T9A-SC Optional Rules 0-9-98

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The 9 Age th

Skirmish Campaigns
Optional Rules
Version 0.9.98 beta

How to use this document

Camps and Raids
Advanced De lection
Heavy Cover
Random Happenings

11 Wretched One 41 Fountain of Blood

12 Swarm of Rats 42 Freak Growth
13 Fire! 43 Sniper
14 Possessed! 44 Veil Storm
15 Assassin 45 Booby Traps
16 A Chattering of Claws 46 Sinkhole
21 Collapsed Building 51 Last One Standing
22 Thick Fog 52 The Horror
23 Restless Phantom 53 Plague Victims
24 Lucky Find 54 Catacombs
25 Hands of Stone 55 The Lost
26 Writing on the Wall 56 Scribe
31 Rogue Skeletons 61 Peddler
32 Pack of Dogs 62 Screaming Walls
33 Underdog Reinforcement 63 Re lecting Pool
34 Sudden Gust of Wind 64 Earthquake
35 Stench of Akaan 65 Itsy-Bitsy Spider
36 High Winds 66 Gravity Shift

Change Log
How to use this document
This document optional rules that can be used in addition to the standard rules of The 9th Age: Skirmish Campaigns.
Each section is dedicated to a set of rules which can be added to standard games to spice things up and makes it more
interesting. Each section can be used independently and contains all of what is needed to use those rules.

Content 2 Change Log

Camps and Raids
These rules are used to bring an additional objective into any games, namely raiding of the enemy camp. Each camp
is illed with provision that the Warband took with them to the battle, but left unguarded to not weigh them down
during the ight. What can be found there is not overly valuable, but the lower down the food-chain you get, the more
you have to gain from stealing from those above you.
Camps and Raids affect the Deployment, Recovery and Exploration Phase in the following way.

Deployment Phase
During the deployment phase, all players must deploy a Camp Marker. The Camp Marker is deployed as if it were a
model in the Warband, with the exception that it has to be deployed within 3" of a model in the Warband. The Camp
Marker cannot move in any way, it cannot take any action, cannot be destroyed or harmed and cannot be targeted by
anything. It is also ignored by all other other models during the Movement.

Recovery Phase
Camp Markers are Small Objective Markers.

Exploration Phase
At the end of the Exploration Phase, apply the following:
● If your Camp Marker is controlled by an enemy model, you lose 1 pt.
● For each controlled Camp Marker belonging to an enemy with a higher Warband Rating than your own, you
gain 5 pts.

Content 3 Change Log

Advanced De lection
These rules add more complexity and realism to the rules for De lect, allowing individual blows to be discarded.
Advanced De lection affects the following rules. Replace the effects of the affected heading with the ones given here.
De lect
A model can have multiple instances of De lect. For each one, the model can make a single De lection Roll per
Combat Round. At each initiative step, after To Hit rolls have been made, the model can choose to attempt a single
De lection Roll. Roll a D6. If the result is higher (not equal) than the highest successful To Hit roll of that initiative
step, a single of those successful hits (chosen by the defending model) is ignored.
A model with multiple instances of De lect can choose to make several De lection Rolls per Combat Round (but no
more than one per Initiative step) or it can choose to add a +1 modi ier to a De lection Roll, for each duplicate (this
must be chosen before the De lection Roll is made).
Models that are Dazed cannot use De lect.
The wielder gains Beast-bane. Attacks made with a Whip gain Devastating Charge (+1 Attack) but suffer -1
Armour Penetration. Models cannot make De lection Rolls at initiative steps where they were hit by a Whip.
The wielder gains De lect. The user can reroll a single failed De lection Roll in each Close Combat Phase.

Content 4 Change Log

These rules add mechanics for panic on the table, allowing models to run around uncontrollably, desperately trying
to escape.
Rules are added under the following headings, with additions and changes marked in red.

3 Models
3.5 Model Classi ication
All models have a Height and a Type, de ined in their model entry.

3.5.1 Height
There are two Heights, with the following rules:

Standard Large

All Alone 2 3
Number of enemy models needed in
base contact for the model to be
affected by All Alone.

Dangerous Terrain 1 2
Number of D6 rolled when
performing Dangerous Terrain Tests

Model Rules - Unusual Shape

Towering Presence
May not Ride
Shooting Attacks against the model gain a
+1 to-hit modi ier.

8 Recovery Phase
8.4 Model's Recovery
During Model’s Recovery, each of your models are able to recover Health Points and improve their Health State. Go
through all your models on the table and apply the following list chronologically from 1 to 5.

1 The model Recovers a single Health Point.

2 If the model is Dazed it becomes Healthy instead.
3 If the model is Fleeing and the closest other model is a friendly one (not counting models that are Hiding,
Stunned or Fleeing), take a Discipline Test. If passed, the model becomes Dazed instead. Otherwise it
continues Fleeing and will perform a Flee Move in the Movement Phase.
4 If the model is Knocked Down it becomes Dazed instead.
5 If the model is Stunned it becomes Knocked Down instead.

Content 5 Change Log

9 Charge Phase
Panic affects the following rules in the Charge Phase. Replace the effects of the affected heading with the ones given
here, the changes are marked in red.

9.1 Charge Phase Sequence

The Charge Phase is divided into the following steps.
1 Start of the Charge Phase.

2 The Active Player chooses a model and declares a Charge against a chosen target.

3 The Active Player plots the Charge Move that will be used to reach the target. Before moving on,
con irm with the player controlling the target model upon the distance required to reach the target.
4 The player controlling the target model declares and resolves their Charge Reaction.
5 Repeat steps 2-4 of this sequence until all models that wish to Declare a Charge have done so.
6 The Active Player chooses a model that declared a Charge, then rolls for Charge Range, and moves
the charging model.

