Road To NEC Vol 2
Road To NEC Vol 2
Road To NEC Vol 2
F/\NP/\GE TA.I UI;:U Tll~NG ANH NANG CAO hohaidang l
Part 1. For questions 1-5, listen to an inten}iew with a student called .Jessica Harper and
decide whether these statements are True (T), False (F), or Not given (NG). Write your
answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
1. Jessica becomes more acclimated to student life in her second year.
2. Jessica no longer finds it problematic to adjust to being away from friends and family.
3. Jessica says keeping in touch with loved ones takes a lot of time and energy.
4. Jessica's grandad struggled to contact her over the phone.
5. Jessica believes too many people talking at once is an issue when using video calling.
I Your answers
2 3_· 4
_ _•
____._I _ ____._I ~-__._,__I •_ _,_I s. -~
Part 2. F,,,. questions 6-10, listen to a talk about Joe Biden 's environmental revolution and
. answer the questions. Write NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS taken from the recording
for each answer in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
6. What-is America's annual amount of carbon dioxide emissions?
7. What is believed to be the optimal shortcut to the US's emis:.;ions reduction?
8. What reached a peak in 2018?
9. On getting to net zero, what two measures fail to achieve commercial-scale :uccess?
·10. What will be ~1ccepted by the Senate with ten Republicans' support?
Your answers:
1 6. ____
.__ i,____1.
___ i.__s.
___ 1_9.
__ rn. _
___,l__ ____,
Part 3. For questions 11-15, listen to part ofan interview ,vitlt a sportswriter aboutfootba/1
referees. C/10m·e A, B, C or D. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes
11. Mai"tin says that referees become concerned if
A. they feel that other referees do not regard them highly.
B. they attract a lot of attention from strangers.
C. they cease to cause strong reactions.
D. they arc no longer chosen for important matches.
12. Martin says that referees think they gain the respect of players by
A. treating players with a certain amount of tolerance.
B. adopting different ::ipproaches with different players.
C. resorting to strict discipline when it is necessary.
D. shO\vihg that they do not care what players think of them.
13. According to Martin, it would be wrong to believe that referees
A. are poOrly paid for their efforts.
B. are I~ot passionately interested in football.
C. do not feel that they arc performing a duty.
Part 4. For questions 16-25, listen to a talk about stages we go through ,~jter ,(ying and supp~v
the blanks with the missing information. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS talien
from the recording for each answer in the spaces provided.
- When a person's heart stops functioning, the body will experience several phases before
starting decomposing.
- Sh01ily after death, the blood will settle in the lower portions of the body in a condition called
(16) _________ , also known as livor mortis, which results in the discoloration of
the skin.
- Initially, the muscles undergo primary relaxation, followed by the (17) _______ _
of muscles
- The speed of decomposition, the process in which the· body is taken apart by ( 18)
________ , can depend on (19) ________ and the body's exposure to
- Throughout human history, cultures have approached burials in different ways. While rituals
such as the colouring, positioning or (20) ________ _ were unique to the first
Neanderthal burials, exposing dead bodies to scavenging birds and the Sun was distinct to
believers of one of the (21) ·------- - Zoroastrians.
- Burials nowadays are expensive, even in the case of (22) _________ , a common
burial practice ..
- However, alternatives to burials are adopted in several nations, such as vertical burials which
take place in (23) ________ or promession, which (24 )________ the
- The concept of green burials is promoted by Coral reefs, creating marine habitats by mixing
(25) ____ _
Part 1. For questions 26-40, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each of the following
questions and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
26. Bryah Clay of the United States took a __ lap after winning the Olympic decathlon on
A. ceremony B. parade C. victory D. walkover
27, In spite of an __ start, the English runner quickly speeded up and won the race.
A. unambiguous B. inauspicious C. injudicious D. uncontentious
28. The whole country had tried to __ the memory of imperialist figures by removing many
statues in public places.
A. deface B. preface C. efface D. outface
29. Even if the authorities want to develop this area, it is unjustifiable that they __ over the
concerns of the local community.
A. lock horns B. pour cold water C. ride roughshod D. spike their guns
30. He was unaware that he was being __ with out-of-date stock.
A. shored up B. struck back C. fobbed off D. thumbed at
) 1. The government is walking a difficult __ in wanting to control the pandemic without
hampering economic growth.
A. footpath B. fenland C. tightrope D. boulevard
32. Because Henry knows the fact that he has failed the university entrance exam will be known
sooner or later, he decides to __ it out instead of hiding it.
A. shun B. strive C. quash D. brazen
33. Unlike his friends who also rose to stardom: when they were still teenagers, Andy didn't
give himself __ but became even more modest.
A. airs and graces B. beer and skittles
C. cock and bull D. nudge and wink
34. A whole __ of measures was tried in an attempt to get them to give up cigarettes. . 1•
! 4o.
Part 2. _for questions 41-45, write the correct form of each bracketed word in the numbered
boxes provided.
41. They've ______ us 10% on the price of the holiday because of a rise in air fares.
42. Most blind beliefs in____ ideas and various taboos originate in some religious
mentality. (HERESY)
43. One mountain is flying along the Yangtze River, with ______ green scenery.
44. The misunderstanding had c~used a seven-year~ ____ between them. (STRANGE)
45. Defoe's talents of ______ and habits of secrecy lwve left academics to argue over •
what he did actually write. (PERSON)
Your answers
Part 1. For questions 46-55,fill each of the following numbered blanks with ONE suitable
word and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
The accepted concept of a career 46. ___ followed a similar pattern for decades. After
completing their education, peo.ple would enter the adult world of work, 47. · down
on to a job which they would likely remain from that point 48.______ . Not only would
this occupation provide their income for their entire working life, it would also allow them a
healthy pension when they retired and moved into 49. _____ age. Over the past twenty
years, 50.____ , the relationship between a wage earner and their chosen profession has
changed enormously. Today, the idea of a 'job-fo,;-life' has all 51.____ disappeared, to
be replaced by an unforgiving world of unstaple employment. Some observers even argue that
cunent society to pit old 52._____ young in a constant battle to find work of some
description, all against a 53. ___ of increasing debt and economic difficulties.
At the same time, the government regularly releases figures that suggest the economy is
prospering, evidencing this claim with the fact that the unemployment rate continues to fall
annually. There are indeed more jobs available. Ho"vever, a huge number of these are casual,
temporary or short-term positions, all of 54._____ are low-paid and create little in the
way of tax income for the government. This has a number of debilitating long-tenn effects, not
55._____ because this assurance of a growing economy is based more in myth than
Your answers
46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
Part 2.'For questions 56-68, read the following passage and do the tasks that follow.
B. Recently, however, attitudes towards history and the way it should be presented have altered.
The key word in heritage display is now 'experience', the more exciting the better and, if
possible, involving all the senses. Good examples of this approach in the UK are the Jorvik
Centre in York; the National Museum of Photography, Film and Television in Bradford; and
the Imperial War Museum in London. In the US the trend emerged much earlier: Williamsburg
has been a prototype for many heritage developments in other parts of the world. No one can
predict where the process will end. On so-called heritage sites.the re-enactment of historical.
events is increasingly popular, and computers will soon provide virtual reality experiences,
which will present visitors with a vivid image of the period of their choice, in which they
themselves can act as if part of the historical environment. Such developments have been
criticised as an intolerable vulgarisation, but the success of many historical theme parks and
similar locations suggests that the m~jority of the public does not share this opinion.
a !
C. In a related development, the sharp distinction between museum and heritage sites on the
one hand, and theme parks on the other, is gradually evaporating. They already borrow ideas
and concepts from one another. For example, museums have adopted story lines for
exhibitions, sites have accepted 'theming'as a relevant tool, and theme parks are moving
towards more authenticity and research-based presentations. In zoos, animals are no longer
kept in cages, but in great spaces, either in the open air or in enormous greenhouses, such as
the jungle and desert environments in Burgers'Zoo in Holland. This particular trend is regarded
as one of the major developments in the presentation of natural history in the twentieth century.
D. Theme parks are undergoing other changes, too, as they try to present more serious social
and cultural issues, and move away from fantasy. This development is a response to market
forces and, although museums and heritage sites have a special, rather distinct, role to fulfil,
they are also operating in a very competitive environment, where visitors make choices on how
and where to spend their free time. Heritage and museum experts do not have to invent stories
and recreate historical environments to attract their visitors: their assets are already in place.
However, exhibits must be both based on artefacts and facts as we know them, and attractively
presented. Those who are professionally engaged in the art of interpreting history are thus in a
difficult position, as they must steer a narrow course between the demands of 'evidence' and
'attractiveness', especially given the increasing need in the heritage industry for income-
generating activities.
E. It could be claimed that in order to make everything in heritage more 'real', historical
accuracy must be increasingly altered. For example, Pithecanthropus erectus is depicted in an
Indonesian museum with Malay facial features, because this corresponds to public perceptions.
Similarly, in the Museum ofNatural History in Washington, Neanderthal nian is shown making
a dominant gesture to his wife. Such presentations tell us more about contemporary perceptions
of the world than about our a11.cesto1·s.There is one compensation, however, for the
professionals who make these interpretations: if they did not ptovide the interpretation, visitors
would do it for themselves, based on their own ideas, misconceptions and prejudices. And no
matter how exciting the result, it would contain a lot more bias than the presentations provided
by experts.
F. Human bias is inevitable, but another source of bias in the representation of history has to
do with the transitory nature of the materials themselves. The simple fact is that not everything
from history survives the historical process. Castles, palaces and cathedrals have a longer
lifespan than the dwellings of ordinary people. The same applies to the furnishings and other
contents of the premises. In a town like Leyden in Holland, which in the seventeenth century
was occupied by approximately the same number of inhabitants as today, people lived within
the walled town, an area more than five times smaller than modern Leyden. In most of the
houses several families lived togethei• in circumstances beyond our imagination. Yet in
museums, fine period rooms give only an image of the lifestyle of the upper class of that era.
No wonder that people who stroll around exhibitions are filled with nostalgia; the evidence in
museums indicates that life was so much better in the past. This notion is induced by the bias
in its representation in museums and heritage centres.
Questions 56-60
The reading passage has six paragraphs, A-F.
Choose the correct heading for Paragraphs A-E from the list of headings
List of Headings
I Commercial pressures on people in charge
ii Mixed views on current changes to museums
iii Interpreting the facts to meet visitor expectations
iv The international dimension
V Collections of factual evidence
60. Paragraph E
Questions 61-68
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage?
In boxes 61-68, write
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this
61. Compared with today's museums, those of the past were more intended for the publiG.
(53. Museums, heritage sites and theme parks often work in close pa11nership.
64. In preparing exhibits for museums, expe11s have to balance conflicting priorities.
65. Some museum exhibits reveal more about present beliefs than about the past.
66. Our view of history is biased because even durable objects fail to remain from the past.
67. The boundaries of Leyden have changed little since the seventeenth century.
68. Museums can give a false impression of how life used to be. I
Your answers
Part 3. In the passage below, seven paragraphs have been removed. For questions 69-75,
read the passage and choose from the paragraphs A-H the one which fits each gap. There is
ONE extra paragraph which you do not need to use. Write your answers in the
corresponding numbered boxes provided.
A Clothing Revolution
If you're bored with your wardrobe and are looking for a new style, you might want to think
about one of the latest trends in fashion, and that is digital clothing. Unlike all other fashion
trends in the past, digital fashion is unique insofar as it does not actually exist. In this brave
new world clothes are made from pixels rather than fabric and customers can be far more
imaginative; in fact, the sky is the limit when it comes to designs in the digital arena.
69. ------
However, it is wo11h bearing in mind that this type of online image manipulation is not a new
idea. People have always paid attention to their profile pictures on a variety of online platforms
that they use in both their private and professional lives. In the same way that appearance can
be influential in real life, our digital appearance plays an important role in how we are perceived
FANPAOETAI Lll;'.UTIENG ANH NANG CAO hohaiqangl 807@gmaiLcom
by others, which means people pay attention to it. What is new, though, is the growing number
of advantages of digital over physical fashion
70. ------
. . .
By only producing a digital version of an item of clothing at first, the costs that are associated
with making samples, having face-to-face meetings and other logistical concerns can be
drastically reduced. The designers can work on each item of clothing using technology rather
than having to produ~e countless physical it~ms during the design process. Improvements in
technology have meant that seeing a physi~al garment is not as essential as it used to be.
71. ------
This is likely to become more important in the near future as companies rush to meet
consumers' needs. Already it is clear that fashion brands are adapting their co!lections to meet
the demands of new lifestyles, many of which are becoming more flexible in terms of working
arrangements. As more people work from home and attitudes towards formal office attire shift,
the fashion industry will need to continue to respond and create new types of clothing that
allow for more co1nf~rt and ease of rrtovementas opposed to stiff formal wear.
They could also sta1i asking for a garment to be copied using different material as a way of
developing a unique personal wardrobe, Many designers are already way ahead of consumers
in this regard and -are experimenting w.ith new. materials or new ways of using existing
materials. Some current suggestions include clothing that is made entirely from small lights or
metal, or· even from plants and flowers. Thl:: possibilities for creativity are endless and
cust6me1·s could end up with the clothes that they have always dreai:ned of owning yet could
never find.
73. ------
Despite this being a huge step in the right direction; it is unlikely that attitudes to fashion and
gender will change overnight as the technology is not quite as advanced as people might think.
While many brands have an online fitting room for customers to try out clothes before they buy
them, the body shapes used by this kind of software are fairly generic and still based on
traditional views of male and female bodies that rarely conform to reality.
74. ------
As a result, digital clothing remains quite expensive, but this will change as the technology
improves, and th~ video game sector can shed some light on customer engagement with digital
fashion. For years, video game enthusiasts have been changing the appearance of their avatars
through outfits and weapons, and are clearly happy to pay for this service, which has caused
the costs of avatar clothing to fall as demand has increased.
75. -----~
The Paragraphs
I FANPAGE TAI LIBU TIENG ANH NANG CAO hohaidang I 807@gmaiI .com
A. Whil'e some of the new trends have started to emerge, such as the rise in demand for
leisurewear, it is still unclear how the digital fashion market will develop. However, what is
obvious is that it allows for self-expression in a far more nuanced way. For example, a customer
only needs to buy one digital t-shirt, but they could change the image or slogan on that one t-
shirt for many different versions.
B. No one knows whether the cost of digital clothing will come down in a few years' time. At
· present, the market appears to be growing, but some designers have suggested that it is just a
passing phase and its popularity could disappear in a flash. As such they are cautious about
investing time or money in something that may be around for just a few years.
C. Personalisation and creating an· individual look contribute to being a key part of the modem
approach to identity, and we can do this by wearing original clothing in both the real and unreal
,yvorlds. The fact that people already do this with imaginary online characters means that it •
,~hould come as no surprise that there is a growing desire to do the same with our online selves
D. Costs can be decreased further through the reduction in the time to transport the products to
both bricks-and-mortar-stores and online shopping platforms. This will enable companies to
become more agile, to respond to consumers' needs and potentially to create more collections
that will start to address individual lifestyle needs instead of being based around the four
seasons. •
E. In contrast, the process of having clothing fitted to a specific body shape in a customer's
photo is much more involved. Currently, this worlds done by people and it is still quite a time-
consuming process. Typically, clients upload a photograph and then this image is digitally
dressed by using 3D-modelling software. From start to finish this process can fake up to a
whole working day.
F. The most obvious of these is its sustainability. Given that that fashion industry is responsible
for around 10% of greenhouse-gas emissions, there is a clear case for the sustainability of •
digital fashion. It can reduce waste considerably, both in terms of making the physical product,
but also by reducing the carbon footprint of the design process, something that people generally if£
think about far less.
G. Fashion designers have much more freedom with digital garments and can play around in
more creative ways to make clothing more customisable and individual. All this has become
possible because people have been prepared for digital fashion by a social-media-driven,
modem society that is obsessed with photos and online images.
H. By putting the individual at the heart of digital fashion, there is also the opportunity for a
less prescriptive approach to clothing for men arid women. For many years the fashion industry
has been criticised for using thin models and causing body-image issues among young people.
Because digital fashion can be so unique, it challenges these ideas.
Your answers
169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175.
.. TIENG ANH NANG CAO· hohaidang
Part 4. For questions 76-85, read an exti·actfrom an article and choose the answer A, B, C
or D that Ji.ts best according to the text. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered
boxes provided.
Speech and Writing
One of the basic assumptions of modern linguistics is that speech is primary and writing is
secondary. The most immediate manifestation of language is speech and, not writing. Writing
is simply the representation of speech in another physical medium. Spoken language encodes
thought into a physically transrnittable f01;rn,while writing, in tum, encodes spoken language
into a physically preservable form .._Writing is a three-stage process: thinking of an idea,
expressing it in mental grammar, and then transferring it to written form. All units of writing,
whether letters or characters, are based on units of speech, i.e., words; sounds, or syllables.
When iinguists study language, therefore; they take the spoken language as their best source of
data and their object ofdescription except in-instances of languages like Latin for which there
are no longer any speakers.
You may think that with the advent of so many "instant messaging" programs, writing can now
be as immediate as speech. But it is important to r~member that even th?ugh the written form
can be nearly immediate these days, there is still an extra step between conceptualizing the
message y6u want to communicate and the reception of that idea, if you have to write it -
regardless of whether you do so longhand or type it_into a computer.
There are several reasons for rn:aintaining that speech is primary and writing is secondary. [A]
Writing is a later historical development than spoken language. [B] Archeological evidence
indicates that wl'ittng was first utilized in Sumer, that is, modem-day Iraq, about 6,000 years
ago. [C] As far as physical and cultural anthropologists can tell, spoken language has probably
been used by humans for hundreds of thousands of years. [DJ
. . • . . . .
Writing does not exist everywhere that spoken language does. This seems hard to imagine in
our highly literate society, but the fact is that there are still many communities in the world
where a written form of language is not used. Even in those cultures using a writing system,
there are individuals who fail to learn the written form of their language. In fact, the majority
of the Earth's inhabitants are illiterate, though quite capable of spoken communic;:ition.
However, no society uses only a written language with no spoken form.
Writing must be taught, whereas spoken language is acquired automatically. All children,
except children with serious learning disabilities, naturally learn to speak the language of the
community in which they are brought up. They acquire the basics of their native language
before they enter school, and even if they never attend school, they become fully competent
speakers. Writing systems vary in complexity, but regardless of their level of
sophistication, they must all be taught.
Neurolinguistic evidence (studies of the brain in action during language use) demonstrates that
the processing and production of written language is overlaid on the spoken language centers
in the brain. Spoken language involves several distinct areas of the brain; writing uses these
areas and others as well.
-----·-··-------- ···-
Despite ·all this evidence, it is a widely held misconception that writing is more perfect than
speech. To many people, writing somehow seems more correct and more stable, whereas
speech can be careless, corrupted, and susceptible to change. Some people even go so far as to
identify "language" with writing and to regard speech as a secondary form of language used
imperfectly to approximate the ideals of the written language.
What gives rise to the misconception that writing is more perfect than speech? There are several
reasons. Writing can be edited, and so the product of writing is usually more aptly. worded and
better organized, containing fewer errors, hesitations, and incomplete sentences than are found
in speech. This "perfection of writing" can be explained by the fact that writing is the result of
deliberation, correction, and revision, while speech is the spontaneous and simultaneous
formulation of ideas; writing is therefore less subject to the constraint of time than speech is..
, Writing must be taught and is therefore ultimately associated with education and educated
. ~peech. Since the speech of the educated is more often than not set up as the "standard
language," writing is associated indirectly with the varieties of language that people tend to
view as "correct." However, the association of writing with the standard variety is not a
,,necessary one, as evidenced by the attempts of writers to transcribe faithfully the speech of
their characters. Mark Twain's Huckleberr Finn and John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men contain
. ex~mples of this. Writing is more physically stabl_ethan-spoken _language, which consists of
nothing more than sound waves traveling through the air, and is therefore ephemeral and
transient. Writing tends to last, because of its physical medium (characters on some surface),
and can be preserved for a very long time. Spelling does not seem to vary from individual to
individual or from place to place as easily as pronunciation does. Thus, writing has the
appearance of being more stable especially in the modem era. Of course, spelling does vary, as
exemplified by the differences between the American ways of spelling gray and words with
the suffixes -ize and -ization as compared with the British spelling of grey and -ise and -isation.
Writing could also change if it were made to follow the changes of speech. The fact that people
at various times try to carry out spelling reforms amply illustrates this possibility.
77. Look at the.four squares [A], [B], [CJ, [DJthat show where the following sentence could
be inserted in the passage.
The Sumerians probably devised written characters for the purpose of maintaining
inventories of livestock and merchandise.
B. Literate populations
more capable than ..other groups.
79. Which of the sentences below best expresses the information in the highlighted statement
i11the passage?
83. Which of the following statements most closely represents the author's opinion?
B. Chronological narrative
C; Persuasive argument
D. Contrastive analysis
A. A three-stage process
Your answers
.Part 5. The passage below consists offour paragraphs marked A, B, C and D. For questions
86-95, read the passage and do the task that follows. Write your answers in the corresponding
numbered boxes provided.
Against the Grain
(A) The LSE
In Against the Grain, A Deep History of the Earliest States, James C. Scott contributes to his
longstanding intellectual project of re-evaluating the role of the state in political thought by
looking at the development of the early agrarian states to challenge narratives of progress
founded on state formation. While acknowledging that a number of objections can be raised
against the historical claims of the book, Alex Sager praises it for encouraging vital critical
interrogation of the supposed inevitability and neutrality of state institutions today. He is not a
primitivist, advocating a return to hunting and gathering. And given that these objections are
obvious, he must be up to something else. Against the Grain invites us to critically appraise
our institutions. The rise of the state and its appetite for natural resources - central to fuelling
state-centric conceptions of development or progress - continues to be devastating for
indigenous peoples and unco11tacted tribes. The continued bias toward sedentary lifestyles
parallels the 'determined resistance by mobile peoples everywhere to permanent settlement, •
even under relatively favorable circumstance'. State persecution of nomads cqntinues
today, targeting mobile groups such as the Roma and the UK traveller community as well as
refugees an,d other migrants. Against the Grain does not call for the rejection of the state, but
rather its re~examination. In this, it brilliantly succeeds.
(B) Good Reads
In Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States, James C. Scott, a professor of
political science at Yale, presents a plausible contender for the most important piece of
techriology in the history of man. It is a tech.11ologyso old that it predates Homo sapiens and
instead should be credited to om ancestor Homo erect~s. That technology is fire. We have used
it in two crucial, defining ways. The first and the most obvious of these is cooking. As Richard
Wrangham has argued in his book Catching Fire, our ability to cook allows us to extract more
energy from the food we. eat, and also to eat a far wider range of foods. Our closest animal
relative, the chimpanzee, has a colon three times as large as ours, because its diet of raw food
is so much harder to digest. The. extra calor_icvalue we get fi:om cooked food allowed us to
develop our big brains, something that was not believed to be the case till recent research, which
absorb roughly a fifth of the energy we consurr1e, as opposed to less than a tenth for most
mammals' brains. That difference is what has made us the dominant spedes 011 the planet.
(C) London Book Review . . . . .
Whei1 our ancestors began to control fire, most likely somewhere in Africa around 400,000
years ago, the planet was set on a new course. We have little idea and everi less evidence of
how early humans made fire, but perhaps they carried around smouldering bundles of leaves
from forest fires, or captured the sparks thrown off when chipping stone or rubbing sticks
together. However it happened, the human control of fire made an indelible 1hark on the eaiih's
ecosystems, andmarked the beginning of the Anthropocene ~ the epoch in which huII1anshave
had a significantimpact_on the planet. Accordi11gto Scott in ,4.gainst the Grain, the period of
early states was the Golden Age for the barbai'ians. They could prey on state as if it were just
another resource forhunting or harvesting. In Scott's picture, the barbarians and the city-states
were entirely dependent on each other for their e~istence. They rose and fell together: the Huns
and the Romans; the 'Sea People' and .the Egyptians ..And for the vast part of recorded history
the majority of people lived in the barbarian world. Scott's view is that the barbarian Golden
Age ended as recently as four hundred years ago, when the power of the state finaliy became
overwhelming, partly due to the invention of durable gunpowder. Which is, of course, a means
to make fire sparked by flint - a return to the 'moment' 400,000 years earlier which marked the
beginning not of the steady rise of civilisation, but ratherthe muddled and messi affair that is
the human past.
(D) Yale University Press .
An account of all the new and surprising evidence now available for the beginnings of the
earliest civilizations that contradict the standard nanative 'Why did humans abandon hunting
and gathering for sedentary communities dependent on livestock and cereal grains, and
governed by precursors of today's states?' Most people believe that plant and animal
domestication allowed humans, finally, to settle down and form agricultural villages, towns,
and states, which made possible civilization, law, public order, and a presumably secure way
of living. But archaeological and historical evidence challenges this narrative. The first agrarian
states, says James C. Scott in Against the Grain, were born of accumulations of domestications: •
first fire, then plants, livestock, subjects of the state, captives, and finally women in the
patriarchal family; all of which can be viewed as a way of gaining control over reproduction.
Scott .explores why we avoided sedentism and plow agriculture, the advantages of mobile
subsistence, the unforeseeable disease epidemics arising from crowding plants, animals, and
grain, and why all early states are based on millets and cereal grains and unfree labor. He also
discusses the 'barbarians' who long evaded state control, as a way of understanding continuing
tension between states and non-subject peoples.
Which text
86. negates mentioning the effect new evidence has on previously held convictions?
87. says that the book welcomes an evaluation of established systems?
88. indicates that recently discovered evidence had been unexpected?
89. gives an approximation as to the dissolution of nomadism?
90. gives examples of a symbiotic relationship between tribes?
91. speculates as to the creation of a natural element?
92. tells of an ongoing reassessment?
93. relates Scotts assertion that nomadic peoples flourished amongst early established
,91,speaks of modem day ill-treatment?
}95. compares a part of human anatomy with that of a close cousin?
,your answers
one-third fewer calves than we did in last year's_count. Baby whales need 50 gallons of milk a
day, with a fat content of 50 percent, which means their mothers need to be well fed.
Isolating the cause of this year's mysteriousdeaths is a tremendous challenge. Interdisciplinary
teams of scientists have begun sifting through a profusion of data-for example, sea ice extent,
ocean temperature, food availability, entanglement in fishing gear, marine pollution, toxic
algae blooms, collisions with large ships and predation by kj11erwhales. In a sense, this is old-
fashioned detective work, but the world they are working in is mostly hidden artd inaccessible,
where everything is moving all the time.
Our research on whales is focused on listening. Using an underwater microphone, we can
eavesdrop on whales, orcas and dolphins. Because they live in a largely dark world, they use
sound to find food, navigate and communicate. We are monitoring changes in their
communications over time to learn about their populations and the ecosystem they rely upon
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . .
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FANPAGETA.{.Lll;:UTIENG ANH NA.NGCAO hohaidangl 807@gmail:~,om
,., .
w,• •
......................................................................................... ........
• _
Part 2. The chart below shows the value of one country's exports in various categories during
2015 and 2016. The table shows the percentage change in each category or exports in 2016 •
compared with 2015.. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main
featwes, and make comparisons where relevant. You should write about 150 words.
r~201s \ .: 2016
1~ ........ -----····-···· ·······-··- ..-·.-.................
Petroleum Engineered Gems and Agricultural Textiles
products goods jewellery products
Product Category
--~ -~-----•· ..
··-~- ... ~ •.. , ............... ____ ~·•···· ... ··-····-····--··------------ --~
Perceritage change in vaiues {201&-2016l
Gems,:;m:1jewellery j, 5.13%
,1-gricullm al products; 1' G.8] ;<;. I
. . .
~- •
. .
' . TIENG ANH NANG CAO hohaidangl
t O O O O O O o ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O ♦ 0 .. o O O O o O IO O O O O O O O O o O O O O O O o O O o o I O O O o O o O •• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O O O o O O o o o O o o O O O o o O O o O o O O o o O O O O o O O O O o O O O O O O O O O O O O o o O O O O O O o O O O O O O O O O O O O o O 0
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J expre_ssed:this attitude explicitly when he said, with evident pleasure and pride, that a certain
international player, known for his unpredictable temper, 'responds to the right treatment'. By
and large, he found professional footballers were 'a great crowd', which is generous of him,
considering the low opinion players are often prepared to give of referees. It's striking how
closely referees like to align themselves with the players, in contrast with the scorn with which
players will detach themselves from connection with referees. There is no question about who
would like to change places with whom.
Presenter: Now what makes someone want to be a referee?
Martin: (13) It is a romantic and, it seems to me, most unrealistic view of refereeing to say,
as one president of the international football authority FIFA once did, that 'it is a job for
volunteers, who are doing a service to their country'. Plainly it is not public-spiritedness that
motivates men into the ambition of controlling big football matches, even if the authorities
insist on treating them like serv.;1.ntsof duty. As with managers and directors, there is
u,ndoubtedly a deep absorption _infootball here, arid the material reward is insubstantial, to
say the least. But there is much more satisfying of ego than disinterest in the motive. The referee
• wants to be recognized in the game, and he wants to feel he is important to it. He even wants
to be liked.
Presenter: Now referees get assessed, don't they, they get given marks for their performance in
each game by representatives of the clubs involved, don't they?.
Martin: Yes, and the reports on the referee are sent to the football· authorities, to whom the
referees are directly responsible. So the referee is in the unsatisfactory position of a consultant
brought in to adjudicate, instructed to brook no interference, and then made subject to the
criticism of his employers on the grounds that he was not up to the job. Under these
circumstances one referee I spoke to could hardly be said to be overstating the referee's
predicament when he said that he needed, above all else, (14)'a skin like a rhinoceros and to
be as deaf as a post'. Fire is breathed on him from the crowd, obscenity may be muttered at
him by the players and afterwards he can be accused of both laxity and over-zealousness by
assessors. As that referee said: " The referee only got to make one bad mistake and everything
else he does in the game is forgotten."
Presenter: So they're under a lot of pressure. l mean, referees get some awful sticks from
players, don't they? That must put them off quite a bit.
