote, “He is no fool who gives what he
cannot keep, in order to gain what he cannot lose.”
Ephesians 4 instructs us to put off the old man and put on the new man who after
God is created in righteousness and true holiness. When we are baptized in water
in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of our sins, our sinful nature is buried.
Old things are passed away and all things become new. This happens because we
become marked and distinguished by the name of Jesus Christ. It is the only name
that can heal, deliver, and bring salvation. “For as many of you has have been baptized
into Christ, have put on Christ” (Galatians 3:27).
Romans 8:17 declares we are joint-heirs with Christ. We become marked with the
ultimate inheritance of our Father, which is the hope of Heaven and eternal life.
Romans 8:11 promises, “But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus dwell in you,
he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His
Spirit that dwelleth in you.” The gift of the Holy Ghost is not an optional benefit that is
Romans 8:9 emphatically says, “But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be
that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is
none of his.” The Holy Ghost is essential. To be marked by His name, we need His
5. T H E B E N E F I TS O F T H E K I N G ’S M A R K
The plan of salvation by applying the name of Jesus Christ to our lives is not designed
to be a checklist of requirements and rituals. The larger purpose is not merely to follow
a process but to empower our lives for His kingdom.
Ephesians 3:20 states, “Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding, abundantly above
all that we could ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.”
The power of the mark of salvation comes from our great King and is designed to be
made alive and fervent in our lives. Peter said to the lame man in Acts 3:6, “Silver
and gold have I none but such as I have give I thee, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth rise up and walk.” Peter’s paradigm should be our ambition in this present
generation. The plan of salvation and the mark of His name on our lives should be
used to affect the hurting world around us.
We have been allocated a royal identity full of authority. We can be the generation that
turns this world upside-down. It is not by our might or our power, but by His Spirit and
His mark on our lives.
“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a peculiar people, an holy nation;
that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into
His marvelous light” (I Peter 2:9).
6. C O N C L U S I O N A N D P R AY E R
His mark expels the darkness and reveals His glorious light. Just as your natural
fingerprint is unique and distinguished only to you, so also is the spiritual mark of
salvation given to you by the King of kings, Jesus Christ. Your name will be marked
down and written in the Lamb’s book of life.
Buy the mark of this truth and sell it not. Embrace, cherish, and activate the King’s
mark on your life.
“Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory
forever and ever. Amen” (I Timothy 1:17).
Since God’s blueprint is the way for us to be marked, let’s pray together that we’ll all
realize how important that blueprint is and that we will allow God to mark our lives by
His precious name.
7. D I S C U S S I O N Q U E ST I O N S
1. When we understand that God had a plan for us before we were even born,
how can this help us with loneliness and feelings of insignificance?
2. What are the three essential requirements God requires of us in His salvation
3. What does it mean to be a “joint-heir” with Christ? Why is this significant today
and also for our future?
4. How can a youth group embrace the identity laid out in I Peter 2:9 in our current
5. After we are marked by the name, what are the common themes of Acts 1:8 and
Ephesians 3:20? How can we apply this to our lives today?
1. Objective
2. Introduction
3. Everybody Is Weird
7. Discussion Questions
2. I N T R O D U CT I O N
Why am I here? What is my purpose? Will I ever achieve my goals and be successful
in this life? These questions have been asked by an innumerable amount of people
who have walked on this planet. And those are all valid questions. However, most of
the time, these heart-searching, life-challenging, and sobering questions are asked
out of insecurity rather than curiosity. As students, we must realize that our unique
differences, single parent homes, self-perceived disabilities, and even our insecurities,
are not our Achilles heel!
These things will not follow us to the edge of success only to cause us to fall and
become failures. They are not going to be the stumbling blocks in the road that cause
us a lifetime of regrets and force us to forever say “what if.” No, that’s not our future!
