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Physics Investigatory Project Topics on
Current Electricity Below is the list of Physics Investigatory Project Topics on Current Electricity:
1. Motion sensing lights and fans to save electricity
2. To Study the Light Dependent Resistor 3. To Study the Moving Coil Galvanometer 4. To Study Temperature effect on resistivity of Insulators 5. Analytical Study of Drift Velocity in the Low Dimensional Devices 6. To Study the Charging and Discharging of Capacitors in R-C Circuits 7. To Study, the Wheatstone Bridge Circuit Working with its Application 8. To Investigate the new Emerging Electricity Generating Techniques 9. To Study the Tangent Galvanometer: an investigatory project in physics for class 12 10. To Study, the Variation in Current Flowing in A circuit Containing an LDR, Because of Variation
Physics Investigatory Project Topics on
Electromagnetic Induction Below is the list of Physics Investigatory Project Topics on Electromagnetic Induction:
1. To Study the Lenz law of Electromagnetic Induction
2. To study the resonance condition of an LCR Series circuit 3. To Study the Electrical Impedance and Its Applications 4. To Study the Phenomenon of Electromagnetic Induction 5. To Study the Mutual Inductance of Two Adjacent Inductive Coil 6. To Study the faradays law of Electromagnetic Induction 7. To Study the Comparison Between the Resistance and Impedance 8. To Study the Eddy Current Effect in the Transformers Windings 9. To Study the Effective quality factor tuning mechanisms in micromechanical resonators 10. To Study the high-frequency alternating current effects on the spinal afferent nociceptive transmission
Physics Investigatory Project Topics
on Optics Below is the list of Physics Investigatory Project Topics on Optics
1. To Study the Phenomenon of Diffraction of Light
2. To Study the Low-Cost Emergency Light 3. To Study the Law of Polarization of Light 4. To Study the Changing the Speed of Light 5. To Study the Long and Short Wavelength Colours 6. To Study the Single Slit Diffraction and Double Slit Interference 7. To Measuring the Speed of Light: physics investigatory projects 8. To Study the Refractive Index Measurement and Its Applications 9. To Study, the Wavelength Controlled Holographic Polarization 10. Study of the intensity of light through many polarizers at various angles 11. Determining the Type of Particle in an Air Sample by Using Laser Light Scattering 12. By Using Laser Light Scattering Determine the type of Particle in an Air Sample 13. Investigate whether different frequencies of light contain different amounts of energy 14. Finding refractive indices of water and oil using a plane mirror and lens of known indices 15. Calculate the frequencies of additive colors and white light by using the wavelengths of primary
Physics Investigatory Project Topics on
Oscillations and Waves Below is the list of Physics Investigatory Project Topics on Oscillations and Waves:
1. To Study the Focalization of Sound Project
2. Testing Sound Decay in the Different Gasses 3. Investigate the behavior of transverse waves 4. Nonlinear Oscillations in Mechanical Systems 5. To Study the Principles of the Superposition of Waves 6. To Study the Doppler Effect and its Applications 7. To Study the Nonlinear Oscillations in Mechanical Systems 8. Displacement Relation and Characteristics of Progressive Waves 9. To Study the Effect of Bottom Reflectivity on Solar Pond Performance 10. Difference Between the Longitudinal Waves and Transverse Waves
Physics Investigatory Project Topics
on Magnetism and Matter Below is the list of Physics Investigatory Project Topics on Magnetism and Matter:
1. The Study of Alternating Magnetic Fields
2. To Study, the temperature Affects a Magnet’s Strength 3. Methods to Create the Electric Current by using Magnet 4. To Study of the Force Generated by a Changing Magnetic Field 5. To Study the Motion of a Charged Particle in a Magnetic Field 6. To Study and Analyse the Force of Attraction between the bar magnet and Solenoid 7. To Study the Biot – Savart law and its Application to the Current- Carrying Circular Loop 8. To Study the Circular Current Loop as a Magnetic Dipole 9. To Study the Magnetic Susceptibility of Magnetic Materials 10. To Study the different Magnetic material’s effects on the dynamics of an Oscillating Magnet
General Physics Investigatory Project Topics
Below is the list of General Physics Investigatory Project Topics:
1. Study on Theory of Relativity: Physics Project
2. To Construct a Mini Tesla Coil 3. To Study the IR Based Security System 4. Exploring the Evaporation through Colors 5. To Construct a Portable Mobile Charger 6. To Study the Physics Principles in Medicine 7. Interesting Physics experiments with Dry Ice 8. Study the Effect of Tension on the Pitch of a String 9. Electronic Adder: Investigatory Project in Physics for Class 12 10. Super Snow Squeezing Water Producing Machine 11. To Build the Electrical Powered Hydraulic Crane 12. A study the Most Efficient Automobile Sunshade 13. To Study the Cosmic Ray Shower Array Reconstruction 14. To Study Murray’s Principle of Minimum Work 15. To Verification of the Archimedes Principle 16. To Study the Parallelogram Law of Vectors 17. Nanotechnology: The Smaller The Stronger 18. To Study the Effect of Tungsten Illumination 19. To Study the Advanced communication systems 20. Mass Dampers in buildings based on simple harmonic motion 21. Calculating the sweet spot of the bat based on rotational mechanics 22. Powerless Radio: Physics Investigatory Project Class 12 23. To Study the Temperature Effect on the Resistivity of Semiconductors 24. The Observations of the Gas in the Infrared Spectrum 25. To Study and Investigate the Motion of the Pendulum 26. To Construct a Pulse Meter and Study its Performance 27. Eratosthenes calculation of the radius of the earth 28. Radioactive Attenuation and the Inverse Square Law 29. Experimental Investigation of High-Frequency Plasma 30. Study the Rate of Heating Have an Affinity for Salinity? 31. Frequency Relationship of Notes in Musical Harmony 32. Study the Remote control vehicles upgraded to self-drive 33. Quantifying the Effect of Skyglow on the Visibility of Stars 34. To Study the Effects of Pressure in the Ball Bounce Height 35. To Study the Spectrum and its Relationship to Temperature 36. Differentiate the Solar Tubes vs. Conventional Fluorescent 37. To Study Semiconductors: Physics Investigatory Project Class 12 38. Study the n-Body Problem in Two-Bodies: Simulation and Animation 39. To Study the Effect of Shields on Beta Particles and Gamma Rays 40. Building a Roly Poly toy and explaining the basic rotational physics behind it. 41. Which Insulating Sportswear Fabric Will Make Me the Happiest Camper 42. Absorbance Spectra to Predict Their Heating by Light by Using Solution 43. The Study of the Qualities that Determine the Maximum CPU Cooling Efficiency 44. How Friction on Different Surfaces Does Affect the Speed of the Balloon Car 45. To Study the Effect of Reduced Pressure on the Yield Volume of Popcorn 46. To Study the Period of Motion of a Pendulum Depending on Its Mass, Length, or Amplitude 47. What is the relationship between the frequency of handlebar motion and forward speed? 48. Find the relationship between the resonant frequency of a wire and its length and diameter
Physics Projects on Electromagnetic
Induction and Alternating Currents Below is the list of Physics Projects on Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents:
1. To Study the Concept of the Self-Inductance of a Coil
2. To Study of the Concept of Full Wave Bridge Rectifier 3. To Study of the Concept Self-Designed Transformer 4. To Study and Measure the Magnitude of the AC Current 5. To Study the Ac To Dc Converter (Full Wave Rectifier) 6. To Study the Electromagnetic Induction in AC Generator 7. To Investigate the Relation Between Input and Output Voltage 8. To Study the Tangent Galvanometer: Physics Project Class 12 9. To Study, the Various Factor Affecting the Internal resistance or EMF 10. Bridge Rectifier- a Circuit Using Four Diodes To Provide Full Wave Rectification Converts an AC Voltage To a Pulsating DC Voltage
Physics Projects on Electrostatics
1. To Study The Charge And Discharging of Capacitor In Series 2. To Study and Construct a Circuit of Capacitor Storage LED 3. To Study and Construct a Circuit of Capacitor Charge Oscillator 4. To Study the Electric Dipole Moment: Physics Project Topics 5. To Study Coulomb’s law of-forces between the two-point 6. To Study the Electric Field and the Superposition Principle 7. To Study the Torque on the dipole in a uniform electric field 8. To Study the Dielectric Materials for the Advanced Applications 9. To Demonstrate The Working of An Electrolytic Capacitor By Means of Its Charging And Discharging With the Help of an Audio Oscillator: project for physics class 12 10. To Study and Compare the Two Capacitors Under Series and Parallel Combination
Modern Physics Topics for Project
Below is the list of Modern Physics Project Topics:
1. To Study the Photoelectric Effect; Modern Physics
2. To Study the Bohr’s Atomic Model with the assumptions and Limitations 3. To Study the Henry Moseley’s Law and Applications of the Moseley Law 4. To Study the de Broglie Wavelength of Matter Waves Concept and Issues 5. To Study the Concept of Radioactivity and its types in Modern Physics
General Physics Projects Topics
Below is the list of General Physics Projects Topics:
1. To Study and Conduct a Portable Mobile Charger
2. To Study the Pascal’s Law And Its Applications 3. To Study and Construct a Circuit of Clap Switch 4. To Study of Constituents Contains in Alloys 5. A New Perspective with a Digital Pinhole 6. To Study the Parallelogram Law of Vectors 7. To Construct a Simple Circuit for Touch Alarm 8. Study the Radioactivity and Nuclear Reaction 9. To Study the Electrochemical Cell (Primary Cell) 10. Study the Solar Cells: Physics Projects for Class 12 11. To Construct A Circuit of Two Transistor Oscillator 12. To Study the Effect of Pressure on the Water Velocity 13. Charge Induced on Two Identical Stryo Foam Balls 14. To Study the Zero Gravity Elevator Physics Experiment 15. To Study and Construct a Portable Mobile Charger 16. To Light and LED Lamp Using a Thermistor 17. To Study the Verification of the Archimedes Principle 18. To Study the Liquid Lens: Interesting physics topics 19. To Study the Effect of Height on Running Cadence 20. To Show the Unidirectional Action of the Diode 21. To Study the Voltage Regulator Using Zenor Diode 22. The Velocity of Pulse Propagated through a Slinky 23. Pressure Exerted by a Solid Iron Cuboid on the Sand 24. Determing the Types of Particle Present in Air Sample 25. To Study the Photo Resistor: project for physics class 12 26. To Study the Effect of the Pressure in Ball Bounce Height 27. To Study the Transformation Energy from the Deep 28. To Study the Effect of Pressure on Ball Bounce Height 29. To Study and Analysis of Black Hole Thermodynamics 30. To Study the Effect of Rotational Inertia on a Fastball 31. Radioactive Attenuation and the Inverse Square Law 32. Proving Universal Gravitation by Warping Spacetime 33. To Study the Effect of Tension on the Pitch of a string 34. To Study the Energy Conservation in Two Dimensions 35. Study the Laser Security System: physics project class 12 36. Refractive Index of Different Liquids Using Hollow Prism 37. To Study the Solar Power Grill from Recycled Carton Box 38. To Study the Photometric Study of Eclipsing Binary Stars 39. To Make NOR Gate With the Combination of the two Gates 40. To Study Faraday’s Laws-To Find The Charge On An Electron 41. To Determine the Refractive Indices of Water and Turpentine Oil 42. Force Required to move a Wooden Block on a Horizontal Table 43. To Study How a Transistor Amplifier Work PNP Amplifier Transistor 44. To Construct a Circuit of Electronic Eye: topics for physics project for class 12 45. To Study and perform Simple Harmonic Motion of a Spring Experiment 46. To Study the Effect of Temperature on the Elasticity of a Rubber Band 47. To Study the Frequency Relationship of Notes in Musical Harmony 48. To Study the Effectiveness of Recycled Materials as Thermal Insulation 49. To See That Water Conducts Electricity Better When Impurities are Added It 50. The Effect of Temperature on Disposable and Non Disposable Batteries 51. To Study a Positive Feed Back Circuit of an Audio Oscillator (LC Oscillator) 52. To Study the Effect of Temperature On Disposable and Non- Disposable Batteries 53. To Find Out the Thermal Coefficient of Resistance for a Divan Set of Wires and Thus Suggest the Wire In Which Energy Loss Due To Heat Generation Is Minimum: physics project of class 12 54. To Study, the Effect Of The Diameter and The Number of Turns of The Spring On Its Strength has been Investigation In this Study
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