Martin: (15) Yes, but a referee ought to be able to differentiate quickly between the.
spontaneous expletives of angered players and the malevolent abuse of those trying to
intimidate him. In a game which creates as much passion and as much demand on a man's
resources as does professional football, there are bound to be moments when gamesmanship
and outright villainy test a referee to his limit. There are also times when he has to decide
instantly which of the two is present in an incident. The good referee is not the man who
plays safe with either a blind eye or a public display of moral outrage, but the one who can
unobtrusively deal with the offense and defuse the situation.
Presenter: Who'd be a referee? Thanks, Martin. And now, ...
Part 4.
16. post-mortem stain 0.45
17. stiffening 0.59
. .
18. bacteria and insects 1. 13
19. soil acidity 1.40
20. decorating of corpses 2.11
21. oldest monotheistic religions 2.30
22. cremation 2.54
23. skyscraper cemeteries 3.24
24. freeze-dries and pulverizes 3.37
25. ashes and cemenf/ cement and ashes 3.59
Part 1.
26. C _
victory lap : vong ch~y an mfrng chi€n d(mg vien diSn kinh)
27.B - - - -
unambiguous : r5 rang, khong m~p ma
inauspicious : khong hfra hyn, kh6ng mang l~i by v9ng
injudicious : thib khon ngoan
uncontentious : khong gay tranh cai
28. C
deface : pha huy, lam x~u (cong trinl1) bing each vi€t hay ve b~y
preface : lai gi&i thi?u
efface (memory) : x6a b6 ki UC
outface : nhin chiim chilli (khi~n ai phai lubng cubng)
loclc horns (with somebody) (over something) : tranh cai VITTai vs diSu gi
pour/throw cold water on something : d9i gao nuoc l~nh vao m9t chuy?n gi, vi minh khong hai
long va mu6n dyp b6 chuy?n'd6 -
ride roughshod over someone/something : lam diSu rninh mu6n ma khong d~m xia gi dfn lQ"i
ich va mong mu6ri cua nguoi khac
spike orie' s guns : pha hong k~ ho,;ich cua ai d6
30. C
shore something up : cai thi?n (t6 chfrc, he;thbng} .
strike back : t~ cong dap tra
fob sb off (with sth) : thuy~t plwc ai d6 chip nh~n san ph§.m kem chit luQ"ng
thumb your nose at someone/something : thi~u ton tr9ng •
31. C
walk/tread a tightrope: phan van gifra hai lt,rach9n
32. D
brazen sth out : ra ve tµ tin
33. A
put on/ give airs and graces : rave ta day
beer and skittles : thu vui
cock - and - bull story: cau chuy?n huySn ao, kh6 c6 th~ xay ra
a nudge and a wink : nh~y cam (v~n dS, cau chuy?n)
34. A
a battery of sth : group of many things of the same type
35. C
latent (disease, talent) : am i, tiSm tang
exultant : h&n ha,diic chf, ha he
FANPAGE TAI LIBU TIENG ANH NANG CAO hohaidangl 807@grnail.corn
=> M~nh d~ quan h?: all of which thay th6 cho toim b(>vi tri cong vi?c du9·c nh~c d6n a phia
55. Least
=> not' least: Mc bi?t 1~
Part 2.
As one writer observes: 'Although it is now evident that artefacts are as easily altered as
chronicles, public faith in their veracity endures: a tangible relic seems ipso facto real.' Such
conviction was, until recently, reflected in museum display ... The content and. format of
explanations dated back to a time when the museum was the exclusive domain of the scientific
researcher. • • •
57. ii
Such developments have been criticised as an intolerable vulgarisation, but the success of many
historical theme parks and similar locations suggests that the majority of.the public does not
share this opinion. • •
58. vi
In a related development, the sharp distinction betwee11museum and heritage sites on the one
hand, and theme parks on the other, is gradually evaporating.
59. i . . .
Those who are professionally engaged in the art of interpreting history are thus in a difficult
position, as they must steer a narrow course between the •demands of 'evidence' and
'attractiveness', especially given the increasing need in.the heritage industry for income-
generating activities.
60. iii
It could be claimed that in order to make e~erything in heritage more 'real', historical accuracy
•must be increasingly altered. For example, Pithecanthropus ei-ectus is depicted in an indonesian
museum with Malay facial features, because this corresponds to public perceptions. Similarly,
in the Museum of Natural History in yv'ashington, Neanderthal man 1s shown making a
dqminant gesture to his wife. • •• •
Museums used to. look - and some still do - much like storage roori1sof objects packed together
in showcases: good for scholars who wanted to study the siibtle differences in design, but not
for the ordinary visitor, to whom it alllookcd alike.
62. TRUE •
The key word in heritage display is now 'experience', the more exciting the better and, if
possible, involving all the senses.
In a related development, the sharp distinction between museum and heritage sites on the one
hand, and theme parks on the other, is gradually evaporating. They already borrow ideas and
concepts from one another.
64. TRUE
Those who are professionally engaged in the art of interpreting history are thus in a difficult
position, as they must steer a narrow course between the demands of 'evidence' and
'attractiveness', especially given the increasing need in the heritage industry for income-
generating activities.
65. TRUE
Such presentations tell us more about contemporary perceptions of the world than about our
Human bias is inevitable, but another source of bias in.the representation of history has to do
with the transitory nature of the materials themselves. The simple fact is that not everything
from history survives the historical process. Castles, palaces and cathedrals have a longer
lifespan than the dwellings of ordinary people. The same applies to the furnishings and
other contents of the premises.
In a town like Leyden in Holland, which in the seventeenth century was occupied .by
approximately the same number of inhabitants as today, people lived within the walled town,
a!l area more than five times smaller thari modern Leyden.
68. TRUE
Yet in museums, fine period rooms give only an image of the lifestyle of the upper class of
that era. No wonder that people who stroll around exhibitions are filled with nostalgia; the
i·etidence in museums indicates that life was so much better in the past. This notion is induced
•by the bias in its representation in museums and heritage centres.
Part 3.
-69. G
In this brave new world clothes are made from pixels rather than fabric and customers can be
far more imaginative; in fact, the sky is the limit when it comes to designs in the digital
arena ... Fashion designers have much more freedom with digital garments and can play
around in more creative ways to make clothing more customisable and individual
What is new, though, is the growing number of advantages of digital over physical
fashion ...The most obvious of these is its sustainability.
71. D
costs that are associated with making samples, having face-to-face meetings and other logistical
concerrys can be drastically reduced ... Costs can be decreased further through / more
collections that will start to address individual lifestyle needs •
72. A
This is likely to become more important in the near future as companies rush to. meet
consumers' needs /create new types of clothing that allow for more comfort and ease of
movement. .. While some of the new trends have started to emerge, such as the rise in demand
for leisurewear
73. H
They could also start asking for a garment to be copied using different material / The
possibilities for creativity are endless and customers could end up with the clothes that they
have always dreamed of owning yet could never find ... By putting the individual at the
heart of digital fashion
the technology is not quite as advanced as people might think ... Currently, this work is done
by people and it is still quite a time-consuming process ...
75. C
As a result, digital clothing remains quite expensive I video game sector can shed some light
on customer engagement with digital fashion ... imaginary online characters / growing
desire to do the same with online selves too
Part 4.
76. D
"When linguists study language, therefore, they take the spoken language as their best source
of data and their object of description .... " Because they use the spoken language, researchers
must prefer speech samples. Choice A is not correct because when researchers study Latin,
FANPAGE TAI Lll;:U TIENG ANH NJ\NGCAO hohaidang I 807@gmai I.corn
they must make an exception [use written sarnples).Choices Band Care not mentioned in the
77. C
78.A . . .
"... the majority of the Earth's inhabitants are illiterate.". Choice B is not correct because
illiterate populations are quite capable of spoken communication. •Choice C is not correct
because the majority of the Earth's inhabitants in the modem world are illiterate. Choice D is
not correct because it is not mentioned in the passage ..
79.D •
Both simple and complex. writing· stems paraphrases "Writing systems [that] • vary in
complexity, 11 and require direct instruction paraphrases "must all be taught. •
~o.c- · · - • · •
"... the association of writing with the standard variety is riot a necessary orie, as evidenced by
the attempts of writers to transcribe faithfuJly the speech of their characters." Choice A is not
cotTect because the speech of their cha.l'acters is transcribed [written do"vn]. Choice B is not
correct because the examples are transcriptions of speech, riot writing styles. Choice D is not
coJTectbecause examples of the two varieties are not provided and could not be contrasted.
81. D • •
"Writing could al;o change if it were made to follow the change~ of speech. Thefa.ct that people
at various times try to carry out spelling reforms ari1plyillustrates this possibility [writing could
change to follow the changes in speech]." Choice A is not correct because examplesof British
and American spelling are different. Choice B is not correct because pronui1ciation in British
and American English is not qompared. Choice C is not· conect because spelling changes
because of pronunciation, but pronunciation does not change because of spelling.
82. A • • • , • •
• "The fact that peopie at various times try to carry out spelling reforms amply iliustrates this
possibility [writing could also change]." The phrase "tl~ispossibility'; does not refer to Choices
B,C,ofD • •
83. C
"Despite all this evidence, it is a widely held misconception that writing is in.ore perfect than
speech." This statement expresses the author's opinioh, which is developed in an essay with
argument and persuasion. Choice· A is not correct because the history of ~riting begins many
years later than that of speech. Choice B is not correct because the author says that "the
association of writing with the standard variety is not a necessary one." Choice O is not correct
because the author points out that "Writing could also change if it were made to follow the
changes of speech.
84. C
The authOr organizes the passage as a persuasive argument by explaining the reasons why
speech is primary and then demonstrating why people have the "misconception" that writing is
more perfect than speech. Choices A, B, and D are included as part of the argument.
85. D
Part 5.
86. C
We have little idea and even less evidence. of how early humans made fire, but perhaps they
carried around smouldering bundles of leaves from forest fires, or captured the sparks thrown
off when chipping stone or rubbing sticks together.
87. A
In Against the Grajn, A Deep History of the Earliest States, James C. Scott contributes to his
longstanding intellectual project of re-evaluating the role of the state in political thought by ·
looking atthe development of the early agrarian states to challenge narratives of progress
founded on state formation .... Against the Grain does not call for the rejection of the state,
but rather its re-examination. In this, it brilliantly succeeds.
88 ..D
Most people believe that plant and animal domestication allowed humans, finally, to settle
down and form agricultural villages, towns, and states, which made possible civilization, law,
public order, and a presumably secure way of living. But archaeological and historical
evidence challenges this narrative.
89. C
Scott's view is that the barbarian Golden Age ended as recently as four hundred years ago,
when the power of the state finally became overwhelming, partly due to the invention of
:, ciui:ablegunpowder.
~·In,sScott'spicture, the barbarians and the city-states were entirely dependent on each other for
;, their existence. They rose and fell together: the Huns and the Romans; the 'Sea People' and
the Egyptians.
91. C
When our ancestors began to control fire, most likely somewhere in Africa around 400,000
years ago, the planet was set on a new course.
92. A
In Against the Grain, A Deep History of the Earliest States, James C. Scott contributes to his
longstanding intellectual project of re-evaluating the role of the state in political thought by •
looking at the development of the early agrarian states to challenge narratives of progress
founded on state formation.
According to Scott in Against the Grain, the period of early states was the Golden Age for the
barbarians. They could prey on a state as if it were just another resource for hunting or
94. A
State persecution of nomads continues today, targeting mobile groups such as the Roma and
the UK traveller community as well as refugees and other migrants.
95. B
Our closest animal relative, the chimpanzee, has a colon three times as large as ours, because
its diet of raw food is so much harder to digest.
Part 1.
The passage highlights the details of a massive Pacific gray whale die-off and efforts
to pinpoint the cause. A large number of whales have been found dead on land, sparking
concerns and triggering a state of emergency. This year, the creatures returned from their
feeding grounds late, and adults seem starved while the number of young ones has seriously
diminished. It is not easy to identify the reasons. Given that much about the ocean is still
unknown to humans, a conventional research method has been adopted, with specialists in
various fields investigating copious_amounts of marine evidence and figures together. Besides,
the sound made by marine mammals can be analyzed. By detecting changes in such signals,
people can gain insight into the creatures and their surroundings.
Part 2.
The bar chart and table give information about a country's expo1t earnings from five groups of
products in 201S-arid 2016. . .
It is noticeable that export revenues in all but ·oi1e·orthe ·five pioduct categories increased over
the period shown. While petroleum products: were the highest earning exp01is in both years,
the textile industry saw the most significant growth in earnings.
Export earnings from petroleum products rose from around $61 billion in 2015 to $63 billion
iri 2016, which was an increase of3 %. Income from· engineered goods reached a similar level.
The country's exp01i earnings from these goods wenttip by 8.5% to approximately $62 biUiOi1
in 2016.
Froin 2015 to 2016, there was a 15.24 % increase in export revenue from textiles, with eai11ings
rising from roughly $25 billion to over $30 billion. By contrast, there was almost no change in
the amount of money earned from agricultural products. which remained at just over $30
billion. Finally, the only decline ii1incoh1e occurred in the g~ms and jewellery product group,
where export earnings fell by around 5% to approximately $40 billion in 20 [ 6;
While almost all countries and regions of the world have promoted access to edi1cabori,
their approaches are not necessarily the same. A prompt observation would point out the two
prevailing • systems: one that covers various areas and the other focuses on particular
combinations of career-related subj eds. Discussing the superiority of such methods, it is my
firm belief that a multidisciplinary education systein is more desirable than a specialized one
in the present-day context.
On the one hand, receiving a well-rounded education can benefit students. in various
ways. Firstly, the multidisciplinary teaching method equips people with thorough foundation
knowledge. Studying a number of different subjects would provide students with a repertoire
of life matters, ranging from the basics such as natural phenomena to more intricate aspects
including literary critique and philosophical conten1plation. Thus, students are presented with
a holistic worldview, without which they, even when highly competent in one particular
subject, stand to be deficient in common sense in other disciplines. For instance, one witi1
exceptional mathematical promise can easily grasp the complex concepts of numbers, shapes,
and space, but struggle to write a proper sentence .if he lacks literacy skills. Secondly,
multifaceted education gives learners the chance to experience different specializations before
realizing their own potential. When allowed to experiment with a number of disciplines; •
students discover their forte, gain insight into varying fields, and can finally dictate what suits
them most. Otherwise, if geared towards a single career too soon through specialized curricula,
students risk being disoriented and ending up with unsuitable major choices they may regret
later. Illustrative of this is the. case of many high schools in China where core subjects like
Maths and Chinese are bolstered at the expense of arts or music. Following this development,
many students at top colleges in China admitted to feeling lacklustre or unsatisfied with their
chosen major, a function of having made decisions without comprehensive information earlier.
FANPAGE TAI Llt;:UTIENG ANH NANG CAO hohaidangl 807@gmail.eor,n.
Granted, advocates of specification in subjects may argue that such a system leads to
high levels of expertise in careers. While this holds true in the sense that specialized systems
mean more investments for the selected sphere of education, which effectively grooms students
for a particular career field, it is worth emphasizing that polishing one's specialization only is
not enough in the modern world. The market of many fields, especially the so-called top jobs
namely IT, marketing, and finance, has been largely saturated, with workers excelling in a field
in abundance. Therefore, to ensure their competitiveness, future job hunters need versatility,
which can be cultivated through a holistic education as this promotes exposure to a variety of
fields. Take the example of PwC and KPMG, two of the Big 4 accounting firms ih Vietnam. Iri
recent years, they have shown an obvious propensity for applicants with not only an exceptional
degree in economics but also impressive transferable skills including computer literacy and
,foreign language competence, though these may not be directly related to the major in question.
'''Clearly, students having specialized expertise but lacking well-rounded knowledge would be
ipresented with much more limited prospects and struggle greatly against the fierce competition
·:in the modern workplace.
In conclusion, I believe that the multidisciplinary approach to education proves more
relevant than subject specialization, as the former promotes better personal growth and job
prospects. Hence, schools and educationalists should strive to cultivate well-roundedness in
l students in the course of their learning endeavors.
4. In 1948, calls for a unified medical service poitred out which led to the establishment of the
Britain's National.Health Service.
5. Online learning will replace traditional schooling in the wake of the Covid.,19 pandemic.\
Your ans·wers
Part 3. For questions 11-15, listen to part of a discussion about.formality in the workplace.
Choose A, B, C or D. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
11. What does Sue think about open-plan offices?
A. they are essential as companies demand a more open atmosphere.
B. they negatively affect her concentration but do not disrupt her work productivity.
C. today's technology removes the need for them.
D. they help to strengthen workplace connections.
12. Regarding the subject of addressing co-workers, what do both Sue and Dominic agree on?
A. employees should not call their colleagues by their first names.
B. company policy determines the level of formality required when dealing with others.
C. addressing co-workers by their last names breaks the ice and facilitates business deals.
D. employees must conform to polite informality at work.
13. According to Sue, there are similarities between
A. the dress code policies applied at the modern workplace and the traditional workplace.
B. the atmosphere at school and at the workplace.
C. the equal treatment people receive at school and at the workplace.
D. attitudes towards dress at school and at the workplace.
14. In Dominic's view, some people
A. need guidance as to what to wear.
B. should be commended on their appropriate work clothes.
C. despise comments made about their work attire. ·
D. must be criticized for violating dress code.
15. Sue and Dominic both go along with the idea that
A. wearing designer clothes at the workplace helps certain people to assert authority .
. B. it is extremely important to dress casually at work.
i C. iiothes can create artificial differences between work colleagues.
·:D. dressing down is inevitably unfavorable to people of lower ranks.
1 Your answers:
Part 4. For questions 16-25, listen to a talk on the effects of sleep deprivation and supply the
blanks with the ,;_,issinginform~tion. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS taken from
the recording for each answer in the spaces provided.
In an experiment in 1965, Randy Garder didn't sleep for 11 days, which resulted in his
inability to focus his eyes and his lost sense of touch on the second day. The following
day saw him (16) ___ ~------· He encountered various health issues by
the last day, including the onset of (17) ----------'--
Sleep is influenced by both biological and environmental signals .•The non-REM sleep
in which our body recharges itself is the result of an increase in ( 18)
__________ . Rather than being a (19) __________ , sleep
deprivation causes adverse bodily damage. People who lose sleep may suffer from
physical problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and (20)
__________ ; and mental problems such as cognitive impairment and
unreal sensory experiences. A minority of the world's population are the victim of a
rare genetic disorder called (21) __________ which results in sleeping
- During waking hours, the accumulated amount of adenosine, a byproduct of daily
energy sources induces huge sleep pressure. In fact, caffeine could inhibit adenosine's
(22) __________ , keeping us awake. Other byproducts also need
clearance, otherwise, they overwhelm our brain and beget sleep deprivation.
When a person is sleeping, the glymphatic system, a (23) _________ _
counters the bui Id-up of waste products by removing toxic waste with cerebrospinal
fluids. (24) _________ , which act as the channels transporting immune
cells, also aid in the removal of the brain's daily waste products.
While the restorative mechanisms behind sleep should be further investigated, falling
into (25) __________ remains the best option to preserve our well-being.
Part 1. For questions 26-40, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each of the following
questions and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided . ••
26. Although they'd been together but a half-dozen times, each remained with him, __ _
imprinted in his memory.
A. indelibly B. abidingly C. unremittingly D. seamlessly
27. ___ tests assume that individuals have intrinsic talents and limitations, as well as a
n~tural predisposition toward. success or failure in various areas based on their innate qualities.
A. Achievement B. Aptitude • C. Perception D. Acumen
28. Her statement ___ with most of the eye-witness repo1is.
A. strikes B. allows C. checks D. crosses
. 29. After the severe outbreak, the gove.rnment devalued the currency in an attempt to revive the
economy that was __ _
A. in hot water B. in bad nick C. on the blink. D. in the doghouse
30. One of my worst decisions last year was moving to London as its high cost ofliving _~~
my savings;
A. availed of B. tapped into C. fed off . D. gobbled up
31. Referring to Elina as an "unqualified artist" was a really __ _
A. red herring B. cheap shot C. old chestnut D. blank .cheque ..
32. In the movie Parasite, the bad guy is not greedy rich people or murderous clovvns, but a
system that forces us to ___ others to survive.
A suck up B. clamor for C. sponge off D. egg on
33. Sandie has been ___ Mark ___ ever since he dumped her best friend.
A.. giving/ a wide berth ·C:battening/ dow1i the hatches •
B. beating/ to the draw D. putting/ on the long finger
34. If you dare to go against everyone's expectations, you will be __ _
A. off for it • B. for one C. for it • D. off and on
35. Linda should be as minimalist as possible because we only have enough room to pack the
A. bare B. mere C. sheer D. basic.
36. Instead of obeying the . _ matters of the law, they only abide by the minutiae.
A. weighty B. heavy C. hefty D. bulky
37. He made a few ___ comments to her about her hair and now she's chopped it all off.
A. simple B. casual C. plain D. ordinary
38. Nhi has been on the ___ of the wave ever since her successful admission into Foreign
Trade University.
A. peak B. height C. climax D. crest
39. Under ___ , he admitted that he dealt cocaine and had been using it.
A. cross-check B. cross-reference C. cross-examination D. cross-section
40. In the past, daughters who ___ and dared to choose their own husbands were considered
A. eloped B. fled C. absconded D. deserted
Your answers
26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.
33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39.
Part 2! For questions 41-45,' write the correct form of each bracketed word in the numbered
boxes provided.
41. John wrote a ___ ofhis grandmother after she passed away. (MEMORY)
42, As in_all the i;:hapters, David maintains the excitement visually with pictures and page
designs that make such a book a _____ . (PAGE)
43. His beloved relatives were aboard the _____ ship when the tragedy occurred on
the 15th of April 1912. (FATE)
44. Political theory does not _____ in legal documents alone but comes to dwell in
all of us. (EVENT)
45. Combing robust yet ____ ~ elegant design and state-of-the-art technology,the car
represents a compelling acquisition for any collector. (GUILE)
Your answers
Part 1. For questions 46-55,fill each of the following numbered blanks with ONE suitable
word and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls is Canada's foremost tourist attraction in· terms of the number of visitors it
attracts. Apart from the waterfall itself, however, there is precious 46. ____ to detain you
in the area. Unless, 47. ____ is, you're a fan of wax museums, flashing neon lights and
souvenir shops. But· the Maid of the Mist boat ride is something not to be missed.
48._____ operation since 1846, the boat takes millions of tourists a year around the base
of the Falls. It's a wet ride and more often than not, the raincoats they supply you
49._____ prove futile against the stinging spray, but it's well 50._____ the
drenching. The view of hundreds of litres of water per second crashing onto the rocks right in
front of you is 51.____ short of breathtaking.
52._____ those who want a closer look, thejoumey behind the Falls also repays the price
of admission, as the school groups you'll inevitably come across there will be only
53 ._____ willing to testify.You walk through man-made tunnels to an observation tower
situated on the very brink of the Falls: The experience 54. ____ only be described as _.
surreal; you feel as though you're actually walking inside the waterfall. 55._____ with ;
the boat ride, you'_reguaranteed a soaking, but there again, this is a waterfall, so what do you
Your answers
46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
Part 2. For questions 56-68, read the.following passage and do the tasks that follow.
Conservation Strategies
Section A. Although estimates vary, it is believed that approximately 900 different animal
species have died out in the last 500 years. A further 35,000 species are officially recorded as
FANPAGE TAI LII;:UTIENG ANH NANG CAO hohaidangl 807@gmail.co111,
Section F. Some conservation strategies focus entirely on "flagship" species. These are animals
promoted as icons to raise public awareness of environmental issues. They are selected on the
basis that they are commonly regarded as attractive or charismatic, and therefore valued in
society. For instance, the possibility that the beloved giant panda may become extinct has
highlighted the importance of protecting natural habitats and having tighter controls against
deforestation. However, while cute animals may generate public sympathy, there is little
evidence that this leads to significant environmental gains. In fact, if images of flagship species
appear too often in marketing, the public may even assume they are no longer endangered.
Section G. Although flagship species may be "cute", the arguments for alternative approaches
are more compelling. It surely makes more sense to prioritise species which make the greatest
overall contribution to nature, regardless of whether they are perceived to be attractive.
;.'.!(eystonespecies perform essential functions in ecosystems. For instance, elephants in the wild
clear pathways for small animals. Insects and bees are essential for the pollination and dispersal
j.qf tree and plantseeds. Should keystone species disappear, the survival of all the forms oflife
in that environment would be at risk. Likewise, indicator species are vital as they provide
.valuable information about the condition of natural habitats. Some types of crayfish are used
as indicator species. By monitoring crayfish populations, ecologists can understand more about
the overall condition of our waterways. This clearly highlights the need for a pragmatic rather
tha'n a sentimental approach to conservation.
Questions 56-62
Reading Passage has 7 sections, A-G
Choose the correct headings for sections A-G from the list of headings below.
Write the correct number i-viii in answer boxes 1-7.
List of headings·
Helpful species
ii Humanity's ecological footprint
iii The complexity of conservation
iv The extent of the problem
V Ranking species
vi Species as symbols
vii The failure of wildlife conservation
viii A natural phenomenon
56. Section A
57. Section B
58. Section C
59. Section D
60. Section E
61. Section F
62. Section G
Questions 63-68
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the Reading Passage?
In boxes 63-68, write
Your answers
I::: 157.
. 64 ..
65 . I::: I::: 161.
·_ 68 ..
Part 3. hi lite passage below, seven panigraphs have been removed. For questions 69-75,
read the passage and choose from the paragraphs A-If the one which fits each gap. There is
ONE extra paragraph which you do not need to •use. Write· your answers in the
corresponding numbered boxes provided.
There is little doubt that going to college offers a substaritial economic payoff. On average,
graduates earn quite a bit more than those without a degree, and their level of
unemployment is only about half as high. Studies in the USA suggest that a university
degree nearly doubles lifetime earnings.
69. --,------
Likewise, it cannot be the only parameter by which we evaluate the worth of a college
education. Consider the case of Amy, a young woman who, after graduating with flying
colours from a top business school, went to work for a large Wall Street investment bank,
helping to structure multi-billion dollar financial transactions. By the lights of many
economically-orientated analyses, Amy was a resounding educatio11alsuccess, getting off to
a flying start. •
She excelled in these and was receiving top-notch evaluations. Her annual salary and bonuses
were growing. She was in line for promotion,· and her mentors told her that she would rise
quickly in the company. Yet she noticed that something important was missing - something
that has nothing to do with economics or the economic criteria of success.
In many respects, they were the picture of success, but inside they felt hollow, and longed to
commit to work that really meant something. When Amy challenged her colleagues about this,
they would say, 'Of course I hate my job. Everyone around here does. But this is what you
have to do to get ahead. What do you expect me to do - quit and go to medical school? Sure, I
wish my work had more meaning, but the money is simply too good, and I can't afford to do
72. ------
But despite the sacrifices, there were notable gains. Work now actually means something to
her, where she feels that she is truly making a difference in the lives of other people - the
patients she cares for every day. Economically, the last decade of her life has been a
ruinous loss, but in human terms, it has paid off handsomely.
73. ------
And let's be clear: many students in the USA graduate with crushing debt. The average 2012
university graduate was nearly $30,000 in debt, and many medical students have debts totalling
over $300,000. No student can afford to ignore the costs of education, and no parents send thei_r
child off to university imagining they will emerge unemployed, or worse yet, unemployable.
74. ------
Our jobs represent an important part of our lives, but we do not live strictly to·work.' We • ·1
spend time in eager pursuit of many activities in life in spite of the fact that no one pays us to
do them - getting and staying married, raising children; enjoying the company of friends,
reading books, travelling, gardening, cooking, playing sports and so on.
75. ------
Missed paragraphs
A. Yet that's just what Amy did. She went back to education and started medical school. All
in all, this career change cost her dearly. More than ten years of her life and literally thousands
of dollars in additional educational costs and lost income.
B. However, there are problems with assessing the worth of a university education strictly in
tern1s of employment and earnings. We need to remember that having a job is not the only
thing which makes life worth living.
C. Statistics concerning job and graduate and professional school placement rates really do
matter. And so do statistics concerning starting salaries, continuing employment and lifetime
D. But it doesn't just prepare us for life. It helps us discover what it means to feel truly alive,
and to develop habits that make life worth living.
E. Landing a job straight after university paid her handsomely. Every day, her work presented
her with business problems that required her to hone her critical thinking skills, solve complex
problems,and speak and write effectively ..
F. This story illustrates. important lessons about the true worth of a university education.
Foremost among these is the realization that the purpose of university is not merely to prepare
for a job or career. It is not even to develop the n;:quisite skills to compete successfully in an
inc_reasingly·unforgiving and rapidly changing global market
G. At its best, education.does not just provide career training and job place1nent. It also helps
us to find our path in life, by challenging us to examine ourselves, the world around us, and
our vision of the kinds oflives and world we hope to build.
. . ..
R Her business education had prepared her to ;u~ceed, but not to do work that was meaningful
and fulfilling. Amy noticed that herworkmates were miserable. They had expensive tastes in
clothes and cars, but loathed their jobs. They were making lots of money but they found no real
fulfilment in the work they were doing.
Your answers.
169. 170 •. 171. 1
72 •• 174. 175.
Part 4. For questions 76-85~read an extract from an article and choose the answer A, B, C
or D thatflts best according to the text. Write your answers in the con;esponding numbered
boxes provided.
Making a living
It is my opinion that literature is at the same time and at once the rriost intimate and the most
articulate of all the aii forms. It is impossible for it to impart its effect through the senses or the
nerves as can o_therforms of art; it is beautiful only through the intelligence of both the reader
and writer; it is the mind speaking to the mind; until it has been put into absolute terms, of an
invariable significance, it does not exist at all. It is able to awaken one emotion in one person
and a totally different emotion in another; if it fails to convey precisely the meaning of the
author, if _itisn't an expression of him or her, it says nothing, and thus it is nothing. So _that
when a poet has put their heart and soul, more or less, into a poem, and has sold it td a magazine,
the scandal is far greater than when a painter has sold a picture to a paying patron, or a sculptor
has modelled a statue to order, or a photographer has produced a landscape photograph for a
popular magazine. These are artists less articulate and less intimate than the scribe; they are
more removed fro·m the work they produce; they are often less personally involved in their
work; they part with less of themselves.