7 Repeat step 6 of this sequence until all models that Declared a Charge have moved.
8 End of Charge Phase.

9.4 Charge Reactions (Move Charges is increased to 9.5 in numbering, etc.)

Each time a Charge Move is plotted, the target of the charge must declare and then resolve its Charge Reaction, before
any further Charges are declared. There are three different Charge Reactions: “Hold”, “Stand and Shoot”, and “Flee”.

A Hold Charge Reaction means that the model does nothing.
Models Locked in Combat can only choose to declare the Hold Charge Reaction.

A Flee Charge Reaction means that the Charged model changes its Health State to Fleeing. The leeing model then
makes a Flee Move in a direction chosen by the controlling player. After a model completes this Flee Move, every
model that declared a Charge against this model must immediately perform one of the following:
● Attempt to Redirect the Charge. Take a Discipline Test, if passed, the model may immediately declare a new
Charge against another viable target model within Line of Sight, which may choose their Charge Reaction as
normal. If more than one model declared a Charge against the Fleeing unit, each may attempt to Redirect the
Charge in any order chosen by the Active Player.
Units can only attempt to Redirect a Charge once per Player Turn. If a model Redirects a Charge and the
second target also Flees, the Charging unit may opt to Charge either target, adjusting the plotted charge as
described in the second option below.
If the Discipline Test to redirect the charge is failed, the second option below is performed.
● Adjust the plotted Charge Move against the leeing model. Repeat step 3 of the Charge Phase sequence against
the target, even though a successful charge may now be impossible, before moving on to step 5.
If the Fleeing model comes into contact with any model that declared a Charge against it in this phase (regardless
whether the enemy model Redirected its Charge), the Fleeing model is taken Out of Action.
Models already Fleeing when Charged can only choose to declare a Flee Charge Reaction.

Content 6 Change Log

9.4 Move Charges
9.4.3 Charge Fleeing model (Multiple Charges is increased to 9.4.4 in numbering, etc.)
When charging a leeing model, follow the same rules as for a normal Charge Move. Once the charger reaches base
contact with the leeing target, the leeing model is taken Out of Action.

Content 7 Change Log

10 Movement Phase
10.3 Erratic Move
10.3.1 Flee Move
Flee Moves follows all the rules for Erratic Moves except for the following:
● The direction is directly away from the closest enemy model (if tied, the Last Player chooses) and the move
distance is set to 2D6”, unless otherwise speci ied.
● It cannot result in a Charge.
● All models are passed through.
● Enemy models can make a single Close Combat Attack against the model if it comes within 2”. The attack is
carried out immediately when the model enters the zone (and only then).
● If the Move takes the model into contact with the Board Edge, the model is Removed from Table.

Melee Phase
13.2 Round of Combat Sequence
Each Combat Round is divided into the following steps.

1 Start of the Round of Combat

2 Choose Hand Held Equipment

3 Determine the Initiative Order

4 Roll Melee Attack, starting with the irst Initiative Step:

a. Allocate Attacks
b. Select a model
c. Roll to hit, to wound, saves, and Damage
d. Repeat steps b-c until all models of that initiative step have attacked.
e. Move to the next Initiative step

5 Roll All Alone Tests for models in the combat and perform all related Flee Moves

6 End of the Round of Combat. Proceed to the next combat.

13.8 All Alone Test

At the end of each combat round, check and see if there is a model s subject to All Alone. Models are subject to All
Alone if they are:
● of Standard Height and Locked in Combat with at least 2 enemy models, or
● of Large Heigh and Locked in Combat with at least 3 enemy models.
For all of this, models that are Hiding, Stunned or Fleeing are not considered.
If a model is subject to All Alone, it must take a Discipline Test called an All Alone Test. If the test is failed, the model
will immediately start Fleeing and must perform a Disengage Manoeuvre (allowing the opponent to attack) followed
by a Flee Move.

Content 8 Change Log

14 Attacks and Damage
14.7 Health States
There are 5 different Health States of different severity that can affect models. With increasing severity, the Health
States are: “Healthy”, “Dazed”, “Knocked Down”, “Fleeing” and “Stunned”. No model can ever have more than a single
Health State at the same time. If a model gains a Health State of higher severity than it currently has, it immediately
replaces the old one. Models ignore Health States of lower severity than it currently has.
In the Recovery Phase, models belonging to the Active Player change their Health State, often to the better.

● Fleeing
A model that is Fleeing:
○ Has its Agility set to 1 for as long as it is Fleeing.
○ Cannot perform any Voluntary Actions and cannot perform any Melee Attacks.
○ During the Remaining Moves sub-phase Fleeing models make a special kind of Erratic Move called
a Flee Move.
○ Cannot take Dodge Saves.
○ Loses Scoring for as long as it is Fleeing.

17 Model Rules
Models that are Fearless are immune to the effects of Fear and cannot declare a Flee Charge Reaction, unless already
The model gains Fearless, Feel no Pain and Magical Attacks. Models with Supernal ignore step 1 of Model’s
Recovery in the Recovery Phase (i.e. they do not Recover Health Points during that phase). When a model with
Supernal fails an All Alone Test, it does not Flee, but instead it loses one Health Point
The model gains Fearless. The model automatically passes all All Alone Tests. The irst time your Warband fails its
Rout Check in each battle (voluntarily or involuntarily), you may choose to let all your models with Unbreakable to
remain in the battle. These models are not Removed from Table with the rest of the warband and will continue
ighting as normal. They must test for Routing as normal in following turns.
The model gains Fearless, Feel no Pain and Fear (0). Models with Undead cannot perform March Moves, unless
they start the March Move within the range of a friendly model’s Commanding Presence. Models with Undead do not
take a All Alone Tests when losing a Round of Combat, but instead they lose one Health Point

Content 9 Change Log

Heavy Cover
These rules are for those that feel the standard rules for Cover are too simplistic and binary.
Add an additional possible to-hit modi ier to Table 6: Heavy Cover, -1 to-hit.
Add the following heading to the Shooting Phase chapter. Heavy Cover (-1 to hit)

If more than half of the target model is obscured by terrain or other models (using the same principles as when
tracing Line of Sight), the shooting model receives a -1 to-hit modi ier. Notice that this is in addition to normal Cover,
resulting in a total -2 to-hit modi ier.

