Code of Practice For Site Supervision 2009 (2024 Edition)

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(2024 Edition)


The supervision plan system has been implemented since December 1997 with the
issuance of the Technical Memorandum for Supervision Plans and the Draft Code of
Practice for Site Safety Supervision. The draft code was refined and adopted as Code of
Practice for Site Safety Supervision in November 2000 with some clarifications on the
principles and requirements and some simplifications on the procedures.

Pursuant to the enactment of the Buildings (Amendment) Ordinance 2004, the Technical
Memorandum for Supervision Plans 2005 and the Code of Practice for Site Supervision
2005 came into effect on 31 December 2005. The revisions covered inclusion of the
requirements for quality supervision and the qualified supervision requirements for
geotechnical works, deletion of the details on assessment of degree of complexity and class
of supervision, and updating of the qualification and experience requirements for
technically competent persons and the additional supervision requirements for critical
stages of building works.

With the introduction of the Minor Works Control System and a new register of minor
works contractors under the Buildings (Amendment) Ordinance 2008, a new regime to
control the carrying out of building works that are designated as minor works is established.
The Code of Practice for Site Supervision 2009 has covered supervision requirement for
the carrying out of minor works and other minor refinements of the Supervision Plan

The Code of Practice for Site Supervision 2009 (September 2021 Edition) incorporated
various corrigenda and amendments made in May 2015, June 2016, May 2019, September
and December 2020, and March and September 2021.

The Code of Practice for Site Supervision 2009 (2024 Edition) (Code) incorporates various
amendments made in December 2023 and August 2024 as summarised below:

Date of Amendment Reference

December 2023 by PNAP APP-157
(December 2023 Amendment) rces/codes-and-references/code-and-
August 2024 by PNAP APP-157 design-
(Code of Practice for manuals/OldVersions/COP_Site_Su
Site Supervision 2009 (2024 Edition))

This Code gives guidance to authorized persons, registered structural engineers, registered
geotechnical engineers, registered contractors and other personnel in the building industry
for the preparation of supervision plans, carrying out their respective supervision duties
and other site supervision matters.

This Code is available for viewing in the Buildings Department website
under the “Codes, design manuals and guidelines” page of the “Resources” section. It
may be downloaded subject to the terms and conditions stipulated in the website.

First issue : December 2010

This revision : August 2024


Paragraph Page

1 Scope 1

2 Interpretation 2

3 Objective and General Principles 2-3

4 Safety Management and 3-28

Responsibilities of Relevant Personnel

5 Typical Items for Specific Tasks by TCPs 29-39

6 Quality Supervision Requirements 40-50

7 Building Works with Significant 50-52

Geotechnical Content

8 Supervision Requirements 53-74

9 More Frequent Supervision Requirements 75-79

10 Communication and Reports 80-83

11 Reporting of Major/Serious Site Incidents 84-88

Relating to Building Works

12 Report to the Building Authority 89

Appendix I Standard Form of Supervision Plan with Annex : 90-99

Confirmation of Appointment and Contact
Information of TCPs

Appendix II Form A : Record of Specific Tasks Performed by 100-101


Appendix III Form B : Non-conformity and Rectification 102-103

Appendix IV Form C : Calculation Sheet for Combination of 104-105

Appendix V Samples of Calculation Sheet of Combination of 106-112


Appendix VI Samples of Checklist and Record of Specific Tasks 113-129

Performed by TCP

Appendix VII Qualifications of Competent Person (Logging) and 130-133

TCPs with Academic Background in Geology

Appendix VIII Administrative Procedures for GIFW 134-137

Appendix IX Key Records on Quality Supervision of Soil 138-139

Nailing Works

Appendix X Other Acceptable Criteria in Qualifications and 140-144

Experience for TCP

Appendix XI Standard Forms TW1, TW2 and TW3 145-151

1 Scope

1.1 Safety management of building works or street works addresses two types
of supervision:
(a) Quality Supervision
This means ensuring that the building works or street works are
carried out in general accordance with the provisions of the
Buildings Ordinance (BO) and Regulations, and with the plans
approved in respect of them by the Building Authority (BA) or the
plans submitted to the BA in respect of minor works which are
carried out in accordance with the simplified requirements
(submitted plans for minor works), and with any order made or
condition imposed, pursuant to any provision of the Ordinance or
regulations in that behalf, by the BA; and
(b) Site Safety Supervision
This means controlling hazards from building works or street works
so as to minimise the risk to :
(i) the workers on site;
(ii) all persons around the site; and
(iii) adjoining buildings, structures and land.

1.2 The Technical Memorandum for Supervision Plans (Technical

Memorandum) sets out the principles, requirements and operation of
supervision plans. This Code of Practice for Site Supervision 2009 (2024
Edition) (Code) provides detailed guidance to the practitioners on the
application of the Technical Memorandum in the preparation of
supervision plans and in the adoption of good practices for site supervision.

1.3 Apart from the Technical Memorandum, reference should be made to the
BO, Practice Notes for Authorized Persons, Registered Structural
Engineers and Registered Geotechnical Engineers (PNAP), Practice Notes
for Registered Contractors (PNRC) and any other relevant documents
issued by the BA.

2 Interpretation

2.1 Unless specified otherwise, the terms and expressions used in this Code
should have the same meaning assigned to them under the BO and the
Technical Memorandum. Any additional terms and expressions used are
explained in the text of this Code.

3 Objective and General Principles

3.1 This Code sets out and explains :
(a) the procedures for establishing site supervision requirements for
various types of building works or street works;
(b) the deployment of technically competent persons (TCPs) and the
combination of their duties;
(c) the principles of safety management structure within each
functional stream (stream) and the responsibilities and duties of the
head, representative and TCPs of each stream;
(d) the specific tasks of TCPs in carrying out site supervision;
(e) the division of responsibility for temporary works;
(f) the qualification and experience requirements for each grade of
(g) the procedures for dealing with non-conformities and major/serious
site incidents relating to building works; and
(h) the procedures for application for inclusion in a list of TCPs (TCP
List) for the purposes of the BO.

Principles for Assessing Supervision Requirements

3.2 The site supervision requirements relate to the type of building works or
street works and the scale of the works involved.

3.3 Other than the supervision requirements in accordance with paragraph 3.2,
additional site supervision requirements should be provided during the
critical stages of various types of building works or street works.
3.4 The BA may review and adjust the supervision requirements, taking into
consideration the prevailing state of technology and methods of
3.5 The BA may also review and upgrade the qualifications and experience
requirements for the TCPs and adjust their site inspection frequencies in
order to further improve the standard of supervision, after taking into
consideration their supply in the market.

4 Safety Management and Responsibilities of Relevant Personnel

General Principles
4.1 The authorized person (AP), registered structural engineer (RSE),
registered geotechnical engineer (RGE) and authorized signatory (AS) of
the registered contractor (RC) should jointly submit a supervision plan,
specifying the name of the TCPs appointed and frequency of inspection
and/or extent of supervision, and carry out inspections and supervisions
in accordance with the plan. The plan should be submitted prior to or
at the same time as consent application for the building works or street
works. However, no prior approval of the TCPs is required before
commencement of the building works or street works. The
AP/RSE/RGE/AS are responsible to ensure that their TCPs satisfy the
qualification and experience requirements specified and should notify
the BA of any subsequent changes of TCPs. The plan should be kept
on site for the inspection of the BA when required.

Safety Management Structure

4.2 The AP, RSE, RGE and AS are the heads of the safety management
structure of the respective streams. Other than the head, each of the
supervision streams should consist of a representative of the head
(Representative), TCPs responsible for routine safety supervision, i.e. T1
to T3 and TCPs responsible for engineering safety supervision, i.e. T4 to

T5 as appropriate for a particular type of works. The Representative
should be the highest grade TCP within their respective stream and should
take the senior role in the management structure. Alternatively, the AP,
RSE, RGE and AS may act as the respective Representative themselves to
carry out such safety management functions (subject to their inspection
frequency be not less than that required of the highest grade TCP within
their respective stream). A typical example of the safety management
structure for a job site is illustrated in Figure 4.1.

Responsibilities of Relevant Personnel

4.3 The head of the management structure should have overall responsibility
and accountability for their respective stream. The Representative is
directly accountable to the head (i.e. AP, RSE, RGE or AS, as the case may
be), whereas all other safety management personnel are accountable to the
head through the Representative. Responsibilities and duties of the heads,
Representatives and TCPs regarding the preparation and execution of
supervision plans are set out in Tables 4.1 to 4.4.

4.4 The supervision plan, if required to be submitted under the Technical

Memorandum, should be lodged with the BA by the AP prior to or at the
same time as the application for the first consent for commencement of
building works or street works. For minor works carried out according
to the simplified requirements, the supervision plan, if required to be
submitted under the Technical Memorandum, should be submitted to the
BA not less than 7 days before commencement of the minor works. A
standard form of supervision plan is set out in Appendix I.

4.5 The AP, RSE, RGE and AS should also submit the confirmation of
appointment of TCPs as an annex to the supervision plan or within 7 days
from the date of commencement of works as indicated in the Form BA10/
notice of commencement of minor works. The AP, RSE and RGE
should ensure that the RC is fully aware of any task specific requirements
shown on the approved plans and/or imposed by the BA as conditions of
plan approval or granting of consent for commencement of works

pursuant to any provision of the BO or its subsidiary legislations. The
respective heads of the safety management structure should be
responsible to ensure that their Representatives and TCPs in their stream
are fully aware of such task specific requirements and/or conditions.

4.6 The AP, RSE and RGE are deemed to satisfy the minimum qualifications
and experience required for each grade of TCP set out in Table 2 of the
Technical Memorandum within their respective streams. They may
take up the supervision duties of all grades of TCPs within their
respective streams provided that their frequency level of inspection for
that particular grade of TCP is not less than that required under Table 1
of the Technical Memorandum and this Code.

4.7 TCPs of higher grades may take up the responsibilities of those of lower
grades and the duties of TCPs may be combined. For combination of the
duties of TCPs, reference should be made to paragraphs 8.12 to 8.17.

Figure 4.1 Example of Safety Management Structure

Authorized person Registered Registered

(AP) structural geotechnical
Authorized signatory of engineer (RSE) engineer (RGE)
registered contractor

AP’s AS’s RSE’s RGE’s

representative representative representative representative


supervision TCP T4 TCP T4




Line of communication

Line of reporting

Table 4.1
Responsibilities and Duties under AP’s Stream

• Assuming overall responsibilities in the appointment of his

Representative and TCPs.
• Ensuring the full implementation of the supervision plan regarding
his own stream.
Responsibilities • Overseeing the full implementation of the supervision plan regarding
the RC’s stream.
• Establishing an efficient and effective mechanism for dealing with
• Assessing the scale for each type of works relevant to the project.
• Compiling his own part of the supervision plan.
• Coordinating and submitting the supervision plan to the BA.
• Devising checklists of specific tasks for his TCPs.
• Supervising his Representative and TCPs.
• Notifying the BA and following up any non-conformities which pose
an imminent danger, or cause a material concern for safety and the
RC fails to rectify, and any major/serious site incidents relating to
safety and/or quality of works.
• Carrying out site inspections as necessary.
AP’s Representative

• Accountable to the AP for the implementation of the AP’s

supervision plan.
• Representing the AP as the formal point of contact in communication
with other streams.
• Taking overall responsibility to check on site if the safety measures
required under supervision plans are implemented.
• Accountable to the AP for the satisfactory execution of the specific
tasks, and for the responsibilities of junior TCPs including
checking of the essential items for specific tasks provided in this
• Ensuring that the RC’s safety management structure complies with
the supervision plan.

Table 4.1 Cont’d

• Assisting the AP in carrying out safety management functions.

Duties • Coordinating and compiling reports on supervision activities

including reports on non-conformity.
• Dealing with non-conformities and site incidents.

• Accountable to the AP, through the AP’s Representative, for the

implementation of the supervision plan.
Responsibilities • Taking up relevant responsibilities as set down in the Technical
Memorandum and this Code.
• Carrying out specific tasks as per checklist devised by the AP.
• Checking that specified aspects of works comply with approved
plans, design requirements and method statements, precautionary and
Duties protective measures are in place and followed.
• Dealing with non-conformities and site incidents, making referral to
the AP’s Representative and notifying TCPs in other streams.

• Accountable to the AP through the AP’s Representative.

Responsibilities • Taking up relevant responsibilities as set down in the Technical
Memorandum and this Code.
• Carrying out specific tasks as per checklist devised by the AP.
• Checking that the works comply with the approved plans (or
submitted plans for minor works), method statements, precautionary
and protective measures.
• Monitoring the work of the RC’s TCPs.
• Maintaining on site registers of all relevant site supervision plans
together with all reports, documents and correspondence relating to
the supervision plan.
• Dealing with non-conformities and site incidents, making referral to
the AP’s Representative and notifying TCPs in other streams.

Table 4.2
Responsibilities and Duties under RSE’s Stream

• Assuming overall responsibilities in the appointment of his

Representative and TCPs.
• Ensuring the full implementation of the supervision plan regarding
his own stream.
• Overseeing the full implementation of the supervision plan regarding
the RC’s stream.
• Giving permission to the RC for carrying out temporary works
categorised as Case 3 under paragraphs 4.9, 4.11 and 4.12 of this
• Compiling his own part of the supervision plan.
• Devising checklists of specific tasks for his TCPs.
• Supervising his Representative and TCPs.
• Notifying the AP and following up any non-conformities which pose
an imminent danger, or cause a material concern for safety and the
RC fails to rectify, and any major/serious site incidents relating to
safety and/or quality of works.
• Carrying out site inspections as necessary.
RSE’s Representative

• Accountable to the RSE for implementing the RSE’s supervision

• Representing the RSE as the formal point of contact in
communication with other streams.
• Taking overall responsibility to check if the safety measures on site
meet with the requirements of supervision plans.
• Accountable to the RSE for the satisfactory execution of the
specific tasks, and for the responsibilities of junior TCPs including
checking of the essential items for specific tasks provided in this
• Checking and satisfying that the RC’s safety management structure
complies with the supervision plan.
• Assisting the RSE in carrying out safety management functions.
• Coordinating and compiling reports on supervision activities
Duties including reports on non-conformity.
• Dealing with non-conformities and site incidents.

Table 4.2 Cont’d


• Accountable to the RSE through the RSE’s Representative, for the

implementation of the supervision plan.
Responsibilities • Taking up relevant responsibilities as set down in the Technical
Memorandum and this Code.
• Carrying out specific tasks as per checklist devised by the RSE.
• Dealing with non-conformities and site incidents, making referral to
the RSE’s Representative and notifying TCPs in other streams.
• Checking that site works comply with the approved plans, design
requirements including those of the method statements,
precautionary and protective measures.
• Validating conditions on site which relate to design assumptions for
temporary or permanent structures.

• Accountable to the RSE through the RSE’s Representative.

Responsibilities • Taking up relevant responsibilities as set down in the Technical
Memorandum and this Code.
• Carrying out specific tasks as per checklist devised by the RSE.
• Checking that the works comply with the approved plans (or
Duties submitted plans for minor works), method statements, precautionary
and protective measures.
• Monitoring the work of the RC’s TCPs.
• Dealing with non-conformities and site incidents, making referral to
the RSE’s Representative and notifying TCPs in other streams.

- 10 -
Table 4.3
Responsibilities and Duties under RGE’s Stream

• Assuming overall responsibilities in the appointment of his

Representative and TCPs.
• Ensuring the full implementation of the supervision plan regarding
his own stream.
• Overseeing the full implementation of the supervision plan regarding
the RC’s stream.
• Giving permission to the RC for carrying out temporary works
categorised as Case 3 under paragraphs 4.9, 4.11 and 4.12 of this
• Compiling his own part of the supervision plan.
• Devising checklists of specific tasks for his TCPs.
• Supervising his Representative and TCPs.
• Notifying the AP and following up any non-conformities which pose
an imminent danger, or cause a material concern for safety and the
RC fails to rectify, and any major/serious site incidents relating to
safety and/or quality of works.
• Carrying out site inspections as necessary.
RGE’s Representative

• Accountable to the RGE for implementing the RGE’s supervision

• Representing the RGE as the formal point of contact in
communication with other streams.
• Taking overall responsibility to check if the safety measures on site
meet with the requirements of supervision plans.
• Accountable to the RGE for the satisfactory execution of the
specific tasks, and for the responsibilities of junior TCPs including
checking of the essential items for specific tasks provided in this
• Checking and satisfying that the RC’s safety management structure
complies with the supervision plan.
• Assisting the RGE in carrying out safety management functions.
• Coordinating and compiling reports on supervision activities
Duties including reports on non-conformity.
• Dealing with non-conformities and site incidents.

- 11 -
Table 4.3 Cont’d


• Accountable to the RGE through the RGE’s Representative, for

the implementation of the supervision plan.
Responsibilities • Taking up relevant responsibilities as set down in the Technical
Memorandum and this Code.
• Carrying out specific tasks as per checklist devised by the RGE.
• Dealing with non-conformities and site incidents, making referral
to the RGE’s Representative and notifying TCPs in other streams.
• Checking that site works comply with the approved plan, design
requirements including those of the method statements,
precautionary and protective measures.
• Validating conditions on site which relate to design assumptions for
temporary or permanent structures.

• Accountable to the RGE through the RGE’s Representative.

Responsibilities • Taking up relevant responsibilities as set down in the Technical
Memorandum and this Code.
• Carrying out specific tasks as per checklist devised by the RGE.
• Checking that the works comply with the approved plans (or
Duties submitted plans for minor works), method statements,
precautionary and protective measures.
• Monitoring the work of the RC’s TCPs.
• Dealing with non-conformities and site incidents, making referral
to the RGE’s Representative and notifying TCPs in other streams.

- 12 -
Table 4.4
Responsibilities and Duties under RC’s Stream

• Assuming overall responsibilities in the appointment of his

Representative and TCPs.

Responsibilities • Ensuring the full implementation of the supervision plan regarding

his own stream.
• Ensuring that non-conformities are immediately acted on and that
rectification is carried out forthwith.
• Compiling his own part of the supervision plan.
• Devising checklists of specific tasks for his TCPs.
• Supervising his Representative and TCPs.
• Preparing plans, method statements, precautionary and protective
measures for temporary works categorised as Case 2 and/or Case 3
under paragraphs 4.9, 4.11 and 4.12 of this Code.
• Preparing an implementation plan for the adoption of the mobile plant
alert system and/or the tower crane alert system for building works,
and ensuring that the implementation plan is properly executed on
site as detailed in paragraph 4.14 of this Code.
• Notifying the AP and following up any non-conformities which pose
an imminent danger, or cause a material concern for safety, and any
major/serious site incidents relating to safety and/or quality of works.
• Carrying out site inspections as necessary.

- 13 -
Table 4.4 Cont’d

AS’s Representative

• Accountable to the AS for the implementation of the RC’s

supervision plan.
• Representing the AS as the formal point of contact in communication
with other streams.
• Taking up overall responsibilities in carrying out site safety measures
and actions in accordance with the supervision plan.
• Ensuring that the line management, including sub-contractors, are
conversant with the supervision plan, and that good coordination and
communication exists between his TCPs.
• Directing staff and sub-contractors on safety related matters.
• Coordinating and compiling reports on supervision activities.
• Ensuring the implementation plan for the adoption of the mobile plant
alert system and/or the tower crane alert system for building works is
properly executed on site.
• Dealing with non-conformities and site incidents.
• Assisting the AS in the investigation of the causes of each non-
conformity and taking measures to prevent further occurrence.

- 14 -
Table 4.4 Cont’d


• Accountable to the AS, through the AS’s Representative, for the

implementation of the supervision plan.
Responsibilities • Taking up relevant responsibilities as set down in the Technical
Memorandum and this Code.
• Checking that assumptions made in the design of temporary works,
method statements and precautionary and protective measures are
validated on site.
• Checking that actual site conditions and works being carried out
agree with the approved plans, design requirements, method
statements and precautionary and protective measures.
• Carrying out specific tasks as per checklist devised by AS.
• Dealing with non-conformities and site incidents, making referral
to the AS’s Representative and notifying TCPs in other streams.

• Accountable to the AS through the AS’s Representative.

Responsibilities • Taking up relevant responsibilities as set down in the Technical
Memorandum and this Code.
• Checking on routine basis that site works comply with general
site safety requirements.
• Checking specialist aspects of work to see that they comply with
the submitted supervision plans. (T2 & T3 only)
• Checking that the works comply with the approved plans (or
submitted plans for minor works), method statements, and
precautionary and protective measures.
• Checking that the temporary works comply with the plans,
construction drawings, sequence of construction, method
statements, and details of precautionary and protective measures.
• Checking that the mobile plant alert system and/or the tower
crane alert system are properly installed and operating.
• Checking that subordinate TCPs have carried out routine checks
at the correct frequency and that records are prepared and filed on
site. (T2 & T3 only)
• Carrying out specific tasks as per checklist devised by AS.
• Dealing with non-conformities and site incidents, making referral
to the AS’s Representative and notifying TCPs in other streams.

- 15 -
Division of Responsibility between AP/RSE/RGE and RC for
Temporary Works and Working Procedures

4.8 The AP/RSE/RGE/RC have the responsibility to ensure the integrity of

the temporary structure itself and the associated fixing methods.

4.9 The division of responsibilities between AP/RSE/RGE and RC for

temporary works and working procedures is detailed below:

(a) Case 1 - When the prescribed plans stipulate the temporary

works, and the sequence of construction or method statements
are also shown on prescribed plans, both the AP/RSE/RGE and
the RC have their own responsibilities to supervise the carrying
out of the works in accordance with the approved/prescribed
plans and the BO and Regulations.
(b) Case 2 - When the temporary works, the sequence of
construction or method statements are not required to be shown
on prescribed plans and have no effect on the permanent
structures by way of overstressing or overloading, the RC
should prepare plans and construction drawings 1 with design
justifications 2 for the temporary works. The RC has the sole
responsibility of ensuring the integrity of the temporary works
and that the carrying out of temporary works should be safe and
should not endanger the workers on site, the public and
adjoining buildings and lands. For temporary works providing
support to a tower crane, additional requirements as described
in paragraph 4.12 of this Code should also be followed.
(c) Case 3 - When the temporary works, the sequence of
construction or method statements are not required to be shown
on the prescribed plans but may have effect on the permanent
structures, the adjoining buildings or lands, by way of

Construction drawings include all necessary construction details and specifications of the
temporary works, sequence of construction, method statements, details of precautionary
and protective measures.
Design justifications include design calculations of the temporary works and the assessment
on the effects on the permanent structures, the adjoining buildings and lands.

- 16 -
overstressing or overloading, the RC should prepare plans and
construction drawings with design justifications for the
temporary works. RC should appoint a person whose
qualification and experience are not inferior to a TCP of grade
T5 (T5 Person 3) to certify these documents, which should then
be submitted to the RSE/RGE 21 days before the
commencement of works, and a completion certificate should be
submitted to the RSE for acknowledgement, as further described
in paragraph 4.11 of this Code. The RC has the sole
responsibility of ensuring the integrity of the temporary works and
that the carrying out of temporary works should be safe and should
not endanger the workers on site, the public and adjoining
buildings and lands. For temporary works providing support
to a tower crane, additional requirements as described under
paragraph 4.12 of this Code should also be followed.

Figure 4.2 illustrates the general procedures for dealing with temporary

For temporary works providing support to a tower crane, the appointed T5 Person may also
be either the design engineer or independent checking engineer as required under
paragraph 4.12 of this Code.
RGE should ensure that the temporary works, sequence of construction or method
statements have no adverse effect on the geotechnical elements of the permanent structures,
adjoining buildings and lands by way of overstressing or overloading.