That Tennyson, Longfellow and Emerson sold their poems and essays - works in which they
had couched the most mystical messages their genius was charged to bequeath to mankind -
does not, however, diminish the virtuosity of their achievements. They submitted to tlie
conditions from which no one can escape, which are nonetheless the conditions of hucksters
because they are generally imposed upon poets and writers. If it will serve to make my meaning
clel;lrer,we will suppose that a poet has been crossed in love, or has suffered some bad fortune
or sgme real sorrow, like the loss of a wife or child. He pours out his broken heai1 in verse that
shall bring tears of scared sympathy fro_mhis readers, and an editor pays him a hundred pounds
for the right of bringing his verse to their notice and for allowing them to print it in their
publications. It is perfectly true that the real reason that the poem was written was not for the
monetary benefit, but it is also perfectly true that it was sold for it. The poet is forced into using
his emotions to pay his bills; he has no other means of making a living; society does not propose
to pay his bills for him, after all, so what choice does he really have? Yet, at the end of the day,
the unsophisticated witness finds the transaction ridiculous, repulsive, and, to a great extent,
exploitative. But deep down they are perfectly aware that -if our civilisation did not at every
moment violate the relationships we undertake in the world, the poet's song wouldn't have been
given to it, and the scribe wouldn't have been extolled by the whole of humanity, as ariy human
,i,,should be who -c:loesthe duty that every human owes it.
""The instinctive!sense of the dishonour which money brings to art is so strong that sometimes
'' men and women of letters able to pay their bills, to pay their way through other means, refuse
money for their work, as Lord Byron did, from a noble conscience. [A] But Byron's publisher
profited from a generosity which did not reach his readers; and the Countess Tolstoy collects
the copyright royalties which her husband forgoes; so that these two instances of protest against I
business in literature may hardly be said to have shaken the world of commerce in literafore to
the core of its money basis. [B] Still, I would very much doubt ifthere are enough to affect the
fact that literature has become business as well as. art. [C] At present, business is the only
human solidarity; we are all bound together with that chain, whatever the interests, tastes and
principles that otherwise separate us. [D]
76. According to paragraph 1, writers are different from other kinds of artists in all of the
following aspects, EXCEPT
A. the familiarity and expressiveness of their works.
B. their degree of expertise.
C. the amount of scandal experienced when selling their artworks.
D. their level of commitment.
77. The author impljes that writers
A. are not sufficiently paid for their work.
B. are incompetent in business.
C. profit against their will.
D. are greedy.
78. What does the author lament about Tennyson, Longfellow and Emerson?
A. They wrote mystical poems.
B. They had to sell their poetry and essays.
C. They were not appreciated in their time.
D. They were prolific poets.
79. What does the author propose that writers and artists should do?
A. Make the best of a bad situation.
B. Attempt to induce society to change its values.
C. Withhold their work until they gain recognition.
D. Produce purely commercial, rather than original work.
80. What does the author say about creators accepting payment for their works of literature
or art?
A. The works of art can be justified in terms of society's wants and desires.
B. They are part of the degeneration of the human condition.
C. They are writing and painting solely for monetary gain.
D. They share their life experiences with society.
81. The word unsophisticated in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to __ _
A. unintelligible B. unintelligent C. unworldly D. unconcerned
82. The word extolled in paragraph 2 could be best replaced by __ _
A. praised B. rewarded C. exclaimed D. justified
83. According to the author what dig Lord Byron do?
A. He didn't financially gain from his literary p_UFsuits.
B. He combined .literature with business.
C.He copyrighted. his work to help his wife.
D. He became well-known in the business community.
84. In the text, look.atthe marks [A], [B], [C] and [D] that indicate whereth_e following
sentence could be added to the passage.
I know of no others but there may be many that exist of whom I am culpably
Where would this sentence fit best?
[A] . . . . . [B] . [C] [DJ
85. The writer of the article seems to suggest that •
A. writing literature is a good way to get rich quickly.
B. the iiltegrity of works of literature is not greatly undermined by their commercialism.
C. literature is appreciated by businessmen and profession~ls generally. •
D. literature causes divisions amongst people ..•
Your answers
I::: I
. .
Part 5. The passage beiow consists of.five paragi·aphs marked A, B, C, D and E. For
questions 86-95, read the passage and do the task tltatfollows. Write your answers in the
corresponding numbered boxes provided.
Reviews of Books about Communication
A Actions speak louder than words by Karen Bradwell
As a general rule of thumb, no leader will be at his or her most effective as a communicator
without possession of outstanding verbal skills, but his or her ability to mesmerize an audience
also hangs on nonverbal skills - facial expression, gesture and the physical position assumed
when addressing listeners included, whether this be in the boardroom, a conference or during
a one-to-one. Actions speak louder than words is an indispensable guide to honing these skills
to perfection, drawing as it does on neurosciellce and psychological research with the sole aim
of helping leaders to use body language to maximum effect- and read that of others. The guide
also includes a one-of-a-kind and incredibly constructive chapter on communication for
visually-impaired leaders, whose ability to understand aural cues in order to respond to others
is paramount.
B Communication is key by Arthur Mayhew
While peppering your speech with jargon and business speak may ostensibly make you look
like you know what you're talking about, you could be, albeit unintentionally, alienating your I'
auciience. Have you ever wondered why employees sit nodding away in meetings only to go
away and do the opposite to what you thought you'd intended they should. do? If so, perh_aps
being more amenable to engaging your brain before your mouth may be a good course of
action. Making concessions to your audience is not a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of a
good - and thoughtful - communicator. Communication is key outlines how to paraphrase
those expressions which many employees consider to be a barrier to effective communication.
Adopting a few useful synonyms, Mayhew suggests, will be enormously beneficial in helping
others identify your message. •
C Public speaking by Paula Benson
Public speaking can be a nightmare for rriany of us at the best of times. It is hard ntit to crack
and cart leave shy and retiring folk floundering. In Public speaking, Paula Benson addresses
r the difficulty many such people have in getting up to speak in front of others, specifically in
;;:.cases where the speaker is paralysed by fear or overcome with feelings of powerlessness to
§'better their situation. In particular, she focuses on those who have a stutter or other speech
'' impediment, detailing established speech therapy techniques that promote a smooth and
~-articulate flow of words. While brief, this slim book is ·nothing less than enlightening, and has
the potential to change lives - or at the very least vastly improve one area of it.
D Listening by Jonathan Strasbourg
Books devoted to the skill of listening are few and far between, so it is with open arms that ·we
welcome this one to our bookshelves. If you've ever heard the expression that we're given two
ears and only one mouth for a reason, and you concur with the sentiment behind it, then this
book will resonate with you. All too often we go through the motions of listening, but how
often we really hear what's been said is a different matter entirely. Founded on the principles •
of listening, i.e. applying an accurate interpretation to what you've just heard, however subtle
the message, is, professes Strasbourg, the singular most effective way to engage with others
and avoid breakdowns in communication. Many highly successful entrepreneurs credit
mastering this art as the key to their prowess in business.
E Style and communication by Heather Burton
What is all too often overlooked in books about communication is the way in which the genders
differ in style, resulting in either gross misunderstandings in the worst-case scenario or
uncertainty at the best. Burton's in-depth analysis of what it is that goes wrong plays out ,;,k;'
through a series of case studies, in which she ponders ways to facilitate better understanding •...i :;
between the sexes and how this might come into play both at work and at home; While
frustratingly inconclusive, there is much food for thought here and one could indubitably
cobble together a strategy for getting to grips with other people's communicative styles. On the •
surface of it, this book appears to be geared towards businesspeople as a target market, but·
because this offers insights into domestic situations too, this is more likely to be found in the
general reader section of a bookshop.
Which book
86. clarifies the r.eason why listeners may disengage with what is being said?
87. has the apparent capacity to better the circumstances of its audience?
88. supports its central arguments by reflecting on work carried out in other disciplines?
89. focuses on an ability to draw appropriate meaning from what is said?
90. should attract audiences from all walks of life?
91. is likely to appeal to readers who hold with a popular saying?
92. contains a unique focus on the requirements of a minority?
93. targets those who feel disadvantaged by particular personality traits?
94. points out that there is an advantage in reconsidering the kind of language to use?
. . . '
95. concentrates on the disparity between how different groups of speal<ers communicate?
Your answers
human activity. This comes as no surprise to enviromncntalists, who have been exhorting us
for years to open our eyes to the gravity of the situation concerning i-ising sea levels and the
accumulation of.dangerous greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
The ramifications of inaction on the part ofgov~rnments will be.dramatic, according to the
IPCC. In the event that industrialized countries do not drastically curb their burning of coal and
oil and implement non-polluting energy solutions, the planet could experience a ~hort-term rise
in average temperatures of up ~o eight degrees or more. Sea levels are p~edicted torise by as
much .as· twenty-three inches by 2100, as. opposed to the six~to nine.,.i~ch increase of the
twentieth century.
Even more alaiming are the worst-case scenar1osthatcornpi1te1;simulations.have allowed IPCC
climatologists to scrutinize. The report warns that, if the ~ccunrnlation of greenhouse gases in
the atmosphere is allowed to continue, the ihcre~se in global temperatures will lead to the
melting of huge areas of polar ice, which in turn will result in sea levels rising by as much as
twenty feet, the highest in 125,000 years. In that case, whole islands, not to mention coastal
towns and cities, would disappear off the map.
However, the panel has been accused of fear,..mongering by some prominent members of the
scientific community, who argue that global warming is nothing new, and point to a number of
warming events oyer the millennia as proof that the planet can undergo extreme climate shifts
without any help from human beings. They warn that people should not try to interfere in this
process. Moderates, meanwhile, remind us that, in any case, as practices which are ecologically
sound also benefit human health, it is better to err on the side of caution than risk contributing
to our own destruction.
FANPAGE TAI LIBU TIENG ANH NANG CAO hohaidang l 807@gmai l.cchn
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. . .
Part 2. The charts below show the proporti(ms of British sti,deuts at one universi(v in
England who were able to speak other languages:b,·additip.n'fo Eizglish, in 2000 and 2010.
Summarise the information by_selrcting and;-'epo;:ting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant. You should write <_1boJ1.t
150 ~vords.
French only
- erman onty
--. -N~,
. ..
. •
Spanish onty
I FANPAGE TAI Lil;:UTIENG ANH NANG CAO. hohaidangl 807@grnaiI.corn
,o O O O oO o O O O Oo O O.O O O .. 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 ••II O O O O oo O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O o O O 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 o IO O O O O O O 00 0 0 0 0 0 I 00 0 0 0 0 o O O O O O 00 0 o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O o O O O 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 00
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2. False
0.43 There was also a profound h,1bourshortage - because so many people. had died - which
put those who survived in a stronger position. Eventually, the exploitative feudal system - under
which peasants svvore allegiance to lords in exchange for a patch of land arid some protection
- collapsed.
3 ..False
0.57 Fast forward to 1918, and another devastating wave of disease was sweeping the world.
The so-called Spanish flu - although it didn't actually come from Spain - spread through
crowded troop transports and munitions factories towards the end of the First World War.
4; False
1.30 Calls for a 1mified medical service in the UK dated back earlier but it wasn't until after
the Second World War, in 1948, that Britain's National Health Service was launched.
5. Not Given
2.35 Will ideas such as a universal basic income, virtual education or even healthcare delivered
by robots become logical next steps in a profoundly altered world? After all: not all the ideas
iying around will prove to be the right ones.
6. flatbread or yeasted loaves 0.21
7. doilies 1.20
8. mouth distorters 1.36
9. invalids 2.03
10. (a) non-soggy (sandwich) 2.46
Part 3 •
11. C •
12. B
13. D
14. A
15. C
Dominic: You know Sue, I was speaking to someone yesterday about informality at work and
he thought that open-plan offices really improve the working environment and encourage
people to talk about the job and about problems among themselves, and to the boss, who's
sitting there too.
Sue: I wouldn't be able to concentrate, so it would definitely be detrimental to my work output.
D_ominic:Well, it depends to some extent on the individual, I suppose, but it works for me,
though previously I was skeptical.
Sue: (11) These days with e-mail and all these other ways of communicating, I can't see
any ~dvantage in having open-plan offices.
Dominic: That's hardly an argument against them. Everyone wants a more informal atmosphere
these days.
Sue: Another aspect of being less formal is calling your colleagues by their first names.
(12)Where I work the owners most definitely want to be called 'Mr' and 'Mrs', but the rest
of us all call each other by our first names. Does your company have any convention on that?
Dominic: (12) We're trained to go for polite informality. I answer the phone and introduce
myself as Dominic Greenfield, not Mr. Greenfield, so everyone calls me Dominic arid we're
off on a good footing.
Sue: I'm sure that's right, because you're immediately breaking down the barrier. You can get
on with the business more smoothly than if you sound starchy.
Dominic: What about dressing down at work into casual wear? My boss has changed his mind
" + in fact, and now he thinks it's acceptable. What do you think about that? •
t .Sue: I'm for it in the right environment. Maybe you are in a very young environment, not an .
old-fashioned workplace like mine and it's probably very acceptable if people, ... frankly if they
work better because they feel more comfortable. But as long as it doesn't get too sloppy,
because I think if you go to work with no idea of formal dress, if there isn't any code at all then
it just tends to encourage people to be lazy.
Dominic: I understand what you're saying, and maybe wearing a nice shirt and tie and a nice
pair of cufflinks, ... y'know, is important to impress your clients. But when you've got a day at
work when you're not having any meetings m representing the firm at all, and you're probably
in an airl~ss, overheated office, I think it helps to have easy, casual clothes.
Sue: I think modem offices are usually quite congenial and conducive to work.
Dominic: Anyway, it shouldn't be like school.
Sue: (13) But I think some of the reasons children wear school uniform can be applied to
adults in the workplace. I've always been in favour of school uniform because it equalizes •
people in a place where they need to concentrate on work, not on what everybody else looks
Dominic: (14) And there are certainly those who need to be protected from their own dress
sense, and it'd be better for all of us if they were told.
Sue: What difference does that make to your performance at work?
Dominic: (15) Don't you think that dressing down may create an unspoken hierarchy that
doesn't really exist? So people at work, who're maybe on the same level, if one of them dresses
on ·a higher budget, in designer labels, even if it's casual clothes, that person will automatically
be seen as more prestigious.
Sue: (15) I don't say it's all-important, but I think it could disadvantage certain people. I
like the idea of being comfortable and wearing casual clothes and it all being easier and less
formal, but I always feel right in a suit at work.
Dominic: I think there's two sides to the argument.
Sue: Anyway, I like to come home ..... (Fade)
Part 4
16. moody and uncoordinated 0.27
FANPAGE TA.I Lll;:UTIENG ANH NANG CAO hohaidang I807@g111ail.co111
I 7. hallucinating 0.38
I 8. sleep-inducing chemicals I. I 3
19. minor inconvenience 1.39
20. inflammation 1.54
21. fatal farriili:::tlinsomnia 2.30
22. receptor pathways 3 .12
23. clean-up mechanism 3.37 •
24. lymphatic vessels 3.52
25. slumber 4.11
Part 1.
26. A
- indelibly imprinted in/ etched in/ stamped on sth: (nghia bong) kh5.c sau, kh5.c ghi
- abidingly: trong m<)tthai gian dai
- unremittingly: m(lt each dai ding (kh6ng tang/giam)
- seamlessly: kh6ng thay d6i hay c6 vftn d~ gi
27. B
- aptitude test: bai kiJm tra nang Ive (nang khi~u, fhien phu)
- achievement test: bai ki~m tra thanh tich (xern da o,;itduqc gi sau m<)tkh6a l19c/ clmang
. trinh h9c)
28. C
- sth checks with sth: (thong tin) kh&p (v6i nhau)
29. B. •
- in bad nick: trong di~u ki?n t6i t?
- in hot water: (ai d6) g~p r~c r6i/ kh6 khan'
- on the blink: (thi~t bi di?n) kh6ng ho,;itd<)ng6n djnh
~ in the· doghouse: khi~n ai kh6 chiu v&i minh
30. D
- gobble up: ng6n (ti~n) .
- avail of: t.µ1d1,mg•
- tap into: khai thac (tai nguyen/nang luqng), t~n d\mg
- feed off/on sth: lam cai gi tang !en
31. B
- cheap shot: loi nh~n xet khong cong btng, Joi XOxien
- red herring: vftn d~ kh6ng lien quan
- old chestnut: cau dua/y ki~n/cau chuy?n curich
- (give sb) a blank cheque: uy quy~n (trong tnrong hqp kh6 khan)
32, C •
- sponge off sb: an barn
- suck up to sb: ninh b9
- clamor for sth: leihet doi cai gl
- egg sb on: xui gi1,1c
33. A
- give sb a wide berth: tranh m~t ai
- beat sb to the draw: (nghfa bong) nhanh hon ai m<)tbu&c
- batten down the hatches: chuAn bi s~n sang d6i m~t v6i kh6 khan
- put sth on the long finger: tri hoan di~u gi
34. C
However; there are problems with assessing the worth of a university education strictly in
terms of employment and earnings ... Likewise, it cannot be the only parameter by which we 'J
patron, or a sculptor has modelled a statue to order, or a photographer has produced a landscape
photograph for a popular magazine (C). These are artists less articulate and less intimate than
the scribe (A); they are more removed from the work they produce; they are often less
personally involved in their work (D); they part with less of themselves.
D~n chung: They submitted to the conditions from which no one can escape ... It is perfectly
true that the real reason that the poem was written was not for the monetary benefit, but it is
also perfectly true that it was sold for it. The poet is forced into using his emotions to pay his
bills; he has no other means of making a living; society does not propose to pay his bills for
him, after all, so what choice does he really have? D~n chung cho thfty cac nha van, nha tha bi
hoan canh ep bu(>cnen ban. tac ph~m la each duy nh~t hQ c6€m s6ng, nen suy r<lhQ mi~n
cuong phai lam v~y, ch9n y C la hqp ly. Cacy con l~i kh6ng suy ra duqc tu n(>idung trong bai.
78. B
Cau hoi chfra tu lament, c6 nghfa la thuong ti~c. Tac .gia thuong ti~c cl~ovi?c cac nha van, nha
tha phii ban tac phfun dJ ki€m s6ng do bi dfiy ~ao hoan cimh cua huckster civilization, hmi
nfra l~i khon·g GUQ'C tran tr9ng b&i nhfrng unsophisticated witnes~. V~y ch9n B la hqp ly. v~y
A, ... sold their poems and essays - works in which they had couched the most mystical
messages their genius was charged to bequeath to mankind, & day tac gia ton vinh nhfrng nha
va11tha thay vi to thai d(>thuongtiSc, nen lo~i y nay. Y C va D khong dm;rcnhilc db trong bai.
79. A
D~n ch®g: The poet is forced into tising his en1otions to pay his bills; he has no other 111eans
of making a _living;society does .not propose ·to pay hi·s bills fo1:hini, after &11,so what choic~
does he really have? Cac nha van tha khong duqc xa h91 chi t:ra luang, cfing khong con each
n~o khac ki€m s6ng ( a bad situation), nen tac gi.i bai vi€t ung h(>vi~c h9ti€p t1=1c ki€m ti~n tu
tac phfim cua minh, ch9n y A la hqp ly. Cacy B, Cva D kh6ng duqc nhiic toi.
80: D
Dfuichfuig cho y D: a poet has been crossed in love, or has suffered some bad fortune or so{~e
real sorrow, like the loss of a wife or child. He pours out ,his broken· heart in verse· that shall
bring tears of scared sympathy from his readers, a11dan editor pays him a hundred pounds for
the right of bringing his verse to their notice and .for allo'-Ying th~m tq print it in their
publica,tions. YAkhong duqc nhilc t6i. YB sai vi nhu n6i o tren, vi?c cac nha van tha ban tac
phfun ki€m s6ng la h~u qua cua huckster civilisation (degeneration of the human condition),
cht'.rkhong phai la hQ gay ra vi?c nay. Y C sai vi nhu da phan tich, hQ ban tac phfun do hoan
canh ep bu(>cchtr khong phai don thuin do lqi rihu~ ti~n b~c. •
81. C
.· . . • .. .
The unsophisticated witness & day chl nhu11gnguoi khong hiJu chuy~n v~ cu(>cdo:i ct:iacac
nha v·antho, aday d6ng nghTav6i tu unworldly.
82. A
extol = praise: khen nggi, ton vinh. d day n6i vi?c sang tac la each d&nha van tho nh~n GU'Q'C
sµ khen ngqi tu c(>ngd6ng.
83. A
Dftn cht'.rngcho y A: The instinctive sense of the dishonour which money brings to art is so
strong that sometimes men and women ofletters able to pay their bills, to pay their way through
other means, refuse money for their work, as Lord Byron did, from a noble conscience. YB
mau thuftn v6i dftn chung nay. V~ y C, khong c6 thong tin v~ vq cua Byron; chu y 'Byron's
publisher profited from a generosity which did not reach his readers' va 'the Countess Tolstoy
coHects the copyright royalties which her husband forgoes' la hai vi d1=1 rieng bi?t boi tac gia
dung C\lm 'these two instances,. sau d6. YD khong duqc nhic t6i.
0oi;m 3 n6i v€ hai tru:cmg hqp ngoi;i.i1~ma nha sang tac ttr ch6i nhu~n but. Tac gia khong bi~t
v€ nhfrng truong hqp khac, va n~u c6 thi chung cling khong phu nh~n dugc vi~c van h9c da tr&
thanh sµ k~t hgp giua ngh~ thu~t va kinh doanh. Theo mi;i.chsuy lu~n nay, vi tri B 1~hqp nh~t
d~ di€n cau in d~m.
D~n chi'.mgcho cau Ba do<;tn2: That Tennyson, Longfellow and Emerson sold their poems and
essays ... does not, however, diminish the virtuosity of their achievements. Y A va C khohg
dugc nhic toi. Vi?c business gin k~t nhan loi;i.ikhong c6 nghia la literature gay ra chia re, nen
loi;i.iy D.
Part 5.-
,.,. 86. B
While peppering your speech with jargon and business speak may ostensibly make you look
like you know what you're talking about, you could be, albeit unintentionally, alienating your
audience. Have you ever wondered why employees sit nodding away in meetings only to go
away and do the opposite to what you thought you'd intended they should do?
87. C
·While brief, this slim book is nothing less than enlightening, and has· the potential to change
lives - or at the very least vastly improve one area of it.
88. A
Actions speak louder than words is an indispensable guide to honing these skills to perfection,
drawing as it does on neuroscience and°psychological research with the sole aim of helping
leaders to use body language to maximum effect - and read that of others.
89. D
If you've ever heard the expression that we're given two ears and only one mouth for a reason,
and you concur with the sentiment behind it, then this book will resonate with you. All too
often we go through the motions oflistening, but how often we really hear what's been said is
a different matter entirely. ,.,
On the surface of it, this book appears to be geared towards businesspeople as a target market,
but because this offers insights into domestic situations too, this is more likely to be found in
the general reader section of a bookshop.
91. D
If you've ever heard the expression that we're given two ears and only one mouth for a reason,
and you concur with the sentiment behind it, then this book will resonate with you.
92. A ,
The guide also includes a one-of-a-kind and incredibly constructive chapter on communication
for visually-impaired leaders, ,vhose ability to. understand aural cues in order to respond to
others is paramount.
In Public speaking, Paula Benson addresses the difficulty many such people have in getting up
to speak in front of others, specifically in cases where the speaker is paralysed by fear or
-----. -- ------
,. TIENG ANH NANG CAO hohaidangI
----------- ·-
FANPAGE TAI·LIBU TIENG ANH NA.NGCAO hohaidangl 807@gmail 1~om
technology and cultures is impossible, as the latter collapses when the former thrives. However,
I wlw!ly d~sagree with such a viewpoint and would argue that humanity can retain cultures
while :,tHlenjoying the advances in technology.
on· the one hand, it is my firm belief that technological developments are unlikely to
undermine the cultural values that are crucial to man's existence. Technology is developed with
the mere purpose of aiding and promoting human's survival, and ensuring a comfortable living
for our kind. Meanwhile, many traditions and beliefs, both of which are essential parts of
cultures, have already been intricately interwoven with people's lives, forming the fabric of
communities and shaping the way humans coexist, perceive, and interact with one another. If
technology can, by any means, alter traditions, such changes would only happen to peripheral,
superficial values but hardly the integral parts. Illustrative of this is the deeply-rooted, long-
standing ideology of Eastern Asians. In the era of modernization and digitalization, different
generations of many families in China, Vietnam, or Japan no longer live under the same roof
and many superstitious practices have been abandoned; still, communal spirits are honored and
age-old customs like keeping the altar or'ancestors at home persist. As a result, the ways of life
-,;such countries remain easily distinguishable from those of their Western counterparts.
Furthermore, I would argue that far from sabotaging traditions, technology can be used
to preserve and perpetuate them. Due to exposure to the elements and the advancement of
civilization, natural wear an1 tear of historical relics as well as the disappearance of some.
customs are generally unavoidable over time regardless of technological developments.
However, with modem equipment and processes, people can learn about past values as well as
spread awareness to preserve them. To illustrate, virtual reality can also be used to recreate life
of the distant past, as exemplified by a. number of Vietnamese educational websites and
programs that utilize digital
remastering technology to teach students about. the dynasties in the
feudal period. Through the photo-realistic depiction of ancient sites and antiquities, current and
future generations gain vivid insights into life centuries earlier. Such technological inventions
have helped to record and popularize past cultures; otherwise, the_ preservation and
prolongation process would meet with much greater difficulties, or may not be possible
In conclusion, I firmly hold the view that technology hardly hinders cultures and both.:.;.
can exist in congruence. Technology can even bridge the gap between the past and the present,--~.
. . .
Part I. for q1iestio1is 1-5, listen to a talk about b/ockchain technology and decide whether
these statements are True (T), False (F), or Not Given (NG). Write your answers in the
correspiniding numbei-ed boxes provid<;d,.
1. Decentralization is inherent to a blockchain system that has higher security than a traditional
• ••• • • I •
·bank.· -
2. Blockchain
. .
features immutability which ensures the safety of the transaction
. .
. .....
3. Instead
•. ..
of relying
the .third party, the validation of . bitcoin. transactions
. . .
is confined
. .·
participants from certain places. _. .
4. Only by adopting block.chain techn~log)' can banks and companies keep up with the growth
rate of fintech staitups.
5. Block.chain technology will prevent the government from· abusing their· power to
disadvantage their citizens.
Your answers
l3. 1 s.
Part 2: For questions· 6-10, listen to a talk o~ the future of cyber security and answer the
questions; Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS taken from the recording for each
answer in the corresponding numbered boxes prol'ided.
6 ..What will smart ~ome gadgets be for cyber attackers?·
7. While Ai could facilitate the detection of imminent dangers, in what way could it be
exploited by cyber-criminals? .
g; What does the technically call deepfakes?
9. What could pos5.ibly be superior· to deepfakes?_
10. Who are responsible for maintaining the balance between cyber security and privacy?
Your answers:
I8. I9.
Part 3: For questions 11-15, listen to part of a discussion between Tina and Harry about
traffic congestion in their city. Choose A, B, C or D. Write your answers in the corresponding
numbered boxes provided.
11. According to Tina's personal experience,
A. the new bus-lane system has been ineffective in reducing traffic congestion.
B. buses have taken precedence over cars on the road.
C. the new bus-lane system has helped her to go to work at the usual time.
D. buses are not a proper option for the rich.
12. What does Harry imply about the bus-lane system?
A. Public outrage failed to influence the decision to construct a bus-lane system.
B. It has already become a norm in a modem city.
C. It may eventually encourage increased use of the buses .
. I 12.
Part 4: For questions 16-25, listen to a talk on the James Webb Telescope and supply the
blanks with the missing information. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS taken from
the recording for each answer in the spaces provided.
• Observation of faraway galaxies is, nowadays, clearer and more detailed. Recently,
NASA published full-colored pictures using the James Webb telescope, which proves
the optical instrument's (16)_______ of space observation.
• Named after a former NASA administrator, the Webb telescope is more robust by 100
times than its (17) ___ ~--- -The Hubble - which has been in operation for
over 30 years. The telescope's power mostly lies in its (18) _______ , g1vmg
it a larger light collecting area. Its one-million-mile distance from Earth affords crystal-
clear views of objects while it is kept away from external energy sources by its
(19)_______ . Webb's operating much farther from Earth also helps maintain
its (20)______ than Hubble.
• Webb also makes different observations in space. Whereas other telescopes are wired
to capture a small range of light emitted from stars and (21) _______ , Webb
could cover the majority of the spectrum by capturing infrared light.
• Webb could aid in examining (22) _______ beyond our solar system in the
hope of finding liveable planets, as scientists are particularly focused on the presence
of (23) _______ or water in the atmosphere. Furthermore, scientists could
track the development of space objects thanks to (24)_______ images taken
by Webb.
• Scientists are optimistic that Webb will provide new knowledge of galaxies, stars,
planets and possibly (25) -------
FANPAGE TAILIJ;:U TIENG ANH NANG CAO hohaidangl 807@gmail.com_
Part 1. For questions 26-40, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each of the following
questions and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. ••
26. His career started ___ with a gold medal at the World Junior Championship.
A. expediently B. providentially · C. prosperously D. auspiciously
27. These days, young children tend to have a(n) ._against voicing their true feelings.
A. inhibition B. retardation C. restriction D. reservation
28. Tom was caught ___ the books while working as an accountant for the firm.
A. fiddling B. tampering C. tinkering D. revamping
29.The presidential candidate only cares to represent wealthy corporate donors who power his
campaign and __ _
A. throw his weight behind C. line his pockets
B. take him to the cleaners • D. looklike a million bucks .
30. Normally, if you ___ out of a fight because you are afraid, you can't declare you're the
winner, unless you want to be publicly ridiculed! • • •
A B. chicken • C. weasel D. worm
31. Their ___ is the close link witp the government which can help them quickly and
exclusively get access to official news and inf01mation, giving them a huge advantage over their
competitors. _ .