Instead, they will serve as unique markings to glorify the power and purpose of Jesus
Christ in our lives. They will be monuments in our past to which we will one day look
back and say, “That’s where God took doubt and fear away from me and gave me the
strength and courage I needed to succeed. That’s where God snatched my excuses
away from me and gave me the drive and determination to be great for Him!”
Too often we’re guilty of looking around and weighing out those we think will succeed
or do well based on their family history, finances, or social status. Too often we exclude
ourselves from the realm of success because in our own minds we don’t measure up
to those around us. According to Jeremiah 17:10, God looks upon the heart. If your
heart is willing, there is nothing God can’t do through you!
So, I ask you, who are you? Not whom do you show yourself to be in front of others,
but who are you in your heart? Are you afraid of failure? Are you timid? Are you
confident? Who is the person God sees when He looks upon your heart?
3. E V E RY B O DY I S W E I R D
By a show of hands, who thinks you’re a little weird? Let me tell you something:
everybody is weird! A furniture maker was asked for help in making a mantel for a
fireplace. The customer explained the dimensions and sizes he needed the mantel to
be and then told the furniture maker the type of wood it was to be made of. Nothing
less than one-hundred-year-old oak or pine. “We will take care of you,” replied the
furniture maker. A young man who had been working with the furniture maker for
the summer walked up just in time to hear the end of the conversation. Dazed and
confused, he asked the furniture maker, “Why would that man want to purchase
a mantel made from wood one hundred years old that wouldn’t be crafted as
meticulously as it would with advanced technology and machinery today?”
David had brothers who thought he was being proud rather than pure when he
challenged Goliath. Samuel was taken to the temple at eight years old and grew up
without his mother and father. Jonathan watched his father backslide and have the
kingdom rent from him. Name anyone in Scripture, and I promise they had unique
markings on their life from past situations that anyone could—and probably did—use to
judge them to be unfit, but God used them because, in truth, everybody is weird.
Judges 14:5-9: “Then went Samson down, and his father and his mother, to Timnath,
and came to the vineyards of Timnath: and, behold, a young lion roared against him.
And the Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon him, and he rent him as he would have
rent a kid, and he had nothing in his hand: but he told not his father or his mother what
he had done. And he went down, and talked with the woman; and she pleased Samson
well. And after a time he returned to take her, and he turned aside to see the carcase
of the lion: and, behold, there was a swarm of bees and honey in the carcase of the
lion. And he took thereof in his hands, and went on eating, and came to his father and
mother, and he gave them, and they did eat: but he told not them that he had taken the
honey out of the carcase of the lion.”
Samson killed the lion and walked away from it. Weeks later, he walked past the
obstacle (lion) he had killed weeks earlier. When he looked down, he found honey in
it. If it hadn’t been for the beehive in the lion, Sampson’s parents might have died. If
Samson had never come across and killed the lion, his parents may have perished.
But because he overcame the obstacle in his path, he was able to pull strength from
the lion that would sustain him and his mother and father.
Your obstacle may be a single parent home. You might be the only one living for God in
your family. Your past may be filled with addictions to drugs or alcohol, or you could be
struggling with the most difficult family problems imaginable right now. But know this,
if you allow God to help you slay the lion today, there will come a day in your future
when you will pull strength from that victory and give someone else what they need to
I’m not just sharing this because it’s a great story that helps convey my point, but I
speak from experience. I was raised by my grandmother in a home without my mom
and dad. Was it tough? You bet it was, for her and for me. Probably more for her than
me. Did I struggle with it? Yes, but God helped me to know He had marked me with a
purpose that was bigger than me!
Years later, my dad and I became great friends, and I had the privilege to play a big
part in winning him to God. I was able to kill the lion of bitterness and anger over my
family situation, and eventually God used me to win my father. During my years as
a youth pastor, many times I noticed the unique situations I dealt with as a student
helped me to minister to others as a pastor.