Content 10 Change Log

Random Happenings
These rules represent the weird and wonderful things that can happen on the battle ield, things that are beyond the
control of players. These rules are intended to be optional and should only be used if agreed on by all players taking
part in the game.
Starting in game turn 2, at the start of each player turn the active player rolls a D6. If a ‘1’ is rolled, the Random
Happening occurs. The active player immediately rolls on the Random Happenings Chart. Only a single Random
Happening can occur per game.
If there is no possible way to play out the resulting Random Happening (for example: the models cannot be placed or
there is no legitimate target for the effect), the Random Happening is cancelled and players continue rolling at the
start of their turn as if no ‘1’ had been rolled.
There are two kinds of Random Happenings, Events and Encounters.

Events provided momentary effects to the battle. Some are resolved instantly and provide no lasting effect, others can
last for the remainder of the game.

All encounters include models being placed on the table and taking part in the game. These models are controlled by
the game itself and take their actions during an additional player turn that from now on takes place before the active
player’s player turn.
The models follow all the normal rules of the game, with the following exceptions.

Placing Encountered Models

The encountered models must be placed within 6” of a randomly determined Board Edge by the player controlling
the warband with the lowest Warband Rating. The models must be placed at Ground Level and at least 12” away from
all models part of any warband. If multiple models are to be placed, these must be placed within 3” of each other. If it
is not possible to place them thusly at this Board Edge, randomize another.

Moving Encountered Models

The encountered models all have special rules which determines the way they move during their turn. Each move is
always one of the following:
● Immobile. Never moving.
● Erratic Moves. Following all the usual rules for Erratic Moves.
● Frenzy Charge. Following the usual rules for Frenzy, with the exception that they always fail their Frenzy
● Direct Movement. Following the rules for the Direct Moves, found below.
Direct Move
A Direct Move is a kind of Move.
All models that move using Direct Moves have a de ined target that they will try to reach.
To perform a Direct Move, take the model off the table and place it back on the table at Ground Level X” closer to its
target (or less if enough to reach the target), where X is equal to the March Rate of the model. If unable to place it in
that position due to Model Spacing and/or terrain, reduce the distance it travelled by the minimum amount until it is
possible. Note that this move otherwise ignores all terrain and models completely.

Content 11 Change Log

Other Choices of Encountered Models
If an encountered model ever inds itself in a position where the rules don’t clearly de ine what action it will take or
how it will move,the choice falls to the player controlling the warband with the lowest warband rating.

Encounters and Special Scenarios

In some Special Scenarios (such as Monster Hunt) there already exist models controlled by the game itself. Adding
additional such models can become confusing and complex. As such it is recommended to reroll any Encounter
results when playing those scenarios.

Random Happenings Chart

Roll a D6 and multiple the result by 10, then roll another D6 and add the result together. This can give a number
between 11 and 66. The roll is referred to as a D66 roll.

11 Wretched One - Encounter

The warbands have stumbled upon one of the many former inhabitants of the city that got too close to the crater at the centre of
the city and was turned into a mindless spawn.

Place a Wretched One on the table, following the normal rules for placing encountered models.

Height: Standard Base: 40x40mm

Wretched One Type: Infantry Species: Irredeemable

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

- - 5 Fearless, Feel no Pain, Unbreakable, Wild, Worthy Foe

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

12 2 4 0 Fortitude (5+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

D6+1 4 4 0 1
Wild: Universal Rule
In its irst Movement Phase, the model makes a 3D6” Direct Move with the center of the table as its target. In all of its
following Movement Phases it makes 3D6” Erratic Moves in a random direction.
Worthy Foe: Universal Rule
A model that takes a model with Worthy Foe Out of Action gains +3 Experience in the following Experience Phase,
instead of the usual +1.

Content 12 Change Log

12 Swarm of Rats - Encounter
The streets suddenly crawl with rats, gnawing their way through any and everything in their path.

Place D3 Rat Swarms on the table, following the normal rules for placing encountered models.

Height: Standard Base: 40x40mm

Rat Swarm Type: Beast Species: Rat

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6” 12” 7 Frenzy, Numerous, Passing Through

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

18 3 2 0 Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

5* 3 2 0 4
Numerous: Universal Rule
The model can never be Knocked Down or Stunned, and can never Recover wounds. For every 3 Hit Points the Rat
Swarm loses, it’s Attack characteristic is reduced by 1.
Passing Through: Universal Rule
When this group of models enters play, their target is de ined as the corner of the table which is furthest away from
them. Any model with Passing Through that reaches the target is Removed from Table. In any Remaining Moves
sub-phase in which a model with Passing Through did not declare a Frenzy Charge and is not Locked in Combat, it
will perform a Direct Move towards its intended target.

13 Fire! - Event
Suddenly, a building bursts into lames, ignited by smouldering embers from a ire thought extinguished long ago.

Select a building on the table at random. That building is now Burning.

14 Possessed! - Event
A warrior is suddenly possessed by a supernal from beyond the Veil. Such a being provides strength to a host of strong will, but
confusion and terror to others.

