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Research on the Resource-Allocation-Optimization Strategy

for Offshore Wind Power Construction Considering Complex
Influencing Factors
Ning Wu 1, Rongrong He 1, Chunwei Jin 1, Yuan Xu 2,*, Guobing Pan 2 and Lianzhen Qi 2

1 PowerChina Huadong Engineering Corp., Ltd., Hangzhou 311122, China;

wu_n2@hdec.com (N.W.); he_rr1@hdec.com (R.H.); jin_cw@hdec.com (C.J.)
2 The Institute of Distributed Energy and Microgrid, Zhejiang University of Technology,

Hangzhou 310013, China; gbpan@zjut.edu.cn (G.P.); 202005680210@zjut.edu.cn (L.Q.)

* Correspondence: 201806040224@zjut.edu.cn; Tel.: +86-1738-725-7839

Abstract: The construction process of offshore wind farms involves multiple complexities, which is
very complex to be scheduled manually, and the coordinating and optimized scheduling not only
decreases project construction costs but also increases the construction speed. The impact of mete-
orological conditions on offshore wind power construction has been considered, and optimizing
resource-allocation strategies under complex influencing factors has been analyzed. Then, a com-
prehensive strategy optimization index system is developed, which includes key indicators, such as
the minimum working hours, resource-allocation-optimization rate, window period utilization rate,
and cost–benefit ratio. Additionally, an offshore wind power resource-allocation-optimization
model is formulated based on discrete event simulation (DES). A statistical analysis of each optimi-
zation index was performed using this model to assess the impact of resource-allocation strategies.
The simulation results demonstrate that the model can not only simulate the construction process
of offshore wind farms and monitor the state of wind turbines, personnel, and meteorological con-
ditions in real time but also accurately calculate key indicators, such as the minimum working hours,
resource-allocation-optimization rate, window period utilization rate, and cost–benefit ratio. This
Citation: Wu, N.; He, R.; Jin, C.; Xu,
Y.; Pan, G.; Qi, L. Research on the
strategy effectively enhances resource-allocation efficiency during the wind farm installation phase
Resource Allocation Optimization and improves the overall construction process efficiency.
Strategy for Offshore Wind Power
Construction Considering Complex Keywords: offshore wind power; influential factors; resource allocation; strategy optimization;
Influencing Factors. Energies 2024, discrete event simulation
17, 6006. https://doi.org/10.3390/

Academic Editor: Davide Astolfi

1. Introduction
Received: 24 October 2024
In light of the increasingly severe challenges posed by global climate change and the
Revised: 27 November 2024
Accepted: 27 November 2024
urgent need for energy transformation, offshore wind power, as an environmentally
Published: 28 November 2024
friendly and sustainable energy solution, is gaining increasing attention [1–3]. With many
countries setting ambitious “peak carbon and carbon neutrality” targets, offshore wind
power is widely recognized as a key contributor to the future clean energy system due to
its immense energy potential and vast development prospects [4–9]. However, the con-
Copyright: © 2024 by the authors.
struction cost of offshore wind power has been increasing. Moreover, offshore wind
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article
power construction costs are significantly higher compared to land-based wind turbine
distributed under the terms and
installation costs of the same scale, with offshore wind power costing more than twice as
conditions of the Creative Commons much as land-based installations [10–12]. The installation cost of offshore wind power is
Attribution (CC BY) license heavily influenced by weather conditions [13,14]. The cost is greatly affected by both
(https://creativecommons.org/license weather conditions and the availability of personnel for construction. Therefore, conduct-
s/by/4.0/). ing simulation research on resource-allocation strategies is of great significance for

Energies 2024, 17, 6006. https://doi.org/10.3390/en17236006 www.mdpi.com/journal/energies