- 17 -
Figure 4.2 Flow Chart Showing the General Procedures for Dealing with
Temporary Works


Yes Temporary works
prepare plans for
Case 1 require the BA’s
the BA's approval
and to supervise approval?
Temporary works Yes
provide support to a Go to
Upon approval and tower crane? Figure 4.3(Note 2)
consent by the BA,
RC to carry No
out and complete
such works. Temporary works have any RC to prepare plans
effect on the permanent No
Case 2 and construction
structures by way of drawings with
overstressing or overloading? design justifications,
(Note 1)
and to carry out and
Yes complete such
Case 3

RC to prepare plans and construction drawings with design justifications,

and to appoint a person at T5 or equivalent level (T5 Person), to certify
these documents.

RC to submit the plans and construction drawings with design justifications to

RSE/RGE 21 days before the commencement of such works.

RSE/RGE to give a written permission to RC for

carrying out of such works.

RC to carry out such works.

T5 Person to certify completion of such works.

RC to submit completion certificate to RSE for acknowledgement and record

within 7 days after completion of such works.

Notes :
1. In case of doubt, RC should consult RSE/RGE and submit the design of the temporary works to substantiate the effect of
the temporary works on the permanent structures/adjoining buildings/lands, following the working procedures of Case 3.
2. Additional requirements for temporary works providing support to a tower crane as described under paragraph 4.12 of
this Code should also be followed.
- 18 -
4.10 For Case 2, plans and construction drawings with design justifications are
required for, but not limited to, the following works :

(a) Falsework erected for the concrete casting of

(i) transfer plate and vehicular ramps
(ii) cantilevered slab exceeding 1.5m
(iii) beam with span exceeding 12m
(iv) deep beams with depth exceeding 3m
(v) elevated water tank
(vi) space frame
(vii) vehicular bridge and footbridge
(viii) prestressed structure
(b) Formwork and shoring for the concrete casting of
(i) columns and walls with height exceeding 6m
(ii) retaining wall higher than 4m
(c) Temporary working platforms for the operation of plant and
(d) Lifting operation of plant and machinery.

4.11 For case 3, in order to ensure that the temporary works will not impose an
adverse effect on the permanent structures, adjoining buildings and lands,
the following additional requirements should be complied with:

(a) In addition to the RC’s overall responsibility to prepare plans and

construction drawings with design justifications, the RC should
appoint a person whose qualification and experience are not
inferior to a TCP of grade T5 (T5 Person3) to certify these
documents. These documents should then be submitted to the
RSE/RGE not later than 21 days before the commencement of

- 19 -
(b) The RSE/RGE4 should check if the proposed temporary works have
any effect on the permanent structures, adjoining buildings and
lands, or the geotechnical elements of the permanent
structures/lands, by way of overstressing or overloading. The
RSE/RGE may require the RC to submit further information to
substantiate the effect of the temporary works on the permanent
structures, adjoining buildings and lands as necessary. Upon
verifying that the safety and integrity of the permanent structures,
adjoining buildings and lands will not be adversely affected by the
temporary works, RSE/RGE should give a written permission to the
RC for carrying out the works.
(c) The RC should ensure that the temporary works are carried out in
accordance with the certified plans and construction drawings and
are structurally safe. In addition, upon completion of the
temporary works, the appointed T5 Person3 should personally
inspect and sign a completion certificate to certify that the
temporary works have been carried out in accordance with the
certified plans and construction drawings and are structurally safe.
The completion certificate should be submitted to the RSE for
acknowledgement5 and record within 7 days after completion of
the works.

RSE should check the completeness of the certificate, e.g. the T5 Person had certified in
writing that the temporary works had been completed in accordance with the certified plans
and construction drawings for the development project concerned and were structurally

- 20 -
4.12 For temporary works providing support to a tower crane, the following
additional requirements should also be complied with:

(a) A design engineer (DE) who possesses a minimum qualification of

a registered professional engineer (civil/structural) with a minimum
of 5 years relevant working experience should be appointed by the
RC for the design of the temporary works. The DE should prepare
and duly sign the plans and construction drawings with design
justifications for the temporary works and certify in standard form
(Form TW1 at Appendix XI) that the temporary works supporting
the tower crane including the connections between the tower crane,
the temporary works and the permanent structures (if applicable)
are designed in compliance with the BO, the regulations made
thereunder and the relevant codes of practice.
(b) An independent checking engineer (ICE) who possesses a
minimum qualification of a registered professional engineer
(civil/structural) with a minimum of 5 years relevant working
experience should be appointed by the RC to check and duly sign
the plans and construction drawings with design justifications for
the temporary works prepared by the DE as mentioned in item (a)
above. The DE and ICE, including their employing companies,
should be independent from each other and have no holding,
subsidiary, employer/employee or any other relationship. The
ICE should certify in standard form (Form TW2 at Appendix XI)
that the design of the temporary works has been checked by him/her
and that the temporary works supporting the tower crane including
the connections between the tower crane, the temporary works and
the permanent structures (if applicable) are designed in compliance
with the BO, the regulations made thereunder and the relevant
codes of practice;
(c) For Case 2 temporary works providing support to a tower crane,
upon receipt of duly signed Forms TW1 and TW2 from the DE and
ICE respectively, the RC should submit the certified plans and
construction drawings with design justifications for the temporary

- 21 -
works together with the duly signed Forms TW1 and TW2 to the
AP for record and the RSE for acknowledgement 6 before the
commencement of works;
(d) For Case 3 temporary works providing support to a tower crane, the
RC should submit the certified plans and construction drawings
with design justifications for the works together with the duly
signed Forms TW1 and TW2 to the RSE for acknowledgement6
and the RSE/RGE4 for review, not later than 21 days before the
commencement of works. The RSE/RGE should check if the
proposed temporary works have any effect on the permanent
structures, adjoining buildings and lands, or the geotechnical
elements of the permanent structures/lands, by way of
overstressing or overloading. The RSE/RGE may require the RC
to submit further information to substantiate the effect of the
temporary works on the permanent structures, adjoining buildings
and lands as necessary. Upon verifying that the safety and
integrity of the permanent structures, adjoining buildings and lands
will not be adversely affected by the temporary works, RSE/RGE
should give a written permission to the RC for carrying out the
works. Upon obtaining such written permission, the RC should
submit the certified plans and construction drawings with design
justifications and the duly signed Forms TW1 and TW2 to the AP
for record before the commencement of works;
(e) Similar to all types of temporary works, the RC should provide
continuous supervision of the works in accordance with this Code
and the supervision plan. The AP/RSE/RGE should check to
ensure that RC has followed the above requirements and provide
periodic supervision of such works in accordance with this Code
and the supervision plan;
(f) For temporary works involving welding of structural steel works,
welding should be carried out by qualified welders in accordance

RSE should check the completeness of the documents, e.g. whether the documents have all
been submitted in an orderly manner and the relevant forms are properly filled in and duly
signed by DE and ICE.

- 22 -
with clause 14.3 of the Code of Practice for the Structural Use of
Steel 2011 (2023 Edition) (Steel Code). The RC should appoint a
laboratory accredited by the Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation
Scheme (HOKLAS) or by other laboratory accreditation bodies
which have reached mutual recognition arrangements with
HOKLAS for the carrying out of the required non-destructive tests
on both on-site and off-site welds in accordance with clause 14.3.6
of the Steel Code. The test methods, sampling rates and criteria
of testing of materials and workmanship of the temporary works
providing support to the tower crane should also comply with the
BO, the regulations made thereunder and the relevant codes of
practice. The test results 7 , with the joint locations clearly
specified, should be reviewed by TCP T4 in RC’s stream;
(g) The RC should ensure that the temporary works are carried out in
accordance with the certified plans and construction drawings and
are structurally safe. In addition, upon completion of the
temporary works, and irrespective whether it is of Case 2 or Case
3, TCP T4 in RC’s stream and the T5 Person8 should personally
inspect and certify in standard form (Form TW3 at Appendix XI)
for the completion of the works by making a statement to confirm
that (i) the temporary works have been inspected by them and found
satisfactory in accordance with the certified plans and construction
drawings; (ii) the results of the associated testing of materials and
workmanship (including on-site and off-site welds) have been
reviewed by them and found technically acceptable, and (iii) the
temporary works including the connections between the tower
crane, the temporary works and the permanent structures are
structurally safe. The duly signed Form TW3 should be submitted

Test results should be reported on a HOKLAS Endorsed Certificate or equivalent
Certificates/Reports issued from other laboratory accreditation bodies which have reached
mutual recognition agreements/arrangements with the HOKLAS in order to ensure the test
is carried out by an accredited laboratory that should be within its scope of accreditation.
For temporary works providing support to a tower crane, the DE or ICE can be the T5
Person for certifying completion of such works as required under paragraph 4.9 of this

- 23 -
to the AP for record and the RSE for acknowledgement 9 and
record within 7 days after completion of the works;
(h) Any load test or examination of the tower cranes 10 should not be
conducted prior to acknowledgement of Form TW3 by the RSE;
(i) The certified plans and construction drawings with design
justifications, duly signed Forms TW1 and TW2, test reports, TCPs’
supervision records and RSE’s acknowledged Form TW3 should
be properly kept at the site office for the inspection by the BA; and
(j) In the case of a free-standing tower crane that relies solely on the
support at its base, and irrespective whether it is of Case 2 or Case
3, the RC should submit the relevant documents of the temporary
works providing support to the tower crane, including the certified
plans and construction drawings with design justifications, prepared
by the DE and checked by the ICE, the duly signed Forms TW1,
TW2 and TW3 to the RSE within 7 days after the completion of the
works. The RSE should submit them to BD for record within 14
days after the completion of the works for both Case 2 and Case 3.
The submission should be appended with a statement signed by the
RSE to confirm that (i) he/she is satisfied with the completeness of
documents including the plans, construction drawings, design
justifications, duly signed Forms TW1, TW2 and TW3; and (ii) the
temporary works, sequence of construction or method statements
have no adverse effect on the permanent structures, adjoining
buildings and lands, by way of overstressing or overloading.

Figure 4.3 illustrates the specific procedures for dealing with temporary works
providing support to a tower crane.

RSE should check the completeness of the TW3, e.g. whether the relevant HOKLAS
Endorsed Certificate had been obtained, the form is properly filled in and duly signed by
the TCP T4 in RC’s stream in accordance with paragraph 4.12(g) of this Code.
Required under the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Lifting Appliances and Lifting
Gear) Regulations.

- 24 -
Figure 4.3 Flow Chart Showing the Specific Procedures for Temporary Works Providing
Support to a Tower Crane


DE to prepare and duly sign the plans and construction drawings with
design justifications for the temporary works and certify in Form TW1

ICE to check and duly sign the plans and construction drawings with design
justifications for the temporary works prepared by the DE and certify in Form TW2

Yes Temporary works have any effect No

Case 3 on the permanent structures by Case 2
way of overstressing or
overloading? (Note)

RC to submit the certified plans and construction drawings with

design justifications and duly signed Forms TW1 and TW2 to
RSE for acknowledgment and RSE/RGE for review 21 days
before the commencement of works RC to submit the certified plans and construction drawings with
design justifications and duly signed Forms TW1 and TW2 to AP
for record and RSE for acknowledgment
RSE/RGE to give a written permission to RC for carrying out
such works and RC to submit the relevant information to AP for

RC to carry out the works

RC to appoint a laboratory accredited by HOKLAS to carry out non-destructive tests on both

on-site and off-site welds for the works involving welding of structural steel works and TCP T4
in RC’s stream to review the test results

TCP T4 in RC’s stream and T5 Person to inspect and certify in Form TW3 for
the completion of such works

RC to submit the completion certificate and duly signed Form TW3 to AP for record and to
RSE for acknowledgement and record within 7 days after completion of such works.
In the case of a free-standing tower crane, RSE to submit all relevant documents of the
temporary works to BD for record within 14 days after completion of such works

Change in the design and construction

Yes of the temporary works including the
connections between the tower crane, the
temporary works and the permanent
structures ?

Note: In case of doubt, RC should consult RSE/RGE and submit the design of the temporary works to substantiate the
effect of the temporary works on the permanent structures, following the working procedures of Case 3.
- 25 -
4.13 For all Cases 1, 2 and 3 above, the RC should maintain on site a set of plans,
construction drawings, design justifications, method statements, details of
precautionary and protective measures, etc for the reference of the TCPs
and the inspection of the BA, which should be listed out in a register on site.

Qualified Supervision of Building Works Involving Mobile Plants and

Tower Cranes11
4.14 For building works with an estimated cost exceeding $30 million, qualified
site supervision of the building works involving the use of mobile plants12
and tower cranes should be provided by RC to ensure that the works are
carried out in such a manner that it does not cause, or is not likely to cause
a risk of injury to any person or damage to any property, as detailed below:

(a) Where a mobile plant is used for the building works, it should be
equipped with a mobile plant alert system 13 under the Smart Site
Safety System 14 (4S);

Applicable to projects with conditions imposed under section 17(1) of the BO for
superstructure works involving mobile plants and/or tower cranes.
“Mobile plant” generally includes all heavy-type mobile plants, such as bulldozer,
compactor, crawler crane, dumper, excavator, gantry crane, grader, loader, scraper, truck-
mounted crane and wheeled telescopic mobile crane. Vehicles or mechanical equipment
commonly used for conveying materials and/or personnel such as fork-lift truck, lorry,
power-operated elevating work platform and truck, or plants which are stationed on site for
less than one day such as concrete mixer, shotcrete truck and water pump truck are excluded.
The list of mobile plants may be reviewed from time to time when more experience is
gained taking into account the development of the related technology.
The system should alert the mobile plant operator and any site personnel encroaching the
mobile plant danger zone perimeter of the risk of being run over or hit by the plant moving
components. The automated warning system should include adequate number of sensors
installed on the mobile plant chassis and movable superstructures to ensure full 360°
coverage around the mobile plant danger zone perimeter. The danger zones of the mobile
plant operation should be determined by the safety officer employed pursuant to the
Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Safety Officers and Safety Supervisors) Regulations
(Safety Officer) according to risk assessment but in general, the extent of the danger zones
should be not less than 2m from any part of the mobile plant.
Smart Site Safety System (4S) generally comprises three components, namely smart safety
devices for monitoring activities and identifying safety hazards; a communication network
for transmitting data collected from smart safety devices; and a centralised management
platform for providing a one-stop hub for data analysis and alerts generation, as well as
facilitating follow-up actions. Reference materials on 4S are provided in the “Guide to
Smart Safety-Related Technologies for Use in Construction Works” issued by the
Construction Industry Council.

- 26 -
(b) Where a tower crane is used for the building works, it should be
equipped with a tower crane alert system 15 under the 4S;
(c) The alert systems described in items (a) and (b) above aim to
effectively mitigate any potential hazards or unsafe situations that
may arise during the operation of the mobile plants and tower cranes.
The alert systems should be capable to immediately alert both the
plant operators and any site personnel encroaching the danger zones,
where there is a potential risk of being run over or hit by the plant
moving components and/or the moving load;
(d) The responsibilities and duties of AS/AS’s Representative and TCP
for site supervision under the RC stream are as follows:
(i) An implementation plan should be prepared by the AS or
under the supervision of the AS for the adoption of the alert
systems. The plan should include, but not limited to, the
types of mobile plants and/or tower cranes to be used, the
automated alert systems to be used, the definition of danger
zones, a brief description of their operation, and the fallback
measures for special circumstances (e.g. system failure);
(ii) The AS and the AS’s Representative should ensure that the
implementation plan described in item (i) above is properly
executed on site; and
(iii) The TCP T1 and TCP T3 should check that the alert systems
are properly installed and operating to alert the plant operators
and any site personnel encroaching the danger zones. They
should report according to the implementation plan for any
necessary repairs/rectification whenever a malfunction is

The system should alert tower crane operator and any site personnel encroaching upon the
tower crane loading/unloading danger zone perimeter of the risk of being hit by the moving
load under the crane hook. The automated warning system should include adequate
number of sensors installed on or around the tower crane to ensure full coverage of all
loading/unloading areas danger zone perimeter at all floor levels involved. The
loading/unloading danger zones of the tower crane operation should be determined by the
Safety Officer according to risk assessment but in general, the extent of the danger zones
should be not less than 7m radius from the crane hook. The minimum clearance between
the load being lifted and the loading/unloading area activating the automatic warning
system should be determined by the Safety Officer according to risk assessment but in
general, should be not less than 3m.

- 27 -
Communication Procedures
4.15 Successful implementation of the Supervision Plan System requires
effective and efficient within-stream and interstream communications.
Lines of within-stream communications should be established between the
engineering safety supervision level and the routine safety supervision level
whereas interstream communications should usually take place between
stream counterparts. Typical lines of within-stream and interstream
communications are illustrated in Figure 4.1.

- 28 -
5 Typical Items for Specific Tasks by TCPs

General Requirements
5.1 The AP, RSE, RGE and AS should devise checklists for their TCPs by
making reference to the typical items listed in Tables 5.1 to 5.4 of this
Code and to include any other particular items considered appropriate
and necessary for their projects and surrounding conditions.

5.2 The TCPs should carry out their duties as per the checklists devised by
their own heads of stream and all the checklists and inspection records
should be completed contemporaneously and kept on site for the
inspection of the BA.

5.3 A typical checklist suggested for use, Form A, is shown in Appendix II

to this Code.

Recording of Non-conformities
5.4 Recording of non-conformities mainly serves two purposes :
(a) to ensure the non-conformities would be rectified readily, and
(b) to provide a lesson learning opportunity so as to prevent

5.5 Other than the non-conformities under paragraphs 5.6 to 5.8 below, all
non-conformities detected during the checking of typical items for
specific tasks by the TCPs must be properly recorded in the Non-
Conformity and Rectification Reports, Form B at Appendix III to this
Code. Detailed procedures for the completion of Non-conformity and
Rectification Reports are specified in paragraph 10.5 of this Code.

5.6 Non-conformities that do not have material concern for safety and could
be confirmed to have been rectified satisfactorily by re-inspection before
being covered up are not required to be recorded in the Form B.

- 29 -
5.7 Particulars of the non-conformities mentioned in paragraph 5.6 above,
including the remedial actions taken and the re-inspection results, should
be properly recorded by the TCPs in their site supervision reports.
Detailed requirements of site supervision report are specified in
paragraphs 10.2 to 10.4 of this Code.

5.8 Non-conformities that are very minor in nature (for example, minor
irregularities in temporary works or work procedures such as misplaced
spacers for reinforcement fixing, debris inside the formwork before
concreting) and have been readily rectified to the satisfaction of the TCPs
at the same inspection are not required to be recorded in the Form B, nor
in the TCPs’ site supervision reports.

5.9 Contemporaneous inspection records should be kept by each member of

the supervision teams who should record all non-conformities based on
the principles set out in paragraphs 5.5 to 5.8 and report the situation to
the AP, RSE, RGE or AS, as the case may be.

5.10 A flow chart showing the procedures for dealing with non-conformity is
shown in Figure 5.1.

- 30 -
Figure 5.1 Flow Chart for the Procedures for Dealing with Non-


Type 1: NC that is very Type 2: NC does not have material NC other than Type 1 and Type 2
minor and have been readily concern for safety and could be confirmed
rectified to the satisfaction of to have been rectified satisfactorily by
TCPs at the same inspection re-inspection before being covered up

Remedial actions taken and re-inspection NC must be properly recorded in

results should be properly recorded by Non-conformity and Rectification
TCPs in site supervision reports. Detailed Reports (Form B) by TCPs and
requirements of site supervision reports and AP/RSE/RGE. Detailed procedures
summary are described in paragraphs 10.2 for completion of Non-conformity
to 10.4 of this Code. and Rectification Reports, and
detailed requirements of site
supervision reports and summary are
described in paragraphs 10.2 to 10.5
of this Code.

Follow procedures for

completion of Non-conformity and
END Rectification Reports in
Figure 10.1.

- 31 -
Table 5.1
Typical Items for the Checklist of Specific Tasks for AP’s TCPs
Item Description
A1 Establish systems for co-ordinating, compiling and filing of reports, maintaining
filing systems; and forwarding reports to AP in case of non-conformity.

A2 Check that the hoarding and/or covered walkways are erected to ensure public safety
in accordance with the hoarding plan accepted by the BA.

A3 Check that the provision and condition of scaffolding, catch fans, matscreens and
heavy duty nylon mats, as appropriate, are satisfactory.

A4 Check that monitoring checkpoints are installed and readings are taken in time.

A5 Register reports of non-conformity and site incident, verify non-conformity and site
incident and instruct rectification works, notify all relevant parties in respect of non-
conformity and site incident and monitor that rectification measures are properly
carried out.

A6 Report to the AP if the non-conformity is considered to pose an imminent danger, to

be a significant risk or a source of danger or the RC does not comply with
rectification instructions, or if the site incident is considered as a major/serious site

Routine and Engineering items

incident relating to safety and/or quality of works.

A7 Check that all lower grade TCPs and RC’s TCPs are making inspections no less than
the required frequency and carrying out duties in accordance with the Technical
Memorandum and the Code.

A8 Check and satisfy that a copy of approved plans (or submitted plans for minor works),
method statements, precautionary and protective measures proposals and all related
drawings is kept on site; and that they are followed, including checking the video
record for demolition works.

A9 Check and satisfy with the completeness of documents including plans, construction
drawings, design justifications, standard forms, test reports and completion
certificate of the temporary works providing support to the tower crane; and check
that they are properly kept on site by the RC; and that the procedures are followed
by the RC.

A10 Check and monitor that lateral supports are installed in accordance with

approved/agreed working sequence and not to be removed in advance of adequate

propping or restraint.

An Any other items considered essential by the AP, including those for quality
supervision and other conditions imposed by the BA at approval and/or consent

- 32 -
Table 5.2
Typical Items for the Checklist of Specific Tasks for RSE’s TCPs
Item Description
E1 Establish system for communicating with other TCPs.

E2 Check that all monitoring checkpoints are installed and readings are being taken in
E3 Verify non-conformity and site incident, and instruct rectification works. Notify
all relevant parties in respect of the non-conformity and site incident and monitor
that rectification measures are properly carried out.
E4 Report to the RSE if the non-conformity is considered to pose an imminent danger,
to be a significant risk or a source of danger or the RC does not comply with
rectification instructions, or if the site incident is considered as a major/serious site
incident relating to safety and/or quality of works.

Routine and Engineering

E5 Check that all lower grade TCPs and RC’s TCPs are making inspections no less than
the required frequency and carrying out duties in accordance with the Technical

Memorandum and the Code.
E6 Check and satisfy that a copy of approved plans (or submitted plans for minor works),
method statements, precautionary and protective measures proposals and all related
drawings is kept on site; and that they are followed, including checking the video
record for demolition works.
E7 Check and satisfy with the completeness of documents including plans, construction
drawings, design justifications, standard forms, test reports and completion
certificate of the temporary works providing support to the tower crane; and check
that they are properly kept on site by the RC; and that the procedures are followed
by the RC.
E8 Check that there is no over-excavation and temporary cut slopes will not cause any
instability to adjoining ground/structures/buildings.
E9 Check that enclosing walls for top down construction show no signs of defect or lack
of soundness.
E10 Check and monitor that lateral supports are installed in accordance with
approved/agreed working sequence and not to be removed in advance of adequate
propping or restraint.

E11 Check that the design and supports of formwork, shoring and temporary working
platform are adequate to support all intended loads.
E12 Check that there is no risk of artesian conditions for excavation and lateral support
E13 Check that stability and integrity of nearby buildings and ground are not adversely
E14 Check that the groundwater table is consistent with design of excavation and lateral
support works.

- 33 -
Table 5.2 Cont’d

Item Description
E15 Check that before excavation takes place, the highest new deck level for top down
construction is in place and has achieved sufficient strength to provide lateral


En Any other items considered essential by the RSE, including those for quality
supervision and other conditions imposed by the BA at approval and/or consent

- 34 -
Table 5.3
Typical Items for the Checklist of Specific Tasks for RGE’s TCPs
Item Description
G1 Establish system for communicating with other TCPs.

