Rice Straw Pulp
Rice Straw Pulp
Rice Straw Pulp
Bioresource Technology
Alt ernat ive raw mat erials and pulping process using clean t echnologies
luis jimenez
Use of Hesperaloe funifera for t he product ion of paper and ext ract ion of lignin for synt hesis and fuel …
Juan Conesa
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Chemical Engineering Department, Campus of Rabanales, C-3 University of Córdoba, 14071 Córdoba, Spain
Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department, University of the Basque Country, Basque Country, Spain
Received 14 March 2007; received in revised form 8 June 2007; accepted 11 June 2007
Available online 26 July 2007
Rice straw was used as an alternative raw material to obtain cellulosics pulps. Pulping was done by using classics reagents as soda
(with anthraquinone and parabenzoquinone as aditives), potassium hydroxide and Kraft process.
The holocellulose, a-cellulose and lignin contents of rice straw (viz. 60.7, 41.2 and 21.9 wt%, respectively) are similar to those of some
woody raw materials such as pine and eucalyptus, and various non-wood materials including olive tree prunings, wheat straw and sun-
flower stalks.
Pulping tests were conducted by using soda, soda and anthraquinone at 1 wt%, soda and parabenzoquinone at 1 wt%, potassium
hydroxide and sodium sulphate (Kraft process) under two different sets of operating conditions, namely: (a) a 10 wt% reagent concen-
tration, 170 C and 60 min; and (b) 15 wt% reagent, 180 C and 90 min. The solid/liquid ratio was 6 in both cases. Paper sheets made
from pulp extracted by cooking with soda (15 wt%) and AQ (1 wt%) at 180 C and 90 min pulp exhibit the best drainage index, breaking
length, stretch and burst index (viz. 23SR, 3494 m, 3.34% and 2.51 kN/g, respectively).
2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction of the printer raised the need for low-cost raw materials
such as wood species and also to develop automatic pro-
Paper consumption in the world in 2004 amounted to an cesses in order to boost production. As a result, wood spe-
average 52.45 kg per person per year and was 16.32% higher cies have accounted for 90–95% of all raw materials used to
than in 1991 (http://earthtrends.wri.org). The development obtain cellulose pulp for more than a century. The world
of Internet and so-called new information technologies since production of wood pulp in 2003 was estimated to be
the mid 1990s has led some to anticipate a substantial decline 170 358 000 tons; by contrast, that of non-wood pulp
in paper consumption as a result of the ability to transfer amounted to only 18 695 000 tons (FAO Annual, 2005).
information without the need for a paper support. Rather, Despite such a large difference, the production of cellulose
the world consumption of printing and writing paper rose pulp from wood species rose only about 4% from 1999 to
more than 10% from 1980 to 2000 (Peters, 2003); also, 2003, whereas that of pulp from non-wood species
30% of the amount of paper used at present is employed increased by 10% over the same period.
for purposes associated to new information trends unknown Such a marked increase has been the result of the use of
only ten years ago (http://www.paperless.com/indexe.html). wood species as the main raw material leading to massive
Formerly, paper was made from non-wood plant mate- deforestation and replantation, which has altered the eco-
rials such as flax, cotton, mulberry, bamboo or cereal logical balance and contributed to the climate change. This
straw. The increasing demand for paper and the invention has fostered research into the use of alternative, non-wood
raw materials in response to environmental and economic
Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 957 21 85 86; fax: +34 957 21 86 25. pressure; in fact, non-wood raw materials constitute the sole
E-mail address: q42ropaa@uco.es (A. Rodrı́guez). effective source of cellulose fibre in some world regions.
0960-8524/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy
Based on the foregoing, we undertook a study aimed at straw was allowed to dry to constant moisture in the sun.
comparing the effectiveness of non-wood raw materials Straw samples were collected to determine their moisture
including rice straw, paulownia, tagasaste and abaca for content, and the remainder mass was turned over to facil-
pulp and paper manufacturing purposes (Navaee-Ardeh itate uniform drying, on a daily basis.
et al., 2004; Roliadi et al., 2003; Peralta, 1996; López Once dry, the straw was ground in a hammer mill and
et al., 2004; Jiménez et al., 2002, 2005a). sieved to obtain (a) the 4–6 cm size fraction, free of impu-
Using these materials can provide the following rities such as stones, sand and dust; (b) the coarse fraction;
advantages: and (c) the fine fraction.
