Offshore-Wind-Energy-Strategies-Report 25

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Department of Energy | January 2022

also have offshore observation networks that could be expanded and integrated into a larger
ocean-observing network.

Europe has a number of offshore meteorological towers gathering long-term measurements of

wind speed and turbulence at wind turbine hub heights. Remote-sensing instruments, such as
satellites, and temporary deployments of floating platforms, such as buoys, are primarily used
in U.S. waters. Fixed meteorological towers can also be deployed and used to populate data
sets, improve remote-sensing accuracy, and validate predictive models.

Making the necessary investments in offshore observation infrastructure and measurements

will enable data collection to inform offshore wind energy planning, as well as broader
applications in weather forecasting and climate impact studies. Weather forecasts of winds at
turbine hub height are needed to efficiently integrate wind-generated power into the electric
grid, and these observational data sets will be instrumental in improving existing climate and
weather forecast models. 63 Further, new protocols are needed to facilitate data sharing among
project developers, Federal agencies, utilities, RTOs/ISOs, and researchers and to create
uniform methods for instrumentation, data capture, and analysis. Improved measurements and
large resource data sets enable efforts in next-generation wind plant optimization, high-fidelity
modeling, and advanced controls; and these advanced capabilities could help maintain
transmission system reliability and reduce offshore wind LCOE significantly.

Table 3. Wind Resource and Site Characterization Initiatives

Initiatives Specific Actions To Implement Outcome
Invest in expanding Deploy offshore observation Better prediction of energy production,
national-scale infrastructure (e.g., meteorological better understanding of design
programs supporting towers) and publish wind, wave, and conditions, and lower project risk
offshore geotechnical data
Advance scientific and Collect measurements and improve Accurate modeling tools that reduce
technical models to show effects of climate, uncertainty, improve engineering and
understanding of downwind turbine wakes, and safety, and help maximize power
offshore wind physics extreme storms generation
and correlation to
energy production
Improve hub-height Improve physics characterizations Better prediction of wind and energy
wind speed forecasts within operational weather forecast production, enabling better integration
models into the grid

Technology Innovation. Research, development, demonstration, and deployment of new-and-

improved components and systems are needed to achieve efficiencies in manufacturing and
installation, improve the performance of offshore wind turbine systems, and increase the

63 NOAA Research has partnered with WETO on an offshore wind resource characterization and forecasting project (WFIP3) in
which Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution will conduct a year-long offshore wind field campaign in 2023‒2024 to collect
high-quality data and improve NOAA's weather forecast models. See DOE’s funding announcement.

Offshore Wind Energy Strategies | Page 17

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