G2 Check that all monitoring checkpoints are installed and readings are being taken in
G3 Verify non-conformity and site incident, and instruct rectification works
immediately. Notify all relevant parties in respect of the non-conformity and site
incident and monitor that rectification measures are properly carried out.
G4 Report to the RGE immediately if the non-conformity is considered to pose an
imminent danger, to be a significant risk or a source of danger or the RC does not
comply with rectification instructions, or if the site incident is considered as a

Routine and Engineering

major/serious site incident relating to safety and/or quality of works.
G5 Check that all lower grade TCPs and RC’s TCPs are making inspections no less than
the required frequency and carrying out duties in accordance with the Technical

Memorandum and the Code.
G6 Check and satisfy that a copy of approved plans (or submitted plans for minor works),
method statements, precautionary and protective measures proposals and all related
drawings and geotechnical documentation is kept on site; and that they are followed,
including checking the video record for demolition works.
G7 Check and satisfy with the completeness of documents including plans, construction
drawings, design justifications, standard forms, test reports and completion
certificate of the temporary works providing support to the tower crane; and check
that they are properly kept on site by the RC; and that the procedures are followed
by the RC.
G8 Check that there is no over-excavation/over-loading and temporary cut and fill slopes
will not cause any inadequate margin of safety against instability to adjoining
ground/buildings/structures/utility services or any harm to members of the public
and workers on site.
G9 Check and monitor that the sequence of work and necessary protection works and
supports are installed in accordance with approved plans/agreed method
statements/precautionary measures proposals and that the supports are not to be

removed or loaded in advance of adequate propping or restraint.


G10 Check that there is no risk of hydraulic failure causing ground collapse or excessive
G11 Check that there is adequate margin of safety against instability and
integrity/functionality of nearby ground/buildings/structures/utility services and
members of the public and workers on site are not adversely affected/harmed.
G12 Check that the ground and groundwater conditions, ground deformations/vibrations
and geotechnical hazards/risks are consistent with the design of excavation and
lateral support works.

- 35 -
Table 5.3 Cont’d

Item Description
G13 Check that the geotechnical assumptions (i.e. ground model, surface water regime,
ground water regime, ground deformations/vibrations, geotechnical hazards/risks,

etc.) are consistent with the geotechnical assessment/study/works design, and to

assess their compatibility/adequacy taking into account the actual geotechnical
conditions encountered on site and the original method statement and precautionary
and protective measures proposed, and update the method statement, precautionary
and protective measures and advise the RGE accordingly.

Gn Any other items considered essential by the RGE, including those for quality
supervision and other conditions imposed by the BA at approval and/or consent

- 36 -
Table 5.4
Typical Items for the Checklist of Specific Tasks for RC’s TCPs
Item Description
C1 Establish system for communicating with other TCPs.

C2 Check that the erection of hoarding, covered walkway and catch platform has been
erected to ensure public safety in accordance with the hoarding plan accepted by the

C3 Check and ensure that there are arrangements for access and egress of vehicles which
are satisfactory and do not endanger the public or other road users.

C4 Check that scaffolding is adequately secured to the building to prevent collapse;

catch fans, catch platforms and protection screens are adequately installed so as to
secure safety against falling objects.

C5 Check that restraining guy ropes and/or nets are provided before removal of external
walls for demolition works.

C6 Check that there is no excessive debris on floor slabs and against external walls for
demolition works.

C7 Check that refuse chute and refuse openings are properly located.

C8 Check and ensure that all monitoring checkpoints and other geotechnical
instrumentation have been installed and are regularly monitored; the results are kept
on site; and that abnormal readings are reported to AP/RSE/RGE and the BA.

C9 Check that all monitoring checkpoints are installed and the readings are taken in

C10 Check that loose materials, boulders, construction plants or temporary stockpiles of
materials are not present at the crest or intermediate benches of slopes.

C11 Check that the mobile plant alert system13 and/or the tower crane alert system15 for
building works involving the use of mobile plants and/or tower cranes are properly
installed and operating to alert the plant operators and any site personnel encroaching
the danger zones, and report according to the implementation plan for any
repairs/rectification whenever a malfunction is identified.

C12 Check that if excavation plants and piling rigs are operated on ground, the state of
the ground is fit for use; and if the plants are operated on an elevated working
Routine and Engineering

platform, the platform is adequate to support the plant and all other imposed loads.

C13 Check and satisfy that a copy of approved plans (or submitted plans for minor works),
method statements, precautionary and protective measures proposals and all related

drawings is kept on site; and that they are followed.

C14 Check that mechanical plant is operating safely and in accordance with method
statements and proppings are provided in accordance with approved demolition

- 37 -
Table 5.4 Cont’d

Item Description
C15 Check that plant and machinery for lifting building material and equipment for
construction is operating in accordance with method statement or safety procedures;
that site constraint, proximity to hazards, space limitation and suitability of the
support for plant and machinery have been considered and checked properly; that
safety inspections, safety measures and appointment of competent persons as
required by relevant Ordinances have been implemented/carried out.

C16 Check that the temporary works providing support to the tower crane are constructed,
altered and dismantled in accordance with the certified plans and construction

C17 Check that the plans, construction drawings, design justifications, standard forms,
test reports and completion certificate of the temporary works providing support to
the tower crane are properly kept on site.

C18 Check that permit to work has been obtained and safety measures implemented if
public street is to be occupied/affected for lifting operation.

C19 Check that procedures for the excavation and lateral support works are carried out in
accordance with the approved/submitted plans/agreed working sequence.

C20 Check that falsework for elevated structure is erected in accordance with the design

C21 Check that during site formation works, existing nullahs and watercourses are
properly diverted.

C22 Inspect slopes to check that temporary drainage is adequate and that unexpected
channels or conduits do not develop prior to forecast heavy rainstorms and during
rainfall events, Routine and Engineering

C23 Check that protective measures for blasting operation are in place and maintained.

C24 Check that all lower grades TCPs are carrying out their duties in accordance with the

Technical Memorandum and the Code and records are properly kept on site.

C25 Set up procedures to ensure that safety measures and safety actions are checked and
recorded by the TCPs.

C26 Instruct rectification of non-conformity and site incident, and monitor rectification

C27 Report to relevant parties when non-conformity or site incident is observed and

- 38 -
Table 5.4 Cont’d

Item Description
C28 Check that stability and integrity of nearby buildings and ground are not adversely

C29 Check that enclosing walls for top down construction show no signs of defect or
lack of soundness.

C30 Check that before excavation takes place, the highest new deck level for top down
construction is in place and has achieved sufficient strength to provide lateral

C31 Check that during excavation for top down construction, there is no unexpected

Engineering Items
deflection on the highest deck level and subsequent new floor levels.

C32 Check that the angle of cut slopes is within specified limits.

C33 Liaise with AP’s, RSE’s and RGE’s TCPs as applicable to check and satisfy that
design assumptions, method statements and precautionary and protective measures
are validated on site.

C34 Check that the design and supports of formwork, shoring and temporary working
platform are adequate to support all intended loads.

C35 Check that the deck and formwork are adequate for all applied loads.

C36 Investigate and identify causes for non-conformity or site incident and set up
systems and procedures to avoid recurrence.

Cn Any other items considered essential by the AS, including those for quality
supervision and other conditions imposed by the BA at approval and/or
consent stage.

- 39 -
6 Quality Supervision Requirements

Guidance on Quality Supervision

6.1 This Code provides guidance on quality supervision for ground investigation field
works (GIFW), soil nailing works and foundation works. Further guidance on
quality supervision for superstructure works, excavation and lateral support works
and site formation works are provided in PNAP APP-158 and PNRC 77.

Principles of Quality Supervision

6.2 For quality supervision, the principles described in paragraphs 6.3 to 6.6 below will
be followed.

6.3 In accordance with regulations 37(1) and 37(2) of the Building (Administration)
Regulations (B(A)R), the AP, RSE and RGE should each give such periodic
supervision and make such inspections as may be necessary for building works.
For such purpose, they should each have a team of TCPs to inspect the works at
a specified frequency and supervise the carrying out of a specified percentage of
the works. The AP, RSE, RGE and their TCPs should all be respectively
accountable under the BO for the quality of building works but in accordance
with their respective responsibilities as specified.

6.4 As the AP, RSE and/or RGE have overall responsibility for the works, they
should personally inspect and supervise the works at such frequency and extent
as they consider appropriate in the circumstances of each case.

6.5 The RC, represented by their AS, should have a similar system of supervision as
that of the AP, RSE and/or RGE above, but they should give continuous
supervision in accordance with regulation 41(1) of the B(A)R. Even if some
of the building works are carried out by their sub-contractors, it remains the
responsibility of the RC to ensure that the building works and continuous
supervision are properly done in accordance with the provisions of the BO and
the system of supervision described above.

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6.6 Contemporaneous inspection records should be kept for each member of the
supervision team who should record and report all non-conformities in
accordance with the requirements set out in paragraph 5.9 of this Code.

Quality Supervision for GIFW

6.7 All GIFW, in both scheduled and non-scheduled areas, should be carried out by a
registered specialist contractor (GIFW) (RSC(GIFW)) under proper supervision.
To ensure quality of the works, supervision for the different stages of pre-design
GIFW, such as drilling/coring, sampling, instrumentation and field testing, should
comply with the requirements set out in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1
Stages of GIFW
Item Stage Description
I1 Drilling/coring Check that drilling techniques/methods adopted are suitable
for the ground conditions encountered.
In Scheduled Areas, check that drilling techniques/methods
comply with the approved plans.

I2 Sampling Check that the sampling techniques adopted are appropriate to

the quality of samples required and ground conditions
encountered; ensure that the samples are properly extruded,
sealed and stored and that they are not contaminated and their
natural moisture content is maintained; and properly record the
depths and locations at which the samples are recovered.

I3 Instrumentation Check that the field instruments are installed in accordance

with the standard of good practice or the manufacturer’s
In Scheduled Areas, check that the field instruments are
installed in accordance with the standard of good practice or
the manufacturer’s recommendations, and in accordance with
the approved plans.

I4 Field Testing Check that the tests are carried out in accordance with the
standard of good practice (excluding field density tests which
are to be carried out by laboratories accredited under the Hong
Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme).

Note: Extent of works inspected should be shown in the checklist by each member of the
supervision team.

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6.8 All GIFW should be carried out in accordance with the guidelines in Geoguide 2
published by the Geotechnical Engineering Office (GEO) of the Civil
Engineering and Development Department. The drilling works should be
carried out by experienced drillers under proper supervision.

6.9 Accurate and detailed borehole logs should be prepared to describe properly the
materials encountered so that checks of the logs can be made, and to allow
comparison with materials revealed during construction. Logging of samples
and preparation of borehole logs should be carried out by a competent person.
All drillhole cores and samples obtained during ground investigation (GI) are to
be kept in good conditions for testing or for the inspection by the BA, and if
necessary GEO, until acknowledgement of the satisfactory completion of the site
formation, foundation or other related works has been given. The required
qualifications of competent person for logging are defined in Appendix VII.

6.10 All GIFW should comply with the administrative procedures set out in Appendix
VIII. A supervision plan should be submitted specifying the name of the TCPs
appointed and the frequency of inspections and/or extent of supervision as

6.11 A GI report submitted in support of a plan for approval must contain a certificate
by the RGE and AS of the RSC(GIFW) confirming the standards of GI works
(refer to details in item 6 of Appendix VIII).

6.12 The requirements specified above apply to GIFW in both scheduled and non-
scheduled areas.

6.13 Foundation plans, site formation plans, excavation and lateral support plans and
general building plans accompanied by geotechnical assessment will be approved
only when the BA is satisfied that the GIFW have been undertaken by a
RSC(GIFW) in compliance with the requirements specified and the results satisfy
the design assumptions.

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Quality Supervision for Soil Nailing Works
6.14 Quality supervision of soil nailing works should be provided by the RGE and
his TCP T5 and T3, as well as by the AS of the RSC (Site Formation) (RSC(SF))
and his TCP T4 and T1.

6.15 For all soil nailing works, at least one TCP T3 of the RGE and one TCP T1 of
the RSC(SF) are required to be resident full-time on site during every stage of
the works for each soil nail. The RSC(SF) is required to notify the RGE’s TCP
T3 before the commencement of any stage of the works. The RSC(SF) is also
required to prepare detailed inspection, measurement and testing records for
each soil nail as per the approved plan requirements.

Table 6.2
Stages of Soil Nailing Works
Item Stage Description
N1 Pull-out test and any specified Check whether the test nails are being
site trial constructed and the test/site trial procedure
is in accordance with the approved plans or
as specified by the RGE, and the acceptance
criteria for the test/site trial are met.

N2 Setting out of soil nails Check whether the positions of the soil nails
agree with the approved plans.

N3 Drilling of soil nail holes Check whether the drillhole diameter,

length, inclination and bearing are in
accordance with the approved plans and any
anomalies on ground and groundwater
conditions and to report to the responsible
person if necessary.

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Table 6.2 Cont’d
N4 Assembly of soil nail Check whether the assembly is in
reinforcement accordance with the approved plans, in
particular, the length, type and corrosion
protection provisions of the reinforcement,
adequacy and tightness of any couplers
used, adequacy of centralisers to ensure
minimum grout cover and the grout pipes
are not twisted and free from blockage and
are extended to the bottom of the soil nail
holes in accordance with the approved
N5 Insertion of soil nail Check whether:
reinforcement - cleaning of the hole, e.g. by air flushing
is needed to remove any blockage or
collapse, or there is any groundwater,
which may require a change in
construction method, and
- the assembly is sufficiently rigid and the
correct assembly of soil nail
reinforcement is inserted.

N6 Grout and preparation of grout Check whether the grout used, grout mix,
preparation of grout and grout test results
meet the requirements of the approved
N7 Grouting of soil nail hole Check whether:
- grouting of soil nails is carried out on the
same day as insertion of the soil nail
reinforcement assembly,
- grout is injected into the drillhole
through the grout pipe with sustained
grout return of satisfactory cleanliness
and viscosity from the top of the
- grouting operation is carried out
according to the approved plans, and
- excessive grouting time or excessive
grout volume consumed in any drillhole
to maintain sustained grout return of
satisfactory cleanliness and viscosity, or
other anomalies such as excessive
‘settlement’ of grout (as measured along
the length of the nail) on cessation of
grouting, are reported to the responsible
person and recorded.
N8 Construction of soil nail heads Check whether the soil nail heads and
and structural supports between structural supports are constructed in
nail heads accordance with approved plans, including
the dimensions, materials used, structural
detailing and workmanship.

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6.16 Key records on supervision of soil nailing works (Appendix IX) should
be prepared and certified by the RGE’s TCP T3 who carries out the
inspection, measurement or check. A full set of all certified records
should be kept on site for the inspection by the BA.

6.17 The RGE’s TCP T5 should verify the design assumptions and carry out
design review during construction. He should check whether there are
any anomalies that may invalidate the functional requirements of the
design during his periodic site inspections and follow them up. He
should also follow up any anomalies reported to him by the RGE’s TCP
T3. If necessary, the RGE should make amendment submissions for the
approval of the BA.

6.18 The extent of supervision required for different stages of soil nailing
works is shown in Table 6.2. Actual supervision requirements will be
imposed at plan approval stage by the BA on a case-by-case basis
depending on the scale and complexity of the slope and the soil nailing
works, and the anticipated construction difficulties. The RGE should
nominate to the BA, an adequate number of qualified supervision
personnel with suitable experience, taking into account the site
conditions and the number of soil nails proposed and their lengths.
During the construction stage, the RGE should review the adequacy of
the supervision team taking into account the likelihood of concurrent
construction requiring close supervision under the construction

6.19 The RGE’s TCP T5 should provide supervision as necessary during all
stages in Table 6.2. Moreover, he is required to provide the following
supervision personally :
(a) pull-out test and any specified site test – at least 1 nail each of
pull-out test and site trial;
(b) insertion of soil nail reinforcement – at least 2 working nails at
early stage of nail construction;

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(c) grouting of soil nail hole – at least 2 working nails at early stage
of nail construction; and
(d) construction of soil nail heads and structural supports between
nail heads – at least one soil nail head.

6.20 The RSC(SF)’s TCP T4 should also provide supervision as necessary

during all stages in Table 6.2. Moreover, he is required to provide the
following supervision personally:
(a) pull-out test and any specified site test – at least 1 nail each of
pull-out test and site trial;
(b) insertion of soil nail reinforcement – at least 2 working nails at
early stage of nail construction;
(c) grouting of soil nail hole – at least 2 working nails at early stage
of nail construction; and
(d) construction of soil nail heads and structural supports between
nail heads – at least one soil nail head.

6.21 On completion of installation of soil nails, the RGE should submit to the
BA key supervision records in the form of Appendix IX certified by his
TCP T3. Upon review of the supervision records, if the BA considers
that there is cause for concern in relation to the quality of soil nailing
works, the BA will require the RGE to carry out non-destructive testing
(NDT) of at least 1% of soil nails with a minimum of 2 nails per slope
(including wall) to verify the length of the installed soil nails.

6.22 Several NDT methods for checking the length of installed soil nails are
described in GEO Report No. 133 “Non-destructive Tests for
Determining the Lengths of Installed Steel Soil Nails”. Alternatively,
the RGE may propose other methods for BA’s agreement at the design
stage of the project. A test report with the test results and their
interpretations together with re-assessment of the adequacy of the
installed soil nails (if needed) should be submitted to the BA for

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Quality Supervision for Foundation Works
6.23 Quality supervision of foundation works should be provided by the RSE
and his TCP T5 and T3, as well as by the AS of the RSC (Foundation)
(RSC(F)) and his TCP T4 and T2. Depending on the nature of the
various stages of foundation works, TCPs should either be full-time on
site or inspect certain percentage of the works as specified in this Code.

6.24 The stages of the various types of foundation works are shown in Table
6.3. Actual supervision requirements will be imposed by the BA at plan
approval and consent stage on a case-by-case basis depending on the
scale and extent of the foundation works.

Table 6.3
Stages of Various Types of Foundation Works
Item Stage Description
(a) Driven Piles

F1 (i) Setting out of piles Check that the locations of piles agree with
approved plans.

F2 (ii) Driving test Check that design assumptions agree with

actual site conditions during driving tests.

F3 (iii) Driving of piles Check that the accepted working procedures of

pile driving are followed and anomalies
rectified during pile driving.

F4 (iv) Splicing of piles Check the accuracy of design details during pile

F5 (v) Final sets Check that the required final set has been
achieved and the capacity of each pile complied
with approved plans.

F6 (vi) Proof test Check that the testing procedures and

(Verification on the acceptance criteria of proof tests are in
performance of the as- accordance with PNAP APP-18 and
constructed piles by measurements are properly recorded during the
the imposition of test test.

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Table 6.3 Cont’d

(b) Large Diameter Bored

Piles, Barrette Piles and the

F7 (i) Setting out of piles Check that the locations of piles agree with
approved plan.

F8 (ii) Pre-drilling Supervise the pre-drilling operation; the logging

(To determine the of soil/rock samples, and to measure the depth of
proposed founding drillholes.
levels of piles) Ensure that the retrieved samples are not

F9 (iii) Verification of Measure the depth of excavation and check the

founding stratum quality of retrieved materials at the founding

F10 (iv) Installation of piles Check that proper working procedures of pile
(Grouting operation installation are followed and anomalies rectified.
when required) Check the correct grout mix, grout pressure and
grout volume are being used and the adjacent
building structures are not adversely affected.

F11 (v) Preparation of pile Ensure that pile base is clean.

F12 (vi) Fabrication and Check that sufficient and correct amount of
installation of rebar rebars are provided and proper concreting
cage and placing of method is used.
F13 (vii) Interface proof Check that the quality of concrete and foundation
drilling rock conforms with that specified in the approved
plan and that concrete and rock are in good
contact at the interface.

F14 (viii) Proof core-drilling Supervise the core drilling operation of the proof
test test and the logging of concrete/rock samples and
(Verification on the measure the depth of drillhole.
performance of the as- Ensure that retrieved samples are securely stored
constructed piles) and delivered to laboratory for testing.

(c) Mini-piles, Socketed Steel

H-piles and the like

F15 (i) Setting out of piles Check that the locations of piles agree with
approved plan.

- 48 -
Table 6.3 Cont’d

F16 (ii) Pre-drilling Supervise the pre-drilling operation; the logging of

(To determine the soil/rock samples, and to measure the depth of
proposed founding drillholes.
levels of piles) Ensure that the retrieved samples are not tampered.
F17 (iii) Verification of Measure the depth of drilling and check the quality
founding stratum of retrieved materials at the founding stratum.
F18 (iv) Installation of piles Check that proper working procedures of pile
(Grouting operation installation are followed and anomalies rectified.
when required) Check the correct grout mix, grout pressure and
grout volume are being used and the adjacent
building structures are not adversely affected.
F19 (v) Installation of rebar Check that sufficient and correct amount of rebars
and grouting are provided and proper grouting method is used.
F20 (vi) Proof test Check that the testing procedure and acceptance
(Verification on the criteria of the proof tests are in accordance with
performance of the as- PNAP APP-18 and measurements are properly
constructed piles by recorded during the test.
the imposition of test
F21 (vii) Post-installation Verify the rockhead profile and socket length of
borehole drilling piles during post-installation borehole drilling.
(d) Rafts and Spread Footings

F22 (i) Setting out of rafts Check that the locations and sizes of rafts and
and spread footings spread footings agree with approved plan (or the
submitted plans for minor works).
F23 (ii) Inspection of bearing Check the compliance of ground bearing stratum
stratum with approved plans (or the submitted plans for
minor works), site investigation reports and design
F24 (iii) Fixing of rebars and Check that sufficient amount of rebars and good
checking of concrete workmanship are provided.
F25 (iv) Placing, compaction Ensure the quality and workmanship of concrete
and curing of concrete works.
F26 (v) Plate loading test Check that the accepted testing procedures of plate
(where required) loading test are followed and measurements are
(To verify the correctly recorded.
adequacy of ground
bearing stratum)

Note : Foundation unit inspected should be shown in the checklist by each member of the
supervision team.

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6.25 The RSE should provide supervision as necessary during all stages in
Table 6.3.

6.26 The AS of the RSC(F) should provide supervision as necessary during

all stages in Table 6.3.

6.27 Pre-drilling, interface proof drilling, post-installation drilling and proof

core-drilling test for foundation works must be carried out by a
RSC(GIFW) and be supervised by the site supervisors responsible for the
quality supervision of foundation works. There is no need to submit a
separate supervision plan for the pre-drilling and post-installation drilling

7 Building Works with Significant Geotechnical Content

7.1 Building works with significant geotechnical content include the

following types of geotechnical works:
(a) site formation
− blasting
− prestressed ground anchors
− prestressed ground anchors in sensitive sites* (see para 7.3)
− soil nails
− cut slopes (in rock or soil) (height > 3m)
− stabilisation works on rock slopes
− fill slopes (compaction and installation of such surface
filter/drainage layers) greater than 5m high, or less than 5m
high which pose a direct risk to life, i.e. Consequence-to-life
Category 1 or 2 in PNAP APP-109
− reinforced fill slopes
− natural terrain hazard mitigation
(b) excavation and lateral support, and temporary retaining structures
− depth > 4.5m (depth > 7.5m in sensitive sites* - see para 7.3)
(c) permanent retaining structures
− diaphragm walls and bored-pile walls

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− reinforced fill structures
− cantilever/gravity retaining walls (height > 5m) and
screen/basement walls (height > 7.5m)
(d) ground treatment
− vertical drains, horizontal/raking drains
− grouting and dewatering for cut and cover excavation and
tunnel/shaft/cavern construction
− ground water drainage works in Scheduled Area No. 1
(e) demolition works affecting slopes and retaining walls
− ground stabilisation works using soil nails or anchors
(f) foundation
− foundation for buildings in Scheduled Area No. 1
− deep foundation for buildings in Scheduled Areas Nos. 2 &
4 and in Designated Area of Northshore Lantau
− foundation that could affect an existing tunnel/cavern or that
could be affected by tunnel works
(g) water wells
− well yield test and the effect of proposed water extraction.
(h) tunnel works* (tunnels/caverns/shafts/associated underground
facilities - see para 7.3)
− cut and cover construction methods
− drill and blast methods
− soft ground tunnel construction techniques
− tunnel boring machine, micro-tunnelling (including
directional drilling) and pipe jacking methods
− associated ground support, ground treatment and
groundwater control works

7.2 The list above is not intended to be exhaustive as it only contains the
common types of geotechnical works encountered.

