July 5342140026 Lomeju Ekaale Abednego Final Project
July 5342140026 Lomeju Ekaale Abednego Final Project
July 5342140026 Lomeju Ekaale Abednego Final Project
I hereby declare that this project is based on my original work except for quotations and
citations, which have been duly acknowledged. I also declare that it has not been previously or
Name: ……………………………….
Signature…………………………….. Date…………………………………….
I certify that the student worked under my supervision to complete the project.
complete my final project entitled Stock Management System. I am thankful for their aspiring
guidance, invaluably constructive criticism, and friendly advice during this project work. I
to finishing this project. Under his supervision with a lot of advice, I was able to complete this
project successfully. I also thank my family especially my parents for their giving me a privilege
to study. I would also love to thank all my friends and my course mates for supporting me and
giving me an aspiration to improve this project. I would like to thank all the people for their help
I want to thank God in the strongest possible terms for everything. I wish to express my
gratitude to my parents and guardians for their up to this point assistant. I would want to use
this opportunity to express my gratitude to my project supervisor and serve as the light in the
Currently, most of the organizations are still using the manual system which is natively recorded.
This may sometimes lead to the situation where the worker forgot to update the stock and will
cause time wastage as they have to wait for stock order when it is in need. If the user does not
bring the device, the stock could not be updated in the database. The system of using stock
management system will help in the recording of stock so that the clients cannot miss the stock.
The system could also remind the person in charge of the remaining stock whether it needed to
be ordered or not. However, the system will use a barcode scanner to automatically update the
data in the stock database. The person in charge also can monitor the movement of the stock as
the stock will be updated online in the database. This system can be used to store the details of
the stock, stock maintenance, update the stock based on the sales details, and generate sales and
stock report daily or weekly based. In this system, we are solving different problems affecting
direct sales management and purchase management. Stock Management System is important to
ensure quality control in businesses that handle transactions revolving around consumer goods.
One more problem faced by the current system is, the device used to take the stock have to be
brought anywhere and anytime by the worker. Without proper stock control, a large retail store
may run out of stock on an important item. A good stock management system will alert the
wholesaler when it is time to record. Stock Management System is also an important means of
Table of Contents
1.4 Objective..........................................................................................................................................3
2.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................5
2.3 Comparison between existing system and stock controller inventories (2023)......................6
2.6 Summary.........................................................................................................................................7
3.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................8
3.3 Planning...........................................................................................................................................9
3.4 Analyzing.........................................................................................................................................9
3.5 Design.............................................................................................................................................10
3.6 Implementation.............................................................................................................................10
3.7 Testing............................................................................................................................................10
3.8 Maintenance..................................................................................................................................10
4.13 Conclusion...................................................................................................................................36
6.0 Project Limitation.........................................................................................................................44
6.1 Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................44
6.2 Recommendation..........................................................................................................................45
1.1 Background of the Study
The stock management system is a mobile application system that handles the product
management for company equipment or any items store. The main aim of the project is to
develop a Stock Management System Model software in which all the information regarding the
stock of the organization will be presented. Nowadays, many companies use the system to avoid
overstock, miscounts and outages. It is a system for organizing better stock data than that was
used before which is generally stored in manual form books or spreadsheets. This application has
an admin component to manage the stock and maintenance of the stock system. The application
has a general organization profile, stock details, purchase details, and the remaining stock that is
presented in the organization. This application also provides the remaining balance of the stock
as well as the details of the balance of the transaction. Each new stock is created and entitled
with the name and the entry date of that stock and it can also be updated any time when required
as per the transaction or the sales are returned in case. Here the login page is created to protect
the management of the stock of the organization to prevent it from the threads and misuse the
stock. This management system can be used by staff that can enable the user to view the product
and item information that has been key-in. Staff or users can update any other information
directly by using an online system just like any other online system. The added value contained
in this system is the Product Calculation Method (PCM) which can be used by staff to key in any
item that the company bought or item in the store to make sure the actual 2 amount of that item
or product. This method will calculate the item is stored and give a recommendation about the
place the item should be stored. This method can help staff to move the item easily when they
During the data collection method, the researchers found out the following; The sales manager
for the supermarket records information about the products and stock on paper, later on using
the Microsoft Excel sheet program to record the whole data from the paperwork, he uses the
program to edit the information before sending the reports to the top level management. For the
paper file systems, they are kept in the file cabinets for future use. For customers placing orders,
they were recorded on paper and also stored using the paper file systems. On the matter of
payment from customers, a receipt containing the details of orders the customer was issued to
them. Information about the customers, and suppliers were also captured using the file-based
The main problem that occurs in several company or retailer is a system to calculate the number
of stocks stored or needed. Based on my survey, I have found that there are a company that still
use paper-based or filing systems to save their information or details about their stocks. Heavily
manual work will be involved in managing and maintaining data which is time-consuming if the
administrators or manager want to trace the product status, product information, etc. This also
may lead to a situation where the workers forgot to update the stock in the database or worst may
lead to miscounts when using a manual system. Barcode scanner is also a device which is costly
and only can do a single task which is to scan an image where these features can be done by
using a mobile device. This application will lower the extra expenses of buying this scanner
because we can replace it with the mobile device and we can carry it anywhere and anytime.
