MDP3701 Assignment 5
MDP3701 Assignment 5
MDP3701 Assignment 5
School of Engineering
• Include your project title, supervisor name and your name on the cover page.
• Do not exceed 20 pages (2% off for every extra page).
• Remember to reference your work using the IEEE standard (as Announced on
• Please use the questions to number your subsections!!! (This is what we
will be looking for)
• Name your file student no_05_MDP3701.pdf
• This assessment will evaluate the following graduate attributes which you
MUST pass to be eligible to pass the module:
o GA - 2 Application of scientific and engineering knowledge
o GA - 3 Engineering Design
o GA - 4 Investigations, experiments and data analysis
o GA - 6 Professional and technical communication
o GA - 8 Individual, team and multidisciplinary working
o GA – 10 Engineering professionalism
Please Note: Use the section numbering as [er this assessment, i.e. 5.1,5.2……
MDP3701 Assignment 5 2024
Assignment 5
In this assessment, students are to submit a final complete report of the: All
group members to sign the cover sheet! If it is not signed -0 marks for those member(s)!!
5.1 Introduction to the project. [3]
5.2 Literature (Literature that you read about the problem and how others have “solved”
the problem. (Please use IEEE referencing style). [3]
5.3 Engineering Design Workings [ See marking rubric below]. [15]
• Students are to explain how the design works (refer to figures that are in this
section not in the appendix). (10)
• Explain the innovation in your design and what materials are used etc (3)
• Propose future work on this design. (2)
5.5 Final real budget if you were to make this product. (No BoMs!) [3]
5.6 Appropriate CAD drawings & 3D renderings (Do not insert images without explaining
what they are for and what the reader is supposed to learn). [10]
5.61 Provide a full CAD drawing with labels for main parts
5.6.2 Provide a parts drawing
5.6.3 Provide a few images of the workings for the product
5.7 Design Project Conclusion [4]
MDP3701 Assignment 5 2024
Mathematical and Scientific Terms: Ability to interpret (understand and apply) mathematical
and scientific terms. (3)
Theory in Engineering Problems: Ability to understand and apply theory in engineering
problems. (3)
Assumptions and Limitations: Ability to recognize essential/critical assumptions and
limitations. (4)
Calculations: Ability to carry out calculations and/or use mathematical software. (6)
Interpretation of Data: Ability to interpret mathematical and/or visual forms, including
equations, diagrams, graphics, figures and tables. (4)
Purpose: Ability to state the hypothesis and the research question, clarify the connection
between them, and identify the variables. (This will be from your introduction & Conclusions)
Data Presentation and Error Analysis: Ability to present data using charts, tables and/or
graphs to enable comprehension and interpretation, including error. (This will be evaluated
from the whole report including CAD drawings & product rendering) (10)
Demonstrate critical awareness of the need to act professionally and ethically and to
exercise judgment and take responsibility within own limits of competence.
Total = [78]
Unisa 2024