7.3 In normal circumstances, a TCP T3 and a TCP T5 are required to be

provided by the RGE to supervise building works with significant
geotechnical content. However, a Directorate Site Supervisor (DSS)

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may be required for geotechnically difficult or sensitive sites marked *
in the above list or any other sites as considered appropriate by GEO and
the BA.

7.4 Sensitive sites are sites where the works could pose adverse impact to
life and/or property. These include sites where works could affect old
buildings with shallow foundations, old tunnels/caverns, major roads,
railways, water mains, gas mains, slopes, retaining walls or sites with
history of instability.

7.5 The requirements for the provision of a DSS, if considered necessary by

GEO and the BA, will be conveyed to the AP/RSE/RGE in the approval
and consent letters. The name of the DSS should also be given in the
supervision plan.

7.6 A DSS should be a registered professional engineer in geotechnical

discipline who holds the position of a partner/director in the firm which
prepared the geotechnical content of the submission. The RGE who is
responsible for the project can also be accepted as the DSS.

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8 Supervision Requirements

Determining the Required TCPs and Their Frequency Level of Site


8.1 The grades of TCP and their minimum frequency level of site inspections
required for each stream for various types of building works or street
works are set out in Table 1 of the Technical Memorandum. More
frequent supervision requirements during critical stages are specified in
paragraph 9 of this Code.

8.2 For building works with significant geotechnical content, the RSE would
only be required to provide a team of site supervisors where there was
structural works.

8.3 For foundation works in Scheduled Areas Nos. 1, 2 and 4 and in

Designated Area of Northshore Lantau, additional supervision from the
RGE’s stream is required on top of the supervision requirements for
foundation works given in Table 1 of the Technical Memorandum.
Note 5 to Table 1 of the Technical Memorandum refers.

Scale of the Works

8.4 The effect of the scale of the works should be considered in
determination of supervision requirements. It should be assessed by a
scale factor of the works.

8.5 A measurable item and a basic value of which are assigned for each type
of building works or street works. The scale factor of a type of works
is the ratio of the estimated value of the measurable item of the works to
the basic value. The scale factor is capped at 2.

8.6 The measurable items and their basic values to be used for the assessment
of the scale factor of various types of building works or street works are
set out in Table 8.1. Unless otherwise specified, the measurable items
represent the total cost, average cost per month, or quantity of the
respective type of building works or street works to be carried out. The
BA may review and amend the measurable items and their basic values
from time to time.

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Table 8.1
Measurable Items and Basic Values for
Assessment of the Scale of Works
Type of Building Works/ Basic
Measurable Item
Street Works Value
demolition maximum floor area of the building 750m2
to be demolished per storey
GIFW number of drilling rigs (irrespective 6
of the number of trial pits, coreholes
and slope surface strippings)
number of trial pits, coreholes and 20
slope surface strippings
concurrently carried out on site
(only applicable when no drillholes
are proposed)
site formation total cost# $40M
repair of slope/retaining total cost# $12M
wall/buried services
excavation & lateral support average cost per month# $8M
pile wall average cost per month# $8M
tunnel works total cost# $47M
large diameter bored piles and average cost per month# $19M
barrette piles
piles other than the above types average cost per month# $9.5M
of pile
cap/footing/basement total cost# $47M
superstructure total construction floor area 20 000m2
curtain wall/cladding total aggregated surface area 10 000m2
alteration & addition total cost# $17.5M
minor works total cost# $11M
street works total cost# $12M

The total cost and average cost per month should be based on the Estimated
Total Value of Construction Operations submitted to the Construction Industry
Council for the assessment of the Construction Industry Levy under the
Construction Industry Council Ordinance (Cap. 587). If applicable, the
following items can be deducted:
(a) Contingency and Contract Price Fluctuation subject to submission of
revised supervision plan once a revised estimated contract sum is
available to the AP in case such change would have implication on the
scale factor resulting in amendments to the required supervision
(b) Electrical and mechanical works not under the control of BO; and
(c) Fitting out works falling within the scope of exempted building works
under the BO.

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8.7 For the purpose of scale assessment, for a scale factor of one, a full day
inspection by a TCP on each occasion is assumed. The TCP should
have discharged all his duties in inspecting all essential items required
for him on each occasion.

8.8 A scale factor of less than one would allow visits of duration of less than
one full day but at the same frequency level. The minimum frequency
level of site inspections as set out in Table 1 of the Technical
Memorandum should not be reduced. For full time TCPs, they should
be stationed on site to provide continuous supervision 16 . The RC
should allocate sufficient resources to provide continuous supervision on
site when the building works or street works are underway, in order to
ensure that :
(a) safety management measures and actions are implemented during
the course of the above works to meet the objectives of section
4.3 of the Technical Memorandum;
(b) the building works and street works (including the associated
temporary works) are carried out properly in accordance with the
specifications, method statements, plans approved by the BA and
any order made / condition imposed by the BA in respect of such
works, or submitted plans for minor works;
(c) any problems encountered are timely resolved before being
covered up or proceeded to the next stage of works; and
(d) any non-conformity identified is properly handled in accordance
with paragraphs 5.5 to 5.9 and 10.5 of this Code, and any
major/serious site incidents relating to building works identified
are properly handled in accordance with paragraphs 11.2 to 11.8
of this Code. For any task specific qualified supervision
requirements imposed by the BA as conditions of plan approval

The manner of continuous supervision may vary from task to task and should be
commensurate with the scale and complexity of the individual task concerned. It also
depends on the specific types / stage of the works being carried out and whether any non-
conformity could be readily identifiable and rectifiable during and after completion of a
particular working procedure or stage of the works. In other words, any intermittent
absence of a TCP from a task must not be of such nature and duration as to cause any
interruption to the continuous supervision of the works or there should be any chances for
improper performance to arise or serious consequence to occur.

- 55 -
or granting of consent for commencement of works pursuant to
any provision of the BO or its subsidiary legislations, they would
be specified at the time of imposing the conditions where

8.9 A scale factor of more than one should require extra supervision input.
The scale factor should be applied to increase the level of supervision
input over the minimum frequency level required in Table 1 of the
Technical Memorandum in the following manner :
(a) to upgrade the frequency level of inspection of the heads and
TCPs of grades T2 to T5 as specified in Table 1 of the Technical
Memorandum for that type of works; and
(b) to increase the number of TCP of grade T1, and grade T2/T3 in
some cases, required to carry out full time supervision.

8.10 For the purpose of assessing the manpower input required for a specified
frequency level of inspection, the minimum frequency levels of
inspection, Levels 1 to 5 as specified in Table 1 of the Technical
Memorandum, are quantified in terms of man-days per month as shown
in Table 8.2. As there is a significant difference in input between levels
4 and 5, further subdivision of level 4 is given in Table 8.3 to take into
account circumstances where more frequent inspections than weekly are

Table 8.2
Table Showing Frequency Levels of Site Inspection in Terms of
Man-days Per Month For Works of Scale Factor of One
Notional Supervision Input
Level Description
(Equivalent Man-days per Month)
Level 5 Full time 25
Level 4 Weekly visits 4
Level 3 Fortnightly visits 2
Level 2 Monthly visit 1
Level 1 As and when required 0.5
Note: The notional supervision input of 0.5 is applicable when AP/RSE/RGE/AS
also performs TCP's supervision duties.

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Table 8.3
Table Showing Supervision Input for
Works Requiring More Frequent Visits than Weekly
Notional Supervision Input
Frequency Level
Description (Equivalent Man-days per Month)
of Site Inspection
Level 5 Full time on site 25
Level 4.4 Five visits every week 20
Level 4.3 Four visits every week 16
Level 4.2 Three visits every week 12
Level 4.1 Two visits every week 8
Level 4 One visit every week 4

8.11 The adjusted supervision input for a scale factor exceeding one should
be calculated by multiplying the scale factor to the notional supervision
input corresponding to the minimum frequency level of inspection
required for the respective type of works. The upgraded frequency
level corresponding to the adjusted supervision input should then be
found from Table 8.2 and 8.3. For full time TCPs, the supervision input
should be increased by either increasing the number of TCPs or
combining the required supervision input extra over that of one full time
TCP with that of other higher grade TCPs.

Combination of Supervision Resources

8.12 To facilitate the deployment of TCPs under different resources situations,
a higher grade TCP may take up the duties of a lower grade TCP in his
stream provided that the requirements for relevant qualifications and
experience of the lower grade are satisfied.

8.13 Combination of supervision resources is only permitted for those types

of works that are to be carried out concurrently on site.

8.14 In order to combine the resources required for one or more types of
building works, or to combine the duties of TCPs, the application of scale
factors as specified in paragraphs 8.4 to 8.11 should be followed and
Form C at Appendix IV should be used for the calculations. Form C
should be appended to the supervision plan submitted to the BA.

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8.15 In using Form C to calculate the combination of TCPs, the following
steps should be followed :
(a) List those types of building works or street works for which
supervision resources are to be combined.
(b) Group the types of works into concurrent and non-concurrent works
(Column 1). Only TCPs under concurrent works may be
(c) Obtain the notional supervision input (Column 5) corresponding to
the frequency level of site inspection from Table 8.2.
(d) The adjusted supervision input (Column 6) is the product of the
scale factor (Column 2) and the notional supervision input
(Column 5).
(e) List the grades of TCP that are to be combined in Column 7.
(f) List the grades of TCP with combined duties in Column 8.
(g) Sum up the supervision input required for those TCPs who are to
be combined as the supervision input required for the TCP with
combined duties (Column 9).
(h) Derive the number of TCP with combined duties (Column 10) and
frequency level of site inspection required after the combination of
TCPs (Column 11) using Tables 8.2 and 8.3. The derived
frequency level of site inspection should not be less than the
minimum inspection frequency as set down in Table 1 of the
Technical Memorandum.

8.16 The AP, RSE and RGE, after calculating the supervision input in
accordance with paragraph 8.15, may further combine TCPs of the three
streams in accordance with the same principles.

8.17 If the different types of works are not to be grouped and that the duties
of TCPs are not to be combined, the adjusted supervision input for
different types of works with a scale factor of more than one should also
be calculated in Form C by using columns 1 to 6 and 11.

- 58 -
TCP Qualifications and Experience
8.18 The minimum qualifications and experience required for each grade of
TCP are set out in Table 2 of the Technical Memorandum. Experience,
wherever mentioned in this Code, means relevant working experience as
defined in Note (1) in Table 2 of the Technical Memorandum.

8.19 Academic qualifications required for each grade of TCP are recognised
in accordance with the following principles :
(a) Diplomas and certificates must have been awarded by the
Institutes of Vocational Education (IVE), or the previous
Technical Institutes (TI), operated under the Vocational Training
Council (VTC);
(b) Higher diplomas and higher certificates must have been awarded
by universities funded by the University Grants Committee
(UGC), or the IVE or the previous TI operated under the VTC;
(c) Bachelor degrees and higher degrees must have been awarded by
universities funded by the UGC or currently recognised by the
Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA), the Hong Kong
Institution of Engineers (HKIE) or the Hong Kong Institute of
Surveyors (HKIS);
(d) Degrees awarded by universities or institutes other than those
mentioned in (c) above are classified as higher diplomas;
(e) Non-graduate vocational qualifications awarded by institutions
other than those mentioned in (a) and (b) above are subject to the
acceptance of the BA;
(f) Notwithstanding (d) above, other overseas degrees or higher
degrees may be recognised by the HKIA, HKIE or HKIS and, if
so, will be accepted under (c) above. Evidence of such
recognition should be produced to the BA by the AP, RSE, RGE
or AS when appointments of TCPs with such qualifications are
proposed in the supervision plans; and
(g) Overseas or other local diplomas/certificates or higher diplomas/
higher certificates may be accredited by recognised accreditation
bodies such as the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of

- 59 -
Academic and Vocational Qualifications (formerly Hong Kong
Council for Academic Accreditation) if their qualifications are
equivalent to that conferred by institutes operated under the VTC.
Evidence of such accreditation should be produced by the AP,
RSE, RGE or AS to the BA for acceptance before making
proposals on appointments of TCPs with such qualifications.

8.20 Details of the professional and academic qualifications and the relevant
disciplines that are acceptable for TCPs of grade T1 to T5 should be as
set out in Tables 8.4 to 8.8 respectively.

8.21 Other acceptable criteria in qualifications and experience for TCP

prescribed in this paragraph are recorded at Appendix X.

- 60 -
Table 8.4
Minimum Qualifications and Experience Required for TCP T1

Type of AP’s Stream RSE’s Stream RGE’s Stream RC’s Stream

Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant
Works or
Experience Experience Experience Experience
Street Works
GIFW N/A N/A N/A (a) Certificate in 2 years
civil/ geotechnical in GI
engineering; or
(b) Degree in geology 1 year
which covers the in GI
specified engineering
related subjects (refer
Item 2 of Appendix
VII) or Degree in
engineering; or
(c) Geotechnical Field N/A
Technician already
accepted under the
Development Bureau’s
List of Approved
Suppliers of Materials
and Specialist
Contractors for Public
Works in the Category
of GIFW; or
(d) Passed specified TCP
Appendix X
T1 training course.

- 61 -
Table 8.4 Cont’d

Type of AP’s Stream RSE’s Stream RGE’s Stream RC’s Stream

Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant
Works or
Street Works Experience Experience Experience Experience

Building works with N/A N/A N/A (a) Certificate or 2 years

significant diploma in civil/
geotechnical content structural/geotechnical
engineering; or
(b) Passed specified top-up see
courses / TCP T1 training Appendix X
Foundation works N/A N/A N/A (a) Certificate or 2 years
diploma in civil/
engineering; or
(b) Certificate or diploma in 2 years
building studies (except
for piling works); or
(c) Passed specified top-up see
courses/ TCP T1 training Appendix X
Street works or all N/A N/A N/A (a) Certificate or 2 years
building works diploma in civil/
(other than the structural/geotechnical
above types of engineering, building
works and minor studies, building surveying
works) or architectural studies; or
(b) Passed specified top-up see
courses/ TCP T1 training Appendix X
Class 1 minor works N/A N/A N/A (a) Certificate or 2 years
diploma in civil/
engineering, building
studies, building surveying
or architectural studies; or
(b) Passed specified top-up see
courses/ TCP T1 training Appendix X
course; or
(c) Passed specified TCP T1 see
(Minor Works) training Appendix X

- 62 -
Table 8.5
Minimum Qualifications and Experience Required for TCP T2

Type of AP’s Stream RSE’s Stream RGE’s Stream RC’s Stream

Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant
Works or
Street Works Experience Experience Experience Experience


Building works with N/A N/A N/A (a) Higher certificate or 3 years
significant higher diploma in
geotechnical content civil/structural/
engineering; or
(b) Passed specified top-up see
courses. Appendix X
Foundation works N/A N/A N/A (a) Higher certificate or 3 years
higher diploma in
engineering; or
(b) Higher certificate or 3 years
higher diploma in
building studies (except
for piling works); or
(c) Passed specified top-up see
courses. Appendix X
Street works or all N/A N/A N/A N/A
building works
(other than the
above types of
works and minor

Class 1 minor works N/A N/A (a) Higher certificate or 3 years N/A
higher diploma in

Note : Holders of a degree in the relevant professional discipline with 2 years relevant working experience may also take up the duties of a TCP T2 for a certain type of building or
street works under the RC’s Stream.

- 63 -
Table 8.6
Minimum Qualifications and Experience Required for TCP T3

Type of AP’s Stream RSE’s Stream RGE’s Stream RC’s Stream

Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant
Works or
Experience Experience Experience Experience
Street Works
GIFW (a) Higher certificate or 5 years N/A (a) Higher certificate or 5 years N/A
higher diploma in higher diploma in civil/ (including 1
civil/structural/ geotechnical year in GI)
geotechnical engineering; or
engineering, building (b) Degree in geology 2 years
studies, building which covers the in civil/
surveying or specified engineering geotechnical
architectural studies; or related subjects (refer engineering
(b) Degree in civil/ 2 years Item 2 of Appendix
structural/geotechnical VII) or Degree in
engineering, building civil/geotechnical
studies, building engineering; or
surveying or (c) Degree in geology 1 year
architectural studies; or which covers the in civil/
(c) Degree in geology 2 years specified engineering geotechnical
which covers the in civil/ related subjects (refer engineering
specified engineering geotechnical Item 2 of Appendix
related subjects (refer engineering VII) or Degree in civil/
Item 2 of Appendix geotechnical
VII); or engineering, and has
(d) Degree in geology 1 year attended and passed
which covers the in civil/ specified geotechnical
specified engineering geotechnical top-up course (refer
related subjects (refer engineering paragraph 4 of
Item 2 of Appendix Appendix X).
VII) or Degree in civil/
engineering, and has
attended and passed
specified geotechnical
top-up course (refer
paragraph 4 of
Appendix X).

- 64 -
Table 8.6 Cont’d

Type of AP’s Stream RSE’s Stream RGE’s Stream RC’s Stream

Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant
Works or
Experience Experience Experience Experience
Street Works
Building works with (a) Higher certificate or 5 years (a) Higher certificate or 5 years (a) Higher certificate or 5 years N/A
significant higher diploma in higher diploma in higher diploma in
geotechnical content civil/structural/ civil/structural/ civil/structural/
geotechnical geotechnical geotechnical
engineering, building engineering; or engineering; or
studies, building (b) Degree in 2 years (b) Degree in civil/ 2 years
surveying or civil/structural/ structural/
architectural studies; or geotechnical geotechnical
(b) Degree in civil/ 2 years engineering; or engineering; or
structural/geotechnical (c) Degree in 1 year (c) Degree in geology 1 year
engineering, building civil/structural/ which covers the
studies, building geotechnical specified engineering
surveying or engineering and has related subjects (refer
architectural studies; or attended and passed to Item 2 of Appendix
(c) Degree in civil/ 1 year specified geotechnical VII) or degree in
structural/geotechnical top-up course (refer civil/structural/
engineering, and has paragraph 4 of geotechnical
attended and passed Appendix X). engineering, and has
specified geotechnical attended and passed
top-up course (refer specified geotechnical
paragraph 4 of top-up course (refer
Appendix X). paragraph 4 of
Appendix X).

- 65 -
Table 8.6 Cont’d

Type of AP’s Stream RSE’s Stream RGE’s Stream RC’s Stream

Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant
Works or
Street Works Experience Experience Experience Experience

Foundation works (a) Higher certificate or 5 years (a) Higher certificate or 5 years N/A N/A
higher diploma in higher diploma in
civil/structural/ civil/structural/
geotechnical geotechnical
engineering, building engineering; or
studies, building (b) Degree in civil/ 2 years
surveying or structural/geotechnical
architectural studies; or engineering; or
(b) Degree in civil/ 2 years (c) Degree in civil/ 1 year
structural/geotechnical structural/geotechnical
engineering, building engineering and has
studies, building attended and passed
surveying or specified geotechnical
architectural studies; or top-up course (refer
(c) Degree in civil/ 1 year paragraph 4 of
structural/geotechnical Appendix X).
engineering and has
attended and passed
specified geotechnical
top-up course (refer
paragraph 4 of
Appendix X).
Street works or all (a) Higher certificate or 5 years (a) Higher certificate or 5 years N/A (a) Higher certificate or 5 years
building works higher diploma in higher diploma in higher diploma in
(other than the civil/structural/ civil/structural/ civil/structural/
above types of geotechnical geotechnical geotechnical
works and minor engineering, building engineering; or engineering, building
works) studies, building (b) Degree in civil/ 2 years studies, building
surveying or structural/geotechnical surveying or
architectural studies; or engineering; or architectural studies; or
(b) Degree in civil/ 2 years (c) Passed specified top-up See (b) Degree in civil/ 2 years
structural/geotechnical courses. Appendix X structural/geotechnical
engineering, building engineering, building
studies, building studies, building
surveying or surveying or
architectural studies; or architectural studies; or
(c) Passed specified top-up See (c) Passed specified top-up See
courses. Appendix X courses. Appendix X

- 66 -
Table 8.6 Cont’d

Type of AP’s Stream RSE’s Stream RGE’s Stream RC’s Stream

Works or Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant
Street Works Experience Experience Experience Experience

Class I minor works (a) Higher certificate or 5 years (a) Higher certificate or 5 years N/A (a) Higher certificate or 5 years
higher diploma in higher diploma in higher diploma in
civil/structural/ civil/structural/ civil/structural/
geotechnical geotechnical geotechnical
engineering, building engineering; or engineering, building
studies, building (b) Degree in civil/ 2 years studies, building
surveying or structural/geotechnical surveying or
architectural studies; or engineering; or architectural studies; or
(b) Degree in civil/ 2 years (c) Passed specified top-up See (b) Degree in civil/ 2 years
structural/geotechnical courses. Appendix X structural/geotechnical
engineering, building engineering, building
studies, building studies, building
surveying or surveying or
architectural studies; or architectural studies; or
(c) Passed specified top-up See (c) Passed specified top-up See
courses. Appendix X courses. Appendix X

- 67 -
Table 8.7
Minimum Qualifications and Experience Required for TCP T4

Type of AP’s Stream RSE’s Stream RGE’s Stream RC’s Stream

Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant
Works or
Experience Experience Experience Experience
Street Works
GIFW N/A N/A N/A (a) Degree in geology 4 years
which covers the in civil/
specified engineering geotechnical
related subjects (refer works
Item 2 of Appendix (including 2
VII) or Degree in years in GI)
engineering; or
(b) Registered professional -
Building works with (a) Degree in 4 years N/A N/A (a) Degree in civil/ 4 years
significant civil/structural/ geotechnical
geotechnical content geotechnical engineering; or
engineering, building (b) Registered professional
studies, building engineer (Civil or -
surveying or geotechnical).
architectural studies; or
(b) Registered professional -
engineer (Civil,
structural, geotechnical
or building); or
(c) Registered architect; or -
(d) Registered professional
surveyor (Building -

- 68 -
Table 8.7 Cont’d

Table 8.7
Minimum Qualifications and Experience Required for TCP T4

Type of AP’s Stream RSE’s Stream RGE’s Stream RC’s Stream

Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant
Works or
Experience Experience Experience Experience
Street Works
Foundation works (a) Degree in 4 years N/A N/A (a) Degree in civil/ 4 years
civil/structural/ structural/geotechnical
geotechnical engineering; or
engineering, building (b) Degree in building 4 years
studies, building studies (except for
surveying or piling works); or
architectural studies; or (c) Registered professional -
(b) Registered professional - engineer (Civil,
engineer (Civil, structural or
structural, geotechnical geotechnical); or
or building); or (d) Registered professional -
(c) Registered architect; or - engineer (building)
(d) Registered professional (except for piling
surveyor (Building - works).

Street works or all (a) Degree in civil/ 4 years N/A N/A (a) Degree in civil/ 4 years
building works structural/geotechnical structural/geotechnical
(other than the engineering, building engineering, building
above types of studies, building studies, building
works and minor surveying or surveying or
works) architectural studies; or architectural studies; or
(b) Registered professional - (b) Registered professional -
engineer (Civil, engineer (Civil,
structural, geotechnical structural, geotechnical
or building); or or building); or
(c) Registered architect; or - (c) Registered architect; or -
(d) Registered professional - (d) Registered professional -
surveyor (Building surveyor (Building
surveying). surveying).

Class I minor works N/A N/A N/A N/A

- 69 -
Table 8.8
Minimum Qualifications and Experience Required for TCP T5

Type of AP’s Stream RSE’s Stream RGE’s Stream RC’s Stream

Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant Qualification Relevant
Works or
Experience Experience Experience Experience
Street Works
GIFW N/A N/A (a) Registered professional 5 years N/A

Building works with N/A (a) Registered professional 5 years (a) Registered professional 5 years N./A
significant engineer (Civil/ engineer
geotechnical content structural/geotechnical). (Geotechnical).

Foundation works N/A (a) Registered professional 5 years N/A N/A

engineer (Civil/
structural/ geotechnical).

Street works or all N/A (a) Registered professional 5 years N/A N/A
building works engineer
(other than the (Civil/structural/
above types of geotechnical).
works and minor

Demolition works N/A (a) Registered professional 5 years N/A (a) Registered professional 5 years
engineer (Civil/ engineer (Civil/
structural/building). structural/building).

Alteration and N/A (a) Registered professional 5 years N/A (a) Registered professional 5 years
addition works to a engineer (Civil/ engineer (Civil/
heritage building structural/geotechnical). structural/geotechnical/

Class I minor works N/A N/A N/A N/A

- 70 -
8.22 Unless otherwise specified, the total relevant working experience of
different grades of TCP should be aggregated as follows :
(a) for T1 - The relevant experience must have been gained
within the previous 5 years and at least 1 year
must be local site experience 17.
(b) for T2 18 - Similar to T1 but the experience must be closely
related to the type of works concerned.
(c) for T318 - The relevant experience must have been gained
within the previous 8 years and at least 1 year
must be local experience 19
(d) for T418 and T5 -The relevant experience must have been gained
within the previous 8 years and at least 1 year
must be local experience19.

8.23 Unless otherwise specified, relevant working experience of a TCP may

be considered as the number of years of relevant working experience
gained post-qualification plus half the number of years of relevant
working experience gained pre-qualification but subject to the conditions
in paragraph 8.22. However, for registered architects, registered
professional engineers and registered professional surveyors, relevant
working experience obtained before the professional qualification is

Local site experience refers to experience gained in Hong Kong construction sites. The
qualified supervision experience gained from factories outside Hong Kong may be
recognised as local site experience, provided that such qualified supervision are
requirements and conditions imposed under the BO upon plan approval.
Any person possessing the respective minimum qualifications and experience for TCP of
grades T2, T3 and T4 pursuant to paragraphs 8.26 and 8.27 except lacking 1 year local
experience, may apply for inclusion in the TCP List described in paragraph 8.25, of a lower
grade in the respective types of TCP categories set out in Table 8.9. Persons accepted for
inclusion in the TCP List are deemed to possess the equivalent minimum qualifications and
experience required for the relevant TCP grades for the purpose of paragraph 8.29.
Local experience refers to experience gained in Hong Kong working in local projects
including design, administration and site supervision work relevant to the duties of a TCP
of appropriate grade under each stream of supervision. It also includes qualified
supervision experience gained from factories outside Hong Kong provided such qualified
supervision are requirements and conditions imposed under the BO upon plan approval.

- 71 -
8.24 From time to time the BA may give guidance on top-up training which
allow competent persons without the specified qualifications to become
the designated grades of T1 to T3 TCPs on a permanent basis.

TCP List Recognised by BA

8.25 The Construction Industry Council has administered a TCP List via a
registration system. From time to time, the BA may give guidance on
the administration of the registration system and the TCP List.

8.26 Any person possessing the minimum qualifications and experience as set
out in paragraphs 8.18 to 8.24 for TCPs and Appendix VII for Competent
Person (Logging) may apply for inclusion in the TCP List.

- 72 -
8.27 Based on the qualifications and experience requirements set out in Tables
8.4 to 8.8 and Appendix VII, application for inclusion in 33 different
types of TCP categories are defined in Table 8.9.

Table 8.9
Different Types of TCP Categories
AP’s stream RSE’s stream RGE’s stream RC’s stream

Legends: RC-T3-BW(O)
Stream-Grade-Type of Works RC-T3-MW
GIFW – Ground investigation field works
BW(G) – Building works with significant geotechnical content
FW – Foundation works
FW(O) – Foundation works (except for piling works) RC-T2-FW(O)
BW(O) – Street works or all building works (other than the above types of works and
minor works)
MW – Minor works
DW – Demolition works RC-T1-FW
A&A(H) – Alteration and addition works in a heritage building
CP – Competent Person (Logging)

- 73 -
8.28 The validity period for inclusion in the TCP List is 5 years. An
application for retention of name in the TCP List should be submitted
within a specified period prior to the expiry of the validity period. A
TCP may apply for restoration of his name in the TCP List after expiry
of the validity period. Applications for retention and restoration will be
assessed based on the criteria as specified in paragraph 8.26 above.

8.29 Any person who is accepted for inclusion in the TCP List is deemed to
possess equivalent minimum qualifications and experience required for
the relevant grades of TCPs and Competent Person (Logging) as
specified in Table 2 of the Technical Memorandum and this Code during
the validity period of inclusion in the TCP List. The curriculum vitae
(CV) for the academic qualifications and relevant working experience of
the appointed TCPs is not required when submitting supervision plans
for individual projects if these TCPs are on the TCP List for the relevant
categories of works.

8.30 For the appointed TCPs who are not AP/RSE/RGE and not on the TCP
List, the CV for their academic qualifications and relevant working
experience should be provided as required in paragraphs 5, 6, 9, 10, 13,
14, 17 and 18 of Appendix I upon submission of the supervision plan for
different types of works for individual projects. Their contact
information should be provided on page 2 of the annex to the supervision
plan to facilitate communication between BD and TCPs.

8.31 The requirements for submission of CV and contact information

mentioned in paragraph 8.30 are not applicable to those TCPs who are

- 74 -
9 More Frequent Supervision Requirements

Critical Stages of the Works

9.1 Table 1 of the Technical Memorandum specifies that higher grade TCP
and/or more frequent site inspections up to full time may be required at
critical stages of the works. Such more frequent site inspections at critical
stages are set out in Table 9.1.

9.2 The RC should notify the AP, RSE and RGE of the commencement date
and estimated time for completion of the critical stages of works in
sufficient time before commencing the critical stages to ensure that the
respective TCPs would perform their supervision roles during the carrying
out of the critical stage of works on site.

9.3 In addition, the AP, RSE, RGE, or AS may determine that certain sections
of the works are particularly difficult or risk prone or that the consequences
of a non-conformity may be serious. In these cases any party may notify
his counterparts that he considers the section of works to be a critical
activity and be included in the supervision plan.

- 75 -
Table 9.1
Supervision Requirements for Critical Stages of Building Works (Notes 1, 2 & 3)
Type of Inspection Frequency
Building Works Critical Stages of Work
RC’s T5 RSE’s T5
Demolition of complex structures, such as flat slab, Full Time Twice a week
prestressed concrete, transfer plate, hanger, long
Demolition; span beam greater than 10m, steel framed
Addition and construction, and cantilevered structure over street
alteration works with span greater than 1.2m.

Demolition of buildings which also act as earth- Full Time Twice a week
retaining structures supporting adjacent ground
with a ground level difference exceeding 1.5m –
additional inspection at twice a week by RGE’s T5
is also required.

Works (Note 5) that would involve alteration and Full Time Twice a week
addition to or temporary removal of an existing
Alteration and loadbearing structural members such as
addition works to a foundation, wall, pier, column, hanger, beam with
heritage building span greater than 6m, cantilevered structure and
(Note 4)
roof truss.

Type of Inspection Frequency

Building Works Critical Stages of Work
RC’s T4 RSE’s T5
(a) Driven Piles

(i) Driving test First test pile First test pile

(ii) Final sets 5% 5%
(iii) Proof load test At least one At least one
proof load test proof load test

(b) Large Diameter Bored Piles, Barrette Piles

and the like

(i) Pre-drilling Twice a week N/A

(ii) Verification of founding stratum 5% 5%
(iii) Interface proof drilling At least one At least one
post post
construction construction
proof drilling proof drilling
(iv) Proof load test, if any At least one At least one
proof load test proof load test

(c) Mini-piles, Socketed Steel H-piles and the


(i) Pre-drilling Twice a week N/A

(ii) Verification of founding stratum 5% 3%
(iii) Proof load test At least one At least one
proof load test proof load test

- 76 -
Table 9.1 Cont’d

Type of Inspection Frequency

Building Works Critical Stages of Work
RC’s T4 RSE’s T5
(d) Rafts and Spread Footings

(i) Inspection of bearing stratum 20% First batch of

footings with
each value of
(ii) Plate loading test (where At least one At least one
required) plate loading plate loading
test test

(e) Other Cases

(i) Piling near the crest of retaining Twice a week Twice a week
wall within a zone contained by
a 45º line from the toe of wall
(ii) Piling works within 5m of Twice a week Twice a week
railway structure, highway
structure or building completed
more than 40 years ago

Presence of a water main with diameter exceeding Twice a week Twice a week
200mm, gas main, building on shallow footing or
railway structure within a zone contained by a line
measured at 60º to the horizontal from the base of

Construction of diaphragm wall/bored pile wall or Twice a week Twice a week

Excavation and installation of sheet pile/pipe pile/soldier pile wall
lateral support; within 5m of railway structure, highway structure,
Site formation; water main with diameter exceeding 200mm, gas
Repair of
main, building founded on shallow footings or
slope/retaining wall
wall/buried services
(not building works
with significant Preloading of struts During During
geotechnical preloading of preloading of
content) the first batch of the first batch
struts and then of struts
every 2 days

All related works when movement of ground or Twice a week Twice a week
building or groundwater drawdown has exceeded
the allowable limit

Construction of cantilevered structure over street Full Time Twice a week

Superstructure Construction of elevated structure, like podium Full Time Twice a week
deck, over street

- 77 -
Table 9.1 Cont’d

Type of Inspection Frequency

Building Works Critical Stages of Work
RC’s T4 RGE’s T5
Works that could affect a water main with Twice a week Twice a week
diameter exceeding 200mm, gas main, building
on shallow footing, tunnel, railway structure (e.g.
within a zone contained by a line measured at 60º
to the horizontal from the base of
excavation/invert of tunnel)

Excavation and Construction of diaphragm wall/bored pile wall Twice a week Twice a week
lateral support; or installation of sheet pile/pipe pile/soldier pile
Site formation; wall within 5m of railway structure,
Repair of
highway/drainage/sewerage structure, water
main with diameter exceeding 200mm, gas
wall/buried services;
main, building founded on shallow footings,
Tunnel works
(building works tunnel or slope/retaining wall
with significant
geotechnical Preloading of struts During During
content) preloading of preloading of
the first batch the first batch
of struts and of struts
then every 2

All related works when movement of ground or Twice a week Twice a week
building or groundwater drawdown has exceeded
the allowable value

Pumping test or other ground treatment Daily for first 7 Daily for first
performance testing or operation of recharging days and at 7 days and at
well least twice a least twice a
week thereafter week

Removal of structural support in the absence of During the During the

permanent support removal removal
process process

Confirmation of founding level of retaining wall First batch of First batch of

retaining wall retaining wall
footings with footings with
each value of each value of
bearing bearing
pressure pressure

Blasting within sites which have been the subject Every blast Every blast
of genuine blasting - related complaints or are in
close proximity to land and properties which
have to be protected

Foundation works adversely affecting stability of Full Time Weekly

Foundation adjoining sloping ground and in sensitive sites
(critical stages to be defined in the approved

- 78 -
Notes to Table 9.1

1) The supervision requirements for various grades of TCPs for various types of
building works or street works as specified in paragraph 8 of this Code should
also be complied with during critical stages of work.

2) If the frequencies of inspection for certain grades of TCPs during critical stages
of work have been specified, these TCPs should carry out inspections for the
specific tasks at such frequencies as specified or at such frequencies as derived
under paragraph 8 of this Code (which takes account of the scale of works and
allows combination of supervision resources), whichever is higher.

3) The RSE, RGE or AS may require its respective TCP to carry out more
frequent inspections to suit the site conditions.

4) It refers to a building covered in paragraph 2.1 of the Practice Guidebook for

Adaptive Re-use of Alteration and Addition Works to Heritage Buildings
(2019 Edition). It includes a declared monument or a proposed monument
defined under the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance (Cap. 53), a graded
historic building accorded by the Antiquities Advisory Board (AAB) or a
proposed graded historic building identified by the Antiquities and Monuments
Office (AMO). Where a building has not been declared under Cap. 53 nor
graded by the AAB / proposed to be graded by AMO and yet possesses a
cultural significance in terms of aesthetic, historic, scientific, social or spiritual
value, etc., the AP should consult AMO on whether the building is a heritage

5) They include Cases 1 and 3 temporary works categorised under paragraph 4.9.

- 79 -
10 Communication and Reports

Interstream Communications
10.1 Interstream communications are as important as within-stream
communications in order to facilitate effective supervision. TCPs should
take all reasonable and practical steps to inform their counterparts of any
aspects of the works or any task specific requirements shown on the
approved plans and/or imposed by the BA pursuant to any provision of the
BO or its subsidiary legislations, which have concern or may cause concern
on matters relating to safety or quality.

Site Supervision Reports

10.2 Site supervision reports are required to be completed by all TCPs whenever
they carry out site safety or quality supervision activities. Each TCP
should have his/her own copy of site supervision report with identities
recorded (e.g. full name, post and signature). These reports should be
filed and maintained at the site office for the inspection of the BA.
AP/RSE/RGE/AS are required to keep their inspection records at site such
as notes/photo records and the works items inspected on site, particularly
during the critical stages of works. All the above inspection records and
site supervision reports should be completed contemporaneously.

10.3 The site supervision report should include but not limited to the following
items :
(a) the items of works that have been inspected;
(b) the results of inspection;
(c) the notes of non-conformities as recorded in Form B and also as
required in paragraph 5.7 of this Code, if applicable; and
(d) a summary of non-conformities by the Representative of each head
of the safety management structure as required in paragraph 10.4 of
this Code.

10.4 For the purpose of lesson learning as mentioned in paragraph 5.4 of this
Code, TCPs should be aware of the non-conformities recorded through the

- 80 -
interstream and within-stream communications established in the safety
management structure. A summary of non-conformities recorded in site
supervision reports as mentioned in paragraph 10.3(c) above should be
compiled monthly by the Representative of each head of the safety
management structure as part of his/her site supervision report, so as to
facilitate the regular refreshment of the cases by all TCPs in different

Non-conformity and Rectification Reports

10.5 Other than those non-conformities described in paragraphs 5.6 to 5.8 of this
Code, if a non-conformity arises and comes to the attention of a TCP, the
following procedures should be initiated :
(a) The TCP informs the Representative of his/her own stream (who
will in turn inform the AP, RSE, RGE and AS of the
non-conformity) and completes Part 1 of Form B;
(b) If the non-conformity is considered to pose an imminent danger20,
the AP reports the non-conformity to the BA as soon as practicable
and in any event within 48 hours of discovery21. In the event that
the non-conformity is discovered by RSE/RGE/AS, the
Representatives of AP/RSE/RGE/AS, or TCPs under their streams
of supervision, they should report the non-conformity to the AP
within 12 hours of discovery21 to enable the AP to report to the BA
within the time frame. Alternatively, the AS may report direct to
the BA and copy to the AP within 48 hours of discovery21. In any
event, the AP should ensure the non-conformity posing an
imminent danger is to be reported to the BA within the time frame;
(c) AP/RSE/RGE issues Instruction to the RC to rectify the

In the event that urgent work is required for any accident or emergency, notice in the
specified form (Form BA7) for such work is required to be given to the BA pursuant to
section 19(1) of the BO, either before such work is authorised by the building owner or
within 48 hours after it has been commenced whichever is the earlier.
“Discovery” means when the non-conformity is discovered by the AP/RSE/RGE/AS, or
the Representatives/TCPs under their streams of supervision, whichever is the earlier.

- 81 -
(d) AS or his/her Representative should coordinate and take all
necessary and reasonable steps promptly to rectify the non-
conformity and consult the AP/RSE/RGE in case of doubt;
(e) AP/RSE/RGE’s Representative will ensure that the rectification
works are completed promptly and satisfactorily;
(f) If the non-conformity is considered to cause material concern for
safety and the RC fails to comply with the rectification instruction,
the AP will coordinate further action and report the non-conformity
to the BA within 48 hours upon knowing the RC fails to comply
with the rectification instruction;
(g) Otherwise, AP/RSE/RGE certifies the completion of the
rectification works and complete Part 2 of Form B;
(h) If the non-conformity has been considered to pose an imminent
danger20, AP reports to the BA within 48 hours after completion of
the rectification works. The AS should report to the AP within 12
hours after completion of the rectification works to enable the AP
to report to the BA within the time frame;
(i) If the non-conformity is also considered as a major/serious site
incident under paragraph 11 of this Code, the requirements for
reporting as described in paragraph 11 of this Code should also be

A flow chart showing the procedures for completion of non-conformity

and rectification reports is shown in Figure 10.1.

- 82 -
Figure 10.1 Flow Chart for Procedures for Completion of Non-Conformity and
Rectification Reports


TCP informs the Representative of his/her stream (who will in turn inform
the AP, RSE, RGE and AS) and completes Part 1 of Form B

No Is non-conformity(Note)
considered to pose imminent


AP/AS reports the non-conformity to the BA within 48 hours of discovery21

AP/RSE/RGE issues Instruction to rectify the non-conformity Yes

AS or his/her Representative coordinates and takes all necessary and

reasonable steps promptly to rectify the non-conformity and consults the
AP/RSE/RGE in case of doubt
Is non-conformity
No considered to cause material
AP/RSE/RGE’s Representative checks completion of rectification works concern for safety and RC fails to
comply with rectification

Has the non-conformity been No

satisfactorily rectified? AP/RSE/RGE issues further


AP/RSE/RGE certifies completion of rectification works and

completes Part 2 of Form B

No Has non-conformity been

considered to pose imminent
AS reports to the AP within 12 hours after completion of the
rectification works and AP reports to the BA within 48 hours after
completion of the rectification works


Note: If the non-conformity is also considered as a major/serious site incident under paragraph 11 of this Code, the
requirements for reporting as described in paragraph 11 of this Code should also be followed.

- 83 -
11 Reporting of Major/Serious Site Incidents Relating to Building

Timely Reporting of Major/Serious Site Incidents Relating to Building

11.1 A site incident is considered as a major/serious site incident relating to
safety of works or quality of works as set out in paragraphs 11.2 and
11.6 of this Code respectively. The AP should timely report such
major/serious site incidents to the BA at an early stage in accordance with
the requirements set out in paragraphs 11.2 to 11.7 of this Code. If a
major/serious site incident is also considered as a non-conformity under
paragraph 5.5 of this Code, the requirements for completion of Non-
conformity and Rectification Report as specified in paragraph 10.5 of
this Code should also be followed.

Major/Serious Site Incidents Relating to Safety of Works

11.2 For a major/serious site incident relating to safety of works mentioned in
paragraph 11.4 of this Code, the AP should report the incident to the BA as
soon as practicable and in any event within 48 hours of discovery22. In
the event that the incident is discovered by RSE/RGE/AS, the
Representatives of AP/RSE/RGE/AS, or TCPs under their streams of
supervision, they should report the incident to the AP within 12 hours of
discovery22 to enable the AP to report to the BA within the time frame.
Alternatively, the AS may report direct to the BA and copy to the AP within
48 hours of discovery22. In any event, the AP should ensure all reportable
cases are to be reported to the BA within the time frame. Notwithstanding
the reporting to the BA, the AP, RSE, RGE and AS should carry out
assessment, investigation, urgent works20 or rectification works as
considered appropriate and necessary to ensure building and public safety

“Discovery” means when the major/serious site incident is discovered by the
AP/RSE/RGE/AS, or the Representatives/TCPs under their streams of supervision,
whichever is the earlier.

- 84 -
11.3 Such reporting requirement does not preclude any person to report
emergency incidents to the Police for assistance. Simultaneously, the AP,
RSE, RGE and AS should take immediate actions20 to remove or mitigate
any imminent danger resulting from the incident to ensure building and
public safety. AP should also report to the BA within 48 hours after
completion of the rectification works.

11.4 A site incident is considered as a major/serious site incident relating to

safety of works if the incident:
(a) may cause or has caused loss of life, serious bodily injury 23 or
damage to property;
(b) may cause or has caused imminent danger to any buildings,
structures or land; or
(c) may cause or has caused material concern relating to safety of any
building works or street works.

11.5 The major/serious site incidents described in paragraph 11.4 of this Code
may involve either one or a combination of site safety related issues.
Examples of site safety related issues, which are not meant to be exhaustive,
are given below for reference:
(a) Collapse of permanent structure or part of permanent structure;
(b) Collapse of temporary steel platform/falsework/formwork/propping/
excavation and lateral support;
(c) Collapse of plant or equipment such as tower crane, material hoist and
passenger hoist;
(d) Sign of distress of a slope and/or notable landslide is observed;
(e) Any reading of monitoring checkpoint reached or exceeded the trigger
value of the “Action Level” specified in the monitoring scheme;
(f) Undue settlement, sign of distress or damage has been observed in any
adjacent structures, ground and/or services;

Resulting in a loss or an amputation of a limb, or being categorised as in critical condition
in the hospital.

- 85 -
(g) The safety of railway facilities or railway operation has been so
affected by the building works concerned requiring suspension of the
building works;
(h) Sign of distress or instability to any permanent structure or part of
permanent structure is observed;
(i) Any incident that may turn into the above situation if the RC fails to
carry out the rectification works.

Major/Serious Site Incidents Relating to Quality of Works

11.6 For major/serious site incidents other than those mentioned in paragraphs
11.4 and 11.5 of this Code but relating to quality of works, the
AP/RSE/RGE/AS may require additional time to review and assess the
situation to determine the cause and detrimental effects to the structure
concerned. The AP should report this kind of incident to the BA within
14 days of discovery22. In the event that the incident is discovered by
RSE/RGE/AS, the Representatives of AP/RSE/RGE/AS, or TCPs under
their streams of supervision, they should report the incident to the AP
within 5 days of discovery22 to enable the AP to report to the BA within the
time frame. Alternatively, the AS may report direct to the BA and copy
to the AP within 14 days of discovery22. In any event, the AP should
ensure all reportable cases are to be reported to the BA within the time
frame. Notwithstanding the reporting to the BA, the AP, RSE, RGE and
AS should carry out assessment, investigation or rectification works as
considered appropriate and necessary to ensure building and public safety
without delay.

11.7 Examples of major/serious site incidents relating to quality of works, which

are not meant to be exhaustive, are given below for reference:
(a) Any building works which are in material deviation from an
approved plan or may cause or have caused material concern on
quality of works;
(b) Substandard building works requiring rectification/demolition
works which may affect the sequence of works, have effect on the

- 86 -
permanent structures, or require prior approval and consent before
(c) Extensive concrete defects e.g. deformation, extensive honeycomb
or exposure of reinforcement, etc. revealed after striking of
formwork and RC fails to comply with the rectification instruction.

11.8 A flow chart showing the procedures for reporting of major/serious site
incidents relating to building works and follow-up actions is shown in
Figure 11.1.

