Multicultural Islamic Education Learning System
Multicultural Islamic Education Learning System
Multicultural Islamic Education Learning System
E-ISSN: 2355-7710
P-ISSN: 1411-125X
Pendidikan Agama Islam, Fakultas Agama Islam, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta,
Pendidikan Agama Islam, Fakultas Agama Islam, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta,
Pendidikan Agama Islam, Fakultas Agama Islam, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta,
We know that religious conflicts and racism can easily emerge through social
media in this digital era. Some time ago, there was racism between blacks and whites
in America. In France, we recently witnessed how President Emmanual Macron's
attitude offended Muslims worldwide through tweets on his social media related to
caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad.
Definition of Multiculturalism
1 Scott Lash dan Mike Featherstone (ed.), Recognition and Difference: Politics, Identity,
Multiculture. (London: Sage Publication, 2002), 2-6.
Multicultural Education
Based on the above definitions, everything leads to the same goal, namely
how through the media of education can realize a strong, advanced, fair, prosperous,
Jurnal Kependidikan, Keislaman, dan Kebudayaan, Vol. VI, Nomor 1, Januari 2005, . 21-22.
4 Azyumardi Azra, Pendidikan Multikultural: Membangun Kembali Indonesia Bhineka Tunggal
Intelektual Menuju Pendidikan Multikultural. (Yogyakarta: Inspeal Ahimsakarya Press, 2003), 100.
and prosperous nation without differences in ethnicity, race, religion, and culture.6
His passion is to build strength in all sectors to achieve mutual prosperity, have high
self-esteem, and be valued by other nations.
identifies the characteristics of student race and determines their teaching methods9.
In addition to the four dimensions of multicultural education mentioned above in his
book, the dimensions of empowering school culture as one dimension of multicultural
education are added. Schools as formal educational institutions are a gateway to
carrying out the task of developing a culture for students. As a gateway, schools must
have the strategic strength to create a positive culture by the philosophy of society.
Finally, schools must be a driving force in changing the structure of a lame society10.
From the various definitions that the experts have conveyed, the basics of
multiculturalism education can be taken, namely:
ditulis dalam buku Pendidikan Islam Dan Tantangan Globalisasi. (Yogyakarta: Presma Fakultas
Tarbiyah UIN Sunan Kalijaga periode 2003-2004 dan AR-RUZZ MEDIA, 2004), 266.
Human nature and human nature must be respected and valued, there are the
main dimensions of human beings and their needs. Paying attention to human nature
in the context of multicultural education is very significant because of several things:
a. Multicultural education considers that humans have several dimensions that must
be accommodated and developed as a whole. Therefore, the orientation of
multicultural education is to "humanize humans". Here can be explained further
that humanity is the recognition of plurality.
b. Multicultural education does not tolerate curriculum inequality. On the contrary,
multicultural education recognizes and respects the differences in scientific
philosophy. Because according to the very diverse human dimension, a person
will develop himself according to his talents and interests. Therefore, it is
irrelevant when multicultural education only develops the quality of mere
intellectual cognition.
Because coercion will only lead to the negative stigma felt by Muslims, that
Muslims like violence, terrorists, and other negative labels. So Islamic education
must improve or be unproductive among Muslims.
Communities that continue to change, with conditions that lead to things that
are sometimes paradoxical to Islamic teachings and even far from deviating from
Islamic teachings, are conditions that must be addressed wisely. But it is undeniable
that Islamic education must also be attractive and populist, not public, and continue to
give color to the rapidly changing society. This means that Islamic teaching has a
social-historical background that forces people to continue to innovate so that they
are not abandoned even by the ummah.
As a set of teachings and values, Islam puts the concepts and doctrines that
give mercy to al- ‘alamin. As teaching that contains normative values, Islam is full of
teachings that respect the pluralist-multicultural dimension in viewing and placing
human dignity and dignity, both as individual beings and social members. For
example, in the Qur'an, it is explained about the obligation of a Muslim to become a
peacemaker, namely, always to maintain peace and harmony in his environment.
Allah says in the letter An-Nisa: 114, which means: "There is no good in most of their
whispers, except to tell (people) to give alms, do good (good), or do islah (peace)
among humans". This obligation is not only addressed to brothers and sisters of the
same religion because Allah SWT, expressly states that humans come from a man
(Adam) and a woman (Eve), so that they are all brothers.
Furthermore, Islamic teachings also oblige his followers to prevent all forms
of persecution their "brothers" want to do to their "brothers". As stated in the hadith
of the Prophet, which means: "Help your brother, whether he is persecuting or
persecuted. A friend asks, O Messenger of Allah, we will help him if he is persecuted,
but how do we help him if he applies persecution? The Prophet answered: Block and
prevent him from doing wrong. That is the help for him ". (HR Bukhori).
truly be a blessing for their environment (rahmatan lil ‘alamin)18. Among Islamic
values that value multicultural pluralism are:
their political and religious views, to give special rights as obtained by large
The fact that people have differences is a challenge for Islamic religious
education that carries the mandate to convey Islamic teachings to arrive at the right
target. In this context, the problem is not only a matter of rejection from people who
disagree with Islamic teachings conveyed through Islamic religious education but
also misinterpretation of people who accept Islamic teachings, giving rise to actions
or meanings of Islamic teachings that are not following the teachings of Islam itself.
