Psib 20130813a-R2
Psib 20130813a-R2
Psib 20130813a-R2
PSIB 20130813A-R2 Inlet Filtration and Water Wash Publish Date: 23 APRIL 2024
Quality Checklist
KB0032009 Information
The checklist provided below is a compilation of best practice checks and tests, to assist in periodic inlet filtration and water wash
maintenance, for all GE Vernova heavy duty gas turbines, including legacy Alstom units. The referenced GEK documents shall
remain the primary sources of information. One of the best practices when inspecting the inlet filtration system is to use a check
list. The check list is typically completed during a shutdown to assess the current state of corrosion and/or Foreign Object
Damage (FOD) risk to a unit.
All heavy-duty gas turbines.
Corrosion has been known to pose a variety of risks to gas turbines. These risks include fouling and pitting of airfoils from
ingestion of corrosive elements and increased stresses from buildup in stator ring segments. Corrosion has been attributed to
improper filtration/maintenance, compromised inlet system integrity, insufficient filtration for site conditions, and incorrect or non-
optimal water wash practices.
The checklist provides inspections to identify increased corrosion risk. It is broken up by different areas of the gas turbine and
inlet. Completion of these inspections, along with proper maintenance to address any findings, should help mitigate the risk of
corrosion-related damage.
When performing these checks, ensure all EHS and confined space practices are followed. GE Vernova mandates inlet filtration
inspections be completed on a periodic basis. Some of the checklist items are required at least annually, while some others have
a longer period, such as a Combustion Inspection (CI) or Major Inspection (MI). Please reference the supplied documents within
your unit manuals and unit specific TILs for details on the recommended inspections, and site-specific criteria.
Please contact your local GE Vernova representative for additional information or assistance.
Copyright © 2024 GE Vernova. This information is proprietary and is the property of GE Vernova. The
content of this document is provided for general information and awareness. Always refer to your
unit's O&M manuals for detailed information relevant to the operation and maintenance of your
equipment. This document shall not be reproduced in whole or in part nor shall its contents be
disclosed to any third party without the written approval of GE Vernova.
Filter House - Dirty Side Between Weather hood and Filters – At least annually unless specified otherwise.
Record the type (vendor & part number) of the pre-filters, if applicable: _____________________________
Record the type (vendor & part number) of the final filters: _____________________________
Record the type (vendor & part number) of the coalescers, if applicable: _____________________________
Record the type (vendor & part number) of any additional filter or configuration, if
Check for loose bolts on flanges.
Check for the presence of water at the bottom of the inlet.
Check drainage connections (if applicable) for clogging.
Check for fully loaded (dirty) filters, as evidenced by the pressure drop across filters, and replace if necessary.
Inspect filter elements for corrosion, damage, or air bypass gaps (via tears, rips, holes, gasket wear, etc.) and replace if
necessary. For information on the typical expected life, and replacement intervals, please refer to the latest revision of
For Cylindrical, Conical & Triangular Filters, ensure tripod is installed as per installation drawing. Confirm that Tripod is
not sagging, and gasket has uniform compression against the panel wall.
For Static Filters, confirm that gaskets have uniform compression against the panel wall.
Applies to both Cylindrical, Conical & Triangular Filters, as well as Static Filters: Light test for any light passing through
filter gaskets. If any light is found passing, align filters properly.
Ensure final filters are secured tightly against the supporting framework.
Filter house - Clean Air Side of Filter House – The earlier of 3 years or a CI, unless specified otherwise.
Validate that all clean air flanges are 100% air and watertight. Conduct a water spray test (or “hose test”) per
GEK111330. A light test by itself is insufficient to identify all flange leaks. GE Vernova mandates performing a water spray
test to identify any installation defects with respect to flange sealing of clean air joints. For the time period to conduct a
water spray test, please consult the latest revision of GEK111330.
Check for indications of liquid fluid traces (e.g., water) at the bottom of the inlet which may include visible water or
staining/deposits where water has evaporated. Streaking may occur on vertical surfaces.