1.4 Objective
• To design and develop a user-friendly system that handles the information of items or
• To help staff to find a location and the number of stocks that have been stored
• To develop an application that deals with the day-to-day needs of any production organization
Stock Management System (SMS) is targeted to the small or medium organizations which have
provided many stores or warehouses for managing various stock data. This system focused on
calculating the amount of stock in and out of a company. The scope a user for this system is
• Contractors/Staff - Login, manage update and view stock in store, manage reordering process,
• Admin/Manager - Have full privileges for adding, editing, viewing, and deleting users
This application is used to show the stock remaining and details about the sales and purchases. It
gives the details about the stock on a daily based and weekly based. The details components are
described below:
Login page: As the application starts the login page appears. Admin login is determined by the
username and password that has all the authority to add, update and delete the stock of the
Create Godwom: We can create godwom if we need to extend or if we have more than
one Godwin. We can create the god whom along with the date.
Sales details: It shows the details about the sales and the remaining stock of sales. It also shows
Purchase details: It shows the details about the purchase made by the organization along with
2.1 Introduction
A literature review is the formal method that can be used to review the critical points of current
knowledge including findings as well as the theoretical and methodological particular topics for
supporting issues. Products are considered the business resources for the organization. This
includes managing the product with the appropriate way to review any time as per the
requirement. Therefore it is important to have a computer-based IMS which can generate reports,
maintain the balance of the stock, details about the purchase and sales in the organization. Before
developing this application we came up with several Stock Management systems existing in the
market, which helps to give the knowledge for the development of this project. This application
software are only used by large organization but so we came up with an application which can be
used by small company for the management of their stock in production houses. After analyzing
the other stock management system we decided to include some of the common and key features
that should be included in every stock management system. So we decided to include those
A stock management system is the combination of technology (hardware and software) and
processes and procedures that oversee the monitoring and maintenance of stocked products,
whether those products are company assets, raw materials, and supplies, or finished products
ready to be sent to vendors or end consumers. Additionally, the system will help managers on
making the right decision for the recording process where only the recently used products and
popular products will be ordered. The contractors also could request any additional products that
they needed. The objective of a stock management system is to make stock flows smoothly and
helps in making a decision that will minimize the total cost of stock which is distinctly different
2.3 Comparison between existing system and stock controller inventories (2023)
This is a mobile-based application that can be considered to fulfill the requirement of the stock
management system. However, this application is not quite an intelligence application because it
does not provide QR or Barcode scanner functional in the system but it got some attractive
features in the application such as notification if the quantity of stock is low and a user can insert
application is quite interesting because it comes in two languages which is English and Bahamas
Indonesia. It contains Bahamas Indonesia language because the developer of this application
was from Indonesia. The application is intelligent because it provides a Barcode scanner
function but the interface of the application is very simple and boring. It also provides a
database for local if an emergency case happens such as a loss of internet connection or no
The application is not smart as the name given because it does not provide a notification function
in the application even though it contains QR and Barcode scanner to add the stock quantity.
This application has an attractive interface, so the user can use the application easier than the
other application.
2.6 Summary
In summary, there is much previous research carried upon this system that is more advance than
this system. There is also a system that is identical to this system where it can notify a user of
any low-stock products in the store. There is also a system that can be run on any platform but
did not have a dedicated Android application which it is hard to be use on Android environment.