The issue of violence in the name of religion that occurs at this time often
uses alibis to carry out the teachings of Islam (jihad), as according to Imron (2009),
terrorist bombers that arise in various regions in Indonesia are on behalf of religion to
establish an Islamic State. However, this certainly does not mean that the perpetrators
of violence do not understand and understand religion but can, on the contrary,
understand and understand the teachings of religion.
But giving up blindly everything that is not in line with the religious point of view
requires a more profound discussion and understanding.
Learning process
1. Aim
In general, there are five objectives of Islamic education, namely, to realize
students who:
a. Worship to Allah SWT
b. Able to carry out their duties as Khalifah fi al-Ardh
c. Strengthening habl min Allah and habl min al-nas well
d. Obtain happiness in the world and the hereafter, and
e. Become perfect human (insan kamil).20
The third objective, which is to strengthen habl min Allah and habl min
al-nas well, is a goal that is relevant to the concept of multicultural education.
While in Law Number 23 of 2003 concerning the National Education System,
article 3 explains that the objectives of national education are: To develop the
potential of students to become human beings who believe and fear the Almighty
God, are noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and
become citizens of a democratic and responsible country. Therefore, apart from
faith, piety, and noble character, "being a democratic citizen" is the keyword of
multicultural education.
a. Al-Qur'an
When learning how to read Al-Qur'an (tajwid), students will understand that
the diversity of languages is sunnatullah. Then cultivate an understanding
for students to recognize and respect language differences that will give birth
to different cultures.
b. Aqeedah
c. Aspects of worship
d. Moral aspects
21 Muhammad Kosim, PAI dalam Perspektif …. (Jakarta: Balai Litbang Agama, 2009), . 237.
e. Historical aspects
3. Method
One of the problems that are often considered to be the failure of Islamic
education in realizing students who believe and fear Allah SWT and morality is
that learning Islamic Education still seems more verbalised. As a result, PAI
learning is only "known" not "imbued" by students so that their personalities are
less reflective of being an educated Muslim. In response to this, PAI learning is
expected to apply various methods.22 Reforming PAI learning should be done
from teaching to education, from teacher-centered learning to learner-centered
Kurniati, K., Nurdin, N., & Nurasmawati, N. (2020). Improving Students’ Cognitive and
Affective Domains Students through Fostering Teacher Development International Journal of
Contemporary Islamic Education, 2(2), 56-70.
learning. The methods that need to be used to instill faith and devotion, and
morality to students, according to Abdurrahman An-Nahlawi are as follows:
4. Evaluation
Abdurrahman an-Nahlawi, Pendidikan di Rumah, Sekolah, dan Masyarakat, (Jakarta:
Gema Insani Press, 1995), 204.
24 Heri Jauhari Muchtar, Fikih Pendidikan. (Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya, 2008), 19.
Self-Development Activities
Ali Muhdi Amnur, Konfigurasi Politik Pendidikan Nasional. (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Fahima,
2007), 186.
Mufiqur Rahman, Multikulturalisasi Pendidikan Islam Sejak Dini di Era Digital. Fikrotuna: Jurnal
religion. Therefore, each religion has the same view of universal human values, but
not in terms of faith.
Especially in the digital era like today, many methods can be used to improve
multicultural education. Some of the methods that can be applied are organizing
online seminars and discussions and diversity content that students can access
through interactive digital books27 and online student exchanges.
Concluding Remarks
27 Nindita Karina Sastya Wardhan, Raditya Eka Rizkiantono. Perancangan Buku Digital
Interaktif sebagai Media Penunjang Pendidikan Multikultural untuk Anak-Anak Usia 7-10 Tahun.
Idea: Jurnal Desain, Volume 16 Nomor 2, 2017.
The PAI learning system that has multicultural insight should be done by
integrating multicultural insights with existing PAI material. Principals and the
government are also needed to provide training and multicultural education to PAI
teachers. The learning of multicultural PAI must be based on the principles of Islamic
teaching. The method used must also be packaged in such a way as to condition
students to interact with each other in harmony. Likewise, the evaluation process
must feel the principle of justice, objectively not subject to specific groups. Dialogue
has always been an offer. Both Muslim and western scientists can also be applied in
self-development or extracurricular activities, but only regarding social issues rather
than faith and worship.
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Muchtar, Heri Jauhari, Fikih Pendidikan. (Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya, 2008).
Rusli, R., & Nurdin, N. (2021). Understanding Indonesia millennia Ulama online
knowledge acquisition and use in daily fatwa making habits. Education and
Information Technologies.
Suparta, Mundzier, Islamic Multicultural Education: Sebuah Refleksi Atas
Pendidikan Agama Islam di Indonesia. (Jakarta: Al-Ghazali Center, 2008).