Randomly determine a Warband with models on the table and randomly determine one of those models that is not
Fearless. That model gains the following:
● Fearless
● Supernal
● Stupidity
● +1 Attack Value
● +1 Strength
● +1 Armour Penetration
● +1 Agility
The effects last until the end of the game. During the following Warband Phase, the model must take a Discipline Test,
if failed, the model is Delayed.

Content 13 Change Log

15 Assassin - Encounter
An assassin has been sent out, with its sight sent on a high value target. Whoever sent it must have deep pockets
Identify the warband with the highest Warband Rating and identify the model in that warband with the highest
Experience and on the table. In case of any tie, the player with the lowest Warband Rating chooses. That model is the
target of the Assassin. The player with the lowest Warband Rating must place the Assassin within 6” and at least 3”
away from its target.

Height: Standard Base: 20x20mm

Assassin Type: Infantry Species: Classi ied

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 9 Knives in the Dark, Right for the Job, Showing Who’s Boss
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

* 7 3 0 Dodge (4+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi BS

* 7 * * 6 5 Throwing Weapons, 2x Swords (all Def changes included in

pro ile)
Knives in the Dark: Universal Rule
During its Charge Phase, unless the Assassin is Locked in Combat, it is automatically placed base contact with its
target and counts as having Charged.
Immediately after being deployed, the Assassin will perform its Shooting Attack at its target, if able.
Right for the Job: Universal Rule
Depending on the Experience of the target, the skill of the Assassin is changed. The values for characteristics marked
by * in pro ile are given by this chart:

Target Experience HP Att Str AP

0-19 6 1 3 1

20-29 8 2 3 2

30-39 10 3 4 3

40+ 12 4 4 4

Showing Who’s Boss: Universal Rule

If the target of the Assassin takes the Assassin Out of Action, it gains +2 additional Experience in the following
Experience Phase (for a total of +3).

Content 14 Change Log

16 A Chattering of Claws - Encounter
The air is illed with the sound of whispering, giggles and the clattering of claws. From out of the Immortal Realm, a group of
Succubi has appeared, with malicious intent.

Place D3+1 Succubi on the table, following the normal rules for placing encountered models.

Height: Standard Base: 25x25mm

Succubus Type: Beast Species: Supernal

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 7 Fearless, Call of the Veil, Fear (0), Frenzy, Out to Kill, Supernal
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 4 3 0 Aegis (5+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

3 4 3 1 5 Talon Scythes
Call of the Veil: Universal Rule
At the start of each of its turns except the irst one, roll a D6. On the roll of a ‘1’ the model is Removed from Table.
Out to Kill: Universal Rule
In any Remaining Moves sub-phase in which this model did not declare a Charge due to Frenzy and is not Locked in
Combat, it will perform a Direct Move with the current closest model as its target.
Talon Scythes: Close Combat Weapon
Attacks made with Talon Scythes ignore Parry and, if allocated towards Standard or Large Infantry, gain a +1 to-hit
modi ier.

21 Collapsed Building - Event

A beam suddenly snaps, reducing one of the already broken buildings to nothing but rubble.

Select a building on the table at random. That building is Destroyed.

22 Thick Fog - Event

A fog rolls in, thick as pea soup.

Roll 2D6 and multiply the result by 2. Until the end of the Game Turn, models cannot draw Line of Sight to anything
that is further away than the resulting value in inches.
Roll again at the start of every following Game Turn and apply it to the end of the Game Turn.

Content 15 Change Log

23 Restless Phantom - Encounter
Countless souls have suffered among these ruins, some so bad that their spirits linger on, to haunt those still living.

Place a Restless Phantom on the table, following the normal rules for placing encountered models.

Height: Standard Base: 20x20mm

Restless Phantom Type: Infantry Species: Undead

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6” 10” 4 Aura of Despair, Fearless, Gliding Through, Undead

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 3 3 0 Aegis (2+, against non-Magical Attacks)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

1 3 3 1 4
Aura of Despair: Universal Rule
Models within 8” of the Restless Phantom suffers -1 Discipline. Any model within 8” at the Start of its Movement
Phase must take a Discipline Test. If failed, the model immediately performs a 2D6” Erratic Move directly away from
the Restless Phantom. Models that are Locked in Combat or are Fearless automatically pass this test.
Gliding Through: Universal Rule
When this model enters play, its target is de ined as the corner of the table which it’s the furthest away from. If the
model ever reaches its target, it is Removed from Table. In any Remaining Moves sub-phase in which this model is
not Locked in Combat, it will perform a Direct Move towards its target.

24 Lucky Find - Event

There is no telling what you could stumble upon in these ruins. Sometimes it could even be something useful.

Randomly choose a healthy warband member that can gain experience. This model immediately inds a Clue Marker,
place it in base contact with the model.
Clue Markers
Clue Markers are Small Objective Markers.
Heroes and Hirelings that control at least one Wonder Marker at the end of the Game-Sequence
gain +1 Experience during the following Experience Phase.
Henchmen Groups were half or more models control at least one Wonder Marker at the end of the
Game-Sequence gain +1 Experience during the following Experience Phase.

25 Hands of Stone - Event

Hands of earth and stone suddenly jut out of the ground in a small area of the battle ield and grasp and attempt to hold anyone
passing near them.

The active player picks a spot anywhere on the battle ield. The area within 6" of that spot is Dangerous Terrain. This
effect lasts D3 game turn including the current one.

Content 16 Change Log

26 Writing on the Wall - Event
A warrior sees a writing suddenly appear in blood on the wall closest to him. Will he ind out what the writing says?