• It can help to reduce deforestation and replanting. 2.2. Characterization of the raw material
• It can reduce wood and cellulose fibre imports in coun-
tries with a shortage of wood raw materials, but abun- The chemical properties of rice straw was determined in
dant non-wood materials such as agricultural residues accordance with the respective Tappi standards for the dif-
and alternative raw materials, which can boost their ferent components, namely: T-222 for lignin, T-203 0S-61
economies. for a-cellulose, T-257 for hot-water solubles, T-212 for
• Users are increasingly demanding paper obtained using 1% NaOH solubles, T-204 for ethanol–benzene extracta-
clean technologies or made from recycled or non-wood bles and T-211 for ash. Holocellulose was quantified using
fibre. the method of Wise et al. (1946).
Table 2
Chemical properties of various agricultural residues, alternative raw material, coniferous and leafy plants
Analysis (%) Hot water 1% soda Ethanol–benzene Ash Holocellulose a-cellulose Hemicellulose Lignin
solubles solubles extractables
Rice straw 7.3 57.7 0.56 9.2 60.70 41.20 21.9
Leucaena diversifolia (Dı́az et al., 2007) 3.24 17.38 4.44 77.88 40.1 19.09
Leucaina colinsii (Dı́az et al., 2007) 4.3 20.02 4.64 80.79 43.77 17.04
Leucaena leucocephala (Honduras) 5.01 20.26 6.05 74.11 41.21 19.39
(Dı́az et al., 2007)
Leucaena leucocephala (India) (Dı́az 3.98 18.44 4.64 75.92 44.43 21.43
et al., 2007)
Tagasaste (López et al., 2004) 9.9 21.6 3.8 0.9 80 39.5 17
Retama monosema (Jiménez, 2005) 3.84 16.93 5.03 71.76 42.75 21.50
Phragmites (Jiménez, 2005) 5.38 34.77 6.36 64.16 39.76 23.66
Arundo donax (Jiménez, 2005) 4.73 26.80 7.30 70.20 40.46 22.34
Prosopis julyflora (Jiménez, 2005) 6.49 22.56 5.30 62.77 36.55 20.60
Prosopis alba (Jiménez, 2005) 4.67 20.86 4.65 63.56 41.55 19.27
Paulownia fortuna (Jiménez, 2005) 9.6 31.5 5.50 70.70 37.40 22.4
Olive prunings (Jiménez et al., 1990) 8.16 30.04 10.36 1.36 61.47 35.67 25.80 19.71
Wheat straw (Jiménez et al., 1990) 12.27 43.58 4.01 6.49 76.20 39.72 36.48 17.28
Sunflower stalks (López et al., 2005) 21.1 50.4 4.07 7.9 66.90 37.6 10.8
Sorghum stalks (Jiménez et al., 1993) 21.7 45.58 7.99 4.85 65.93 41.5 24.43 15.64
Sugarcane bagasse (Jiménez, 2005) 4.4 33.92 1.73 2.1 80.20 19.8
Vine shoots (Jiménez et al., 2006b) 16.09 39.21 4.87 3.49 67.14 41.14 26 20.27
Cotton stalks (Jiménez et al., 2006b) 3.33 20.34 1.42 2.17 72.86 58.48 14.38 21.45
Pine pinaster (Alonso, 1976) 1.99 8 2.57 0.54 69.6 55.9 13.70 26.2
Eucalyptus globulus (Alonso, 1976) 2.84 12.4 1.15 0.57 80.5 52.8 27.70 20
Author's personal copy
eucalyptus; higher than those of olive prunings, wheat Table 3 also shows the breaking length, stretch, burst
straw, phragmite, paulownia and Prosopis julyflora; index, tear index and brightness of paper produced from
and similar to those of the other species studied. pulp previously obtained by using various reagents. As
Although the holocellulose content of rice straw is can be seen, paper from pulp obtained by using a 15 wt%
low, the proportion of a-cellulose it contains can be concentration of Soda and 1 wt% anthraquinone at
expected to result in pulp with good mechanical 180 C for 90 min was that exhibiting the best breaking
properties. length (3493 m), stretch (3.34%) and burst index
• The lignin content of rice straw is similar to those of cot- (2.512 kN/g). On the other hand, paper obtained by using
ton stalks, L. leucocephala and R. monosperma; lower 15 wt% potassium hydroxide at 180 C for 90 min was the
than those of phragmites, Arundo donax, paulownia best as regards brightness (54.1%) and that obtained with
and pine; and higher than those of the other species 15 wt% Kraft reagent at 180 C for 90 min the one exhibit-
studied. Based on such a content, rice straw can be ing the highest tear index (0.512 mN m2/g).
