Code No.: 3 70 Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Code No.: 3 70 Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Code No.: 3 70 Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Series : ONS/1 Code No. 57/1/1
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Roll No. Candidates must write the Code on
the title page of the answer-book.
- 8
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- 26
- 15 - 10.15
10.15 10.30 -
Please check that this question paper contains 8 printed pages.
Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the
title page of the answer-book by the candidate.
Please check that this question paper contains 26 questions.
Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it.
15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be
distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the
question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period.
BIOLOGY (Theory)
: 3 : 70
Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 70
(i) - 26
(ii) 1 5 - 1
(iii) 6 10 - I 2
(iv) 11 22 - II 3
(v) 23 4
(vi) 24 26 , 5
(vii) - , 2 , 3
5 -
57/1/1 1 [P.T.O.
General Instructions :
(i) There are a total of 26 questions and five sections in the question paper.
All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Section A contains question number 1 to 5, Very Short Answer type questions of 1
mark each.
(iii) Section B contains question number 6 to 10, Short Answer typeI questions of 2
marks each.
(iv) Section C contains question number 11 to 22, Short Answer typeII questions of 3
marks each.
(v) Section D contains question number 23, Value Based Question of 4 marks.
(vi) Section E contains question number 24 to 26, Long Answer type questions of 5
marks each.
(vii) There is no overall choice in the question paper, however, an internal choice is
provided in one question of 2 marks, one question of 3 marks and all the three
questions of 5 marks. In these questions, an examinee is to attempt any one of the
two given alternatives.
1. - (saltation) ? 1
According to de-Vries what is saltation ?
2. 1
Excessive nutrients in a fresh water body cause fish mortality. Give two reasons.
3. - 1
Suggest the breeding method most suitable for animals that are below average in milk
4. 1
State a difference between a gene and an allele.
5. DNA , 1
Suggest a technique to a researcher who needs to separate fragments of DNA.
57/1/1 2
6. ? 2
Explain the significance of meiocytes in a diploid organism.
7. ? 2
Mention the kind of biodiversity of more than a thousand varieties of mangoes in India
represent. How is it possible ?
8. - :
(BOD) 2
List the events that reduce the Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) of a primary effluent
during sewage treatment.
9. DNA DNA 2
Discuss the role the enzyme DNA ligase plays during DNA replication.
10. 2
A, B, C D :
57/1/1 3 [P.T.O.
Name the causative organism of the disease amoebiasis. List three symptoms of the
Identify A, B, C and D in the given table.
Crop Variety Resistance to disease
A Himgiri Leaf rust
11. ? 3
Why is breast-feeding recommended during the initial period of an infants growth ?
Give reasons.
12. (trait)
Give an example of an autosomal recessive trait in humans. Explain its pattern of
inheritance with the help of a cross.
13. :
Describe the experiment that helped Louis Pasteur to dismiss the theory of spontaneous
generation of life.
14. - 3
Plant breeding technique has helped sugar industry in North India. Explain how.
Suggest and describe a technique to obtain multiple copies of a gene of interest in vitro.
57/1/1 4
16. GMO ? GMO 3
What is a GMO ? List any five possible advantages of a GMO to a farmer.
17. ,
, 3
(b) ?
(c) ?
During a school trip to Rohtang Pass, one of your classmate suddenly developed
altitude sickness. But, she recovered after sometime.
(a) Mention one symptom to diagnose the sickness.
(b) What caused the sickness ?
(c) How could she recover by herself after sometime ?
18. RNAi
? 3
How has RNAi technique helped to prevent the infestation of roots in tobacco plants by
a nematode Meloidegyne incognitia ?
19. - ,
(a) -
(b) -
In a food-chain, a trophic level represents a functional level, not a species. Explain.
(a) Name any two places where it is essential to install electrostatic precipitators.
Why it is required to do so ?
(b) Mention one limitation of the electrostatic precipitator.
57/1/1 5 [P.T.O.
20. ,
(a) ?
(b) ?
Prior to a sports event blood & urine samples of sportspersons are collected for drug
(a) Why is there a need to conduct such tests ?
(b) Name the drugs the authorities usually look for.
(c) Write the generic names of two plants from which these drugs are obtained.
21. DNA 3
Describe the experiment that helped demonstrate the semi-conservative mode of DNA
22. : 3
Given below is a list of six micro-organisms. State their usefulness to humans.
(a) Nucleopolyhedrovirus
(b) Saccharomyces cerevisiae
(c) Monascus purpureus
(d) Trichoderma polysporum
(e) Penicillium notatum
(f) Propionibacterium sharmanii
57/1/1 6
23. (RCH)
(b) 4
Reproductive and Child Healthcare (RCH) programmes are currently in operation. One
of the major tasks of these programmes is to create awareness amongst people about the
wide range of reproduction related aspects. As this is important and essential for
building a reproductively healthy society.
(a) Providing sex education in schools is one of the ways to meet this goal. Give
four points in support of your opinion regarding this statement.
(b) List any two indicators that indicate a reproductively healthy society.
24. (a)
(b) 2
(a) 3
(b) : 2
(a) Explain the post-pollination events leading to seed production in angiosperms.
(b) List the different types of pollination depending upon the source of pollen grain.
(a) Briefly explain the events of fertilization and implantation in an adult human
(b) Comment on the role of placenta as an endocrine gland.
57/1/1 7 [P.T.O.
25. (a) DNA
(iii) 3
(b) 2
(a) How are the following formed and involved in DNA packaging in a nucleus of a
cell ?
(i) Histone octomer
(ii) Nucleosome
(iii) Chromatin
(b) Differentiate between Euchromatin and Heterochromatin.
Explain the role of lactose as an inducer in a lac operon.
26. (a) ? ? 2
(b) - 3
(a) 3
? 2
(a) Why should we conserve biodiversity ? How can we do it ?
(b) Explain the importance of biodiversity hot-spots and sacred groves.
(a) Represent diagrammatically three kinds of age-pyramids for human populations.
(b) How does an age pyramid for human population at given point of time helps the
policy-makers in planning for future.
57/1/1 8