Q.1. Natural resources are the products of____ and____
Ans : Plants, animals. Q.2. Out of 400 varie es of total Indian orchids, Assam is the home of nearly ___ orchid varie es. Ans : 300 Q.3. About _____ nos of alkaloids have been isolated from the of Rauwolfia plants. Ans : 20 Q.4. Quinine and cinchonine are obtained from _____ plant. Ans : Cinchona. Q.5. Wood is the secondary ssue produced by the____ ssue of large trees. Ans : Primary. Q.6. The cervicogenic insects belong to the order_____ Ans : saturnidy. Q.7. The female muga moth lays about _____ eggs on Kharika. Ans : 350 Q.8. Pebrine is caused by ____ Ans : protozoa. Q.9. Kasseru is ____ food plant of eri silkworm. Ans : Secondary. Q.10. Increase in concentra on of toxicant at successive trophic levels is known as ____ Ans : Toxica on (pollu on) Q.11. Major component of natural resources produced from Plants and Animals are called _____ Ans : Bioresources. Q.12. Role of plants in controlling rainfall, soil erosion, pollu on etc. ul mately maintain the of our environment. Ans : equilibrium. Q.13. Alkaloid reserpine obtained from the plant____ Ans : Rauwolfia Serpen na. Q.14. A popular drug ‘Vaska’ prepared from ____ and used as _____ Ans : Adhatoda Vasica, expectorant. Q.15. Botanical name of Sal tree is _____ Ans : Shorea robusta.
(B). True or False (1 mark each):
Q.1. Plants provide food, clothes and shelter to the human. Ans : True. Q.2. Quinine, quinidine, cinchonine are the important and adequate medicines used to promote strength and vigor. Ans : False. Q.3. Medicines obtained from Atropa belladonna is used to get relieve from pains of cardiac muscles and palpita on of heart. Ans : True. Q.4. Heart wood and sap wood of teak plant are white and golden yellow respec vely in colour. Ans : False. Q.5. Gmelina arborea is the botanical name of Indian redwood (sisso) belonging to family Verbenaceae. Ans : True. Q.6. Sericulture is an important co age industry of Assam. Ans : True. Q.7. The primary food plant of Bombyx mori is castor. Ans: False. Q.8. The eggs of silk moth are washed in 2% formalin for disinfec on. Ans : True. Q.9. Timber is the commercial term applied to neatly prepared wood of stem of higher plants. Ans : True. Q.10. Atropa belladonna is the Botanical name of Indian Ginseng belonging to family solanaceae. Ans : False. Q.11. Forest of Assam are full of future gene c resources. Ans : True.
(C). Very short Answer ques ons : (1 mark each):
Q.1. What is natural resource? Ans : The substances which are supplied by nature which is for the human welfare is known as natural resource. Q.2. What do you mean by Biological hot spot? Ans : Biological hot spot are those areas which are very rich in biodiversity and the plants and animals are endemic to that area. Q.3. What are the gene c resources of forest? Ans : The tropical rain forest, evergreen, deciduous, swamp, riverian forest etc. are the gene c resources of forest. Q.4. Who first described the plant Rauwolfia? Ans : Rauwolf first described the plant Rauwolfia. Q.5. What do you understand by rain forest? Ans : Rain forests are very dense or thick forests that even sunlight cannot penetrate the lower strata of the forest. The floor of the forest remains covered with lower types of plants. Q.6. What is sericulture? Ans : The rearing of silk worm is called the sericulture. Sericulture is an agro based industry. Q.7. Write the name of the family to which Mulberry silk moth belongs. Ans : Bombycidae. Q.8. Write the scien fic name of mulberry silk moth. Ans : Bombyx mori. Q.9. Describe the precau onary measures to be taken in muga silkworm rearing. Ans : (i) The host plants should be healthy. (ii) The food leaves should not be wet. (iii) The rearing room should be well ven lated. (iv) The seed should be collected from the healthy female. Q.10. Define spinneret. Ans : Spinneret is a part of the silkworm present in the lower por on of the mouth parts and it is responsible for the secre on of a s cky substance which is converted to silk and hence it is called as silk gland. Q.11. When did the Air ( Preven on and Control of Pollu on) Act came into force in India? Ans : Air (Preven on and control of Pollu on) Act, was enacted on 29th March, 1981. Q.12. What are major necessi es of human life provided by