expected to require no high reaction times or reagent A comparison of the results obtained in this work with
concentrations. others previously reported for agricultural residues (olive
prunings, cotton stalks and vine shoots), alternative raw
3.2. Pulping materials (tagasaste and leucaena) and wood (holm oak
and eucalyptus) reveals the following (see Table 3):
Table 3 shows the yield, viscosity, kappa number and
drainage index of rice straw pulp obtained with the differ- • The highest yield for rice straw pulp obtained with
ent reagents used. As can be seen, the highest yield potassium hydroxide (P7), 42.82 wt%, is higher than
(42.82%) was obtained by using 10 wt% hydroxide potas- the optimum yields for soda and Kraft pulp from vine
sium at 170 C for 60 min; the smallest kappa number shoots (Jiménez et al., 2006b); similar to those for pulp
(15.8) with 15 wt% soda at 180 C for 90 min; the highest from bagasse, wheat straw and Eucalyptus tereticornis
viscosity (941 mL/g) with 15 wt% Kraft reagent at 180 C (Xilin et al., 1997; Khristova et al., 2006; Deniz et al.,
for 90 min; and the highest drainage index (23SR) with 2004); and lower than those for pulp from abaca, Euca-
a 15 wt% concentration of soda and 1 wt% anthraquinone lyptus citriodora and holm oak (Alaejos et al., 2006;
at 180 C for 90 min. Khristova et al., 2006; Jiménez et al., 2005b). The yields
Table 3
Properties of pulp from rice straw and optimum values for pulp from various agricultural residues, alternative raw materials, holm oak and eucalyptus
YI, % KA VI, mL/g SR, SR BR, % BL, m ST, % BI, kN/g TI, mN m2/g
Rice straw (P1) Soda 33.85 24.47 835 15 46.3 2664 1.94 1.20 0.31
Rice straw (P2) Soda 35.32 15.83 915 19 47.2 2439 2.4 1.36 0.35
Rice straw (P3) Soda–Antraquinone 36.99 15.89 732 23 48 3494 3.34 2.51 0.33
Rice straw (P4) Soda–Parabenzoquinone 32.33 18.01 709 16 44.2 2377 2.48 1.38 0.36
Rice straw (P5) Kraft 42.05 21.05 923 17 49.6 2387 1.84 1.25 0.33
Rice straw (P6) Kraft 32.81 18.03 941 18 47.1 2399 2.74 1.60 0.51
Rice straw (P7) Potassium hydroxide 42.82 34.93 888 16 46.5 2551 1.77 1.45 0.33
Rice straw (P7) Potassium hydroxide 35.81 19.29 923 15 54.1 1769 2.36 0.96 0.35
Vine shoots Soda (Jiménez et al., 2006b) 32.12 21 659 1.89 1.01 0.90
Vine shoots Kraft (Jiménez et al., 2006b) 29.18 25 1316 4.72 1.63 1.59
Bagasses Soda–Aq (Xilin et al., 1997) 43.00 10.3 42.2 12850 9.17 7.26
Abaca Soda (Jiménez et al., 2005b) 90.67 10.6 1428 5588 5.12 19.03
Wheat straw Kraft (Deniz et al., 2004) 42.6 31–32 1114 9800 4.09 4.57
Eucalyptus citriodora Kraft (Khristova et al., 47.0 20.9 1129 15.5 22.3 1.4 1.9
Eucalyptus citriodora Kraft-Aq (Khristova 47.9 19.3 1047 16.0 21.9 1.5 2.8
et al., 2006)
Eucalyptus citriodora Soda–Aq (Khristova et al., 47.7 22.0 934 17.0 22.3 1.3 2.9
Eucalyptus tereticornis Kraft (Khristova et al., 43.3 31.9 1026 19 15.1 2.8 4.6
Eucalyptus tereticornis Kraft–Aq (Khristova et al., 43.3 27.1 986 19.5 15.4 3.2 7
Eucalyptus tereticornis Soda–Aq (Khristova et al., 43.3 31.9 929 20 15.4 2.5 5.4
Holm Soda–Aq (Alaejos et al., 2006) 55.0 23.7 1189 24.1 0.42
Holm kraft (Alaejos et al., 2006) 50.5 20 1390 25.6 0.53
YI: yield, KA: kappa index, VI: viscosity SR: drainage index, BR: brightness, BL: breaking length, ST: stretch, BI: burst index, TI: tear index.
Author's personal copy
obtained are moderate and, while the kappa numbers odora (Khristova et al., 2006) and vine shoots (Jiménez
are consistent with a low proportion of residual lignin, et al., 2006b); and similar to those for paper from E.
they can be assigned to the efficiency of its cellulose fibre tereticornis (Khristova et al., 2006).