Randomly determine a Warband with models on the table and randomly determine one of those models that is
within 4" of a building or wall and roll a D6 on the following chart. If the model knows any Academic Skills, add a +2
modi ier to the roll.

D6 Result Effect
1 Reading the writing accidentally sets off a curse on the reader. The model suffers a -1 penalty to the following
characteristics for the rest of the Game Sequence: Movement (to a minimum of 2), Offensive Skill,
Defensive Skill, Ballistic Skill and Agility.
2 Impossible to decipher. No effect.
3 The writing points to a secret passage inside the building. The controlling player may choose to let the model be
Removed from Table. If so, it may be placed back on the table, inside any Building, at the end of the
controlling player next Player Turn.
4-5 The writhing tells of the remains of some booty nearby. If the model is not taken Out of Action before the end of
the game, add 2D6 points to the Warband Treasury.
6 The writings are a map of the area. During the next Pre Battle Sequence, the model’s Warband counts its
Warband Rating as 50 lower. If a Common Scenario is used, the controlling player may modify the roll to
determine which by ±1 (after the roll is made).
7+ It describes a mystical spell! The model permanently learns the spell Altered Sight (Cosmology) but can only
cast it if it is a Wizard or if it has the Arcane Lore Skill.

31 Rogue Skeletons - Encounter

While the intense magic of the area rapidly dissolves skeletons to ash, shambling hordes of them spring up at random from the
bones of the fallen. Uncontrolled, they roam the city wasteland, blindly attacking everything they ind before falling apart.

Place 2D6 Rogue Skeletons on the table, following the normal rules for placing encountered models.

Height: Standard Base: 20x20mm

Rogue Skeleton Type: Infantry Species: Undead

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4” 8” 8 Fearless, Frenzy, Turn to Ash, Passing Through, Undead

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 2 3 0 Shield, Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

1 2 3 0 2 Sword
Turn to Ash: Universal Rule
The Rogue Skeletons never Recover Hit Points during their Recovery Phase. In addition, at the start of each of the
Skeletons’ turns after the irst, each Skeleton must take a Discipline test. Any model that fails its test is Removed
from Table.
Passing Through: Universal Rule
When this group of models enters play, their target is de ined as the corner of the table which is furthest away from
them. Any model that reaches the target is Removed from Table. In any Remaining Moves sub-phase in which a
model from the group did not declare a Charge due to the Frenzy special rule and is not Locked in Combat, it will
perform a Direct Move.

Content 17 Change Log

32 Pack of Dogs - Encounter
Recent events in the city have caused many of the city’s dogs to suddenly ind themselves without homes. Groups of these animals
have turned feral and formed into hunting packs. The warbands have been discovered by one such, very hungry pack. Not quite
the ideal of an adventurer to end as dog food…

Place 2D3 Wild Dogs on the table, following the normal rules for placing encountered models.

Height: Standard Base: 25x50mm

Wild Dog Type: Beast Species: Dog

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7” 14” 5 Frenzy, Hungry, Passing Through

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 3 3 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

1 3 3 0 4 Devastating Charge (+1 Str, +1 AP)

Hungry: Universal Rule
Any model that is taken Out of Action by a Wild Dog while there were no friendly models within 8” is Vanquished.
Passing Through: Universal Rule
When this group of models enters play, their target is de ined as the corner of the table which is furthest away from
them. Any model that reaches the target is Removed from Table. In any Remaining Moves sub-phase in which a
model from the group did not declare a Charge due to Frenzy and is not Locked in Combat, it will perform a Direct

33 Underdog Reinforcement – Event

Sensing trouble brewing, a Hireling decides to seize the opportunity and offer his services to the most challenged warband in the
area. But the Hireling will demand payment for services rendered… otherwise an unfortunate warband member will feel his

Randomise a Hireling from the following table:

D3 Result Hireling
1 Longhorn Turncoat
2 Pit Brawler
3 Ogre Bodyguard

The selected Hireling immediately joins the Warband with the lowest Warband Rating that it can be a part of (with
regards to Alignments and restrictions on the Hireling, Hatred etc.), randomise if tied.
The model is placed on the table using the rules for encountered models but is after that treated as part of the
Warband it joined, and is controlled by the same player. It may not make a March Move in its irst turn.
The Hireling remains in the Warband as if it was recruited as any other model, and will demand Upkeep as any other
model. Notice that each of these 3 possible Hirelings have rules governing what happens if you refuse to pay Upkeep.

Content 18 Change Log

34 Sudden Gust of Wind - Event
Without warning there comes a sudden gust of wind. Anyone close to an edge better hope their footing is sturdy enough or they
might fall off.

All models within 1” of an Edge must immediately take a Strength or Agility test (whichever is lowest). If the test is
failed, the model will Fall off that Edge.

35 Stench of Akaan - Encounter

The Veil must be unusually thin here, for out of nothing a horrible supernal appears. The air shimmers around the Daemon as it
sets about to do the bidding of its dark master.

Place a Bloat Fly on the table, following the normal rules for placing encountered models.

Height: Large Base: 50x75mm

Bloat Fly Type: Beast Species: Supernal

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6” 8” 7 Call of the Veil, Fearless, Fear (0), Frenzy, Passing Through,

Supernal, Worthy Foe
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

15 3 4 0 Aegis (6+), Fortitude (5+), Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

2 3 4 2 1 Acid Blood
Call of the Veil: Universal Rule
At the start of each of its turns except the irst one, roll a D6. On the roll of a ‘1’ the model is Removed from Table.
Passing Through: Universal Rule
When this model enters play, their target is de ined as the corner of the table which is furthest away from them. Any
model that reaches the target is Removed from Table. In any Remaining Moves sub-phase in which the model did not
declare a Charge due to Frenzy and is not Locked in Combat, it will perform a Direct Move towards its target.
Acid Blood: Close Combat Weapon
For each Fortitude Save the model fails against Melee Attacks, the model that caused the wounding hit immediately
suffers 1 hit with Toxic Attacks, before any casualties are removed, distributed onto the model’s Health Pool.
Worthy Foe: Universal Rule
A model that takes a model with Worthy Foe Out of Action gains +3 Experience in the following Experience Phase,
instead of the usual +1.