Check for liquid fluid traces (e.g., water) on the walls.
Check for corrosive deposits on piping, support struts, filter frame, floor, and walls.
For pulse filter houses, on conical filters, inspect tripod yokes for corrosion/contaminants.
Ensure final filters are secured tightly against the supporting framework.
Check for damage to the expansion joint belts (exterior and interior), if applicable.
Inspect the flange interfaces of the expansion joint with the adjoining section for signs of air and water leakage past the
flange gasket.
Inspect for paint damage and repair as per GEK111330.
Clean any dirt/debris present – follow guidelines in GEK111336 for inlet air system cleaning and box-up procedure.
Check access hatch(s) for gaps and damaged seals/gaskets.
Inspect mastic tape as per GEK111330, if it applies to your site. The planned inspection interval for the tape sealant has
been chosen to be in line with the water spray test; in order to utilize the same scaffolding.
Inspect / apply caulking as per GEK111330. Check expiry date of caulk before use.
Copyright © 2024 GE Vernova. This information is proprietary and is the property of GE Vernova. The
content of this document is provided for general information and awareness. Always refer to your
unit's O&M manuals for detailed information relevant to the operation and maintenance of your
equipment. This document shall not be reproduced in whole or in part nor shall its contents be
disclosed to any third party without the written approval of GE Vernova.
Filter House – Evaporative Cooler (if applicable) – At least annually unless specified otherwise.
Ensure even wetting and water flow over the cooler media, at all levels, on the upstream side.
Monitor the motor and pump operation (example: noise or vibration), on an ongoing basis.
Monitor the flow rate at the distribution header; and compare against the requirement in the project installation
drawings, on an ongoing basis.
Inspect for plugged evaporative cooler shower head nozzles or pipes, and clean.
Inspect for any water flow outside the area designated for its containment within the evaporative cooler system and
perform repairs (for example: piping leaks).
Inspect the tanks for debris – presence of media debris indicates a breakdown of the media, and clean.
Media buildup – indicates scaling due to water condition.
Visual inspection of the media is important to find any heavily fouled, damaged or highly softened sections, replace any
fouled/damage/softened evaporative cooler media.
Inspect for visible water downstream of the evaporative cooler.
Conduct water analysis on periodic basis per the latest revision of GEK107158. The GEK needs to be reviewed in full,
as many of the calculations are inter-related.
Check the conductivity controller and control valves for proper operation.
Commission each evaporative cooler annually as outlined in the latest revision of GEK111331.
For new or replaced sections of media, ensure they are installed in the correct orientation. Follow the latest revision of
GEK111331 for guidance on inspecting for the correct orientation.
Inspect for paint damage and repair as per GEK111330.
Inspect all doors / access hatches for an airtight seal.
Inspect mastic tape as per GEK111330, if it applies to your site.
Inspect / apply caulking as per GEK111330. Check expiry date of caulk before use.
Clean any dirt/debris present – follow guidelines in GEK111336 for inlet air system cleaning and box-up procedure.
Inspect the exterior and interior of the duct for signs of corrosion.
Inspect the flange interfaces of the duct with the adjoining section for signs of air and water leakage past the flange
Inspect the internal Inlet Bleed Heat Pipe and Pipe Guides for weld crack indications.
Inspect the Inlet Bleed Heater Pipe Insulation covering the externally mounted section on the top of the duct for signs of
thermal leakage (discoloration).
Inspect the support rod (if applicable) placed on both sides of the manifold for signs of weld cracks due to thermal
Inspect for signs of corrosion on structure, walkways, stairs, ladders, and hardware.
Inspect for loose hardware on walkways, stairs, ladders, and structure.
Copyright © 2024 GE Vernova. This information is proprietary and is the property of GE Vernova. The
content of this document is provided for general information and awareness. Always refer to your
unit's O&M manuals for detailed information relevant to the operation and maintenance of your
equipment. This document shall not be reproduced in whole or in part nor shall its contents be
disclosed to any third party without the written approval of GE Vernova.
