2015 Solutions

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Course Code: PHY415115
Significant figures were an issue as always and candidates were penalized up to one mark per booklet. For
borderline students, this lack of attention to detail could result in lower ratings. To try to alleviate this problem
we suggest candidates set their calculators to give three ‘sig figs’; this is the norm.

PART 1 – Criterion 5
Question 1
This was a straightforward question and consequently answered well by those candidates who understood the
concepts behind projectile motion. Unfortunately, this only applied to about half the students. Far too many
candidates inappropriately gave their answer to 4, or even more, significant figures. In general, part marks were
rare – it was either all correct or all wrong. This latter comment also applied to question 2, so these were quite
discriminating questions.

Question 2
a) Well answered.
b) This was more difficult, with only half the candidates producing the correct answer.
c) This part proved too difficult, particularly the second diagram. This is disappointing as it is very similar to a
question asked last year, with special mention made of this type of question in last year’s assessment
report. Obviously, students do not understand how to differentiate between force diagrams and diagrams
showing components of the forces. I suggest a special effort is made in teaching this material in the future.

Question 3
This question was poorly answered. Students missed the important fact given in the stem of the question that
there was 135 g of fuel in the rocket; this led to all subsequent answers being incorrect. ‘Error carried forward’,
fortunately, allowed many students to score well. Disappointingly, mention of Newton’s Third Law rarely made
it into answers for part a) (i) which lost candidates a mark. The sketching of the graph in part b) (ii) was most
enlightening as regards candidates’ understanding of graphs and motion. Most candidates, although having correct
answers for the earlier parts, could not transfer them to the graph appropriately; very few were able to draw the
correctly shaped graph. Very few candidates scored well on this part.

Question 4
a) A momentum vector diagram was expected, as this was required for the next part of the question. Marks
were awarded for attempts at any type of reasonable vector diagram, although it should be noted that a
vector triangle cannot be produced for velocity vectors. Most students received some marks for this part.
b) A momentum vector triangle was required to complete this demanding question, as was the use of the
cosine rule; it was not a right-angled triangle. It should be noted that there is no such thing as the law of
conservation of velocity so a velocity vector diagram was of no use, although many did this.
c) Very few students identified that elastic means that kinetic energy is conserved, and then it needed to be
shown by calculation that it was not conserved. Many students inappropriately simply stated that energy
was lost, or that momentum or velocity was not conserved. Parts b) and c) were poorly answered.

Question 5
This thought-provoking question proved too difficult for most candidates.
a) This question asked students to explain 'why' g decreases - not to state that it decreases. To gain full
marks reference needed to be made to the fact that the gravitational force acts symmetrically in all
directions at the centre of the Earth. No other explanation can account for a zero value at the centre.
b) In part (i) the coordinates imply that both values at the highest point of the graph were required. Being a
force vs. distance graph, a force of 981 N (downwards) was required, not 9.81 m s-2. Overall, very
poorly answered. In part (ii) the area under the graph gives the work done. Using the formula W = Fs
2015 Assessment Report Page 1 of 5
could only generate the correct answer if the average force was used.
c) Of the students who correctly described the change underground, most drew that change on the wrong
side of the graph i.e. on the right hand curved section that showed values above the ground.

Question 6
a) A straightforward question but many students used incorrect values in the relevant formula supplied on
the information sheet and failed to convert units (km to m and hours to seconds). Poorly answered,
considering it was a straightforward substitution question. Clearly, students do not always understand the
meaning of the symbols in the formula.
b) A more difficult question and those who did a sketch to work out distances seemed to have more
success. Frequently, incorrect values were used. Overall, not well done.

PART 2 – Criterion 6
Question 7
This question was well answered by the vast majority of candidates. It appears that most students have a good
understanding of electron motion in E and B fields. The small number of errors noted revolved around
incorrectly manipulating algebraic formulae.

Question 8
a) The electric field pattern around charges is a common enough question and most students achieved part
marks with simple diagrams. However, few students gained full marks as they failed to indicate the
increased field strength around the positive charge and the subsequent distortion in the field pattern.
b) This was well answered by most students. Occasionally, students included the wrong radius or forgot to
square the radius in the formula.
c) This was also well answered by most students. Occasionally, students incorrectly rearranged the formula,
producing the inverse of the answer.
d) This was a relatively simple question, asking students to indicate force direction. Strangely, many students
mistook this as ‘asking to sketch field lines’! Another common error was students neglecting to include the
resultant force direction. Both of these errors are related to students misinterpreting (or not reading) the

Question 9
a) This question was answered well by most students.
b) This was a more challenging question, asking for a detailed magnetic field pattern. Part marks were
awarded to students who indicated the direction of the B field around the wire and who correctly
indicated the B field between the poles. However, most students stopped at this point and did not
adequately indicate the distortion to the field and, subsequently, failed to gain the extra mark.
Two other common errors were that some students mistook the point ‘P’ as a current-carrying wire
(coming out of the page) and others sketched vector diagrams rather than field lines. Both of these errors
relate to inadequate reading of the question.
c) Generally well understood by many students. However, as is often seen is classroom situations, more than
half the candidates lost 0.5 marks for not including a direction to the force!
d) This part was more challenging than the previous sections of the question and was poorly attempted by
many. The full three marks required the calculation of the B field due to the wire and a
magnitude/direction vector calculation from the two B fields. Those students that realised a vector
addition was needed invariably scored full marks.
Question 10
a) Generally well done. Most candidates recognised there will be a transfer of charge, although a surprising
number incorrectly assumed the woollen cloth induces a charge (one end of the ruler becomes negative
and the other end positive). This particular response received no marks.
b) The key word in the question was ‘likely’. A single large piece of lead in the wallet is unlikely (but did gain
some marks if an explanation was also given). Those who described and explained a Faraday’s cage scored

2015 Assessment Report Page 2 of 5

Question 11
a) Very well done.
b) Not as well done. Some candidates may have guessed the tip correctly and received full marks.
c) Generally well done. Marks were allocated for the calculation of current and the substitution of this value
into the relevant force equation. This part was pleasing. The indication of a direction for this force was also
required and consequently a lot of candidates lost half a mark.
d) Candidates should be encouraged to complete and memorise a glossary of common Physics terms. Those
who had memorised definitions performed well answering this relatively easy question. Other candidates
struggled. Generally candidates received either full marks or zero marks.

Question 12
Unfortunately, the diagram misled students on the relative size of the coil and the field, which became particularly
evident in the answers to part c).
a) Most candidates were able to apply a Physics principle (either Lenz’s Law or a suitable Hand Rule) to
explain their choice of current direction. However, even with the correct explanation a surprising number
of candidates indicated the wrong direction in their final answer. This could be attributed to carelessness
or not knowing the definition of conventional current.
b) Most candidates attempted this question, but very few scored full marks. Some marks were allocated for
the change in direction of the current and also for showing zero current when the loop is fully within the
magnetic field. The labelling of axes is expected but, in this particular question, marks were not deducted.
Future candidates should be encouraged to review this question.
c) i) Generally well done, although most candidates who received zero marks for this part also failed to
answer part (ii) correctly.
ii) Students needed to recognise that the magnetic fields induced produce a force that oppose the
motion, and thus oppose the weight force when entering and leaving the field. Those candidates
who misinterpreted the question and recognised that the loop produces no current and associated
magnetic field when completely in the field, therefore only experiencing a weight force, received
some marks.
Generally, this question was not well answered.

PART 3 – Criterion 7
Question 13
a) Generally well understood, although full marks were hard to come by. There was much evidence that
students did not read the question fully, as aspects were not included. Many students got transverse and
longitudinal waves inverted for light and sound. Many students did not include vectors of oscillation.
b) i) Generally well done. Students were penalised for not including a diagram.
ii) Almost universally correct, even if light was incorrectly identified as longitudinal in part a).

Question 14
a) Generally well done.
b) Most students recognised the relationship between velocity and tension, and received a mark for saying so.
One mark was given for identifying that the pulse is traveling too quickly, and needs tension to be
decreased to slow it down. Some students talked of changing the belt velocity, or tried to use v = λf.
c) This was a straightforward application of the formula v   = . Common wrong answers were 321.5 N or
5.72 N. A common mistake was incorrectly stating µ = m x l.
d) Poorly done. Students looked for standing waves or reflected pulses, or generation of sound waves.
Answers had to include direction (forward) and speed, either with respect to belt or with respect to

Question 15
a) This was a well-understood question, but one mark was lost for not labeling nodes and antinodes as
requested. Other common mistakes were misidentified nodes and antinodes, and drawing closed pipes.
b) Generally, well done. In part ii) most errors were from not realising wavelength equals tube length for first
2015 Assessment Report Page 3 of 5
c) Poorly done. Students who understood what ‘end effect’ was tended to answer both parts correctly.
Again, this is an example when learning some common Physics terms helps. Incorrect reasons for the end
correction included shape of instrument and width of bell-end.

Question 16
a) Well done.
b) Both parts were generally well done.
c) Poorly answered. Students incorrectly put in the solution they determined for part a) rather than 90 - this
answer. Many then went a step too far by plugging this value into the refractive index formula.
d) Poorly done. One mark was given for determining the critical angle value, and one mark for stating that
the decreased critical angle will allow a wider cone of light it enter the end of the fibre.

Question 17
a) This was well done with virtually all students giving the correct answer of 3 Hz.
b) Well done, with most recognising v = λf = 0.09 m s-1 or 9 cm s-1.
c) Some students gave qualitative answers e.g. ‘Region 2 has a greater refractive index than Region 1’ This
was not given credit; it was expected that students would be able to calculate the value of 1.67 from the
d) This was reasonably well done. The examiner expected the diagram to show that the wave fronts are
closer together and at right angles to the new direction of travel. It was not expected that students use
the angle from part e), though many correctly did.
e) About 30% of students correctly calculated the refracted angle of 11.8°. Many made elementary arithmetic
errors or misapplied Snell’s Law.

Question 18
a) C is on the line of zero path difference between the two slits, so constructive interference is to be
expected. It is surprising how many students seemed to randomly pick one of the two options and gave
‘calm’ as the solution or ‘calm disturbance’. (Whatever that is!)
b) This was well done.
c) This was poorly done. Most students did not recognise that this is a case of path difference being 3λ/2.
Some used Pythagoras Theorem, but few of these managed to obtain the correct answer, although it was
d) This was very poorly done, with few recognising that there needed to be a whole wavelength in the path
difference and apply this to a small triangle based on the gaps, as it was STILL a maximum at C. About 2%
correctly saw it through.

Question 19
a) This part was reasonably well answered, with many referring to Huygens Principle. Many varied versions of
the word ‘diffraction’ were noted. The diagrams ranged from very good to a mess of random
crosshatched lines. Some confusion with refraction was noted.
b) Answers were mixed. The correct answer strictly was ‘no change in period as the waves encroaching on
the peninsula were of single wavelength in the diagram’ although full credit was given to students who
recognised that long wavelengths (long period waves) were more likely to refract more around to Q. A
number of students incorrectly believed that ‘energy of waves was lost’ so waves slowed and periods
c) Diagrams here were often very poor. Unfortunately, the size of the island was about the same as the
wavelength so the chances of the point of interest being in the lee were tiny. Most students did not
recognise that, once the waves met, the resulting wave would be very close to the incident wave in shape,
so credit was given for recognition that forms of interference would take place.

PART 4 – Criterion 8
Question 20
a) (i) Generally well done. Some candidates had difficulty transforming the given equation and in
converting µm to metres.
(ii) Candidates had difficulty finding two different changes. Marks were not given for answers lacking
2015 Assessment Report Page 4 of 5
specifics or open to varied interpretations, e.g. ‘the peak increases’.
b) Few candidates received the one mark available. Many candidates failed to answer the actual question
‘What observations …’, preferring to provide some general knowledge on the Bohr model.

Question 21
a) Candidates had difficulty listing two observations of the photoelectric effect related to the particle nature
of light.
b) Many candidates appeared unfamiliar with the interpretation of the emf ~ current graph given, with many
discussing slopes and threshold frequency, rather than the lighting conditions. Often only one variation was
c) i) Well done by many candidates. Marks were deducted if the answer was not in nanometers, as
ii) Well done. Candidates could work in either J or eV, however, many incorrectly mixed both in the
one equation. Marks were deducted if the answer was not in eV, as requested.

Question 22
a) Generally well done.
b) Generally well answered. A common mistake was to work out the wavelength of the recoiling electron,
using 92 keV, rather than the rebounding photon using 128 keV.
c) i) Poorly done. Successful candidates often firstly worked out the kinetic energy to determine the
velocity, and then solved to calculate the momentum. Few candidates successfully combined the
equations into one to solve for momentum.
ii) Well done by those that attempted it.

Question 23
Generally well done by the majority of candidates. However, it is a concern that a significant number of
candidates could not answer correctly this straightforward question.

Question 24
a) Mostly well done. Sadly, some did not know the details of alpha decay.
b) Most candidates noted that alphas would be contained as it was implied in the question. Besides possible
dangers of gammas to the electronics of the craft, a number of students were concerned about dangers to
humans or contaminating Pluto and The Universe.
Too many students said that the isotope was ideal because ‘it had a long half-life’ or ‘it had a short half-life’
without any reference point. Few students identified clearly that the half-life was comparable to the
expected voyage, thus would have sufficient activity but would last the duration of the mission.
c) About half the candidates answered this quickly and easily. The rest struggled.
d) i) Well done by most.
ii) A wide range of answers here – from 10-30 W to 1035 W. About ¼ of the candidates determined
the correct answer (~ 0.5 W). A significant number gave an answer in MeV, some more
appropriately gave it in MeV s-1.

Question 25
a) Poorly answered. Surprisingly, many students did not know the atomic number of carbon, or the proper
notations for the C-14 and/or the neutron. In attempting to write the equation, many students ignored the
neutron. Since the question did not give the second product, credit was given for answers that balanced
and made sense.
b) Most students scored some marks here, but few obtained the full 2 marks. There were many vague
c) i) Fairly well done.
ii) It was apparent that most students did not know the origins of coal. However, full credit was given
for sensible answers that indicated that there had been no interaction of the coal with the
atmosphere for a great many years.

2015 Assessment Report Page 5 of 5

/^ ^ ^^^ $b^-u Trc'^1^


Tasmanian Certificate of Education

Senior Secondary
SubjectCode: PHY415115

External Assessment


Time: approximately 45 minutes

Onthe basis ofyour performance in this examination, the examiners will provide a result on the
following criterion taken from the course statement:

Criterion 5 Identify and apply principles ofNewtonian mechanics including gravitational fields.

Section Total

Pages: 12
Questions: 6

Copyright for part(s) of this examination may be held by individuals and/or organisations other than the Office of
Tasmanian Assessment, Standards and Certification.
Physics - Part 1

Question 1 For
In a cricket game, a batsman hits a ball at an angle of 30.0° to the horizontal at a speed of Only
20.0 m s \ Assume that the ball was hit when at ground level and that the playing field is
level. [Note: Ignore air resistance.]
20. 0 m s

^ 10 .6- ^ s {0^

(a) Calculate the maximumheightreachedby the ball. (2 marks)

fc .= 4^- - -/$_ ^ I' 02. ^L
^ ^{-^(
.. A...?.....^.. ^.^......... ^...... ^.. ^. /:.G. ^...... 'a... £:8. /^...-^...............................

Laterthe batsmanhits the ball in exactly the same way but directly towards a fielder 26.0 m
away at point Q as shown in the diagram below.

20.0 m s

^ %o c^s 3o = / 7'3^ ^
30.0° ^ ^ "
26. 0m Q

(b) (i) Determine the time it takes for the ball to reach the fielder. (1 mark)

L.. ^..... S^..... ^.... ^'. 0.............. J1 ^0. ^..

. .

^.. 17^3

(ii) How far vertically above ground level is the ball when it reaches the fielder at
point Q? (2 marks)

s.. ^... ^±. ±M. ^... L.

. . . . . . . . ^... ^.^^.... ±..^..... ^:.^... (^^. ^..................................
^/^ - //.

^. :. ^. ^:. ,5

Page 3
Physics - Part 1

Question 2 For
Students set up an inclined plane as shown in the diagrambelow. They placed a frictionless Only
trolley of mass 0.500 kg at the top of the incline so that the distance from the front of the
trolley to the stopper was 3.50 m.

They releasedthe trolley from rest and found that it took 2.00 s to reach the stopper at the
trolley 0. 500 kg



(a) (i) Calculate the magnitudeof the accelerationof the trolley. (1 mark)

. ^..?::.^... ±4..^.. -....-...^.^^-. ^.....^.^-i^. z?..

^ ^ ^ z^.
. ^. ..1-.....^ '^,......... :-...../^.. -A^.

(ii) Showthe angle of the slope is approximately 10° (1 mark)

A,,^,.^...,-^,.<$,.,.,..,-7...,(S, ;...^;'^. '),

- f,

= ^-3°
-7^, ^ ^ ^-f^
<3^^w ^ ^IB^L^C fe)

Question 2 continues.

Page 4
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i0 s^a

sc <^\
-^ ^ 0

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1^ g- s

^ t
Physics - Part 1

Question 3 For

A small rocket is launched on a fireworks night. Use

The initial mass of the rocket is 250 g, 135 g of which is fuel. The fuel is consumed
in 3.00 s at a constant rate and the burnt fuel is ejected at 250 m s- .
[Note: Ignore air resistance.]

(a) (i) Using the appropriate Laws,calculate the upward force on the rocket due to the
burning fuel. (2 marks)

^^... ^... ;<^........ ^... ^^^.. ^^......... ^...^2. ^../V.,... ^^. c/

,. ^.^^..... ^... ^....... ^^^^.... ^.... ^. ^^. ^....,.......,......,.......
..^...p. ^^/--^p-

^-^. s-
(ii) Hence determine the initial net force on the rocket. (1 mark)
t^... ff^.. . ftffcfi, ^.. r....... =:... , ^4......-??.... ot. . ^Q. .. ^. 9...'. ^/...... . ^. 2 .c .^A/ ^p - . . </

.. ^.. ^.... ^. ^. ^^^..... ^... ^Ai ^^.. ±^. ^.... ^'^^... ^'

(b) (i) Calculate the initial acceleration of the rocket. (1 mark)

. ^..........|^........ j..^W,..

(ii) Sketch a graph of the acceleration of the rocket against time for the first 4.00 s of
its motion. Show values on the acceleration axis at times 0, 3 and 4 seconds on the
§raph. (4 marks)
c^^^^^J^ '-^ ^ ^'W^f^r ^ l-u-?.u ffa^
" p^y-: -/c4^ r ^«^^-^ ^'?y^ '^P
^^ ^ r^t^
^ .> ?y ^ ^y -o ^/^ ^/3


^--.-2. ,8

Page 6

Physics - Part 1

Question 4 For
A fast (~2 MeV) neutron is travelling at 2. 00x 107m s when it hasa glancing collision with Only
a stationary C-12 nucleus. After the collision, the C-12 travels at 0. 105x 10' m s ' at an angle
of 42.0° to the original path of the incident neutron.

[Note: In this question it is NOT essential to work in SI units.]

(a) Sketch an appropriate clearly labelled vector diagramof the situation. (2 marks)

ty- fr(^t. ^ (. o6c^t(c'"61^ /^r^t

^ ^ ff^^fs 0

^^: ^ I'-t^y^k^ u^ ^
c/^ - p^ - I-
-? o-foT^( 7-^/^ fff^^

-^. ^

^yy^o-7 -*^- ^^pf^fSO - - ^'.7QWr-»*</^
^ ( ' ' 6 fQ -?«/5
(b) Calculate the speed of the neutron after the collision. (3 marks
OSf/u&- Cot J5<£^^^r/v^ OF f^<0f^. ft^^'rc/ft^f. a^- Q/t^i-^^& <
..^.^..^....^.^..^......^^.^...^...^^^^...... ^..^^. ^.. ^....^^^

,..^^..... L?-....... /0^.... ^... ?^.......... ^. ^Y7.. -... ^/<3^^/?:.. <'^. ^
o' <y
a. /. c/6 if UevfT-i
...UT^'fS-~^^'t. T'<f'
....................... ^^.....
/^.. ^.... -:..p. /^........ ^.... ^/?^... ^^... ^-.. ^.^..... ..........
r-<y^? u^f-r^

(c) Detennine whether or not this was an elastic collision. (3 marks)

. ^..^^4^...... ^^^^..... =:../<.^..


-?«- f> .
L^/^ 2- :=- ^ ^Wf^
>1. . . i2-
. ^^.... ^5^^.... ^..^. ?^.^^...Y...£..-<'^.^"......?../ .r.^1^^.. ^^^
^0^0^(ff'L -f- 0^^-tf
2LO<*<^9' ^ fuf-T^.
-. fci^ ^^ ^ /<r^ ^^ -> c^^s^ ^^ yuo

i^^srpc ,8

Physics - Part 1

Question 5 For

In Jules Verne's classic novel A Journey to the Centre of the Earth, adventurers follow
tunnels towards the Earth's centre. While this is improbable, we will consider a hypothetical
vertical journey to the centre. The traveller finds that the g-field decreases to zero in
approaching the centre of the Earth.

The graph below shows the gravitational force on a 100 kg traveller while moving from a
distanceof approximately 2 earth radii above the surface to the centre of the Earth.


>'~3 7 Distance from centre ofEarth ['y (0

(a) Explain why the g-field decreases inside the Earth. (2 marks)

A^ ^L-..... /7^&'1^...... <3^^.



Assume the Earth is a uniform sphere ofradius 6. 37x 106 m.

(b) (i) What are the coordinates of the highest point of the graph? (1 mark)

..^...^..^. M. ^^..... ^.....^. g/... ^....A^^..

^..f:...^..... ^f:^. G.</..$:.....^. ^.... <^.^.^. ?^.... ?....^SJ?'. 7. ^c<ou^..............
(ii) How much energy would be required to raise the 100 kg traveller from the centre
of the Earth to the surface? (2 marks)
W..^....<?r'L-^..... -^'?^^1'...... ^... ^'.

^. y?^. L. )c.... 6e^. ^. L.)£^e. ^..
.s Z.....J:.

Question 5 continues.

Physics - Part 1

Question 5 (continued) For

In actual practice,the density of the earth is not uniform. The innerpart of the Earth is denser Only
than the outer part.

(c) Describehow this would changethe appearanceof the graphfor both inside and outside
of the Earth's surface.Mark your suggestedchangeson the copy of the graphbelow.
(2 marks)

l\^^. S.. ^. f^..... ^..... f+..^..... ''t^^^..... ^^'f^.... ^t.... '^


Qo^.. (?M...... -r.....<t^....... ............... . : ..


Distance from centre of Earth


Page 9
Physics - Part 1

Question 6 For
In July 2015, the New Horizons space probe passed between the dwarfplanet Pluto and its Only
largest moon, Charon. This provided the first detailed look at these two bodies.

Mass of Sun = 1. 99xl0-5u kg

Radius of Pluto's orbit = 5. 87xl012 m

Radius of Charon's orbit = 1. 75x 104 km /. 7T~ -^^ 4«-t-- .

^3 ^6C ^^0 ^-S~rS~^

? 3-
Period of Orbit ofCharon = 153 hours ^

[Note: Orbits are assumed circular for the purposes of this question.]

(a) Calculate the mass of Pluto. (2 marks)

. :-......4..^1r.. 3.......^..... ... ^.. ./;. 7?:.>r./?.'3..: tl-

Cr-r ' 6-7 Kro r x ^r\<r>c^>

l'. p5^. ^v^

When New Horizons was 1. 62 x 10° ^m from Charon, the gravitational pull of Charon
began to exceed that of the Sun.

(b) Calculate the mass of Charon. (3 marks)


. . ^^....^.....^.S^........... X.?:.....^..^^^.......... ?.,...^....^^........^

^ 1- ^ 7'

........ ^^, ^... ^........^.^..K..A^^,.................... .z:..

. fL.. ?L^^.^...^. l^.f.CZ.
............................ ^..... ^^3d..... ^. ../. fe..^:.. ......... ^.../. ^^.. ^ >'"?<
S~'s-7 <rc/ ^Yro7
^ [^ T ^Ot - l^f^ro
/* 5^2- /-^L


Page 10
Mtft^^f^/si bO £^^ f^^^


Tasmanian Certificate of Education

Senior Secondary
Subject Code: PHY4151I5

External Assessment


Time: approximately 45 minutes

On the basis of your performance in this examination, the examiners will provide a result on the
following criterion taken from the course statement:

Criterion 6 Identify andapply principles andtheories of electricity andmagnetism.

Section Total

Pages: 16
Questions: 6

Copyright for part(s) of this examination may be held by individuals and/or organisations other than the Office of
Tasmanian Assessment, Standards and Certification.
Physics - Part 2

Question 7 For

Anelectron gunisusedto injectelectrons intoa synchrotron. The schematic diagrambelow ^

represents the electron gun. -------.. ^^

electron gun (side view)

filament electrons

-- -i-

accelerating voltage

The electron gunis tested by first operating it with a low voltage between the filament andthe
anode. Using this voltage, the acceleration of the electron is 1. 80x 1015 m s-2.

(a) Whatis the magnitude ofthe electric field acting on theelectrons? (2 marks)


...-...^..c............. ^.... ^.... ^.,

^^/7-^w' '"'''^''T^^ W^'

. /. . ^£&-7<r...
z... lt o. 2-. 'f. ^ ^--~r

The accelerating voltage of the electron gun is now increased to its maximum valu
The electrons now reach a speed of 4. 60x 107 m s-l

(b) Whatisthenewoperating voltage? (2

. . .^. C.. A.^......^..^..^:L..............,,,,,,, -J5f
^... ^Xr:r.. -......... 4... ^. ... :/o^. ;. :... ^ ..4d ^>^
^A'o^^ Yr^

Question 7 continues.

Page 4
Physics- Part 2
Question 7 (continued) Marker
Theelectron witha speedof 4. 60x 107m s thenenters a uniform magnetic field andmoves
in a circular path as shownin the diagrambelow. Theradius ofthe pathis 0.400 m.

0 0 0 0
® ^ magnetic field

0 0 0 0
0 0

(c) What is the magnitude of the magnetic field required to achieve this path? (2 marks)
^ ^ '^<-..<^......... ^..... t. f. (.^ai.. . ^.... ^. o. to. ^r )...... ^.... °. '. ^. <2>..
"?'S f-6 y^^f ^ f3

^..... B....^... ^..:?.. ^.. ^^.... ...7.


Page 5
Physics - Part 2
Question 8 For
Twoelectric charges,Qi andQ^,areplacedona horizontal lineasshown.Q, has a Only
chargeof +8.00x 10-9CwhileQ2isa smaller negativecharge.
(a) Sketch the expected E-field pattern in theregion around the two charges. (2 marks)

^, 7,^
PointP is 10.0 cm from Q^ and5.00 cm from Q^.

10 cm
5 cm


(b) Calculate theelectric fieldstrength atP dueto Q^ (1 mark)

^ ^ ^-y -^ ^w^^^- <^ ^ff..

' :ff:^.. '... ^... ^.. Y/79'
^'2- ' (Q^' >y~
~:. . 7.. a. ^.o..^. >. ~~.. . . Ay/c........ f.. ^£u^y ^

Question 8 continues.

Page 6
Physics - Part 2

Question 8 (continued) Marker
The magnitude of the electric field at P due to Q^ is equal to that due to Qi. Only

(c) Calculate the charge on Q^. (2 marks)

...... /.^.. /s. y.^/.............. ^... ^'^......... "-^.^^....................................

^- -STz-

-^ ^.... Q,.... ^. ..^...
^.. S. ^o '. ..^
A third charge 03 which is negative is placed at P.

(d) In the diagram below, indicate clearly the direction of the forces on 03 due to Qi
andQzandtheresultant force on 03. [No calculation isrequu-ed. ] (2 marks)

^Qf ^^^^^
-> -9 (-'
F^r - ^^ ^1^
^ ^ p
/"/ 5 cm

© 0
Qi 02


Page 7
Physics - Part 2

Question 9 For
The diagram below shows a pair of N and S magnetic poles. Use

(a) Draw the expected magnetic field lines in the region between the poles. (1 mark)

Onthecentre-line betweenthepoles arepoints P andQ,2.00cm apart.At pointP the

magneticfieldhasa magnitudeof 3.00x 10~5 T whileatQ it is 2. 50x 10~5 T . A longwire
carryi ng a current of 5. 00 A into the paper is placed at Q as shown.

(b) Draw the new expected field pattern in the region between thepoles. (2 marks)

w <- ->E
N ®

(c) Calculate the magnetic force per metre on the wire. (2 marks)
........ /^^.... Z. ZA. ^^..... -?...... ^,..,. ... ^. ^-.. ^....-.......................
^- ^s~

^... 5:..^...^.'. ^.y^?...~"..r^-..^

. .^.../^^. y^.?.A//-%........

(d) Calculate the new magnetic field strength at point P. (3 marks)

^... :^... A. S..... ^... ^^?.. )<-^. - S'-^rcT^
-^ <3> 'o2-
-^ -^


'fO:7H-C,. -.......... %..A ........... ^.......... ....... .. y. ^, ^. /^

..2:.<-.. JTT..... ^/<?..
...................... ^.. ^5., ^;^7;................ ^,...... <^..^..,^. '..5-
^^.. ^^.... ^.^....^..9.5..^^... 7^...^'.. ^..5Y.O. ^....S>.^....... /8
Physics - Part 2

Question 10 For
A plastic mler can be given a small charge by rubbing it on woollen cloth. Only

(a) Briefly explain why the mler becomes charged. (2 marks)

Ct^e ^u-^Ce-e^ ^UL^6-^-^ '^-^Z^ ^v ^^-^e. ^i


.................. 7.-.... v-.. v..

RFID (radio frequency identification) cards are becoming widely used. There is some concern
about security issues with carrying such credit cards, as it is possible to read data on the cards
using radiowaves. 'RFID wallets' are sold, offering to protect cards from unauthorised RFID

(b) What type of material is likely to be contained within the wallet and briefly explain how
the cards in this wallet are protected from an unauthorised RFID scanner? (2 marks)

<2...^^^!^-<^4^... ^^^.... fi^....^^^

^^%<t<<^...^?^^........................ .... ;^0-^<^^......^
^L^f^. - . ^. Cl^K^e^... ^ e... .. ..^S^f-t^?^^/. ^.

Page 9
Physics - Part 2

Question 11 For
A satellite is orbiting above the equator ofthe Earth. The satellite is powered by a large solar
array of total width 150 m.

The satellite ismoving at 6. 50x 103m s-l into thepage.

At thatpoint, the Earth's magnetic field has a magnitude of 2. 50x 10~5 T northwards.

-T t8 T ^ North
t^t Satellite
Not to
Moving Scale

(a) Given that the array is electrically conductive, calculate the induced emf between
the tips ofthe solar array. (2 marks)
^^.. Q..
^oo ^ , 50 ^ ^L'579 YTO

^:. Z7UB. L(..... {/....

(b) Whichtip will be positive? (1 mark)

..7^/r?....... ^..^$. ^?. ^...... 7?>..., ^^^,^

As spacehasa slight conductivity thecharge whichgathers at the tips will follow a return
path through space. Assume that the total resistance of the circuit through the space and the
satellite is 750 Q.

(c) Find the force on the satellite due to the induced current. (2 marks)
2;... ^...... ^......^...
2^.^......,. ^.. S...-zs:v^...^./$,

/f.....?...^..^.... ^.. ^:^.. <^..,....^...^..o.^,^..^.^^^/'. ^, ^^^ 7^

l*-2^-. ^^ ~r^ ffvr ^^ /"^^s
Question 11 continues.

Page 10
Physics- Part 2
Question 11 (continued) Marker
(d) Even small satellites can be destabilised by eddy currents within the body of the satellite. Only
Explain the meaning of the term eddy current. (2 marks)

^^^<^^.... ^^.^^.... -^....^.....<-<s^^
^ GL.
/ J


Page 11
Physics - Part 2

Question 12 For
A rectangularmetalloopisdroppedintoa uniformmagneticfieldasshown.Thefieldis Only
significantly bigger than the size of the loop. Only part of the field is shown. Assume that the
field has sharply defined edges.

©<p' ®^©
® ® ® ®
(a) On the diagram above, show the direction of the conventional current which would flow
through AB when the loop is in theposition shown while entering the field. Briefly
explain howyou arrived at your answer. (2 marks)
...^.....^A^w^^... ^^.... fe...^....... ^^^... ^^.^^.. ^^^... ^^..^^^^

^. ^... i... B:.. l?.. A.. ^\... ^^....^^^^.... ^.... ^A.. ^^^^
^ ^
^T. f.^T. ^. 'Z,.

(b) On the axes below, sketch the induced current in the loop from the time of its release
above the field until after it emerges from the lower part of the field. Assume that
c ockwise current is positive. (3 marks)
\/ ^ ^ c^^f c^f ^r &^^-£-^ ^ ^
-^ ^ \J -^ ^ /^("A^-'y-s-^s

^ f^\l^
Cjo^ i{^/
^f f^ ^ C>
/^>DU^ > (^{^ ^i^tft^ ^ prC^o
C ^Jf^^f fT( L. 4^^ ^ t^-^/H
/ ^(y ^ ^ <f^^ > f^^O/^

^^^c- ^o ^c-iu^c. ^^ue^yc
Page 12
Physics - Part 2

Question 12 (continued) Marker
(c) Discuss,withreasons, whetherit is possible for the loop to: Only

(i) Become suspended stationary in the magnetic field. (1 mark)

/^. ^...... a^..... <l<>^^^.. f?r'0..... ff^t<?^^^^


CA..^.. ... ^y: ^f-^)

(ii) Move at a constant velocity in the field. (2 marks)

. .y.^j....... :-...^....^..^....^^....<^<-^^.....'^....^
QL^. 1^ "s-
....... /.........J.. {.

^ft/... ^... <?.... 0^^f..... ^.


Page 13
n^/^^. 90C. v frO^ ^


Tasmanian Certificate of Education

Senior Secondary
Subject Code: PHY415115

External Assessment



Time: approximately 45 minutes

Onthebasisofyourperformance in this examination, the examiners will provide a result on the

following criterion taken from the course statement:
Criterion 7 Identify and apply general principles of wave motion.

Section Total

Pages: 20
Questions: 7
Copyright for part(s) of this examination may be held by individuals and/or organisations other than the Office of
Tasmanian Assessment, Standards and Certification.
Physics- Part 3

Question 13 Marker
Two wave types are sound waves and light waves. Only

(a) For each ofthese two, state: whether they are transverse or longitudinal, describe what
physicalquantity is oscillating anddrawvectors to showthedirectionoftheoscillation
atpoint P. (2 marks)
(i) Sound waves:

...^^^. /T. r^^^A. ^.......................................................................................-

... A/t..... /^fi^. ^. ^^-. < J............................................................................ -.

Direction of propagationof wave

(ii) Light waves.

T^.. v. ^. ^. ^.
M. ^^^M^...... y..... ^. ^.. ^^. ^.. ^.. ........ ^. f.. ^.. ^G>^.
^ /" tl!^-0/t-^-^
ff-ya . -C- W

-pr Direction of propagation of wave


(b) (i) Describe, with the aidofdiagrams, the meaning of the term 'polarisation of a
wave'. (2 marks)

. ^^t{^..... ^..... ^^^(^fti ^^-------^^-i^-------oe^-tr-y:-"--

7^.f>..... ^..... ^.^.^..^..... <^......^o^.^/J.^.O. --"^^t^"-^s""--""

^£^^. ^. ^^^..... ^..... /^..... <?^/s....... ^. ^. <®c.?s?. ^..... <??.^^
^>/^^ ,..... v.^^. ^^^^............................. +........^. ^^
^r^ l^/^ ^^Y"0,
5 /^ ^e^
, Y ^^^ ^ ^/^O^ Df^C. . 0 tC^

P^^ (ii) "Which of the above from (a) can be polarised? °^^Y (1 mark)

J^/.. 6r:. ff...f.......... ^.. ^!. fSS..


Page 3
Physics - Part 3

Question 14 For
A pulse is generated in a heavy rope as shown below. Use

(a) Inwhatdirection wouldtheropeneedtobemoving sothatthepulsewouldappear

stationary to an observer? " ^ ^^

Zo.....??^. ^.......^. ^. /2:. ^.,

Inearlymachinery a largeenginewasusedtodriveotherrotatingpartsusingpulleysandflat
belts, often made of leather



moving beltatthe mid-point with a heavystick. Ifa stationarypulse was'obscrvedFthe belt
was at the correct tension.

(b) If a pulse wasobserved to travel slowly in the_OEEosite_dire£tkiiUa the belt's motion.

should thetension ofthe beltbeincreased ordecrcasedTJustify your answer. (2 marks)
: ^... .... ^ ^..... ^
.0 u
^.. ^. ^J..

>I^^... ^..... ^'t-&^^...... ^..^. L^...... ^i.... ^^^^.... -r ^Ce^t^

/ 9. oi T"

Question 14 continues.

Page 4
Physics - Part 3

Question 14 (continued) Marker
A drive belt oftotal length 3.50m hada mass of7.50kg. Therotating drive causedthebelt to Only
move at 3.50ms \

(c) Ifstriking thisbelt atthecentre-point causeda stationary pulseto occur,whatwasthe

tension inthebelt? - _ (2 marks)
CC- -L... Z:..^. ^, ^_ ^ 3.JU ?<; 7^~y
:.^. .

^^3 /^

(d) Apart from the stationary pulse, another pulse was alsoobserved; describe its motion,
includingspeed. ' ' ^ mark)
^.. ^AZ^.. ^... ^^..... ^-^2.... -^... "^..
^^.. ^.... ^^...... ^^^..... ^^^^ uu>^
^ C^-^J^


Page 5
Physics - Part 3

Question 15 For
A bugle is essentially an open tube of fixed length. It can be Only
made to play a fundamental and a number of harmonies
depending on how the lips are held as the bugle is blown.

(a) On the diagram below, neatly draw the waveform patterns for the fundamental and first
overtone for anopen tube. Labelthepositions of anynodes andanti-nodes. (2 marks)


ft- /-?
" Overtone

(b) An openpipe is found to play with a first overtone at a frequency of 932 Hz.
(i) Calculate the fundamental frequency. (1 mark)

^.. -....^....... ^.... ^....... -'^. ^...................... "-


(ii) Calculate the length of the pipe. (1 mark)

<^> ^ , ?. ^^. '=-.. Q.:1^.±....'?^

.................... f: ..........

(c) In practice, the largerbell-end ofthebugle gives riseto a needto consider endcorrection.
(i) Explain the meaning ofthe term end correction. ( 1 mark)
&. :?^I^...^C^''v-r^1t^^c^^
Ot-^^f^^ /%^0-<P^C >^L. C^O^C^i.,

(ii) Whateffectwouldthis have on therequired length of anactual instrument to play

the notes as in (b)(ii)? (1 mark)

^. .

<^^-^..... ^3....-^.. ,6

Physics - Part 3

Question 16 For
The diagram below shows a stepped-index optical fibre. The outer cladding has a refractive Use
index of 1.38 and the inner core has a refractive index of 1.44 Only

air =ii= 1. 00
11=1. 38


(a) Calculatethecriticalanglebetweenthecoreandthecladding. (1 mark)

.......?2^...... ^. ^....^...... /'^...,.,., ^>^ ^ ^^^^^^^
T<^ ~ --. , L/tc^
^.. '7J- ^.. <?... ;:

Theangle,a,fortheincominglightbeamenteringtheopticalfibreis shownonthediagram

(b) Fortheopticalfibretooperateproperly thereisa limiting valuefortheangle,a.

(i) Explainwhythere is a limiting value fortheangle,a. (1 mark)
..<^....Ar<^«?^.... /^( 6 , 9^ ~7 ^tf
. <?^^.... ,1??:^.... ..<?^::<%<s;^':^^^
(ii) Is the limit a minimum or a maximum? (1 mark)

...... /^. /^. y.. /. ^.. ff..^....................................

(c) Evaluatethelimiting valueoftheanglea fortheopticalfibretooperateproperly.

(1 mark)
^ f>0/...... /. ^:. ^..

Question 16 continues.

Physics - Part 3

Question 16 (continued) Marker
(d) What effect would running the optical fibre without the cladding (i. e. the core only, in Only
air) have on the amount of light conducted within the fibre? (2 marks)

. ^^.. ^...^^..... ^c...-...<^^^^... £.. ^^£0..... ^............

^... ^r^^:^.. <^^^:^^^... ^..^^^

m^> 7
. .<1^.... ./<???:^<^sc''<<-^........ 0>:<^C^^
^ ^^^cc^f ^ . ^^^ -^^^-<^ ^ ^ ^

^^^& ^^^ ^</?^$^^^^ ^ c. ^.^ ^

^L^tJQ-^ Of£ ^CCt^^^Cft ^^(r^S-


Page 9
Physics - Part 3

Question 17 For
Ina rippletankdemonstration, planewavesaregeneratedbyanoscillating roddippinginto Only
thewater.Thespeedofthewaterwaves is controlled by altering thedepthofthewaterinthe
tank witha small glassplate. Inthediagrambelow,thewavesinRegion 1 travel at
15.00 cm s-I and have a wavelength of 5.00 cm.

(a) What is the frequency of the oscillator? (1 mark)

^.. ^.... £....... ^. j£
^ T
3.. ^..
Theplanewavesstrike a boundarywithRegion2 wherethewavelength is reducedto 3.00cm.

Region 1 Region 2

(b) Calculate the speed of the waves in the Region 2. (1 mark)

. ^. ^. S. 2.... ^. 1^1.... -:...^c.^/.s

(c) Whatis the refractive indexofRegion 2 withrespect to Region 1 ? (1 mark)

^:... ^. (^:.... ^... f£.... ^.... L^..
^ ..^..

Question 17 continues.

Page 10
Physics - Part 3

Question 17 (continued) Marker
The boundary between the two regions is then angled as shown in the diagram below. Only

(d) On the diagram, neatly draw three wavefronts after they cross into Region 2, along with
the direction of propagation. (1 mark)


Region1 Regi 2

(e) Calculate the angle between the normal and the direction of propagation in Region 2.
(1 mark)

..<^.. £.....^..... <<3^^.....^............... &.... ^^. ^?............. ^.. ^.*.^^^

, ^7


jT- ^ ^Z^^/ ^. . ^^..... ^..^.^


Page 11
Physics - Part 3

Question 18 For
A breakwater, aligned north-south, protects a harbourfrom large ocean waves. In the Use
breakwateraretwosmallgaps, 5] and S^,60.0 m apart.Insidetheharbour,a smallferry
boat moves south-to-north parallel to the breakwater at a distan of 417 m from it. A marker
beacon is at C, equidistant from the two gaps in the breakwater.

Ononeparticulardaytheoceanwavefronts arestrikingparalleltothebreakwater.Theferry
40.0 m there is a point ofcalm, while there arevery large disturbances between those calm

Ocea w
Si .^

-4^7 -^^
It boat

(a) Will C beexperiencing calmor largedisturbance? (1 mark)

..^..... ^..^......-^^<^^a-^?^...............^
...^... ^-^... ^ig...^.. -y-^ec

(b) Showthatthewavelength oftheoceanwaveswasapproximately 6 m. (2 marks)

,.<iJ!... ?r:.. 3..'^................ ?T7. ^Z.... =:.....60/^-^ 1^0 X<^>
^ s?c/

........................................... =:..^. Z6... ^<T.... ^-^--^:t

Question 1 continues.

Page 12
£1 sSrj ^ >^
<0 ^..
LI . <^ f9-^- <?.^
/ ^

^ .^

^^^^9^ ^a

^..... ^...... ^^..^.. ^.... ^. ^. ^.^. ^^.^..... ^^...... ^. ^.^..^....... ^.. ^.. ^..^^ -,.^

^..^. ^.^..^. ^.^...... ^..^.. . ^....... ^...^. ^^... ^..^......^^

...^.^^...... ^.. ^.^........ ^.^^^.... ^^..... ^^^^^^^
(S5[JCTU ^) . KVZ/ATfBQ^q
sql §up[u:(s sq ppoo SSABM UBSOO sqj qoiqM ff '3\3ws
IP uinmmim gqi siqnop^ (p)


uinunxBiu B ^ si souBqmisip sql '3 ^ }Bqi


S93I10Ulo^id s^Boq sql 'Xep V3Vft UQ -MOpq mi3j§Bip gqi uo UMoqs SB 'pnB jrd }ou 'Xpnbiiqo
j3}BM5p3jq sql §up[U}s 3J^ inq qiSuspA BM smBS sql 9A^q SSABM UBSOO sql 'X^p jgqiouB uo


^^. iS ^j$'/ - y j^-y ^ :^^-

(S5p?m ^) i ^S mojj
/|UQ SIITWSVft ^S mo-IJVsoctsql STjsipmj qonm Moq 3 ispd lurod mpo puooss sql ly (3)
JOj (panupuoa) gi uopsanQ

g UTJ - soisXqj
Physics - Part 3

Question 19 For
Ocean waves can be felt in the lee or 'shadow' of a land mass. Only

In the diagrambelow,oceanwaves travelling from the west are striking a peninsula. A rocky
outcrop is located at Q on the leeward side.


(a) Why is Q likely to experience waves despite it being sheltered by the peninsula? Draw
wavefronts on the above diagram to assist your answer. (2 marks)

^. ^. ^5......... ^. f. ^........ ^. !. E^A. ^C.^....... ^O. C. ^. !?...... ^. ^...... f7..^^

^...... M.?..^. ^..... ^...... ^. /?.<^.^.^........ ^....... ^/^.... ::^. ^./?^^
V........ ^. ^.. j7..^.. f. &. (>. ^........ t'UJi. ^'.. s7. f...

(b) Will Q experiencemainly waves with a short period or a longer period? Explain.
(1 mark)

L^^.. G:. ^. /^.... ^.... ^..^..v.. ^........ ^f^. f^........ 0.1.(^. ^.. ^^^^^
/.^. ^^. /^........... ^.<?........ ^. ^.^^. ^. ^........ ^^^.. <<?. ^...... ^. ^..t^.^. s.
L^ft-L- p^f^Q>0^<. //U/^^&

Lo ^>^A- Pf^/^fo/^ - 5 r-fo^-f ^ $

Question 19 continues.

Page 14
Physics - Part 3

Question 19 (continued) For

The early Polynesians travelled in large canoes across vast distances of the Pacific Ocean
without the aid of compasses or maps. One of their means of navigation was by observing
changesin swells and waves as they traversed the open ocean while out of the sight of land.

(c) On the diagram above show the exp cted behav ur of the waves after they pass the
island.Whatis likely to be experienced at point P in the oceanin the lee of an island?
(2 marks)

^..^.<?. y......... A....... ^/. ^. ^.... ^. ^.... /^. ^.^./->...... 3:^..

^c>......^..^:<.>:......^.^. ^.^...... ^.'^.^. ^....^/^^

^...... ^/^....... ^. p..^....... /^..?^^. ^.....'??^?....... ^?.

)P /5^f^ft/o f3rc- r^/^ iu^u<^5 uir^ ff^

<yfy/^i^ C^^f^> ^ I^/^O^ ^A^^^^^LU ^ f/
f^-f p.

P^55(^ft-fTy p0 ^- KO/UO^ ^i^^L^<S


Page 15
Hi /H ^/^- ^ ^ o- '^o ^ S


Tasmanian Certificate of Education

Senior Secondary
Subject Code: PHY415115

External Assessment


Time: approximately 45 minutes

On the basis of your performance in this examination, the examiners will provide a result on the
following criterion taken from the course statement:
Criterion 8 Identify and apply principles of the wave-particle nature oflight, atomic and nuclear
physics and models of the nucleus and nuclear processes.

Section Total
, 40

Pages: 12
Questions: 6

Copyright for part(s) of this examination may be held by individuals and/or organisations other than the Office of
Tasmanian Assessment, Standards and Certification.
Physics - Part 4

Question 20 For
(a) Wein'sDisplacementLawisgivenbyApg^^ =2. 898xlO-~'/T. It is an empirical Only
formula whichrelates the temperature of a black-bodyradiator (T, in kelvin) with the
wavelength atpeak intensity (^-PEAKJ'
Below is a typical black-body curve.


0.00 O.^T- 1.00 1.50 2.00 2AO 3.00 3.50 4.00

Wave Length(|im)
(i) If the peakwavelengthis 650 nm, evaluate the temperature (in kelvin) of the
black-body radiator. (1 mark)
-3 . ^ 3
^.. ^... ^...^. ;..^.. ^..>^... ».,........... ^... fc.^. ^^.'....^....
o'^y r^'

(ii) If the temperature of the black-bodyis halved, state two changeswhichwill occur
to the above graph. (2 marks)

^. ^... ^^... ^^^.... ^. J^.^... -^t...
..^.x/^........ ^..<^.o..<^.^...... ^..x..^. /:^... /^.... £.^. ^.^.^^
^^. i<^^ . ^. ^.^^/. ?:... ^^.^/^. J.........^/^. ^....... /:e< 7?^.<:.-<s.

,. ^..y..... /.jC...^...^.^...^:^).................. r..

(b) Niels Bohr improved on the Rutherford model of the atom. What observations are
explainable by the Bohr model rather than the Rutherford model? (1 mark)

,.Z^^...... ^. x^. ^..^..^..^^.<^..... <?../c....... 4.<.^. ^........ ^./^^^^

. /5.. y:...... Z^.^......<^.. ^. ^..^.. ^<. 2:./fz..^^</..... ^..^...... /^. f^. ^^

7'.^. ^....... ^. ^. ^ '. ^. ^.. ^. ^^...... !. ^....... T7¥. ^........ ^'r0>^f....


Page 3
Physics - Part 4

Question 21 For

Einstein explained the photoelectric effect by postulating that light behaves as a particle rather Use
than as a wave. Only

(a) State two observations associated with the photoelectric effect which could be better
explained by light being a particle rather than a wave. (2 marks)

(i) l&...... ^... ^. ^. ^..^... ^^....... ^^. ^. f/. ^^c^

^.. ^/. (^^...... l^. ^.. ^.. c:. ^^^. s........ ^.. ^f&........ ^^. Z'...... M. ^. LTrf^..

(ii) '7jtf.. ^...... !<'. w./^. .^/. c.. ....^.. ^. 'f^?r.(h.Y.. ..... ^... (a....... /^. 4-7. (sc.^^. ^^'f.
/^.... ^?.. ^..^.^^'^.^S:/^..... /^. ^... /^. 7?^.f^./:,^.......^
pJ ^^U^ /UC'Y
The diagram below shows appc fratus used to investigate the photoelectric effect. Light of
different frequencies can be shone onto the caesiumelectrode in a vacuum, sometimes
causing photoelectrons to be sent towards the collector.

Caesium Collector

The emf ('voltage') of the power supply can be varied in value andreversed in direction.

(b) Both the intensity and frequency of the light can be varied. The graph below shows
how the photoelectric current varies with applied emffor three different lighting

In Graph B the wavelength was 400 nm and the intensity 'I'.



Question 21 (b) continues.

Page 4
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Physics - Part 4

Question 22 For
A Coolidge tube ac elerates electrons through a potential difference of 220kV before they Only
strike a tungsten target.

(a) ShowthattheseX-rayshavea minimum wavelength ofapproximately 6xl0-12 m

(1 mark)

^^. S...^. L^......... ^.. 2... yA&....... ^.. A</^. ^^. s>^..
^ ^ /Z'-tc? . >c/C»J'

5~*6s~><-^<? ~~ ^^

T- 6 'r-reT^ -»-<-
(b) When one of the X-ray photons strikes a free electron in a Compton scattering collision,
the electron recoils with an energy of 92 keV. Determine the wavelength of the
rebounding photon. (2 marks)

.. ^^^y..... ^ff. ^. ^^. ^^c>....... f^......................................

^/. y£ _
'7-pfth9-Sr»W '........ :" .p. f^^. .^.^........ "rr. . .{S-^.fS-e^-^s^iS^^.

Z^o - 7Z- = /j^^-

^.. y.. ^....... ^... 2.... ^^...... ^. ±^^'/^y^ = ^' ^
^.........^.... ^.... -:.:^..... :^....,...^. ^. ^ ............ :,.^, -. '^-L

(c) (i) Show that the momentum of the recoil electron is approximately
2xl0-22 kgms-'. (2 marks)

. ^...^...?^...(^......... ±......^.. ^:.^. ?^..<^_.....^?....^.^, A

f...^...^.. K. .^^............... ^..... .... :Z/§,^.........
= 2,.>?. ^. '. ^ .yf:^hc:. /f.:..?rcr. .f.?<f''.« .>y<?7. <<
<^2. t_y^;'^-"2';»"""_""__""
= y^-^CT2^- /" ^^ ?^" SL 3- 2 X -2^2.
(ii) Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of the recoil electron. (1 mark)
a. ^3... y. ^G....^......... ^.... ^o^. y. f<^.... :-*'s^.
^ ,A0^
^^ ^0
^, -2-2-


^ 3''^^^^ -/-^
^ ^0


Page 6
Physics - Part 4
Question 23 Marker
4. 19
This diagramshows some of the electron
energy levels in rubidium in its gaseous
state. 2.41

Some of the levels are identified by the Energy

labels X, Y and Z. (eV)

x 0

(a) An electron of an atom is in the ground state X.

Describewhatwouldhappento the electron if the atom were struck by:

(i) A photon of energy 1.69 eV. (1 mark)

. A/.^. ^/^. ^.......... ^...... ^.... £^. ff. ^. ^...... ^..... ^.. ^..... Au. ^..^. ^. rs.^
^^..... !^^. ^^^y...... ^^. ^^. ^..... ^. ff^f<. ^^. -...............................

(ii) An electron of energy 1.69 eV. (2 marks)

M. ^(^c^^^....... ^. f. ^..... ^^..... ^.. ^°^...... r^^^e.

^. (?'^^/. ^. 0. '^...... ^. ^^....... ~7^^. ^/C/^^..... /'J^.. ^. ^/..... 7???.

/^^/^ . 7^^^... ^.^.. A.^........^... <.^..<^. ^..<^. ^/. %.... ^....<?..?/..^
A^. ^....... ^... ^.. /.^.-^....... ^/7'. ?..^^....... ^/^. ^..... ^/^....... ^.s^r >

(b) Determine the colour of light being emitted when electrons transition from level Z to
level X. (2 marks)
4-./^..^.....^.'.^^.. ^.^........ ^....^....... ^....^^^/^". -..^3-^os.
^ ?v
^>...... d.... E...^r.. c/.. y^... y^......... -'y^..

r". ^. /^... .-?^.. . ^3-^.

p/LO^L ^ A-t 'S^c. -r/C^^ ^^ /5 ^ <?-^/^%^^

p>^ a -?zs? ^^


Page 7
Physics - Part 4

Question 24 For
In July 2015 the New Horizons spaceprobe passedby Pluto. The electricity supply for the Only
probe was provided by a Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (RTG).

Theradioisotopeusedinthegeneratorwasplutonium-238 2^Pu whichhasa half-lifeof

87.7 years. Plutonium-238 is a very powerful alphaemitter anddoes not emit significant
amounts ofother, more penetrating, radiation. Oneproduct ofthe decay is an isotope of

(a) Write a balanced equation for the alpha decay of Pu-238. (1 mark)

_^-^,. ^_,.. ^. ^^_. __^.,. ^_., _.

(b) Give two reasons why Pu-238 is ideal for a mission such as New Horizons. (2 marks)
^.^. ^^^...... ^. /.^.. 7j. ^...... ^^. ^^. ^j-.<E^....... ^.?.... /<.^.....

<^..... 5c f:r
^. P...... ^t. f. ^.... ?.. ^.. ^. ^..... ^.. (?..... ^. Jf^^. rr.. ^

. J. P^^. ^.......... £/^Q..... ^O..... O^^^...... W^. ^^^^..... :MM^^ ^

,. ^. AY/.,r:?^c)....... ^^..... A^a..... /f.... s.cv.r^^^^^^4^

The decay of one Pu-238 nucleus releases 5.59/MeV of energy.

(c) Determine the difference in mass between the parent and the daughter products. Give
your answer in kilograms. (2 marks)
^..^..<^^... ^7...... <^....=^^....^...^.^fJ..^/<2....>CJ/:..^
^ ^^)2-
^ /<? <^^~ ^0 ~"7

(d) (i) Showthat the activity of 1.00 g ofPu-238 is approximately 6x10" Bq . (2 marks)
/^^.. -...^....... ^. ^............. '<^^.. -^K^, ^, ^, ^. ^^^
-^ ' ------7-----------^-^---^-
=^S-Sry^ ^S
/y^^/L/ - ^J^ >c^^^, ^" -
. .^.^f: ..^- . . fc. 3
. -^r'y2.-(y-Y^e'-}
(ii) Hence, determine the thermal power output from 1.00 g of Pu-238. (2 marks)

^^...^........ ^... ^..y...^&^.^.7'^<c^^.^^.<^....................,.......,......,.,


........................ ^.. s'. ^. ^/.. ^.. ^. ^y.. ^. <>6. y.. ^^^^^ ,9

'.5^7 ^
Physics - Part 4

Question 25
Most carbon in the atmosphere (as carbon dioxide) is stable C-12. However, there is a small Only
fraction of radioactiveC-14. Carbon-14is producedin the atmosphere when a neutron from
cosmic rays combines with a nucleus of nitrogen-14.

(a) Complete this nuclearequation for the production of C-14. (1 mark)

. ^HN {tfC ^ f, P ^W
There is a balance between the rates of production and decay of C-14 and the ratio of
14C/ C in the atmosphere remains constant. Living organisms will have the same ratio
because they interact with the environment. Carbon dating is based on the decline of this
ratio after the death of the organism.

(b) Two potential methods of carbondating are:

. measuring the activity of a given mass of carbon from the object under study and
. using a mass spectrometer to compare relative isotope abundance.

Explain why the second is likely to be far more accurate. (2 marks)

7^. ^.... :o. ^.. ^. ^....... ^.^. ?^^...... ^. 0. ^..... f.^....... ^^. ^...... ^.^

^^....... 5. 0... L^... /.. ^..... l^. ^. ^. o..... ^..... ^. f^. ^. ^. ^^...... /^c^/. ^. f.. ^^^^^
. ff.. c. c.^. ^^.. ^^. ^.. ^....... ^. ^..... H..^. 'u^. ^....... ^. ^^fa^...... L... />... J.^^
^^?..... ^.^^<?. ^t. ^.^.. ^. ?^. ^^.... ^. ^... ^.. <^f:/.^. ^..... /^. ?^^^^
,^-^5 &u/r^ /^ec^^^^^y-
(c) During the Iron Age smelting process which involved the use of wood fires, some
carbonremainedmixed with the resulting iron. The age of early iron implements can be
gaugedby examiningthe fraction of C-14 remaining.
C-14 has a half-life of T)/ = 5 730 years.

(i) An iron spearhead has 0.6 of its original C-14 remaining. What is its likely age?
Give your answer to the appropriate number of significant figures. (2 marks)
..^..-..A^... ^^^... ^.....^...../^....... -..^.. ?.^...^.^;^...^... ^..^
A^ /Y
^T- ^....^- ..^.........;- .. .^.. ^... ^W......... ^.. .... ^^
^.y .. ^.. '.... ^.. 5>..................... ^-{j^yO-
^.. ^^f^§
(ii) Why would this dating method not be viable if the Iron Age workers hadused the (t^f<c~ ^/^
carbon from coal rather than from wood? (2 marks)

A.... ^?.^.... /^.... ^^^. :. ^^.. /f?:^93i?. /y...... ^.^^......... -?..0..

^... /^.^.r^^.^. /.^..^..^?:........^.. ^... ^...... ^^

^.^r/^. y.^.^...... l...^......... ^........ ^.<?..^....^^^..^.^/..
Page 9

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