36 High Winds - Event

The wind is picking up, blowing arrows off course and causing general disarray.

All models suffer a -1 penalty to their Agility. All Shooting Attacks suffer a -1 to-hit mod ier. This effect lasts for the
rest of the game.

Content 19 Change Log

41 Fountain of Blood - Event
The city itself seems to weep as even more blood is shed on its streets.

For the rest of the game. whenever a model takes another model Out of Action with a Melee Attack, that model must
take a Strength test. If failed, the model becomes Knocked Down.

42 Freak Growth- Event

Suddenly, trees sprout from the ground, growing to formidable sizes in mere minutes.
Place D6 Trees on the table. The players take turns placing them, starting with the active player followed by the
second player and so on. All Trees must be placed at Ground Level and at least 3” from all models and other Trees.

43 Sniper - Encounter
From high above, a lonely igure starts laying down ire on all those around him.

Place a Sniper at the highest point of the table that can be accessed by a normal Standard Infantry model.

Height: Standard Base: 20x20mm

Sniper Type: Infantry Species: Human

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4” 8” 8 Laying it Down
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

9 3 3 0 Hard Target
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi BS

1 3 3 0 3 4 Hunter, Quick Shot, Fletcher, Halberd

Laying it Down: Universal Rule
When the Sniper is deployed, it is equipped with a randomly chosen Shooting Weapon from the table below. It will
also immediately ire its weapon once at the closest model that is not Knocked Down or Stunned.

D6 Result Shooting Weapon

1 Blowpipe

2 Composite Bow

3 Sylvan Longbow

4 Crossbow

5 Handgun

6 Hunting Ri le
In its Shooting Phase, the Sniper will ire its irst Shot at the closest model that is not Knocked Down or Stunned. If it
has a second shot, it will ire it at the second closest model that is not Knocked Down or Stunned.

Content 20 Change Log

44 Veil Storm - Event
Clouds rapidly gather above the city in an unnatural, sickly yellow-green mass and lightning begins to dance from one cloud to
another. Thunder rocks the air, screaming out in almost intelligible noises. The clouds themselves seem to take on the shapes of
monstrous creatures and the warbands in the con lict look at each other with fear on their faces. What will the storm
manifestation bring?

Roll a D6 and consult the chart below

D6 Result Effect
1 Purple lightning begins to strike the ground in search of a victim, attracted to large amounts of metal.
The model with the best armour save on the table (randomize which if there is a tie) suffers a single hit
with Strength 5 and Armour Penetration 10. This process is repeated at the start of the next Game Turn.
2 Fish suddenly fall out of the sky to pelt the area!
The Advance Rate and March Rate of all models is halved until the beginning of the active player’s next turn.
3 Meteorite dust has mixed with the water vapour in the area and produced the strange looking clouds from which a
tainted rain begins to fall. The rain burns lesh and eats into stone and metal.
At the end of the active player’s next player turn, any models that are not standing directly below an Upper
Level suffer a single hit with Strength 2 and Armour Penetration 1.
4 The area is looded with magic from the Immortal Realm!
All models must immediately pass a Resilience Test or become Dazed until the end of the active player’s
next turn.
Until the end of the game, all Wizards roll an additional D6 on their Casting Attempts.
5 A rumbling is heard from overhead, as thunder erupts from the strange clouds. The thunderclaps become more intense
and the heavy pulses of air bring warriors to their knees as if they had been hit by cannonballs of solid air.
D6 randomly selected models on the table are Knocked Down. If any of these models were Engaged in Close
Combat, all other models in that combat are also Knocked Down.
6 Tendrils of smoke drift down from the clouds, winding around the heads of members of each warband, as rival storm
gods choose their champions.
Randomly select one Hero from each warband. These models gain Frenzy (against Heroes selected by this
Event) until the end of the game.

45 Booby Traps – Event

Some nefarious individuals have trapped the whole area the warbands are searching. These traps may take the form of spiked
pits, deadfalls, spring-driven spiked boards, etc.

From now on, at the start of each Movement Phase, randomly determine a model from the active player’s Warband
that is still on the table. This model has to take an Agility test. If failed, the model suffers a hit with Strength 3 and
Armour Penetration 1. The model also suffers -2 Advance Rate and -4 March Rate until the end of the player turn.

46 Sinkhole - Event
An enormous mouth suddenly opens up under the feet of a warrior.

Randomly a model on Ground Level. That model must take an Agility test. If failed the model is Removed from Table.
If a natural ‘6’ is rolled, the model is taken Out of Action instead.

Content 21 Change Log

51 Last One Standing - Encounter
The horrors of the city can drive even the strongest mind past the point of madness. This Matriarch has seen her entire warband
cut down around her and the experience has proven too much for. She now seeks revenge and is not particular about who gets to

Place a Deranged Mother Superior on the table, following the normal rules for placing encountered models.