Energies 2024, 17, 6006 2 of 9

offshore wind power construction under complex influencing factors to accelerate wind
farm development and enhance the economic benefits of these projects.
The optimization of resource-allocation strategies for offshore wind power construc-
tion is a crucial means to achieve cost reduction and improve the efficiency of offshore
wind farms. Consequently, many scholars, both domestically and internationally, have
conducted extensive research in this area. Zhao et al. [15] proposed a cloud-edge-end col-
laboration framework enhanced by Internet of Things (IoT) technology. To assess the eco-
nomic feasibility of the novel foundation applied to offshore wind projects, a full life cycle
economic assessment model for offshore wind projects was developed. Wu et al. [16],
using a 300 MW offshore wind farm as a case study, evaluated the whole-life-cycle eco-
nomic benefits of the new pile-friction ring composite foundation by calculating the con-
struction cost and key economic indicators during the operational phase of the wind farm.
Santos et al. [17,18] proposed a maritime project vessel planning method based on mete-
orological uncertainty, using a discrete simulation and genetic algorithms, which ensures
the stable operation of maritime projects while saving costs. Scholz et al. [19] proposed a
mathematical model based on which an optimal ship construction scheduling table is cal-
culated using weather forecast data to optimize the delivery of components for dockside
WTGs; Abderrahim et al. [20] addressed the issue of planning the overall installation of
an offshore wind farm by developing a mathematical model to generate a mid-term plan-
ning schedule for project evaluation, aimed at reducing the total project costs. Venkitachalam
et al. [21] conducted a construction planning simulation of the installation process for subma-
rine cables in wind farms, and to enhance the realism of the simulation, uncertain variables
were incorporated into the model to investigate their impact on the installation process.
These studies have provided a valuable reference for resource allocation in offshore
wind power construction. Significant progress has been made in promoting the develop-
ment of offshore wind farms, yet systematic research in this field remains insufficient. In
particular, the optimization of offshore wind power construction strategies is particularly
crucial in addressing weather uncertainties. Therefore, this study aims to conduct a com-
prehensive assessment of the complex factors influencing the resource-allocation process
in offshore wind power construction and to perform an in-depth analysis of this process.
To optimize resource allocation in offshore wind farm construction, this study establishes
an evaluation index system and constructs a planning model. The model simulates the
construction progress and completion of each task, considering the impact of weather and
human resources. By doing so, it aims to enhance construction efficiency and reduce costs.

2. Optimization of Strategies Under Complex Influencing Factors

Offshore wind power resource-allocation-strategy optimization refers to the pre-
planning of offshore wind farm construction projects, considering meteorological condi-
tions, as well as human and material resources [22,23]. Generally, the allocation of mate-
rials, personnel, and other resources is coordinated by the construction center, and it mon-
itors weather conditions, the weather duration window, and available working hours to
ensure that they meet the requirements for offshore construction. Based on these judg-
ments, the appropriate process is selected. Only when weather conditions are favorable
and resource allocation is sufficient can the most suitable process be selected for executing
offshore construction tasks.

2.1. Key Parameters of the Process

The construction process of offshore wind farms is complex, and different processes
require varying allocations of resources. Taking wind turbine installation as an example,
21 processes are needed, ranging from lifting the ship at the entry point to lowering it and
removing the legs. These 21 processes are categorized into four major types based on the
construction method: transportation, lifting, inverted transportation, and others. They are
further refined based on factors, such as the average construction time, minimum inter-
ruptible time, delay, preceding process, personnel requirements, construction cost, and
Energies 2024, 17, 6006 3 of 9

other relevant dimensions. The process classification and descriptions are shown in Table

Table 1. Process classification and description.

Events Duration Direct Predecessor Interruptibility Min Interruption Time Personnel Required Cost of Process Attributes
A1 T A1 A0 Yes 1 4 0.15M ¥ Transportation
A2 T A2 A0, A1 No / 6 0.20M ¥ Lifting
… … … … … … … …
Z1 T Z1 Y1 Yes 2 4 0.15M ¥ Other

A logical sequence exists between the processes. For example, the transportation of
the tower must be completed before it can be barged and lifted. Furthermore, the inter-
ruptibility of the process plays a critical role; if an interruptible process is delayed by ex-
ternal factors, it must be completed in sections based on minimum working hours. Delays
occur randomly, and the Poisson distribution is typically used to model the probability of
process delays.