- 87 -
Figure 11.1 Flow Chart for Procedures for Reporting of Major/Serious Site
Incidents Relating to Building Works and Follow-up Actions


Major/serious site incident (Note) discovered by AP/RSE/RGE/AS, or

Representatives/TCPs under their streams of supervision

Incident relating to safety of works according to Incidents relating to quality of works according
paragraphs 11.4 and 11.5 of this Code to paragraphs 11.6 and 11.7 of this Code

RSE/RGE/AS, Representatives of RSE/RGE/AS, Representatives of

AP/RSE/RGE/AS, or TCPs under their streams AP/RSE/RGE/AS, or TCPs under their streams
of supervision report the incident to AP within of supervision report the incident to AP within 5
12 hours of discovery22 days of discovery22

AP reports the incident to the BA within 48 hours AP reports the incident to the BA within 14 days of
of discovery22. Alternatively, AS may report discovery22. Alternatively, AS may report direct
direct to the BA and copy to AP within 48 hours of to the BA and copy to AP within 14 days of
discovery22 discovery22

AP, RSE, RGE and AS carry out assessment, investigation, urgent works20/rectification works as
considered appropriate and necessary to ensure building and public safety

No The incident has been

satisfactorily rectified?



Note: If a major/serious site incident is also considered as a non-conformity under paragraph 5.5 of this Code, the
requirements for completion of Non-conformity and Rectification Report as described in paragraph 10.5 of this Code should
also be followed.

- 88 -
12 Report to the Building Authority

12.1 The AP should report to the BA in writing the non-conformity as required

under paragraph 10.5 of this Code or major/serious site incidents as
required under paragraphs 11.2 to 11.7 of this Code to the designated email
address: The following essential information
should be provided in the report:
(a) Address of the site;
(b) Location, date and time of discovery21 or 22 and happening of the
non-conformity or incident;
(c) Contact details including name, phone number and email address;
(d) Type of building works involved and other relevant information;
(e) Any injury, death or damage to property involved;
(f) Any remedial action/rectification works being taken/carried out;
(g) Plans, site photos, test reports and documents relevant to the
non-conformity or incident (if available).

Appendix I

Standard Form of Supervision Plan



Confirmation of Appointment and

Contact Information of TCPs

- 90 -
Page 1 of 7
(Chapter 123)
Section 39A
Supervision Plan

To the Building Authority,

In accordance with the Technical Memorandum for Supervision Plans (Technical
Memorandum) issued under section 39A of the Buildings Ordinance, we submit this supervision
plan for the works
at the site located at (address of site)

on (Lot No.) ______________________________.

2. We have signed under Part I, II, III and IV respectively of this supervision plan. Our
signatures indicate our undertaking that the supervision at this site will be carried out in accordance
with this supervision plan, the Technical Memorandum and the Code of Practice for Site Supervision
(Code). We also undertake that the management and execution of both site safety and quality
supervision of the works covered by this supervision plan will be carried out in the manner prescribed
by the provisions of the Buildings Ordinance and Regulations.

Part I - Supervision plan of the authorized person (AP)

3. The works covered by this supervision plan are :

Type of building works or street Date of Approval Cost/Area/Quantity Scale Factor


4. Details of adjustment/combination of supervision resources (Form C) are attached at

Appendix 1A.*

5. The Technically Competent Persons (TCPs) for site supervision under the AP’s stream
required under the Code for the type of works identified are :

- 91 -
Page 2 of 7
I.D. No.^/Passport Expiry Date of AP Frequency
Name in Name in No.^/AP Registration~/TCP Level of
English^ Chinese^ Registration Validity Period~ Site
No.**/ TCP No.** (if applicable) Inspection

The CVs showing their relevant experience and academic qualifications are attached at Appendix 1B. If
more than one supervisor is proposed for a TCP post, the demarcation of their responsibility should be

^ In accordance with the Hong Kong Identity Card record / Passport record
** CV is not required if AP Registration No./TCP No. is provided
In accordance with the registration / inclusion record

6. The TCPs for site supervision under the AP’s stream during critical stages of the works
are :
Name#^ Expiry Date of AP
Critical Stages of Grade of Inspection
(I.D. No.^ / Passport No. ^ Registration~/ TCP
Works TCP Frequency
/AP Registration No.** Validity Period~
/TCP No.**) (if applicable)

# CV showing relevant qualifications and experience need to be included in Appendix 1B if the TCP is
different from those listed in paragraph 5 above
^ In accordance with the Hong Kong Identity Card record / Passport record
** CV is not required if AP Registration No./TCP No. is provided
In accordance with the registration / inclusion record

7. I (name in full) ______________________________ (Chinese) ________________, AP,

certify that Part I (paragraphs 3 to 6) of this supervision plan is prepared by me and complied with
the Technical Memorandum, the Code and the requirements of the Buildings Ordinance and
Regulations. I have also read and hereby confirm paragraphs 1 and 2 in the Preamble of this
supervision plan. Confirmation for appointment and contact information of TCPs (Annex) is
submitted with this supervision plan/shall be submitted within 7 days from the date of
commencement of works as indicated in the Form BA10 or notice of commencement of minor
Date ________________________ ___________________________
Any false certification or declaration may
be subject to legal action
Certificate of Registration No. : ____________________________
Date of expiry of registration : ____________________________

- 92 -
Page 3 of 7

Part II - Supervision plan of the registered structural engineer (RSE)

8. In accordance with the type of works specified in Part I of this supervision plan, details of
adjustment/combination of supervision resources (Form C) are attached at Appendix 2A.*

9. The TCPs for site supervision under the RSE’s stream required for the specified type of
works are :

I.D. No.^/ Expiry Date of Frequency

Name in Name in Passport No. ^ / RSE Registration / Level of
English^ Chinese^ RSE Registration TCP Validity Site
No.**/ Period Inspection
TCP No.** (if applicable)

The CVs showing their relevant experience and academic qualifications are attached at Appendix 2B. If
more than one supervisor is proposed for a TCP post, the demarcation of their responsibility should be

^ In accordance with the Hong Kong Identity Card record / Passport record
** CV is not required if RSE Registration No./TCP No. is provided
In accordance with the registration / inclusion record

10. The TCPs for site supervision under the RSE’s stream during critical stages of the works
are :

Name#^ Expiry Date of RSE

Critical Stages of Grade of Inspection
Works TCP (I.D. No.^ / Passport No. ^ / Registration~/ TCP Frequency
RSE Registration No.** Validity Period~
/TCP No.**) (if applicable)

# CV showing relevant qualifications and experience need to be included in Appendix 2B if the TCP is
different from those listed in paragraph 9 above
^ In accordance with the Hong Kong Identity Card record / Passport record
** CV is not required if RSE Registration No./TCP No. is provided
In accordance with the registration / inclusion record

- 93 -
Page 4 of 7

11. I (name in full) ______________________________ (Chinese) ________________, RSE,

certify that Part II (paragraphs 8 to 10) of this supervision plan is prepared by me and complied with
the Technical Memorandum, the Code and the requirements of the Buildings Ordinance and
Regulations. I have also read and hereby confirm paragraphs 1 and 2 in the Preamble of this
supervision plan. Confirmation for appointment and contact information of TCPs (Annex) is
submitted with this supervision plan/shall be submitted within 7 days from the date of
commencement of works as indicated in the Form BA10 or notice of commencement of minor

Date ________________________ ________________________

Any false certification or declaration may
be subject to legal action
Certificate of Registration No. : ____________________________
Date of expiry of registration : ____________________________

Part III - Supervision plan of the registered geotechnical engineer (RGE)

12. In accordance with the type of works specified in Part I of this supervision plan, details of
adjustment/combination of supervision resources (Form C) are attached at Appendix 3A.*

13. The TCPs for site supervision under the RGE’s stream required for the specified type of
works are :

I.D. No.^/ Expiry Date of Frequency

Name in Name in Passport No.^/ RGE Level of
English^ Chinese^ RGE Registration Registration~/TCP Site
No.**/ Validity Period~ Inspection
TCP No.** (if applicable)

The CVs showing their relevant experience and academic qualifications are attached at Appendix 3B. For
DSS, a CV must be submitted. If more than one supervisor is proposed for a TCP post, the demarcation of
their responsibility should be provided.
^ In accordance with the Hong Kong Identity Card record/ Passport record
** CV is not required if RGE Registration No./TCP No. is provided
In accordance with the registration / inclusion record

- 94 -
Page 5 of 7

14. The TCPs for site supervision under the RGE’s stream during critical stages of the works
are :

Name#^ Expiry Date of RGE Inspection

Critical Stages of Grade of
Works TCP (I.D. No.^/ Passport No. ^ / Registration~/ TCP Frequency
RGE Registration No.**/ Validity Period~
TCP No.**) (if applicable)

# CV showing relevant qualifications and experience need to be included in Appendix 3B if the TCP is
different from those listed in paragraph 13 above
^ In accordance with the Hong Kong Identity Card record/ Passport record
** CV is not required if RGE Registration No./TCP No. is provided
In accordance with the registration / inclusion record

15. I (name in full) ______________________________ (Chinese) ________________, RGE,

certify that Part III (paragraphs 12 to 14) of this supervision plan is prepared by me and complied
with the Technical Memorandum, the Code and the requirements of the Buildings Ordinance and
Regulations. I have also read and hereby confirm paragraphs 1 and 2 in the Preamble of this
supervision plan. Confirmation for appointment and contact information of TCPs (Annex) is
submitted with this supervision plan/shall be submitted within 7 days from the date of
commencement of works as indicated in the Form BA10 or notice of commencement of minor

Date ________________________ ________________________

Any false certification or declaration may
be subject to legal action

Certificate of Registration No. : ____________________________

Date of expiry of registration : ____________________________

- 95 -
Page 6 of 7
Part IV - Supervision plan of registered contractor (RC)

16. In accordance with the type of works specified in Part I of this supervision plan, details of
adjustment/combination of supervision resources (Form C) are attached at Appendix 4A.*

17. The TCPs for site supervision under the RC's stream required for the specified type of
works are :

Expiry Date of Frequency

Name in Name in I.D. No.^/
TCP Validity Level of Site
English^ Chinese^ Passport No. ^ /
Period~ Inspection
TCP No.**
(if applicable)

CP (Logging)*
The CVs showing their relevant experience and academic qualifications are attached at Appendix 4B. If
more than one supervisor is proposed for a TCP post, the demarcation of their responsibility should be

^ In accordance with the Hong Kong Identity Card record / Passport record
** CV is not required if TCP No. is provided
In accordance with the registration / inclusion record

18. The TCPs for site supervision under the RC’s stream during critical stages of the works
are :

Name#^ Expiry Date of TCP Inspection

Critical Stages of Grade of
Works TCP (I.D. No.^ / Passport No. ^ / Validity Period~ Frequency
TCP No.**) (if applicable)

# CV showing relevant qualifications and experience need to be included in Appendix 4B if the TCP is
different from those listed in paragraph 17 above
^ In accordance with the Hong Kong Identity Card record/ Passport record
** CV is not required if TCP No. is provided
In accordance with the registration / inclusion record

- 96 -
Page 7 of 7
19. I (name in full) __________________________________ (Chinese) ________________,
the person appointed to act for the registered general building contractor (RGBC)/registered
specialist contractor (RSC) in the _____________________________ category/registered minor
works contractor (RMWC)*, certify that Part IV (paragraphs 16 to 18) of this supervision plan is
prepared by me and complied with the Technical Memorandum, the Code and the requirements of
the Buildings Ordinance and Regulations. I have also read and hereby confirm paragraphs 1 and 2
in the Preamble of this supervision plan. Confirmation for appointment and contact information of
TCPs (Annex) is submitted with this supervision plan/shall be submitted within 7 days from the date
of commencement of works as indicated in the Form BA10 or notice of commencement of minor

Date ________________________ ________________________

Any false certification or declaration may
be subject to legal action

Name of RGBC/RSC/RMWC* :
Certificate of Registration No. :
Date of expiry of registration :

Enclosures: Appendix 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A and 4B*
Annex to supervision plan*
* Delete if not applicable

Personal Data
Purposes of Collection
1. The personal data provided by means of this supervision plan will be used by the Buildings Department
for the following purposes:
(a) activities relating to the processing of your submission in this supervision plan;
(b) activities relating to the above proposed building works; and
(c) facilitating communication between the Buildings Department and yourself.
2. It is obligatory for you to provide the information as required in the supervision plan. If you fail to
provide the required data, delay may be caused in processing of your submission or even result in rejection
of the application.
Classes of Transferees
3. The personal data you provided by means of this supervision plan may be disclosed to other government
departments, bureaux, organisations or any persons for the purposes mentioned in paragraph 1 above.
Access to Personal Data
4. You have the right of access and correction with respect to the personal data as provided under the Personal
Data (Privacy) Ordinance. The Buildings Department has the right to charge a reasonable fee for the
processing of any data access request. Request for personal data access and correction should be
addressed to the Site Monitoring Section of the Buildings Department.

- 97 -
Annex to supervision plan
(page 1 of 2)
Confirmation of appointment of TCPs under AP/RSE/RGE/RC stream*
(submitted by the heads of respective streams to the BA with the supervision plan or within 7 days from the date of commencement of works as indicated
in the Form BA10/notice of commencement of minor works*)
BD Ref. Project
Type of Works Date of Commencement of Works

Name in English/Chinese1 Head & Grade of TCP Frequency Level of Inspection1 Signature by Representative/TCP2,3,4

The heads of respective streams should ensure that the name of the TCP and the frequency level of inspection are the same as that shown on the supervision plan
submitted to the BA. TCP for critical stage, if any, should be included. If there is a change of TCP in future, the heads of respective streams shall submit the
revised supervision plan, with new TCP’s confirmation, to the BA within 7 days as per section 8.3 of the Technical Memorandum.
Signature of TCP in this confirmation indicates the TCP’s acknowledgement of appointment and availability for the job, and he is not overloaded with engagement
in other construction sites. If there is any change subsequently, he should notify his head of stream and the BA. For those TCPs without AP/RSE/RGE
Registration No. or TCP No., please provide contact information on page 2 of this Annex to facilitate communication between BD and TCPs.
Signature of TCP in this confirmation indicates that the TCP has read, understood and agreed with the notes for “Personal Data” attached to this Annex.
Signature of TCP in this confirmation indicates the TCP’s acknowledgement of all information given in the CV submitted with this supervision plan being true,
complete and accurate.

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

Date Name** of AP/RSE/RGE/AS* Signature
* Delete if inappropriate Any false certification or declaration may be
** In accordance with the registration record subject to legal action

- 98 -
Annex to supervision plan
(page 2 of 2)
Contact information of those TCPs without AP/RSE/RGE Registration No. or TCP No.
Functional stream: AP / RSE / RGE / RC*
Signature by Representative/TCP
Telephone (Please tick the box below to indicate your
Name^ in English/Chinese Grade of TCP Email Address
Number consent to be given for the purpose stated
in Note 5 on “Personal Data” below)
Representative □
TCP – T □
TCP – T □
TCP – T □
TCP – T □
Personal Data
Purposes of Collection
1. The personal data provided by means of this Annex will be used by the Buildings Department for the following purposes:
(a) activities relating to the processing of your submission in this Annex;
(b) activities relating to the above proposed building works; and
(c) facilitating communication between the Buildings Department and the TCPs.
2. It is obligatory for you to provide the information as required in the Annex. If you fail to provide the required data, delay may be caused in processing of your submission or even
result in rejection of the application.
Classes of Transferees
3. The personal data you provided by means of this Annex may be disclosed to other government departments, bureaux, organisations or any persons for the purposes mentioned in
paragraph 1 above.
Access to Personal Data
4. You have the right of access and correction with respect to the personal data as provided under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. The Buildings Department has the right to
charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access request. Request for personal data access and correction should be addressed to the Site Monitoring Section of the
Buildings Department.
Use of Personal Data by Construction Industry Council (CIC)
5. Subject to your consent as so indicated by ticking the checkbox “”above, your personal data provided in the table and your CV submitted with this supervision plan may be
transferred to CIC for use on activities relating to registration and continuous technical development of TCPs under the “Technically Competent Persons Registration Scheme”.

* Delete if inappropriate
^ In accordance with the Hong Kong Identity Card record/Passport record

- 99 -
Appendix II

Form A

Record of Specific Tasks Performed by TCP

- 100 -
Code of Practice for Site Supervision
Form A
Record of Specific Tasks Performed by
TCP under AP / RSE / RGE / RC* Stream

BD Ref.
Building Project
Type of Works
Name of TCP 1
Grade of TCP ___________________ Frequency of Inspection

DD/MM/YY (Mon) (Tue) (Wed) (Thu) (Fri) (Sat) (Sun)


S - Satisfactory2
NS - Not satisfactory (It should be recorded in the site supervision report and, where applicable,
Form B 3)
* Delete if inappropriate
# Descriptions of the items listed are attached in separate sheet(s)
Full name of the TCP as provided in the supervision plan.
If a non-conformity is very minor in nature and has been rectified to the satisfaction of the TCP at the same inspection, it
would be recorded as “satisfactory”.
Completion of Form B is Required for a non-conformity that (a) has material concern for safety; or (b) does not have
material concern for safety but the works item/rectification works cannot be verified due to the areas have been covered up
during inspection or re-inspection.

- 101 -
Appendix III

Form B

Non-conformity and

Rectification Reports

- 102 -
Code of Practice for Site Supervision
Form B

Non-Conformity and Rectification Reports


Site Address :

Record of Non-Conformity

Date discovered :

Details :

Signature :
Name of TCP 1 :
Grade & Stream :
Date :

Record of Rectification Works
Instruction for rectification given to : _________________________________(name1)
(Stream : ______, Grade of TCP ______) on _________________(date).
Details of Instruction : __________________________________________________
Rectification works certified completion on ______________________(date).

Signature :
Name of AP/RSE/RGE* :
Date :

c.c. Building Authority

* Delete if inapplicable

1 Full name of the TCP as provided in the supervision plan.

- 103 -
Appendix IV

Form C

Calculation Sheet for Combination of TCPs

- 104 -
Code of Practice for Site Supervision
Form C

Calculation sheet for combination of TCPs for one or more types of buildings works or street works under a supervision plan
prepared by AP/RSE/RGE/AS *
Building Works / Street Works Supervision Input Before Combination Combined Supervision Input
(1) (2) ( 3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10 ) ( 11)
Types of Scale Factor TCP Frequency Level Notional Adjusted TCP TCP Post Summation of No. of Required
Building Works / (S) Grade of Site Inspection Supervision Input Supervision Input Grades under with Combined Supervision Input Combined TCP Frequency Level of
Street Works (man-day/month) (2) x (5) Combination Duties under the Site Supervision
to be Combined (man-day/month) Combined TCP

Note: 1. Delete if inapplicable as marked *.

2. All types of building works or street works covered by the supervision plan should be listed under column (1). They should be grouped in such a way that any
portion of works under one group will not be carried out concurrently with any works under other groups.

- 105 -
Appendix V

Samples of

Calculation Sheet for Combination of TCPs

- 106 -
Sample 1
Code of Practice for Site Supervision
Form C

Calculation sheet for combination of TCPs for one or more types of buildings works or street works under a supervision plan
prepared by AP/RSE/RGE/AS * (where AP also acts as T4)
Building Works / Street Works Supervision Input Before Combination Combined Supervision Input
(1) (2) ( 3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10 ) ( 11)
Types of Scale Factor TCP Frequency Level Notional Adjusted TCP TCP Post Summation of No. of Required
Building Works / (S) Grade of Site Inspection Supervision Input Supervision Input Grades under with Combined Supervision Input Combined TCP Frequency Level of
Street Works (man-day/month) (2) x (5) Combination Duties under the Site Supervision
to be Combined (man-day/month) Combined TCP
(Concurrent works)
Spread Footings 0.5 T3 4 4 2 T3 T3 3.6 1 4
T4 2 1 0.5
AP 1 0.5 0.25 T4 T4 &AP 1.35 1 3

E&LS 0.4 T3 4 4 1.6

(with significant T4 2 1 0.4
geotechnical AP 1 0.5 0.2

Note: 1. Delete if inapplicable as marked *.

2. All types of building works or street works covered by the supervision plan should be listed under column (1). They should be grouped in such a way that any
portion of works under one group will not be carried out concurrently with any works under other groups.

- 107 -
Sample 2
Code of Practice for Site Supervision
Form C

Calculation sheet for combination of TCPs for one or more types of buildings works or street works under a supervision plan
prepared by AP/RSE/RGE/AS *
Building Works / Street Works Supervision Input Before Combination Combined Supervision Input
(1) (2) ( 3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10 ) ( 11)
Types of Scale Factor TCP Frequency Level Notional Adjusted TCP Grades TCP Post Summation of No. of Required
Building Works / (S) Grade of Site Inspection Supervision Input Supervision Input under with Combined Supervision Input Combined TCP Frequency Level of
Street Works (man-day/month) (2) x (5) Combination Duties under the Site Supervision
to be Combined (man-day/month) Combined TCP
(Concurrent works)
Spread Footings 0.5 T3 5 25 12.5 T3 T3 14.1 1 5
T5 4 4 2
T5 T5 2.8 1 4

E&LS 0.4 T3 4 4 1.6

(with significant T5 3 2 0.8

Note: 1. Delete if inapplicable as marked *.

2. All types of building works or street works covered by the supervision plan should be listed under column (1). They should be grouped in such a way that any
portion of works under one group will not be carried out concurrently with any works under other groups.

- 108 -
Sample 3
Code of Practice for Site Supervision
Form C

Calculation sheet for combination of TCPs for one or more types of buildings works or street works under a supervision plan
prepared by AP/RSE/RGE/AS *
Building Works / Street Works Supervision Input Before Combination Combined Supervision Input
(1) (2) ( 3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10 ) ( 11)
Types of Scale Factor TCP Frequency Level Notional Adjusted TCP Grades TCP Post Summation of No. of Required
Building Works / (S) Grade of Site Inspection Supervision Input Supervision Input under with Combined Supervision Input Combined TCP Frequency Level of
Street Works (man-day/month) (2) x (5) Combination Duties under the Site Supervision
to be Combined (man-day/month) Combined TCP
(Concurrent works)
Spread Footings 0.5 T1 5 25 12.5 T1 T1 22.5 1 5
T2 5 25 12.5
T4 4 4 2 T2 T2 14.1 1 5

T4 T4 3.6 1 4
E&LS 0.4 T1 5 25 10
(with significant T2 4 4 1.6
geotechnical T4 4 4 1.6

Note: 1. Delete if inapplicable as marked *.

2. All types of building works or street works covered by the supervision plan should be listed under column (1). They should be grouped in such a way that any
portion of works under one group will not be carried out concurrently with any works under other groups.

- 109 -
Sample 4
Code of Practice for Site Supervision
Form C

Calculation sheet for combination of TCPs for one or more types of buildings works or street works under a supervision plan
prepared by AP/RSE/RGE/AS *
Building Works / Street Works Supervision Input Before Combination Combined Supervision Input
(1) (2) ( 3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10 ) ( 11)
Types of Scale Factor TCP Frequency Level Notional Adjusted TCP Grades TCP Post Summation of No. of Required
Building Works / (S) Grade of Site Inspection Supervision Input Supervision Input under with Combined Supervision Input Combined TCP Frequency Level of
Street Works (man-day/month) (2) x (5) Combination Duties under the Site Supervision
to be Combined (man-day/month) Combined TCP
(Concurrent works)
Spread Footings 1.0 T3 4 4 4 T3 T3 8 1 4.1
T4 2 1 1
T4 T4 2 1 3

E&LS 1.0 T3 4 4 4
(with significant T4 2 1 1

Note: 1. Delete if inapplicable as marked *.

2. All types of building works or street works covered by the supervision plan should be listed under column (1). They should be grouped in such a way that any
portion of works under one group will not be carried out concurrently with any works under other groups.

