O o o o O: Beginning of Life Creation of The World

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RSTU (Q2) Reviewer

Two Natures of Jesus Gifts of the Holy Spirit

1. Human Nature  Fortitude- Strength, fear of the Lord
 Counsel- judge fairly
Examples: Death, Incarnation and Suffering
 Jesus forgives the sinner How can we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit?
 Jesus drove out all who were buying and selling in the temple
2. Divine Nature - Baptism, Confirmation, and Prayer
Examples: Ascension, Resurrection and Healing
How do we prove that the Holy Spirit is God?
 Jesus ascended into heaven
 Jesus healed the sick 1) The incarnation of Christ. If the Holy Spirit were not God, Mary would have conceived
 Jesus drove out demons Jesus on her own, but this is impossible.
 Jesus forgives the sinner
2) The Baptism of Jesus. If the Holy Spirit were not God, to say that he came down like a
dove would be senseless.
Title of Jesus
3) The Pentecost. Fifty days after the resurrection The Holy Spirit appeared as tongues of
o Son of God fire.
o True Man
o True God
o Messiah- saviour or redeemer Creation vs Evolution
o Incarnated Son- being born
 Similarities- talks about the beginning of life; creation of the world
 Difference: Creation Evolution
Three Theological Virtues
Mastermind- God Charles Darwin
1. Faith (Past)- beliefs to God
Source Bible The Origin of Species
2. Hope (Future)- desire for eternal life
3. Charity (Present)- love for God and our neighbors End Heaven, Hell, Eternal Life Extinction

Holy Trinity- one God with three distinct persons

1) God the Father- creator 4 Marks of the Church
2) Son- saviour, redeemer
3) Holy Spirit- sanctifier 1) One- It is founded by Christ to be united in one community, one faith, one founder
2) Holy- It is the temple of the Holy Spirit
3) Catholic- It is universal for all
4) Apostolic- It is founded by the Apostles
Icon of the Holy Trinity
- Holy Family (Joseph, Mary, and Jesus)
How personal sins are forgiven? (Original, Mortal, Venial) Why did the risen Lord remain on earth for 40 days?
 Original sin- present at birth; forgiven by baptism - To prove that He had truly risen and to prepare the apostles of the task of His
 Personal Sin (Mortal and Venial) - Sacrament of penance and reconciliation. continuing mission
 Mortal- removes friendship ith God; eternal punishment; forgiven
by confession
 Venial- temporal punishment; forgiven by mass, penance, or “Sitting at the right hand”
- “To seat at the right hand” is “to have full trust and authority.”
Condition of Mortal Sins
 Complete Consent – bal an mo nga sala pero gin-lampasan mo imo limits kag gin How do we prepare for the Second Coming of Christ?
himo man gihapon
- By repenting from sins and believing in the Gospel
 Grave Matter – act like murder
 Full Knowledge – may knowledge ka about simo gin himo.

What are the six eschatological questions?

Purgatory- the place where the souls are cleanse and purified These are the criteria that Jesus will use in judging each person, namely (Matthew 25:34-36):
Biblical proof of the existence of Purgatory -2 Maccabees 12:43-44 1. Did you give food to the hungry?
2. Did you give water to the thirsty?
How can we help the souls in purgatory?
3. Did you clothe the naked?
- Prayers and Masses
4. Did you welcome the strangers?

AMEN- “Yes, I believe.” Declaration of Affirmation 5. Did you care for the sick?
6. Did you visit the prisoners?
Why did Christ descend into the dead?
- Jesus descended into the dead to liberate the souls of the just from the power of
Sources of Faith- Sacred Scripture (Written) Sacred Tradition (Oral Preaching)
death, and to open for them the gate of Paradise.

Why did the souls of the just had to wait for the resurrection of Christ? The Church has 7 sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Confession, Anointing of
the Sick, Matrimony and Holy Orders
- They had to wait in the netherworld because the gates of Heaven were closed after
the Original Sin.

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