Exer 3
Exer 3
Exer 3
394 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar Kota, Ph. No. 0744-2209671, 93141-87482, 93527-21564
IVRS No : 0744-2439051/52/53 www.motioniitjee.com, info@motioniitjee.com
produced by Two sources of sound is s = –20 20. An open organ pipe filled with air has a
sin 10 x sin 100 t where s is the displace- fundamental frequency 500 Hz. The first
ment from mean position measured in mm, x is harmonic of another organ pipe closed at one
in metres and t in seconds. The specific grav- end and filled with carbon dioxide has the same
ity of the medium is 10-3. Density of water = frequency as that of the first harmonic of the
103 kg/m3. Find: open organ pipe. Calculate the length of each
(a) Wavelength, frequency and velocity of the pipe. Assume that the velocity of sound in air
progressive waves. and in carbondioxide to be 330 and 264 m/s
(b) Bulk modulus of the medium and the pres- respectively.
sure amplitude . 21. Two identical piano wires have a fundamental
(c) Minimum distance between pressure antin- frequency of 600 vib/sec, when kept under
ode and a displacement antinode. the same tension. What fractional increase in
(d) Intensity at the displacement nodes. the tension of one wire will lead to the occur-
15. A tube 1.0 m long is closed at one end. A wire rence of six beats per second when both wires
of length 0.3 m and mass 1 × 10–2 kg is vibrate simultaneously.
stretched between two fixed ends and is placed 22. A metal wire of diameter 1 mm, is held on two
near the open end. When the wire is plucked knife edges separated by a distance of 50 cm.
at its mid point the air column resonates in its The tension in the wire is 100 N. The wire
1st overtone. Find the tension in the wire if it vibrating in its fundamental frequency and a
vibrates in its fundamental mode. Vibrating tuning fork together produces 5 beats
[Vsound = 330 m/s] per sec. The tension in the wire is then re-
16. A closed organ pipe of length = 100 cm is cut duced to 81 N. When the two are excited,
into two unequal pieces. The fundamental fre- beats are again at the same rate. Calculate
quency of the new closed organ pipe piece is (a) the frequency of the fork
found to be same as the frequency of first (b) the density of the material of the wire.
overtone of the open organ pipe piece. Deter- 23. Two stationary sources A and B are sounding
mine the length of the two pieces and the notes of frequency 680 Hz. An observer moves
fundamental tone of the open pipe piece. Take from A to B with a constant velocity u. If the
velocity of sound = 320 m/s. speed of sound is 340 ms–1, what must be the
17. Find the number of possible natural oscillations value of u so that he hears 10 beats per second
of air column in a pipe whose frequencies lie 24. Tuning fork A when sounded with a tuning fork
below v0 = 1250 Hz. The length of the pipe is B of frequency 480 Hz gives 5 beats per second.
= 85 cm. The velocity of sound is v = 340 m/s. When the prongs of A are loaded with wax, it
Consider the two cases: gives 3 beats per second. Find the original
(a) the pipe is closed from one end frequency of A.
(b) the pipe is opened from both ends.
The open ends of the pipe are assumed to be 25. A, B and C are three tuning forks. Frequency
the antinodes of displacement. of A is 350 Hz. Beats produced by A and B are
5 per second and by B and C are 4 per second.
18. The first overtone of a pipe closed at one end When a wax in put on A beat frequency
resonates with the third harmonic of a string between A and B is 2Hz and between A and C
fixed at its ends. The ratio of the speed of is 6Hz. Then, find the frequency of B and C
sound to the speed of transverse wave respectively.
travelling on the string is 2 : 1. Find the ratio
of the length of pipe to the length of string. 26. S, O & W represent source of sound (of fre-
quency f), observer & wall respectively. V0,
19. In a resonance-column experiment, a long tube, Vs, VD, V are velocity of observer, source, wall
open at the top, is clamped vertically. By a & sound (in still air) respectively. VW is the
separate device, water level inside the tube velocity of wind. They are moving as shown.
can be moved up or down. The section of the Find
tube from the open end to the water level act
as a closed organ pipe. A vibrating tuning fork
is held above the open end, first and the vw vD
second resonances occur when the water level
is 24.1 cm and 74.1 cm respectively below the V0
open end. Find the diameter of the tube. [Hint
: end correction is 0.3d]
394 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar Kota, Ph. No. 0744-2209671, 93141-87482, 93527-21564
IVRS No : 0744-2439051/52/53 www.motioniitjee.com, info@motioniitjee.com
(i) The wavelength of the waves coming to- 29. The loudness level at a distance R from a long
wards the observer from source. linear source of sound is found to be 40dB. At
(ii) The wavelength of the waves incident on this point, the amplitude of oscillations of air
the wall. molecules is 0.01 cm. Then find the loudness
(iii) The wavelength of the waves coming to- level & amplitude at a point located at a
wards observer from the wall. distance ‘10R’ from the source.
(iv) Frequency of the waves (as detected by
O) coming from wall after reflection. 30. A fixed source of sound emitting a certain
frequency appears as fa when the observer is
27. S is source R is receiver. R and S are at rest. approaching the source with speed v and
Frequency of sound from S is f. Find the beat frequency fr when the observer recedes from
frequency registered by R. Velocity of sound is v. the source with the same speed. Find the
u frequency of the source.
31. The first overtone of an open organ pipe beats
S with the first overtone of a closed organ pipe
with a beat frequency of 2.2 Hz. The funda-
mental frequency of the closed organ pipe is
110 Hz. Find the lengths of the pipes. Velocity
of sound = 330 m/s
28. A car moving towards a vertical wall sounds a
horn. The driver hears that the sound of the
horn reflected from the cliff has a pitch half-
octave higher than the actual sound. Find the
ratio of the velocity of the car and the velocity
of sound.
394 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar Kota, Ph. No. 0744-2209671, 93141-87482, 93527-21564
IVRS No : 0744-2439051/52/53 www.motioniitjee.com, info@motioniitjee.com