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Bounce Back Ill Biology Xii

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of Printed Pages-4 SPLBIO/RA/BC/2023-24 [2]

Part-A : Botany

1. Answer the following questions : 1×5=5

Ó¬˘Ó¬ ø√˚˛± õ∂ùü¸˜”˝√1 Î◊¬M√√1 ø˘‡±-
RAMANUJAN ACADEMY SR. SEC. SCHOOL (a) Give one example of viviparous plant.
Baihata Chariali Ê√1±˚˛≈Ê√ Î◊¬øæ√√1 ¤È¬± Î◊¬√±˝√√1Ì ø√˚˛±º
(b) What do you mean by speciation?
õ∂Ê√±øÓ¬1 Î◊¬æ√±ªÚ ¬ı≈ø˘À˘ øfl¡ ¬ı≈Ê√±∑
H.S. 2nd year 2023
(c) Define SCP?
SCP 1 ¸—:± ø√˚˛±º
(d) Write name of artificial plasmid used as E.coli cloning vector.
E.coli 1 flv¡øÚ— ¬ı±˝√√fl¡ ø˝√√‰¬±À¬Û ¬ı…ª˝√√±1 fl¡1± ¤È¬± fl‘¡øS˜ õ≠±Ê√ø˜Î¬1 Ú±˜ ø˘‡±º
(e) Name the polypeptide chains found in human insulin.
˜±Ú≈˝√1 ˝◊Ú‰≈¬ø˘ÚÓ¬ Œ¬Û±ª± ¬Ûø˘À¬Û¬ÛȬ±˝◊ά ˙‘—‡˘¸˜”˝√1 Ú±˜ ø˘‡±º
(f) What is secondary productivity?
Œ·ÃÌ Î◊¬»¬Û±√fl¡Ó¬± øfl¡∑
2. Describe 3 celled pollen grain. 2
øSÀfl¡±¯∏œ˚˛ ¬Û1±·À1Ì≈1 ø¬ı¯∏À˚˛ ¬ıÌ«Ú± fl¡1±º
3. Explain how monoecious plant encourage itself for cross pollination.
¸˝√√¬ı±¸œ Î◊¬øæ√À√ øÚÊ√fl¡ ˝◊Ó¬1 ¬Û1±·À˚±·1 ¬ı±À¬ı Œfl¡ÀÚ√À1 Î◊¬»¸±ø˝√√Ó¬ fl¡À1 ¬ı…±‡…± fl¡1±º 2
Define recapitulation theory with example. 2
Î◊¬√±˝√√1̸˝√√ ¬Û≈Ú1±¬ı‘øM√√ ˜Ó¬¬ı±√1 ¸—:± ø√˚˛±º
5. What is missing link? Describe briefly with an example. 2
Ò±1±¬ı±ø˝√√fl¡Ó¬± 1鬱fl¡±1œ ˜±ÀÚ øfl¡∑ ¤È¬± Î◊¬√±˝√√1̸˝√√ ‰¬˜≈ ¬ıÌ«Ú± ø√˚˛±º
Time : 3 hours 6. Write short notes on- 2×3=6
‰¬˜≈ÀȬ±fl¡± ø˘‡±-
Full Marks : 70
(a) Biopatent [∆Ê√ª¶§Q±]
(b) Tools of genetic engineering [øÊ√Úœ˚˛ ’øˆ¬˚LaÌ1 ’±ø˝√√˘±¸˜”˝√]
(c) Downstream processing [ˆ¬øȬ˚˛Úœ ¬ÛXøÓ¬]
7. Write about 10% law of energy flow in ecosystem? 2
¬Ûø1ø¶öøÓ¬ Ó¬LaÓ¬ ˙øMêõ∂¬ı±˝√√1 10 ˙Ó¬±—˙ øÚ˚˛˜1 ø¬ı¯∏À˚˛ ø˘‡±º
8. Write the scientific names and one use of each.
∆¬ı:±øÚfl¡ Ú±˜ ’±1n∏ ¤Àfl¡±È¬±Õfl¡ ¬ı…ª˝√√±1 ø˘‡±- ½+½×3=3
(i) Chinchona [ø‰¬ÚÀfl¡±Ú±] (ii) Sissoo [ø˙q] (iii) Indian ginseng [’ù´·g±]
[3] [4]
9. What kind of microbes are present in ruman of cow? What is their role
in biogas production? 1+2=3 (g) Give an example of invasive weed species that threatens our native
·1n∏1 1n∏À˜ÚÓ¬ Œfl¡±Ú õ∂fl¡±11 ’Ì≈Ê√œª Ô±Àfl¡∑ ∆Ê√ªÀ·Â√ Î◊¬»¬Û±√ÚÓ¬ ø¸˝√√“Ó¬1 ˆ”¬ø˜fl¡± ø˘‡±º species.
10. What is food chain? Mention the characteristics of food chain. ’±˜±1 ¶ö±Úœ˚˛ õ∂Ê√±øÓ¬fl¡ ¸—øfl¡Ó¬ fl¡1± ¤øȬ √‡˘fl¡±1œ Ó‘¬Ì1 Î◊¬√±˝√√1Ì ø√˚˛±º
‡±√… ˙‘—‡˘ øfl¡∑ ‡±√… ˙‘—‡˘1 ˜”˘ ∆¬ıø˙©Ü…¸˜”˝√ Î◊¬À~‡ fl¡1±º 1+2=3 2. (a) Differentiate between : 2×2=4
11. Name the source organism from which Ti plasmid is isolated. Explain ¬Û±Ô«fl¡… ø˘‡±-