2.2. Construction Resources

Construction equipment selection is constrained by meteorological conditions. The
transportation of towers, nacelles, hubs, blades, and other construction materials is per-
mitted only when the ship’s wind and wave resistance meets the transportation require-
ments under the current meteorological conditions. In the “lifting” process, the selection
of cranes faces similar restrictions as ships. The key parameters of the vessel and crane in
the simulation are listed in the Table 2, where 𝐻𝑆 denotes the wave height restriction, 𝑉𝑆
denotes the wind speed restriction, and 𝐺𝐴 represents the construction costs.

Table 2. Vessel and crane performance parameters.

Vessel Crane
Load Capacity/(kg) — —
Wave Resistance/(m/s) 𝐻𝑆 𝐻𝑆
Wind Resistance/m 𝑉𝑆 𝑉𝑆
Cost 𝐺𝐴 𝐺𝐴
Maximum Speed (m/s) —

In addition, the number of construction personnel also influences the efficiency of

resource allocation, and different processes will be assigned the appropriate number of
laborers to maintain a dynamic balance between resource-allocation efficiency and per-
sonnel costs. In offshore wind power construction, workers’ daily working hours signifi-
cantly impact the progress of the project and the efficiency of resource utilization. Work-
ers’ hours are affected by weather, waves, wind, and other environmental factors. Under
suitable weather conditions, extending working hours can accelerate progress, though
workers’ fatigue and safety must be carefully considered. The construction strategy opti-
mization must account for manpower utilization. Manpower allocation should be dynam-
ically adjusted based on conditions and schedule requirements to adapt to the evolving
Energies 2024, 17, 6006 4 of 9

2.3. Meteorological Conditions

The weather at sea is complex and unpredictable, and the installation of offshore
wind turbines is significantly influenced by weather conditions. When rainfall exceeds 10
mm/day or wind speed exceeds 6 m/s, all aerial operations and lifting activities are halted.
High temperatures also impact construction, while wave conditions frequently influence
ship-related processes. The project schedule depends on timely completion. Therefore,
considering the project schedule, five key meteorological variables must be considered,
including rainfall, wind speed at a height of 10 m, wind speed at a height of 100 m, tem-
perature, and wave height. The execution of a process at time 𝑡0 depends on whether the
minimum working hours required for the process are available, sufficient resources at
time 𝑡𝑠 , and whether all five meteorological conditions are simultaneously met within the
resource limit 𝑅𝑆 . We can define an indicator function I(t) as follows:
1 𝑅(𝑡) > 𝑅𝑠
𝐼(𝑡) = { , 𝑡 ∈ [𝑡0 , 𝑡𝑠 ] (1)
0 𝑅(𝑡) ≤ 𝑅𝑠

3. Resource-Allocation-Optimization Indicators
3.1. Minimum Working Hours
In offshore wind projects, the minimum working hours are a key scheduling param-
eter that determines the minimum time that each process can work after it has started.
This metric has a direct impact on construction interruptibility and efficiency. For pro-
cesses that can be started and stopped flexibly, such as material transportation, the mini-
mum working hours are typically shorter. This means that if unfavorable conditions are
encountered, these processes can be adjusted quickly without significant resource wast-
age. For processes that require continuous operation, such as blade lifting, longer mini-
mum working hours are necessary to ensure construction quality and safety. In this way,
the construction time can be effectively managed by the construction team to ensure that
requirements are met while maximizing resource efficiency.

3.2. Window Period Utilization

The construction window is the time period suitable for construction under specific
climatic and maritime conditions [24]. Given the complexity and unpredictability of the
offshore environment, the construction window is usually short, making the effective use
of this window critical to improving the construction efficiency and ensuring that projects
are completed on time.
𝑈𝐶𝑊𝑃 = × 100% (2)
where 𝑇𝑎 is the total time actually spent on construction during the construction win-
dow, and 𝑇𝑡 is the total time suitable for construction as determined based on climatic,
sea state, and other environmental factors.