plants? Ans : Food, Shelter and respiratory gases. Q.13. What is the botanical name of Cinchona plant? Ans : Cinchona calisaya. Q.14. Why neem plant is called wonder plant? Ans : It purify the air, having a number of medicinal values of each and every part of Neem. (D). Short answer ques ons (2 marks each): Q.1. How and why almost all animals including human are directly or indirectly depend on plants for survival? Ans : All the animals including carnivores and herbivores are depended upon the plants directly or indirectly. Animals directly depends on plant for food and shelter and some other depends on indirectly on the herbivorous animals. Moreover the civiliza on of human being is collec ng silk, fuel, paper, medicines, oil, etc., from the plant kingdom only. The existence of Animals is directly depending upon the existence of plants only. Q.2. What is ethnobotany? How it is related. to medicinal plants? Ans : The study of medicinal plants used by the tribal peoples tradi onally from the me of civiliza on is called as ethnobotany. It is generally related with medicinal plants, because these people are using plants or parts of plants which are locally available in the jungle or forest of Assam to cure various diseases or disorders and gets benefited also. So, the brief study of plants helps us to iden fy these medicinal plants at least. Q.3. “Assam is a land of biological hot spot” Give reasons. Ans : Assam, in North East India is very rich in biodiversity. It is regarding as the hot spot because Assam is the home land of may valuable plants and animals. In India, out of 315 families of gymnosperms about 200 families and among 400 orchid species about 300 species of orchids are found in Assam. Moreover different types of mber producing, silk or fibre colour producing, bamboo, cane, resin, len ls etc. are the product of plants or forests of Assam. Moreover, the forest gives us the scenic beauty and keeps the climate in natural and hence Assam is called the land of biological hot spot. Q.4. Give the botanical name men oning their family names of the two plants whose roots are used for prepara on of medicines. Ans : (a) Rauwolfia Family: Apocynosi Sci. Name : Rauwolfia serpen na (b) Jas cia: Family : Acauthesis. Sc. Name : Jus cia adhatoda. Q.5. What are the different silkworms cultured in Assam commercially. Ans : The different species of silkworms found in Assam are: (i) Mulberry silk worm (Bombyx mori) (ii) Eri Silk worm (Philosamia ricini) (iii) Muga silk worm (Antheraea assama) (iv) Tasar silk worm (Philosamia paphia) Q.6. Give the systema c posi on of muga silkworm. Ans : The systema c posi on of muga silk worm is : Phylum : Arthropoda. Class : Insecta. Family : Saturniidae. Genus: Antherea. Species : A. assama. Q.7. According to families prepare a list of commercially reared silkworm in Assam. Ans : The families are : (i) Bombycidae : (a) Bombyx mori. (ii) Saturniidae : (a) Philosamia ricini. (b) Antheraea assama. (c) Philosamia paphia. Q.8. Give the scien fic name and one primary host plant of muga and eri silkworms. Ans : (i) Eri Silk worm : (a) Sc. Name : Philosamia ricini. (b) Primary host plant : Castor plant. (ii) Muga Silk worm : (a) Sc. Name : Antheraea assama. (b) Primary host plant : Som, Sualu. Q.9. What are the species of commercially reared Tasar silkworm? State the name two food plants of Tasar silkworm. Ans : The species of Tasar silkworms are – Antheraea paphia, Anthrea mylita. Q.10. What is the causa ve organism and symptoms of Flacherie? Ans : The causa ve organism of Flacherie is virus followed by secondary bacterial a ack. The larva a er the infec on becomes black in colour and mo onless. Q.11. What measures are to be adopted when the culture is infected by flacherie. Ans : The measures to control the Flacherie: (a) The excreta and dead larvae should be immediately removed. (b) The host leaves should be dry and treated by sun. (c) The rearing room should be well ven lated and lighted. Q.12. What are the cellular cons tuents of commercial mber? Ans : The commercial mber has small whi sh sapword and large brown to dark heartwood. Q.13. Write the botanical names of any two medicinal plants from which cough expectorant is prepared. Ans : (i) Vasaka – Adhatoda vasica. (ii) Doron – Leucas linifolia.
(E). Short Answer Ques ons (3 Marks Each):
Q.1. “Forests are full of future gene c resources”. Explain the statement. Ans : Forest are the prime sources of plants and animals. It is the source of endangered plants as well as the animals. Moreover the plants may have medicinal, ornamental values. By the process of hybridiza on of nearby species we can get new plant varia on. Hence the forest are considered full of future gene c resources. Q.2. Give the scien fic names men oning their families of three popular and important mber yielding plants of Assam. Ans : Name Family Scien fic Name (i) Teak. Verbenaceae Tectona grandis (ii) Hill teak Verbenaceae Malina arborea (iii) Sisoo Fabaceae Dalbergia sissoo Q.3. Write the scien fic names with their u lity of the following plants. (a) Rauwolfia. (b) Neem. (c) Cinchona. (d) Teak. (e) Sal. (f) Indian red wood (sisso) Ans : Name Scien fic Name U lity (a) Rauwolfia Rauwolfia serpen na As medicine of Blood pressure, Schizophrenia, Sleeplessness. (b) Neem Azadirachta indica As medicine of skin dis- ease, insect repellent etc. (c) Cinchona Cinchona officinalis As medicine of Malaria, painkiller etc. (d) Teak Tectona grandi As furniture, home decor -tor etc. (e) Sal Shorea robusta As sleeper or railway, piller of bridge etc. (f) Sissoo Dalbargia sissoo As furniture, household items etc. Q.4. Write briefly how muga silk is obtained from the cocoon. Ans : To obtain muga silk from the cocoon, the cocoon should be boiled in alkaline water i.e. soda water (tradi onally khar pani) to remove the glue of the cocoon. It makes the fibre so . Before boiling the cocoon should be kept in sunlight to kill the chrysalid. Now the cocoon is kept in lukewarm water and the spinning is done (generally by Takuri) and reeling (Tradi onally by Jatar) by machine. The reeling machine is called ‘bhir. A er reeling the fibre is ready for weaving. Q.5. Why eri silkworm is called polyphagous? State the different 5. food plants of eri silk worms. Ans : The eri silkworm is called the polyphagus because it depends on more than one plant for food, not only one. The food plants or host plants may be of two types : (a) Primary host plant, eg. Castor (b) Secondary host plant. eg. Kesseru, Tapioca etc. Q.6. “Assam is very rich in cervicogenic resources”. Explain the statement. Ans : Assam is the homeland of different silk worms like pat polu or mulberry silk worm, muga polu or muga silk worm, eri polu or eri silk worm and tasar silk worm. Except muga other species were domes cated and reared as co age industry. It was very popular among the tribals of Assam. Now a days commercially the silkworm rearing is taking place. Moreover, the clima c condi on of Assam is also favourable for the rearing of host plants of silkworm. Hence, is called that Assam is very rich in cervicogenic resources. Q.7. Describe a case study of integrated Waste Water Treatment. Ans : The industrial and municipal waste waters are treated in effluent treatment plant before their discharge in water bodies. This can be done by – (a) Primary treatment includes the mechanical screening and sedimenta on of undissolved solids. (b) Secondary treatment includes the chlorina on of water to kill the germs. (c) Advance waste water management includes the addi on of salt like nitrates and phosphates and removed by precipita on technique water is new pure to drink. Integrated waste water treatment case study : Sewage and waste water can be treated by an integrated waste water treatment process developed in Arcata of California by some biologists of Humboldt State University. This treatment process is a combina on of ar ficial and natural processes. The cleaning occurs in two stages and these are: (i) Conven onal method in which filtering, sedimenta on and chlorine treatment are adopted to remove the organic remains, microbes etc. The treated water contains heavy metals and other pollutants and so another method namely. (ii) Innova ve approaches are applied in which a series of six connected marshes over 60 hectares of marshland are developed. These marsh lands are seeded with bacteria, fungi, algae and plants for neutraliza on, absorp on and assimila on of the pollutants. The naturally purified water is then allowed to flow. The marshes also cons tute a sanctuary where aqua c animals, varie es of fishes and birds make their habitat areas. Q.8. Discuss the anatomical characters of mber produced from teak and hill teak, men on their botanical names. Ans : Teak is a large deciduous plant of great mber value. The wood consist of small whi sh sapwood and large brown to dark heartwood. The teak is very strong and durable because of its large oil contents in The botanical name is Tectona grandis. (F). Long Answer Ques ons (5 Marks Each): Q.1. Describe the life cycle and rearing of muga silk moth. Ans : The life cycle and rearing of muga silk moth are : (a) Life cycle : The life cycle of muga silk moth includes the four stages. (i) Eggs : A er ma ng the female lays about 250 eggs which are oval and lays in clusters due to the presence of s cky substance. In culture, the eggs are collected and washed with 2% formalin to kill the germs. (ii) Larva : Normally a er 9-10 days, eggs hatches out to larva. The newly hatched larvae are black and yellow coloured and feed on young leaves. The larva undergoes four mes moul ng resul ng 5 inster stages. The fi h instar stage is highest developed carval stage. (iii) Pupa : The full grown larvae stop feeding and stop movement. They spin threads by rota ng their head forming cocoon. Cocoon forma on is completed within 3/4 days. Within the cocoon the larvae is transformed into pupa. It is of brown red coloured within the cocoon the pupa undergoes metamorphosis for the forma on of adult. During rearing, the cocoons are killed so that we get good fibres from the cocoon. (iv) Adult : A er emergence of male and female, the male moves in search of females only. The male, a er successful ma ng died and female starts laying eggs. By the me of laying eggs is over, the females also die. In rearing, the females are ed with a kharika and the males are allowed to mate successfully with the females. A er ma ng the male is falling down and female start laying eggs on the Kharika in a line. (b) Rearing : Rearing of muga silk moth can be done by feeding the host plants. Moreover the muga silk moth is semi domes c type. Generally a er hatching the larvae are allowed to feed on the leaves and the fi h in star larvae are collected to form cocoon in side the house. The primary host plants : Som and Sualu. and the secondary host plants : Digla , Bajramoni, Mezankari etc. Q.2. Write a note on disease of silkworm men oning the causa ve organism of each disease. Ans : The common disease of silkworm are : (a) Pebrine : It is caused by Nosema bombycis protozoan. Here the infected larva becomes weak and the silk glands are not properly developed. Some black spots develops and hence is called as phutukia. (b) Flacherie : It is caused by viral infec on which is followed by bacterial infec on. It is very common in summer season. Tradi onally it is called as mukhilaga. (c) Grasserie : It is due the climate change. Here the larvae become inac ve. (d) Muscardine : It is a fungal disease and the infec on starts in the egg stage. It is very common in pat polu and eri polu. Q.3. Explain why northeast region of India specially Assam is regarded as very rich in plant resources. Ans : Assam, in North East India is very rich in biodiversity. It is regarded as the hot spot because Assam is the home land of may valuable plants and animals. In India, out of 315 families of gymnosperms about 200 families and found in Assam. Moreover different types of mber producing, silk or fibre colour producing, bamboo, cane, resin, len ls etc. are the product of plants or forests of Assam. Moreover, the forest gives us the scenic beauty and keeps the climate in natural and hence Assam is called the land of biological hot spot. Q.4. Discuss briefly giving your views how plant resources of Assam can be u lized for economic development of the people. Ans : Assam is one of the richest place.of India. It has very rich plant diversity. The forest of Assam has different species of bamboo, cane, medicinal plants, fibre plants, mber plants etc. Bamboo is used for different ar cles alongwith the house of people of Assam. Industrially raw material of paper industry. Cane is also used for furniture, and other domes c materials. A number of medicines are produced from the medicinal plants. Sal is used for the construc on of bridges and railway sleeper. Sissoo is for the furniture, Gomari, teak etc are also for the furniture and household items. Pulse, mustardseed, teel, clove, olive etc. are also used for the produc on of oil which can support us economically. The economic crops includes rice, jute, sugarcane, cereals etc. Q.6. State briefly how water pollu on can be controlled? Ans : Water pollu on can be controlled. (i) Preven ve measures : The following preven ve measures should (1) 6. be observed : (a) Proper disposal of sewage so that it does not find its way into water bodies. (b) Abuse of water must be checked. (c) Discharge of effluents into rivers, lakes and sea should be strictly prohibited without treatment. (d) Oil spill should be prevented. (ii) Cura ve measures : (i) Using sep c tanks, oxida on ponds, filter beds, waste water treatment plants, sewage treatment plants etc. Solid wastes may be removed before water is pped into river or sea. The solid waste then can be converted into sludge which is a valuable fer lizer. (ii) For drinking purposes water is purified through various steps (9) including biological treatment and disinfec on. (c) Industrial water can be made less polluted before discharge by biological treatment using water hyacinth. Water hyacinth has remarkable capacity to accumulate poisonous metals including radioac ve substances. (d) Certain strains of bacteria can reduce the oil spill effect and can use up cyanides and heavy metals if judiciously used. (e) Scien fic method of recycling all waste materials and effluents (a) can reduce water pollu on to a great extent. Q.7. Discuss in brief giving their botanical names, parts used and purposes of uses of any five medicinal plants u lized in tradi onal prac ces by ethnic groups. Ans : Name Parts used Purposes of use (a) Rauwolfia serpen na Roots High blood pressure, Insomnia, Hypertension. (b) Cinchona calisaya bark Malaria, an sep c. (c) Adhatoda vasica leaves Expectorant (d) Emblica officinalis Fruits Tonic, laxa ve. (e) Termindia arjuna bark Heart disease, ulcer.