Indian Council of Medical Research
Indian Council of Medical Research
Indian Council of Medical Research
Telephones Nos.
INDIAN COUNCIL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH Department of Health Research, (Ministry of Health & Family Welfare), V. Ramalingaswami Bhavan,Post Box No. 4911, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi 110029.
Affix recent Passpo rt Size Photog raph duly signed Note: All answers must be given in words and not by dashes and dots. No columns should be left blank.
Name of the post applied for_______________________________________________________ Scale of Pay____________________________________________________________________ Name of the Institute/Centre_______________________________________________________ Postal Order No.______________________________ Date___________________________
Name of Post Office: __________________Amount______________________________________ 1.Name in Full: Mr/Miss/Mrs/Dr.____________________________________________________ (IN CAPITAL LETTERS) ____________________________________________________ 2. Address:(i) Present:____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ (ii) Permanent:________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________ (iii) Contact Telephone No.________________& Mobile No. ____________________ (iv) E.Mail address : ____________________________________________________
4. 5.
Marital Status: Married/Un-married: __________________Nationality: __________________ Are you a member of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/OBC or Aboriginal Community (Answer: Yes or No):__________ If the answer is Yes, give particulars and attach a certificate from the District Magistrate in support of your claim. _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
Particulars of all examinations passed and degree and technical qualifications obtained (commencing with the Matriculation or equivalent examinations). Attach attested copies of all certificates.
Class or Division
Subject taken
Year of Passing
8. What language (excluding Indian languages) can you read or speak. State any examination passed in each: Re ad on ly Sp eak onl y Read and speak Examination passed
Details of postgraduate work/publications. (Give the list on separate sheets):Details of published papers should have statement about indexed, impact factor of journal & citation of paper. List of publications has to be classified as:9.1. 9.2 9.3 10. 11. Publication as First Author and/or Corresponding Author in indexed journals Publication as Co-author in indexed journals Papers in Books, Proceedings & non indexed journals Total Research Experience with details in each area: Major academic /other achievements:
Degree for which registered: Subject of thesis: Date of registration: Date and year of passing written n examination, if any: When degree is likely to be awarded:
National/International Conferences/Seminars etc. attended: (List with title of papers presented, if any)
Give particulars of Employments held in chronological order:Name of employer & address Date of joining Date of leaving Nature of work performed or being perform Salary (excluding allowances) last drawn & scale of pay
17. Copies of testimonials. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 18. Candidate may mention here the details of Annexures, if any. Any other information relevant to the applicant may be mentioned here.
19. Has the candidate applied earlier for any post in the Council or elsewhere? If so, give details. 20. References: (These should be persons resident of India and holders of responsible position. They should be intimately acquainted with the applicants character and work, but must not be relatives. Where the candidate has been in employment, he would either give his present or most recent employer or immediate superior as a reference or produce testimonials from him in regard to the candidates fitness for the post for which he is an applicant). 1. Name: Occupation or Position: Address: 2. Name: Occupation or Position: Address: 3. Name: Occupation or Position: Address:
1. I hereby declare that the entries in this form and the additional particulars, if
any, furnished herewith are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. 2. I have informed my Head of Office/Department in writing that I am applying for this post and shall produce "No objection" certificate at the time of the
1. Application received after the closing date for whatever reason is liable to be rejected. 2. If the fact that false information has been furnished or that there has been suppression
of any material information in the application form comes to notice at any time during the service of a person, his service would be liable to be terminated. 3. Application not signed by the candidate is liable to be, rejected. 4. The candidates, who are employed should submit a No Objection certificate from their employer at the time of interview. In case they do not furnish the same for some reasons or other, their candidature will straight away be rejected and they will not be entitled to any claim including T.A. from the Council.
ADDITIONAL/GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Candidates belonging to SC/ST and OBC communities will have to furnish certificate from prescribed authority in the required format failing which they will not be entitled to the concession admissible to them if any. 2. The number of vacancies to be filled may vary at the time of actual selection. In the event of non-availability of suitable candidates for the advertised posts, the positions can be filled up at lower level. Allowances as per Central Government rules are admissible on the prescribed pay scales. Benefits of new restructured defined contributory Pension system are admissible as per the provision contain ned in the Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs (ECD & PR Division), Notification No.5/7/2003-ECD & PR dated 22.12.2003 effective from 1.1.2004. 3. Candidates called for interview for the post of Director/Scientist-E, ScientistD will be paid Ist class rail fare and for the post of Scientist-C and ScientistB will be paid 2nd Class rail fare by shortest route on production of documents. No TA/DA is admissible for joining the post or on termination of appointment. 4. The name of the post of applied for advertisement reference. Institute/Centre must be indicated in the application form. Separate application form should be submitted for each post along with application fee by Crossed Indian Postal Order (IPO) for Rs.100/- (Rupees One hundred only) payable to the Director General, Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi. SC/ST and physically handicapped candidates (PH) are exempted from the application fee. IPOs are payable by all other candidates including ICMR employees. 5. Application from employees working in Centre/State Government Department/Public Sector Undertakings & Govt. funded research agencies must be forwarded through proper channel along with the certificate of the employer that the applicant will be relieved within three months of his/her receipt of appointment orders. Advance copies of application will be considered subject
7 to the conditions that a No Objection Certificate from the employer is produced at the time of personal discussion. Application received after the closing date will not be considered. Candidates called for personal discussion/interview have the option to answer in Hindi. 6. Since it is not possible to call all the eligible candidates for the interview/personal discussion, the applicants will be short-listed for this purpose through written test or by departmental screening committee. The decision of the Director General, ICMR will be final in this regard.
The following additional informations may be provided as per format given below for the post alongwith your appliclation:Extramural Research Funding Received: 1. R & D (Govt. Agencies). Sl. No. Title of Project & Funding Agencies duration Govt. Agencies R & D Projects (ICMR/DST/DBT etc.) and Amount
Level whether Pl
2.Non R & D (Sponsored/Commercial): Sl. No. Title of Project & Funding Agencies duration Level Participation whether of
8 Pl Co-Pl
3.Intramural (Translational Research). Sl. No. Title of Project & Level of Participation
whether Pl Co-Pl
whether Pl Co-Pl