Height: Standard Base: 20x20mm

Deranged Mother Superior Type: Infantry Species: Human

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4” 8” 8 Frenzy, Loot, Out to Kill, Wild Faith

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

9 4 3 0 Dodge (5+, against Close Combat Attacks), Shield, Heavy Armour,

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

1 4 3 0 4 Sharpened Whip
Loot: Universal Rule
If the Matriarch is taken Out of Action, place a Loot Marker where she stood. The Loot Marker is a Small Objective
During the Exploration Phase, the player controlling the Loot Marker adds 2D6 pts to the Warband’s Treasury and the
following items to the Warband’s Stockpile: Sharpened Whip, Heavy Armour, Helmet, Shield, Blessed Water Vial,
Holy Relic.
Out to Kill: Universal Rule
In any Remaining Moves sub-phase in which this model did not declare a Charge due to Frenzy and is not Locked in
Combat, it will perform a Direct Move with the current closest model as its target.
Wild Faith: Universal Rule
During its Magic Phase, the model must attempt to cast the Boosted version of either The Blazing Sword (Faith of
Sunna) or Gleaming Armour (Faith of Sunna). Randomly select which.

52 The Horror - Event

Sometimes, you are not as alone as you thought… A warrior hears a slight ripping sound as if the air itself is being torn apart and
something manifests itself behind him.

Randomly determine a Building which has at least one model inside of it. All models inside that building must take a
Discipline test.If failed, the model immediately performs a 2D6” Erratic Move towards the closest Board Edge Models
that are Fearless automatically pass the Discipline Test.
For the rest of the game, any model without Fearless making a Maneuver that would bring it Inside this Building must
take a Discipline test. If failed, the model stops right outside of the Building and may move no further in this phase.

Content 22 Change Log

53 Plague Victims - Encounter
Disease is a common occurrence among the few survivors left in the ruins of the city, but some citizens have contracted a
particularly nasty plague known as the Rot. Now they travel the city, desperately searching for adventurers and beseech aid from
any wanderer that crosses their way.

Place D6+2 Plague Victims on the table, following the normal rules for placing encountered models.

Height: Standard Base: 20x20mm

Plague Victim Type: Infantry Species: Human

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4” 6” 5 Contagious, Frenzy (against Target), Meek, Seeking Help

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

2 1 3 0 Hard Target
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

1 1 2 0 3
Contagious: Universal Rule
Any model that ends a Close Combat phase in Base Contact with Contagious model gains Contagious
At the Start of the Injury Phase, models with Contagious must roll a D6 on the chart below:
D6 Result Effect
1 Major Symptoms
The model must roll D3 times on the appropriate Injury Chart, treating any results of
‘Robbed’, ‘Bitter Enmity’, ‘Captured’ and ‘Sold to the Pits’ as ‘Full Recovery’.
2-5 Minor Symptoms
At the end of the following Warband Phase, the model is Delayed.
6 No Symptoms
No effect.
Meek: Universal Rule
Heroes and Hirelings do not gain Experience from taking a Plague Victim Out of Action.
When choosing targets for Shooting Attacks, Plague Victims can be ignored just as if they were Knocked Down.
Players can always choose not to attack Plague Victims with their models in Close Combat.
If no attacks are directed at Plague Victims in any combat involving only Plague Victims and models from a single
player or Alliance, all those Plague Victims are Removed from Table at the end of the player turn. During the next
Experience phase, all Heros and Hirelings in that combat gain +2 Experience for each Plague Victim removed and all
Henchmen Groups with at least one model in that combat gain +1 Experience for each Plague Victim removed. Notice
however that all models in Base Contact with a Plague Victim will suffer from the effects of the Contagious (see
Seeking Help: Universal Rule
At the start of its player turn, the Target of each Plague Victim is set to the closest model of Human race. If there are
none, use the closest model of Dwarf or Elf race. If there are non, use the closest model of any race.
In any Remaining Moves sub-phase in which a Plague Victim is not Fleeing and it did not declare a Charge due to
Frenzy and is not Locked in Combat, it will perform a Direct Move.
If a Plague Victim is ever taken Out of Action by another model, all other Plague Victim that could draw Line of Sight
to it will start Fleeing and make a Flee Move directly away from the model that killed the Plague Victim.

Content 23 Change Log

54 Catacombs – Event
The ground gives way under a warrior and he falls into the depths of the catacombs below the city. He lands near the remains of
others who have fallen before him.

Randomly determine a model from the active player’s Warband that is still on the table. This model has to take an
Agility test. If failed, the model takes a Strength 3 hit. Unless taken Out of Action by this, the model is Removed from
Table and the controlling player may roll a D6 on the chart below and add the resulting item to the Warband’s

D6 Result Item

1 Helmet and Sword

2 Lantern

3 Bloodroot Coating

4 Lucky Charm

5 Potion of Speed

6 A Lucky Morning Star

If the model is equipped with a Rope & Hook, the player whose Warband has the lowest Warband rating must place
the model back on the table at the end of the same Game Turn. The model must be placed at Ground Level anywhere
at least 12” away from all enemy models.

55 The Lost - Encounter

Many view the destruction of the city as a sign that the world is coming to an end. Groups of these lunatics are often drawn to the
city where they attack anyone they come across, certain that they are in some way helping to avert this cataclysm.

Place D3+1 Flagellants on the table, following the normal rules for placing encountered models.

Height: Standard Base: 20x20mm

Flagellant Type: Infantry Species: Human

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4” 8” 6 Fearless, Frenzy, Passing Through

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 3 4 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

2 3 3 0 3 Flail
Passing Through: Universal Rule
When this group of models enters play, their target is de ined as the corner of the table which is furthest away from
them. Any model that reaches the target is Removed from Table. In any Remaining Moves sub-phase in which a
model from the group did not declare a Charge due to Frenzy and is not Locked in Combat, it will perform a Direct

Content 24 Change Log

56 Scribe - Event
An old scribe is hiding out in the tower. If you are lucky he will share his wisdom with you.

The model currently at the highest position above Ground Level encounters a Scribe. Apply the effect of the irst true
statement in the list below.

