Eepc-301 L5
Eepc-301 L5
Eepc-301 L5
This is a 16-bit register accessible to the user. It is a special purpose register and it always
contains the address of the next instruction to be fetched from the program memory and
executed by the CPU in a program sequence.
Thus the program counter keeps the track of the program execution in which instructions are
to be executed next.
Dr. Asha Sharma (Ph.D., IIT Kanpur) Aug-23 11
The stack is a storage area of the processor.
It consists of number of sequential and RWM locations in which microprocessor saves
the internal register contents during subroutine calls and interrupts so that they will not
be changed or destroyed by a subroutine.
8085A μ𝑝 can address directly 64K memory locations. This is known as directly
addressable memory space starting from the address 0000H to FFFFH.
This entire memory area is usually divided by the user into program area, data area and
stack area.
It is for the user to see that program area and data area do not overlap with that of stack
memory area.
The size of the stack memory area depends upon the application.
For example, the user for a particular process control operation may decide to reserve
memory space starting from 2600H to 2700H as the stack memory space. This is shown
in fig. in next slide.