A. saving grace B. fat cat C. trump card D. back..,seatdriver
32. The department handling the case only has_a :few more things to. • before officially
signing the contract with their partner. •• •
A. jack in B. mop up C. polish off D. finish with
33. Her husband walked out on her, . Mary • • ._•with two kids to raise ..
A.wrapping/ around her little finger C. having/ hanging around h_ernecl<
B. leav1ng(high and dry • D. putting/ through her paces
34. Much more intellectual work remains to be, ___ what party theoreticians
can point to today.
A. on for B. over and above C. as against D. up to much
35. Men with giant hands, ___ noses and bulging eyes congregate and argue over the
price of gangs of horses.
A. pudgy. B. beefy _ C. bloated D. bulbous
36. He asked me to help fix his computer for him, but I'm afraid I only have a __ _
acquaintance with how his machine works.
A. passing B. flashing C. fleeting D. flying
37. Labor is threatening to jail --- drunks who refuse alcohol treatment, most of them
Aboriginal itinerants.
A. periodic B. persistent C. perpetual· D. habitual
38. Duyen led me up the garden ___ and made me believe that she would always be there
for me.
A. way B. path • C. route D. course
39. This ___ of Asians, particularly in the vast numbers of Japanese tourists the city attracts,
has left its marks on the cuisine.
A. ascendancy B. potency C. preponderance D. distinction
40. Despite dismal failures in the past, James still ___ his ambitions of playing professional
A. nurses B. cradles C. breeds D. rears
Your answers
26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.
33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39.
Part 2. For questions 41-45, write the correct form of each bracketed word in the numbered
boxes provided.
41. There are islands in Antarctica and parts of northern Canada that are uninhabitable due to
the ---~- of the weather. {CLEMENT) . .
42. Timmy thoroughly enjoys himself, and amuses his hosts with anecdotes, jokes, and
____ .(WIT)
43. A(n) ______ political outlook can be misguided or even dangerous, because it
. doesn't take the lessons of the past into account. (HISTORY) •
::.44. In order to ensure the cat's safety, the chicken breasts should be ______ with a sharp
small knife before cooking. (BONE)
•. 45. Migratory birds ______ cross countries, continents, and even oceans by using
magnetic fields to navigate. (ERROR)
Your answers
Part 1. For questions 46-55,fill each of the following numbered blanks with ONE suitable
• word and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
Global English exists 46_____ a political and cultural reality. Many misguided theories
attempt to explain why the English language should have succeeded internationally,
whilst 47___ have not. Is it because there is something inherently logical or beautiful
about the structure of English? Does its simple grammar make it easy to learn? Such ideas are
misconceived. Latin was once a major international language,. 48____ having a
complicated grammaticEtl structure, and English also presents .learners with all rrianner ofreal
difficulties, 49______ least its .spelling system. Ease of learning, therefore, \has
50_____ to do with it. 51____ all, children learn to speak their mother tongue in
approximately the same period of time, 52_____ oftheir language. English has spread
not SJ ______ much for linguistic reasons, but rather because it has often
found 54_____ in the right place, at the right time. Since the 1960s, two major
developments have contributed to strengthening this global status. Firstly, in a number of
countries, English is now used in addition to national or regional languages. As well as this, an
electronic revoluti<:mhas taken place. It is estimated that 55_______ the region of 80%
of worldwide electronic communication is now in English.
Your answers
46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
Part 2. For questions 56-68, read the following passage and do the tasks that follow.
B The. therapeutic benefits of video games are becoming gradually apparent; specialists have
begun to see how the positive reinforcen~ent that players frceive from inbuilt game revvard
systems -.such as levels or 'loot' - serves as personal motivation arid creates a se11seof
achievement. Developing this 'fighting spi1~it'is crucial to patients who are unde1:goingdifficult
or prolonged courses of treatment. The impact of poor rnental well-being oh physical .condition
has long been recognised by the medical c·ori1rriunity,and the mentaf i·esilience that video
games build up is a valuable trait for negotiating the difficulties of extended therapy. -
C Appreciation of this has led to an increasing trend of incorporating video. games into courses
of therapy and, iri some cases, even using them as a rnethqd for delivering the ti·eatment itself.
Perhaps the best example of this is the-u~e of real-tiril~, inovemenH:ontrolled video games·,
known as 'exergames', in the physical rehabilitation ofpatients recoveririg.from·sfrokes. After
a stroke, damage to the cen,ral nervous systeni often leaves patients \.vithresfricted inoveme1)t
in certain parts of the body. Although this damage can: be repaired, the rnadto recovery entails
long months of tiring physi!::altherapy and mental frustration. Nerve damage to.the arms is
paiiicularly difficult to recover froni;, many patients .:succun.1bto the natural temptation to
perform tasks .faster and more easily with their fully functional
. 'good' arm, meaning that the
afflicted arm does not receive the practice and exercise it needs. Early muscle activation is the
key to a good recovery; if preferred use of the 'good' hand becomes habitual, recovery may be
delayed significantly; One of the most effective teclmiques for countering this is known as
CIMT (Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy). The 'good' hand is literally bound, preventing
its use, while the affected hand performs everyday repetitive tasks. While proving to be
statistically effective, this high-intensity therapy can be extremely tiring for the patient, both
physically and psychologically, and can usually only be carried out for short periods of time.
D Gaming technology is able to ameliorate this. By wrapping the affected hand in a motion-
sensory glove, patients are able to transport their movements into the world of a video game.
The key to this adaptation is the immersive nature of video games; when engaged in game play,
patients tired less quickly and, in fact, estimated their time spent playing at around 75% less
than it actually was.. Since the activities in-game require the player to mimic actions such as
climbing, pushing, etc., the movements do not differ vastly from the movements of the
•conventional therapy - but the mental stimulation of the video game environment means that
patie.nts try harder and for longer without experiencing the same levels of fatigue ornegative
E This_same immersive nature is the reason that gaming is not only relevant as an active form
of physical rehabilitation, but is also used to help patients with behavioural or social disorders
- particularly children who are still in developmental stages. An estimated 6 in I 000 children
are diagnosed with a form of autism, a neurobehavioural disorder which typically manifests
itself as difficulty communicating with or relating to others, overall impairment in social
interaction and repetitive or inflexible behavioural traits.
F Among other things, children diagnosed with autism find it difficult to understand outside
perspectives or control intense emotions. This leaves them less able to suppress their feelings
or. release them in a socially acceptable manner. Involvement in gaming of any form
familiarises children with established social behaviour and exposes them to the positive and
. negative aspects of life in a controlled environment. This provides a form of 'brain training'
:~{vhich helps regulate mental impulses in the outside world. Aside from aiding. emotional
, gtowth, these games boost fundamental childhood 'rules' - such as 'being a good loser', or
'faking turns'.
G At a more complex level, MM Os (Massively Multiplayer Online games) can be used to teach
peer cooperation, independent decision making and wide-ranging social interaction. What
separates this form of online gaming from single-player gaming is the wide pool of social
contact and the degree of communication required to participate. The artificial community
which builds up around online games has proved effective in both attracting arid enabling
participation from otherwise reticent children and, to this end, there are even purpose-buih
gam:e servers where children with autism and other social or learning difficulties .can d~velop
. .
and practise their skills in a protected environment. In a sheltered in-game setting, they are
more likely to feel confident about experimenting with their social abilities, and this practice
can then extend to external situations. The structure of the game on these servers often differs
slightly from the regular model so as to better convey learning points such as respect for the
environment, or consequences of actions on others. Most importantly, such comm4nities •-
r ·_.
reinforce a defined set of social 'rules' which are applicable in the non-game world. ;·Once •·· •
following these rules online becomes familiar to children, they feel more confident about using
their skills in the real world. This could be as simple as greeting someone new to the game and
making them feel welcome, or as complex as being considerate towards others or expressing
Questions 56-60
Reading Passage has seven paragraphs, A-G.
Choose the correct heading for paragraphs B-D and F-G from the list of headings below.
List of Headings
Gaming in the field of physical therapy
ii An unresolved social debate
iii Creating a game to mirror real-world conditions
iv The limitations of conventional therapy
v Disproving negative assumptions about onlinegaming
Example Answer
Paragraph A II
56. Paragraph B
57. Paragraph C
58. Paragraph b
59. Paragraph F
60. Paragraph G
Questions 61-68 .
. . . . .
Do the. following statements agree with the informati011given in Reading Passage'? Write
TRUE if the statement agrees with the. information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the informat~on:
NOT GIVEN if there is no information ori this
61. Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, many people believe video games cause
hyperactivity in children.
62. The realisation that positive motivation (i.e. that provided by video games) can have a
beneficial effect on patient health is a new one.
63. Though effective, CIMT cannot be undertaken for long periods of time due to th.elevels
of stress it causes patients. • •
64. Patients undergoing therapies in the form of gaming overestimated the length of time
they spent playing. • • • •• • • •
65. The mental.stimulation provided by the interactive environment meant that patients
continued to attempt the exei:garnes long after they began to feel physically tired.
66. Pediatric gaming has been found to contribute to children's emotional maturity.
67. Previous experience in single-player gamingis one requirement for pmiicipating in
• MMOs.
68. Dedicated servers have been created as controlled environments to teach social and
interactive skills which then can be transferred to the real world.
Your answers
I::: 157.
. 64.
Part 3. In the passage below, seven paragraphs have been removed. For questions 69-75,
read the passage and choose from the paragraphs A-H the one which fits each gap. There is
ONE extra paragraph which you do not need to use. Write your answers in the
corresponding numbered boxes provided.
69. ------
Several hundred years passed before we realized why. The bird's wing performs two
separate tasks, both of which are essential. Through its shape, it provides lift when air
. passes over it, and through its movement, it provides power. The crucial step to making
_aircraft was to separate these two functions, leaving the wing to do the lifting, but transferring
: the power function to an engine and propeller, something no bird ever possessed
Take structural materials for example. Bone is an excellent material, providing support and
strength. Currently we can't make materials that reproduce a bone's internal structure. But
even if we could; we wouldn't be able to use it in engineering structures for many ..reasons.
But nature is happy to work with much higher rates: the chance of breaking a. bone if you ·are
. a monkey in the wild is about 2% per' bone. per year. If engineers worked to that standard
they would soon be looking for another job.
72. -----
German engineer Claus Mattheck has a lifelong love affair with trees which has led to many
innovations in engineering design. One of these considers the junction where the branch of a
tree meets the trunk. Mattheck ·said that the curvature around this junction seemed to 'be 1±:
very cleverly designed to minimize the concentration of stress that occurs when engineers o'.
try to design the same shape. He suggested that· the tree was sensitive to stress and so, as
it grew, would deliberately place material in such a way as to minimize stress.
73. -----
But when you actually go and look at trees, it isn't clear whether Mattheck is right. Perhaps
trees aren't actually doing what he thinks they are doing - though proving it would b(;:quite
difficult. But of course it doesn't matter if you remember that nature was only the starting
point, not the objective of the exercise.
The report predicted that this fascinating result will be used by bioengineers to improve
engineering design. Well, perhaps it will, but if so the inspiration will be the opposite of what
' '
it seems. It is well known that smaller animals can run faster when measured by body size -
even the humble cockroach beats the cheetah on that measure.
... TIENG ANH NA.NGCAO hohaidang I 807@gma
75. ·------
Nature can be a wonderful muse, an excellent starting point in the development of a new
engineering device or material, but <;lon't make the mistake of thinking, that nature has
already solved your problems for you.
The Paragraphs
A. But a simple biomechanical model, applying the appropriate scaiing laws, would. suggest
that all animals should be able to run ·at the same absolute speed; not the same relative
speed. So the inspiration here wil.l come from asking 'Why are the little guys so slow?
~ . . .
B. First, nature can live with failure, but we can't. When we design a component for a car or
aircraft, we need to ensure that the probability of failure. of that part per •year is
somethii1g like one in a million, because a vehicle has thous~i.ds of parts and is
supposed to last for tens of years without catastrophic failure.
C. This idea led to the development of a computer prograinme to simulate the way they
grow, and the result was a fantastic reduction in stress concentration, allowing for more
slender components. This is important, because. shaving a few percent off the weight of
a component in a car means lower materials costs, less' fuel usage} less CO2 em1ss1ons
and so on. ••
D. The reason for this difference is· that for nature, the failure of an individual is of no
consequence .. What matters is the survival .of the. species. Nature IS wasteful of
lndividual lives in a way which we ris~-averse
. '·
can't . tolerate..
. •
. . . .
E. This begs the question of whether we need to fook to nature for inv~ntions at ail.
Perhaps all that. is really necessary is an active imagination; one that will create
solutions to the 'problems' we perceive there to b~. • •• • •
. . . .
F. Another example is the recent news thatscientists have discovered an animal th~t nms
faster thai-i any other - and it's a mite. The story - no . doubt distoiting the original
science - was that this mite runs faster than a cheetah if you measure speed in tem1s of
how many body lengths it covers per second
G. Here's why. If it hadn't been for birds, I dm~bt anyone would have even thought that it
might be possible for something heavier than air to become airborne. With his flying
machine, fifteenth-century inventor Leonardo da Vinci had a detailed design that looks,
on paper, very impressive. But it doesn't work
H. There is an important lesson here. The first step when inventing is to imitate nature, and
the second is to abandon nature's ways. At some point you have to give up the love
affair, dump nature and move on. The problem is that simply copying nature doesn't
work ..
Your answers
169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175 •.
Part 4'.For questions 76-85, read an extract from an article and choose the answer A, B, C
'al or[) {hat fits best according to the text. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered
boxes provided.
In truth, oniy the media will pitch these two against one _another_ though - purely for dramatic
value, as I l:lmperhaps guilty of having done here..The reality is that Woods is none too bothered
by what his young niece is up to, arid, in fact, he likes to support her as and when he can,
offering her advice 6n aspects of her game whenever the two cross paths, which, these days,
with the busy tour schedule, is very seldom indeed. Similarly, Cheyenne is very keen.not to be
compared to her uncle, stating that 'not everyone can be Tiger Woods.' lndeed, her down-to-
earth mentality and easy way with people are proof of this in one respect at least, for these
attributes that went missing from the gene pool when her uncle was being brnught into the
world are qualities that she herself has in abundance ..
Is Cheyenne likely to do for women's golf what Tiger did for men's dtiring the 90s? [A] Well,
while not completely beyond the realms of possibility, you would have to say probably not.
Are we likely to see the raucous crowds chant her name as she stalks the.1~iddle of the fairway
on the final hole ofa majorch:;tmpionship for the umpteenth time, ready to pounce and claim
another spectacular gl9ry, constantly reaffim1ing her status alongside the near-superhuman
elite of professional sport? Well, as she made no bones about declaring pretty forthrightly
herself, not everyone cari be Tiger Woods: .. [B] She is her own person, and whatever type of
career she forges in the. e1id, it will have .been forged in her own way, make no. mistake about
that. [C] In truth; the early signs are that she will hardly set the world alight, but then, how can
you dismiss a player. with that unmistakably ·woods-esque glint in the eye. [D] She will
probably hate me for saying this, but Cheyenne Woods very definitely has the eye of the Tiger,
and, with that in her arsenal, anything could happen:...-
76. Based on the information provided in the opert1ngparagraph, it is cleai'
A. • that Ci1eyenne Woods has developed features strikingly similar to.the way her
uncle looks today.
B. that both Cheyenne Woods and her uncle have the same family member to -
thank for introducing them to the game of golf.
C. that three generations of the Woods family shared very sii'nilar physical
features .in their youth. . . . . . .. · • .
D. that both Cheyenne andTiger Woods feel deeply grateful to Tigds father Earl for
his role in introducing them to the game of golf.
77. Of the pressure Cheyenne Woods is under,
A. the writer suggests this may have been a factor which contributed to the poor
manner in which she kicked off her professional career. •
B. the writer feels that it is lessened by the s_heerscale of the achievements of
Tiger, as no one could realistically expect her to emulate him.
C. the writer suggests that she coped admirably with it at the LPGA
Championship earlier in the year, considering the fact that she was just a debutant.
D. the writer suggests that she has openly .admitted that she is severely
encumbered by the burden of trying to follow in her uncle's footsteps.
78. The word 'lurid' in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to
A. embarrassing B. sensational
C. sordid D. fabricated
79. What does the writer NOT imply about Cheyenne's uncle, Tiger Woods?
A. He may be relieved that Cheyenne is taking some of the attention away from
FANPAGE TAI ui;:u TIENG ANH NA.NGCAO hohaidang I 807@gmaiI.coni
A.' Cheyenne tried as hard as Tiger did when debuting his golfing career.
_B.Cheyenne's personality traits give her an edge over Tiger in golfing.
C. Cheyenne has a more realistic attitude to life than her _uncleTiger.
D. Journalists unintentionally pitched Tiger and Cheyenne together.
"83. The phrase '~ade no bones ab~ut' in the final paragraph could be best replaced by
A. was definite about B. had no intention of
C. decided against D. was in favour of.
84. In the text, look at the marks [A], [B], [C] and [D] that indicate where the following
sentence could be added to the passage.
But, then, Cheyenne isn't and harbours no desire to be her uncle anyway.
Where would this sentence fit best?
[A] [B] [C] [D]
85. What is implied in the final paragraph?
A. So far, the evidence points to a ~trong likelihood that Cheyenne will be an extremely
successful golfer.
B. Although it seems unlikely that Cheyenne will emulate her uncle, it would be a
. mistake to completely discount someone with such a good pedigree.
C. Cheyenne is an unpredictable and volatile player and anything could happen as far as
her future in the game of golf is concerned.
D. Cheyenne has high expectations of herself and is pretty forthright about declaring her
Your answers
Part 5. The passage below consists of five sections marked A, B, C, D and E. For questions
86-95, read the passage and do the task that follows. Write your answers in the corresponding
numbered boxes provided.
FANPAGE TAI LI$U TIENG ANH NJ\NG CAO hohaidang 1807@gmail.corri
B: I am cynical. about this. way'of thinking, especially after reading Ehremeich-;s expo_seof
the positive thinking movement. There are a lot of gurus •out there trying to get me to
spend money on things that may or may not •help me perform • better, get more
productive or succeed in life. There is always a danger that I'll spend my. time ai1d
money on these things and delay the work 1 cquld •do .cin my owi1 without experts
guiding me. Yet I still find myselfdra\vn to these .popular non-fiction titles. I read tli.eni
because they confirm things that I know about myself or help me see things 1 wouldn't
have seen on my own. It's human nature to want someone in an authority position to
confirm something we already know about ourselves. Sometimes, we need to feel like
we've been given 'permission' to move forward.
C. For example, I recently read Quiet: ihe powe,:. of introverts in a world that can't stop
talking by Susan Cain. In this book, Cain dives into the cultural and scientific reasons
why some people. are introve1iecl and concludes that we. undervalue introverts .by
honouring extroverts, yet introverts are the ones changing the world. She begins her
book with some. convincing studies from sociology' that show an 'introvert' is someone
who gets energy from being alone, and in a society that honours outward appearances,
many introverts get left behind. I'm an introvert, so I found myself agreeing witl-i almost
everything she said throughout the book. But as I read· through each chapter, the
underlying theme became 'yes, you, the introvert, can be successful too!' And that's
when something started to occur to me: this reads a lot like a self-help book. It might
have scientific studies to back up the ideas, but it ends by giving advice to introverts
who feel left out in today's extroverted world.
D. This move toward self-help could be an effect of internet culture. These books have
taken off in recent years, and many writers have pioneered the author-as-marketing
and self-help-guru approach to non-fiction. Or, it could be a result of our changing
economy: if you're not portraying yourself as happy, successful, and productive, you
won't get noticed (so we're told), and, as a result you'll be left behind. In order to be
successful, we are guided towards giving off the appearance of success. For example,
writers are told to have a 'platform' - a website,. a social media strategy, a newsletter -
in .addition to churning out a series of bestselling novels. But in order to have the
bestselling novel, it helps to write a lot, and that can only be done alone, away from the
FANPAGE TAI Ll6U TIENG ANH NANG CAO hohaidangl 807@gmail:com •
E.. This inodel of the non-fiction book that is really a self-help book seems like it's here to
stay because it is incredibly successful. Even readers like me, who tend to be cyriical
and guarded, find solace and comfort in a book that uplifts and confirms. What I hope is
that this approach to non-fiction won't lead to intellectual laziness, sloppy writing, or
reductive thinking. I also hope it doesn't lead to a group of 20- and 30-somethings who
are too busy reading books and articles about 'how-to-be-that' or 'the-science-of-this'
that they stop creating things that lead to the next revolution. That type of future is
scarier to me than a future filled with padded non-fiction bestsellers.
Your answers
Part 1. Read the following extract and use your own words to summarize it. Your summary
should be between 100 and 120 words.
Advertisers tend to think big and perhaps this is why they're always coming in for criticism. ,;.,i:::
Their critics seem to complain about them because they have a talent for self-promotion and
because they have so much money to throw around. "Why don't they stop advertising and
reduce the price of their goods?" they say. "After all, it's the consumer who pays." The poor
old consumer! He'd have to pay a great deal more if advertising didn't create mass markets for
products. It is precisely because of the heavy advertising that consumer goods are so cheap.
But we get the wrong idea if we think the only purpose of advertising is to sell goods. Another
equally important function is to inform. A great deal of the knowledge we have about household
goods derives largely from the advertisements we read. Advertisements introduce us to new
products or remind us of the existence of ones we already know about.
Nowadays it is hardly possible not to read advertisements and enjoy the fun they've brought.
Just think what a railway station or a newspaper would be like without advertisements. Would
you enjoy gazing at a blank wall or reading rnilway regulations while waiting for a train? Would
you like to read only closely printed columns of news in your daily paper? A cheerful
advertisement makes such a difference to a dull wall or a newspaper full of tragedies ...
Another thing we mustn't forget is the small ads, which are in virtually every newspaper and
magazine. What a tremendously useful service they perform for the community! Just about
anything can be accomplished through these columns. For instance, you can find a job, buy or
sell a house, or announce a birth, marriage or death there, But by far the most fascinating section
now is the personal or pain column. No other item in a newspaper provides such entertaining
reading or offers such a deep insight into human nature; It's the best advertisement for
advertising there is!
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Part 2. The charts below compare the age structure of the populations of France and India
in 1984. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant. You should write about 150 words.
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Part 1
I •
0:38: Unlike traditional databases, which are owned by central figures like banks and
governments, a blockchain doesn't belong to anyone. And with entire network looking after it,
cheating the system by faking documents;· transactions and other information become riear
2. T
1:36: It's like a giant Google doc with one key difference. You can view it and add to it but
you can't change the information that's already there.
3. F
2:"l9: Instead, people all over the world move the digital money by validating other people's
bitcoin !ran~actions, earning a small fee in the process.
3:22: Blockchain lowers the barrier for entry into the banking industry, and that means fintech
startups are popping up in pretty much every market they operate in. If banks and companies
can't keep up, they're putting their own survival at risk.
4:02: Or perhaps he does have a digital copy on a government database but it is erased, altered,
or even destroyed in a political coup.
Part 2
6. easy pickings 0.34
7. (to) unearth vulnerabilities 0.53
8. digital doppelgangers 1.16
9. constant verification systems 2.00
10. policymakers and designers 2.12 ·
Part 3.
11. A
12. C
13. B
14. C
15. D
Harry: I-Ii,Tina. You look a bit frazzled. What's up?
Tina: (11) Oh, Harry, you wouldn't believe the traffic! It's even worse than ever this
morning. I put it down to the fact that they've brought those new bus lanes into use.
Harry: Well, the fact that the buses now have priority over cars on some roads is meant to solve
the traffic problem, not make it worse. I came by bus as usual and I got here at my normal time.
Tina: There you are, that just goes to show. If the system was working properly, then you'd be
getting here in half the time, as it is you're no better off and I've been held up to avail.
Harry: It's a nice idea Tina, but actually there is no bus lane on my route, they said that the road
wasn't wide enough, remember, unless they cut down all those trees and there was a public
. . . .
outcry. An)1way, who says it's to no avail. (12) If it means yo1.J'IIconsider taking the bus ir,i·
future, then inaybe it's achieved its objective.·
Tina: Umm ... I hadn't thought of it in that way. That would be absolutely typical of out city
council, wouldn't it? Anyway, that may work for some people, burto tell, you the truth, just
don't fancy sitting on a bus and that's all there is· to it. •
Harry: Yes, and that's how a lot of people feel, ui1f01iutiately,and I have to say I foid it rather
a selfish attitude Tiria. This:city's t1·afficproblem is i•iotgoing to improve unless we all work at
it together; and. that means everybody making. certain s~ctifices, like. using theii' cars less. I
don't think people 1riindthat, actually.
Tina: OK, don't get on your high horse. (13) I gu~ss we've all got used to a certain degree of
• personal freedom, an:d the car plays a pretty large· part in that (13) No one's going to give
that up willingly, you know.
Hany: I suppose the scheme does represent an attempt to restrict people's freedom, .but I
welcome that, if you ask me, it's not before time. And let's face it, (14) if the road's gridlocked
and you can't get to work; you 1v·e lost your personal freedom in any case.
tina: (14) That may be the case, but at least no one's telling me how I should lead my life. It's
alright for you, the bus takes you virtually door~to-dooi' and you· li\ie right next to· that
supermark.ct. What about when I want to go out after work or get my shopping on the way
honi.e? It's qtiite 1011gwalk from my flat to the bus stop, you know, and they aren't as frequent
on my route either.
Harry: OK, I take your point, but look at it this way. (15) If most people habitually took the
bus, arid only fell back on their cars when they had some bona fide reason, like your trip
to the supe1market, (15) that would still be a great improvement on everyone leaping into
the car without giving it a moment's thought, whenever they wanted to gosomewh~re.:It's
the unnecessary trips that cause all the hold-ups actually.
Tina: Now I don't doubt for a moment that you're capable of doing that Harry, but I scarcely
know anyone else who's in a position to even try; What about all the people with kids who've
got to do the school run and still get to the office on time? ·
Harry: Well the kids can get the bus like everyoi1e else.
Tina: No, that'll never happen, Harry. Mind you ... (fade)
Part 4
16. incredible capabilities 0.35
17. predecessor 0.53
18. massive primary mirror 1.07
19. sunshield 1.33
20. higher observing efficiency 1.47
21. other celestial objects 2.00
22. exoplanets 2.20
23. methane 2.42
24. deep field 3 .03
25. presence of life 3 .40
Part L
26. D
- auspiciously: d~y tri~n VQng
- expediently: mc)t each thiSt thvc; thich hQ'P
- providentially: may min, dugc troi phu he)
- prosperously: m◊t. each phat d~t, thinh vugng
27. A
- inhibition: ng~i/lo ting (khong th~ hi¢n cam xuc th~t)
- ret.ardation: sv ch~m tiSn be)
- restriction: sv h~n chS
- reservation: sv de d~t (do nghi ngo)
- fiddle sth: thay d6i chi tiSt/s6 li¢u cua cai gi d~ dugc lgi
- tamper with sth: can thi¢p, chua b~y
- tinker with sth: sua qua loa, chip va
?:revamp: tan trang l~i
129. C
::.line one's pockets: giau hon/khiSn ai giau hon (theo each bfit luong)
;,,;.throwone's weight behind sth: hSt minh ung he) cai gi
- take sb to the· cleaners: bi lira s~ch ti~n •
- look like a million dollars/bucks: cam thfiy rftt tuy¢t
30. B
- chicken out of sth: b6 ch~y vl SQ"
- duck out: roi di mc)teach nhanh ch6ng/ l~ng le
- weasel out of sth: tranh lam gi (vi¢c da hua/nen lam)
- worm sth out of sth: moi thong tin tu ai
31. C
- trump card: (nghia bong) quan at chu bai, ySu t6 thilng lgi
- saving grace: ySu t6 t6t duy nhfit cuu v&t ai/cai gi kh6i sµ tf>it¢
- fat cat: nha tai phi¢t, tu ban kSch XU
- back-seat driver: nguoi hay d~y khon nguoi khac
32. ~
- mop up: hoan thi¢n nhung ph~n cu6i cung
- jack in: dtmg lam gi
- polish off: giSt nguoi, an s~ch bach
- finish with: dung vi~c su d1,mg/cfingi
33. B
- leave sb high and dry: b6 m~c ai trong tinh hu6ng kh6 khan
- wrap sb around one's little finger: d6 dang sai khiSn, chi huy ai
- have sb/sth hanging around one's neck: bi cai gi h~n chS tv do
- put·sb through one's paces: ki~m tra/thu righi¢m
34. B
- over and above sth: them vao d6.
- on for sth: s~n sang lam gi
- as against sth: trai ngugc l~i v6i
35. D
- bulbous nose: mui to ci::1hanh
- pudgy finger: ng6n tay mup
- beefy arms/thighs: canh tay/bip dui to
- bloated face: m~t beo
36. A
57. iv . . . . . . . .·.
Paragraph C: 'While proving to be statistically effective, this high-intensity therapy can be
extremely tiring ... and can usually only be carried out for short periods of time.'
58. i
Paragraph D: 'Since the activities in-game require the player to mimic actions such as climbing,
pushing, etc., the movements do not differ vastly from the movements of the co:r:iventional
therapy ...' •
59. viii
Paragraph F: 'This provides a form of 'brain training' which helps regulate mental impulses io
the outside world. Aside from aiding emotional growth, these games ...'
60. vi
Paragraph G: 'Most .importantly, such communities reinforce a defined set of social 'rules'
which are the non-game wor(d.' • .
Khong c6 thong tin v~ overwhelming evidence, m6i quan h~ tucmg phan 6 cau hoi cung khong
dUQ'C th~ hi~n trong bai. •
Paragraph B: ' The impact of poor mental well-bdng on physical. condition has long been
recognised by the medical community and the mental resilience that video games build up is a
valuable trait for negotiating the difficulties of extended therapy.'
63. TRUE
Paragraph C: 'While proving to be statistically effective, this high-intensity therapy can be
extremely tiring for the patient, both physically and psychologically, and can usually only be
carried out for short periods oftime.'