- 110 -
Sample 5
Code of Practice for Site Supervision
Form C

Calculation sheet for combination of TCPs for one or more types of buildings works or street works under a supervision plan
prepared by AP/RSE/RGE/AS *
Building Works / Street Works Supervision Input Before Combination Combined Supervision Input
(1) (2) ( 3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10 ) ( 11)
Types of Scale Factor TCP Frequency Level Notional Adjusted TCP Grades TCP Post Summation of No. of Required
Building Works / (S) Grade of Site Inspection Supervision Input Supervision Input under with Combined Supervision Input Combined TCP Frequency Level of
Street Works (man-day/month) (2) x (5) Combination Duties under the Site Supervision
to be Combined (man-day/month) Combined TCP
(Concurrent works)
Spread Footings 1.0 T1 5 25 25 T1 T1 50 2 5
T2 5 25 25
T4 4 4 4 T2 T2 25 1 5

T2 T4 12 1 4.2
E&LS 1.0 T1 5 25 25 T4
(with significant T2 4 4 4
geotechnical T4 4 4 4

Note: 1. Delete if inapplicable as marked *.

2. All types of building works or street works covered by the supervision plan should be listed under column (1). They should be grouped in such a way that any
portion of works under one group will not be carried out concurrently with any works under other groups

- 111 -
Sample 6
Code of Practice for Site Supervision
Form C

Calculation sheet for combination of TCPs for one or more types of buildings works or street works under a supervision plan
prepared by AP/RSE/RGE/AS *
Building Works / Street Works Supervision Input Before Combination Combined Supervision Input
(1) (2) ( 3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10 ) ( 11)
Types of Scale Factor TCP Frequency Level Notional Adjusted TCP Grades TCP Post Summation of No. of Required
Building Works / (S) Grade of Site Inspection Supervision Input Supervision Input under with Combined Supervision Input Combined TCP Frequency Level of
Street Works (man-day/month) (2) x (5) Combination Duties under the Site Supervision
to be Combined (man-day/month) Combined TCP
Class I Minor
Item 1.1 0.2 T1 5 25 5 T1 T3 5.8 1 5
Erection of an T3 4 4 0.8 T3
internal staircase

Note: 1. Delete if inapplicable as marked *.

2. All types of building works or street works covered by the supervision plan should be listed under column (1). They should be grouped in such a way that any
portion of works under one group will not be carried out concurrently with any works under other groups.

- 112 -
Appendix VI

Samples of
Checklist and Record of Specific Tasks
Performed by TCP
Sample 1 Checklist and Record of Specific Tasks Performed by
TCP T4 under AP stream

P.1 Typical Items Checklist

P.2 Form A

Sample 2 Checklist and Record of Specific Tasks Performed by

TCP T5 under RSE stream

P.1 Typical Items Checklist

P.2 Form A

Sample 3 Checklist and Record of Specific Tasks Performed by

TCP T3 under RGE stream

P.1 Typical Items Checklist

P.2 Form A

Sample 4 Checklist and Record of Specific Tasks Performed by

TCP T1 under RC stream

P.1 Typical Items Checklist

P.2 Form A

Sample 5 Checklist and Record of Specific Tasks Performed by

TCP T5 under RSE stream

P.1 Typical Items Checklist

P.2 Form A

Sample 6 Checklist and Record of Specific Tasks Performed by

TCP T3 under RSE stream

P.1 Typical Items Checklist

P.2 Form A

Sample 7 Checklist and Record of Specific Tasks Performed by

TCP T1 under RC stream

P.1 Typical Items Checklist

P.2 Form A

Sample 8 Checklist and Record of Specific Tasks Performed by

TCP T4 under RC stream

P.1 Typical Items Checklist

P.2 Form A

- 113 -
Sample 1
P.1 of Sample 1

BD Ref. SM/0000/11
Building Project ABC Centre
Type of Works Excavation & Lateral Support Works

Typical Items for the Checklist of Specific Tasks for AP’s TCP T4

Item Description
A4 Check that monitoring checkpoints are installed and readings are taken in time.

A5 Register reports of non-conformity and site incident, verify non-conformity

and site incident and instruct rectification works, notify all relevant parties in
respect of non-conformity and site incident and monitor that rectification
measures are properly carried out.

A6 Report to the AP if the non-conformity is considered to pose an imminent

danger, to be a significant risk or a source of danger or the RC does not comply
with rectification instructions, or if the site incident is considered as a
major/serious site incident relating to safety and/or quality of works.

A7 Check that all lower grade TCPs and RC’s TCPs are making inspections no
less than the required frequency and carrying out duties in accordance with the
Technical Memorandum and the Code.

A8 Check and satisfy that a copy of approved plans, method statements,

precautionary and protective measures proposals and all related drawings is
kept on site; and that they are followed.

A10 Check and monitor that lateral supports are installed in accordance with
approved/agreed working sequence and not to be removed in advance of
adequate propping or restraint.

An Any other items considered essential by the AP, including those for quality
supervision and other conditions imposed by the BA at approval and/or
consent stage.

- 114 -
Sample 1
P.2 of Sample 1
Form A
Record of Specific Tasks Performed by
TCP under AP / RSE / RGE / RC* stream

BD Ref. SM/0000/11
Building Project ABC Centre
Type of Works Excavation & Lateral Support Works
Name of TCP 1 Mr Chan Tai-man
Grade of TCP T4 Frequency of Inspection monthly

Date 17/1/00 17/2/00 17/3/00 17/4/00

DD/MM/YY (Mon) (Thu) (Fri) (Mon)
A4 S S

A5 S S

A6 S S

A7 S S

A8 S S

A10 S S

An S S


S - Satisfactory 2
NS - Not satisfactory (It should be recorded in the site supervision report and,
where applicable, Form B 3)

* Delete if inappropriate
# Descriptions of the items listed are attached in separate sheet(s)

Full name of the TCP as provided in the supervision plan.
If a non-conformity is very minor in nature and has been rectified to the satisfaction of the TCP at the
same inspection, it would be recorded as “satisfactory”.
Completion of Form B is Required for a non-conformity that (a) has material concern for safety; or
(b) does not have material concern for safety but the works item/rectification works cannot be verified
due to the areas have been covered up during inspection or re-inspection.
- 115 -
Sample 2
P.1 of Sample 2

BD Ref. SM/0000/11
Building Project ABC Centre
Type of Works Excavation & Lateral Support Works

Typical Items for the Checklist of Specific Tasks for RSE’s TCP T5

Item Description
E5 Check that all lower grade TCPs and RC’s TCPs are making inspections no
less than the required frequency and carrying out duties in accordance with the
Technical Memorandum and the Code.

E6 Check and satisfy that a copy of approved plans, method statements,

precautionary and protective measures proposals and all related drawings is
kept on site; and that they are followed.

E8 Check that there is no over-excavation and temporary cut slopes will not cause
any instability to adjoining ground/structures/buildings.

E10 Check and monitor that lateral supports are installed in accordance with
approved/agreed working sequence and not to be removed in advance of
adequate propping or restraint.

E12 Check that there is no risk of artesian conditions for excavation and lateral
support works.

E13 Check that stability and integrity of nearby buildings and ground are not
adversely affected.

E14 Check that the groundwater table is consistent with design of excavation and
lateral support works.

E15 Check that preloading of struts is properly carried out.

En Any other items considered essential by the RSE, including those for quality
supervision and other conditions imposed by the BA at approval and/or
consent stage.

- 116 -
Sample 2
P.2 of Sample 2
Form A
Record of Specific Tasks Performed by
TCP under AP / RSE / RGE / RC* stream

BD Ref. SM/0000/11
Building Project ABC Centre
Type of Works Excavation & Lateral Support Works
Name of TCP 1 Mr Lee Tai-man
Grade of TCP T5 Frequency of Inspection fortnightly

Date 17/1/00 31/1/00 14/2/00 28/2/00 13/3/00 27/3/00 10/4/00

DD/MM/YY (Mon) (Mon) (Mon) (Mon) (Mon) (Mon) (Mon)
E5 S S
E6 S S
E8 S S
E10 S S
E12 S S
E13 S S
E14 S S
E15 S S
En S S


S - Satisfactory 2
NS - Not satisfactory (It should be recorded in the site supervision report and,
where applicable, Form B 3)

* Delete if inappropriate
# Descriptions of the items listed are attached in separate sheet(s)

Full name of the TCP as provided in the supervision plan.
If a non-conformity is very minor in nature and has been rectified to the satisfaction of the TCP at the
same inspection, it would be recorded as “satisfactory”.
Completion of Form B is Required for a non-conformity that (a) has material concern for safety; or
(b) does not have material concern for safety but the works item/rectification works cannot be verified
due to the areas have been covered up during inspection or re-inspection.
- 117 -
Sample 3
P.1 of Sample 3

BD Ref. SM/0000/11
Building Project ABC Centre
Type of Works Excavation & Lateral Support Works

Typical Items for the Checklist of Specific Tasks for RGE’s TCP T3

Item Description
G1 Establish system for communicating with other TCPs.

G2 Check that all monitoring checkpoints are installed and readings are being
taken in time.

G3 Verify non-conformity and site incident, and instruct rectification works

immediately. Notify all relevant parties in respect of the non-conformity and
site incident and monitor that rectification measures are properly carried out.

G4 Report to the RGE immediately if the non-conformity is considered to pose an

imminent danger, to be a significant risk or a source of danger or the RC does
not comply with rectification instructions, or if the site incident is considered
as a major/serious site incident relating to safety and/or quality of works.

G5 Check that all lower grade TCPs and RC’s TCPs are making inspections no
less than the required frequency and carrying out duties in accordance with the
Technical Memorandum and the Code.

G6 Check and satisfy that a copy of approved plans, method statements,

precautionary and protective measures proposals and all related drawings and
geotechnical documentation is kept on site; and that they are followed.

Gn Any other items considered essential by the RGE, including those for quality
supervision and other conditions imposed by the BA at approval and/or
consent stage.

- 118 -
Sample 3
P.2 of Sample 3
Form A
Record of Specific Tasks Performed by
TCP under AP / RSE / RGE / RC* stream

BD Ref. SM/0000/11
Building Project ABC Centre
Type of Works Excavation &Lateral Support Works
Name of TCP 1 Mr Leung Tai-man
Grade of TCP T3 Frequency of Inspection full time

Date 17/1/00 18/1/00 19/1/00 20/1/00

DD/MM/YY (Mon) (Tue) (Wed) (Thu)
G1 S S
G2 S S
G3 S S
G4 S S
G5 S S
G6 S S
Gn S S


S - Satisfactory 2
NS - Not satisfactory (It should be recorded in the site supervision report and,
where applicable, Form B 3)

* Delete if inappropriate
# Descriptions of the items listed are attached in separate sheet(s)

Full name of the TCP as provided in the supervision plan.
If a non-conformity is very minor in nature and has been rectified to the satisfaction of the TCP at the
same inspection, it would be recorded as “satisfactory”.
Completion of Form B is Required for a non-conformity that (a) has material concern for safety; or
(b) does not have material concern for safety but the works item/rectification works cannot be verified
due to the areas have been covered up during inspection or re-inspection.
- 119 -
Sample 4
P.1 of Sample 4

BD Ref. SM/0000/11
Building Project ABC Centre
Type of Works Excavation & Lateral Support Works

Typical Items for the Checklist of Specific Tasks for RC’s TCP T1

Item Description
C1 Establish system for communicating with other TCPs.

C2 Check that the erection of hoarding, covered walkway and catch platform has
been erected to ensure public safety in accordance with the hoarding plan
accepted by the BA.

C3 Check and ensure that there are arrangements for access and egress of vehicles
which are satisfactory and do not endanger the public or other road users.

C8 Check and ensure that all monitoring checkpoints and other geotechnical
instrumentation have been installed and are regularly monitored; the results are
kept on site; and that abnormal readings are reported to AP/RSE/RGE and the

C9 Check that all monitoring checkpoints are installed and the readings are taken
in time.

C10 Check that loose materials, boulders, construction plants or temporary

stockpiles of materials are not present at the crest or intermediate benches of

C13 Check and satisfy that a copy of approved plans, method statements,
precautionary and protective measures proposals and all related drawings is
kept on site; and that they are followed.

C19 Check that procedures for the excavation and lateral support works are carried
out in accordance with the approved/submitted plans/agreed working

Cn Any other items considered essential by the AS, including those for quality
supervision and other conditions imposed by the BA at approval and/or
consent stage.

- 120 -
Sample 4

P.2 of Sample 4
Form A
Record of Specific Tasks Performed by
TCP under AP / RSE / RGE / RC* stream

BD Ref. SM/0000/11
Building Project ABC Centre
Type of Works Excavation & Lateral Support Works
Name of TCP 1 Mr Lo Tai-man
Grade of TCP T1 Frequency of Inspection full time

Date 17/1/00 18/1/00 19/1/00 20/1/00 21/1/00 22/1/00 23/1/00

DD/MM/YY (Mon) (Tue) (Wed) (Thu) (Fri) (Sat) (Sun)

C1 S S S S S S S

C2 S S S S S S S

C3 S S S S S S S

C8 S S S S S S S

C9 S S S S S S S

C10 S S S S S S S

C13 S S S S S S S

C19 S S S S S S S

Cn S S S S S S S


S - Satisfactory 2
NS - Not satisfactory (It should be recorded in the site supervision report and,
where applicable, Form B 3)
* Delete if inappropriate
# Descriptions of the items listed are attached in separate sheet(s)

Full name of the TCP as provided in the supervision plan.
If a non-conformity is very minor in nature and has been rectified to the satisfaction of the TCP at the
same inspection, it would be recorded as “satisfactory”.
Completion of Form B is Required for a non-conformity that (a) has material concern for safety; or
(b) does not have material concern for safety but the works item/rectification works cannot be verified
due to the areas have been covered up during inspection or re-inspection.
- 121 -
Sample 5
P.1 of Sample 5

BD Ref. SM/0000/11
Building Project ABC Centre
Type of Works Driven Steel H-Pile Works

Typical Items for the Checklist of Specific Tasks for RSE’s TCP T5

Item Description
E5 Check that all lower grade TCPs and RC’s TCPs are making inspections no
less than the required frequency and carrying out duties in accordance with the
Technical Memorandum and the Code.

E6 Check and satisfy that a copy of approved plans, method statements,

precautionary and protective measures proposals and all related drawings is
kept on site; and that they are followed.

E13 Check that stability and integrity of nearby buildings and ground are not
adversely affected.

En Any other items considered essential by the RSE, including those for quality
supervision and other conditions imposed by the BA at approval and/or
consent stage.

F1 Check that the locations of piles agree with approved plan.

F2 Check that design assumptions agreed with actual site conditions during
driving tests.

F3 Check that the accepted working procedures of pile driving are followed and
anomalies rectified during pile driving.

F4 Check the accuracy of design details during pile splicing.

F5 Check that the required final set has been achieved and the capacity of each
pile complied with approved plans.

F6 Check that the testing procedures and acceptance criteria of proof tests are in
accordance with PNAP APP-18 and measurements are properly recorded
during the test.

- 122 -
Sample 5
P.2 of Sample 5
Form A
Record of Specific Tasks Performed by
TCP under AP / RSE / RGE / RC* stream

BD Ref. SM/0000/11
Building Project ABC Centre
Type of Works Driven Steel H-Pile Works
Name of TCP 1 Mr Lee Tai-man
Grade of TCP T5 Frequency of Inspection weekly

Date 5/6/02 12/6/02 19/6/02 26/6/02 3/7/02 10/7/02 17/7/02

DD/MM/YY (Wed) (Wed) (Wed) (Wed) (Wed) (Wed) (Wed)
E5 S S
E6 S S
E13 S S
En S S
F1 S S
F2 S ---
F3 S S
F4 S S
F5 S
F6 --- ---


S - Satisfactory 2
NS - Not satisfactory (It should be recorded in the site supervision report and,
where applicable, Form B 3)
* Delete if inappropriate
# Descriptions of the items listed are attached in separate sheet(s)

Full name of the TCP as provided in the supervision plan.
If a non-conformity is very minor in nature and has been rectified to the satisfaction of the TCP at the
same inspection, it would be recorded as “satisfactory”.
Completion of Form B is Required for a non-conformity that (a) has material concern for safety; or
(b) does not have material concern for safety but the works item/rectification works cannot be verified
due to the areas have been covered up during inspection or re-inspection.
- 123 -
Sample 6
P.1 of Sample 6

Building Project XYZ Centre
Type of Works Class I Minor Works – Item 1.1 (Erection of Internal Staircase)

Typical Items for the Checklist of Specific Tasks for RSE’s TCP T3

Item Description
E1 Establish system for communicating with other TCPs.

E3 Verify non-conformity and site incident, and instruct rectification works.

Notify all relevant parties in respect of the non-conformity and site incident
and monitor that rectification measures are properly carried out.

E4 Report to the RSE if the non-conformity is considered to pose an imminent

danger, to be a significant risk or a source of danger or the RC does not comply
with rectification instructions, or if the site incident is considered as a
major/serious site incident relating to safety and/or quality of works.

E5 Check that all RC’s TCPs are making inspections no less than the required
frequency and carrying out duties in accordance with the Technical
Memorandum and the Code.

E6 Check and satisfy that a copy of submitted plans for minor works, method
statements, precautionary and protective measures proposals and all related
drawings is kept on site; and that they are followed.

En Any other items considered essential by the RSE.

- 124 -
Sample 6
P.2 of Sample 6
Form A
Record of Specific Tasks Performed by
TCP under AP / RSE / RGE / RC* stream

Building Project XYZ Centre
Type of Works Class I Minor Works – Item 1.1 (Erection of Internal Staircase)
Name of TCP 1 Mr Chan Tai-man
Grade of TCP T3 Frequency of Inspection weekly

Date 7/6/10 14/6/10 21/6/10 28/6/10 5/7/10 12/7/10 19/7/10

DD/MM/YY (Mon) (Mon) (Mon) (Mon) (Mon) (Mon) (Mon)
E1 S S S S S S

E3 S S S S S S

E4 S S S S S S

E5 S S S S S S

E6 S S S S S S

En S S S S S S


S - Satisfactory 2
NS - Not satisfactory (It should be recorded in the site supervision report and,
where applicable, Form B 3)
* Delete if inappropriate
# Descriptions of the items listed are attached in separate sheet(s)

Full name of the TCP as provided in the supervision plan.
If a non-conformity is very minor in nature and has been rectified to the satisfaction of the TCP at the
same inspection, it would be recorded as “satisfactory”.
Completion of Form B is Required for a non-conformity that (a) has material concern for safety; or
(b) does not have material concern for safety but the works item/rectification works cannot be verified
due to the areas have been covered up during inspection or re-inspection.
- 125 -
Sample 7
P.1 of Sample 7

Building Project XYZ Centre
Type of Works Class I Minor Works – Item 1 (Erection of Internal Staircase)

Typical Items for the Checklist of Specific Tasks for RC’s TCP T1

Item Description
C1 Establish system for communicating with other TCPs.

C4 Check that scaffolding is adequately secured to the building to prevent

collapse; catch fans, catch platforms and protection screens are adequately
installed so as to secure safety against falling objects.

C6 Check that there is no excessive debris on floor slabs and against external walls
for demolition works.

C13 Check and satisfy that a copy of submitted plans for minor works, method
statements, precautionary and protective measures proposals and all related
drawings is kept on site; and that they are followed.

C26 Instruct rectification of non-conformity and site incident, and monitor

rectification measures

C27 Report to relevant parties when non-conformity or site incident is observed and

Cn Any other items considered essential by the AS.

- 126 -
Sample 7
P.2 of Sample 7
Form A
Record of Specific Tasks Performed by
TCP under AP / RSE / RGE / RC * stream

Building Project XYZ Centre
Type of Works Class I Minor Works – Item 1 (Erection of Internal Staircase)
Name of TCP 1 Mr Lee Tai man
Grade of TCP T1 Frequency of Inspection full time

Date 7/6/10 8/6/10 9/6/10 10/6/10 11/6/10 12/6/10 13/6/10

DD/MM/YY (Mon) (Tue) (Wed) (Thu) (Fri) (Sat) (Sun)
C1 S S S S S S

C4 S S S S S S

C6 S S S S S S

C13 S S S S S S

C26 S S S S S S

C27 S S S S S S

Cn S S S S S S


S - Satisfactory 2
NS - Not satisfactory (It should be recorded in the site supervision report and,
where applicable, Form B 3)
* Delete if inappropriate
# Descriptions of the items listed are attached in separate sheet(s)

Full name of the TCP as provided in the supervision plan.
If a non-conformity is very minor in nature and has been rectified to the satisfaction of the TCP at the
same inspection, it would be recorded as “satisfactory”.
Completion of Form B is Required for a non-conformity that (a) has material concern for safety; or
(b) does not have material concern for safety but the works item/rectification works cannot be verified
due to the areas have been covered up during inspection or re-inspection.
- 127 -
Sample 8
P.1 of Sample 8
BD Ref. SM/0000/11
Building Project XYZ Centre
Type of Works Excavation & Lateral Support Works

Typical Items for the Checklist of Specific Tasks for RC’s TCP T4

Item Description
C1 Establish system for communicating with other TCPs.

C2 Check that the erection of hoarding, covered walkway and catch platform has been
erected to ensure public safety in accordance with the hoarding plan accepted by
the BA.

C3 Check and ensure that there are arrangements for access and egress of vehicles
which are satisfactory and do not endanger the public or other road users.

C8 Check and ensure that all monitoring checkpoints and other geotechnical
instrumentation have been installed and are regularly monitored; the results are
kept on site; and that abnormal readings are reported to AP/RSE/RGE and the BA.

C9 Check that all monitoring checkpoints are installed and the readings are taken in

C10 Check that loose materials, boulders, construction plants or temporary stockpiles
of materials are not present at the crest or intermediate benches of slopes.

C12 Check that if excavation plants and piling rigs are operated on ground, the state of
the ground is fit for use; and if the plants are operated on an elevated working
platform, the platform is adequate to support the plant and all other imposed loads.
C13 Check and satisfy that a copy of approved plans, method statements,
precautionary and protective measures proposals and all related drawings is kept
on site; and that they are followed.

C19 Check that procedures for the excavation and lateral support works are carried out
in accordance with the approved/submitted plans/agreed working sequence.

C24 Check that all lower grades TCPs are carrying out their duties in accordance with
the Technical Memorandum and the Code and records are properly kept on site.

C28 Check that stability and integrity of nearby buildings and ground are not adversely

Cn Any other items considered essential by the AS, including those for quality
supervision and other conditions imposed by the BA at approval and/or consent

- 128 -
Sample 8
P.2 of Sample 8
Form A
Record of Specific Tasks Performed by
TCP under AP / RSE / RGE / RC * stream

BD Ref. SM/0000/11
Building Project XYZ Centre
Type of Works Excavation & Lateral Support Works
Name of TCP 1 Mr Chan Tai Man
Grade of TCP T4 Frequency of Inspection weekly

Date 29/1/20 5/2/20 12/2/20 19/2/20 26/2/20 4/3/20 11/3/20

DD/MM/YY (Wed) (Wed) (Wed) (Wed) (Wed) (Wed) (Wed)
C1 S S S S S S S
C2 S S S S S S S
C3 S S S S S S S
C8 S S S S S S S
C9 S S S S S S S
C10 S S S S S S S
C12 S S S S S S S
C13 S S S S S S S
C19 S S S S S S S
C24 S S S S S S S
C28 S S S S S S S
Cn S S S S S S S


S - Satisfactory 2
NS - Not satisfactory (It should be recorded in the site supervision report and,
where applicable, Form B 3)

* Delete if inappropriate
# Descriptions of the items listed are attached in separate sheet(s)

Full name of the TCP as provided in the supervision plan.
If a non-conformity is very minor in nature and has been rectified to the satisfaction of the TCP at the
same inspection, it would be recorded as “satisfactory”.
Completion of Form B is Required for a non-conformity that (a) has material concern for safety; or
(b) does not have material concern for safety but the works item/rectification works cannot be verified
due to the areas have been covered up during inspection or re-inspection.
- 129 -
Appendix VII

Qualifications of
Competent Person (Logging)
and TCPs with Academic Background
in Geology

- 130 -
Qualifications of Competent Person (Logging) and
TCPs with Academic Background in Geology

1 (a) The Competent Person (Logging) should either be (a) a degree holder in
(1) (2)
geology or a cognate subject in which at least 50% of the course
content comprises geological based subjects (3) with not less than 3 years
of post-qualification experience in ground investigation (GI) which must
include logging of samples; or (b) a degree holder in geology or a
cognate subject in which at least 25% of the course content comprises
geological based subjects with not less than 5 years of post-qualification
experience in GI which must include logging of samples.

