Notice For Closure of Dormant Account OR DP Pending Dues

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Date: / /20 .

Dear Sir/Madam,

Sub: Notice for closure of Dormant Account with nil holding

Ref: DP A/c no. 120109______________ Name: __________________________

It is observed that your above mentioned DP account is non operational /dormant with nil holding as on date, also there
is a debit balance of Rs.__________ in your DP ledger account. You are requested to clear off the pending dues within 7
days of this notice.

You are requested to return this letter duly filled and signed by all the holder’s to your respective branch within 30 days
of this notice.

Further, we would like to inform you that in case we don’t receive any response from your end within 30 days from the
date of this letter then DP may initiate closure of your said account.

Thanking you,


We request you to opt for the appropriate option provided below:

□ keep this Account.

(In case you wish to continue this Demat account please strike off the below given closure form and affix signature of all
holder’s in the space provided below.)

□ Close this Account

(Please fill the closure form and sign in the space given below )

First / Sole Holder Second Holder Third Holder



O Account Closure Form

l Closure Initiated By : 1 BO 1 DP Date : __ / __/____

i Motilal Oswal Securities Limited (DP ID:10900)

f 2nd Floor, Palm Springs Center, Next to D-Mart,
New Link Road, Malad (W), Mumbai 400 064
o Dear Sir / Madam,
u I / We the Sole Holder / Joint Holders / Guardian (in case of Minor) request you to close my / our account with you from the date of this
application. The details of my/our account are given below:
i DP ID 1 2 0 1 0 9 Client ID
s Trading Code (BSE-NSE CASH –F&O) Name of first/sole holder Name of Second holder Name of third holder

Address for Correspondence

c City State PIN

l Details of remaining security balances in the account (if any) : (Please attach the annexure )
Reasons for Closing the Account
Balance remaining in the account (if any) to be :
Y ❑ partly rematerialised and partly transferred. ❑ Rematerialised
❑ Transferred to another account (Number given below) ❑ Not applicable
r DP ID Client ID

A Balance present in a/c for ❑ Ear – marked ❑ Pledged ❑ Pending for Dematerialisation ❑ Frozen. ❑ Pending for
/ (To be filled by DP, if applicable) Rematerialisation ❑ Lock-in.
Declaration for Authentic transactions in the account (To be filled in case when reason mentioned as” Shifting of Account.”)
I/We hereby confirm and declare that all the transactions in my/our Demat account No: ________________________maintained with
MOSL are done by me/us and stands authentic and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief.


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