Name: Dhruv
Age: 26
Education: MBA
Profession: Working
Ans: They were stories that transported me to fantastical worlds filled with magic and wonder. They also taught me
valuable life lessons and morals that have stayed with me throughout my life.
2. What was your favourite fairy-tale in childhood and what lesson you are keeping with yourself that you learned
from it?
Ans: My favourite fairy tale in childhood was "The Little Mermaid" by Hans Christian Andersen. The story of a mermaid
who falls in love with a human prince and sacrifices everything to be with him, always fascinated me. The lesson I
learned from this story is that true love requires sacrifice and the willingness to let go of what we want for the
happiness of others.
3. Men in fairy tales are shown as prince charming: a man who is handsome, brave, polite, rich, etc., and would be
a perfect husband or boyfriend, and women are shown as slim girls with big eyes and tiny waist-white complexion
stereotyping the idea of beauty do you think this effect mentality of children while growing up?
Ans: Fairy tales are just the sparkles and glorifying the human nature, if you ask a women of their ideal Man, they
will describe handsome, tall, rich etc. Irrespective of them watching fairy tale or not.
There are fairy tales where men are poor and don't have these quality. In my conclusion fairy tales are just the
representation of how Human see and idealise one another.
Stereotypes are everywhere and as per human nature we don't accept these stereotypes and harm one another.
4. Fairy tales are often praised for increasing children's imagination and creative abilities but do u think they
narrow down children's perspective and it should be more inclusive in the way it portrays their characters and
there a story line? As often fairy tales have similar storyline of men being a saviour and women being the damsel in
distress while the LGBTQ community has little to no representation
Ans: There are few fairy tale where women are the protagonist and women do play a major key role. As the world has
now started accepting LGBTQ so we can see more representation or character related to LGBTQ community.
Age :19
Profession: student
Ans: Fairy tale were more tha source of entertainment it was a story I learned life lesson from
2. What was your favourite fairy-tale in childhood and what lesson you are keeping with yourself that you
learned from it?
Ans: My favourite fairy-tale was snow-white. The lesson i learned was the importance of inner beauty over physical
beauty, the dangers of envy and jealousy, and the value of friendship and loyalty.
3. Men in fairy tales are shown as prince charming: a man who is handsome, brave, polite, rich, etc., and would
be a perfect husband or boyfriend, and women are shown as slim girls with big eyes and tiny waist-white
complexion stereotyping the idea of beauty do you think this affect mentality of children while growing up?
Ans: The portrayal of men as "prince charming" figures who are handsome, brave, polite, and rich can create a societal
expectation that men should possess these traits and can lead to harmful stereotypes. Similarly, the portrayal of women
as slim, big-eyed, and small-waisted with white complexions can create an unrealistic standard of beauty and can
contribute to negative body image and self-esteem issues.
4. Fairy tales are often praised for increasing children's imagination and creative abilities but do u think they
narrow down children's perspective and it should be more inclusive in the way it portrays their characters and
there a story line? As often fairy tales have similar storyline of men being a saviour and women being the damsel in
distress while the LGBTQ community has little to no representation.
Ans: Fairy tales can certainly have a powerful impact on children's imagination and creative abilities, but as you pointed
out, they can also reinforce narrow and limiting stereotypes. The portrayal of men as "saviours" and women as
"damsels in distress" can perpetuate gender stereotypes and create unrealistic expectations for both boys and girls.
Additionally, the lack of representation of the LGBTQ community in fairy tales can send the message that only certain
types of relationships and families are acceptable or "normal." Hence, it does narrow down thinking of children.
Ans: Yes Updating fairy tales to modern-day scenarios can be a way to make the stories more relatable and relevant to
contemporary audiences, while still maintaining the core themes and messages of the original tales.
Name: Tara
Age: 21
Profession: Journalist
Ans: fairy-tale was source of entertainment for me but for my parent it was a way to teach me important lesson of life
2. What was your favourite fairy-tale in childhood and what lesson you are still keeping with yourself that you
learned from it?
Ans: My favourite fairy tale would be "The Little Prince". The story is about a young prince who comes from a small
planet and his friendship with a pilot who crashes in the desert. The story explores themes of love, loss, and the
meaning of life. What I learned from this fairy tale is that true friendship is based on mutual understanding and
acceptance, and that it is the small things in life that matter the most. It also taught me that sometimes, we need to look
beyond what's visible to truly understand the world around us. It's a story that has stayed with me throughout my life
and continues to inspire me to see the beauty and wonder in the world.
3. Men in fairy tales are shown as prince charming: a man who is handsome, brave, polite, rich, etc., and would be
a perfect husband or boyfriend, and women are shown as slim girls with big eyes and tiny waist-white complexion
stereotyping the idea of beauty do you think this effect mentality of children while growing up?
Ans: The idea of beauty in fairy tales can negatively impact children's mentality by creating unrealistic standards, leading
to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. It can also perpetuate harmful stereotypes and discrimination based on
physical appearance and reinforce traditional gender roles. It's important to be aware of the representation of beauty in
fairy tales to avoid these negative effects.
4. Fairy tales are often praised for increasing children's imagination and creative abilities but do u think they
narrow down children's perspective and it should be more inclusive in the way it portrays their characters and
there a story line? As often fairy tales have similar storyline of men being a saviour and women being the damsel in
distress while the LGBTQ community has little to no representation
Ans: I believe that LGBTQ representation should be included in fairy tales. Fairy tales are a tool that can help children
understand and accept different forms of love and relationships. Excluding LGBTQ characters and stories from fairy tales
can send the message that these types of love and relationships are not valid or important. Including LGBTQ characters
and stories can help to break down stereotypes and promote acceptance and understanding.
