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PERSUASIVE SPEECH - a presentation that aims to change others by

prompting them to think, feel, or act differently.
 change people’s attitudes,
 change the strength towards or against people, policies, or ideas
 change how people act


1. Interactive - engagement between a speaker and a listener.
2. NOT the Same as Coercion, or Force – not force them to do, be
3. Gradual or Incremental – requires effort

3 CORNERSTONES OF PERSUATION – 3 forms of proof, or reasons

people believe (Aristotle).
1. Ethos – perceived personal character of the speaker.
- you have integrity, credibility
- you can be trusted
- you have goodwill toward them
- you know what you’re talking about
- you are committed to the topic
(show enthusiasm and be dynamic)
2. Pathos – emotional proofs
3. Logos – rational/logical proofs
Logical proofs = arguments, reasoning, and evidence to support claims

Evidence = examples, testimony, statistics, analogies, visual aids, and

1. Initial Credibility - expertise and trustworthiness listeners recognize
BEFORE a presentation (based on positions, achievements,
2. Derived Credibility - expertise and trustworthiness listeners
recognize as a result of how speakers communicate during a
3. Terminal Credibility - credible speakers have at the end of a
(cumulative expertise, goodwill, and trustworthiness listeners
recognize in a speaker).


1. State your qualification.
2. Show that you care about listeners.
3. Appeal to listeners’ emotions.
4. Reason carefully.
5. Use effective and ethical supporting materials.
6. Use verbal and nonverbal communication to show that you care about the
7. Respond to questions with open-mindedness and fairness.


- Introduction must be attention grabbing, provides a clear thesis
statement (stand), and preview of the coverage of your speech.
- Internal summaries of main points should be provided.
- Smooth transitions between points and parts of the speech is a
- Body must be organized to reinforce thesis and show unity of
- Conclusion should be summarized main points and end with a
strong closing statement.


Attention – pay attention, this is important to you.
Need – something is wrong and something must be done about it.
Satisfaction – what I have to offer is the way to solve the problem.
Visualization – this is how my plan will work to solve the problem; and if
you accept my solution, things will be much better.
Action – take action!
1. Opening Statement of Interest:
- A rhetorical question
- A startling statement
- A quotation
- An illustration or story
- A reference to the subject
- A reference to the occasion
Motivate audience interest in your subject by alluding to:
- The practical value of the information for your audience
- A reason to listen
- The audience’s sense of curiosity
- Establish your credibility by:
- Alluding to any first-hand experience you may have had
- Alluding to sources of information you have consulted

2. Show There is a Need

To urge a change - point out what’s wrong with present conditions
To demand preservation of present conditions - point out the
danger of a change

Need Step:
Illustration – tell one or more incidents to illustrate the need
Ramifications – employ as many additional facts, examples, and
quotations as are required to make the need convincingly impressive.
Pointing – show its importance to the individuals in the audience.

3. Present a Solution
Statement of Solution - a brief statement of the attitude, belief, or
action you wish the audience to adopt.
Explanation - Make sure that your proposal is understood.
Theoretical demonstration - show how the solution logically and
adequately meets the need pointed out in the need step, point-by-
Practical experience - actual examples showing where this proposal
has worked effectively or where the belief has proven correct.
Meeting objections - forestall opposition by showing how your
proposal overcomes any objections which might be raised.
4. Help Your Audience Visualize the Future
3 Methods of Visualizing the Future
Positive: Describe the conditions if your solution is actually carried
out. Picture the listeners in that situation actually enjoying the safety,
pleasure, or pride that your proposal will produce.
Negative: not carried out. Picture the audience feeling the bad effects
or unpleasantness that the failure to affect your solution will produce.
Contrast: Begin with the negative method (undesirable situation) and
conclude with the positive method (desirable solution). COMBINATION OF

5. Conclude With the Action Step

 Restatement of main idea and summary of main points.
 Statement of specific action or attitude change you want from the
 A statement of your personal intent to take the course of action or
attitude recommended.
 A concluding statement to recapture interest (a reason to remember).

General Presentation Skills

1. Finding the Right Register - Getting the right balance between
formality and informality in a presentation.
2. Reduce Anxiety - Have a well prepared and well-rehearsed presentation.
3. Know Your Audience - Ensure you tailor your presentation
appropriately, depending on the audience makeup.
4. Preparing Your Presentation
5. Practice

“Seek first to understand, then to be understood.”

- Stephen Covey
Informative Speech
- Provides interesting, useful, and unique information to your

Informative Speech Parts:
- Topic selection and approval
- Brainstorm
- Outline
- Paragraph Form
- Typed Copy
- Speech Delivery
Must be 2-3 minutes long.
Has significant visuals to compliment your speech.
Use cards curing presentations, but you must not ready from them.

- Sets the tone of the entire speech
5 Parts of Introduction:
- Attention Getter
- Purpose Statement
- Credibility Statement
- Preview
- Transition to the Body
Body – 3 main points.
- Signal closing
- Review main points
- Questions
- Transition
- Call to Action
- Thank the Audience
Steps on Making Your Informative Speech
Step 1: Picking Your Topic
- Think about your favorite products, events, procedures,
concepts, and special skills in life.
- Pick something that you are knowledgeable about and is easy to
- Research the topic and find a creative angle of approach.
Step 1.2: Picking Your Content
- Find the interest of your listeners.
- Look for information that is new to your listeners
- When researching: look for facts, stories, statistics, survey,
personal exp., quotations, and comparison/contrast.
Step 2: Brainstorming and Research
- Most important step.
- Write your thoughts.
- Research new ideas.
- Use different sources, not just the web.
Step 3: Outline
- Use basic speech outline
- Outline into paragraph form
- Notecards. Don’t read it, it’s just a guide, not a script.
Step 4: Be Prepared
- Practice
Step 5: Give Your Speech
- Get a good sleep
- Make eye contact with everyone
- Don’t fidget
- No likes and “umms”
- No negative things
- Take your time
- End with a thank you.
Entertainment Speech
- Amuse or entertain the audience. Does not share information or
persuade of a particular opinion. This speech is often humorous
and includes jokes or amusing anecdotes.
- Enables the speaker to connect with the audience not only on
cognitive level, but also at the affective level.
Preparing an Entertainment Speech
1. Know your audience
2. Learn from veteran speakers
3. Understand the available techniques of producing entertainment and

1. Introduction
- State your thesis in a way that it is entertaining your audience.
- Express it by combining anecdotes, joke, witty comments, or
entertaining comment
2. Body
- For every idea, add a joke that will capture your audience’s
3. Conclusion
- Creative restatement of your thesis – need not contain
entertaining remarks.

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