5. M Y M A R KS = H I S P U R P O S E
Because of their commitment to God, Meshach, Shadrach, and Abednego were
marked with purpose. What marked them? Their commitment to their God marked
them, but do you remember the rest of the story? Through the furnace, everyone else
saw the Son of God in the fire! Let your commitment to God remain strong through
every tough fiery situation; then watch how other students, teachers, and family
members will recognize the One who is with you.
6. C O N C L U S I O N A N D P R AY E R
No doubt, many of us have looked around us and wondered why we’re here. But we
know from the Word of God and from living life that we are all here for a very definite
purpose. We’re here to bring God glory and help others make it to Heaven.
Along the way, we’ll suffer scrapes, bruises, scars, and even wounds. While many may
see those marks as casualties of others’ cruelty, God is able to heal us through each
of those and use us to help others heal. But we have to be careful not to compare our
life with everyone else’s. We don’t know their story, and they probably don’t know ours.
But thankfully, God does. And God knows us.
And God wants to mark each of our lives with His larger than life, eternity-sized
purpose. Let’s pray for God to give us the knowledge of His purpose for our lives and
the courage to live it out.
7. D I S C U S S I O N Q U E ST I O N S
1. What is the danger in comparing yourself with others when seeing how successful
you are in life?
2. What should be our measuring line to measure true success?
3. Have you ever met anyone whose story is exactly like yours? Why or why not?
4. What characteristics and quirks make you “weird?” How can God use those for
His glory?
5. What obstacles has God helped you overcome in order to mark your life with
6. How have others seen God at work in your life as you overcame those obstacles?
1. Objective
2. Introduction
4. A Creative God
5. Gifted People
7. Discussion Questions
2. I N T R O D U CT I O N
Teacher’s Note: Purchase an ink pad and thick paper. Select as many students as you
would like to involve in this activity and have them put their fingerprints on the paper.
Afterwards, have the students analyze each fingerprint and examine the differences.
There are over seven billion people on our planet, and every person has their own
unique fingerprints. In a previous lesson, we learned how everyone’s fingerprints
have their own unique impressions, ridges, and design. These make them exclusive,
uncommon, and different. Even identical twins are born with their own individual
Just like no one in this world of approximately seven billion people has a matching
fingerprint to yours, no one else can compare with the unique calling God has ordained
in your life. Like the color of your eyes, your one-of-a-kind smile, and the color of your
hair, your ministry was chosen for you by God before you were born into this world.
You have been marked for ministry, and you can imprint your mark on this world.
3. M A R K E D F O R M I N I ST RY
Turn to the person next to you and tell them, “I’m so thankful I’m not you!” Say it with
conviction. Say it like you mean it.
We say that now, but sometimes we don’t feel that way. We look around and think to
ourselves, “If I only had her talent, I would be used more. If I had his skill, I would get
noticed more. If I had their family life, I would not be so sad.” Maybe you feel out of
place or uncertain of what God wants you to accomplish for His kingdom. The truth is,
you have been marked for ministry, and God has a divine purpose for your life.
II Corinthians 10:12 reads, “For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or
compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but measuring themselves
by themselves, and comparing themselves amongst themselves, are not wise.”
Sometimes we can come to church and feel like we have to be someone else. We
may feel like we have to make decisions like someone else. Or we don’t have a lot
4. A C R E AT I V E G O D
You have been marked for ministry. Not a boring or miserable ministry, but a ministry
that will be fueled by your passions and driven by the dream God has breathed into
your life. We serve a God who is infinitely original, and we have been created in His
Did you know there are over 120,000 species of flies in the world? I know that’s
gross. Just gross. There are also over 400,000 different species of beetles. There are
approximately 40,000 different kinds of spiders. Why? Why God? Why all the spiders?
Why all the flies and beetles?
When some people get to Heaven, they will be asking, “Why did You decide to have an
earthquake after the sixth seal was opened?” Then there will be me asking, “Did You
really have to create 40,000 different kinds of spiders? Actually, why did You create
spiders?” Then I will ask, “Why all of the beetles? Like, seriously. 400,000?”