Ans: yes definitely it is important as current scenario is different than the past when those fairy tales were written
Name: Ragini
Age: 59
Profession: Engineer
Ans: Fairy tales in my childhood were a source of magic and wonder, they transported me to different worlds and taught
me valuable life lessons. They provided me with a way to understand and process the complexities of the world in a way
that was easy for me to understand as a child. They also helped to develop my imagination and creativity, and I would
often find myself lost in the stories, visualizing the characters and settings in my mind. They also served as a way for me
to explore my emotions and understand my place in the world. Overall, fairy tales played a significant role in shaping my
childhood and have stayed with me throughout my life.
2. What was your favourite fairy-tale in childhood and what lesson you are keeping with yourself that you learned
from it?
Ans: My favourite fairy tale in childhood was "Cinderella," it always captivated me with its themes of love,
perseverance, and the power of inner beauty. She teaches us that no matter how hard life can be, you should always
keep your head up, and good things will come to you if you stay true to yourself. This fairy tale taught me that with
hard work and determination, you can achieve your dreams, and that true beauty comes from within. It also taught me
the importance of kindness and compassion, and to always treat others with respect and empathy.
3. Men in fairy tales are shown as prince charming: a man who is handsome, brave, polite, rich, etc., and would be
a perfect husband or boyfriend, and women are shown as slim girls with big eyes and tiny waist-white complexion
stereotyping the idea of beauty do you think this effect mentality of children while growing up?
Ans: the idea of beauty in fairy tales can certainly have an impact on the mentality of children. Fairy tales often depict a
traditional and idealized version of beauty, which can shape children's understanding of what is considered attractive
and desirable. For example, many fairy tales feature female characters with a specific physical appearance, such as long
hair and a small waist, which may lead children to believe that these features are necessary for a person to be
considered beautiful.
Additionally, the representation of different characters in fairy tales can also help children to understand the diversity
and learn to appreciate the unique qualities in others.
concluding with while the idea of beauty in fairy tales may shape children's understanding of what is considered
attractive and desirable, it can also serve as a tool to teach children to appreciate inner beauty and the importance
of character trait.
4. Fairy tales are often praised for increasing children's imagination and creative abilities but do u think they
narrow down children's perspective and it should be more inclusive in the way it portrays their characters and
there a story line? As often fairy tales have similar storyline of men being a saviour and women being the damsel in
distress while the LGBTQ community has little to no representation
Ans: No, I don’t feel like fairy tales should include members of LGBTQ community, as they were never initially a part
of our society.
5. Do you think fairy tales should be upgraded to modern-day scenario?
Ans: No, fairy tale should not be upgraded to modern scenarios and fairy tales have a great moral behind them while the
generation changes some basic values should be same.
Name: Priyanka Tanwar
Age: 40
Education: Graduate
Ans: It felt like a dream and always felt to live a life like that.
2.What was your favourite fairy-tale in childhood and what lesson you are still keeping with
yourself that you learned from it?
Ans: My fav fairy tale in my childhood was the story of Snow White
It showed that always helps everyone you never know the destiny can turn to your side.
3.Men in fairy tales are shown as prince charming: a man who is handsome, brave, polite,
rich, etc., and would be a perfect husband or boyfriend, and women are shown as slim girls
with big eyes and tiny waist-white complexion stereotyping the idea of beauty do you think
this effect mentality of children while growing up?
It created a mindset that the beauty of your face matters but the real beauty is within your soul.
4.Fairy tales are often praised for increasing children's imagination and creative abilities but
do u think they narrow down children's perspective and it should be more inclusive in the
way it portrays their characters and there a story line? As often fairy tales have similar
storyline of men being a saviour and women being the damsel in distress while the LGBTQ
community has little to no representation
Ans: Yes, I do agree that men always come up as a saviour and women being the damsel in
distress but nowadays that LGBTQ community should also be a part of fairy tales as in the
previous years they were not well supported.
Ans: Nowadays in fairy tales’ women and men should be given equal value and should be on the
same level.
Name: Kshitij
Age :29
Education: MBA
Ans: It meant something factual and mesmerizing. I felt like I was living that world.
2.What was your favourite fairy-tale in childhood and what lesson you are still keeping with
yourself that you learned from it?
Ans : Favourite fairy-tale was Beauty and the beast. I taught me that beauty lies in the eye of
the beholder. Everything is not about beauty it is about the one who can make change in your
3.Men in fairy tales are shown as prince charming: a man who is handsome, brave, polite,
rich, etc., and would be a perfect husband or boyfriend, and women are shown as slim girls
with big eyes and tiny waist-white complexion stereotyping the idea of beauty do you think
this effect mentality of children while growing up?
Ans: Yes it eventually affected the mentality of the children because at the end we all stay
in those dreams which eventually turned out to be a big lie.
4.Fairy tales are often praised for increasing children's imagination and creative abilities but
do u think they narrow down children's perspective and it should be more inclusive in the
way it portrays their characters and there a story line? As often fairy tales have similar
storyline of men being a saviour and women being the damsel in distress while the LGBTQ
community has little to no representation
Ans: Yes it narrows a child perspective as it often portrays a life where men are shown muscular
and female are shown as a soft angle which is not the reality. LGBTQ has been eventually not be
visible in these stories as at that time it was not as visible as it is now. Yes, it would take time but
now it can be seen as we have many shows on these topics
Ans: Yes, they should be upgraded to cope with the time. As everyone should be aware of what
is happening in the society