Paragraph D: 'The key to this adaptation is the immersive nature of video games; when engaged
in game play, patients tired less quickly and, in fact, estimated their time spent playing at
around 75% less than it actually was.'
Paragraph D: ' ... but the mental stimulation of the video game environment means that patients
try harder and for longer without experiencing the same levels of fatigue or negative emotion.'
66. TRUE
Paragraph F: 'Aside from aiding emotional growth, these games boost fundamental childhood-.,
'rules' - such as 'being a good loser', or. 'taking turns'. j ,t'
but transferring the power function to an e11gine and p1:opeller,;something no bird ever
possessed ... There is an important lesson here. The fin;t step when inventing is to imitate nature,
and the second is-to abandon nature's ways, . _
71.B •
But even if we could, we wouldn't be able to use it in engineering structures for many
reasons ... Fi_rst,natµre can live with failure, but we c;an't.
72. D . .
But nature is happy to work with much higher rates: the chance of breaking c1.bone if you are
a the wild is about 2% per bone per year. If engineers worked to.that standard
they would soon be looking for anoth_crjob ... The reason fqr this that for nature,
the failure of an individual is of no consequence. ••
73.C. •
He suggested that the tree was sensitive to stress and so, as it grew, would!_tjeHberatelyplace
material in such a way as to minimize stress ... This idea led to the developm~nt of a computer
programme to simulate the way they grow, and the result was a fantastic reduction in stress
concentration, allowing for more slender components. • •
74.F ••
Another exan1ple is the recent news that scienti~ts have discovc~ed a~1•animal that nms
fastet~;;than any other - and. it's a inite. The story - no doubt distorting the original
s~iencf-,- was that this mite runs faster than a ~heetah. if you meas,11resp~cd in terms _()f
how rnany body lengths it covers per sectlild ... The reportpredicted that this fa:Sciliating
result will be used by bioengineer~ to improve engineering design. Wei( perhaps it will, but if
so the inspirati_onwill be the opposite of what it seems. It is well known that smaller animals
can rim_faster when. measured by body· size - even the humble co(.:kroach beats the
cheetah on that measure.. •• ••• • • ••• • •• •
75. A
The repo1i predicted that this fascinating 1:esult will be used by bio~ngi11eers to itnprove
engineering design. Well, perhaps it will, but itso the inspiration wiH be the oppo'sitc of
what it seems. It is well known that s_malleranimals can run faster when measured by
body size-,- even the humble cockroach beats tlie cheetah on that m:easure.'.. But a simple
biomech,mical model, applying the appropriate scaling laws, \vould suggest that all animals
should be ab)~ to run atthe same absolute speed, not the saine relat'ivc•speed: Sothe
inspiration he~'.f~ill cc;-ri'lefron1 asking 'Why are the iittle guys so slow?' •
Part 4. l
D&ncht'.mgcho y B n~m 6 d:o~n 1: Tiger's father Earl is to thank not only for gifting his son to
golf, then, but also, now it seems, instilling the same love of the game in his grandniece, who,
when barely old enough to walk, he placed a club in the hand of and began to teach. 'his
grandniece' 6 day chi Cheyenne nen ch9ri y-B la Iwp ly.
' ... were it not for the long hair, you'd almost be forgiven for mistaking her profile for that of
her legendary uncle, Tiger - in his prime.' Cau nay n6i di~m gi6ng nhau v~ ngo~i hinh cua
Cheyenne va Tiger h6i con tre (in his prime). Y A sai vi n6i Cheyenne gi6ng Tiger hi~n wi.
Lo<;tiy C vi tac gia chi so sanh ngo<;1i hinh cua 2th~ h~ nha Woods la Tiger va Cheyenne, con
Earl thi khong duqc mieu ta ngo<;1i hinh. YD khong duqc nhiic d:~ntrong bai. •
D&ncht'.rngcho y A: Anc½in the wake of his achievements, the pressure on Cheyenne must be
.immense, which might, ~erhaps, explain her poor debutant :;hawing, when she missed the cut
in her first tournament as'a professional at the LPGA Championship earlier this year. YB va
C sai l~ch h~n v&i du ki?n nay. YD khong duqc nhiic d~n trdng bai.
78. B
Tu. lurid d6ng nghia voi sensational. Trong ngfr canh nay, n6 chi nhfrng thong tin gi~t gan, gay
s6c vS dai tu cua Tiger.
79. D
D~n ch(mg cho cac y c6 trong bai: But perhaps, in light of his rather ignomini_ous fall from
grace in recent years following the release of the lurid details of his private life and the exterit
of his unfaithfulness to his ex-wife [C], he might well welcome the distraction Cheyenne
creates [A]. It may even make it easier for him to rebuild his game with the minimum of fuss
and attention, away from the spotlight,_as the wounded Tiger bides his time until he is ready to
pounce again - and signs are that he will soon have the majors back within his sights [B], so
that may not be very long at all now. Ch9n y D vi tac gia khong dS c~p d~n vi~c Tiger thu h~t
s\r chu y v€ minh trong qua kht'.r. • • •
80. C
D&ncht'.rngcho y C nim 6 do<;tn5: should her budding golfing career fall short of expectations,
::itwill not have beeri for the want of trying because, from watching her on the practice ground • i~
'.:i' :during tournaments, it is clear that the famous Woods' work ethic has certainly rubbed off. Cau
·fi ·.nay.dfrqc hi~u la: N@uCheyenne khong choi golfduqc nhu ki v9ng thi ly do se khong pµai la
co fty c6 ging chua du, bing ch(mg la vi~c quan sat cac bu6i luy~n t~p cua co. N6i each khac,
tac gia khilng djnh sµ n6 lµc hay dc;todue ngh€ nghi~p (work ethic) cua Cheyenne va d~c di€m
nay duqc 'lay' (rub off) tu nguai chu Tiger cua co.
Loi; )' A, B qua du ki~n sau 6 do<;tn6: Cheyenne is very keen not to be compared to her
uncle, stating that 'not everyone cart beTiger Woods.' YD la phuang annhiSu, khong duqc dS
c~p trong bai.
81, A
D~n ch(rng cho y A 6 doc;tn6: In truth, only the media will pitch these two against one another
though - purely for dramatic value, as I am perhaps guilty of having done here. Cac nha bao
chi vi@tvS ganh dua cua h9 d€ tc;todu lu~n (dramatic valu~), tt'.rcla vi~c 'rivalry' nay chi trong
tm'mg tuqng cua h9·(a figment of the imagination of journalists).
The reality is that Woods is none too bothered by what his young niece is up to, arid, in fact,
he likes to support her as and when he can ... Similarly, Cheyenne is very keen not to be
compared to her uncle. Dfr ki~n nay lo~i y B. HQ v6n di khong c6 y djnh cc;tnhtranh, chu khong
phai vi b~n r(m thi dftu cho mua giai ma h9 khong d€ tam d@nvi~c 'rivalry' nay, loc;tiy C. (Dung
hon la vi b~n r9n thi dftu nen h9 it c6 thai gian giup da nhau). Du ki~n trending loc;tiy D qua
tu 'similarly', cho thfty sµ tuang d6ng frong tl~aid9 cua h9 vS vftn d€ 'rivalry' nay. :'f.;"' :,
D~n chung cho y C 6 doc;tn6: Indeed, her down-to-earth mentality and easy way with people
are proof of this in one respect at least, for these attributes that went missing from the gene
pool when her uncle was being brought into the world are qualities that she herself has in
Lo~i_y A vi khong duqc nhic d@ntrong bai. Tac gia ding khong nh~n xet vS tinh each cua
Cheyenne la c6 l9i cho co nen loc;tiy B. Vi~c journalists hay media 'pitched Tiger and Cheyenne
together' y D cGng khong duqc th€ hi~n trong bai la vo tinh 'unintentionally' ma lad€ tc;todu
83. A
C\1m made no bones about nghia la khong do dv, qua quy@tvS m9t di€u nao d6. A. was
definite about c6 nghia g~n nhftt voi c1,1mnay.
84. B
Do~n 7 d~t ra vftn dS ring li~u Cheyenne se c6 duqc nhfrng thanh h,n.1n1rn Tiger khong.
Cheyenne khilng djnh ring khong phai ai cung c6 th€ duqc nhu ch(1 cua minh, va sau cung
(But, then) thi co cung khong mu6n lam v~y. Bai co mu6n la chinh minh, mu6n di tren con
duang sµ nghi~p rieng. Theo m?ch y nay, vi tri [BJla thich hqp d€ di€n cau in d~m.
85. B
Dftn cht'.mgcho y B: In truth, the early signs are that she will hardly set the world alight (Du
ki?n nay loi;tiy A), but then, how can you dismiss a player with that unmistakably ·woods-
esque glint in the eye. She will probably hate me for saying this, but Cheyenne Woods very
definitely has the eye of the Tiger, and, with that in her arsenal, anything could happen ... Tac
gia noi 'anything could happen' lad~ n6i·kh6nglo;;i.itru kha nang Chey~rme se toa sang, do·.c6
pedigree la SIJ thanh cong cua nguai chu Tiger.
Tac gia chi khong chlic vs S\l' nghi?p tuang lai Cua Cheycnn, chi'.rkh6ng n6i rfu'lg 16i chai cua
co la kh6 doan, hay thay dbi, v~y lo~i y C. Cheye1me da khiing dinh 6-tren, kh6ng phai ai ci:ing
c6 th~ dugc nhu chu cua minh, co cung khong mu6n lam v~y nen kh6ng th~ suy ra ring co ky
v<;mgIon lao vS ininh, lo;;i.iy D. • •
Part 5.
86. 0
This move towai'd self-help could be an •effect of internet culture .... Or, it cm.ildbe a result of
our changing economy
87. A
Ehrenreich's book shows how the current movetnent comes ftom a·n American history split
between two waysof goirig about things: orie being a 'pull-up-your-bootstraps' practicality and
the other a nai've belief that if y"buthink it up, you can· do it.
88. C
I'm ari introvert, so I found myself agreeing with almost everything she said tluot~ghout the
89. B ·
I am cynical about this way of thinking; especially after reading Ehrenreich's expose of the
positive thinking movement. There are a lot of gurus. out there trying to get me to spend money
oi1 things that may or may not help me perforni. better; get more productive or succeed in life.
There is always a danger that I'Jl spend my time and money onthese ~hingsand delay the work
I could do ori. iny own without experts guiding me.·
90. E
This model of the non-fiction book that is really a self-help book seems like it's here to
stay because it is incredibly successful.
91. C
But as I read through each chapter, the underlying theme became 'yes, you, the introvert, can
be successful too! '
What I hope is that this approach to non-fiction won't lead to intellectual laziness, sloppy
writing, or reductive thinking. I also hope it doesn't lead to a group of 20- and 30-somethings
who are too busy reading books and articles about 'how-to-be-that' or 'the-science-of-this' that
they stop creating things_that lead to the next revolution. That type of future is scarier to me
than a future filled with padded non-fiction bestsellers.
Yet I still find myself drawn to these popular non-fiction titles. I read them because they
confirm things that I know about myself or help me see things I wouldn't have seen on my
Ov~r thi last year, I've read a lot of popular non-fiction books, and I've noticed an
interesting trend: many incorporate some level of self-help writing.
95. D
In order to .be successful, we are guided towards giving off the appearance of success. For
example, writers are·told to have a 'platform' - a website, a social media strategy, a newsletter
- in addition to churning out a series of bestselling novels. But in order to have the bestselling
novel, it helps to write a lot, arid that can only be done alone, away from the spotlight.
Part 1.
The passage elaborates on the roles of advertisements in people's lives. Contrary to critics'
belief that advertising cost is passed on in the form of higher prices to consumers, advertising
,I actually contributes to lowering prices by forming mass markets. Another primary objective of
:!!"'advertising is to raise public awareness of both new and established products. Advertisements
, can also serve as sources of entertainment in prints. or public places. ln addition,. adverts in
. newspapers offer many services; from promoting job search, connecting buyers and sellers to
~< .',
: making important announcements. Finally, advertising columns help readers find joy and gain
a deep understanding of the essence of human beings.
The two charts compare the populations of France and India in terms of age distribution by
gender in the year 1984.
It is clear that the population oflndia was younger than that of France in 1984, with a noticeably
larger proportion of people aged under 20. France, on the other hand, had a significantly larger
percentage of elderly inhabitants.
In India, close to 14% of people were aged 5 or under, and each five-year age bracket above
this contained an increasingly smaller proportion of the population. France's population, by
contrast, was more evenly distributed across the age ranges, with similar figures (around 7%
to 8% of all people) for each five-year cohort between the ages of O and 40. Somewhere
between 10% and 15% of all French people were aged 70 or older, but the equivalent figure
for India was only 2%.
Looking more closely at gender, there was a.noticeably higher proportion of French women
than men in every cohort from age 50 upwards. For example, almost 3% of French 70- to 7~-
year-olds were women, while just under 2% were men. No significant gender differences ca·n
be seen on the Indian population chart.
Part 3.
In this fast-moving modem era, hardly a day goes by without changes and incidents happening
all over the globe. From eternal conflicts in North-East Africa to Sri Lanka's chaos and
Europe's energy crisis, the world has continually witnessed events that. cause widespread
concern. Some people, however, maintain that having awareness of such incidents is pointless.
I wholeheartedly disagree with such a viewpoint and would argue that people should stay
informed of international affairs though it may have no direct influence on themselves.
First of all, I concur that actively keeping track of global events will help one learn about the
sufferings and hardships of _those in other parts of the world and take action accordingly.
Humanitarian crises, natural disasters, or armed conflicts, though not present in some countries,
' .
TIENG-ANHNANG CAO hohaidangl 807@g1nail.co11~
ate actually frequent occurrences i11others. I-laving a:11awareness of such incidents can enable.
people to provide the much-needed and timely support for their fellows in overcoming
challenges, which greatly promotes global stability
' . . and prosperity: Moreover, .paying ...attention
to international events· is an indication of individuals'· concern about all human· beii1gs
in-espective of race and nationalities. For exatnple, in 2018, a junior Thai football team was
trapped underground within a deep cave for more tha1nwo weeks and their search attracted
intense global interest. Thanks to special rescue teams, militaries and resources from about 100
governmental agericies woddwide, the \vholc group was.st1ccessfolly saved. Clearly, had it not
been for this mass_iveinternatiopal support; the i·escue effort would have met with many'more
challeng~s, or may not have been possible all along. In the preserit tui•bulent world, such a sense
of ccimmui1ityarid shared responsibility is a:beacon of hope for the unfortm'lates and a testameilt
to humanity.·
_Furthermoi·e, being concerned about world events can offer forelrnowledge _of potential issues
and model solutions for similar eventualities, In the era of increased connectivity; a supposedly
unrelated foreign affair is capable ofturning the lives of millions upside down. For example,
an economic crisis in the Middle East can cause oil prices to escalate and spark serious global
unrest. If governments and individuals of other regions stay updated on:the affair·beforehai1d,
they will. be able to make informed decisions; ihcluding prioritizing energy conservation and
efficiency, and financing developments in self-produced energy, before the crisis worsens.
Thanks to this, nations can avoid the painful consequences of fuel sh01tages as much as
possible. What is more, being conscious of foi•eign events allows citizens and authorities to
learn from other countries' expel'iences·. Different areas of' the world might face similar
socioeconomic problems; while &ome nations --succeed in getting out of their undesirable
situations, others show fallaciousness in their approacl1; By updating what is happening
ovei•seas, communities can learn valuable lessons to handle their own issues. For instance,
some regions in Japan have coped with their d~mogtaphic challenges by implementing -a
"second-life program" that encourages old workers to .launch startups ai1d offering retraining
and employment opportunities specifically for retirees. Such a method ofembracing longevity
instead of treating it as a burden can be a shining example for European nations with aging
In conclusion, it is of paramount importance that people be ale1t to what is happening in a
global con'text even when it is of no immediate relevance to their life, since this represents the
_noble spirit of solidarity and offers foresight as well as experience. Even the smallest act of
caring has the potential to turn a life around, so all individuals should be proactive in informing
themselves about current world affairs and responding to changes.
Part 1. For questions 1-5, listen to a man and a woman talking about leisure acti,vitie~and
decide whether these statements are True-.(T), False (F), or Not Given (NG). Write your
answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
1. The man is concerned about the way he spends his free time.
2. The man thinks there is a lack ofreality on TV;
3. The woman supposes that the man's experience is out of the ordinary.
4. The woman tends to lose herself when she reads a gripping book ..
5. The woman claims that people still keep their identity when they play Fantasy Football.
Your answers
,4.. Is.
't :,,:·
f:art 2[ For questions 6-10, listen to a talk about the future of fashion and a,:zswer the
·questid~s. Write NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS taken from the recording for each
answer in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
6. What is capable of forecasting fashion trends with high precision?
. '
Part 1. For questions 26-40, choose the correct answer A, B; C or D to each of the following
questions and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. I
2~. These young people die -~- from heroin overdoses;
A.big-time B. mega C. wholesale D. aplenty 1-
27.The team offers financial ___ to the director so that they cap secure their pl_acein the
A. godsends B. windfalls C. jackpots D. sweeteners
28. After the accident, he took a few drinks to try to-'--.
__ his nerves.
A. cushion B. steady C. sedate D. allay
29. The new law has been seen as an attempt to of small companies by barring them
from freely entering the market.
A. crack the whip • B. cover the tracks C. clip the wings D. chance the arm
30. As soon as I played the tape, feelings that had been ___ for years came flooding out.
A. corked up B. simmered down C. blotted out D. locked in
31. Our president is intent on buying the company's newest cruise liners that are the ___ m
luxury at sea.
A. upper crust B. trade secret C. big break D. last word
32. Dan should allow himself to --- the glory of scored achievements, taking a breather
from attacking new goals.
A. lie around B. bask in C. live up D. drool over
33. Graduates from medical schools are regarded as the ___ of the crop and can work
anywhere they wish. •
A. cream B. pearl C. flower D. gold
34. As a man with an eye for neatness around the place, Tom always ensured that things we:re
A. hale ~nd hearty B. bright and breezy C. short and sweet D. spick and span ••• •
35. A threat to take tariffs away was a(n) ___ one, because the repercussions in the country··
would have been disastrous.
A. inert B. idle C. dormant D. latent
36. In regions of tropical rainforest, maintaining the quality of agricultural land and increasing
its area are ___ activities.
A. man-intensive B. person-intensive C. human-intensive D. people-intensive
37. The tragic fate of the heroine was meant to serve as a ___ lesson to young readers.
A. salutary B. benignant C. propitious D. worthwhile
38. They tried to ___ the boss ___ about their scheme for fear of being punished, but
he found out about it anyway.
A. bring/into line C. keep/out of the loop
B. halt/in the tracks D. sweep/under the rug
39. As both a teacher and parent, she had a vested ___ in seeing the school remain open.
A. pleasure B. interest C. belief D. stake
40. The books are a good cover-:to-cover read for the recomme~ded age group, with enough
detail to ~-- the imagination of inquiring yo1:1ngn1inds. • • • •
A. incense B. foment C. kindle D. pique
Your answers ..
26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.
33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. ..
Part 2. For questions 41-45, write the correctform of each bracketed word in the numbered
boxes provided.
41. The _____ headed by Mr. Smith would· be looking to develop hotel facilities
adjoining the stadium. (CONSORT) . • •. •
42. A series of videos of what appears to b¢ Margot Robbie has·surfaced ohline~
fooling many users into believing it is actually her. (FAKE)
43. Mind-altering drugs weren't necessary, since this was an evening of pure _____ _
spontaneous and harmless fun. (ADULT)
44. People coming from different parts of the State were stuck at some locations dueto the
traffic congestion, so they had to ____ from ·their vehicles and walk up to the venue.
(LIGHT) . .
45. During their teenage yeai"s, this secluded area was·------ r_efen-edto as the pit,
short for passion pit. (AFFECT) • • •••
Your answers
4 143. 145 •.
1 1- I
Part 1. For questions 46-55,fill each of the following nuinbered blanks with ONE suitable
word and write your answers in the corresponding numbe,·ed boxes provided.. •
The clock is arguably the most influential invention in the history of technology. How did
46___ all start? The sui1dial used shadows· to .mark off the hours, but the water clock
measured time even on cloudy days. This type of clock was used in China 3000 years ago; and
was also known 4 7____ the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans.
It was not until the 1300s that the forerunner of the modern clock, with wheels, a dial and an
hour hand, was invented. 48___ . 1700 a pendulum, a minute hand and a second hand had
been added, since 49 __ the essential principles of clocks have not change. 50___ _
clocks~using only weights and pendulums; were used for hundreds of years, but they had to be
placed in an upright position so as to work properly. The discovery 51____ a spring,
which had to be wound regularly, could. be used 52____ of weights or pendulums meant
that ciocks could, be smaller, and even be carried around. Electric, atomic and digital clocks,
plus clocks with microchips, are the more recent developments. •
The modern clock 53____ look different from its more elaborntely decorated
predecessors, but clocks and watches are still valued not only for their practicality but also as
a 54_____ statement and status symbol. They will probably be with us for another 3000
years, at the 55~-- least.
Your answers
146. 147. 148. . 149. 1 so.
Part 2. For questions 56-68, read the following passage and do the tasks that follow.
FANPAGE TAI Lif;:UTIENG ANH NANG CAO hoh:i.idang1807@ginail.ccm
significance. Simple as they may seem, they provide the first example of extraterrestrial
archaeology and - .. perhaps more significant for the history of the discipline - formational
archaeology, the study of environmental and cultural forces upon the life history of human
artefacts in space.
Questions 56-61
Do the following statements agree with the inforn1ation given in Reading Passage? Write
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the infonnation
NOT GIVEN if there is no infonnation on this
56. Ben Finney's main academic work investigates how some sites in space could be
important in the history of space exploration.
57. Beri Firi.rieythought that in the long term astronauts may need to work more closely
with archaeologists.
FANP.AGETAI Ll6U TIENG-ANH NANG CAO hohaidang1807@gmaiLcom •
58. Commercial pressures may put important sites on the Moon under threat.
59. Academics are concerned by the fact that activities of tourists and scientists have
harmed the Moon's environment.
60. The _1967UN treaty came under fire for the mishandling of space junks.
61. The wording of legal agreements over ownership of land in spate ·means that it' may be
• unclear who has responsibility for historic human footprints.
Questions 62-66
Complete the flow chart below. Choose NO MORE THAN ONE WORD from the passage for
each answer.
.- . ·- •
During the assembly of the Surveyor 3 probe, someone (62) ___ ona TV camera .
The TV Camera was carried to the Moon on Surveyor 3
The TV Camera remained on the Moon for over (63) __ years
Apollo 12 astronauts (64) ___ the TV camera
The TV camera was returned t.o Earth for (65) __ _
The Streptococcus mitis bacteria were found .
The theory that this suggested there was (66) __ _ on the Moon was rejected.
Scientists concluded that the bacteria can survive lunar conditions.
Questions 67-68
Choose TWO letters A-E.
The TWO rnairt purposes of the writer of this text are to explain
A. the reasons why space archaeology is not possible.
B. the dangers that could follow from contamination of objects from space.
C. the need to set up careful controls over space tourism.
D. the need to preserve historic sites and objects in space.
E. the possible cultural effects of space travel.
Your answers
Part 3. In the passage below, seven paragraphs have been removed. For questions 69-75,
read the passage and choose from the paragraphs A-H the one which fits each gap. There is
ONE extra paragraph which you do not need to use. Write your answers in the
corresponding numbered boxes provided.
Cosmology is showing us that this complexity -flowed from a •deep simplicity a:s matter
metamorphosed through a series of phase transitions. Travel back in time through those phase
transitions, and we see an ever-greater simplicity and symmetry, with the fusion of the
fundamental forces of nature and the transfon11ation of particles to ever~more fundamental
Go ba:ckfurther still. What was there before the big bang? What was there before time begun?
Facing this question challenges our faith in the power of science to find explanations of nature.
The existence of a singularity --- in this case the given, unique State from ·which the u11iverse
emerged -- is anathema to science, because it is beyond explanation.
Cosmologists have long- struggled to avoid this bad dream by Seeking explanations of the
universe that avoid the necessity of a beginning. Einstein, remember, refused to believe the
implication of his own equations- that the universe is expanding and therefore must have·had
a beginning - and invented the cosmological constant to avoid it. Only when Einstein saw
Hubble's observations of an expanding universe could he bring himself to believe his equations.
Stephen Hawking and J B Hartle tried to resolve the challenge differently, by arguing the
singularity out of existence. Flowing from an attempt at a theory of quantum gravity, they
agreed that time is finite, but without a beginning. Think of the surface of a sphere. The surface
is finite, but it has no beginning or end - you can trace your finger over it continuously,
perhaps finishing up where you began. Suppose the universe is a sphere of space time. Travel
around the surface, and again you may finish up where you started both in space and time.
We simply do not know yet whether there was a beg1nning of the universe', and so the origin
of space-time remains in terra incognita. No question is more fundamental, whether cast in
scientific or theological terms. My conviction is that science will continue to move ever closer
to the moment of creation, facilitated by. the ever-greater simplicity we find there. Some
physicists argue that matter is ultimately reducible to pointlike objects with certain intrinsic
Tban engineer, the difference _betweennothing and practically nothing might be close enough.
To a scientist, such a difference, however miniscule, would be everything. We might find
• ourselyes experiencing Jarrow's bad dream, facing final question: Why? "Why questions are
not amenable to scientific inquiry and will always reside within philosophy and theology,
which may provide solace if not material explication.
The list of cosmic coincidences required for our existence in the universe is long, moving
Stephen Hawking to remark that, "the odds against a universe like ours emerging out of ·
something like the big bang are enormous." Pr_incetonphysicist Freeman Dyson went further,
and said: "The more I examine the universe and the details ofits architecture, the more evidence
I find that the universe in some sense must have known we were coming." This concatenation .
of coincidences required for our presence in this universe has been termed the anthropic.;;~ .];.•·~,
principle. In fact, it is merely a statement of the, obvious: Had things been different, we would··
not exist.
Missed paragraphs
A. This, of course, requires time travel, in violation of Mach's principle. But the world of
quantmp mechanics, with ·its uncertainty principle, is an alien place in which otherworldly
things can happen. It is so foreign a place that it may even be beyond human understanding.
B. But what if the universe we see were the only one possible, the product of a singular initial
state shaped by singular laws of nature? It is clear that the minutest variation in the value of a
series of fundamental properties of the universe would have resulted in no universe at all, or at
least a very alien universe. For instance, if the strong nuclear force had been slightly weaker,
the universe would have been composed of hydrogen only. An expansion more rapid by one
part in a million would have excluded the fo1mation of stars and planets.
C. Trace that" person back through his or her life, back beyond birth to the moment of
fertilisation of a single ovum by. single sperm. The individual becomes ever simpler,
ultimately encapsulated as information encoded in DNA. The development that 9radually
transforms a DNA code into a mature individual is an unfolding, a complexification, as the
information in the DNA is translated and manifested through many stages of life. So, I believe,
it .is with the t~nivcrse. We can see how very complex the universe is now, anp. we ar~ part of
that complexity.
D. ·Others argue- that fundamental particles are extraordinarily tiny strings that vibrate to
produce their properties. Either way, it is possible to envisage creation of the universe 'froin
almost nothing- not nothing, but practically nothing. Almost creation ex nihilo, but not quite.
That would be a great intellectual achievement, but it may still leave us with a limit to how far
scientific inquiry can go, finishing with a description of the singularity, but not an explanation
of it
E. For many proponents of the steady state theory, orte of its attractions was its provision that
the universe had no beginning and no end; and therefore required no explanatioh of what
existed before time = 0. It was known as the perfect cosmological principle.
. . . . . . . .
F. There can be no answer to why such a state existed. Is this, then, where scientific explanation
breaks down and God takes over, the artificer of that singularity, that initial simplicity? The
astrophysicist Robert Jastrow described such a prospect as the scientist's nightmare: "He has
scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself
over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for
centuries. II
G. Various COBE team members and other cosil:i:ologistswere oi1TV, radio talk shows, and ih .
newspapers for several days. The publicity and tremendous publi~ interest provided a unique
opportunity to discuss science with a very large audience arid to promote the power of hurnati.
endeavour in pursuing the mysteries of nature.
H. Go back further and we reach a point when the universe was nearly an infinitely tiny,
infinitely dense concentration of energy. This increasing simplicity and symmetry of the
universe as we near the point of creation gives me hope that we can unde1'stand the universe
using the powers of reason and philosophy. The universe would then be comprehensible, as
Einstein had yearned.
Your answers
169. 110. 111. 112. 173. 174. 175.
Part 4. For questions 76-85, read an extract from an article and choose the answer A, B, C
or D that fits best according to the text. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered .
boxes provided.
Livestrong - but will the legacy?
in the early- to mid-l 990s, Lance Armstrong was on the up-and-up. Success seemed to be
written in his stars; he notched up a stage win at the '93 Tour de France, then another in '95.
This cyclist was clearly coming of age in the sport, and he was, at 24 on registering his second
tour win, still
a relative baby in cycling terms - most of his career lay ahead of him.
. . •, .
:· ~
when it looked like he would conquer all before him, his '96 tour was cut disappointingly short
due to illness. And, as it would soon emerge, this was no ordinary illness; Annstrong had
testicular cancer. Fans were aghast and there was an outpouring of sympathy for him.
But Armstrong would need more than goodwill to get through this. _The cancer had
metastasized to the lungs and the brain. The prognosis was not at all good. Months of spirit-
and body-breaking chemotherapy followed and a delicate surgical procedure to remove the
malignancies on hi~ brain was performed. Cycling mourned the surely permanent loss to the
'-.,sportofone of its most promising young disciples. But Armstrong wasn't finished yet..
:rn 1998, he made a remarkable, defiant and inspirational return to cycling and competed in the
.'.Tourde Franc~ again the following year. But surely his would now only be a cameo role; after .
-~~II,what could one expect from a cancer survivor with a compromised liver and the other
'familiar scars of cancer therapy? Except Armstrong had other ideas.