Lastly, there are many researchers made about this stock management system that has been
conducted in oversea which offers more than from our country technology. Their system has
more benefit to company where it could help to improve the in-house technology with only just
3.1 Introduction
All the steps required to analyze, create, deploy, and maintain information systems are carried
out in an organization using a methodology. Teams working on software development use the
approaches to complete the Software Development Life Cycle successfully (SDLC). Before the
overall design and execution of the computerized system, data collection techniques were
System Development Life Cycle coheres to relevant phases that are important for developers, for
instance, planning, analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance which are explained in the
section below. The choice of using any of these methodologies depends on the nature of the
project. However, the methodology chosen for this project is the waterfall model because it is a
software development process that emphasizes the logical progression of steps to be taken
throughout the software development life cycle and also because it allows for early design
Waterfall methodology
3.3 Planning
In this first stage, there is a meeting with the customer to understand the requirements. This stage
is the most fundamental phase as any miscommunication or misinterpretation (at this stage) may
give rise to the software that is being developed. The key activity of project planning is the
process of clear, discrete activities and the work needed to complete each activity within a single
3.4 Analyzing
As per the requirements, the software and hardware needed for the proper completion of the
project are analyzed in this phase. Such features are decided at this stage; from deciding which
computer language should be used for designing the software, to the database system that can be
3.5 Design
The requirements that are gathered in the previous phase are broken down into logical units so
that the software process becomes easy for implementation. This is the stage when the software
requirements along with the hardware requirements for every unit are identified. Then the
3.6 Implementation
In this phase the actual development of the software takes place. This phase is also known as
the coding and verification phase. Based on the algorithms written in the previous phase, a
software program is written. For every module, software code is written and tested, to check if
3.7 Testing
Once testing with the coding of the application is complete, the testing of the written code now
comes into the scene. Testing checks if there are any flaws in the designed software and if the
software has been designed as per the listed specifications. Proper execution of this stage
ensures that the customer interested in the created software will be satisfied with the finished
product. If there are any flaws, the software development process must step back to the design
3.8 Maintenance
This makes for the final phase of the waterfall model, where the software is organized on the
client’s side after it has undergone thorough testing. After the deployment of the software,
routine maintenance work is carried out. Once the software has been deployed, in case the
customer asks for any changes or enhancements, then the entire process is restarted.
3.9 Methods of data collections
Although there are various methods of data collection, the researcher chose the two main sources
1. Primary source
2. Secondary source
The primary source refers to the sources of collecting original data in which the researcher made
The secondary sources of data for this kind of project cannot be over-emphasized. The secondary
data were obtained by the researcher from magazines, journals, newspapers, and library sources.
Oral interview
The interview method of data collection can be defined as a systematic way of collecting data or
information from a respondent by asking questions directly from the respondent and also
Study of manuals
Manuals and reports based on fast products and services were obtained and studied and a lot of
Evaluation form
Some forms that are necessary and available were accessed. These include the shop's menu fast
products order form, payment receipts, etc. these forms helped in the design of the new system.
Descriptive analysis was employed by the researcher. The researcher examined and condensed
all or a portion of the numerical data. The creation of an online computerized or web-based
system that can accommodate all client opinions and details is in great demand after data has
been gathered. When comparing a manual method with a web-based computer system, the
computerized system fared better in terms of clarity, fewer mistakes, openness, cost, security,
and multitasking.
Chapter conclusion
A summary of the development approach is provided in the chapter. The steps that will serve as a
guide in the creation of the computerized web-based system were investigated by the researcher
using the waterfall methodology. Additionally, the researcher's methods for gathering data
through evaluation of form, oral interview, and study of manual helped him or her compare the
manual and computerized products delivery systems and develop compelling arguments for the
A comprehensive system analysis was conducted to guide the development of the system. This
chapter unveils three concrete requirements that identify user requirements, functional
ii. View and search for information about different users, customers, vendors,
iii. The user should be able to subscribe or log in from the company whenever he or she likes
i. The system should allow users to change passwords for security purposes
ii. The system allows users to create a password of 5 chars long when changing
their passwords
iii. The system should allow users to record all information about products
iv. The system should be able to export all the records stored to Microsoft excel as
4.4 Non-functional requirements
ii. The system must not occupy more than the required space for a normal program to disk
Windows XP, windows vista, windows7 and 8.x Visual studio and RDBMS MS Access 2022
CPU of minimum Pentium 4 processor, RAM of minimum 512MB, and Hard disk 40GB
The Automated Stock Management System design consists of such elements as the architecture,
modules, and components, the different interfaces of those components, and the data that goes
It is meant to satisfy the specific needs and requirements of a business or organization through
4.8 System Modeling
and the system itself should be functioning. In this study, the researchers used a User case as a
model approach. The diagram below shows the users of the system and their roles in the system.