it use in biotechnology. 4 (i) Follicular phase and Luteal phase
Ti õ≠±Ê√ø˜Î¬ ’±˝√√1Ì fl¡ø1¬ı ¬Û1± ∆Ê√ª Î◊¬»¸1 Ú±˜ ø˘‡±º ∆Ê√ª õ∂˚≈øMêø¬ı√…±Ó¬ ˝◊˚˛±1 ¬ı…ª˝√√±1 Ù¬ø˘fl”¡˘œ˚˛ √˙± ’±1n∏ ¬ÛœÓ¬ √˙±
¸•ÛÀfl¡« Î◊¬À~‡ fl¡1±º (ii) Genotype and phenotype
Or øÊ√ÚíȬ±˝◊¬Û ’±1n∏ øÙ¬ÚíȬ±˝◊¬Û
What is ADA? A boy has been diagnosed with ADA deficiency. (b) Write the name of two intermediate host of human liver fluke?
Suggest three possible treatments.
Write the name of the interection. 1+1=2
ADA øfl¡∑ ¤Ê√Ú ˘í1±1 ˙1œ1Ó¬ ADA ’ˆ¬±ªÊ√øÚÓ¬ Œ1±· Œ˝√√±ª± ¬ı≈ø˘ Ê√±øÚ¬ı ¬Û1± ·í˘º
˚fl‘¡Ó¬ fl‘¡ø˜1 ≈√Ȭ± ˜Ò…¬ıÓ¬«œ Œ¬Û±¯∏fl¡ Ê√œª1 Ú±˜ ø˘‡±º ø¸˝√√“Ó¬1 ¡Z±1± ¸—‚øȬӬ Œ˝√√±ª±
˝◊˚˛±1 øÓ¬øÚȬ± ¸±y±¬ı… ø‰¬øfl¡»¸±1 ø¬ı¯∏À˚˛ ø˘‡±º ’ôL–øSê˚˛±ÀȬ±1 Ú±˜ ø˘‡±º
(c) Write the consequences of loss of biodiversity. 2
Part-B : Zoology
∆Ê√ª ∆¬ıø‰¬S… é¬˚˛1 ¬Ûø1̱˜ ø˘‡±º
1. Answer the following questions : 1×7=7
3. What is colostrum? What is its significance? 3
Ó¬˘1 õ∂ùüÀ¬ı±11 Î◊¬M√√1 ø˘‡±- fl¡˘í©Ü™±˜ øfl¡∑ ˝◊˚˛±1 Ó¬±»¬Û˚« Î◊¬À~‡ fl¡1±º
(a) Ovulation is induced by a hormone called_____. 4. Explain the chromosomal theory of inheritance. 3
øά•§±Ì≈ é¬1Ì.............. ˝√√˜«ÀÚ õ∂À1±ø‰¬Ó¬ fl¡À1º ¬ı—˙·øÓ¬1 Sê˜íÊ√혜˚˛ Ó¬N ¬ı…±‡…± fl¡1±º
(b) What substances are present in birth control pills? 5. What is multivoltine? Write the scientific name of two silkworm of
·ˆ¬«øÚÀ1±Òfl¡ ø¬Û˘Ó¬ øfl¡ ¬Û√±Ô«À¬ı±1 Ô±Àfl¡∑ Assam with their host plant. 1+1+1=3
(c) Who proposed mutation theory? ¬ıU¬ı¯∏«øά•§œ øfl¡∑ ’¸˜1 ≈√ø¬ıÒ Œ1‰¬˜ ¬Û˘≈1 Œ¬Û±¯∏fl¡ Î◊¬øæ√√¸˝√√ ∆¬ı:±øÚfl¡ Ú±˜ ø˘‡±º
Î◊¬»¬Ûø1ªÓ¬«Ú ¸”SÀȬ± Œfl¡±ÀÚ ’±·¬ıϬˇ±˝◊øÂ√˘∑ 6. Explain the mechanism of transcription in Eukaryotes. 3
(d) Typhoid fever can be confirmed by_____test. ¸—Àfl¡±¯∏ Œfl¡fœ˚˛ Ê√œªÓ¬ ø˘¬Û…ôL1 õ∂øSê˚˛±ÀȬ± ¬ıÌ«Ú± fl¡1±º
Ȭ±˝◊Ù¬˚˛Î¬ ;1.............¬Û1œé¬±1 ¡Z±1± øÚø(Ó¬ fl¡1± ˝√√˚˛º 7. What is co-dominance? Explain with example. 4
(e) What is PKU? ¸˝√√õ∂¬ı˘Ó¬± øfl¡∑ Î◊¬√±˝√√1Ì1 ∆¸ÀÓ¬ ¬ı…±‡…± fl¡1±º
PKU øfl¡∑ 8. What is drug? Write about psychotrophic and psychedelic drugs.
(f) Group of individual in a well define geographical area share or
E±· øfl¡∑ ‰¬±˝◊fl¡íCø¬Ûfl¡ ’±1n∏ ‰¬±˝◊Àfl¡Àάø˘fl¡ E±·Â√1 ø¬ı¯∏À˚˛ ø˘‡±º 1+3=4
compete for similar resources, potentially interbred
¸≈øÚøV«©Ü Œˆ¬ÃÀ·±ø˘fl¡ ¬Ûø1¸œ˜±1 ˜±Ê√Ó¬ √˘¬ıXˆ¬±Àª Ô±øfl¡ ¸•Û√¸˜”˝√ ˆ¬·±˝◊ Œ˘±ª± ¬ı±
¤Àfl¡ Ò1Ì1 ¸•Û√1 ¬ı±À¬ı õ∂øÓ¬À˚±ø·Ó¬±Ó¬ ’ªÓ¬œÌ« Œ˝√√±ª± øÚÊ√1 ˜±Ê√Ó¬ õ∂Ê√ÚÚ fl¡1±
Œ·±È¬fl¡............... Œ¬ı±À˘º

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