Four stage wins later, the legend of Armstrong was born; he had claimed the Tour and defied
the odds in the most emphatic of manners. His victory represented riot just his announcement
as a force in cycling, but as a force for hope for millions of cancer sufferers the world over.
Indeed, Armstrong thre-w himself into campaigning - for his_ newly-established cancer
foundation, Livestrong - so much so that he metamorphosed into a sort of human-embodiment
of the cause - lie became the cause, and his annual battle with the French Alps came to
represent the struggle against the deadly disease. So long as Lance could succeed, there was
And succeed he did, beyond the wildest expectations -of even the most optimistic of his
supporters, amassing a further six titles - so seven in consecution-before he retired in 2005. _
[A] His achievements were simply remarkable; his story absorbing; his book a must-read fofi:- _, . ti-,-·••,:,,
all cancer sufferers - their ray of hope; proof that hopefulness should never fade and that ••
sanguinity can and does make light of the odds - the tunnel, though long and at times·
excruciating to pass through, has an end, and it is a happy one - the light is in sight.
[B] After his seventh victory, he retired and the sporting world entered congratulatory mode,
writing his eulogies. [C] There were whispers of a comeback, confirmed in 2009, and so it was·
that the legend would ride again.
But the renewed focus on him wasn't all good; there were whispers of another kind, too;
sources, some credible, were claiming he had had an illicit ally all through his exploits; he was,
they claimed, in bed with the syringe. [D] Our champion laughed off and dismissed these
claims but the rumours persisted and a cloud began to form over his legacy. Surely Arn1strong
could not have earned his victories clean, some said.
We may never know for sure. Fast-forward to 2012 and despite an abandoned federal case,
those sharpening their knives for Armstrong seem to have finally nabbed him; ASADA, the
U.S. body tasked with cracking down on drug offenders charged Armstrong with doping and
the traffickii1g of drugs -· and some. say his failure to contest is indicative of his guilt. At any
rate, because he pleaded no-contest; he will now be stripped of all his titles; his legacy has been
pulled.from under him.
And yet he has not, and now may never he tried, so we have not seen the evidence against him:
We do not know if he is guilty or innocent,· and it still· remains fact. that he never failed an
official drugs test. Did he cheat? Does it matter? Does anyone care? Time may tell, but for
now, though his legacy is tainted, his legend, in the eyes of many of his loyal supporters, lives
76. The phrase 'on the up-and-up' iIJ.the first p9'ragraph could be best replaced by
A. growing physically stronger . B. increasingly attracting public attention
C. making steady progress D'. flow-ishing financially
77. What does the writer mean when he says in the first paragraph that Lance Armstrong was
'coming of age in the sport'?
A. he was of the right age to be a competitive cyclist
B. he was nearly atthe age at which it is expected tl;at a cyclist should win
C. he. was of a mature age for a cyclist and had few years left in the sport
D .. he was beginning to figure as a real contender in his sport.
78. Which of the following statements is true about the cancer Armstrong had?
A. he recovered re1narkably quickly from it, suffering little
B: it staiied in the lungs and spread to the brain • •
• •.C. doctors were optimistic about his chances of survival •
D. the generally held view was that it would prevent him fromcycling professionally
ever again
79. Why the writer say, 'Except Armstrong had other ideas', at the end of the third
A. Am1strong was determined to play some role in the Tour de France again
B. Armstrong's idea ofvictory had changed since he'd had cancer.
C. Armstrong was detei1nined to defy the odds and become a real contender in the Tour
de France. •
D. Armstrong didn't want to race for vict01:y,hejust wanied to represent cancer victims ..
80. What does the writer compare Armstrong's Tour de France campaign· struggle each year
after his return to the sport with?
A. the general fight against cancer
B. a cancer organisation
C. his fundraising for cancer.
D. Armstrong's own personal cancer experience
81. What is one of the ways in which his story became about more than just cycling?
A. his publisp.ed biography became a source of inspiration for cancer sufferers
B. cycling through a tunnel was like fighting cancer •
C. he gave people hope that they could one day be professional athletes, too
D. he gave people the belief to fight the disease that is drug-taking in sp01i
82. In the text, look at the marks [A], [B], [C] and [D] that indicate where the following
sentence could be added to the passage.
But Armstrong had one more surprise for us; he wasn't finished yet.
Where would this sentence fit best?
I::: I
Part 5. The passage below consists of five paragraphs marked A, B, C,. D and E. For
questions 86-95, read the passage and do the task that follows. Write your answers in the
corresponding numbered boxes provided.
As ifthis \vasn't enough, some types ofbowerbirds really go the extra-mile to find their o'the1'
halves, engaging in elaborate c.onstruction work that takes a considerable amount of for,vard
plal1)1ingand hard work. Many rnale bowerbirds erect intricately decorated nests, known as
bowers, in_a variety of elaborate ways, even stealing from other males' bowers in have
the most impressive home and be chosen as mate. These often extreinely comi1lex bowers
can be built in a tent shape, with the males placing sticks around a small tree, or what could
best be described as an igloo shape, with apassageway .
entrance into a central space fuU of ornaments. Whatever the type of bower, they all comprise
a form of visual enhap.cement little seen in the animal world and more akin to our own forms
of home decoration, albeit in a simpler forn1.
Think, if you will, of a market stall. trader who has all his wares on display in an enticing
fashion, showing off individual iten1.s to. potential •buyers in the hope of a purchase. The
bowerhird's behaviour is reminiscent of this, with their bowers inclwling hundreds of tiny,
often colourful obj.ects both natural and manmade, such as flowers, berries, coii1s and glass.
Each of these small pieces is exactingly arranged so as to appeal to females. While the bower;s
inside is inti-icately decorated, the male also shows larger objects to the female .to catch their
at~ention. And this might occur more than once, as the females go back and forth watching the
males' _displays and visiting different bowers. until they choose the bower that has caught their
eye sufficiently to select the male owner as their mate. Females commonly stop at a variety.of
bowers in .order to sele.ct their preferred candidate, m'ldsome males may be chosen by multiple
mates, while others are passed by altogether. •
Recent investigations into bowerbirds and their b~wers have identified that the birds create a
pattern of decoration so detailed and clever that they make.their bowers appear much bigger
than what they actually are when viewed by the female. In fact, the male bowerbird tends to go
back and forth into their bowers so they can ensure they've achieved the desired effect, and
which they are meticulous about. Rec~nt researc:h shows thatifa male's bower is alt~red in any
way, they will painstakingly restore it'to theiroriginal design. In addition to this, i1icredibly,
th.eir chances of mating are found to be directly related to the regularity of the patterns they
create within the bowers. The complexity of this mating behaviour, from both the male and
female perspectives, indicates that the bowerbird is a behavidi:frally complex family of birds,
possibly more so than any oth_erbird_alive today, and almost ce1iainly the next best home
architects after humans.
In which section arc the following mentioned?
86. The types of structural layout that bowerbirds use for their homes.
87. How optical illusions play a part in helping the bowerbird attract a mate.
88. The way in which female bowerbirds are impatient when it comes to mate selection.
89. The way in which bower birds can be underhanded in obtaining their materials.
90. A physically aggressive mating technique used by the bowerbird.
91. The trial and error involved in making a bower visually attractive.
92. The procedure undertaken by females in,mate selection.
93. The fundamental quality that makes a bower a success.
94. How the male bowerbird is almost unequalled in its mating effo1is. •
95. The transactional nature of the mating behaviour of the male bowerbird
Your answers
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FANPAGE TAI ~11;:UTIENG ANH NANG CAO hohaidangl 807@gmail._com
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Part 2. The maps below show the centre of a small town called Islip as it is now, and plans
for its development.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features,
and make comparisons where relevant.
L$hp town c~ntra now
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FANPAGE TA.ILIJ;:UTIENG ANH NANG CAO hohaidang1807@gmail.com_ •
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FANPAGE T/\1 LIJ$UTiENG ANH NANG CAO h0haidang 1807-@gmaiLco:11
diseases. We'll be missing a great scientific opportunity if we fail to fully investigate the possibilities
of cloning. (12) Restrictions on sci~ntific exploration are usually a mistake, in my view, forcing
the work underground.
Norma: Cloning is unsafe and should be banned: There are far too many unknown and p0tentially
devastating fa~iors that could affect generations to come. And imagine the psychologi~al pr~ssures of
knowing you're a clone, a duplicate of another human being, imagine the diminished sense of
Tony: Oh, really! (13) A clone wouldn't really be a duplicate at all. We're not just the product of our
genes ~ our environment plays a huge role in how we turn out. No two people can have an identical
environment, so environmental factors would mold the child into a unique individual. Are you
suggesting that twins don't have a sense of individuality? Of course, they do.
Norma: At the end of the day, cloning's at odds with the traditional concept of the-individual - of what
it means to be a human being. (14) Some aspects of human life sh9uld be off-limits to science. ..
l Tony: (14) Of course some should be, but 1reckon objections to cloning are Iike (15) objections raised
agairist earlier scientific achievements - remember heart transplants and test-tube babies? They
came to be widely accepted later, didn't they? The same thing_will happen with clonirig.
Norma: That's what worries me!
Part 4
16. heat-seeking technology 0.12
17. airborne antidote 0.36
18. contentious chemical attacks 0.44
19. track environmental changes 1.04
20. defibrillators 1.32
21. sirens 2.0 I
22. unblocking the gutters 2.22
23. 400-foot flight ceiling 2.50 1.
24. burglars and robbers 3.22
25. sµnning yourself 3.57
Part 1.
26. C-
- wholesale (adv).quy mo 1611,hang lo~t
- big-time (adv) tren phc;tmvi 16n
- mega (adv) vo ctmg
- aplenty (adv) d6i dao
27. D.
- sweetener: m6n dut l6t
·-godsend: cua troi cho
- windfall: v~n may b~t nga
- jackpot: giai d(>cditc
28. B
- steady one's nerves: tro nen binh t'fnh
29.C r
- clip one's wings: hc;tnch~ t\f do cua ai
- crack the whip: dung quy€n hc;tnde d<;>a(d~ ai lam vi~c/cu
- cover your tracks: che giftu vi~c da lam
- chance one's arm: danh li€u lam gi
30. r\
l --- -----·----
. .
FANPAGE TAI Ll~U TIENG ANH NA.NG CAO hohaidang l 807@gmai
46. it·
47. to
=> be known to sb: duqc bi~t d~n boi
48. By
=> Phai dung by do phfa sau dung qua kht'.rhoan
49. when
=> wh~n thay th~ cho ca S\I ki?n di~l) ra phia tru6c
50. These • • • •
=> Dfru hi?u: danh tu s6 nhj~u clocks. 1·
51. that . I
=> Khong dung of vi day la m9t m?nh d~ quan h? d&ydu cvm chu - vi
52. instead
=> instead of: thay vi. Dva vao nghia cau: nho tim ra lo XO thay cho qua liic(da nhilc d~n trn&c
d6 trong phien ban cu hon cua d6ng h6) nen chung tr6' nen nho hon va d~ dang mang theo
53. ri1ay
=> Dfiu hi?u: but May: trong c6 ve # can: c6 th~ (n6i d~n kha nang)
54. fashion
=> fashion statement:. qu&nao th~ hi~n gu_thbi trang ca nhan
55. very
=> very dung &day d~ nhfrn m:;i.nhcho at least (it nhfrt thi)
Part 2. •
Paragraph 1: Ben Finney, who for much of his career hc1sstudied the technology once.used by
Polynesians to colonize islands in the Pacific
58. TRUE
Paragraph 2: it won't be long before both corporate adventurers and space tourists reach the
Mooh ai1d Mars. There is a wealth of impo11antarchaeological sites from the history of space
exploration on the Moon and Mars arid measures need to be taken to protect these sites.
Paragraph 2: scholars cite other potentially destructive forces such as souvenir hunting and
urunonitored scientific sampling, as has already occurred in explorations of remote polar
regions. (nh[rng CUQC tham hi~m a vung cµc tren Trai 05.t cht'.r.kho_ngphai o· Mi,lt Trang).
Already in 1999 one company was proposing a robotic lunar rover mission ... (day m&i chi la
1 . propose - d~ xufrt)
61. TRUE
Paragraph 3: This presents some interesting dilemmas for the aspmng manager of
extraterrestrial cultural resources. Does the US own Neil Armstrong's famous first footprints
on the Moon but not the lunar dust in which they were recorde1?
62. sneezed
Paragraph 8: While the camera was being installed in the probe prior to the launch, someone
sneezed on it.
63. two/2
Paragraph 8: The resulting bacteria had travelled to the Moon, remained in an alternating
freezing/boiling vacuum for more than two years ...
64. removed
Paragraph. 7: The astronaut-archaeologists carefully removed the probes television camera,
remote sampling arm. and pieces of tubing.
65. analysis
Paragraph 7,8: There, scientists _analyzed the changes in these aerospace artefacts. One result
of the analysis astonished them.
66. life
Paragraph 8: The resulting bacteria had travelled to the Moon, remained in an alternating
freezing/boiling vacuum for more than two years, and returned promptly to life upon reaching
Jre safety of a laboratory back on Earth.
67, 68. (IN EITHER ORDER) C, D
Paragraph 2: it won't be long before both corporate adventurers and space tourists reach the
.Moon and Mars. There is a wealth of important archaeological sites from the history o_fspace
exploration on the Moon and Mars and measures need to be taken to protect these sites ...
scholars cite other potentially destructive forces ... ➔ C
Paragraph 9: But the artefacts brought back by Rean and Conrad have a broader significance.
Simple as they may seem, they provide the first example of extraterrestrial archaeology and -
perhaps more significant for the history of the discipline - formational archaeology ... ➔ D
Part 3.
69. C
Each of us is a vastly complex entity, assembled from many different tissues and capable of
countless behaviours and thoughts ... Trace that person back through his or her life, back
beyond birth to the moment of fertilisation of a single ovum by a single sperm. The individual
becomes ever simpler, ultimately encapsulated as information encoded in DNA.
So, I believe, it is with the universe. We can see how very complex the universe is now, and
we are part of that complexity ... Cosmology is showing us that this complexity flow.ed from
a deep simplicity as matter metamorphosed through a series of phase transitions. T~avel back
in time through those phase transitions, and we see an ever-greater simplicity and
70. H
Travel back in time through those phase transitions, and we see an ever-greater si~~licity and··
symmetry ... Go back further and we reach a point when the universe was nearly an infinitely
tiny, infinitely dense concentration of energy ... Go back further still.
71. F
The existence of a singularity - in this case the given, unique state from which the universe
emerged - is anathema to science, because it is beyond explanation ... There can be no
answer to why such a state existed.
God takes over, the artificer of that singularity, that initial simplicity? The astrophysicist Robert
Jastrow described such a prospect as the scientist's nightmare ... Cosmologists have long
struggled to avoid this bad dream by seeking explanations of the universe that avoid the
necessity of a beginning.
• FANPAGE TAI LIBU TIENG ANH NANG CAO hohaidzngl 807@gmail.co1i1
72. E·
Only when Einstein saw Hubble's observations of an expanding universe could he bring himself
to believe his cquations ..:For many proponents of the steady state theory, one of its attractions
was its provision that the ~niverse had no beginning and no end, and therefore required
no explanation of what existed before time = 0.
73.A •
Suppose the universe is a sphere of space time. Tl'avel around the surface, and again you h1ay
finish up where you started both in space and time.;. This, of course, requfres time fravel, ii1
violation of Mach's principie.
Soine physicists argue that matter is ultimately reducible to pbintlike objects with certain
intrinsic properties ... Others argue that fundamental particles are extraordinarily tiny strings
that vibrate to produce their prope1iies.
75. B
It is clear that the minutest variation in the value of a series of fundamental properties of the
universe would haye resulted in no universe at all, or at least a very alien universe. For instance,
if the strong nuclear force ·had been slightly weaker,· the uriivea·se would have been
com.posed of hydrogen only. An exp~nsion more rapid by one part in·a million )VOUldhave
excluded . the formation of stars
and planets ... The list of cosmic coincidences required for
our existence in the universe is long
Part 4.
76. C
Thanh ngu 'on the up-and-up' mang nghTa ti~n b('>,phat tri~n; g§.nnghfa nh~t v&i q.1m tu trong
y C. making steady progress,
C\lm 'coming of age in the sport' a daynghia la biit d§.u phat huy ti~m riang trong th~ thaci,
tuong d6ng v6·i y D la 'figure as a real contender in his sport' - tr& thaiih m◊t d6i thu ·thvc th\l
tl'orig 69 inon d~p xe cua Amisttong. Y A sai vi tac-gia khong nhiic ·d~il'mi'.rctuf>idin· d~ tro·
thinh m('>tcompetitive cyclist. Lo~i y B vi Arrnstrorig luc nayv~n l~ 'a relative baby 'in cycling
te1ms' chfr khong thu('>cd('>tu6i duqc Id v9ng gianh chi~n thilng. DG'ki~n nay ciing cht'i'ngminh
y C sai.
78. D
D~n chung cho y D nim a doi;in3: 'But surely his would now only be a cameo role; after all,
what could one expect from a cancer survivor with a compromised liver and the other familiar
scars of cancer therapy?' Loi;iiy A vi Armstrong trai qua 'Months of spirit- and body-breaking
chemotherapy followed and a delicate surgical procedure' chu khong h~ h6i phµc nhanh ch6ng.
YB sai vi can b~nh ung thu biit ngu6n tu testicles r6i m6i lan sang phbi va nao (metastasized
to the lungs and the brain). Y C sai vi 'The prognosis was not at all good.' - Bae s'i'dµ doan la
tien luqng du thay vi tin ring Armstrong se s6ng sot duqc can b~nh ung tlm cua anh.
'But surely his would now only be a cameo role'. Cameo role duqc hi~u la nhan v~t phµ, o·day
m9i nguoi nghI riing Armstrong chi c6 th~ c6ng hi~n m('>tph§.nnho v6i tinh twng sue khoe cua
anh. Nhung Armstrong khong ngh'i' v~y, va 'Four stage wins later, the legend of Annstrong
I FANPAGE TAI LII;:UTIENG ANH NANG CAO hohaidangI 807@gmail.corn
was born·; he had claimed the Tour and defied the odds in the most emphatic of manners.' Suy
ray C la hqp ly. Lo?i y A vi Armstrong quy€t djnh dong m9t vai tro Ian chu khong phai m9t
vai tro chung chung (play some role) trong giai dllu. YB khong duqc nhic d€n trong bai. YD
sai vi dfr ki~n 'he had claimed the Tour and defied the odds in the most emphatic of manners'
cho thlly quy€t tam chiSn thing cua Armstrong.
80. A
Dftn chung cho y A ntm do?n 4: his annual battle with the French Alps (m9t dia di€m thi dllu
cua Tour de France) came to represent the struggle against the deadly disease. Dfr ki~ri nay
cfing lo?i di cac y con l?i.
81. A
Dftn chung cho y A ntm do?n 5: 'his book a must-read for all cancer sufferers- their ray of
.:.hope.' d day cau chuy~n cua Armstrong vµc d~y sau gi;tcnga tr& thanh tia hi v9ng cho cac
: b~nh nhan bi ung thu. YB chi la m9t distractor, khong c6 phep so sanh nao duqc neu gifra vi~c
,..dl;lpxe qua ducmg h~m va vi~c tri b~nh ung thu. Y C sai vi Armstrong cho b~nh nhan ung thu
,,;.hi v9ng s6ng con, chu khong truy€n cam hung cho h9 tr& thanh v~n d(mg vien. Y D cu~g la
. ,r.;.m(>tdistractor, khong c6 thong tin v€ vi~c Armstrong v~n d(>ngm9i nguai ch6ng l?i vi~c su
dvng thu6c kich thich trong thi dllu th€ thao ..
82. C
Sau 7 chi€n thing lien ti€p t?i Tour de France, cau chuy~n cua Armstrong tr& thanh m(>tngu6n
cam hung. M9i nguai nghI ring sµ nghi~p cua anh d€n day la hSt, bit d~u chuy€n sang ca tvng
va khen ngqi anh. Nhung Armstrong vftn ti€p tvc sµ nghi~p cua minh, va c6 lai d6n rtng anh
se tr& l~i thi d§.uvao 2009. Theo ml;!Chy na,1, vi tri [B] la thich hqp nhllt d€ di€n cau In d~m.
83. B
Tu illicit mang nghia trai phap lu~t, d6ng nghia v6i B. illegitimate. d day chi tin d6n vi~c
Annstrong dung chllt kich thich trai phep trong thi dllu th~ thao.
84. D
Dftn chung cho y D ntm do?n 8: 'some say his failure to contest is. indicative of his guilt. At
any rnte, because he pleaded no-contest, he will now be stripped of all his titles; his legacy has
been pulled from under him.' V~y Armstrong ch9n vi~c khong phan d6i m~c du anh c6 ca h(>i
lam v~y. YA sai vi phien toa cua anh da bi huy b6 (abandoned). Lo?i y B vi 'his legacy has
been pulled from under him', Armstrong khong con dl.J'Q'C cong nh~n v6i nhfrng c6ng hi€n cua
mirth. Y C sai vi 'And yet he has not, and now may nev~r he tried, so we have not seen the
evidence against him.' - Armstrong chua duqc dua ra toa, nen chua c6 b~g chung bu(>c t(>i
85. B
Dftn chung cho y B ntm a do?n 5: 'his story absorbing; his book a must-read for all cancer
sufferers - their. ray of hope; proof that hopefulness should never fade and that sanguinity can
and does make light of the odds ... ' Cu6n sach cua anh vi€t v~ ni~m hi v9ng, thu giup vuqt qua
kh6 khan thfr thach. Cu6n sach k€ cau chuy~n cua ban than nen c6 th~ suy lu~n rtng Armstrong
da vuqt qua kh6 khan cua minh btng SlfCm?nh cua ni~m tin va hi v<;mg.Khong c6 thong tin
chung minh y A, tac gia chi vi€t 'Success seemed to be written in his stars', thanh cong nhu
du9·c djnh tru6c trong CUQC dai Armstrong chu khong n6i gi v~ tai nang b~m sinh cua anh. Y
. C va D khong suy lu~n duqc tu n(>idung Clla bai.
rANPAGE TAI u:i;:u TIENG ANH NA.NGCAO • hohaidang i
Part S.·
86. C
These often extre1nely complex bowers can be built in a tent shape,/ or what could best be
described as an igloo shape, with a passageway entrance ...
87. E
create a pattein of decoration so detailed and clever, that they make their bowers appear much
bigger than what they actually are when viewed by the female. I tends to go back and forth
into their bowers so they can ensure they've achieved the desired effect. ..
88. B
The male, if lucky enough that the female hasn't already depaiied unimpressed by his
intentions ...
89. C
even stealing from·other males' bowers, iii order to have the most impressive home and be
chosen as a mate.
in which the male sometimes begins to headbutt the female's chest ...
91. E
In fact, the male bowerbird tends to go back and.forth into their bowers so they can ensure
they've achieved the desired effect. ..
92. D
Ai1dthis might occur more than once, as the females go back and forth watching the males'
displays a:nd visiting different bowers until the)' choose the bowerthat has calight their eye ...
/ con:unonly stop at a variety of bowers in order to select their prefened candidate ...
... 1ncredibly, their chances of mating are found to be directly related to the reglilarity of the
patterns ...
94. A
no shortage of weird and wonderful courting rituals in the a:nimalworld, but very few of
these are more umisual and impressive than those of some species of the howerbird ...
Think, if you will, of a market stall trader, who has all his wares on display in an enticing
fashion, showing off individual items to potential buyers in the hope of a purchase. The
bowerbird' s behaviour is reminiscent of this, with their bowers including hundreds of tiny,
often colourful, objects both natural and manmade, such as flowers, berries, coins and glass. I
While the bower's inside is intricately decorated, the male also shows larger objects to the
female to catch their.attention.
Part 1.
The passage presents the productive results of a small-scale implementation conducted to test
the viability of the project idea in which Uganda landowners were paid money to refrain from
cutting down forests. Interviews, land investigations, and aerial photos were utilized to gather
information. The program resulted in a larger forest area protected in the participating villages,
and the landowners felt no desire to cut trees even after the program ended. However, the study
was preliminary, so it was unclear whether such forest preservation caused landowners to shift
tree-cutting to other lands. Leading experts consider preventing deforestation ·the most cost-
effici~nt approach to cutting carbon emissions and believe this program should be carried out
in conjunction with others to tackle the root cause. These include replacing charc.oal with stoves
and promoting higher yields to reduce the conversion of forests to cropland.
Part 2.
The diagrams illustrate some proposed changes to the central area of the town of Islip.
It is clear that the principal change to the town will be the construction of a ring road around
the centre. Various other developments with regard to shops and housing will accompany the
building of this road.
Looking at the map of Islip as it is now, we can see that a rriain road ruri.s through its centre
from east to west. The second map shows the planned pedestrianisation of this road. Traffic .
··.,will be diverted on to a dual carriageway that will form a ring around the town centre.
Currently there is a row of shops along either side of the main road. However, it appears that
• : the shops along the north side of the new pedestrian street will be demolished to make way for
,. a-bus station, shopping centre, car park and new hoµsing area. The shops along the south side
of the street will remain, but it seems that the town's park will be reduced in size so that more
new houses can be built within the ring road.
Part 3
The world is increasingly defined by and dependent on technology and is adopting more
cutting-edge technologies at a breathtaking pace, notwithstanding the reality that technology
can have both desirable and unpredictable environmental consequences. In an attempt to curb
the ecological issues, some propose a simple lifestyle as effective nature protection while others
maintain that the negative impact can be reversed by the technology itself. A thorough
examination of both arguments should be conducted to arrive at the optimal solution.
According to the former side, it is an undeniable truth that the world of nature is better
preserved with an uncomplicated living standards, which is substantiated by the virtually
pristine condition of wildlife habitat before the era of technology. Another aspect is also
illustrated in the area of transport in that the exhaust fumes emitted by modem vehicles have
. damaging effect on the atmosphere, namely air pollution. Furthermore, there are several newly-
invented products, though convenient in use, detrimental to the survival of the eco~ystem. To
be more specific, plastic bags have claimed thousands of marine lives since their very arrival.·
Given the proof related to transport, natural habitat and technological products, there is
sufficient justification for the promotion of simple ways of life.
Others, however, express a firm belief in the practical applications of technological advances
to resolve the environmental problem, namely air quality improvement and solid waste
management. As a result of the breakneck progress in the field of technology, ultra-efficient
electric cars with networks of battery-charging stations have been introduced as
environmentally-friendly mode of transport without gas emissions, therefore reducing the level
of air pollution. In addition, other atmosphere purifying devices are also in use in many
megacities .with promising results. As for solid waste treatment, the technology has
revolutionized the established recycling system by a wide range of novel techniques such a~
anaerobic digestion, biodrying, gasification to name but a few.
Nonetheless, from my standpoint, despite the mixed environmental impact of technology, it is.
not a feasibility but a reality that technological area is a great contributor to tackling ecological
issues. Additionally, the society is so heavily dependent on technology that there seems little·
likelihood of abandoning highly- sophisticated devices for the sake of nature in this technology-
dominated age. Therefore, it would be advisable for humans to exploit the tools of technology
to combat the environmental fight. In other words, the management of environmental problems
is a long-term battle in which advances in technology field could play a pivotal part if utilized
Part J. For questions 1-5, listen to a talk about the science of motivation and decide whether
these statements are True (T), Fals<: (F), or Nol Gil'eli (NG). Write your answers in the
corresponding numbered boxes provided. .
1. Given that the majority of people fall short of accomplishing their New Year's resolutions
just after one •month,
keeping one's
. \. . .•.
..... •·
can be. deemed as a challenging
. .-•. •
task ..
2. The study conducted by MIT st.1ggeststhat rewards are more inclined to impair cognitive
tasks than those requiring physical agility.
3,-When people are offered rewards for a previotislyunrewarded performance, changes in their
' brain activities can be identified.
:, 4 .. Mental contrasting, the strategy that aims to wipe _out negative concerns about impending
setbacks, is the key to achieving goals .
. 5. The what-the-hell effect describes the feeling of being guilty and the willpower to correct
the mistake after having overindulged.
Your answers
Part 3. For questions 11-15, listen to part of a c01rndsation between Gordon and Martha
about current issues in education. Choose A, B, C or D. Write your answers in the
corresponding numbered boxes provided.
11. What does Gordon think about the Guthries' educational method?
A. He is upset about the amount of contactthe children could get with their friends.
B. He contends that homeschooling has become the nom1.
C. He does not embrace the Guthries' wish to protect their children.
D. He thinks educating children at home is a-vc1·ypositive move.
12. What does Martha suggest about children's ctevelcpment?
A. Schools tend to teach children rriore theorcticc1.!knowledge than practical.
B. Parents should not overly protect their children ....
C. It is important for children to learn to deal with ctiJliculties.
. : .-,. ·.
D. Survival· of the t1ttest does not hold true for children's development.
13. In countering Martha's opinioi1, Gordon says that
A. Juvenile delinquency has become a m.or.ecritic 41issue nowadays.
B. Several problems in the community «te iinked tb negative learning expe'riences at school.
C. The law of the jungle is not ii valid ·,yr;jto ,iddrcss youth crime.
D. Curriculum overload makes tradttll'.r:i} schools ~rless preferabJe·option.
14. What do both Gordon and'ce on?
A. It would be much easier to organi~e. different activities for just a few children.
B. Large state schools should emulate the model home schools are operating in.
C. Traditional schools should take advantage of the loca! community to enhance their students'
le_amingexperiences ..
D ...Dividing schools into smaHer units is· feasible approach.
15. At the end of the discussion, Gordon claims that
A. Most new theories in education just lead to an increased bm;den for teachers.
B. Change should be a crucial part of drcation.
C: Restructuring is the key to effective sd10ol ilianagement
D: More comp1'eherisible educational fofr?ies will be put foi·ward.
Your answers:
Part 4. For questions 16-25, listen to ai'alk about 5 Singapote startups taking innovation to
the next and supply the blanks with the missing infoniiation. Write NO MORE THAN
THREEWORDS takenJrom the recording/or eltCh <inswer in the space provided.