Figure 4.8.1 Context Diagram
Level 0 Data flow diagram
Login successful
Login failed
Checking Process
Product details
After login
Product Entry Data Stored
After login
Category Entry
After login
Customer details
Customer Entry
Data Stored
StoAckftEernltorygin Data Stored
Category details Data Entry
Data Stored
Data Entry
Stock Details
Figure 4.8.2 Level 0 Data Flow Diagram
4.8.3 Meaning of symbols
Symbol Name
External Entity
Data store
Data flow
developing the system. They include processes, data flows, data stores, data reports, and the
Processes Descriptions
Login process Deals with the details of users if they are valid
Category entry Deals with the category of products stored in the system
4.8.5 Description of data stores
Sales The user that registers and manipulates product information, Stock and
Manager Suppliers
4.9 Database Design
In this phase, the researchers focused on defining the data and constraints about the key entities,
it involves identifying who are the entities, what data is stored about the entities, and which
fields about the entities are unique (primary keys) in designing the database for the Stock
Management system.
Logical Design
Category Text
Weight Text
Price Number
Order No Text
Weight Text
Price Number
Cartons Number
Packets Number
B name Text
B address Text
B landmark Text
B city Text
B state Text
S name Text
S address Text
S landmark Text
S city Text
S state Text
Table 4.9.4 Structure of Stock Table
Stock ID Text
Category Text
Weight Text
Cartons Number
Packets Number
Category ID Text
Username Text
Contact No Text
Table 4.9.7 shows the Structure of the user table
Username(PK) Text
The ERD below illustrates all the entities with their relations and associated attributes to make
-To many relationships -Entity
System Implementation
This is what allows users to input their valid login details to allow them to access the system.
The login form loads to the real user’s interface depending on who has logged in,
Figure 4.10.2 Main Menu
Registering customer
The User/admin uses this part of the interface for filling in the information of customers in the
4.10.3 Customer Entry Form
Registering Stock
This part of the interface is where stock is added, deleted, or updated in the system
Figure 4.10.4: Stock Entry Form
This is the section where the User/admin adds delete or update the category of products in the
Registering Product
For this section the user/admin add deletes or updates a product in the store, categorizing the
Figure 4.10.6 Registering the Product
For this section of the interface the user/admin takes the order placed by the registered customer
in the system, processes it, and later on generates an invoice, the system also charges a V.A.T tax
Report menu
Creating Godwon
Creating Units
Creating Product Type
Creating Product
Purchasing product from vendor
Sales product to the customer
Purchase Return
Sales return
4.11 System testing
For the matter of component testing, the designer did it on the developing Environment
(Microsoft Visual Studio 2012), immediately after the codes has been given the ‘all clear’ in the
code walk-through. The code for the individual function was compiled and executed to see if it
He created a database using Microsoft Access 2012 using an OLEDB as the engine for the
connection between the forms he created and the Microsoft Access database. The system was
debugged to remove any errors. The functions that users required were designed in particular
In part of bottom-up integration testing, The designer combined all components that he was
testing initially on the Integrated Environment Tool which was the Microsoft Visual Studio 2012
exported it as a stand-alone system and transferred it to a friend’s laptop, there were a few errors
that he encountered but lastly, managed to correct and solved it of which the whole system was
error-free. The system was running without any errors and it was also successfully packaged.
The purpose of software testing is to access or evaluate the capabilities or attributes of a software
program’s ability to adequately meet the applicable standards and application needs. Testing
does not ensure quality and the purpose of testing is not to find bugs. Testing can be verification
To identify defects in the application.
