Mat SC
Mat SC
Mat SC
Module 3
Metal State
Al MP,AP,J&K,Raj,Orissa,UP,Karnataka,Bihar,Goa,
Cu Bihar,MP,Raj
Fe Goa, MP,Maharastra,Bihar,Karnataka, Orissa
Sn Jharkhand
Ag Karnataka, Raj
Ti Kerala, Tamil Nadu
Na Ladakh, Kashmir
Facts about Important Metals and Their Ores
(Fe2+Fe3+2O4) CaTiO3
General Principles of Extraction
• Process of extracting the metals from their ores
and refining them is called metallurgy
Pivoted at bottom
A gyratory crusher with material being crushed
between the gyratory head and the frame
Roasting (oxidation)
Mechanism of sintering
• 1st stage-Neck
• 2nd stage-
Densification and
grain growth
• 3rd stage-Pore
Kinetics of Roasting
• Exothermic
• Particle gets oxidized from outer most surface
to inner
• Unchanged inner core –possibility
• Reaction @ interface between these two
regions- if the gas ratio po2/pso2 is locally higher
than the equilibrium ratio for the reaction at
the temperature under consideration.
Smelting (reduction)
• Process of melting and separation of the charge(ore) into two
or more immiscible liquid layers –slag, matte, speiss or metal
• Metal oxides/sulphides ,which are present in ore or which are
formed by partial oxidation during roasting , are converted to
elemental metal by reduction reaction at a high temperature
• The required temperature varies over a very large range, both
in absolute terms and in terms of the melting point of the base
• Example: Iron oxide is converted to metallic iron at roughly
1250 °C almost 300 degrees below iron's melting point of
1538 °C
• Mercuric oxide becomes vaporous mercury near 550 °C ,
almost 600 degrees above mercury's melting point of -38 °C
• 1.Reduction at high temperature :oxides and sulphates from
roasting converted to pure metal by carbon as reducing agent
and in presence of flux(basic/acidic oxide)
(Mineral + gangue)+ reducing agent+ flux = metal/matte + slag +
• 2.Matte: fusion of sulphidic sources of metals with a flux and
no recuing agent reqd.
Sulphidic source concentrate + flux= matte + slag + gases
( smelting of Cu and Ni ores)
• 3.Flash :Combination of (Flash Roasting +Smlating operation)
The sulfide concentrate fines react with oxygen at high
temperatures. The oxidation process itself generates sufficient
heat for the smelting process to occur simultaneously.
Salient Features
• Furnace used-
• Reverberatory furnace (matte smelting),
• Blast furnace(reduction),
• Electric arc furnace( Combination-reduction and
matte smelting)
• As gangue is less fusible than metal so flux(basic
oxide) must be added to form slag which is easily
• for catalyzing the desired reactions and chemically
binding to unwanted impurities or reaction products.
• To lower the liquid’s temperature
• To lower the viscosity of slag
• Calcium oxide, in the form of lime (basic ), is used ,as it
can react with the carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide
produced during roasting and smelting to keep them
out of the working environment.
• Flux and slag provide a molten cover on the purified
metal, preventing contact with oxygen while still hot
enough to readily oxidize. This prevents impurities from
forming in the metal.
• What is it?
• A solution of metal oxides (in molten state) is used in metal extraction and
refining to collect all the gangue (waste) in the form of oxides (or sulphide
in small quantities) and remove the impurities into separate phase
• Slag is multicrystalline in solid state, lighter than molten metal and immiscible in
• Both basic (FeO, MnO, CaO, MgO,Na2O) and acidic oxides(SiO2,P2O5) with small
amount of sulphide and phosphides
• Slag Basicity B= (wt% All Basic Oxides)/(wt% All Acid Oxides)
• Slag Volume ratio(V)=wt% CaO/wt% SiO2
• Why do we need it?
• At high temperature metallic carbides form which can be suppressed in presence of
a solvent metal.
• The solvent metal in which metal M dissolves causes reduction in chemical potential
of M and pushes th ereduction reaction to the right making reduction possible at
lower temperature
Role of slag
•Acts as sink for impurities during refining of metal
•Controls oxidizing and reducing potential during refining
through variation of FeO content. Higher FeO makes the
slag oxidizing and vice versa.
