O o o o O: Beginning of Life Creation of The World
O o o o O: Beginning of Life Creation of The World
O o o o O: Beginning of Life Creation of The World
AMEN- “Yes, I believe.” Declaration of Affirmation 5. Did you care for the sick?
6. Did you visit the prisoners?
Why did Christ descend into the dead?
- Jesus descended into the dead to liberate the souls of the just from the power of
Sources of Faith- Sacred Scripture (Written) Sacred Tradition (Oral Preaching)
death, and to open for them the gate of Paradise.
Why did the souls of the just had to wait for the resurrection of Christ? The Church has 7 sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Confession, Anointing of
the Sick, Matrimony and Holy Orders
- They had to wait in the netherworld because the gates of Heaven were closed after
the Original Sin.