Presentation 2 1
Presentation 2 1
Presentation 2 1
Name :- Somdatta Bhattacharya
Branch :- Kurmannapalem
Admin No :- 2274557
Class :- N120
1. Definition of extraction of metals
2. Types of ores
3. Important metal ores found in India
4. Basic steps of extracting metals
Definition of
Extraction of metals
The process of extracting metal ores buried deep
underground is called mining. The metal ores are
found in the earth’s crust in varying abundance.
The extraction of metals from ores is what allows
us to use the minerals in the ground. The ores are
very different from the finished metals that we
see in buildings and bridges. Ores consist of the
desired metal compound and the impurities and
earthly substances called gangue.
Oxide Ores-
In this particular ore, the metals are present in the oxidised
form. Obtaining metals from this ore is much easier. For
example, Haematite ore ( Iron) and Bauxite ore (Aluminium)
Sulphide Ores-
In this particular ore, the metals are present in the sulphide
form. Since it is difficult to extract metals from this ore, they
are usually converted to oxides with the process of
metallurgy. For example, Zinc Blende ( Zinc) and Lead
Carbonate Ores-
In this ore, carbonate ions are present. Since it is difficult to
extract metals from these ores, they are also converted to
oxide ores first. For example, Calamine (Zinc)
Sulphate Ores-
They are generally found underground and have sulphur
ions present in them. For example, Anglesite (Lead)
Important metal ores
found in INDIA
Aluminium :-
Bauxite - AlOx(OH)3-2x
KAOLINITE(a form of clay) - [Al2(OH)4 Si2O5]
Haematite – Fe2O3
Magnetite - Fe3O4
Siederite - FeCO3
Iron Pyrites - FeS2
• Copper pyrites - CuFeS2
• Malachite - CuCO3.Cu(OH)2
• Cuprite - Cu2O
• Copper glance - Cu2S
• Zinc blend/Sphalerite - ZnS
• Calamine - ZnCO3
• Zincite - ZnO
1. Grinding and Crushing
The bigger chunks of the ore extracted are crushed and ground in ball mills
and crushers. It helps to increase the surface area of the chunks for better
chemical actions later. In technical terms, it is called pulverisation.
Hydrolytic Method:
In this method, the ground ore particles are poured over a vibrating table with
a slope or inclination. A water jet is used to flow on the ground particles. The
impurities are lighter than the metal-containing ore particles. They wash down
while the heavier particles settle down on the grooves of the inclined table. This
is generally used when the metal ore is much heavier than the impurities.
Magnetic Separation:
The name of the concentration process is enough to explain. This technique is
used to separate the ferromagnetic metal ore from the impurities after
pulverizing. The ground ore particles are carried on a conveyor belt with two
wheels. One of these wheels is magnetic. The ferromagnetic ore particles will
then get attracted and separated from the impurities easily.
Froth Floatation:
Chemical Separation: