Reviewer LIT LQ Finals
Reviewer LIT LQ Finals
Reviewer LIT LQ Finals
1. Marriage is the most illogical ceremony
Atrocities – cruelties
as it causes lots of troubles.
Virulence – severity
2. No marriage really fails because
Reticent – reluctant
marriage itself is not a success.
Pernicious – extremely harmful
3. Marriage is joy and happiness, so let
Characteristics of Grandmother:
someone experience joy.
1. Her eyes were cold and glittering and
Forbidden - Divorce is such a forbidden word.
her mouth was thin and cruel.
The tone of “The Frying Pan” is melancholy and
2. Having the hands of the murderers.
3. Her buttocks deflect good fortune.
Based from the poem, the kitchen plays a huge
The following are characteristics of Cambodian
role in the lives of Malaysian women because
food is often considered a symbol of love and
1. narration is simple and revealed as they
care, and women in Malaysia use their culinary
skills to express these emotions towards
2. repetition of events
3. animals as characters
The frying pan justified itself, till we left and
Fisherman –> One armed old man –> lizard ->
lived in the distant city - changing nature of
monkey -> rabbit
family and domestic life
The central theme of “Sunflowers for a Friend”
The frying pan serve as a symbol of the poet’s
is the power of hope and resilience. Its tone is
mother’s love, labor, and sacrifice because it
melancholic yet hopeful
symbolizes the constant movement,
The sunflower represents the hope and
companionship, and activity in the kitchen.
resilience of the speaker
Motherless bastard – A poem’s tragic origin
The first stanza of “The Bewail of Mother”
The poet portrays the relationship between the
suggests that the mother is feeling blue due to
poet and the poem as a passionate, emotional
her disappointment.
In the story “Two Women Scrambled for a
A birth – central metaphor used to describe the
Baby”, the king ordered the kid to be placed in
process of creating a poem
the middle and told the two women to try to
“Kiss the ground, source of your suffering, It is
scramble for it. In the end, the baby was given
your soul” – it suggests that suffering is essential
to the real mother and the king punished the
for spiritual growth
In the story “The Mosquito”, mosquitoes whine
and sting to beg people and steal blood to them
to restore their lives
In the story of ‘Bed Bugs and the Louse’, the lice
were angry to the bed bugs because they knew
that the bed bugs envied them as they had not
much to eat
Theme of “The Mosquito”:
1. Love
2. Sacrifice
3. Selfishness
The main conflict in the story “Friends” is
betrayal of friendship. Its central theme talks
about the power of love and compassion. The
tone is optimistic, hopeful, reflective, and
The following are significances of the setting in
New York City:
1. It symbolizes wealth and success
2. It represents a place of cultural diversity
3. It highlights the contrast between the
old and the new
“Mrs. Geni considers marriage as not a success.”
She herself experienced a failed marriage.
It is illustrated in the story, “Mrs. Geni in
December” that having more than one wife is
allowed in some parts of Indonesia