EcoWorth Tech
- inake use of an environmeritally-fi-iendly sponge t~r the sustainable treatment of'vvastevyatet
- provide ~ breakthroLigh solution ·fer;-fo•;novi1\gand 1'ecuperating organic contaminants by
adoptiflg a ( 16) -------
- produce the sponge by putti1ig a large qLiantity of a (17) _______ into a fun1ace
before heatii'ig up the furnace.
- expect to apply the technology to oil spill clean-up
Orhrno 'fechnology
- cui·b (18) _______ transmissicns by producing their own mosquitoes and infecting
the1n with the Wolbachia bacteria so they cannot reproduce
- come°L1pwith th~[arvae counter and the (19) _______ that facilitate the process of
counting larvae and sorting the sexes respectively
- hope more industries to adopt their tcc!t:-.ology
Roceso Technologies
- ofter a useful solution to stroke patients, who are increasing in numbers as a result of the (20)
- create a hand device, which allows neurologically affected patients with hand impaint1ents to
conduct hand (21) _______ training
- witness positive i'esults from both mild and serious patients
P~rt 1. For questions 26-40, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each of the following
and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
26.Despite receiving huge financial and emotional support, the -whole crew produces a
• poor show.
A. mournfully B. grievously C. lamentably D. despairingly
27. With enough notice, organizations can cutjob numbers through natural ___ rather than
by making people redundant.
A. leakage B. spoilage C. spillage . D. wastage
28. After her husband went into a coma, Jennifer had to postpone their wedding, miss the •
birth of children, abandon plans to go back to college, and ___ taking civilian jobs.
A. desist B. forego C. forbear .. D. abjure
29. It was only when he was arrested for theft that ___ and I understood where his money
came from. . .
A. the shoe is on the other foot C. the school of hard knocks
B. the heat is-on D. the scales fell from my eyes
I 30. She ___ attention ___ this silly little dog, which irks her husband almost every
l single day.
A. palms/off B. lavishes/on
31. When the boss is extremely busy, he gives ___
C. jostles/for D. vests/with
to anyone who bothers him.
A. cold shoulder B. short shrift C. sticking point D. parting shot
32. Given the choice of shirt colour, it was assumed that Erik would ___ the lucky red
favoured by England these days.
A. vouch for B. root for C. plump for • D. fish for
33. My teammates have got the boss ___ to get the project completed by the deadline on
A. in the doldrums B. off the cuff C. on the rack D. under the gun
34. He could ___ and fight stubbornly for what he believed to be right.
A. dig in his heels • C. get his hands dirty
B. get his feet wet D. make his ears bum
35. While the novel undoubtedly harbors darker elements, its most successful mode is I,
A. vacuous B. stolid C. lifeless D. deadpan
36. Each soldier in our army is given a ___ weapon called a hand phaser, which looses
off a continuous stream of energy until its power cell is depleted.
A. no-frills B. garden-variety C. plain-Jane D. standard-issue
37. His father was a ___ drunk who gambled all his wife's money away before fleeing
.. TIENG ANH NANG CAO hohaidangl
Part 2. For questions 41-45, write the correct form ofeach bracketed woi'd in the numbered
boxes provided.
41. What we are seeing is the ______ of immigrants, that immigrants are seen not as
people but as saleable products by the Conservative ·government. (COMMODITY) -
42. No compromise could be reached before Congi'ess recessed, so lawmakers were forced to
pass a ... measure to continue funding at cunent levels. (STOP)
43. Reporters no1mally write about ______ events from the data perspective or they
will feature artists whose numbers are on the rise. (BUZZ)
44. By undertaking environmental studies .concunently. with preliminary investigations, the
agency could the long standard construction process and save time.
45. Although Tom's innocence was crystal clear, the jury was . slow to reach a
verdict. (ACCOUNT) • • • • •• , ' • •• • ••'
Your answers
Part 1. For questions 46-55,fill each of the following numbe,;ed blanks with ONE suitable
word and write your answers in the corresponding iiumbered boxes provided.
The Solar System may be defined as consisting of all those objects that are governed by the
Sun's gravitationa\ 46. ____ . Other effects arising 4 7 .____ the proximity of the Sun
could equally 48.____ be used as criteria, such as radiation pressure or interaction with
the solar wind. 49. _____ any of these definitions the Solar System extends 50.___ _
to a distance of about two light-years; the closest star, Proxima Centauri, 51.____ lying at
a distance of slightly more than four light-years.
Our knowledge of this region of space certainly does not reach as far as this, 52.____ ,
because the most distant Solar-System objects that we know about, the comets, seem to
originate at a distance ofno more than 50,000 astronomical 53._____ , or less than a third
of the total distance. 54.____ for the other Solar-System bodies known to us, they lie at
distances 'of less thari a few hundred AU. Our study is therefore confined 5 5 ._·___ what is
primarily the central region of the Solar System.
Your answers
46. 47. 48. .. 49 .. 50.
Part 2._For questions 56-68, readthefollowing passage and do the tasks thatfollow.
John Coates, from the University of Cambridge in the UK and a former trader for Goldman
Sachs and Deutsche Bank, believes three separate but related phenomena explain the severity.
The first is dangerous but predictable risk-taking on the part of traders. The second is a lack of
any risk-taking when markets become too volatile. (Coates does not advocate risk-aversion·
since risk-taking may jumpstart a depressed market.) The last is a new policy of transparency
by the US Federal Reserve - known as the Fed~ that may have encouraged stock-exchange
complacency, compounding the dangerous risk-taking.
Many people imagine a trader to have a great head for maths and a stomach for the rollercoaster
ride of the market, but Coates downplays arithmetic skills, and doubts traders are made of such
stem stuff. Instead, he draws attention to the physiological nature of their decisions.
Admittedly, there are women in the industry, but traders are overwhelmingly male, and
testosterone appears to affect their choices.
Another coinmon view is that traders are greedy as well as thrill-seeking. Coates has not
researched financial incentive, but blood samples taken from London traders who engaged in
simulated risk-taking exercises for him in 2013 confirmed the prevalence of testosterone,
cortisol, and dopamine - a neurotransmitter precursor to adrenalin associated with raised blood
pressure and sudden pleasure.
Certainly anyone faced with danger has a stress response involving the body's preparation for
impending movement - for what is sometimes called 'Fight or flight', but, as Coates notes, any
physical act at all produces a stress response: even a reader's eye movement along words in
this line requires cortisol and adrenalin. Neuroscientists now see the brain not as a computer
that acts neutrally, involved in a process of pure thought, but as a mechanism to plan and carry
out a movement, since every single piece of information humans absorb has an attendant
pattern of physical arousal.
For muscles to work, fuel is needed, so col1:isol and adr~nalin employ glucose from othei·
muscles and the liver. To burn the fuel, oxygen is required, so slightly deeper or faster breathing
occurs. To deliver fuel and oxygen to the body, the heart pumps a little harder and blood
pressure rises. Thus, the stress response is a normal part of life, as well as a resource in fighting
or fleeing. indeed, it is a highly pleasurable experience in watching an action movie, making
love or pulling off a multi-million-:dollar stock-market d~al.
Cortisol production also increases during exposure to uncertainty. For example, people who
live next to a train line. adjust to the noise of passing trains, but visitors to their home are
disturbed. The phenomenon is equally well-known of anticipation being worse than an everit
itself: sHting in the waiting room thinking a:bput a procedure may be more distressing than
occupying the dentist's chair and having 011.e-. Interestingly, if a patient does not lmow
approxiniately when he or. she will be called for that procedwe, coitisol levels are the most
elevated of all. This appeared to happen with the London traders partic:ipating in some of
Coates' gambling scenarios. • •
When there is too much volatility. in the stock market, Coates suspects adrenaline levels
decrease while cortisol levels increase, explaining why traders take fewer risks at that time. In
fact, typically traders freeze, becoming almost incap,1ble of buying or selling anything but the
safest borids. In Coates' opinion, the market needs investment as it falls and at rock bottom -
at such times, greed is good.
The third matter - the behaviour ofthe Fed ~ ·coates thinks could be controlled; albeit
counterintuitively. Since 1994, the US Federal Reserve has adopted policy called Forward
Guidance. U~der this, the public is informed at regular intervals of the Fed's pfa,ns for shmi-
term interestrates. Recently, rates have been raised by small but predictable in\::reinents. By
contrast, in the past, the machinations of the Fed were largely secret, and its interest rates
fluctuated apparently randomly. Coates hypothesises these meant traders were on guard and
less likely to indulge in wild speculation. In introducing Forward Guidance, the Fed hoped to
lower stock m1d housing prices; instead, before the crash of 2008, the market surged from
further risk-taking, like an unleashed pit bull terrier. .
There are many economists who disagree with.Coates, but he has provided some physiological
evidence for both traders' recklessness and immobilisation and made the radical proposal of
greater opacity at the Fed. Although, as others have i1oted, we could j'ust let more women onto
the floor. ·•.
Questions 56-62
In boxes 56~62, write:
True if the statement agrees with the information
False if the statement contradicts the information
Not Given if there is no information on this
56. Economic experts generally agree that financial crashes around the 2000s were less
severe than those between 1974 and 1993.
57. According to John Coates, risk-taking can sometimes assist a w~ak market..
58. Contrary to popular belief, traders tend to show strong determination to deal with
market volatility.
59. The analysis of blood samples collected from London traders in 2013 revealed that
many of them suffered from high blood pressure and instant gratification.
60. Neuroscientists now view the brain as an organ to control movement.
61. A person waiting to see a dentist may have extremely high cortisol levels if he or
J she does not have a specific appointment.
62. An increase in female traders may be a potential solution to current market problems.
For questions 63-68, complete the following paragraph with words taken from the passage
(NO MORE THAN THREE WORDSfor each blank).
The global financial status has hit a dead-cat bounce. Such severity of recent crashes can be
unraveled and analyzed through some following explanations by John Coates, an experienced
trader fo! G:oldman Sachs and Deutsci1e Bank. Firstly, traders are now more willing to take
risks, especially when the market is rising .. With a proven increase in their 63.
--,-------' they tend to challenge themselves with the market. Secondly, traders may
~i.\,gecomemore averse to risks. This occurs when the stock market witnesses a plethora of 64.
,-.. -·· , which may result in a rise in traders' 65.______ _
Consequently, we can see their immobilization. The third reason may derive from US Federal
;,·,.J{eserve policy, also known as 66. _______ , which was supposed to calm the
,:;:market. In the past, the uncertainty of interest rates might discourage traders from making 67.
_______ . W_ith Fed's plans for short-term interest rates being_ informed more
regularly, traders became less cautious and 68. •_______ was encouraged.
Your answers
Part 3. In the passage below, seven paragraphs have been removed. For questions 69-75,
read the passage and choose from the paragraphs A-H the one which .fits each gap. There is
ONE extra paragraph which you do not need to use. Write your answers in the
corresponding numbered boxes provided.
The small, bright lawn stretched away smoothly to the big, bright sea. The turf was hemmed
with an edge of scarlet geranium and coleus, and cast-iron vases painted in a chocolate colour,
standing at intervals along the winding path that led to the sea, looped their garlands of petunia
and ivy geranium above the neatly raked gravel.
A number of ladies in summer dresses and gentlemen in grey frock-coats and tall hats stood on
the lawn or sat upon the benches. Every now and then, a slender girl in starched muslin would
step from the tent, bow in hand, and speed her shaft at one of the targets, while the spectators
interrupted their talk to watch the result.
The Newbury Archery Club always held its August meeting at the Beauforts'.The sport,:which
had hitherto known 116rival but croquet, was beginning to be discarded in favour of lawn-
tennis. However, the latter game was still considered too rough and inelegant for social
occasions, and as an opportunity to show off pretty dresses and graceful attitudes, the bow and
arrow held their own.
In New York, during the pre~ious winter, after he and May had settled down in the new,
greenish'-yellow house with the bow-window and the Pompeian vestibule, he had dropped back
with relief into the old routine of the offi,ce. The renewal of his daily activities had served as a
link with his former self.
i 12. -I
At the Century, he had found Winsett again, and at the Knickerbocker, the fashionable young
men of his own set. And what with hours dedicated to the law and those given to dining out or
ente1iaining friends at home, with an occasional evening at the opera or the theatre, the life he
was living had still seemed a fairly real and inevitable s01i of business.
But the Wellm.1dsalways went to Nev,,-port,where they owned one-cifthe square bo'xes on the
cliffs, and their son-in-law could adduce no good reason why he and May should not join them
there. As Mrs. Welland rather tartly pointed out, it was hardly worthwhile for May to have
worn herself out trying on summer clothes in Paris, if she was not to be allowed to wear them;
and this argument was of a kind to which Archer had as yet found no answer.
It was not May's fault, poor dear. If, now and then,· during their travels, they had fallen slightly
out of step, harmony had been restored by their return to conditions she was used to. He had
always foreseen that she would not disappoint him; and he had been right. No, the time and
place had been perfect for his marriage. • • • • •
He could not say that he had been mistaken in his choice, for she fulfilled all that he had
expected. It was undoubtedly gratifying to be the husband of one of the handsomest and most
popular young married women in New York, especially when she was also one of the sweetest-
tempered and most reasonable of wives; and Archer had not been insensible to such advantages.
A May herself could not understand his obscure reluctance to fall in with so reasonable and
pleasant a way of spending the summer. She reminded him that he had always liked Newport
in his -bachelor days, and as this was indisputable, he could only profess that he \¥as sure he
was going to like it better than ever now that they were to be there together. But as he stood on
the Beaufort verandah and looked out on the brightly peopled lawn, it came home to him with
a shiver that he was not going to like it at all.
B In addition, there had been the pleasurable excitement of choosing a showy grey horse for
May's brougham (the Wellands had given the carriage). Then, there was the abiding occupation
and interest of arranging his new library, which, in spite of family doubts and disapproval, had
been carried out as he had dreamed, with a dark-embossed paper, an Eastlake book-case and
"sincere" armchairs and tables.
::: :\.C The next morning Archer scoured the town in vain for more. yellow roses. In consequence
.of this search, lie arrived late at the office, perceived that his doirig so made no difference
whatever to any one, and was filled with sudden exasperation at the elaborate futility of his
• -Jife. Why should he riot be, at that moment, oil the sands of St. Augustine with May Welland?
'D Newland Archer, standing on the verandah of the Beaufort house, looked curiously down
upon this scene. On each side of the shiny painted steps, was a large, blue china flowerpot on
a bright yellow china stand. A spiky, green plant filled each pot, and below the verandah ran a
wide border of blue hydrangeas edged with more red geraniums. Behind him, the French
windows of the drawing rooms through which he had passed gave glimpses, between swaying
lace curtains, of glassy parquet floors islanded with chintz pouffes, dwarf armchairs, and velvet
tables covered with trifles of silver.
E Archer looked down with wonder at the familiar spectacle: It surprised him that life should
be going on in the old way when his own reactions to it had so completely changed. It was
Newport that had first brought home to him the extent of the change.
F Archer had married (as most young men did) because he had met a perfectly charming girl
at the moment when a series of rather aimless sentimental adventures were ending in premature.
disgust; and she had represented peace, stability, comradeship, and the steadying sense of an
inescapable duty.
G Half-way between the edge of the cliff and the square wooden house (which was also
chocolate-coloured, but with the tin roof of the verandah striped in yellow and browri to
represent an awning), two large targets had been placed against a background of shrubbery. On
the other side of the lawn, facing the targets, was pitched a real tent, with benches and garden-
seats about it.
H Newport, on the other hand, represented the escape from duty into an atmosphere of
unmitigated holiday-making. Archer had tried to persuade May to spend the summer on a
remote island off the coast ofMaine (called, appropriately enough, Mount Desert) where a few
hardy Bostonians and Philadelphians were camping in native cottages, and whence came
reports of enchanting scenery and a wild, almost trapper-like existence amid woods and waters.
Your answers •
169. 11_0. 111. 172. 173.' 174. .175.
Part 4. For questions 76-85, read a11extract from a,~ artic.le and choose the. answer A, B, C
or D that/Us h~t according to tl~e text. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered
boxes provided. •
•Mass Culture
In recent decades, the development and spread of new information technologies such as satellite
television have engendered many debates apout the consequences of their use. One of the first
writers to see the possibilities of these changes was the American writer Marshall McLuhan,
who argued in the 1960's that comnmnications technology would have two effects: first, it
would create a giobal village where everyone and everything were accessible to the television
camera and secondly, that it would ..hecome the case that 'the medium is the message',,
how the niessage is transmitted would outgrow in importance whatthe message is.
Other theorists have gone further in arguing that the explosion of, and increasing· depencknce
on, •inforination teclmoiogy have brought about profound changes in the \1/ay society is
organised. Some, for example, believe that..we c~J. now describe a 'post-mo~ern society',
characterised. partly by an information-based• international . division of labour that allows
increasing freedom of movement. At the cultural level, distinctions between 'high' and'low'
culture have disappeared as new technology transmits across class boundaries, while.
styli~tically, fonn has become rrtore irnpo1iaritthan substance, and the ubiquity o(television
means that everything is seen in television codes. McLuhan's global television-l~d culture is
now with us. •
The accuracy of such a description, how~ver; has been questioned; At one level, many people
are reluctant to accept any argument thattedmology can lead to social arid economic changes,
arguing instead that the relationship is exactly the other way round. In other wor_ds,they are
critical of any tendency to technological determinism.-Furthermore, evidence can be cited that
queries the notion that info1mation technology has spread evenly throughout the word or even
throughout Britain. This has beeri described as. the uneven development of the information
econoiny. Many areas of Great Britain, for exa1nple, are not yet equipped with the on-line
communications systems necessary to receive technologies such as cable and interactive
television,' and the take-up of these technologies varies according to socio-economic factors.
We are still a long way from the full-scale and comprehensive implementation of the
information super-highway. . .
What does seem to be the case, however, is that the stereotypical image of the nuclear family
sitting together in the front room cheerfully choosing their evening's viewing frorri. a limited
range of television stations is disappearing. This is partly due to the increased number of sets
per household as well as the rapid growth in the number of channels, a development minored
by the niche marketing of magazines to a multiplicity of interest groups. The amount of time
spent watching television per head has stabilised in recent years to around 27 hours a week.
Women watch on average four more hours of television per week than men and all statistics
show a relationship between social class and viewing.
This is not to say that diversity and choice have necessarily been achieved. It remains the case .
that satellite television caters for mass-appeal interests such as music, sport, news, children's
programmes and A1;1ericanfilms and light entertainment, ignoring inany disadvantaged social
groups. New media technologies· have not empowered people in the sense that there are
increased numbers of community-based television networks. In Britain, it is no less valid today
to describe a mass culture based on a centrally directed mass media.
Doubts have also been raised about the ability of satellite stations to succeed in creating a global
television culture. Rupert Murdoch is widely known to own substantial parts of the global
media industry. A few years ago, he added. a controlling share of StarTV to his collection,
meaning that he gained access to 2.5 billion people in 50 countries or forty percent of the
world's television sets, in a region stretching from Jordan to Japan. Capturing the market in
India, however, and American mega-series such as Baywatch and L.A Law, has not been as
straightforward as first imagined. Cultural differences are a nation of 18 official
languages and further compounded when you consider the staggering figure of 1,700 dialects .
• ••Hindi films transmitted by the state broadcasting network still rank a coveted first in the ratings
••,. fable. Murdoch's response to this realisation was to immediately buy into a local TV station as
:' well. Indian culture, for the present at least, remains resistant' to western broadcasting and
;:::.highlights that the creation of a global mass culture will not be solely induced by technology.
I::: I
Part 5. The passage below consists off our sections marked A, B, C and D. For questions 86-
95, read the passage and do the task that follows. Write you,· answers i1.zthe corresponding
numbered boJCesprovided. ·
A Moilosodium Glutamate
Good food is one of life's pleasures and even 1,200 years ago, oriental cooks knew that food
tasted better when prepared with a soup stock made from a type of seaweed. But it was only in
1908 that Japanese scientists identified the ingredient responsible for enhancing flavour.
That ingredient is known today by its scientific name, monosodium glutamate. It is often
referred to as MSG and it is an amino acid found in virtually all foods. The bound form is
linked to other amino acids in proteins and is manufactured in the human body. The free form
of glutamate in foods enhances food flavours. Tomatoes, cheese and mushrooms are just some
free glutamate rich foods. Free glutamate content ii1creases during ripening, bringing out a
fuller taste in many foods and is made as a flavour enhancer by a fermentation process similar
to that used for making soy sauce and vinegar.
People have long known about the four basic tastes. - sweet, sour, salty and bitter. But now a
fifth basic taste called umami has been recognised. This is imparted to foods by glutamate and
is responsible for the savoury taste of many foods, such as tomatoes and cheese.
C Chilli
Capsicums, commonly known as chillis, come in all dimensions and colours from the tiny,
pointed, extremely hot, bird's eye chilli, to the large~ mild, fleshy peppers like the Anaheim.
Indigenous to Central and South America and the West Indies, they were cultivated long before
the Spanish conquest, which was the eventual cause of their introduction to Europe. Chillis
along with tomatoes, avocados, vanilla and chocolate changed the flavours of the knowri world.
Today, there are around 400 different varieties of chillis grown. They are easy to cultivate and
are one of the world's most widely distributed crops, available for sale at most food outlets.
In 1902, a method was developed for measuring the strength of a given variety of capsicum,
ranking it on a predetermined scale. This originally meant tasting the peppers, but nowadays it
can be done more accurately with the help of computers to rate the peppers in units to indicate
parts per million of capsaicin. This potent chemical not only causes the fiery sensation, but also
triggers the brain to produce endorphins, natural painkillers that promote a sense of well-being.
.. TIENG ANH NA.NGCAO· . hohaidang
Your answers
I::: I::: I
Parfl. Read the following extract and use yoitr own words to summarize it. Your summary·
should be between JOOand 120 words. . . . .
The issue of equality for women in British society first attracted national attention in the early
20th century, when the suffragettes w011 for women the right to vote.·In the 1960s feminism
became the subject of intense ·debate when the wome11's liberation movernent ei1couraged
women to reject their traditional suppo1ting role and to demand equal status and eq"i.ialrights
with h1en in areas such as employment and pay. •
Since then, the gender gap between the sexes has been reduced. The Equal Pay Act of 1970,
fotinstance, made it illegal for women to be paid less than men for doing the same work, and
in 1975 the Sex Discrimination Act aimed to prevent either sex having an unfair advantage
when applying for jobs. Womei1 now have much better employment opportunities, though they
still tend to get less well-paid jobs than men, and very few are appointed to top jobs in indtistry.
In the US, the movement that is often called the "first wave of feminism" began in the mid-
l 800s. Susan B. Anthony worked for the right to vote. Margaret Sanger wanted to provide
women with the means of contraception so that they could decide whether or not to have
children, and Elizabeth Blackwell, who had to fight for the chance to become a doctor, wanted
women to have greater opportunities to study. Many feminists were interested in other social
The second wave of feminism began in the 1960s. Women like Betty Friedan and Gloria
Steinem became associated with the right to get equal rights and opportunities for women under
the law. An important issue was the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), which was intended to
change the Constitution. Although the ERA was not passed, there was progress in other areas.
It became illegal for employers, schools, clubs, etc. to discriminate against women. In the
1980s, feminism became less popular in the US and there was less interest in solving the
remaining problems, such as the fact that most women still earn much less than men. Although
there is still dis_crimination,the principle that it should not exist is widely accepted .
. . . .
.. ' ..............................................................................................................................
~ .. '
····································;, . .
............................................................................................................................ ........................·~:;,:
. . .
. . .
Pqrt 2. The graph shows the impact of vaccinations on the incidence of whooping cough, a
child/~oodillness, between 1940 and 1990 in Brit~ill. Summa~i~e"thei1iformation by s_electing
an;dreporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150
_,..t ................. ,
160;000 '
vi 140,000
3< 120,000
"O 20
<I) 100,006
0 80,000 0
a:: 60,000
Data source: Public Health England, f'ertu&sis notifications and deaths, England and Wales, 1940-2013
~ .
. . • •
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: .
' .........
. . .
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. . .
• . . . • . . . ' .
. .
' . .
; ......................
. . .
FANPAGE TAI LII;:UTIENG ANH NANG CAO hohaidang I 807@gmail.co1i1
Martha: ·1 suppose it is in a way. There are so many considerations though, and -um - it's a
heavy responsibility to take on, on top of normal life. If I were them, I'd be concerned about
the children missing out on contact with their peers.
Gordon: Mmm. Well, the friends I made at school were certainly the best bit. But looking at
some of the bigger schools we've got now, some kids don't thrive, do they? They feel
vulnerable, get picked on, or get into trouble. As a parent, I can see that you'd, you know, want
to give your kids a secure environment to learn in.
Martha: (12)There is the theory that you should face up to your problems, though, and
that's how you learn and - or become stronger - the survival of the fittest.
Gordon: The law of the jungle idea? Just think about it, (13) kids who are turned off by a
negative experience of learning, what does that lead to? Disaffection. then delinqu~ncy
a~d finally young adults who don't fit into our society and its aims. We don't want that .
element on our streets, do we?
I\ilartha: It's certainly becoming a serious issue in some places, but let's get back to what you
were saying about these 'home schools'.
qordon: Yes, OK. Actually, I'm not sure about - um - the practicalities. For instance, it seems
unlikely that one could cover the breadth of learning that children can gain in a large secondary
Martha: I've heard of small home schools that take full advantage of the local community.
There's one where my sister lives. They run environmental research projects, go into
companies, etc. and so, there's quite a span of-er-learning opportunities for the kids to
experience. (14) But it seems clear to me as someone not involved in education, that taking
advantage of a range of options is far less problematic with small groups.
Gordon: (14)That goes without saying. But do we actually have to stick with our enormous,
unwieldy state schools with their thousands of children? I remember seeing an article about an
experiment somewhere in the States, in which huge schools were being divided into small
autonomous units providing better security, smaller class sizes and a closer relationship with
Martha: Nice idea but how yvere they going to pay for it?
Gordon: That part, the article wasn't very clear about...
Martha: Typical!
Gordon: ... but I think they were going to introduce a new 'flatter' management structure or
some other useless piece of jargon and, come to think of it, we know what that means - (15) a
lot of extra hassle and work for the staff but no real benefits! In other words, change for
chahge's sake.
Maitha: You're getting cynical in your ·old age!_If we listened to people like you, we'd still be
in the Dark Ages with no education at all! But anyway how are the Guthries getting on with
their home school?
Gordon: Well, it's a bit early to tell. They've only just...
Part 4
16. simple mechanical squeezing 1.02
17. cellulosic material 1.15
18. dengue 1.45
I ,
=> Hai v~ ngan each bai tu dn di~n rnang nghTatrai ngu·9·~v6i m9t ben la ki~n th(ic da bi~t va
m9t ben la kiSn tht'.rctuang da bi~t
53. units
=> astronomical unit: dan vi thien van. Ngay phia tnr6c n6i dSn khoang each 50000
54. As
=> as for: d6i v6i •
55. to
=> be confined to: bi ki~m ham bai, chi anh lmang d~n m9t nh6m, gi6i lwn b6'i
Part 2.
Most economists agree, however, that from 1994 .to 2013 crashes were deeper: and the
resultant troughs longer-lasting thanjn the 20-year period leading up to 1994.
Coates does not advocate risk-aversion smce .risk-taking may jumpstart a depressed
Many people imagine a trader to have a great head tor maths and a stomach for the
ro1lercoaster ride of the market.
59. NG.
60. T
Neuroscientists now see the brain not as a computer that acts neutra1ly, involved in a process
of pure thought, but as a mechanism to plan and carry out a movement, since every single
piece of information ht_1mansabsorb has an attendanfpatteni of physical° arousal.
61. T
Interestingly, if a patient does not know approximately when he 01~ she will be tailed for
that procedure, cortisol. ltYels are the most elevated of a11.
Although, as others have noted, we could jU:sflet more women onto the floor.
63. adrenaline levels
64. volatility •
65. cortisol Jevels
66. F~rwatd Guidance
67. wild spe~ulation •
68. (fuither) risk-taki11g
Part 3.
69. G
"The small, bright lawn stretched away smoothly to the big, bright sea. The turf was henirned
with an edge of scarlet geranium and coleus, and cast-iron vases painted in a chocolate colour,
standing at intervals along the winding path that led to the sea, looped their garlands of petunia •
and ivy geranium aqove the neatly raked gravel." connects with "Half-way between the edge
of the cliff and the square wooden house (which was also chocolate-coloured, but with the tin
roof of the verandah striped in yellow and brown to represent an awning), two large targets had
been placed against a background of shrubbery. On the other side of the lawn, facing the
targets, was pitched real tent, with benches and garden-seats about it."
70. D
"A numbe .. of ladies in summer dresses aild geiltlemen in grey frock-coats and tall hats
stood on the lawn or sat upon the benches. Every now and then, a slender girl in starched
muslin would step from the tent, bow iii hand, and speed her shaft at one of the targets,
------ --- -
FANPAGE TAI·LI$U TIENG ANH NANG CAO hohaidang l 807@gmail.co1i'i
while the spectators interrupted their talk to watch the result." connects with "Newland
Archer, standing on the verandah of the Beaufort house, looked curiously down upon this
71. E
"It surprised him that life should be going on in the old way when his own reactions to it had
so completely changed. It was Newport that had first brought home to him the extent of
the change." connects with "In New York, during the previous winter, after l)e and May had
settled down .in the new, greenish-yellow house with the bow-window and the Pompeian
vestibule, he had dropped back with relief into the old routine of the office. The renewal of
his daily activities 11adserved as a link with his former self."