Validate that all clean air flanges are 100% air and watertight. Conduct a water spray test (or “hose test”) per
GEK111332. A light test by itself is insufficient to identify all flange leaks. GE Vernova mandates performing a water spray
test to identify any installation defects with respect to flange sealing of clean air joints. For the time period to conduct a
water spray test, please consult the latest revision of GEK111330.
Check for indications of water ingress or evaporative cooler overflow along floor and walls.
Inspect trash screen (if present) for debris, corrosion, missing wires, worn wires, and tautness. Inspect the framework of
the trash screen for signs of rubbing against duct bracing.
Check silencer panels for any abnormalities - signs of streaking, staining, water damage, collapsed pillows, missing
pillows, bulging perforated sheet, cracked welds, etc.
Check for corrosive deposits or cracks on silencer panels, struts, duct floor, and walls.
Check for damage to the expansion joint belts (exterior and interior), if applicable.
Inspect all doors / access hatches for an air-tight seal. Inspect the exterior and interior of the extension for signs of
corrosion and tightness.
Inspect the flange interfaces of the expansion joint with the adjoining section for signs of air and water leakage past the
flange gasket.
Inspect all ports for plugs/ caps (if not in use for instrumentation purposes). All ports require an air-tight seal.
Inspect for paint damage and repair as per GEK111332.
Clean any dirt/debris present – follow guidelines in GEK111336 for inlet air system cleaning and box-up procedure.
Check access hatch(s) for gaps and damaged seals.
Inspect / mastic tape as per GEK111330, if it applies to your site
For inspection & maintenance of polymer inlet silencers, please refer to GEK111335.
Validate that all clean air flanges are 100% air and watertight. Conduct a water spray test (or “hose test”) per
GEK111332. A light test by itself is insufficient to identify all flange leaks. GE Vernova mandates performing a water spray
test to identify any installation defects with respect to flange sealing of clean air joints. For the time period to conduct a
water spray test, please consult the latest revision of GEK111330.
Check for water streaks on any bolted jointed areas or expansion joints.
Check for indications of water ingress or evaporative cooler water carry-over along floor and walls
Check for damage to the expansion joint belts (exterior and interior), if applicable.
Inspect the exterior and interior of the extension for signs of corrosion and tightness.
Inspect the flange interfaces of the expansion joint with the adjoining section for signs of air and water leakage past the
flange gasket.
Inspect bellmouth for chipped paint and repair as per GEK111332.
Inspect bellmouth and IGVs for deposits and oil buildup.
Clean any dirt/debris present – follow guidelines in GEK111336 for inlet air system cleaning and box-up procedure.
Check access hatch to inlet plenum for gaps and damaged seals.
Copyright © 2024 GE Vernova. This information is proprietary and is the property of GE Vernova. The
content of this document is provided for general information and awareness. Always refer to your
unit's O&M manuals for detailed information relevant to the operation and maintenance of your
equipment. This document shall not be reproduced in whole or in part nor shall its contents be
disclosed to any third party without the written approval of GE Vernova.
Support Structure, Walkways, and Ladders: inspect for signs of corrosion on structure, walkways, stairs; Inspect for
loose hardware on walkways, stairs, ladders, and structure.
Rainwater or Stagnant Water Drainage: any missing drain holes to drain water on structures; any location identified with
no drain holes.
Paint / Welding /Corrosion Repair: follow the section V for repair procedure in GEK111330; Inspect the belts (exterior
and interior) for cuts, worn sections, or cracks.
Inspect the metal backing bar and hardware on the exterior for corrosion.
Inspect the exterior and interior of the extension for signs of corrosion.
Please contact your local GE Vernova representative for additional information or assistance.
Copyright © 2024 GE Vernova. This information is proprietary and is the property of GE Vernova. The
content of this document is provided for general information and awareness. Always refer to your
unit's O&M manuals for detailed information relevant to the operation and maintenance of your
equipment. This document shall not be reproduced in whole or in part nor shall its contents be
disclosed to any third party without the written approval of GE Vernova.