CP67 Exploded View
CP67 Exploded View
CP67 Exploded View
Materials used in the pumps are based on the fluid to be handled and are indicated in the model number
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(1): Indicates the pump model designation (CP, CPM, CPML Model)
(2): Indicates the pump frame size designation
(3): Indicates the pump body casting material
(4): Indicates the rotor material
(5): Indicates the stator material
(6): Indicates seal type: Mechanical Seal or Packed Seal (For Mechanical use M, for Packed use D)
(7): Indicates if the Drive Shaft, Flex Joint, and Rotor is Pinned or Threaded. (For pinned use P, for
threaded use T)
(8): Indicates if the pump has vertical suction housing. If horizontal is preferred no designation will be
Material of Construction
Continental Letter
Continental Part Description Part Materials
C Cast Iron
Pump Body
S 316 Stainless Steel (CF8M)
Q Buna Nitrile
Stator B EPDM
F Viton®
M Mechanical Seal
Seal Type
D Packing Gland
Mechanical Seal and Packed Seal options are available for all frame sizes (15, 22, 33, 44, 56, and 67).
The Pinned Drive Shaft, Flex Joint, and Rotor option is also available for all frame sizes. The Threaded option is
available only in frame sizes 15, 22, 33, 44, and 56; Size 67 has pinned option only.
All Continental Pump casting materials are Class 40# grey cast iron and CF8M (316) stainless steel.
The best metal for your application would depend on how corrosive your liquid is. We offer an epoxy
coating for an additional charge and can be applied to the suction housing and discharge. The epoxy
seals the cast iron from the material being pumped.
Stators are available in 3 types of elastomers. The rubber materials are: Buna Nitrile, EPDM and
Viton®. The rubber that is best for your application depends on what liquid you are pumping and at
what temperature, as it plays a vital role in which to select.
Abrasive Resistance Mechanical Seals are a great upgrade for your more abrasive applications.
By adding a Stator Barrier, which is recommended in any negative suction and/or vacuum application
to help protect the stator. There are lots of variables to take in consideration to know if this is right
for your application. Contact us with your application information to see if this is for you.
Looking for simplicity? We offer complete Progressive Cavity Pump Units. They are constructed on a
steel base to fit your specific application needs. The Unit consists of a Pump, a Steel Base & Guard, a
Gear Reducer and Motor. Also available are Belt Drive Units, Gas or Diesel Engines, and many other
base options.
Space Challenged? If you are needing a different arrangement from traditional piping, we have
vertical suction housings available in the CP Model.
Don’t need a complete pumping unit but looking for drive options? We can still help, whether
attached to a pump or sold separately we can supply you with VFD’s, Motors and Bases.