72. B
"In addition; there had been the pleasurable excitement of choosing a showy grey horse for
May's brougham (the Wellands had given the carriage). Then, there was the abiding
• occupation and interest of arranging his new library, which, in spite of family doubts and
disapproval, had been carried out as he had dreamed, with a dark-embossed paper, an Eastlake
book-case and "sincere" armchairs and tables." connects with ''At the Century, he had found
Winsett again, and at the Knickerbocker, the fashionable young men of his own set. And
what with hours dedicated to the law and those given to dining out or entertaining friends
at home, with an occasional evening at the opera or the theatre, the life he was living had
still seemed a fairly real and inevitable sort of business." • •
73. H
''And wfrnt with hours dedicated to the law and those given to dining out or entertaining frierids
at home, with an occasional evening at the opera or the theatre, the life he was living had still
seemed a fairly real and inevitable sort of business." connects with '1Newport, on the other
hand, represented the escape from duty into an atmosphere of unmitigated holid~y-
making." •
74. A . . . . .
"But as he stood on the· Beaufort verandah and looked out on the brightly peopled lawn, it
came home to him with a shiver that he was not going to like it at all." connects with "It
was not May's fault, poor dear."
75. F.
"Archer had married (as most young men did) because he had met a perfectly charming girl at
the moment when a series of rather aimless sentimental adventures were ending in premature
disgust; and she had represented peace, stability, comradeship, and the steadying sense of •
an inescapable duty." connects with "He could notsay that he had been mistakenin his
choice, for she fulfilled all that he had expected. It was undoubtedly gratifying to ,be·the
husband of one of the handsomest and most popular young married women in New._,York,
especially when she was also one of the sweetest-tempered and most reasonable of wives; and
Archer had not been insensible to such advantages."
Part 4..
Dan chfrng d~,chQn OUQ'C phuang an D ntim a cau cu6i cua doi;m1, C\l th~ la ph~n thong tin sau:
'' ... it would become the cast that 'the medium is the message', that is, how the message is
transmitt~cl would outgrow in importance what the message is." Ttr doi;mthong tin nay, c6 th~
suy ra la each thuc truy~n tai thong tin (truy€n thong, bao chi) quan tr9ng han n<)idung thong
tin trong th6 gi&ima Marshall McLt.than tucmg tuqng ra. Nhu v~y, d<)anh riucmg cua thong tin
c!ab; giam di do tac d(mg ctta tivi nen ta l\ra ch9n phuong an D. Phuong an A sai bo·i thong tin
nay khong du9c d~ c~p, va dtt trong bai c6 00<;111nhic d~n 'TV camera': "everyone and
everything were accessible to the television camera", thong tin nay c6 nghia la m9i ngum, n19i
tht'.rd~u c6 th~ ti~p c~n din camera cua tivi nen phuang an A kh6ng chinh xac. Phuong an B
cilng khong duqc d:Sc~p, tuy nhien pin.rang an nay c6 thS gay nhftm !fin do nguai d9c khong
hiSu chinh xac cvm 'the medium is the message'. Phuang an C khong duqc dSc?p du thong
tin "a global village" c6 thS duqc xem Ia c6 cbut lien quan dSn phuong an.nay ..__
77. o·
Ddn chung d:Sch9n GUQ'C phuang an D n~m 6 cau 3 cua d:0<;1.n 2, C\l th~ Ia phftn thong tin sau:
"At the cultural level, distinctions between 'high' and 'low' culture have disappeared as new
technology transmits across class boundaries ..." Tu ph~n thong tin nay c6 th~ suy ra duqc Ia a
g6c d:9van h6a, S\l'khac bi?t gifra van h6a,'cao dp' va 'tftm thucmg' dftn ma di, tir d6 chung
v~n h_6anay va ta cl19nduqc phuo·ng aq D.Phuong
to c6 sv giao thoa (inte1mingle) giua hai 10<;1.i
an A khong Qll'Q'CdS c~p trong bai, tuy nhien nguai dc;>cc6 thS nh§.m ldn ddn chung cho phuong
ai1nay ri~m &ph!n thong tinsau: " ... while styllstically,-forrri has become more important.than
substance". Thong tin nay c6 nghia. la bS ngoai tr& nen quan tr9ng hon n<)i dung hen trong,
khonglien quandSi1S\I sangt<;10
ngh?tlni~t.Phuongan B khongduqc dSc~ptrongb~i.Phuang
anC mau thuftn v6i thong tin sau trong biti: " ... and the ubiquity of television means· that
everything is seen in television codes", ngh'i'ala tivi vdn chiSm mi tJiS va con tr6 -nen VOcung
ph6 biSi1. • - - • •
78. C
i Ddn chung d~ ch9n duqc plmang an C n~m 6· cau 2 va 3 cua doc;1n3: "At one level, many
I people are reluctant to accept any argument that the technology can lead to social and economic
changes, arguing instead that the relationship is exactly the other way round. In other words,
they are critical of any tendency to technological detemiinism." Tl'.rthong tin nay suy ra I~
nhiSu nguo·i to rnkhong sin sang ch.lp nh~n quan diSm cho ring ccing ngh? c6 thS ddn db
nhfmg thay d6i kinh tS va xa h<)inen ta ch9n duqc phuang anC. Phuong an A khong QlfQ'C dS
j. c~p trong bai, b&i le "inverse relationship" nghfa la khi technology tr& n~n cao c.lp (advanced)
han thi cultural changes se Hdi, bot phuc t:;1.p.hon.DiSu nay khong duqc thS hi?n &trong bai
I d9c (6··aoi;in2, technology con gay ra cultural changes). Phuong an B mau thlidn v&i thong tin
trong nua cu6i cua do<;1n o
3. niricu6i d:0<;1.n vs
3, tac gia viSt S\I phan b6 kliong d6ng dSu cua
cOng nghf & Anh nen phuong an B khong chfrlh xac. Phuottg an D khong du·qc dS c~p trong
. Ddn chung dS ch9n phuang an B nim &cau 1 d:09-11 4: "What doe·s seem to the case, however,
is that the stereotypical image of the nuclear family sitting together in the front room cheerfuliy
choosing their evening's viewing from a limited range of television stations is disappearing."
va kSt h9·p-vgi thong tin & cau sau d6: "This is J'Jartly due to the increased number of sets per
household.;.",Ttrhai thong tin 11ay,ta c6 thS suyra duqc la hinh anh gia din.h 11g6iquay qu:in
ben rihau vui ve ch9n kenh.tivi d~ xem tu g6i kenh it oi.d:in tr& nen hiSm hoi, tir d6 ch9n dugc
phuang an B.
80. A
Dfu1chung dS ch9n phuang an A nim &cau 2 do~n 4, C\l th~ la & doc;lllthong tin: ".,. as well as
the rapid growth in the number of channels, a development mirrored by the niche marketing of
magazines to a multiplicity of interest groups." Tu thong tin nay c6 th~ suy ra la gi6i truy@n
thong (q1 thS han. trong van canh nay la magazines) c6 thS hu6ng d:Snnhfr11gnh6m d6i tuqng
C\l thS hon (interest groups la nh6m d6i tuqng nguai d9c/xem c6 nhfrng d~c diSm chung v@h'.ra
tu6i, s&thich, ...) Do d6 ta ch9n phuong an A. Phuang an B c6 duqc nhic dSn trong bai athong
tin: "The amount of time spent watching television has stabilised in recent years to around 27
hours a week", tuy nhien thong tin nay khong giai thich cho sv thay d6i & c.lp d<)gia dinh. -
Thong tiri C khong dugc dS c~p trong bai. Phuong an D d~ gay nh:im ldn tu thong tin: "This is
partly due to the increased number of sets per household", tuy nhien dn hi~u sets per household
la s6 ti-vi/h<)gia dinh tinh theo binh quan, nen chua ch~c nha nao cilng c6 them ti-vi.
81. D
D~n chung d€ chc,mphuong an D nim 6· cau 2 doc;in5, q1 th€ la rJ doc;tnthong tin: " ... ignoring
many disadvantaged social groups." Ttr thong tin nay co th~ suy ra truy~n hinh ,1~ tinh (satellite
television) v!n chi dap (mg nhfrng so· thfch s6 dong chu clma d€ y dSn nhfmg nhom nguoi thi?t
thoi trong xii h(>inen ta chc,mphuang an O. Phuong an A khong duqc d~ c~p trong bai d9c,
phuong an B d~ gay nh&m l!n tu thong tin:" ... in the sense that there are increased numbers of
commu~ity-based television networks". C&n phai chu y xet dSn vS tru&c cua cau: "New media
technologies have not empowered people ... ", ti:rd6 suy ra la cong ngh? truy~n thong m&i chua
giup con nguoi ki€m soat t6t han xet tren phuang di?n c6 nhi~u sµ kSt n6i mang tinh c(>ng
d6ng. Phuong an C mau thu!n v6i n(>idung trong bai d9c 6 cu6i doc;in5: " ... a centrally directed
mass• media."
82. C
f)S ch9n duqc phuang an C, c&nxem xet mvc dich tac gia dua vi dv v~ Rupert Murdoch 6 doc;in
cu6i bai la gi. C6 th~ suy lu~n mvc dich nay tll' cau cu6i bai: " ... highlights that the creation of
a global mass culture will not be easily induced by technology."Trong doc;invan, tac gia cung
di_~ngiai tc;iisao doanh nhan Rupe1t Murdoch ban d&u chua thanh cong v6i vi~c dua trny~n
hinh trµc tiSp ClJa phuong Tay v~ quang ba r(>ng AnD(>va ly do la nguoi dan v~n qtien v6i
phim tiSng Hindi (phim dia plmong) han. Vi v~y nen vi dv duqc dua vao 6 doc;i,nvan cu6i bai
I ch/mg minh cho lu~n di€m ring sv d6ng hoa van h6a g~p tra ngc;i,ido thai d9 cua m9i nguoi.
83.B •
Phuang an B hqp li nh~t bai le bai d9c neu ra nhfrng "advanced technologies" nhu satellite
television, western broadcasting, ... nhung tac gia cung dua ra nhfrng can cu cht'.rng to chfra c6
m(>tn~n "D~i van hoa" tren thS gi6i (doc;i,n3 dSn doc;i,n6, th~ hi?n trµc tiSp qua cac cau nliu cau
d§u doc;in3, cau d&udoc;i,n6 va cau cu6i doc;i,n6). •
84. D
0€ li giai cho lµa ch9n D, co th€ xem xet dSn cau cu6i bai d9c: " ... the creation ofa global mass·
culture will not be solely induced by technology' 1 Ngoai ra, trong toan b(>bai d9c, tac gia cung
chfrng to ring cong ngM chua tc;i,ora nhfrng thay df)f'v~ van h6a (nhi:r cac nhom thi~u s6 v!n bi
thi?t thoi trong "d(>phu song" cua truy~n hinh v? tinh ( doc;i,n5), m6i quan h~ gifra t&ng lap xa
h(>iva vi?c xem tivi chua thay d6i (cu6i doc;in4), nguoi dan v~n ua chu<,'mgphim dia phuang •
(doc;in6), ...)
85. C .
Bai vi~t chu y~u th€ hi~n cai nhin mang tinh khach quan, v6i nhi~u d!n cht'.rngthµc tS nen gi9ng
di?u ct'.iatac gia nghieng v~ gic;mgdi?u khach quan. Phuong an A khong hqp Ii vi indifferent
chi thai d(>tho a khong phai Ia gi9ng di?u trong bai (vi tac gia cua bai viSt c6 quan t~tn d@n
chu d~ va bay to nhung quan di€m ciia ban than va ctia nguai khac xung quanh chu d€ n·~nthai
d9 tha u la khong hqp Ii). Phuong anB khong hqp Ii vi tuy tac gia c6 d~n ra nhfrng chtng cfr
chfrng minh riingvai tro ciia cong ngh? khong quan tr9ng c.1SnthS song tac gia khong thf hi?n
quan di~m phe phan hay chi trich y kiSn OUQ'C neu ra 6 hai doc;ind&u cua bai d9c. PhuO'ng an D
khong hqp Ii vi trong bai d9c, tac gia khong sfr d\1rigtu ngu mia mai hay th~ hi~n thai d(>khinh
mi~t d6i v6i y kiSn d6i l~p voi quan di€m cua ban than. •
Part 5.
86. C
Chillis along with tomatoes, avocados, vanilla and chocolate changed the flavours of the known
87. D
Her first book appeared when rationing was still in force after the war and most of the
ingredients she had so lovingly described were not available.
88. A
FANPAGETA.ILIJ;:UTIENG ANH NANG CAO hohaidang1807@gmaiI.corn
Free glutari1atecontent increases during ripening, bringing out a fuller taste in many foods and
is made as a flavour enhancer by a fermentation process similar to that used for making. soy
sauce and vinegar. •
89. C •
· Today, there are around 400 different varieties of chillis grown. They are easy to cultivate and
are one of the world's most widely distributed crops, available for sale at most food outlets.
After returning to England she learnt to cook so that she could reproduce some of the food that
she hiic!come toappreciate in Fn1nce..
91. B
The price of org~ic ing1'edients is improving but demai1d still outpaces supply.
92.A • • •
That ingredient is known today by its scientific name, monosodium. glutamate. It is often
referred to as MSG and it is an amino acid found in virtually all foods. The bound form is
linked to other.amino acids in proteins and is manufactured in the htm1an body. The free form
of glutamate in foods enhances food flavours.
93. C
In 1902, a method was develop~d for measuri11gtl~e strei1gth of a given variety of capsicm~,
ran.king it 011a predetei·i11inedscale. • • •• • • •
She was renowned for her fine writing on food· and cookery; often catching. the imagination
wHh a deftly chosen fragment of history or poetry; but never failing to explai11the 'why' as
weUas the 'how' of cookery. •
95. B
Many snialler companies fe~rthat the ideals of organic agriculture will be comprociised.
I Follow'ing this, the number of cases dropped sharply to well below 20.000 in the mid-l 970s,
until a sudden fall in vaccinations, from 81 percent to 30 percent, resulted in a parallel rise in
the incidence of the illness. Figures then went up again to 60,000 around 1980, but gradually
fell back to their earlier level as vaccinations were resumed. By 1990, 94 percent of children
were being vaccinated against whooping cough, and there were few, if any, cases.
Part 3.
The Internet, computers, smartphones and other forms of modern technology have become
ubiquitous in lives, and most of us have embraced it enthusiastically. To my mind, however,
the increasing dependence on modem technology at the expense of real social relationship is a
cause for concern especially among young people;
It seems that; today, people have lost the art of conversation. People seem less inclined to go
>' ~ut of the house, preferring to connect with others via social media. This is concerning because
o~ social media, contact that one has is fleeting and it is affecting our ability to form and
maintain close relationships. In addition, it is common to see groups of young people in public
places or at parties, sitting together but using their smartphones rather than having proper
conversations with each other. This demonstrates just how powerful the pull of technology is.
What is more, our close relationships are suffering. While it's true that it is easier to keep up
with multitude of acquaintances online, the nature of these relationships is far more superfic_ial
than face-to-face friendships. In addition, some people spend so much time on their social
media personas that they neglect other relationships. This is especially concerning when teens
tum to social media over their parents, as they still have a lot to learn from them an4 need
reliable guidance from time to time.
Finally, while it is true that technology may greatly facilitate socialising for very shy people,
this may not be the best solution to their predicament. After all, we learn by trial and errnr, and
if people never go out and try to interact with others face-to-face, they may miss out on
opportunities to grow. This is particularly concerning in the case of teens who are still
developing as individuals.
In conclusion, it seems that we should consider our choices when it comes to modern
technology. Depending too heavily on this technology and neglecting our real-world
relationships could become detrimental to our well~being. Still it is up to us how we··us~~it.
After all,• isn't the whole point of technology
to serve. our
needs, rather than to ldit
·-~ becorrni'our
. -·~
"Formal education will make you a living, self-education will make you a fortune." (Jilli
Rohn). Why this is the case? What can be done to promote self-education?
Malcolm X once famously saidllEducation is the passp01flo the future." There is no denying
that education is of the utmost importance to every individual, providing us with the skills and
lmowledge required to excel'in life. However, the question of which type of education leading
to the most success is rarely discussed in depth. According to Jim Rohn's eye-opening quote,
"Formal education will inake you a living, selfeducati011 will make you a fortune." In this
spe,ech, I will explain why this quote is justifiable and then suggest two possible measures to
promote learner autonomy.
Fonnal education is the first thing that comes to rnind when we hear the word education because
this is what we ate all familiar with early in life. First, you strive for excellent grades in primary
and secondary school. If you perform well, and so choose, you can enter tertiary education.
Upon graduation, one gets a degree, which is believed by many as a ticket to a solid careeror
at least a remunerative job. If you are fortunate to secure a job in a government agency or a
private company; you can thrive with your wage or salary. But you can hardly make a fortune.
The main aim of f01mal education is to equip students with a general academic background so
that they can be employable to earn a living rather than teach them how to make money .•And
here lies the distinction between fonnal education and self-education. The art of creatingwealth
is too complex to be taught by anyone else. Developing great business ideas comes fr9rri
passion, broad vision, courage, wisdoin, among other things, and such qualities can oi1ly be
achieved by self-experime~tation with craft Simply; ifyou have'original ideas a.ridwish to tutn
thein into multi~million or even multi-billion dollar projects, then coristaritly mirturirig,
sustaining, promoting and improving such ideas through self-learning is a must: Clearly, the
power of self-education manifests itself in that tech giarits such as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, or
Mark Zuckerberg did not even complete their tertiary education. Realizirig the shortco1riings
of foimal education, these billionaires left universities and ·polished· their skills before
successfully developing their own businesses.
There are several_ways to promote self-guided education. At school, independent learning
should be encouraged. Instead of being the center of the attention and the controller of learning
environment, the teacher should act as a facilitator who allows the class to self-direct their
learning. For example, students can receive guidance about how to search for information, or
how to discuss the topic with their peers. This teaching approach could help individuals actively
seek knowledge by themselves from the earliest stage in life. Gradually, these students should _
adopt the pursuit of knowledge by themselves as an ingrained habit. At work, companies should
build a small library or an online bank of resources with electronic copies of popular books and
training manuals. The desire to try out a book or course is so much more convincing when
employees know that these resources are readily available. Such exposure to reading materials
is conducive to the formation of an active reading habit and a thirst for more knowledge.
In conclusion, Jim Rohn's famous saying holds water. The one-size-fits-all nature of formal
education forces people to adopt self-education as a habit to set themselves apart from others,
if they· want to make a bundle. Therefore, measures should be taken by both schools and l~
companies to encourage self-learning; which is the key to success in our modern society.
Some peo'ple think that intelligence ~mong children is innate while others think that
children can improve their intelligence through learning. Discuss both views, and give
your opinion.
While millions •of children. are stili watching cartoons. and playing with ·toys, I 0-year-old
Michael Kearney shocked the world in 1994 when he becafri.ethe youngest graduate to receive
a bachelor's degree'. This case of child prodigy further ignites a curious, lingering debate as to
whether a genius is born or made. While it is trne that Goth nature· aiid nurtui:e play a
complementary role in contributing to intelligence, I hold the belief that the latter factor is far
more iristrumental in one's cognitive development
On the one hand, a person might achieve tremendous success in life becat1se they are
genetically destined to be talented. Indeed, specific genes have been found to alter the cognitive
function of the brain, enabling fr1dividualsto reach prnficiencYeven when they are still in their
mother's womb. Evidence of genetic influences· on talent can be fou11din multiple studies by
Oxbridge i.miversitiesbetween 2000 and 2015. the inystery in gene-talent connection was shed
light on as siblings reared together in the same home and taught in the same way were found
to have more similarities in IQ score than those of adopted children growing up in the same
environment Indeed, the impact of genetic factors on childhood intelligence also manifests
itself in chess wunderkinds such as Abhimanyu Mishra and Sergey Karjakin, who can beat
other experienced senior grandmasters right from their tender age. It is therefore obvious that
hereditary does play a role in determining one;s talent.
While genes cai1set the potential~} highly believe that itis the environment that dekrmines the
exterit to which intellectual capacity could develop. Some kids might be lucky enough to inherit
superior genes from their parents; however, factor·s such as where they live and how they are
brought ujJ might significantly influence how far and .wide the inborn talent will develop. A
child, for instance, m.ight be born with innate aptitude, yet if that child grows up in a deprived
environment where he or she is malnourished and lacks access to education oppmtunities, his
or he1;potential may hardly bloom to its full extent. The superiority of nurture over nature is
even more apparent regardii1g the fact that individuals can exce.1in life even in the presence of
defective intelligent genes. O11ecase in point is Anna Rose Rubright, a patient living in Rowan,
the US. Despite her inherited intellectual disability due to Down Syndrome, the· girl still
achieved her life-long ambition of graduating from university thanks to her lecturers' tailor-
made teaching method and endless support from her parents.
Thomas Edison once said "Genius is 1% in_spiration,and 99% perspiration." It is by now, for
most, rather obvous that in the real world, there is no nature-versus-nurture argument, but rather
an infinitely complex interaction between genetic and evironment factors, with the latter
holding a more decisive role. The key to success, therefore, lies in one's attitude and
perserverance against life's obstacles and difficulties. Only by sincere resolve can children
promote and develop their innate talent.
Some people _believethat all high school students should be required to undertake a fixed
period of voluntary work. Others think otherwise, claiming that the amount of time spent
on voluntary work should be left for students to decide. Discuss both views and give your
It is common knowledge that volunteerism has had great importance attached to it regarding
the admission process of elite top-ranked universities in the USA. Also, many American high-
school students have to complete certain community service hours to graduate. This practice
has prompted some Vietnamese educators to put forward that our education system should
adopt the same approach by obliging students to partake in volunteer work for a fixed number
of hours. However, others believe that students should be at liberty to decide how many hours
•• they will spend on unpaid work. Both sides have their own reasons to support their arguments, •
ihich will be.clarified in my speech today, followed by my own perspective on this matter.
begin with, the quality of volunteer work will be ensured when its duration
• . is predetermined
qy schools. Arguably, volunteerism aims to imbue students with a sense of responsibility for
the community, to teach them that human beings must not live as the "recipients", but as the
"contributors", devoting their talents and resources for the greater good of society. However,
such propaganda is just "mere rhetoric'; until students themselves truly interact with the real
world, to witness firsthand the trials and tribulations of everyday lives, and to realize that they
are capable of making meaningful contributions to those in need. Making volunteer work
mandatory and maintaining a minimum standard of its duration are the way to make sure
students have ample time to let those life lessons of sen 1ice permeate into their minds; therefore,
they cart cany those messages with them through life. In addition, leadership, communication
and other crucial interpersonal skills can be honed by attending voluntary activities. But it takes
time to master them. A common voluntary job that American students usually undertake is
taking care of senior citizens in nursing homes, which is believed to enhance participants'
communication, patience and sympathy. However, it is a gradual process to develop those traits
and that is why a minimum time standard is needed.
.. ~- _Notwithstanding the reasons gi~en above, many educators and students, myself inc:luded,
would argue that the amount of time allotted to volunteer work should be decided:· at the
discretion of students themselves. Forcing students to complete certain hours of voluntary
activities is defeating the purpose of volunteering because it's not volunteering a~y mor~ i(you
are required to do it. Students who are not wholeheartedly in favour ofvolunteedsm might just
"go through the motions"; otherwise, they risk failing to graduate. Consequently, the messages
of volunteerism are not able to be conveyed to those students since it is against their will to do
it, leading to perfunctory and half-hemied performances in community service activities.
Another reason_that matters is that doing community work can lead to distraction from high-
school students' main responsibility, which is academic learning. In Vietnamese context
especially, where the current high-school curriculum is deemed content-heavy, most students
have to attend extra classes after school. They have "too much on their plate." Hence,
dedicating 100-200 hours to volunteer work, which is the standard time for US students, w_ould
be overbearing for Vietnamese counterparts. Those are the reasons why I think students should
be able to choose their own amount of volunteer work based on their weekly schedule, so that
their life can be more balanced.
In conclusion, although the benefits of community-outreach activities are enormous for the
development of the future generation, the decision on the amount of volunteer work should
remain in the hands of students themselves. In this way, students can both make meaningful
contributions to society without being disturbed from learning.
Some people believe that criticizing others on the social media represents freedom of
expression. Others think otherwise, claiming that it is an act of insensitivity and ill-will.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
In 2019, people all over Asia were appalled by the news of Sulli Choi's suicide - a renowned
K-pop star who had long been battling with depression caused by the criticism and disparaging
comments of netizens regarding her body, relationships and "dissolute" lifestyle. Her demise
has prompted polarized reactions from the public, igniting a heated debate as to whether online
criticism is a way to exercise their freedom of expression or a manifestation of hate speech. I
personally lean towards the latter.
First, there is a general consensus that free speech should be respected, and criticism on social .
media is just a means to utilize this civil liberty. The right to free expression is foundational in
any liberal democracy, enabling citizens to hold and raise opinions without interference, and
· to impart information and ideas via any media channel. Delivering criticism can be likened to
• giving opinions, and people should be able to express what they are critical of in an unhindered
way. Indeed, the right to voice dissent is actually beneficial for the greater good of the
community. For example, the public outcry towards the charity scandal of an a1tist in HCM
City, who was alleged to have embezzled billions of VND from the charity fund for the victims
of the historic flood in Central Vietnam, not only forced the perpetratof to return the money,
I but also urged the authorities to tighten control measures over those acts. Furtherm9re, it is
criticisin that allows us to appreciate the diversity of perspectives, to recognize the upsides and
the downsides, the right and the wrong to have a well~rounded outlook on ourselves and the
world. Such heterogeneity is what makes our world so interesting to live in.
However, it cannot be denied that the public autonomy to object or disapprove has been abused
by a proportion of netizens, to the extent that it morphs into a form of hate speech. Hate speech
is used to vilify, humiliate or incite hatred against an individual, a group or a class by means of
pejorative or discri~inatory language. The reason why I believe that social media is a bre~ding
ground for such toxic comments is the ever-increasing rise in cyber-bullying cases. A survey
by Comparitech revealed that around 60% of parents with children ages 14-18 reported their
kids being bullied. Moreover, about one-fifth of all bullying occured through social media.
Sonie of the most common forms of cyberbullying are offensive· name-calling, spreading false
rumours or shaming. The repercussions of these behaviours are severe, including permanent
emotional scars, excessive self-conciousness, depression or even suicide. A case in point was
the death of Sulli Choi, which I mentioned in the beginning. She was constantly the target of
prejudicial judgements and animosity from Internet users. They judged whom she dated,
harassed her by malicious comments about her clothes, her lifestyles or even her virginity.
They deemed her behaviours unaccepta.ble as a role model. Subsequently, she suffered from
depression for years, leading to her choice of utter self-destruction afterwards. This tragic story
shows us both the reverberations of hate speech on victims' lives and the barbarity of
destructive criticism ori social media.
In conclusion, while on line criticism must be considered as the representation of free speech,
it should not cross the fine line that separates itself from hate speech. Please allow me to remind
us all'. Be kind, tolerant and accepting of each other's flaws and treat each other with sympathy
and compassion - so the world we live in could be the heaven of humanity and goodwill.
PANPAGE TA.ILl6U TIENG ANH NANG CAO hohaidang I 807@gma i •
Some people think that maintaining discipline on youngsters' behaviour should be the
responsibility of schools. Others think otherwise, claiming that parents should take
charge. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
It is a common saying that children's minds are "blank slates," meaning that infants are morally
neutral, neither inherently good nor evil. Therefore, the purpose of early childhood education
is to guide them into the path of goodness. To this end, one lesson that children should be taught
is the importance of discipline, since it is the constraint preventing them from conducting
potentially harmful behaviours. While many people believe that schools and teachers have
much responsibility in maintaining the ethical behaviours of students, others maintain that
parents should play the primary role. In today's speech; I am about to analyze both of these
opposing viewpoints and then shall proceed to share my opinion on this matter.
I would like to begin my speech by sharing the reasons why parents are instrumental in
instilling discipline into a child's mind. Firstly, the close bond of consanguinity makes it easier
.for parents to understand youngsters' temperament and observe their behaviours. Parents might
be the only people to witness the behavioral development of their kids. Therefore, any signs of
misbehaviour can be immediately identified and co.rrected. For example, parer1ts couid_easily
recognize if their children are telling lies or not, based on the cliange of the faciai exj)ressions,
the tone of voice or the eye contact that are abnormal and peculiar. Moreover, parents are the
ones calling the shots in a family, imposing house rules; thus, teenagers tend to follow_parental
guidance more obediently as they are still dependent on them. Parents, hence, can exercise their
. .
power and authority to regulate their offspring's behaviours. However, some parents might be
too benign and tolerant of their children's faults, inadvertently condoning their bad
demeanours. Some others, meanwhile, might be too harsh on their children, reprimanding them
or resorting to corporal punishment. This is the consequence of insufficient knowledge and •
trainin:g on parenting skills, which are often overlooked by the adults themselves.
Having said that, the impo1iance of educational instructors in delivering the standard code of
ethics to students is equally profound. Firstly, they are properly trained to deal with students.
They have efficient pedagogical methods that can discipiine youngsters without using extreme
or violent means. To exemplify, teachers often employ positive strategies that help stud.ents
find the solutions to their behavioral issues, such as encouraging mutually respectful dialogues
or sincere self-confessions. In this way, teenagers confront their own shortcomings and are
actively involved in improving them. Teachers should also discipline adolescents because they
are now spending more time studying at school, meaning that teachers interact with youngsters
moi·e often and should play the primary role in monitoring their behaviours: As nientioned
above, teenagers are more likeiy to act obediently in the presence of parents. Hence, some of
them might w~nt to show their "true nature" and do things at their own discretion at school as
a form of rebellion. hi such situations, the onus is on the pedagogues to discipline them and
guide them to the right path.
After considering both sides of the debate, I strongly believe that it would be a difficult task to
ensure the maintenance of moral behaviour unless parents and teachers join forces. This is
because either of them can take responsi bit ity in the absence of the other. Parents can consult
teachers to get the right methods of dealing with their children, and teachers, simultaneously,
can report' any of their misbehaviors to parents in order to come up with timely solutio;1s.
Certainly, combined work of both parties would more likely guarantee the principled life of the
In conclusion, both parental love and teachers' expertise are critical for building a solid
foundation of ethical principles among the future generations. But it would be a more holistic
approach if parents and schools work in tandem for that cause. By virtue of this 0-:,(ij)b'.:::'.:.'n,
the young generation would learn to ·b~-responsible and well-mannered citizeas, paving th~
way for their suc:::essin the future.
. --·.
••• . J.,.