God created 400,000 different kinds of beetles because He loves diversity. Not only did
God create the possibility for 8.7 billion species of insects on the sixth day of creation,
He also created all the animals and man. That is really impressive.
You have been designed, fashioned, and created in a way no one else has been in this
world, and so has your ministry. You may feel like God wants to use you in a particular
way, but you haven’t seen anyone else do it that way. So you have told yourself it
wasn’t God, or you are not advanced enough to accomplish it.
You may say, “No one else is doing that!” Who cares? Did you know scientists are still
finding new species of animals and bugs every year? It’s amazing. That tells me there
is a progression with God’s creation. Who knew that God has been hiding animals and
bugs on the Earth for thousands of years? When you start to step out in faith, you will
discover something new about yourself. You will think to yourself, “I had no idea I could
do that.”
There were some people in the Bible with unique ability and talent:
1. Jehu was a reckless chariot driver. I guess you could say he had road rage.
Although he became king over Israel, he is well known for his furious chariot
attacks (II Kings 9:11-30).
2. Ehud’s secret ability was being left-handed. Because he was left-handed, he
could conceal his weapon on his right thigh—an unexpected place for a sword. He
was able to kill King Eglon of Moab because of this secret ability, resulting in the
deliverance of the Israelites from Moabite domination (Judges 3:12-30).
What are some unconventional traits that can be used for ministry?
Teacher’s Note: Have everyone take a few minutes to share with one or two people
what they enjoy doing. Ask your young people what they are interested in and how
they can incorporate their love for shopping into a certain kind of ministry. You can
also suggest things they can involve themselves in. For example, if they are good with
computer graphics, they can update the church website.
You have been marked for ministry. You do not have to feel bound by ministry or your
future. Seek the freedom of ministering how God wants you to minister. God wants to
use the uniqueness of your personality to reach this world. You have an opportunity to
serve God with all of your charisma, quirkiness, and diversity.
Genesis 1:16 states, “And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule by day,
and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.” He made the stars also.
This little side note is humorous to me. It’s like God saying, “No biggie. Just billions of
stars I created too.”
We serve the Creator of the whole universe. God has enchanted our evenings with
billions of stars to make the night sky full of awe and wonder. We serve a God who has
created unique, intricate snowflakes to fall down from the sky, causing them to glisten
and sparkle over the landscapes of this world. David proclaimed in the book of Psalms
that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. I cannot explain to you how I eat a piece of
bread and have it transformed into red blood cells, nutrients, proteins, and fats.
God has hidden diamonds, gold, silver, and other precious stones and metals deep
within the Earth, and He has hidden things in your life too: gems of ability and talent.
But it is up to you to search out your calling and then use what you love to do to benefit
God’s kingdom.
The following question is from a book by Mike Murdock. If every human was paid
ten dollars an hour for work, regardless of the type of job, what would you do? For
example, if you chose to be the janitor of a building, you would receive ten dollars an
hour for it. And if you decided to be a heart surgeon, you would receive ten dollars an
hour for it. What would you do if money was no longer a factor in it?
What you love the most is a clue to a marvelous gift inside of you—a gift God has
given to you so you can share it with others.
6. C O N C L U S I O N A N D P R AY E R
We need the uniqueness of a creative God to reach this world. It is not an accident if
you feel like you have been appointed to reach thousands of people for His kingdom.
It is not an accident if you feel chosen to be a preacher of the gospel. If you choose to
use your beautiful voice for the glory of God, He will put an anointing on you that will
break down strongholds of discouragement, addiction, and depression.
If you feel like God is going to use you in a way no one else has been used before
in this world, you’re not mistaken because there are some things for the church to
accomplish where eye has not seen or ear has heard. The best is yet to come.
You all have a unique mark on your life: a mark for ministry. A visible impression, a
distinguishing symbol. A mark is an impression created by doing something unusual or
extraordinary that people notice or remember.