To check the proper working of the application while inserting updating and deleting
4.13 Conclusion
The system was tested to ensure that errors if any are fixed and was validated on the other hand
to ensure that the system functionalities complied with the original system requirements.
It was tested at the various phases of development; Unit tests, integration tests, and system tests
were carried out to ensure that errors if any were identified and fixed. Below is a table showing
the results;
It was validated to ensure all the data fields accept the valid inputs, to avoid wrong user inputs.
Further validation tests were carried out on the system to verify that it met the specified user
requirements. We presented the system to the users to get feedback about the system's
Stock Management System was designed using Visual Studio as mentioned earlier. It provided
us with the code editor as a white blank space and the solution explorer where every code file
were kept. Code Editor is where the logic was developed into code and kept safe in the solution
explorer. In solution explorer, we kept every code file by creating a folder and adding those files
in a folder that is similar. The main folder was the Stock Management System.
Imports System.Data.OleDB
End Sub
authentication. ' Subsequently, My. User will return identity information encapsulated in
CustomPrincipal object
End Sub
End Sub
If Len(Trim(UserName.Text)) = 0 Then
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
Exit Sub
End If
If Len(Trim(Password.Text)) = 0 Then
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
Exit Sub
End If
myConnection = New
As OleDbCommand
myCommand = New OleDbCommand("SELECT Username,user_password FROM Users
myCommand.Parameters.Add(name) myCommand.Parameters.Add(uPassword)
Login = myReader(Login)
End If
ProgressBar1.Visible = True
ProgressBar1.Maximum = 5000
ProgressBar1.Minimum = 0
ProgressBar1.Value = 4
ProgressBar1.Step = 1
For i = 0 To 5000
FrmMain.ToolStripStatusLabel2.Text = UserName.Text
FrmMain.Show() End
If myCommand.Dispose() myConnection.Close()
Catch ex As Exception
End Sub
System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs) Handles
= ""
frmChangePassword.ConfirmPassword.Text = ""
5.2 Backup Data code
DialogResult Dr;
Dr = saveBACKUP.ShowDialog();
if (Dr == DialogResult.OK)
string s = null;
s = saveBACKUP.FileName;
clsGlobalFunction.MessageBoxDisplay("Successfully Created
Backup !!!");
DialogResult Dr;
Dr = RestoreBACKUP.ShowDialog();
if (Dr == DialogResult.OK)
string s = null;
s = RestoreBACKUP.FileName;
cmd.Connection = clsGlobalFunction.caster;
clsGlobalFunction.MessageBoxDisplay(ex.Message); }
Since this is our first project it has some limitations. Due to less knowledge in particular fields
and limited time, we were not able to fulfill all our expectations that we expected we could do
while the project got started. We hope these limitations are considerable. Some of the project
limitations are:
This application is not suitable for those organizations where there is the large quantity of
This software application can generate only simple reports. Single admin panel is only
6.1 Conclusion
small organization. It has every basic item which is used for the small organization. It was a
successful making the application where we can update, insert and delete the item as per the
requirement. This application also provides a simple report on a daily basis to know the daily
sales and purchase details. This application matches a small organization where there are small
limited Godowns. Though it has some limitations, our team strongly believes that the
6.2 Recommendation
i. The researchers recommend that as the Company establishes branches all over the nation,
the system may be made web-based such that all branches can use the system at the same time on
the Web.
ii. The researchers also recommend that the system should be upgraded to report on
products that have been hired out. The system can also be expanded to include
iii. The researchers recommended that the management of the system should change
the current system of handling day-to-day operations and managing records for effective
management of records.
iv. The researchers recommend that during the implementation time, the system should be
deployed according to the precise specifications of the system for successful usage.
v. The researchers recommend that each group of users should have their password to
Doing something for long periods always gives the good lessons. Some of the things the
Learned about .NET technology, its components, and ways to implement them
6.4 Future Enhancements
Since this project was started with very little knowledge about the Stock Management System,
the designer came to know about the enhancement capability during the designing process.
Some of the scope the designer can increase for betterment and effectiveness listed below:
A sales and purchase return system will be added to make the return of products.
chain transparency.
Implementing real-time stock level tracking and monitoring, enabling more proactive
Providing a more thorough perspective of stock levels and supply chain processes by
Improving mobile capabilities to enable mobile access to stock data and more
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