DAPC HOLY HOUR - Confession
DAPC HOLY HOUR - Confession
DAPC HOLY HOUR - Confession
Introduction to Prayer
The presiding minister or another designated minister approaches the ambo and
greets the assembled faithful in these or similar words:
Presider: Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit
All: We adore you and behold your sacred presence. Cleanse our hearts
from all vain and distracting thoughts; enlighten our understanding;
direct our will that we may worthily, attentively, and devoutly spend
this hour in your loving presence. We are chosen priests and we
strongly believe in what you said that wherever two or three
gathered in your Name, you will be in the midst of them. Look down
with compassion and love upon us who are now united before you in
the lowliness of our hearts to adore you, the Perfect High Priest, our
Good Shepherd. We adore you whom we desire to be made known
and loved by all. Stay in our midst, O Beloved Jesus. Fill our hearts
with your blessing.
O Lord, humbly kneeling before you, we also express our sorrow for
the sins we committed, for our failures to do your will. We also
desire to make reparations for our own coldness towards you in the
Sacrament of your love; for the ingratitude and sins of others,
especially for the outrages and sacrileges committed against your
Most Blessed Sacrament.
We offer this Holy Hour to make us your worthy priests and also to
offer to you our own particular intentions.
Presider: Grant us the grace, Dear Jesus, to spend this hour for your
greater glory, in
thanksgiving for the many graces that you have given us, and
now listen to
You, the Truth that sets us free from the burdens brought by our
weaknesses and transgressions, our Way and our Life that leads
us to be
℟: Amen.
First Reading and Responsory (Taken from the Liturgy of the Hours)
Presider: O Beloved Jesus, we thank you for all the favours you have given
All: We thank you for accompanying us in our journey. We thank you for
loving mercy. We thank you for your love in spite of our weaknesses
failures. We thank you for all the joys of our life and its sorrows too,
for our
offenses as your beloved priests, for our friends, family and
O Lord, we thank you for having lived, suffered, died and
resurrected for us.
We thank you for your love. Amen.
Magnificat/Benedictus (From the Liturgy of the Hours)
Intercessions: (May be taken from the Liturgy of the Hours or the following)
Presider: We offer our petitions to God our Father our needs especially the
that make us worthy. We pray:
Presider: Keep calling us Lord, but give us also the strength to respond to
your call by the power of Jesus Christ our Lord.
℟: Amen.
Presider: With sincere gratitude for your love, we now sing the prayer,
which have taught, for our Dear Father who sent you to lead us to Him.
Lord’s Prayer
℟: Amen.
Toward the end of the exposition the priest or deacon goes to the altar, genuflects,
and kneels. Then a hymn or other Eucharistic song (e.g. Adoro te, etc.) is sung. In
many places, it is customary to sing the hymn Tantum ergo.
Meanwhile the minister, while kneeling, incenses the sacrament if the exposition
has taken place with the monstrance. Afterward the minister rises and sings or
V. Panem de cælo præstitísti eis. (Allelúia.)
R. Omne delectaméntum in se habéntem. (Allelúia.)
Deus, qui nobis sub Sacraménto mirábili
passiónis tuæ memóriam reliquísti:
tríbue, quaésumus,
Tantum ergo Sacraméntum Genitóri, Genitóque
ita nos córporis et sánguinis tui sacra mystéria venerári;
Venerémur cérnui Laus et jubilátio,
ut redemptiónis tuæ fructum in nobis júgiter sentiámus.
Et antíquum documéntum Salus, honor, virtus quoque
Qui vivis et regnas in saécula sæculórum.
Novo cedat rítui: Sit et benedíctio:
℟: Amen.
Præstet fides supleméntum Procedénti ab utróque
BLESSING Compar sit laudátio.
After the prayer, the priest or deacon puts on the humeralAmen.
veil, genuflects, and
takes the monstrance or ciborium. He makes the sign of the cross over the people
with the monstrance or ciborium, in silence. After the celebrant has placed the
monstrance in the altar, the divine praises may be said or sung while the celebrant
remains kneeling.
At this moment the pious custom of reciting the Prayer of Reparation to Eucharistic
Heart of Jesus may be observed.
Presider: May the Heart of Jesus in the most Blessed Sacrament be
praised, adored and
loved with grateful affection at every moment in all the
tabernacles of the
world, now until the end of time.
℟: Amen.
After the blessing the priest or deacon who gave the blessing, or another priest or
deacon, replaces the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle and genuflects.
Meanwhile the people may sing or say an acclamation, and the minister then
Introductory Rites
After the song the priest greets the congregation:
Then the priest or another minister speaks briefly about the importance and
purpose of the celebration and the order of the service.
The priest invites all to pray, using these similar words:
Brothers, God calls us to conversion; let us therefore ask
him for the grace of sincere repentance.
All pray in silence for a brief period. Then the priest sings or says the prayer.
hear the prayers of those who call on you,
forgive the sins of those who confess to you,
and in your merciful love
give us your pardon and your peace.
We ask this through Christ our Lord
℟: Amen.
FIRST READING Deut. 5:3-1, 6-7, 11-
12, 16-21a; 6:4-6
Justice is with the Lord, our God; and we today are flushed with
shame, that we have sinned in the Lord’s sight and disobeyed
him. ℟
We have neither heeded the voice of the Lord, our God, nor
followed the precepts which the Lord set before us. We have
been disobedient to the Lord, our God, and only too ready to
disregard his voice. ℟
We did not heed the voice of the Lord, our God, but each one of us went off after the
devices of our own wicked hearts, and did evil in the sight of the Lord, our God. ℟
Examination of Conscience
My brothers, confess our sins and pray for each other, that you
may be healed.
All say:
I confess to almighty God, and to you, my brothers,
that I have sinned through my own fault
in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done,
and in what I have failed to do;
and I ask blessed Mary, ever Virgin, all the angels and saints,
and you my brothers, to pray for me to the Lord our God.
The Lord is merciful. He makes us clean of heart and leads
us out into his
freedom when we acknowledge our guilt. Let us ask him to
forgive us and
bind up the wounds inflicted by our sins.
Let us now pray to God our Father in the words Christ gave
us, and ask him
for his forgiveness and protection from all evil.