You have all been marked for ministry, but as you come to the front, express to God,
“I know I have been marked for ministry, but how am I going to leave my mark and
imprint on this world?” Ask God to take away your preconceived ideas of what ministry
is and for Him to stretch your mind and imagination. God desires to take your flaws,
your strengths, your weaknesses, and your past and use them as an instrument of
ministry. Everything you have been through has marked you and made you different.
No one has experienced the things you have experienced because there is only one
you. God needs every part of you to complete His perfect will.
Here are some questions to ask yourself to help you find your ministry. Remember, it
doesn’t have to be a cookie-cutter type ministry.
1. Objective
2. Introduction
3. Defining Ministry
8. Discussion Questions
2. I N T R O D U CT I O N
When a parent walks through the door, they can often tell if teenagers are home.
There’s no need to call out their names because the evidence they are there is seen
by the scattered shoes, discarded socks, and probably a backpack smack dab in the
middle of the hallway. Essentially, they have made their mark in the house and have
notified everyone, “I’m home!”
Perhaps a better example of someone making their mark would be when a forensic
scientist walks into a room and begins to dust for fingerprints. These scientists can
tell what glass an individual drank from, if they turned on the lights, and they can even
determine if the prints were left by a male or female. That’s the type of impact the lives
of Spirit-filled students should have on those they meet, both in the church and outside
the walls of the church building. So we are going to examine the biblical model that
best serves in impacting the churched and the unchurched: ministry.
3. D E F I N I N G M I N I ST RY
Before we dissect this huge idea—or lifestyle—we call ministry, we should define
exactly what ministry is. The most simplistic definition would be servanthood, and an
awesome example of the importance God has placed on being a servant is found in
Matthew 23. Jesus pointed out the apparent hypocrisy of the Pharisees and scribes
commanding the people to work and carry the heavy burdens they themselves
wouldn’t lift a finger to help. The verse literally says they won’t move a finger. These
guys, the Pharisees and scribes, seemed to be more concerned about how they
looked in the house of God rather than the work that needed to be done in the house
of God. They loved to make a big deal about their religious garments, and they wanted
the best seats in church and the choicest accommodations at feasts. And when they
walked around, they wanted everyone to know who they were and how important
the roles they held were by having the people address them by whatever title they
possessed. But in the kingdom of God, these things are not indicative of a servant’s
heart. In this same passage, Jesus goes on to say that the path to greatness is not
your title or position of authority in the church, but it’s being a servant. Here we see a
glimpse of the true nature, or the DNA, of ministry. But what is the practical, day-to-day
application and face of ministry?
A. Optional Illustration
Find an abstract picture, perhaps a collage of intersecting shapes and designs to
project on a screen. Have students pair up. Have them decide who will dictate and who
will draw. Have all the students drawing turn around and face the back of the room.
Have all the students dictating face the front.
After three or four minutes, shut off the screen. But wait to reveal the picture until the
end of your lesson to keep the suspense.
B. Discussion Questions
1. How hard was it for you to describe what you saw in a way your partner could draw?
2. What did you find out about your verbal communication skills?
3. Which is easer: showing how a task is done or describing how a task is done?
4. Could your world be tired of people describing authentic ministry and want someone
to show them authentic ministry?
5. Is it possible that we can profess our Christianity to them by living a life of service?
Servanthood may look different from person to person because we all possess various
talents and abilities. While others may contribute by giving time and effort working with
children, you may find you are most effective playing an instrument or singing a song.
While these may be completely different areas of involvement, the core attribute is
service unto others.
Now, ministry is best defined not by what is lectured, but by what is lived. So let’s
examine this lifestyle we previously mentioned and how we can serve those around us.
Why should we care about our community? Jesus again spoke in Matthew 25:31-46
concerning ministry when He speaks about the day we will all gather before Him on the
throne. Jesus will separate folks described as goats from those He will call sheep based
on how they treated Him. Moments when He was hungry, when He was thirsty, when He
was a stranger, when He was naked, and when He was in prison.