Statement Effect

The model does not have access to Academic Skills The model gains access to Academic Skills.

The model is a Wizard Roll a D6. The model gains the Skill corresponding to the
result below, rerolling repeatedly if the model has already
has the Skill.
D6 Result Effect

1 Magical Aptitude

2-3 Scribe

4-5 Wizard Apprentice

6 Mind Focus

The model is the Leader The model gains the Tactician Skill. If the model already has
it, apply the effect below.

Otherwise The model becomes a Wizard and gains knowledge of the

Perception of Strength spell from Cosmology. The model
cannot ever learn additional Spells.

61 Peddler - Event
The warband that takes control over the area sees a peddler wandering through the ruins. This travelling merchant keeps his
entire stock on his back and offers to sell part of it to the warband.

In the Trading Phase, the winning warband may buy a single of each of the following items at half their Cost and
Rarity on the Local Market:
Hammer, Sword, Axe, Helmet, Crossbow, Pistol, Duelling Pistol, Rope & Hook, Bloodroot or Wolfsbane Coating,
Lucky Charm, Blessed Water, Hunting Arrows, Healing Herbs, Holy Relic, Lantern and City Map.

Content 25 Change Log

62 Screaming Walls - Event
Faces appear in the walls of a building and start to emit a piercing shriek. Spellcasters are most sensitive to this noise.

Randomly determine a Building. Immediately and at the start of each following Game Turn, all models within 8" of
the Building suffer a single hit with Strength 1 and Armour Penetration 10. Models hit also suffer a −1 to-hit modi ier
on its Shooting Attacks and Close Combat Attacks until the end of the Game Turn.

63 Re lecting Pool - Event

A notices a small pool of what looks to be still water. Re lecting the gloomy sky above, it appears to be liquid metal or unnaturally
deep silvery water, rippling only slightly with the dank breeze blowing through the city. He can ignore it, or bend quickly to peer
into its depths. Is he brave enough to gaze into the murky liquid?

The active player must randomly select a model from their warband. The model must be on Ground Level and may
not have Never Learns. Roll a D6 and consult the following chart:

D6 Result Effect

1 The city chooses to reveal its true visage to the warrior, unveiling the monstrous intelligence that lurks behind the
facade of simple ruins and rubble. The warrior’s mind is overwhelmed by the enormity of the impression and he
stumbles away in stark terror.
For the remainder of the game, the model cannot enter Building and all enemy models count as causing
Fear (1).

2 The water re lects back nightmare images of his own demise, illing him with fear for his own safety.
For the remainder of the game, for the purpose of All Alone, the model counts all friendly models as
enemy models.

3 The warrior glimpses an image of what is yet to come.

For the remainder of the game, the model must reroll failed to-hit rolls.

4 A faint image of his personal god appears, that ills him with frenzy.
For the remainder of the game, the model must reroll any failed Discipline tests.

5 The warrior peers into the depths of his own mind, unlocking untapped abilities. He can detect enemies with
uncanny precision.
The mode permanently gains the See in Shadows Skill (see Assassin Skills).

6 A slender arm reaches out from the pool, leaving no ripples in the smooth liquid, and pale ingers touch the
warrior’s chest. The soft caress causes a faint glow, which spreads throughout his body. Though it quickly dims
away, a strong feeling of strength and vitality is left behind.
The model gains the Aegis (2+) special rule until it passes an Aegis save.

64 Earthquake - Event
The ground shakes, making ighting a challenge for each and everyone.

All models suffer a -2 penalty to their Agility, Ballistic Skill and Offensive Skill. All models also treat all Terrain
(including open ground) as Dangerous Terrain. This effect lasts D3 game turns including the current one.

Content 26 Change Log

65 Itsy-Bitsy Spider - Encounter
The presence of dark energy has mutated this common household pest into a monster of titanic proportions!

Place a Great Spider on the table, following the normal rules for placing encountered models.

Height: Large Base: 50x50mm

Great Spider Type: Beast Species: Spider

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7” 10” 7 Frenzy, Fear (0), Passing Through, Strider (Forest, Tree), Worthy
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

12 3 4 3 Weakspots
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

3 3 4 1 4 Poison Attacks
Passing Through: Universal Rule
When this group of models enters play, their target is de ined as the corner of the table which is furthest away from
them. Any model that reaches the target is Removed from Table. In any Remaining Moves sub-phase in which a
model from the group did not declare a Charge due to Frenzy and is not Locked in Combat, it will perform a Direct
Loot: Universal Rule
If the Matriarch is taken Out of Action, place a Loot Marker where she stood. The Loot Marker is a Small Objective
During the Exploration Phase, the player controlling the Loot Marker adds 3 doses of Bloodroot Coating to its
Weakspots: Universal Rule
Any attack against the Great Spider will cause Critical Wounds on successful to wound rolls of 5+.
Worthy Foe: Universal Rule
A model that takes a model with Worthy Foe Out of Action gains +3 Experience in the following Experience Phase,
instead of the usual +1.

66 Gravity Shift – Event

The area has been heavily saturated with magic slipping through from the Veil, which is causing the very laws of physics to
change. Suddenly the gravity is reduced, making climbing and jumping a breeze.

All Wall Surfaces count as Ladders for the purpose of Climbing. During Tactical Manoeuvres, all models can move
freely over Obstacles, Wall Surfaces and gaps up to 2” large (instead of the usual 1”). All models must reroll failed
Agility Tests part of Dow Jumping Tests and Gap Jumping Tests. These effects last for D3+1 Game Turns, including
this one.

Content 27 Change Log

Change Log
Grammar and phrasing improved.

Content 28 Change Log

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