New applicants for Competent Person (Logging) will be required to

submit documentary evidence in support of their core logging
experience (e.g. submission of logs that the applicant has produced,
including a brief statement of 2-3 pages explaining the technical aspects
in preparing such logs and the reasons for choosing the submitted logs
to support his/her application).

Note (1) Examples of degree in geology are applied geology, earth

science, engineering geology, geological sciences, geology,
mining geology and petroleum geology. The degree
should be awarded by universities funded by the University
Grants Committee. Otherwise the academic qualification
should be assessed by the Hong Kong Council for
Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications
(formerly Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation)
as up to a local degree level.

Note (2) Examples of cognate subjects are environmental science,

geography, geomorphology, geotechnical engineering,
mining and soil science.

Note (3) Examples of geological based subjects are applied

geology, earth dynamics, earth systems,

- 131 -
economic/mining geology, engineering geology,
environmental geology, field camp/field school/field
mapping, geochemistry, geomorphology, earth/surficial
processes, landform/quaternary geology, geophysics,
historical geology, hydrogeology, mineralogy,
palaeontology, petroleum geology, petrology (igneous,
metamorphic and sedimentary), physical geology,
physics of the Earth, plate tectonics, regional geology,
rock mechanics, sedimentology/principles of
sedimentation, stratigraphy, soil mechanics and
structural geology. An applicant who holds a degree in
geology or a cognate subject in which at least 25% but
less than 50% of the course content comprises geological
based subjects is considered to have topped up the
geological based subjects in his/her degree to at least 50%
if he or she has obtained a recognised relevant post-
degree qualification (e.g. Post-graduate Diploma in Earth
Sciences at the University of Hong Kong or equivalent).

(b) A person who has already been accepted as a Logging Geologist under
the Development Bureau’s List of Approved Suppliers of Materials and
Specialist Contractors for Public Works in the category of GIFW may
also be a competent person for logging of samples and preparation of
borehole logs.

Definition of degree in geology which covers the specified

engineering related subjects

2 TCPs with academic background in geology should hold a degree in geology

(see Note 1 of Item 1 above) which covers the specified engineering related
subjects. Such degree in geology should have at least three of its modules
covering any three or more of the following subjects: soil mechanics, rock
mechanics, engineering geology, hydrogeology, applied geoscience and
foundation engineering, or other relevant subjects. An applicant who holds a
degree in geology which has less than three of its modules covering the above
subjects is considered to have topped up the specified engineering related

- 132 -
subjects in his/her degree to at least three modules if he/she has attended and
passed relevant post-degree courses (e.g. relevant courses of MSc in Applied
Geosciences programme organised by the Department of Earth Sciences of the
University of Hong Kong).

Other equivalent post-degree courses may be acceptable and details of such

courses should be submitted by the AP, RSE, RGE or AS to the BA for

- 133 -
Appendix VIII

Administrative Procedures for


- 134 -
Administrative Procedures for GIFW
Item Procedure Detailed Requirements
1. Appointment of AP is required to be appointed as the co-ordinator of the
AP/RSE/RGE works by the submission of specified Form BA 4.
RSE/RGE may also be appointed as necessary. The
geotechnical consultant responsible for preparation of
the geotechnical content of the future submission of
foundation, site formation, excavation or other plans or
geotechnical assessments should be involved at this stage
and work under the direction of the AP and/or RSE/RGE.

2. Submission of GI GI plans, indicating the extent of works to be carried out,

plans for approval and are required to be submitted in all cases. In the case
consent within scheduled areas, approval and consent under the
BO will be followed whereas in the non-scheduled areas,
approval and consent is not required by virtue of section
41(3) of the BO. Nevertheless the GI plan will be
useful for BA’s record and for the assessment of level of
supervision required.

3. Submission of Form The RSC(GIFW) is required to submit Form BA 10

BA 10 notifying the which has been signed by AS of the RSC(GIFW) and
commencement of endorsed by the AP. Form BA 11 and a new Form BA
work 10 are required if there is a change of contractor during
the course of the work.

4. Submission of site For Scheduled Areas

supervision plan A supervision plan is required to be submitted prior to or
at the time of consent application for commencement of
GIFW. The plan should specify the name of TCPs and
Competent Person (Logging) appointed and the
frequency of inspection and/or extent of supervision for

For Non-Scheduled Areas

Prior to or at the same time of submission of Form BA
10, a supervision plan is required to be submitted,
specifying the name of TCPs and Competent Person
(Logging) appointed and the frequency of inspection
and/or extent of supervision for GIFW.

No prior approval of the supervision plan is required

before the works are commenced. The AP/RGE/AS
should ensure that their TCPs satisfy the specified
qualification and experience requirements, and should
notify the BA of any subsequent changes of supervisors.

- 135 -
Item Procedure Detailed Requirements
5. Submission of Form Form BA 14 is required to be submitted by the
BA 14 notifying the RSC(GIFW), AP and RGE upon completion of the
completion of work GIFW.

6. Submission of GI The GI report shall include the following:

reports in support of (a) a certificate from the AS of the RSC(GIFW)
the approval of confirming that:
foundation, site (i) the RSC(GIFW) is responsible for the works
formation, excavation stated in the report and that the works have
or other proposals or been conducted according to Geoguide 2 and
geotechnical Geoguide 3;
assessments (ii) the works have been carried out under
supervision in accordance with the
requirements stipulated and the supervision
plan submitted;
(iii) the logging of samples and preparation of
borehole logs in accordance with Geoguide 3
have been carried out by a Competent
Person; and
(iv) the field density tests and other tests of
samples have been conducted by a HOKLAS
accredited laboratory.
(b) a certificate from the RGE that he has provided
supervision in accordance with the requirements
stipulated and the supervision plan submitted.
(c) copies of the Form BA 10 and BA 14 previously
submitted for BD’s information in view of possible
time lapse between the completion of GI and the
submission of foundation plans etc. for approval;
(d) a proper surveyed record of the boreholes.

The relevant foundation, site formation, excavation or

other plans may be disapproved if the GI report is found
not acceptable or not including the above information.

- 136 -
Certificate of Compliance/Certificate of Supervision
(for inclusion in ground investigation report)
Project name & No. : ....................................................................................................................
Contract name & No. : ....................................................................................................................
Works Order No. : ...............................................................................................................................
Client : ...............................................................................................................................

Part 1 : Certificate of Compliance (to be completed by authorized signatory)

I, the person appointed to act for the registered specialist contractor (ground investigation field works)
(RSC(GIFW)) (name in full) ____________________________ (Chinese) ______________, certify that :-

(i) we are responsible for the works stated in the report and that the works have been conducted
according to Geoguide 2 and Geoguide 3;

(ii) the works have been carried out under our supervision in accordance with the requirements stipulated
and the supervision plan for GIFW submitted to the Building Authority;

(iii) the logging of samples and preparation of borehole logs in accordance with Geoguide 3 have been
carried out by a Competent Person; and

(iv) the field density tests and other tests of samples have been conducted by a laboratory accredited
under the Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme. (*)

Name of the RSC(GIFW) :

Certificate of Registration No. :

Date of expiry of registration :

Signature (date) :

Part 2 : Certificate of Supervision (to be completed by registered geotechnical engineer)

I, the registered geotechnical engineer (name in full) ____________________________ (Chinese)

______________, certify that I have provided supervision in accordance with the requirement stipulated
in the supervision plan for GIFW submitted to the Building Authority.

Certificate of Registration No. :

Date of expiry of registration :

Signature (date) :

* Delete where appropriate

- 137 -
Appendix IX

Key Records on Quality Supervision

of Soil Nailing Works

- 138 -
Key Records on Quality Supervision of Soil Nailing Works

BD File Ref. Slope No./Ref.

Name of RGE Name of RSC(SF)

Total length of Actual Grout volume (litre) Anomalies observed during nail installation and
Nail no. reinforcement (m) diameter at action taken. (All observed anomalies must be
Design Actual mouth of Date & Design Actual Date & reported to RGE or TCP T5 immediately.)
hole (mm) Signature signature (Please use separate sheet to give details)

Note : Prior to installation of the soil nail head, photographic records of the condition of the grout at the top of the soil nail should be taken; a
scale or measuring tape should be included to show the as-built diameter of the installed nail.

Name 1 of TCP T3 nominated by RGE: _________________________

Specimen Signature: ________________________________________________________

1 Full name of the TCP as provided in the supervision plan.

- 139 -
Appendix X

Other Acceptable Criteria in Qualifications

and Experience for TCP

- 140 -
Other acceptable criteria in qualifications and experience are listed as follows:

1. During the early implementation stage of the Supervision Plan System before 22
December 2005, site supervisory personnel who did not meet the required
academic qualifications as specified in the Technical Memorandum, but had
sufficient years of relevant experience as per part (a) of Table 1 (with Notes)
below, attended top-up training courses organised by Vocational Training
Council (VTC) or the Construction Industry Council Training Academy
(CICTA) (formerly the Construction Industry Training Authority (CITA)) and
acquired an Equivalent Certificate would be accepted to possess equivalent
qualifications as specified in the Technical Memorandum on a permanent basis.
He can be appointed as TCP of grade T3 to T1 in the respective streams in
accordance with part (a) of Table 2 below.

2. As the industry has raised that there is shortage in the supply of TCP T1, there
is a need for organising a “Technically Competent Person T1 Training Course”,
similar to previous top-up courses, to enhance the technical ability of site
supervisory personnel working in the industry but do not meet the required
academic qualifications as specified in the Technical Memorandum, so that they
can perform the duties of TCP T1. A person who has relevant prior experience
of not less than 5 years is eligible to attend the “Technically Competent Person
T1 Training Course” offered by the HK Institute of Vocational Education
(HKIVE) or the CICTA and upon acquiring the “TCP T1 Certificate” will be
accepted to possess equivalent qualifications required for a TCP T1 on a
permanent basis. He may be appointed as TCP of grade T1 in accordance with
part (b) of Table 1 (with Notes) and Table 2 below.

3. With the introduction of minor works as a type of building works different from
the major works in the Technical Memorandum, to facilitate site supervisory
personnel working in the industry who do not meet the required academic
qualifications as specified in the Technical Memorandum but would like to
continue their current role to supervise minor works only, if they have relevant
prior experience of not less than 5 years, they would be eligible to attend the
“Technically Competent Person T1 (Minor Works) Training Course” offered by
the HKIVE or the CICTA and upon acquiring the “TCP T1 (Minor Works)
Certificate” will be accepted to possess equivalent qualifications required for a
TCP T1 for supervision of minor works only on a permanent basis. Any such
person may be appointed as TCP of grade T1 for supervision of minor works
only in accordance with part (b) of Table 1 (with Notes) and Table 2 below.

- 141 -
Table 1
(a) The Equivalent Certificate acquired in the top-up training course
organised by VTC or CITA for TCP T3 to T1
Topping-up Training Courses to be Certificates Relevant Grades of
completed Awarded Working TCP for
Experience types of
Module No. Subject (counted in works in
full) Table 2
Module 3 Construction Supervision (I) Equivalent
Certificate 5(1) T1
Module 4 Construction Supervision (II) (1)
Module 3 Construction Supervision (I)

Module 4 Construction Supervision (II)

Module 5.1 Specialist Works (Demolition)(4) Equivalent

Certificate 8(2) T2(4)
Module 5.2 Specialist Works (Foundation)(4) (2)

Module 5.3 Specialist Works (Site

Formation & Slope Repairs)(4)
Module 3 Construction Supervision (I)

Module 4 Construction Supervision (II)

Module 6.1 Introduction to Specialist Works Certificate 12(3) T3(5)
Module 6.2 Administration and Management
(b) The certificate acquired in the TCP T1 or TCP T1 (Minor Works)
Training Course organised by HKIVE or CICTA
(i) Technically Competent Person TCP T1 56 T1
T1 Training Course Certificate
(ii) Technically Competent Person TCP T1 56 T1 (Minor
T1 (Minor Works) Training (Minor Works)
Course Works)
Notes (1) : 5 years relevant working experience must have been gained within the previous 8
years and at least 1 year must be local site experience.

Notes (2) : 8 years relevant working experience must have been gained within the previous 11
years and at least 1 year must be local site experience.

Notes (3) : 12 years relevant working experience must have been gained within the previous 15
years and at least 1 year must be local site experience.

Notes (4) : A TCP T2 can only supervise the type of specialist works (Demolition works,
Foundation works, or Site Formation & Slope Repair Works) when he has duly
completed the training module in the Module 5.1/5.2/5.3 series corresponding to the
specialist works and obtained the relevant certificate.

- 142 -
Notes (3) : If a TCP T3 wishes to take up duties of any of the T2 specialist works mentioned
in Note 4, he must also complete the training module corresponding to the
specialist works and obtain the Equivalent Certificate (2).

Notes (4) 5 years relevant working experience must have been gained within the previous
8 years and at least 1 year must be local site experience. For GIFW, relevant
experience shall be confined to ground investigation works only.

Table 2
(a) Eligibility of site supervisory personnel as TCP T3 to (b) Eligibility of site
T1, with Equivalent Certificate in top-up training supervisory personnel
course, organised by VTC or CITA as TCP T1 or TCP T1
(Minor Works), with
certificate in the
training course,
organised by HKIVE
(i) TCP T1 (ii) TCP T1
Certificate (Minor
Building T3 in T3 in T3 in T3 in to T1 in RC’s Stream (Minor
Works or AP’s RSE’s RGE’s RC’s RC’s Works) in
Street Works Stream Stream Stream Stream Stream RC’s Stream
GIFW No N/A No N/A No Yes No

Building No No No N/A Yes Yes No

Works with
Foundation No No N/A N/A Yes Yes No
Street Works Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes No
or all Building
Works (other
than the above
types of works
and Minor
Class I Minor Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes

- 143 -
4. A person, who holds a relevant degree and with not less than one year
relevant experience, attended / passed the “Top-up course for TCP T3 on
GIFW and Building Works with Significant Geotechnical Content”, which
is run by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the University of Hong
Kong, the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, School of
Professional Development in Construction under Hong Kong Institute of
Construction or Geotechnical Division of the HKIE, is accepted to possess
equivalent qualification as that in the Technical Memorandum for TCP T3.

5. A list of courses which are recognised as acceptable academic qualifications

for TCP T1 to T3 under this Code has been uploaded to BD website.

- 144 -
Appendix XI

Standard Forms TW1, TW2 and TW3

Form TW1 – Certificate of Compliance and Confirmation of

Appointment of Design Engineer for Temporary
Works Providing Support to a Tower Crane

Form TW2 – Certificate of Compliance and Confirmation of

Appointment of Independent Checking Engineer
for Temporary Works Providing Support to a
Tower Crane

Form TW3 – Certificate of Completion for Temporary Works

Providing Support to a Tower Crane by
Registered Contractor

- 145 -
Form TW1
Page 1 of 2

Certificate of Compliance and Confirmation of Appointment of Design Engineer for

Temporary Works Providing Support to a Tower Crane

Project name :
BD reference no. :
Address of site :
Tower crane no. : (with layout plan)
Stage of works 1 (if any) :
Part 1 : Certificate of Compliance (to be completed by design engineer and the employing company)

I, (name in full)____________________________ (Chinese)_____________________________

(I.D. No.^ / Passport No.^)__________________________ (Telephone No.) ___________________,
and my employing company (employing company name) ____________________________________
confirm that I have been appointed by the registered contractor (RC)
(Name)____________________________ as the design engineer (DE) in respect of the temporary works
providing support to a tower crane at the subject site, and I hereby certify that :

(a) I have prepared and duly signed all the plans and construction drawings 2 (drawing number
_________________________________) for the temporary works providing support to the tower
crane at the subject site, and the associated design justifications (report reference

(b) the temporary works including the connections between the tower crane, the temporary works and
the permanent structures (if applicable) are designed in compliance with the Buildings Ordinance,
the regulations made thereunder and the relevant codes of practice and are structurally safe; and

(c) (i)* the temporary works are under Case 2 that have no effect on the permanent structures,
adjoining buildings and lands by way of overstressing or overloading.
(ii)* the temporary works are under Case 3 that may have effect on the permanent structures,
adjoining buildings or lands by way of overstressing or overloading and submission to the
registered structural engineer/registered geotechnical engineer* is required for their review on the
effects to the permanent structures. *

1 Stage of temporary works providing support to a tower crane (e.g. free-standing stage, climbing stage or extension of height
of the tower crane etc)
2 Construction drawings include all necessary construction details and specifications of the temporary works, sequence of
construction, method statements, details of precautionary and protective measures.
3 Design justifications include design calculations of the temporary works and the assessment on the effects on the permanent
structures, the adjoining buildings and lands.

- 146 -
Form TW1
Page 2 of 2

2. I declare that I am a registered professional engineer (RPE) (civil/structural*) with a minimum of

5 years relevant working experience.

Name of DE : Employing Company :


RPE No. : Business Registration :

Certificate No.

Date : Signature of Authorized :


Signature of DE : Employing Company :


Any false certification or declaration may be

subject to legal action

Part 2 : Confirmation of Appointment (to be completed by RC)

I (name in full)____________________________ (Chinese)__________________, the person

appointed to act for the RC in the subject project, hereby confirm that the above DE has been appointed
in respect of the temporary works providing support to the tower crane for the subject site and undertake
that the temporary works will be carried out in accordance with the certified plans and construction
drawings designed by the DE and will be properly maintained to ensure that they are structurally safe and

Name of RC :

Certificate of Registration No. :

Date of expiry of registration :

Date :

Signature :

Any false certification or declaration may be

subject to legal action

^ In accordance with the Hong Kong Identity Card/Passport record

* Delete where appropriate

- 147 -
Form TW2
Page 1 of 2
Certificate of Compliance and
Confirmation of Appointment of Independent Checking Engineer for
Temporary Works Providing Support to a Tower Crane

Project name :
BD reference no. :
Address of site :
Tower crane no. : (with layout plan)
Stage of works 1 (if any) :
Part 1 : Certificate of Compliance (to be completed by independent checking engineer and the
employing company)

I, (name in full)____________________________ (Chinese)_____________________________

(I.D. No.^ / Passport No.^ *)__________________ (Telephone No.) ___________________, and my
employing company (employing company name) ____________________________________ confirm
that I have been appointed by the registered contractor (RC) (Name)
as the independent checking engineer (ICE) in respect of the temporary works
providing support to a tower crane at the subject site, and I hereby confirm that I take up the role of the
ICE in respect of the above temporary works. I certify that :-

(a) I have checked and duly signed all the plans and construction drawings 2 (drawing number
_________________________________) for the temporary works providing support to the tower
crane at the subject site, and the associated design justifications (report reference
number____________________________), prepared by the design engineer (name in full)

(b) the temporary works including the connections between the tower crane, the temporary works and
the permanent structures (if applicable) are designed in compliance with the Buildings Ordinance,
the regulations made thereunder and the relevant codes of practice and are structurally safe; and

(c) (i)* the temporary works are under Case 2 that have no effect on the permanent structures,
adjoining buildings and lands by way of overstressing or overloading.*
(ii)* the temporary works are under Case 3 that may have effect on the permanent structures,
adjoining buildings or lands by way of overstressing or overloading and submission to the
registered structural engineer/registered geotechnical engineer* is required for their review on the
effects to the permanent structures.*

1 Stage of temporary works providing support to a tower crane (e.g. free-standing stage, climbing stage or extension of height
of the tower crane etc)
2 Construction drawings include all necessary construction details and specifications of the temporary works, sequence of
construction, method statements, details of precautionary and protective measures..
3 Design justifications include design calculations of the temporary works and the assessment on the effects on the permanent
structures, the adjoining buildings and lands.

- 148 -
Form TW2
Page 2 of 2

2. I declare that I am a registered professional engineer (RPE) (civil/structural*) with a minimum of

5 years relevant working experience.

3. I confirm that the design engineer and I, including both employing companies, are independent
from each other and have no holding, subsidiary, employer/employee or any other relationship.

Name of ICE : Employing Company :


RPE No. : Business Registration :

Certificate No.

Date : Signature of Authorized :


Signature of ICE : Employing Company :


Any false certification or declaration may be subject

to legal action

Part 2 : Confirmation of Appointment (to be completed by the RC)

I (name in full)____________________________ (Chinese)__________________, the person

appointed to act for the RC in the subject project, hereby confirm that the above ICE has been appointed
in respect of the temporary works providing support to the tower crane for the subject site.

Name of RC :

Certificate of Registration No. :

Date of expiry of registration :

Date :

Signature :

Any false certification or declaration may be

subject to legal action

^ In accordance with the Hong Kong Identity Card/Passport record

* Delete where appropriate

- 149 -
Form TW3
Page 1 of 2

Certificate of Completion for

Temporary Works Providing Support to a Tower Crane
by Registered Contractor

Project name :
BD reference no. :
Address of site :
Tower crane no. : (with layout plan)
Stage of works 1 (if any) :

Part 1 : Certificate of Completion (to be completed by technically competent person (TCP) T4 in

registered contractor (RC)’s stream)

I, (name in full)__________________________________(Chinese)________________________
(I.D. No.^/Passport No.^/TCP No.^*)__________________________ (Telephone No.)
___________________, the person appointed as TCP-T4 in RC’s stream in the supervision plan
submitted to the Building Authority on (date)_______________________ (submission ref. no.
__________________), hereby certify that:

(a) the temporary works providing support to the tower crane have been completed and I confirm that I
have personally inspected the temporary works on (date)____________________ and found
satisfactory that the works have been completed in accordance with the certified plans and
construction drawings (drawing number _____________________________________);

(b) the results of the associated testing of materials and workmanship (including on-site and off-site
welds) have been reviewed by me and found technically acceptable; and

(c) the temporary works including the connections between the tower crane, the temporary works and
permanent structures are structurally safe.

Name of TCP :

Date :

Signature of TCP :

Any false certification or declaration may be

subject to legal action

1 Stage of temporary works providing support to a tower crane (e.g. free-standing stage, climbing stage or extension of height
of the tower crane etc)

- 150 -
Form TW3
Page 2 of 2

Part 2 : Certificate of Completion

(to be completed by the appointed T5 person (T5 Person)/ Design Engineer (DE)/ Independent Checking
Engineer (ICE)*)

I (name in full) ____________________________ (Chinese) __________________, the person

appointed by the RC as the T5 Person/ DE/ ICE* in the subject project, hereby certify that:

(a) the temporary works providing support to the tower crane have been completed and I confirm that I
have personally inspected the temporary works on (date)____________________ and found
satisfactory that the works have been completed in accordance with the certified plans and
construction drawings (drawing number _____________________________________);

(b) the results of the associated testing of materials and workmanship (including on-site and off-site
welds) have been reviewed by me and found technically acceptable; and

(c) the temporary works including the connections between the tower crane, the temporary works and the
permanent structures are structurally safe.

Name of : Employing Company :

T5 Person/DE/ICE* Name

RPE No. : Business Registration :

Certificate No.

Date : Signature of Authorized :


Signature of : Employing Company :

T5 Person/DE/ICE* Chop

Any false certification or declaration may be subject

to legal action

^ In accordance with the Hong Kong Identity Card/Passport record/ TCP No.

* Delete where appropriate

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