•Prevents passage of N2 and H2 from atm to the molten
•Absorbs oxide /sulphide inclusions
•Acts as a thermal barrier to prevent heat transfer from
molten steel to the surrounding
•Protects metal against reoxidation
•Emulsifies hot metal and promotes Carbon Oxidation
•In electric smelting ,slag prevents the radiation of heat
of arc to the walls of the furnace and roof.
How does slag function?
• Slag contains Silica-which has hexagonal network and
possesses high viscosity in pure form
• When alkaline oxide (CaO) is added to it the hexagonal
network breaks and in molten state viscosity reduces ,as
depolymerization of silica happens
CaO=Ca2+ +O2-
• Most efficient leaching agent is acid as it can leach both basic and
precious metals-generally base metals are leached in nitric acid
a) Bioleaching
b) Chemical
a)Solvent Extraction
b)Ion Exchange
Types of Leaching
• Depending upon the processing unit
• In situ
• Vat
• Heap
• Agitation
• Depending upon type of leaching agent
• Bio leaching-microorganism
• Chemical
• Acid
• Base
• Thiosulphate
• Cyanide
• Halide
• thiourea
Nonpermeable rock
Heap leaching process
Vat leaching:
•Ore loaded into vats which are made of concrete
After leaching the residual solids are dugout of the vat and
replaced by a fresh batch of ore (batch process)
•Suitable for porous and sandy materials
•Commonly used for gold and silver ore
•In case of vat leach, we can control temperature, acidity (pH) and
solution flow rates and this provides significant advantages over
heap leaching.
This process is faster, more efficient and targeted leaching over
heap leaching process.
Agitation Leaching:
• Soil is slurred with the
extraction fluid for a period of
•When equilibrium between the
metal on the soils surface and the
metal contained by the solution is
approached , the solubilization of
the metal in the soil is slowed and
the extraction is considered to be
Bayer Process (leaching of Aluminum from Bauxite)
•These impurities are removed by digesting the powdered ore with
aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide at 420 K
under pressure. Aluminium oxide dissolves in sodium hydroxide,
whereas, iron (III) oxide, silica and titanium (IV) oxide remain
insoluble and are removed by filtration.
Sodium aluminate
Sodium aluminate is diluted with water to obtain precipitate of
aluminium hydroxide. It is filtered and ignited to obtain pure
Reactions involved in the Three main steps of
“Cu”metal extraction in Hydrometallurgy
Types of Microorganisms used in bioleaching
Solvent Extraction
• Transferring one solute(s) contained in a feed
solution to another immiscible liquid (solvent)
• The solvent that is enriched in solute is called
as extract and the feed which is depleted of
the solute is called as raffinate
Distribution coefficient,
KD=Concentration in organic phase(extract) / Concentration in
aqueous phase(feed)
Salient Features
• An extractant is a substance primarily
responsible for the transfer of a solute from
one phase to another
• The extractant is dissolved in a suitable diluent
and together act as a solvent
• The diluent is immiscible with other phase
which is usually water
• The extractant reacts with the solute by
solvation/Chelation/ion pair formation etc. to
extract from the aqueous phase
Commonly used solvents
Electrowining process
• Electrometallurgy is a process for refining
(electrorefining) and production (electrowinning,
electroplating, and electroforming) from a solution
containing metals throughout electrolysis
• uses electrical energy to produce metals by electrolysis
• Final step of metallurgy -preceded by pyro- and hydro-
• can be done on a molten metal oxide (smelt
• Electrorefining-electrolysis used as a final refining stage
in pyrometallurgical metal production
• Electrowinning- used for reduction of a metal from an
aqueous metal salt solution produced by
Electrowinning (smelt electrolysis) Electrorefining
• Nonmetal anions generally • Dissolution of anode metal
undergo oxidation at the itself occurs
anode to give gaseous
• Primary extraction of metals • Subsequent refining to high
from their ores purity
• Reactive metals such as • More noble metals e.g.
Aluminum and Magnesium Copper and zinc are
are electrolyzed from electrolyzed from aqueous
electrolytes of their fused electrolytes
Electrowinning cell
• Processing steps before electrolysis:
• The concentrated ore is converted to an acid soluble form
• Leaching in acid(commonly sulfuric acid) to produce an acidic
solution of metal salts
• This solution is purified to remove the more noble metal ions
which will electrodeposit more readily than the metal of
• Purification by solvent extraction or cementation or ion
• The purified solution is then fed to electrolysis cell
Production of Sodium
• the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride
using ”Downs cell”
• Reaction: