River Front Homes RERA Certificate

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Rajasthan Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Jaipur

2nd & 3rd Floor, RSIC Wing, Udyog Bhawan,

Tilak Marg, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302005
Phone No.: 0141-2851900 Website : http://rera.rajasthan.gov.in


This Certificate of registration is hereby granted under section 5 of the Real Estate(Regulation
and Development) Act, 2016 to the following project:-

1. Project registration number: RAJ/P/2018/867

2. Details of Project: RIVERFRONT HOMES , at Khasra No.2520,2521,2535,2536 ,

Village- GONER , MAIN GONER ROAD , Jaipur - 303905 (Rajasthan)

3. Details of promoter:Name of the firm/society/company/competent authority RAVI

SURYA AFFORDABLE HOMEShaving its office address at E-172 , RAMESH MARG,
C-SCHEME , Jaipur , Jaipur (Rajasthan) - 302001

4. This registration is granted subject to the following conditons,namely:-

i. The promoter shall enter into an agreement for sale with the allottees as provided
in Form-G;

ii. The promoter shall execute and register a convenyance deed in favour of the
allottee for the apartment. Simultaneously he shall also execute and register the
conveyance deed for the undivided proportionate title in the common areas to the
association of the allottees or the competent authority,as the case may be,as per
section 17 of the Real Estate(Regulation and Development) Act, 2016;

iii. The promoter shall deposit seventy percent of the amounts realised by the
promoter in a separate, account to be maintained in a shedule bank to cover the
cost of construction and the land cost to be used only for that purpose as per
subclause(D) of clause(1) of sub - section(2) of section 4 of the Real
Estate(Regulation and Development) Act, 2016

iv. The registration shall valid upto 30-09-2023(Estimated Finish Date) unless
extended by the Real Estate Regulatory Authority in accordance with section 6 of
the Real Estate(Regulation and Development) Act,2016 read with rule 7 of the
Rajasthan Real Estate(Regulation and Development) Rules,2017;

v. The promoter shall comply with the provisions of the Act and the rules and
regulations made there under;

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by Ramesh Chandra
Designation : Registrar
Date: 2022.02.02 15:16:44 IST
Reason: Approved
vi. The promoter shall not contravene the provisions of any other law for the time
being in force in the area where the project is being developed.

5. If the above mentioned conditions are not fulfilled by the promoter, the Authority may
take necessary action against the promoter including revoking the registration granted
here in.

6. The Login Id and password for the purpose as provided under clause(a) of sub-section
(1) or sub-section(2) of section 5 of the Real Estate(Regulation and Development)
Act,2016,as the case may be, is enclosed here with.

7. If Applicable, it is the responsibility of the promoter to obtain the necessary extension

of the time period indicated in Form-B regarding 'Date of Completion'.

This bears approval of Chairman,Rajasthan Real Estate Regulatory Authority(RERA)

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by Ramesh Chandra
Designation : Registrar
Date: 2022.02.02 15:16:44 IST
Reason: Approved

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