ADTP Syllabus
ADTP Syllabus
ADTP Syllabus
Town Planning - I
1. History of Town planning: - Principles of town Planning, Town planning in ancient India,
Indus valley Civilization, medieval period, necessity of town planning, growth and forms
of towns, site selection for an ideal town, urbanization and, industrialization and its effects
on town planning.
2. Density gradient / distribution for carrying capacity analysis in relation to utilities and
3. Urban design considerations in Urban planning theory and practice
4. Planning techniques:- Basic methods of various types of surveys, collection of data,
methods adopted to collection of data standards for development and re-
development of residential, commercial, industrial and re-creational areas, land use
planning, socio- economic data for urban planning, inclusive planning and sustainable
5. Master planning and Zoning:- Objects and necessity of Master plan , stages in preparation
of master plan, principles of zoning, objects and importance of zoning, development
control regulations, site plans /area plans. Physical and social infrastructure.
6. Slum and re-development of existing towns: causes, growth, characteristics, effects of
slums, slum clearance and re-habilitation, presentation of slum formation, compensation
for slum clearance, objects of development, urban renewal.
7. Housing:- Housing policy, different types of housing Agencies involved in housing,
infrastructure planning for housing, different categories of houses HUDCO norms,
requirements and classification of residential buildings. Fundamentals of Development
Control Norms / Regulations, ECBC Norms and GRIHA relating systems, concepts behind
development of area-specific byelaws (for eg. in Heritage & Conservation areas).
8. Parks and Playgrounds: Selection of site for parks, forms of recreational grounds planning
standards for parks / open spaces, sports stadiums.
9. Industrial planning:- Classification of industries, selection of site/location for industries,
planning of industrial estate, Industrial wastes, treatment.
10. Traffic and Transportation planning : Principles of traffic and transportation planning,
classification of roads, principles of segregation of traffic, types of streets, road system,
road junctions, parking facilities, traffic signals, street lightings, traffic management.
11. Town planning legislations:- A.P Town planning Act,1920, A.P Urban area act, 1975, A.P
Municipality Act, 1965, Hyderabad Municipal corporation Act, 1955 and other relevant
12. Regional Planning:- Concept of Regional Planning, principle involved in delineation of
regions, factors influencing, Regional planning
Town Planning – II
2. Elements of Economics & Sociology: Concepts and definitions of Sociology & Economics
in Urban and Regional Context, Economic Planning in India. Theories of land economics,
concepts and definition of poverty, sociological concepts, stratifications in India and
global context.
4. Planning principles for eco-sensitive zones (coastal habitat, hill towns, riverfront, etc): Bio-
climatic considerations at neighborhood level to city level
5. Planning & Management for Disasters: Disaster risk, vulnerability and capacity assessment
(concepts and methodology), Disaster management and Planning, Hazard safety
legislations, role of various stakeholders and community based disaster risk management.
6. Integration of disaster mitigation strategy in Urban and Regional planning.
7. Financing and institutional Mechanisms for Projects: Municipal Finance, Polity support
and budgetary allocations for implementation & Financing of urban projects, additional
funding sources, resources based on achievement of urban reforms, implementation of
urban projects, institutional capacity enhancement, issues on privatization, plan forms
and indices.
8. Urban Governance & Management: Governance and Government, Concepts, Scope
of Governance, Evolution of Governance, History of Urban Local Bodies in India and
structural, Determines and indenture of good governance, reforms and policies in
governance, determinants and indices.