Rubrics For PAC
Rubrics For PAC
Rubrics For PAC
1. Enable students to apply theoretical knowledge from various engineering disciplines (mechanical, electrical, electronics, etc.) in a real-
world automotive project.
2. Foster teamwork among students from different departments to simulate a professional working environment.
3. Encourage innovation in design and engineering while solving real-world technical challenges.
4. Develop project planning, budgeting, time management, and leadership skills.
Outcomes: (Skills to be Acquired: Cognitive (Knowledge), Psychomotor (Skills), Affective(Attitude)
1. Demonstrate the ability to design, prototype, and manufacture an electric go-kart using engineering principles
2. Effectively work in interdisciplinary teams, managing different roles, and communicating across departments.
3. Tackle engineering challenges in electric vehicle design (such as battery management, motor efficiency, chassis design) with innovative
4. Plan and execute a project within given constraints (time, budget, resources), demonstrating leadership and accountability
Mapping with Program Outcomes (PO-1 to PO-12 & PSO-1 to PSO 3):
Needs Improvement (2
Criteria Excellent (5 points) Good (4 points) Satisfactory (3 points)
or less points)
Comprehensive review of EV
Good research covering Basic research with limited
technology and go-kart designs, Minimal research; lacks
Depth of Research major components with a sources or some gaps in
with references to a variety of depth or critical sources.
few relevant sources. understanding.
credible sources.
Thorough understanding of
Clear understanding of most Some understanding of
Understanding of batteries, motors, controllers, and Little to no understanding
major EV components, with components, but with several
EV Components how they integrate into an EV of EV components.
minor gaps. gaps or errors.
Well-organized, professionally Clear and logically Report is somewhat Poorly organized, lacks
Quality of Report presented, and clearly written with organized, with most organized, but lacks detail or clarity, and fails to provide
detailed insights. sections well-developed. clarity in some areas. sufficient detail.
Innovative design sketches that Design sketches show good Basic design sketches, with Lack of creativity in
Creativity of Design
reflect original thought and apply application of research with limited innovation or reliance design, with minimal or
research insights effectively. some originality. on standard models. unclear sketches.
Citation & Proper citation of all sources in an Sources are cited with minor Some sources cited, but lacks Little to no citation or
Needs Improvement (2
Criteria Excellent (5 points) Good (4 points) Satisfactory (3 points)
or less points)
Needs Improvement (2 or
Criteria Excellent (5 points) Good (4 points) Satisfactory (3 points)
less points)
Simulation Simulation setup is comprehensive Well-constructed simulation Simulation executed, but with Simulation setup is
Setup & and accurate, with correct boundary with accurate parameters, but some setup errors or missing incomplete or incorrect,
Execution conditions and parameters. minor setup issues. parameters affecting results. leading to invalid results.
Thorough analysis of key variables Limited analysis, with a few Little to no analysis of
Good analysis of major
Analysis of (e.g., weight, aerodynamics, power key variables considered, but variables or incorrect
variables with minor areas not
Variables distribution) and their impact on some ignored or poorly understanding of their
performance. understood. impact.
Simulation results are well- Simulation results are mostly Results are presented, but
Results are incomplete,
Simulation presented, with clear validation of accurate, with some with limited validation or
inaccurate, or fail to
Results performance metrics (speed, torque, performance validation, but unclear conclusions on
validate performance.
efficiency, etc.). lacks clarity in some areas. performance.
Use of Tools Proficient use of CAD and Good use of tools, showing solid Basic use of tools, with some Incorrect or inefficient use
Needs Improvement (2 or
Criteria Excellent (5 points) Good (4 points) Satisfactory (3 points)
less points)
Needs Improvement (2 or
Criteria Excellent (5 points) Good (4 points) Satisfactory (3 points)
less points)
Highly precise fabrication of Good fabrication with minor Basic fabrication, but with Poor fabrication quality, with
chassis and other components, defects that do not affect noticeable defects or significant defects or
with no visible defects. functionality. imperfections. misalignments.
Welding and Strong, clean, and accurate welds Good welds with minor Satisfactory welds with Poor welding, weak joints,
Mechanical with no misalignments; imperfections; mechanical some misalignments or and significant misalignments
Assembly components assembled perfectly. assembly is mostly accurate. weak points in assembly. in assembly.
Basic functionality
All systems (electrical, Most systems function Significant performance or
Functionality of achieved, but with some
mechanical) work flawlessly and correctly with minor functionality issues, with
Systems noticeable performance
integrate perfectly. integration issues. multiple system failures.
Safety Standards Fabrication adheres to safety Mostly adheres to safety Basic adherence to safety Poor safety adherence, with
Needs Improvement (2 or
Criteria Excellent (5 points) Good (4 points) Satisfactory (3 points)
less points)
standards and best practices; safe standards, with minor lapses standards, with some significant risks or non-
and Compliance
working conditions maintained. in best practices. noticeable safety concerns. compliance with standards.
Needs Improvement (2 or
Criteria Excellent (5 points) Good (4 points) Satisfactory (3 points)
less points)
Well-organized, clearly
Clarity and Good organization with most Report is mostly organized, Poorly organized report,
structured report with a logical
Organization of sections well-structured; but some sections are unclear with unclear structure and
flow, and all sections are
Report minor issues in flow or clarity. or lack detail. missing details.
All sources are properly cited, Most sources are cited Basic citation of sources, but Little to no citation or
Citation and
and references are formatted correctly, with minor with several errors or incorrect referencing of
correctly with no errors. formatting errors. inconsistencies. sources.