MDP3701 Assignment 5

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MDP3701 Assignment 5 2024






Department of Mechanical, Bioresources & Biomedical


School of Engineering

College of Science, Engineering & Technology

Due Date: 15th November 2024 at 23:00 pm Examiner: Assoc. Prof. L Mthembu
Internal Moderator: Assoc. Prof. H Ngwangwa External Moderators: Mrs. P
Mbuyelani, Mrs. N Mthembu. Marks: 58 - Project Report Marks (80% Weighting)
Marks : 20 - Project Presentation (20% Weighting)


• Include your project title, supervisor name and your name on the cover page.
• Do not exceed 20 pages (2% off for every extra page).
• Remember to reference your work using the IEEE standard (as Announced on
• Please use the questions to number your subsections!!! (This is what we
will be looking for)
• Name your file student no_05_MDP3701.pdf
• This assessment will evaluate the following graduate attributes which you
MUST pass to be eligible to pass the module:
o GA - 2 Application of scientific and engineering knowledge
o GA - 3 Engineering Design
o GA - 4 Investigations, experiments and data analysis
o GA - 6 Professional and technical communication
o GA - 8 Individual, team and multidisciplinary working
o GA – 10 Engineering professionalism

Please Note: Use the section numbering as [er this assessment, i.e. 5.1,5.2……
MDP3701 Assignment 5 2024

Assignment 5
In this assessment, students are to submit a final complete report of the: All
group members to sign the cover sheet! If it is not signed -0 marks for those member(s)!!
5.1 Introduction to the project. [3]
5.2 Literature (Literature that you read about the problem and how others have “solved”
the problem. (Please use IEEE referencing style). [3]
5.3 Engineering Design Workings [ See marking rubric below]. [15]
• Students are to explain how the design works (refer to figures that are in this
section not in the appendix). (10)
• Explain the innovation in your design and what materials are used etc (3)
• Propose future work on this design. (2)

5.4 Technical analysis of design [ See marking rubric below]. [20]

Please do not just do calculations, students must:
5.4.1 Introduce why they are doing a certain calculation,
5.4.2 Explain the assumptions and where they come from?
5.4.3 Show and explain the analysis (Calculations & Simulations) done and
5.4.4 Explain your results and refer to graphs/figures/charts in this section (not in
the appendix).
5.4.5 What they conclude from these and how they used it in the design. Break
up the calculations into sections with numberings!
5.4.6 Expand on the limitations and assumptions of the design. What can your
design not do, why is it limited etc.

5.5 Final real budget if you were to make this product. (No BoMs!) [3]
5.6 Appropriate CAD drawings & 3D renderings (Do not insert images without explaining
what they are for and what the reader is supposed to learn). [10]
5.61 Provide a full CAD drawing with labels for main parts
5.6.2 Provide a parts drawing
5.6.3 Provide a few images of the workings for the product
5.7 Design Project Conclusion [4]
MDP3701 Assignment 5 2024

GA Marking Rubric – Report (52 Marks)

GA2 - Technical Analysis 20 Marks

Mathematical and Scientific Terms: Ability to interpret (understand and apply) mathematical
and scientific terms. (3)
Theory in Engineering Problems: Ability to understand and apply theory in engineering
problems. (3)
Assumptions and Limitations: Ability to recognize essential/critical assumptions and
limitations. (4)
Calculations: Ability to carry out calculations and/or use mathematical software. (6)
Interpretation of Data: Ability to interpret mathematical and/or visual forms, including
equations, diagrams, graphics, figures and tables. (4)

GA3 - Engineering Design 15 Marks

Implementing Design Strategy: Ability to execute a solution to an open-ended problem

taking into consideration design requirements and pertinent contextual elements. (5)
Evaluating Final Design: Ability to evaluate/confirm the functioning of the final design. (5)
Innovation: Ability to recognize and incorporate innovation when considering an idea. (3)
Exploring New Directions: Ability to incorporate new ideas, ways or tactics (alternate,
divergent, contradictory and/or potentially high-risk perspectives or ideas) when developing a
design/approaching an assignment. (2)

GA 4 - Investigations, Experiments and Data Analysis 17 Marks

Purpose: Ability to state the hypothesis and the research question, clarify the connection
between them, and identify the variables. (This will be from your introduction & Conclusions)

Data Presentation and Error Analysis: Ability to present data using charts, tables and/or
graphs to enable comprehension and interpretation, including error. (This will be evaluated
from the whole report including CAD drawings & product rendering) (10)

Online presentations – 20 Marks (20% Weighting)

At the same time, students should start preparing the following for online presentations
to be presented after the submissions of the final report (GA 6,8,10):
5.8 Online presentation,
5.9 Demonstration of designed product (3D animation) and the Analysis performed,
5.10 You must be able to demonstrate the functionality of your product prototype through
a recorded video and or simulation software.
You will be provided with an opportunity to resubmit your project report if does not meet
the examiners’ minimum standards and if you do not satisfy the required ECSA GA’s.
MDP3701 Assignment 5 2024

GA Marking Rubrics – Online Presentation (20 Marks)

Graduate Attribute 6: Professional and technical communication [12]

Demonstrate competence to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with

engineering audiences and the community at large.

• Being able to use technical software in your presentation.

• Being able to animate your design during the presentation
• Being able to show any requested parts/components (in CAD software) of your
design during the presentation

Graduate Attribute 8: Individual, team and multidisciplinary working [5]

Demonstrate competence to work effectively as an individual, in teams and in

multidisciplinary environments.

• Evidence of Project planning,

• Being able to explain the project tasks/process
• Being able to discuss the budget of your design project
• If in a team – each member is to present subsections of the technical work e.g.

Graduate Attribute 10: Engineering professionalism [3]

Demonstrate critical awareness of the need to act professionally and ethically and to
exercise judgment and take responsibility within own limits of competence.

• Discuss ethical issues an engineer is to be aware of in design projects.

• Professional presentation (Power Point) and manners.

Total = [78]
Unisa 2024

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