Those He will call goats withheld food, drink, shelter, clothing, and fellowship while the
sheep provided everything He was lacking. Then both the sheep and goats will ask
when they had any opportunity to provide what the Lord was needing. According to their
recollection, they couldn’t remember any moment when the Lord came to them in the
various states of hunger, thirst, homelessness, and loneliness.
The Lord will reply, “Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not
to me.” Whenever we have an opportunity to serve—or minister—to the least of those
among us, we are actually serving Jesus Himself. This is the great truth when it comes
to ministry: service to everyone, regardless of their station of life, their position in society,
or wealth in their bank account will determine whether the Lord calls us sheep or goats.
Will He call you a sheep and invite you to inherit the kingdom He has prepared for you
Another example of the importance of service to others is found in James 1:27. When
the author gave a definition of pure religion, he spoke of being separate, or unspotted
from the world. But he also described pure religion as visiting the fatherless and
widows in their current suffering or affliction. The word “visit” in this particular scripture
literally means “to oversee and to take responsibility for” the orphans and widows. In
doing so, we will be practicing what the Word describes as pure and undefiled religion.
James paints a pretty definitive picture of the importance of our compassion and
service toward the less fortunate in the sight of God.
I imagine that’s what was happening to Timothy when the apostle Paul wrote to him in I
Timothy 4:12. Paul encouraged Timothy not to let anyone’s negative view of his young
age keep him from doing what the Lord called him to do. In fact, he challenged Timothy
to be a Christian example; but more specifically, to be an example to other believers.
In essence, Timothy was implored to pave the way for the whole church, whether they
be ninety-nine or nineteen, in word, behavior (conversation), love, faith, and even
purity. This same challenge to young people extends even to our time. You can be an
example by how you serve and minister to one another. Paul believed a young Timothy
could show others the true nature of being a leader, regardless of his age. You too can
show others what it means to be a servant, despite your short time here on Earth.
Ultimately, whatever you do in service to the Lord—whether it’s leading a song at youth
service, doing the dishes after the Sunday morning fundraiser, or even picking up the
candy wrappers the sugar-filled, three-year-old Sunday schoolers left in the parking
lot—do it as if Christ Himself asked you to. Colossians 3 tells us “Whatever ye do in
word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus.” So while it may seem silly, the
next time you’re picking up trash or scrubbing a toilet, try this. Tell Jesus, “Lord, I’m
picking up this trash, not because I want credit and recognition, but I’m doing this for
You and You alone. I know that serving in Your house of worship brings You glory, and
because of that, it’s my joy to be doing this.” Colossians 3:23-24 sums it up like this:
“And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that
of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.”
7. C O N C L U S I O N A N D P R AY E R
A few years ago, a term came out to describe the generation that grew up in the Great
Depression and went on to fight in World War II. They’ve been called the “Greatest
Generation” because of their willingness to fight against Nazi Germany and the
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify
your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).
When it comes down to it, our service and ministry outside the church and inside the
church should shine so brightly that people notice and glorify God. After all, glorifying
God is our ultimate goal.
8. D I S C U S S I O N Q U E ST I O N S
1. How can an Apostolic young person best exemplify ministry (servanthood)
to those not affiliated with your local church?
2. Why do you think the Lord is pleased when we minister to, or serve, the
disadvantaged and less fortunate?
3. Although they may not be able to benefit us in a monetary or tangible way, is it
worth our effort to serve the disadvantaged and less fortunate? Why or why not?
4. Paul encouraged Timothy to be an example to other believers despite his age, and
Timothy’s life made it apparent he listened. What obstacles in our generation do
you face in trying to be an example to other believers because of your young age?
5. How can you/did you overcome these obstacles?
6. We’ve talked about the struggles of doing ministry at such a young age, but what
are some advantages and strengths your youthfulness brings when serving in the
kingdom of God?