(largely as a-cellulose). The smallest kappa number for • The highest tear index for paper from rice straw pulp
rice straw pulp obtained with soda (P2), 15.8, is greater obtained using the Kraft reagent (P6), 0.51 m Nm2/g,
than the optimum values for pulp from bagasse and is lower than the values for paper from all other raw
abaca (Xilin et al., 1997; Jiménez et al., 2005b), but materials (Xilin et al., 1997; Khristova et al., 2006;
lower than those for pulp from all other raw materials Deniz et al., 2004; Jiménez et al., 2005b, 2006b).
(Alaejos et al., 2006; Khristova et al., 2006; Deniz
et al., 2004). Based on its Kappa number, pulp from rice 4. Conclusions
straw should be easy to bleach by ussing less aggressive
processes – and hence with less deterioration of cellulose A comparison of the chemical properties of rice straw
fibres by virtue of the low content in residual lignin of and various agricultural residues (olive prunings, wheat
the raw material. straw, sunflower stalks, sorghum stalks, sugarcane bagasse,
• The highest viscosity for Kraft pulp from rice straw vine shoots and cotton stalks), alternative raw materials
(P6), 941 mL/g, is lower than the optimum values for (leucaena, tagasaste, bridal broom, Phragmites, giant reed,
holm oak, Kraft and Kraft-anthraquinone eucalyptus, Prosopis and pawlonia) and coniferous and leafy wood
wheat straw and abaca pulp (Alaejos et al., 2006; Khrist- (eucalyptus and pine) reveals that rice straw is an effective
ova et al., 2006; Deniz et al., 2004; Jiménez et al., alternative source of cellulose for producing pulp and
2005b); and similar to those for soda–anthraquinone paper sheets.
eucalyptus pulp (Khristova et al., 2006). Such a viscosity Based on the experimental results for paper pulp obtained
should allow the pulp to be easily bleached without by using soda, soda–anthraquinone, soda–parabenzoqui-
detracting from the properties of the resulting paper none, potassium hydroxide and sodium sulphate (i.e. the
sheets thanks to the fairly large size of the starting fibres. Kraft reagent), the best properties are those provided by a
• The highest drainage index for soda pulp from rice straw 15 wt% concentration of NaOH and 1 wt% anthraquinone
(P3), 23SR, is lower than that for Kraft pulp from vine reagent at 180 C for 90 min; in fact, such conditions give
shoots (Jiménez et al., 2006b), but higher than those for paper with the best drainage index, breaking length, stretch
soda pulp from eucalyptus and vine shoots (Khristova and burst index among all raw materials studied.
et al., 2006; Jiménez et al., 2006b). Refining the pulp Soda–anthraquinone pulp from rice straw and its paper
would no doubt improve its physical properties and exhibit better kappa number, brightness and drainage
result in an increased drainage index. index than doe Kraft pulp and paper from holm oak and
• The highest brightness for paper from rice straw pulp eucalyptus wood.
obtained with potassium hydroxide (P8), 54.1%, is In any case, pulp refining can help improve the final
higher than the optimum values for paper from bagasse, properties of the resulting paper sheets.
holm oak and eucalyptus (Xilin et al., 1997; Alaejos Rice straw therefore constitute an effective alternative
et al., 2006; Khristova et al., 2006). Such a brightness pulping raw material as long as they provide pulp and
level is high for unbleached pulp; also, the kappa num- paper sheets with acceptable properties and allow an agri-
ber and viscosity should allow the pulp to be bleached cultural residue from a major economic activity (viz. rice
without significant losses in terms of cellulose fibre qual- production) to be exploited.
ity or length.
• The greatest breaking length for paper from rice straw Acknowledgements
pulp obtained with soda (P3), 3494 m, is greater than
the values for paper from vine shoots (Jiménez et al., The authors acknowledge financial support from the
2006b) but lower than those for paper from bagasse CICYT (Science and Technology Inter Ministerial Comis-
(Xilin et al., 1997), wheat straw (Deniz et al., 2004) sion, Spanish Government), project number CTQ
and abaca (Jiménez et al., 2005b). 2004-06564-C0404/PPQ. Dr Alejandro Rodrı́guez is a
• The highest stretch for paper from rice straw pulp researched hired by the Ramón y Cajal Program of the
obtained with soda (P3), 3.34%, is lower than the values Spanish Ministry of Education of Science.
for paper from Kraft pulp from vine shoots (Jiménez
et al., 2006b) or soda pulp from abaca (Jiménez et al., References
2005b), but higher than those for paper from soda pulp
obtained from vine shoots (Jiménez et al., 2006b). Alaejos, J., López, F., Eugenio, M.E., Tapias, R., 2006. Soda–anthraqui-
• The highest burst index for paper from rice straw pulp none, Kraft and organosolv pulping of holm oak trimmings. Biore-
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