NOTES - Madam Rides The Bus 2024-25
NOTES - Madam Rides The Bus 2024-25
NOTES - Madam Rides The Bus 2024-25
Question 1. In such a fast-moving world when we hear so many incidents happening with
people, do you think Valli did right by not telling her mother about the bus journey?
Answer: No, I don’t think that Valli did the right thing in travelling alone to the town
without informing her mother. By doing this, she put herself in a vulnerable position as she
could have easily been a victim of child abuse had she come in contact with the wrong people.
In fact, she was lucky to return home safely.
Children should always travel along with their parents or elders as they are easy targets for
criminals. We hear a lot of instances of crime committed against children these days like
kidnapping, child abuse, molestation etc. Valli could have expressed her desire to travel on
the bus to her mother. I am sure that her mother would have fulfilled her wish by taking her
on a bus ride.
Question 2. The people and surroundings are a great book to learn. Valli in the lesson
‘Madam Rides The Bus’ learns a lot from others. Mention the traits of her character which
help her to learn from her surroundings.
Answer: Valli dreamt of riding on the bus. Her eagerness to fulfill her dream fired her
curiosity. This curiosity led her to listen to the conversations of people going on the bus ride
and asking discreet questions so that she could gather as much information as she could
regarding the bus journey.
On the bus journey, Valli acted confidently and behaved matured. She did not consider
herself to be any less than an adult. She was focused on fulfilling her dream and did not get
tempted to go outside the bus and explore the town when the bus reached the town.
On the return journey, she learnt about death when she came to terms with the dead cow.
This made her aware of the fact that death is a part of life and should be accepted as it is a
natural phenomenon. Thus, the bus journey made her learn a lot of things.
Question 3. Age is not a barrier when it comes to doing something different and great.
Which characteristics of Valli help her achieve the wonder of visiting the town at such a
tender age?
Answer: In today’s era, age is no more a barrier. Children are doing wonders at a very young
age. The same goes with Valli. At the age of 8 years, Valli was able to pursue her dream all
alone by travelling in the bus to town. She was no different from others, except that she had
certain characteristics that made her fulfil her dreams. Valli was a very confident and bold
girl. She had a knowledge of proper planning and execution. She controlled her wishes to
save money for the bus ride. Also, she was a very good observer and learner. All these
qualities made her realise the dream of visiting the town. Hence, one should always
remember that there is no age to learn and experience new things.
❖ Compassion: The narrator's care for Mijbil demonstrates empathy and kindness
toward animals
❖ Adaptability: Mijbil ability to adjust to new environments shows resilience
❖ Connection to Nature: The story emphasizes the beauty of the natural world and the
importance of respecting and understanding it.
The story emphasizes the beauty and complexity of the natural world, portraying the otter's
playful spirit as a reflection of its wildness. Mijbil ability to adapt to new environments
demonstrates resilience and the capacity to thrive despite challenges. The deep bond
between Mijbil and the narrator highlights the joy and fulfillment that comes from
companionship, transcending species.
Character Sketch:-
❖ Gavin Maxwell: The narrator and the author, he is a naturalist who forms a deep bond
with Mijbil.
❖ Mijbil the Otter:Mijbil is a playful and intelligent otter who becomes Maxwell's companion.
❖ The Narrator's Friends and Family: While they are not central figures, they occasionally
provide context to Maxwell’s life
❖ Various Local Characters: These include individuals Maxwell encounters in his journey,
Message:- The chapter "Mijbil the Otter" conveys themes of connection, companionship,
empathy, respect for nature, and freedom. It encourages a deep respect for the natural world
and highlights the emotional bonds that can exist between species.
1.How does Mij's behavior challenge our understanding of the emotional capabilities of
animals, and what implications does this have for how we treat wildlife and domestic pets?
Ans :- Mij’s behavior challenges our view of animal emotions, suggesting they experience
feelings like empathy and joy. This encourages more humane treatment of pets and
emphasizes ethical conservation practices for wildlife, recognizing their emotional and social
needs. Overall, it highlights the importance of empathy and respect in our interactions with
all animals.
2.In what ways does Mij's relationship with his human companion illustrate the importance
of empathy and connection between different species, and how can this understanding
influence conservation efforts?
Ans :-.Mij’s relationship with his human companion illustrates the importance of empathy
and connection between species, showing how these bonds enhance well-being for both. This
understanding can influence conservation efforts by fostering protective attitudes toward
wildlife. When people recognize animals' emotional lives, they may become more motivated
to support conservation initiatives, ultimately promoting biodiversity and animal welfare.
Empathy can thus be a powerful catalyst for positive change in conservation practices.
Home work
Question 4. What kind of person is Valli? Illustrate your answer from the text that you have read.
Answer: Valli was a determined, confident and brave girl. She was also a good planner and
executioner. She sacrificed a lot of things to achieve her dream. For example, she curbed the
temptation to buy sweets and ride on the merry-go-round in the fair so that she could save
money for the bus ride. Sacrificing all these things at such a tender age is very difficult for a
child. She also behaved confidently on the bus and did not get bobbed down in the presence of
When the bus reached the town, Valli did not succumb to the temptation of going out to explore
the town or having a drink. She did this as she had a limited amount of money which she wanted
to ‘ save for her return journey. So, Valli used her money wisely. When the conductor offered her
a drink, she showed good manners in refusing to have it.