3.3. Rate of Optimization of Resource Allocation

The resource-allocation-optimization rate measures the efficiency improvements re-
sulting from optimized resource allocation. It reflects the ability to improve construction
efficiency through the effective allocation of limited resources. Offshore wind power con-
struction usually faces complex environmental conditions and high risks, making the ef-
fective allocation and scheduling of resources crucial.
𝜂𝑏 − 𝜂𝑎
𝑅𝐴𝑂𝑅 × 100% (3)
where 𝜂𝑎 represents the post-optimization resource-use efficiency, which is the efficiency
after implementing optimal resource allocation, and 𝜂𝑏 represents pre-optimization re-
source-use efficiency, which is the efficiency prior to optimization.
Energies 2024, 17, 6006 5 of 9

3.4. Cost–Benefit Ratio

The cost–benefit ratio (CBR) is used to measure the relationship between the actual
cost of a project and the expected cost [25]. The formula for calculating the cost–benefit
ratio is as follows:
𝐶𝐵𝑅 = (4)
where 𝐶𝐴 represents the actual cost, and 𝐶𝐸 represents the expected cost.
The actual cost is calculated as the product of the construction time planned by the
simulation system created for a specific offshore wind power project and the daily cost.
The expected cost, on the other hand, is the product of the project completion time esti-
mated by the project manager and the daily cost.
This ratio reflects the effectiveness of cost control in the project. If the cost–benefit
ratio is less than 1, this indicates that the actual cost is lower than the expected cost, re-
sulting in better economic efficiency. Conversely, if the ratio is greater than 1, this indicates
that the actual cost exceeds the expected cost, leading to worse economic efficiency.

4. Resource-Allocation-Optimization Simulation System

The construction state of offshore wind farms is simulated using the discrete event-
simulation method, resource-allocation efficiency, the quantity of construction resources,
and other relevant characteristics. Historical meteorological data serve as the operating
environment for offshore wind power construction, and the actual construction process
serves as the driving rule to simulate the offshore wind power construction. This simula-
tion portrays the real-time state of wind turbine generators (WTGs), construction equip-
ment, and personnel, and statistically measures the efficiency and economic indexes of
offshore wind power. The main relationships and interactions within this model are de-
picted in the accompanying Figure 1.

Simulation process
Weather factors
Temperature Set up project Human
configuration resources
Set up project
Rainfall Weather Transportatio
limitations resource n resources
Select process constraints
Low-altitude simulation
wind resources
Exclude other
High-altitude influences
wind Remaining effects

End Supply
Wave delay

duration flexibility


Figure 1. Relationships of DES system.

4.1. Weather Module of System

The latitude and longitude coordinates of an offshore wind power construction site
are known, and weather data from the past ten years for the site are used as simulation
constraints. For the hoisting process, wind limit conditions are set at 6 m/s, with the rain-
fall limit at 3 mm and temperature limit at 36 °C. The daily working hours of workers are
set from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Construction cannot take place beyond these hours, and if
Energies 2024, 17, 6006 6 of 9

the remaining time in a day is insufficient to complete the process, construction will be
halted. The weather design module within the simulation system is presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Meteorological conditions for offshore wind power construction.

4.2. Process Module of System

Due to the complexity of offshore wind farm construction, the minimum working
hours of the processes may vary considerably. The working hours for lifting, inverting,
and processes of type “Other” are determined based on on-site construction experience,
while the working hours for transportation processes depend on the distance between
construction coordinates, the set speed of the trucks, and relevant regulations. The mini-
mum working hours are shown in the Figure 3.

Figure 3. Minimum work duration.

As shown in Figure 4, the simulation system provides a daily construction schedule.

By integrating the historical meteorological data of the area and the minimum working
time required for each process, it makes reasonable allocations of resources, such as labor
and equipment, to minimize downtime. This approach helps to reduce project costs while
maintaining orderly progress of the project. According to the simulation data, the utiliza-
tion rate of the project’s window period (UCWP) reached 91.6%.
Energies 2024, 17, 6006 7 of 9

Figure 4. Daily work condition chart.

