JIPMER Data Entry Operator Recruitment 2024

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Advt No.

JIP/EM&T/F-MA/ICMR-APMBProject/2024/N01A Date: 29/10/2024

Advertisement for Recruitment to Project Posts (Data Entry Operator Grade-B) on

Contract basis

Applications are invited from eligible candidates to work on the following post(s) on a contract
basis in a research project funded by an external agency at the Jawaharlal Institute of
Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Puducherry/Karaikal, as per the details

Name of post (number) Data Entry Operator Grade-B (1)

Likely duration 6 months (extended up to 1 year based on satisfactory
performance of the candidate)
Consolidated remuneration Rs. 18,000/- pm
Project title A state level gap assessment and strengthening of current
status of care given to patients presenting with acute
poisoning in primary and tertiary care centers of Puducherry
Funding Agency ICMR
Project investigator (PI) Dr. Manu Ayyan
PI’s department Emergency Medicine & Trauma

Nature of work/responsibilities and expectations

 Data entry, quality check, weekly/monthly data summary & project dashboard.
 Assist in the creation of an online database for specific studies in the project
 Assist in quality monitoring of all study-related data
 Assist in data cleaning, analysis, and troubleshooting in data entry
 Assist in the maintenance of project master files and documentation
 Assist in periodic audits and preparation of regular monitoring reports
 Miscellaneous office and administrative work related to the project.
 Participate in all study-related activities and discharge other duties assigned by PI.

Eligibility criteria (Qualifications and experience)

A. Essential:

 Bachelor’s degree in computer application / IT / Computer science/ Electronic &

Communication from a recognized institution/ university

B. Desirable:

 Qualification in stenography/maintenance of accounts, cashbook ledgers will be

added advantage
 Experience in MS office / data entry / statistical software
 Computer typing speed of not less than 8000key depression per hour.
 Work experience in similar projects.
 Proficiency in speaking, writing and reading Tamil and English.

C. Maximum Age Limit:Up to 35 years (as on last date of receipt of applications)

Eligible and interested candidates may email the filled application form (attached), along with
CV and supporting documents (scanned in one pdf) to the Email ID: apmbicmr@gmail.com

1. Applications not in the prescribed format will not be processed or accepted.
2. Please mention the name of the post applied for in the email subject line.
3. The PDF file should be named as: “Candidate name_Post-name_year_application”. e.g.
4. The last date for sending complete applications by email up to 4:30 PM (TIME) on

Applicants will be shortlisted based on the details furnished in the application, CV, and the
documentary proof provided. The list of eligible candidates will also be displayed on the
JIPMER website. The final selection will be based on CV, application, and written

After the evaluation of the application form, the recruitment process will be as follows:
 Written test (areas/syllabus will be related to the disciplines and criteria described in
the eligibility and on the expected roles & responsibilities)

 Interview (areas/syllabus will be same as for written test)


1. This position is purely on contract basis for an externally sponsored project, and the
person engaged will have no claim to any regular post in JIPMER at any time. Further,
the position is only for the duration of the project and based purely on external funding
support for the project.
2. The engagement may be extended or curtailed at the discretion of the Project
3. Qualification and experience should be in a relevant discipline/field and in a reputable
institution/organization. The experience should have been gained after acquiring the
essential qualification.
4. Qualification, experience, other terms, and conditions may be relaxed/ altered at the
discretion of the Principal Investigator.
5. Valid email ID and mobile number are compulsory.
6. Consolidated salary of the post may vary from time to time. No other
allowance/facilities other than consolidated salary shall be extended.
7. Submission of wrong or false information at any stage during the process of selection or
canvassing of any kind will lead to disqualification or even termination if detected after
the person has been engaged.
8. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for a written test and/or interview. The
decision of the Project Investigator will be final. If the number of applications is very
large, more stringent criteria than those specified above may be used to determine
9. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
10. Incomplete applications and applications that are not in the prescribed format and those
not fulfilling the essential criteria above are likely to be summarily rejected. Candidates
may attach their CVs with the application form. However, applications with CV alone
and without the prescribed form and certificates will be rejected.

Interviews for the post may be conducted in person.

Date and time of interview will be notified one week in advance.

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