Sound Waves HLP
Sound Waves HLP
Sound Waves HLP
1. A whistle emitting a sound of frequency 440 Hz is tied to a string of 1.5 m length and rotated with an angular
velocity of 20 rad s–1 in the horizontal plane. Calculate the range of frequencies heard by an observer
stationed at a large distance from the whistle in same horizontal plane. (vsound = 330 m/s) [JEE - 1996, 3]
2. When 0.98 m long metallic wire is stretched, an extension of 0.02 m is produced. An organ pipe 0.5 m
long & open at both ends, when sounded with this stressed metallic wire, produces 8 beats in its
fundamental mode of both the instruments. By decreasing the strain in the wire, the number of beats
are found to decrease. Find Young's modulus of the wire. The density of metallic wire is 10 4 kgm3 &
sound velocity in air is 292 ms1. [REE – 1996, 5]
3. A point sound source is located on the perpendicular to the plane of a ring drawn through the centre O
of the ring. The distance between the point O and the source is = 1.00 m, the radius of the ring is
R = 0.50 m. If the mean energy flow rate across the area enclosed by the ring is x 0 (in W). Find 0 .
Given, at the point O the intensity of sound is equal to 0 = 30 µW/m2 and assuming the damping of the
waves is negligible.
4. Two observers A and B carry identical sound sources of frequency 256 Hz. If A is stationary while B
moves away from A at a speed of 10 m/s, how many beats per second are heard by A and B ?
(c = 343 m/s)
5. Two transverse sine waves, each of amplitude 4mm wavelength 2m and time period 1s and in phase at
x = 0, t = 0 are travelling along the x-axis in opposite direction. Obtain the equation of the resultant
wave and comment on its nature calculate the maximum displacement at x = 2.333 m. Also locate the
antinodes and nodes.
6. A radio station broadcasting at a frequency of 1500 kHz generates a directional beam by using an array
of 4 point source antennas driver in phase with each other by the same transmitter. The antennas are
arranged along an east west line so that each antenna is 50 m from the next one.
Corp. / Reg. Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) – 324005
Website : | E-mail :
ADVSW - 44
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN : U80302RJ2007PLC024029
Sound Waves
10. A band playing music at a frequency f is moving towards a wall at a speed vb. A motorist is following the
band with a speed vm. If v is the speed of sound, obtain an expression for the beat frequency heard by
the motorist. [JEE - 1997, 5]
11. A 3 m long organ pipe open at both ends is driven to third harmonic standing wave. If the amplitude of
pressure oscillation is 0.1 % of the mean atmospheric pressure (P0 = 105 N/m2). Find the amplitude of :
(i) particle oscillation and (ii) density oscillation. Speed of sound v = 330 m/s, density of air
0 = 1.0 kg/m3.
12. The air column in a pipe closed at one end is made to vibrate in its second overtone by a tuning fork of
frequency 440 Hz. The speed of sound in air is 330 ms 1. End corrections may be neglected. Let P0
denote the mean pressure at any point in the pipe & P0 the maximum amplitude of pressure variation.
(i) Find the length L of the air column. [JEE - 1998, 8/200]
(ii) What is the amplitude of pressure variation at the middle of the column ?
(iii) What are the maximum & minimum pressures at the open end of the pipe.
(iv) What are the maximum & minimum pressures at the closed end of the pipe ?
13. A source of sonic oscillations with frequency f = 1700 Hz and a receiver are located at the same point.
At the moment t = 0 the source starts receding from the receiver with constant acceleration
a = 10.0 m/s2. Find the oscillation frequency registered by the stationary receiver at t = 10.0 second
after the start of the motion, assuming the velocity of the sound to be equal to v = 340m/s. [You can find
the answer in variables]
14. A source is moving across a circle given by the equation x 2 + y2 = R2 with constant speed
vS = m/s. in clockwise sense. A detector is stationary at the point (2R, 0) w.r.t. the centre of the
6 3
circle. The frequency emitted by the source is f S
(a) What are the co-ordinates of the source when the detector records the maximum and minimum
(b) Find these frequencies. Take speed of sound v = 330 m/s.
15. A sonar system fixed in a submarine operates at a frequency 40 KHz. An enemy submarine moves
towards the sonar with a speed of 360 Km/h. What is frequency (approximate) of sound received to
sonar system, reflected by the submarine? Given : Vsound = 1450 m/s in water.
16. A road passes at some distance from a standing man. A truck is coming on the road with some
acceleration. The truck driver blows a whistle of frequency 500 Hz when the line joining the truck and
the man makes an angle with the road. The man hears a note having a frequency of 600 Hz when the
truck is closest to him. Also the speed of truck has got doubled during this time. Find the value of ''.
17. At t = 0, a source of sonic oscillations S and on observer O start moving along x and y axes with 5 m/s
and 10 m/s. The figure shows their positions at t = 0. If frequency of source is 1000 Hz. Find the
frequency of signals received by the observer after 5 second. Vsound = 330 m/sec.
100 m
100 m
18. A point sound source is located on the perpendicular to the plane of a ring drawn through the centre O
of the ring. The distance between the point O and the source is = 1.00 m, the radius of the ring is
R = 0.50 m. Find the mean energy flow rate across the area enclosed by the ring if at the point O the
intensity of sound is equal to 0 = 30 µW/m2. The damping of the waves is negligible.
Corp. / Reg. Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) – 324005
Website : | E-mail :
ADVSW - 45
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN : U80302RJ2007PLC024029
Sound Waves
Corp. / Reg. Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) – 324005
Website : | E-mail :
ADVSW - 46
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN : U80302RJ2007PLC024029