4.3. Simulation Result

Figure 5 illustrates the specific construction data for the offshore wind power project
in January and February. The installation of one wind turbine unit was initially planned
to take 36 days. Through the simulation by the DES system, taking into account the attrib-
utes of each process in the early stages of the project, in select process simulations, re-
source optimization and weather factors were considered. Ultimately, after excluding the
remaining effects, a time schedule for each step of the wind turbine installation was ob-
tained. The simulation system predicted that the project construction would only take 23
days, saving 13 days compared to the original construction plan, which significantly re-
duced labor costs and equipment rental expenses. The efficiency of resource-allocation
optimization, RAOA, increased by 36%.

Figure 5. Wind turbine assembly simulation diagram.

The cost structure of offshore wind projects is complex, and the project cost structure
is defined by the system as labor costs, equipment lease, operational costs, and other ex-
penses. According to the report “Cost Composition of Offshore Wind Power Construction
(2022),” construction and installation costs account for about 35% of the total cost, while
equipment lease operational costs account for about 50% of the construction and installa-
tion costs, with an installed capacity of 100 MW for the offshore wind power project. The
daily equipment lease operational cost is 1.4 million yuan. Other costs include sea area
acquisition, offshore booster stations, high-voltage sea cables, interest, and insurance ex-
penses, which account for about 10%. These additional costs amount to 496,000 yuan.
In summary, the daily cost for the offshore wind power project is approximately 1.93
million yuan. The expected construction time is 36 days, while the simulation system in-
dicates that it only takes 23 days. From this, the CBR is calculated to be 0.638. A CBR value
Energies 2024, 17, 6006 8 of 9

less than 1 indicates that the actual cost of the project is lower than the expected cost,
suggesting that the project has good economic benefits.

5. Conclusions
The construction of offshore wind farms is characterized by high investment costs,
long construction periods, high construction difficulty, and vulnerability to environmen-
tal factors, making it challenging to plan the construction process and coordinate resource
allocation in advance for offshore wind power projects. This paper conducts an in-depth
study of the optimization of resource-allocation strategies for offshore wind power con-
struction and establishes a resource-allocation-strategy model based on a discrete event-
simulation platform. This model accounts for various complex influencing factors while
finely managing the construction process. It addresses the difficulty of establishing a pre-
cise long-term construction plan during the pre-construction phase of offshore wind farms
and provides guidance for the allocation of project construction resources.
The model can objectively and effectively evaluate the required manpower, material
resources, and time needed for each task, generating predictive results that optimize re-
source scheduling during wind farm installation and improve overall efficiency. Data
show that the resource-allocation efficiency and economic benefits can be significantly im-
proved by implementing the optimization strategy. The utilization rate of the window
period reached 91.6%, the optimization rate of resource allocation increased by 36%, and
the cost–benefit ratio was 0.638, indicating that the actual cost of the project is lower than
expected, resulting in better economic outcomes. A scientific and effective solution is pro-
vided by this study for optimizing resource-allocation strategies in offshore wind power
construction, which holds significant theoretical and practical value for accelerating wind
farm construction and enhancing economic benefits.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, N.W.; Methodology, R.H., C.J. and G.P.; Software, R.H.
and Y.X.; Validation, C.J.; Resources, N.W.; Writing—original draft, Y.X.; Writing—review & editing,
L.Q.; Visualization, N.W.; Supervision, G.P.; Project administration, R.H. All authors have read and
agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the National Key Research and Development Program of
China [Grant No. 2017YFA0700300] and the Zhejiang Province Key Research and Development Pro-
gram [Grant No. 2022C01244].
Data Availability Statement: The data that support the findings of this study are available from the
corresponding author, Y.X., upon reasonable request.
Conflicts of Interest: Authors Ning Wu, Rongrong He and Chunwei Jin were employed by the com-
pany PowerChina HuaDong Engineering Corp., Ltd. The remaining authors declare that the re-
search was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be con-
strued as a potential conflict of interest.

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